Webinar 2. March 2017 Martin Heiliger-Zemanek · PDF fileMarch 2017 Martin Heiliger-Zemanek....

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Transcript of Webinar 2. March 2017 Martin Heiliger-Zemanek · PDF fileMarch 2017 Martin Heiliger-Zemanek....

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity

Secure endpoints:

proactive protection against cyberattacks

Webinar 2. March 2017

Martin Heiliger-Zemanek

The Rohde & Schwarz group at a glance

Sichere Endpoints – Proaktiver Schutz vor Cyberangriffen

ı HistoryEstablished in 1933 in Munich

ı Corporate formIndependent family-owned company

ı Global presenceIn over 70 countries, approximately 60 locations worldwide

ı Revenue1,92 Billion Euro (GJ 14/15, July to June)

ı ExportsMore than 90%

ı Employees9800 worldwide, thereof ca. 5900 in Germany

Rohde & Schwarz business areas

T&M instruments

and systems for



General purpose


Aerospace &



Broadcast, T&M and

studio equipment


Network operators



Film industry

Manufacturers of




systems for

Air traffic control

Armed forces


technology for

Armed forces





IT security products





equipment for



Homeland and

external security

Network operators

Radar intelligence


Test and



and Media



Cybersecurity Radiomonitoring

& Radiolocation


Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 3

Strategic goal: “We build the European Trusted Supplier for

Cybersecurity Products and Solutions”

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 4

Secure networks and

network analyticsNext-generation firewalls & UTM

Application awareness and DPI

Vulnerability management

Encrypted backbone / WANLayer 3 IP encryption

Layer 2 Ethernet encryption

Secure remote access

Tap-proof communicationVoice encryption apps & devices

Secure messaging

Fax & Radio encryption

Secure endpoints

and applicationsFull-disk encryption

Secure browsing & cloud

Secure desktop & mobile

Web application firewalls

Trusted managementCA, PKI, HSMs

Crypto management

Configuration, Policy

Firmware deployment Trusted solutions

from a single source

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity – product overview

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 5



Secure endpoints &

trusted management

Secure networks Network analytics

❙ Browser in the Box

❙ TrustedDisk

❙ TrustedDesktop

❙ TrustedObjects Manager

❙ TrustedIdentity Manager

❙ PanBox

❙ R&S®CryptoServer

❙ NP+

❙ GP Firewalls


❙ TrustedVPN

❙ BizzTrust

❙ TopSec Mobile

❙ CryptoGateway

❙ Fax- and Voice Encryption

❙ RadioCrypt

❙ HandsetCrypt


❙ R&S®MMC3000

❙ R&S®PACE 2

❙ R&S®Net Reporter 2

❙ R&S®Net Sensor

The Internet as a source of danger

ı Increase in cybercrime

Number of attacks increased by 8% compared to last year

3.4 million infected endpoints (2016)

ı Companies lose data and information

Using malware, attackers attain sensitive company data and can cause significant economic


ı Infected websites

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 6

Protection against the dangers of the Internet

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 7

Secure separation of intranet and Internet using a two browsers

strategy with Browser in the Box

Intranet browser Browser in the Box

ı Product-related data

ı Documents on product development

ı Strategic concepts

ı Browser-based in-house


ı Emails

ı Research

ı News

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 8

Why use Browser in the Box ?

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 9

Conventional methods of counteracting threats

ı No Internet at the workplace

Designated computers for Internet access

ı Internet with reduced functionality

Deactivation of active content

ı Alternative browsers

ıTerminal server

Central server running the web browser; access via desktop viewer

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 10

Browser in the Box: secure browser for clients

ı Technology

Encapsulated browser using virtual machines

ı Characteristics

1. High security while maintaining all web functionalities

Separation of workplace environment and Internet

Transparency for users

2. Profitable due to use of available client resources

Easy to install and centrally administrated

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 11

Browser in the Box Enterprise: easy administration

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Browser in the Box Enterprise: isolation on computer level

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Browser in the Box Enterprise: isolation on network level

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Browser in the Box Client: convenience

ı User friendliness

High transparency due to Seamless Mode

Support of active content

Plug-ins, persistent bookmarks, printing and downloading based on standards is possible

The browser configuration (bookmarks, plug-ins, proxy settings, etc.) is stored for all users → this

data is not reset during restart

ı Flexibility

The administrator can define exactly what configuration data has to be persistent

Individual images are possible

ı Host platforms

Windows (7, 8 and 10)

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Browser in the Box: secure download

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Browser in the Box: secure upload

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Browser in the Box: secure printing

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Browser in the Box: secure clipboard

ı Monitoring the flow of information

Unidirectional (workplace → Browser in the Box or Browser in the Box → workplace)

Bidirectional (workplace ↔ Browser in the Box )

Administrated centrally

ı Optional user confirmation for “Paste” operations

No undetected flow of information, e.g. due to malware in the guest that reads the clipboard

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 19

Browser in the Box: Enterprise management features

ı User management

Synchronization with Active Directory

Individual management of rights for users or groups

ı Tunnel management

Automatic configuration of the Browser in the Box client

Automatic generation and distribution of certificates

ı Image management

Upload of newly created and signed images

Allocation of images to users or groups

Distribution of image updates as diffs

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 20

Browser in the Box: security features

ı Security

Isolation using virtual machines (VM)

Isolated Browser in the Box user environment

Security analysis of the VM technology in cooperation with the German Federal Office for

Information Security (BSI)

Hardened Linux as guest OS

Start from a clean snapshot

Secure Ipsec tunnel to the gateway; only data from Browser in the Box is routed to the

Internet and vice versa

Secure update process (only signed images)

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TrustedDisk: hard disk and device encryption with

central management and VS-NfD approval by the

German Federal Office for Information Security

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 22

TrustedDisk highlights

ı High operating convenience

Full device encryption for Windows 7 and 8

Initial encryption is running in the background, it is possible to

continue working

Encryption of system partitions and mobile storage devices

Multi-user capability, flexible and simple management of rights

ı High security

Comprehensive pre-boot authentication

Multi-level authentication using hardware tokens and PINs

Secure random number generation, flexible re-encryption

VS-NfD approved for Windows 7 and 8

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 23

TrustedDisk: possible applications

ı Stand-alone version without central management

Recommended for companies with up to 20 clients

SmartCard authentication

VS-NfD approved

ı Central management using TrustedObjects Manager

For companies with more than 20 clients

Additional functionality compared to the stand-alone version

Approved for use with the approved TrustedDisk stand-alone version

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 24

TrustedDisk: versions

ı Advantages of the stand-alone version without central management

No additional hardware required (space/power consumption)

No changes to the network (firewall/VLANs)

No costs for TOM

ı Advantages of the version with central management using the TrustedObjects Manager

Additional functionality compared to the stand-alone version

Access to directory services (LDAP)

Central PUK management

Overview of client statuses (encryption status/connection)

Central logging of events

Certificates are stored locally in the TOM

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 25

TrustedDisk: scope of delivery

ı Client

TrustedDisk Enterprise client license

SmartCard reader (according to Whitelist)

SmartCard Infineon SLE66CX680PE incl. CardOS 4.4

CardOS 5.0 in the future

ı In addition for central management

TrustedObjects Manager license

TrustedObjects Manager 19 inch appliance

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 26

Central management using TrustedObjects Manager

ı Central management:

Central user management

Access to a directory service (LDAP)

Central PUK management

Overview of client statuses (encryption status/connection)

Central logging of events

Flexible rollout scenario of TrustedDisk and the SmartCards

Personalization of SmartCards using multiple certificates (e.g. for VPN)

Recovery of existing TrustedDisk clients

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TrustedDisk: the client software

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Hardware and software requirements

ı BIOS: legacy boot mode, no UEFI

ı BIOS: SATA AHCI mode, or IDE mode

ı Hard disk: MBR-formatted, no GPT

ı Windows 7 / 8 / 10

ı Original Microsoft MBR (no OEM MBR or similar)

ı Supported SmartCard reader and SmartCard

ı Windows installation on two partitions (boot and system partition)

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 29


ı Windows standard partitions:

100 MB (or more) boot partition

System partition

ı Can be verified in the Windows disk management

Secure endpoints: proactive protection against cyberattacks 30

Highlights of TrustedDisk version 2.3

ı New bootloader:

Revised GUI

System starts faster because the PIN can be entered immediately when the token is plugged-in

PIN is changed by the PUK

ı Advanced features:

Encryption and re-encryption run completely in the background

Changes of rights to the system partition using Windows

Support of PKCS#11

ı Simplified rollout:

FDE activation using the command line (fdeinit.exe)

Rollout of any number of certificates/rights at FDE activation

Recovery of clients with the previous TrustedDisk rights

Personalization of Tokens by the administrator with automatic generation of a PIN letter

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TrustedDisk: usage

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Pre-boot authentication

ı TrustedDisk bootloader

ı The encrypted partition is started by

authentication using the token and PIN

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Pre-boot phase

ı Change the PIN using the PUK

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Proactively secure your

endpoints against cyberattacks.

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Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH

Phone: +49 30 65 884 - 223

Mail: cybersecurity@rohde-schwarz.com

Web: cybersecurity.rohde-schwarz.com