Web viewIt is NOT acceptable to use an online translator for more than one word in a row. ......

Post on 06-Feb-2018

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Transcript of Web viewIt is NOT acceptable to use an online translator for more than one word in a row. ......

Chers élèves de français AP, le premier juin, 2015 Bonjour! Afin que vous soyez prêts pour septembre, vous devez faire quelques devoirs pour la classe. Il y a des “due dates” pendant cet été pour que vous puissiez passer du temps peu à peu pendant notre temps libre. Si vous avez des questions pour moi, vous pourrez m’envoyer un email à bmarshall@spotsylvania.k12.va.us ou bethmarshall4@gmail.com.


#1 COMPRENDRE L’EXAMEN : The AP French Language Exam is a 3-hour exam testing your abilities and proficiency in French. You will be integrating all four of your skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. The exam assumes and demands critical, integrated expression in French. Go to the site, https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/apcourse/ap-french-language-and-cultureto learn more about the AP French course and the format of the exam. After reading through this information, send me an email before JULY 1 st saying what you think will be particularly challenging for you and what you will do to prepare in order to be successful on this exam.

#2: READING/WRITING: AP ESSAY TOPICS: This should be approximately 20 sentences (or more) long. Be sure to show me your best – use compound, complex sentences with use of many verb tenses within the essays. If you need to look up a word in a dictionary (book style or online), that is acceptable. It is NOT acceptable to use an online translator for more than one word in a row. You are required to send me three essays for this summer. They must be done on a computer and sent to my email BY the due dates of June 25, July 20, and August 10. You are invited to attend a “speaking and essay discussion” session at the Starbucks at 7pm at Harrison Crossing to touch base on your summer assignments and receive specific feedback on your writings. Please try to attend at least two of the four summer meetings which will be on July 1, July 30, Aug 5 and Aug 20. (Officers of French Club and Honor Society, we will also be meeting on Aug 27 to discuss back to school topics at 11am also!:)

Here are the topics to choose from: (on doit choisir TROIS de ces 6 topics)

En quoi les arts mettent-ils en question nos perspectives sur la culture tout en les reflétant ?

A votre avis, quels sont les problèmes les plus urgents concernant la santé de nos jours ?

A votre avis, quelles sont les causes de la guerre ? Comment pourrait-elle être évitée ?

Comment les découvertes et la science des vingtièmes et vingt-et-unième siècles ont-elles amélioré notre vie ? Qui ont-elles concerné ? Qui ont-elles oublié ?

Qu’est-ce qu’un enfant peut apprendre en pratiquant un sport ou un jeu avec ses camarades ?

Que pensez-vos de l’adage »Il faut tout un village pour élever un enfant. » ? Comment, dans ces conditions, est-ce que le rôle de la famille et de la communauté diffèrent ou convergent ?

#3: LES VERBES: You will be expected to practice verb tense formation using the website www.conjuguemos.com. You can select regular, stem-changing & irregular verbs to work with. Please try to keep track of your scores. Here are the verbs and the tenses I am expecting you to be comfortable with: VERBES:ÊtreFaireAvoirAllerAimer (er verbs)Finir (ir verbs)Attendre (re verbs)PouvoirDire

TENSES:PrésentPassé ComposéImparfaitPlus que parfaitFuturFutur AntérieurConditionnelConditonnel PasséSubjonctif

We will test on verb tense formation the second or third week of school. You will be expected to form verbs in all of the tenses listed above. # 4: L’ECOUTE/ LISTENING: Please listen to at least 5 hours of French over the summer. This can be online, videos, etc. Please document your listening hours and have a parent sign off on this. Write a summary of your listening as well, using the format at the end of this letter. Je vous verrai au mois de septembre! Si vous avez des questions ou des problèmes, n’hésiterez pas à me contacter.Bon été et bonnes vacances! Madame Marshall


Titre de film, musique, videos, etc..

Duration Résumé 3-5 sentences (en anglais)

Exemple….Stromae – l’interview en Afriquehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sychcMOhqOU

00h20 Stromae has started to have a huge following in Africa due to his huge fan following in Europe. His roots are based in Africa from his father…many people are thrilled that he is coming there to tour.