Webinar: Don't Migrate Your Mess!

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Webinar: Don't Migrate Your Mess!

Don’t Migrate Your Mess

Presented by:

Chris Poteet @chrispoteetpro

Chris Kolodziejski @metavistech

About MetaVis Technologies

• Builds an award-winning migration,

administration, and management platform

for SharePoint, Office 365, OneDrive, file

systems, and other cloud-based content

management systems

• Allows companies to manage their systems

from pre-planning, architecture, migration, to

day-to-day administration, archival, and

disaster recovery

• Microsoft Gold certified ISV

• OneDrive Management Suite named the

2014 Trend-Setting product by KMWorld


Our Principles of Design & Market Approach

Unified Content Management






and Analytics


Permissions and

AwarenessContent Backup and


Easy to install, intuitive

design, rapid &

self-evident value

Zero server footprinttruly agentless

(cloud ready)

Single platform

client, server, private

or public cloud

Enterprise grade

without enterprise

cost or effort

Product / Innovation

company first, sales

& marketing second

Our Unique Solution

Enterprise-wide use of MetaVis Architect Suite for their own internal migration

to Office 365 and on-going content management for 70TB of content

Enterprise-wide use of MetaVis Architect Suite for on-boarding 60,000

OneDrives & holistic SharePoint management for 5TB of content

Enterprise-wide use of MetaVis Office 365 Suite for migrations and on-going

content management of several versions of SharePoint & OneDrive

Enterprise-wide use of MetaVis Architect Suite for migration and on-going

content management of SharePoint for 3TB of content

Highlighted Use Cases

We deliver Digital

Workplace Products

and Solutions that help

organizations share

what they know and

find what they need by

connecting people,

data, and content.

About Portal Solutions

Chris Poteet@chrispoteetpro





Consultant10+ years in SharePoint Consulting

Interests: UX research, process,

and its relationship to traditional

activities such as business analysis.

My Blog: http://siolon.com/

About Me

The Most Important Thing

Do not simply upgrade your existing environment and call it a day!

Why Migrate to Office 365/2013?

• Content type publishing

• Improved Managed Metadata

• Better support for rich media categorization

• Search improvements and Display Templates

• New Column Types

• Yammer Integration

• Office 365: Evergreen Platform

Special Considerations with Office 365

• It is an evergreen platform

• Interface customizations (e.g. master pages)

• Hybrid scenarios for specific situations

• Workflow

What Hasn’t Changed?

• Content types are unchanged from 2010

• Associating content types to lists/libraries remains unchanged

• Other than the managed metadata columns, the provided columns are unchanged

• The same process used to generate 2007/2010 information architectures is still utilized for 2013

Benefits of Past Implementation

• Allows reflection of what did and didn’t work

• Eases training to end users

• Content analysis is more structured

• Logging is provided to improve areas like search

IA Design Approach

• Conduct user research

• Watch user’s workflow and experience with the existing system

• Run content type audits and pre migration scans

• Conduct content analysis

• Identify, remove and consolidate information with a ROT (redundant, outdated, trivial) analysis

• Analytics and search logs analysis

IA Design Approach

• Managed Metadata• Identify 2007 columns that can be moved to term store

• Allow interviews and keywords analysis to determine where term set augmentation is needed

• Help client structure term store

• Use enterprise keywords if not already

• Use new MMS features such as pinning and reuse

• Identify any additional list, library or site templates necessary for content categorization


Thank You For Attending

• Next Steps – Portal Solutions is offering a complimentary assessment of your environment. Slots are limited! Request your free migration assessment here.

• Learn more about Portal www.portalsolutions.net

• Download a 14-day free trial of MetaVis from www.metavistech.com