Web viewOUR SCHOOL PLEDGE We, the students ... Use good manners. Remember ... If a doctor recommends...

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Transcript of Web viewOUR SCHOOL PLEDGE We, the students ... Use good manners. Remember ... If a doctor recommends...

Grove ParkGrove Park Elementary/MidElementary/Mid

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Grove Park Elementary/Middle School


“The HALLMARK School” 

 “HALLMARK” was originally defined as, a mark stamped on articles made of gold, silver, or platinum to show that the metal used meets the proper standards of purity. The definition has evolved to mean a feature of something that distinguishes it from others. At Grove Park Elementary/Middle School, we believe the students, staff members, parents; community stakeholders’ commitment to excellence deserves the hallmark seal.As the hallmark school, our priority is a quality academic program for our students to enhance their growth into productive citizens and life-long learners. The GPEMS staff is dedicated and committed to the implementation of an exciting and new curriculum that meets the individual needs of our students.Here at GPEMS, we do “care enough to do our very BEST” to educate your child. We believe that students are precious commodities.You as parents, have sent your very BEST to us and we, in turn, give our very BEST to them in order that they become the BEST that they can be: true hallmark students. 

                                            OUR SCHOOL

GPEMS was constructed in 1958. The building covers an area of 34,674 feet and is located on a site consisting of 5.5 acres of 239,580 square feet. In the main building, we have 16 classrooms, a health suite, a cafeteria, a professional development center, and a gymnasium/auditorium 

                                             OUR MOTTO

                       We Care Enough To Do Our Very Best                                            OUR COLORS

                                            Blue & White                                            OUR MASCOT

                                       Grover, the Giraffe


                  Code of Conduct1 I respect others and myself. I am kind and courteous. I demonstrate positive verbal and nonverbal communication and positive behaviors.   

2 I am responsible for my behavior and its consequences.


3 I come to school on time, focused, and prepared to work.


4 I demonstrate behaviors that promote a safe and civil learning environment. 

5 I present myself in an appropriate and orderly fashion at all times in all settings. I demonstrate personal honor and integrity at all times. 



We, the students of GPEMS, the “HALLMARK” School, pledge ourselves to strive for excellence daily. We will uphold ourselves to strive for excellence daily. We will uphold the code of conduct, by showing respect for all adults, courtesy to our classmates, and dedication to our studies.

              OUR SCHOOL SONGExcellence shall be our watch word, faithfulness our key.                    To our dear beloved Grove Park,                         Grove Park dear to thee     We will ever sing together, songs of loyalty.             To our well beloved Grove Park,                     We’ll strive hard for these. 

            Oh, we’ll whoop it up for Grove Park,                       The home of all our joys,    There never were a happier set of jolly girls and boys.                   OH, we’ll whoop it up for Grove Park,                         We’ll make a joyful noise.                          Ra Ra, Ra, Ra, Grove Park. 



Although the Baltimore City public Schools System sets forth policies and procedures, it is necessary that the local school sets and states policies appropriate for its situation. Below are some of the critical policies that children and parents need to know and follow:                                             BEFORE SCHOOL


Children are to arrive at school by 7:45am, unless they are receiving breakfast. They are to remain on the playground until the ringing of the first bell. Students will line up in designated areas with the ringing of the 7:40am bell. Students who arrive after 8:00am are LATE. Each student who is late must report to the office for a late pass. BREAKFAST:

Breakfast is served from 7:15am to 7:35am. All students are eligible for a free breakfast. To receive breakfast, students are to enter from the cafeteria entrance.It should be understood that behavior in the cafeteria will be closely monitored and students who are unable or unwilling to conduct themselves appropriately may be sent from the cafeteria.AUTOMATED MEAL PROGRAM (BREAKFAST AND LUNCH)

Under the new automated meal program, every student is issued a pin (personal identification number). Using the PIN, student’s account at any time, preferably between 7:35am and 7:45am. At lunch time or breakfast, students’ type in their PIN and the cafeteria computer accesses their account. If the student is eligible for the free meal or reduced meal program, the computer knows the status automatically and charges nothing for free students and the appropriate amount for reduced students. LUNCH APPLICATIONS:

Lunch applications must be completed every year for every student.




                                        During School                                 Entering the building:


Students are to enter the building through designated doors, as outlined below: 

Pre-kindergartenPre –Kindergarten Playground Entrance

Kindergarten Main entrance or Cafeteria Door for Breakfast

Grades 1&2: Main entrance or Cafeteria Door for Breakfast

Grade 3: Breezeway (covered walkway) or Cafeteria Door for Breakfast

Grades 4&5: Breezeway (covered walkway) or Cafeteria Door for Breakfast

Grades 6-8: Middle School Portable


About those E-A-R-L-Y arrivals…There will not be sufficient adult supervision to ensure student safety, students will not be permitted to enter the building or be on school grounds before 7:15 am. Even during inclement weather! Please! Dress your child for the prevailing weather conditions.If a teacher has requested a student to come earlier than admittance, the student must have a written pass from the teacher. 


                                  Early DismissalOnly the parent or guardian or identified adult on the emergency card has permission to withdraw a student form school before the end of the school day. All adults will be asked to present a photo identification card prior to taking a student form the school.When the need occurs requiring a student to leave school before the end of the day, parents should submit a note to the teacher upon the child’s arrival to school. Before a student is released from school, the parent or guardian must present ID and the


student will be signed out by office staff in the Early Dismissal Log.When this procedure is followed, the teacher will be informed from the office and the dismissal preparations will not interfere with the learning environment. 

                                          DismissalAt dismissal, students will be escorted to the appropriate exit door. Students are to leave the school grounds immediately. Older siblings are to pick up your younger siblings at designated areas.If there is any problem or a student is, for any reason, afraid to leave the building, he or she should ask to go to the office before the bell rings. If a problem arises and the student is not on school grounds, he or she is to return to school to receive assistance. 

                                   In the classroomSupplies:Students from grades 1-5 are expected to have all materials such as a notebook, paper, pencils, and erasers ready for work each day.(please refer to school supply list.) 


Non- school items:Cellular phones, radios, CD players, mp3 players, headphones, permanent felt-tip markers, electronic games, and Pokémon or other character cards must not be brought to school and will be confiscated until the end of the day or if a repeated offense a parent or guardian will need to collect the item. Grove Park accepts no responsibility for the loss of these items.                                           Lockers


1.    Do not leave food in your locker overnight for any reason.2.    No lock of any kind may be placed on the lockers unless

authorized by an administrator. A spare key or combination must be given to the teacher before a lock is placed on the locker. Locks with lost keys or combinations will be removed from the locker at the end of semester.

3.    Only your teacher can change locker assignments. Items found in unassigned lockers will be thrown away.

4.    All lockers will be inspected several times during the year. Therefore, it is expected that your locker will be clean and orderly at all times.

5.    At the end of the school year, all the lockers must be completely cleaned.

6.    Students are permitted to use their lockers during arrival, lunch, and at dismissal only.

7.    Lockers are to be opened and shut quietly.8.    Valuable items must not be kept in your locker.

                                       Textbooks Textbooks are very expensive!!! We must ask and expect you to take special care of these books. Do not abuse textbooks by tearing pages or marking on any part of the book.  All students must have a signed textbook contract on file in the school’s office. All textbooks assigned to you must be covered. Students must pay for textbooks, including library books, if they are lost or stolen.              REPORTS CARDS & PROGRESS REPORTS Reports cards are distributed to the students four times during the school year. Parents should sign the tear off slips and return it the next day so that teachers are aware that they received the report cards.  Progress reports are distributed between marking periods to communicate information about a student’s academic progress. Both documents serve as official notification of a student’s academic progress. 


              Routines to follow while in the …. Dining Room Lunch time should be enjoyable to all students.  Students must speak in conversation tomes in order to have a pleasant atmosphere in the dining room. Dining Room procedures all students all students must follow:1.    Enter the dining room quietly.2.    Sit at you assigned table, No one is to walk around the

dining room.3.    Use good manners when eating.4.    Use conversational tones.5.    Obey the signal for quiet time.6.    Leave your area clean.


AuditoriumThe auditorium serves as an enrichment center that reinforces classroom learning. Programs are enriching, informational, and entertaining.Students have rules to follow as part of the audience. The most important are:

1.    Enter the auditorium quietly.2.    Keep your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor.3.    Follow the directions of the person in charge, obeying the

quiet signal and dismissal procedures.4.    Show respect for the performer. Remember, Applause is the

only acceptable form of appreciation and approval for the performer.

5.    Do not make unnecessary noises.6.    Eating is not allowed.7.    Exit quietly.



The school library is a very important center of information, reference, and recreational reading for students. Library skills are reinforced. Experience in using the library is beneficial to the students.Library procedures all students must follow are:

1.    Enter the library quietly.2.    Follow the directions of the person in charge.3.    Bring a pencil to the library.4.    Keep up with your library books.5.    Return books on time that you have checked out.6.    No chewing gum, candy, snacks, or food of any kind is

allowed.LavatoriesYour teacher will set up a procedure for using the lavatory. We will expect you to use the lavatory only when necessary.All students will be expected to abide by the following procedures:

1.    You must go to the lavatory in pairs unless you are supervised by your teacher.

2.    Do not take any pencils, crayons, or magic markers with you when going to the lavatory.

3.    You must not linger in the lavatory to talk with friends.4.    You must flush toilets and urinals after each use.5.    You must use the lavatory on your floor unless there is an

emergency6.    Wash your hands after using the lavatory and place paper

towels in the trash can.7.    After you have taken care of your needs, you must report

promptly to your class room.  HELPFUL HINTS FOR STUDENTS 1.    Use good manners. Remember to say: Thank You, Please,

Excuse me, and I apologize.


2.     Speak to your teacher if you have a problem with another student.

3.    No one should touch another student’s belongings.4.    Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.5.    No student should carry gossip from one student to

another or form one group of students to another group of students. This includes social media such as Facebook, etc.

6.    Follow directions at all times.  

HOMEWORKStudentsIn order to do a good job and to be proud of your homework, try to remember these points:

1.    Always have your materials for working.2.    Find a quiet place to work.3.    Try to work on your own, but ask for help if you need it!4.    Follow directions.5.    Do your work neatly.6.    Use a dictionary and other reference books.7.    Share your homework with your parents.


Parents, while this next section is information we thought most appropriate for you, please…..Take some time to review it with your child. In this way, both parent and child have a better understanding of ways to make every day a success at Grove Park. 

                             HOMEWORKEvery child in kindergarten –Grade 5 should have a home assignment given each day (Monday-Friday). In some cases, parents will be asked to sign the completed hone assignment.


 In general, home assignments are of the following nature: PRACTICE-Refining or perfecting skills learned under the teacher’s guidance. RESEARCH- Using home and community resources, including the library, radio, and the internet to find information and to complete projects.

         CREATIVE- Making or constructing objects and projects.                  ENTERTAINING-Students are expected to read daily to an adult or have an adult to read to them. Parents, you can help your child develop a responsibility for completing their assignments by providing them with the proper atmosphere for study. If your child is having a great deal of difficulty, communicate that to the classroom teacher. 

                                         DISCIPLINE Baltimore City Public School System has implemented a system-wide policy covering nearly all types of students’ misconduct and the recommended actions for each offense. A copy of this policy, Information Guide for Students and Parents will be sent home during the first week of school. Below are just a few cautions that all children should be familiar. All students at Grove Park are to respect all adults and peers. Teachers will spend a great deal of time establishing rules and procedures for the classroom. Please assist us by explaining to your child the importance of having classroom rules. 


Suspension A suspension can be in-school, short term, or long term. Students on suspension may be separated from the instructional program in school or out of school for a period of a few days to a month or more. When is a student suspended? Usually when…. 1.    A student’s behavior endangers the safety of self or

others.2.     A student violates rules and procedures.3.    Previous attempts to change unacceptable behavior have

not been successful.Some examples of unacceptable behavior for which a student mat be removed from school are:

        Physical attacks on other children or a staff member.        Fighting        Disruption of classroom, cafeteria, or other activities.        Disrespectful behavior toward school staff and volunteers.        Verbal attacks or threats.        Vandalism        Possession or use of drugs (controlled  dangerous

substance)        Smoking        Stealing        Leaving school without permission.        Possessing weapons (No weapon of any kind or replica of

any weapon is allowed in school. Any student found in possession of any weapon or likeness thereof can be expelled. 

ExpulsionAn expulsion means the student cannot attend any regular day school program. Only the Chief Officer (CEO) can expel a student.

                             Class Trips


During the year, the classroom teacher may take the class on one or more educational trips. All students must have written permission from parents in order to go on a trip. Unless otherwise noted, students are to wear their school informs on all class trips. In addition to an appropriate appearance, the school uniform helps us to readily identify our children.                               Dress Code Students are to follow the Baltimore City public School Exclusionary Dress Code (detailed in the Informational Guide for Parents and Students). A proper dress code contributes to a positive environment and protects children form unwarranted attention. Grove Park is a uniform school. Grove Park parents voted for the following UNIFORM dress code: Elementary Girls: Plain navy blue jumper; white blouse; white socks; navy blue sweater; dark colored shoes. Elementary Boys: Plain navy blue pants; white shirt; navy blue socks; navy blue tie; navy blue sweater; dark colored shoes. Middle School: 6th Grade-Navy shirts & Khaki Bottoms; 7th Grade- White shirts & Khaki Bottoms; 8th Grade- Black shirts & Khaki Bottoms

 Under no circumstance are children to wear “sweats” or jogging and other athletic wear-even on physical education days! 

                           Lost & Found Many items are turned into the main office after being found in various places throughout the


building. These items are kept in a box in the cafeteria. Parents who wish to exam them at other times must come to the office. To assist with returning items to students, please label your child’s garments.                            Medication Teachers are not permitted to give medication to students or to allow children to medicate themselves. Make every effort to give your child medication before he or she comes to school. Do not send medication of any kind to school for your child. If a doctor recommends that medication be given to a student during school hours, the doctor must complete the Permission to Administer Medicine and the nurse or health aide will oversee the administering of medicine to the student.   


          Promotion and Graduation Policy            Grades 1-8 Promotion Standards 

To be promoted in grades 1-5, students must:        Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in reading/language

arts;        Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in mathematics; and      


To be promoted in grades 6-8 students must:


        Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in reading/language arts;

Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in mathematics. Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in science. Earn a passing grade of 60 or above in social studies.


                                         IN THE OFFICE  

Visitors to the Building 

        Visitors must enter the school through the front door of the main building and report to the office, present valid picture identification, sign the Visitor’s Log, and obtain a pass before going to any classroom or area of the building. Please cooperate with this procedure so that we can ensure the safety of all persons in the building. 

Telephone Calls        It is not always possible and most times impractical for the

Secretary to give a phone message to your child.        Please make every effort to give important information to

your child before he or she leaves for school, especially concerning the change in dismissal arrangements and /or where your child should go when he or she leaves school for the day. STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO USE THE TELEPHONE TO CALL HOME AFTER SCHOOL TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRANSPORTATION.

        Only in an emergency will we interrupt the instructional program to deliver a message to your child.

        Teachers are not permitted to leave students unattended to talk with you on the phone. The secretary will contact the teacher to let the teacher know that you desire a conference. The teacher will return your call.


We hope this information is helpful to you.If you have any concerns and/or questions regarding information listed in this document, please contact the school. 

Tracye CarterPrincipalDeloris WeaverAssistant Principal