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Transcript of missmacnaughton.weebly.commissmacnaughton.weebly.com/.../4/8/0/3/4803161/alice_i…  · Web...


EdithAliceDinah/Cheshire CatThe White RabbitCaterpillarFrog FootmanDuchessBaby/PigMad HatterMarch Hare

DormouseAceTwoThreeMore CardsKnaveQueen of HeartsKing of HeartsGryphonMock Turtle

Scene One: Down the Rabbit Hole

[Alice sits with her sister Edith, who is giving her a history lesson. Alice plays cards with her cat Dinah to pass the time.]

Edith: They found it advisable to go with Edgar Atheling to meet William and offer him the crown. William's conduct at first was moderate, but the insolence of the Normans---Alice, are you not listening to me?

Alice: I'm afraid I'm not, Edith. Why can't we just enjoy the day?

Edith:  While we're on holiday, you have to keep up with your studies. You must pay attention to the lesson. It's very important for you to learn.

Alice: What could be important about a book without any pictures in it? If I were to write a book, it would be only pictures.

Edith:  What nonsense.

Alice:  Exactly. If I had a world, it would be nothing but nonsense.

Edith:  I'm getting very tired of this, Alice. Can we please just finish?

Alice:  [yawns] I suppose.[Edith begins reading again.]

Alice:  That's exactly how it would be though, Dinah. In my world, you'd be able to talk. Don't look at me like that. You would.

SONG: In a World of my Own

Alice: Oh, the sun is making me so sleepy. Wake me when we go in for tea.[Alice stretches and falls asleep]

Edith:  And then when they reached... [looks at her watch] Alice, it's teatime. Alice! 

[Alice rises, stretches and starts to leave with Edith]

Edith: Oh, I left my book. Could you fetch it?

Alice: I'll get it. Where is that wretched book?[Edith leaves. Alice looks for the book. A rabbit in a waistcoat hops on.]

Alice: Oh, it's a rabbit. There's nothing so remarkable about that, Dinah. It's just a rabbit with a waistcoat and — and a watch![Alice chases the Rabbit.]

Alice: Mr. Rabbit! Mr. Rabbit, where are you going?

Rabbit: Oh, dear. Oh, dearie me! The Queen! She'll have my head for sure!

SONG: I’m Late

[The Rabbit dives into his hole. Alice leans over and falls into the rabbit hole.

Scene 2: The Rabbit’s Hole[Alice is falling down the hole. Soon various objects begin floating around her: books, maps, jars, and various Victorian knick-knacks. The fall gets more surreal as Alice goes. It appears that an updraft slows Alice's fall.]

Alice: Will this fall never come to an end? After this, I shall think nothing of tumbling downstairs! I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time. I may fall right through the earth! Dinah will miss me very much tonight, I should think! I wish she was down here with me. There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but she might catch a bat. That's very much like a mouse, you know. Do cats eat bats, I wonder?

[Alice falls onto a mattress or something else that is soft.]

Alice: Where am I now? [peering up the hole] Oh, dear. I'll never get back the way I came.[The Rabbit reappears.]

Rabbit: Oh, my fur and whiskers! How late it's getting!

Alice: Mr. Rabbit, come back! How do I get back up the- Now where did he go? [runs offstage following the rabbit]

Scene Three: The Pool of Tears[Alice comes onstage to a hallway of doors, all locked]

Alice: This door is locked. [Alice tries more doors.]

Alice: All locked. How will I ever get outside? [Seeing the table with a key on it] What have we here? This must go to one of the doors.[Alice tries the key in the doors. It opens the smallest door in the room.]

Alice: What a lovely garden! I should very much like to see more.[Alice tries to squeeze through the door.] 

Alice: Even if my head would go through, it would be of very little use without my shoulders. I wish I could shut myself like that telescope Father has![Alice sees the bottle on the table.]

Alice: Was this here before? 'Drink me'. Hmmm…I think I ought to see if it also says 'poison'. After all, you shouldn’t drink bottles labeled 'poison'.[Alice drinks it.]

Alice: What a curious feeling! I must be shutting like a telescope. [Alice shrinks. She tries the door.]

Alice: Oh, no! I forgot the key! Now what will I do? [Alice sees the cake.]

Alice: This certainly wasn't here before. "Eat me." Well, I'll eat it and, if I grow larger, I can reach the key. And if I grow smaller, I can just crawl under the door. Either way, I'll make it into the garden.[Alice eats the cake. She begins to grow.]

Alice: Curiouser and curiouser! Now I'm growing like the largest telescope that ever was! Ow! [Alice hits her head on the ceiling.]

Alice: Oh, my poor little feet. Who's going to put my shoes on now? I'm too far away to trouble myself with them. Can anyone else help me? You should be ashamed of yourself crying like this! Stop it this moment, I tell you! [The Rabbit returns.]

Rabbit: I'm late! Oh, the Queen! Won't she be savage if I've kept her waiting!

Alice: Mr. Rabbit!

Rabbit: What? Who goes there?

Alice: Mr. Rabbit, up here! Can you help me?

Rabbit: How did you get up there?

Alice: It was the cake. Can you get me down?

Rabbit: Oh, no. I haven't got the time!

Alice: Please!

[Rabbit runs off. Alice starts crying.]

Alice: Oh, dear. He dropped his fan. I wonder if I've somehow changed in the night. I can almost remember feeling different when I awoke this morning. I'll just see if I know all the things I used to. [As Alice recites, she fans herself. The fan makes her shrink again.]

Alice: "Baa baa, black sheep, have you any butter. Yes sir. Yes sir. Speak clearly. Please don’t mutter." That can't be right. And when did I get so small again? There seems to be some light from this direction…

Scene Four: Advice From a Caterpillar

[Alice washes up on shore and encounters a caterpillar sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah.]

Alice: Pardon me, sir, but-

Caterpillar: Who are you?

Alice: I beg your pardon.

Caterpillar: Who are you?

Alice: I hardly know, sir. I know who I was when I awoke this morning, but I've changed size several times since then.

Caterpillar: What do you mean? Explain yourself!

Alice: I can't explain myself, sir, because I'm not myself, you see.

Caterpillar: I do not see. Who are you?

Alice: I think you ought to tell me who you are first.

Caterpillar: Why?

Alice: This is getting me nowhere.[Starts to leave.]

Caterpillar: Come back! I have something important to say!

Alice: Well, what is it?

Caterpillar: Keep your temper.

Alice: Is that all?

Caterpillar: No. So you think you've been changed, do you?

Alice: I'm afraid so. I can't remember things like I could and I don't keep the same size for ten minutes!

Caterpillar: You can't remember what things?

Alice: Well, I've tried to say 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' but it all came out differently.

Caterpillar: I see. Recite "Mary had a".

Alice: I'll try."Mary had a little worm,It wriggled round and roundAnd Mary seldom saw itFor it stayed beneath the ground."

Caterpillar: That was almost correct. Try again.

Alice: Very well."It followed her to school one dayBut Mary didn’t know.For while she walked there up aboveIt travelled down below."

Caterpillar: That was not said correctly.

Alice: Not quite correctly, I'm afraid. Some of the words did get jumbled.

Caterpillar: [shakes head & turns to go] It was wrong from beginning to end.

Alice: Well, I never. If you can't tell me how to get back to size-

Caterpillar: [turning back] One last thing: the top will make you taller. The stalk will make you shorter.

Alice: Goodbye. Let's see. The top will make me taller. I wonder how much I should eat. I'll just try a little.[Alice eats it and returns to her normal size.]

Scene Five: The Pig and the Pepper

Alice: That's much better, I think. Now I should try to find the Rabbit and

ask him how I get home.[The Rabbit hurries past Alice again.]

Rabbit: The Queen will have my head for this! I'll surely be too late! Mary Anne! Where have you been? I had to fetch my own pair of gloves and fan.

Alice: I am not Mary Anne. My name is Alice and I am not your housemaid.

Rabbit: Well, whoever you are, I need you to take this letter to the Duchess's estate. It's an invitation from the Queen to play croquet. I’m too late!

Alice: Where does the Duchess live?

[Rabbit exits]

Alice: Well! I suppose I'll try the house over there. [The Frog Footman is sitting outside the house.]

Alice: Hello, who lives here?

Frog: The Duchess.

Alice: Could you please open the door for me.

Frog: I could.

Alice: Will open the door for me?

Frog: I will.[The Duchess is sitting in a chair with her baby. The Cook is mixing soup with a ridiculous amount of pepper. Alice immediately begins sneezing.]

Frog: There is a visitor with a letter.

Duchess: Very well! Pig!

Alice: Excuse me, are you the Duchess? Oh, there's certainly too much pepper in that soup![The Duchess is shaking and hitting her baby to quiet him.]

Duchess: Who are you? Quiet, you swine!

Alice: My name is Alice. I have a letter to give you from the Queen. 

Duchess: Well, hand it over! The Queen wants me to play croquet today. Why didn't she send it sooner? Thank you, my dear.[The Cheshire Cat is sitting by the fire.]

Alice: Would you tell me why your cat grins like that?

Duchess: It's a Cheshire Cat. That's why. Pig!

Alice: I beg your pardon!

Duchess: I was speaking to the baby.

Alice: [To Duchess who is tossing baby] Please mind what you're doing!

Duchess: [giving the baby to Alice] I must go get ready to play croquet with the Queen!

Alice: What am I to do with a baby?

Duchess: Whatever you like. Good day.

Alice: Don't grunt. If you're going to be a pig, I'll have nothing more to do with you. Settle down, child. I'm trying to- oh![The baby has transformed into a pig. It jumps from Alice's arms and runs away.]

Alice: Oh, dear! Well, it makes a rather handsome pig.[The Cheshire Cat appears in a tree.]

Alice: It's the Duchess's cat! Cheshire Cat, would you tell me which way I ought to go?

Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to go. In that direction lives the Mad Hatter and in that direction lives the March Hare.

Alice: Thank you. Hmm…

Cat: By the way, what became of the baby?

Alice: It turned into a pig.

Cat: I thought that it would.[The Cat disappears slowly and leaves behind his smile.]

Alice: I've often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat is the most curious thing I've ever seen in my life! I’ll visit the March Hare. Maybe in July he won't be as mad as he would be in March.

Scene Six: The Mad Tea Party[A great table is laid out set for a very large tea party]

SONG: The Unbirthday Song

March Hare & Mad Hatter: No room—no room!

Alice: There’s plenty of room! [Sits]

March Hare: Have a biscuit.

Alice: I don’t see any biscuits.

March Hare: There aren’t any.

Alice: Then it wasn’t very nice of you to offer it.

March Hare: It wasn’t very nice of you to sit down without being invited.

Alice: I didn’t know it was your table.

Mad Hatter: Your hair needs cutting.

Alice: You should learn not to make personal remarks. It’s not a very polite thing to do.

Mad Hatter: Do you mean that it’s rude?

Alice: Exactly so.

March Hare: Then why don’t you say what you mean? [butters his watch, looks at it, listens to it, then shakes it] What day of the month is it?

Alice: The fourth.

Mad Hatter: Two days wrong! I told you butter wouldn’t suit the works.

March Hare: It was the best butter.

Mad Hatter: Yes, but some crumbs must have got in as well. You should not have put it in with the bread knife.

Alice: What a funny watch! It tells the days of the month and doesn’t tell what o’clock it its.

Mad Hatter: Why should it? The Dormouse is asleep again. [He and the March Hare leap frog over each other to it]

March Hare and Mad Hatter: Wake up, Dormouse!

Dormouse: Of course, of course. Just what I was going to remark myself.

Alice: I don’t have time for this.

Mad Hatter: Ah. You also have had an argument with Time, I see. If you stay friends with Time, he’ll do almost anything for you. Like keeping the clocks at lunch time. Sadly, time and I had a fight at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts. I had to sing: You know the song, perhaps? “Twinkle, twinkle, little bat, How I wonder what you’re at.”

Alice: I’ve heard something like it.

Mad Hatter: It goes on, you know, in this way—

“Up above the world you fly like a tea-tray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle— ”Dormouse: Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle. (Continues until bonked)

Mad Hatter: Well, I’d hardly finished the first verse when the Queen bawled out, “He’s murdering Time. Off with his head.”

Alice: How dreadfully savage!

Mad Hatter: And ever since that he won’t do a thing I ask. It’s always six o’clock now. It’s always tea time and we’ve no time to wash the things between whiles.

Alice: Then you keep moving around, I suppose.

Dormouse: Exactly so. As the things get used up.

March Hare: Suppose we change the subject. I’m getting tired of this. I voted the young lady tells us a story.

Alice: [alarmed] I’m afraid I don’t know one.

March Hare and Mad Hatter: Then the Dormouse shall.

March Hare: Tell us a story.

Alice: Yes, please do!

Dormouse: Once upon a time there were three little sisters, and their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tille; and they lived at the bottom of a well.

Alice: But why did they live at the bottom of a well?

March Hare: Take some more tea.

Alice: I’ve had nothing yet, so I can’t take more.

Mad Hatter: You mean you can’t take less. It’s very easy to take more than nothing.

Alice: Why did they live at the bottom of a well?

Dormouse: It was a treacle well.

Alice: There’s no such—

Dormouse: [Interrupting] And so, these three little sisters were learning to draw, you know.

Alice: What did they draw?

Mad Hatter: I need a clean cup. Let’s all move one place down.

Dormouse: They were learning to draw and they drew all manner of things; everything that begins with an M.

Alice: Why with an M?

March Hare: Why not?

Dormouse: That begins with an M, such as mouse-traps, and the moon, and memory and muchness—you know you say things are much of a muchness—did you ever see such a things as a drawing of muchness?

Alice: Really, now you ask me—I don’t think—

Mad Hatter: Then you shouldn’t talk.

Alice: I’m getting out of here! It’s the stupidest tea party I ever was at in all my life!

Scene Seven: The Cheshire Cat Returns

Alice: I'll certainly never go in there again! 

Cat: How did you like the Hatter and the Hare?

Alice: I didn't. That was the stupidest tea party I've ever been to in all my life!

Cat: I thought you didn't mind to whom you spoke.

Alice: I wanted to speak to someone who could help me get home!

Cat: Where is your home?

Alice: I couldn't rightly say. This morning, I fell down a rabbit hole and nothing has been right since.

Cat: Wait! Did you say you fell down a rabbit hole?

Alice: Yes!

Cat: I know where that is.

Alice: I don't know what good it will do me to go back there. I can't go back the way I came.

Cat: You could, of course, ask the Rabbit himself.

Alice: I've been trying, but the Rabbit is in too much of a hurry to have anything to do with me and I have lost track of him completely.

Cat: I know where he is. He's with the Queen. 

Alice: The Queen?

Cat: Would you like me to take you to her?

Alice: I'd rather not, but if it's the only way to get me home, I suppose I must.

Cat: [The Cat reappears over the little door.] In here. [disappearing] I will see you at the croquet game if you still plan to attend.

Alice: I thought Dinah was a perplexing cat. Well, I'll manage much better this time.[Alice takes the key and drinks the bottle. She goes through the door and finds herself in a beautiful rose garden.]

Scene Eight: Painting the Roses Red[Alice meets playing cards that are painting roses.]

SONG: Painting the Roses Red

[She helps them paint. A trumpet sounds.]

Three: Oh, no!

Alice: What's happening?

Two: The Queen!

Alice: Oh, dear!

Knave: The Queen is coming! The Queen is coming! 

Two: Quick, bow!

[They lie on the ground. The Queen's procession enters. Duchess is with them.]

Alice: What's the use of a procession if everyone has to lie down to where they couldn't see it?

Ace: Shush, silly girl.

Queen: Who is this?

Knave: I don't know, Your Majesty.

Queen: Fool! What's your name, child?

Alice: My name is Alice, Your Majesty. 

Queen: And who are these?

Alice: How should I know? It's no business of mine.

Queen: How dare you? Off with her head!

Alice: Nonsense!

King: Consider, my dear, she is only a child!

[Queen notices roses painted red.]

SONG: Painting the Roses Red (reprise)

[Cards simultaneously blame each other. Queen orders them taken away.]Alice: Oh, dear.[The King takes them all aside while the Queen selects a flamingo.]

Queen: Do you play croquet, my dear?

Alice: Oh yes, Your Majesty.

Queen: Then let the game begin![The Rabbit carries the croquet equipment.]

Rabbit [nervously]: It's a very fine day today.

Alice: So, now you have the time to speak to me.

Queen: Get to your places! [The Cards form hoops. Alice selects a flamingo. The Cards jump to get the hedgehog. One misses.]

Queen: Off with his head!

Alice: Oh, how I wish I was home. [The Cheshire Cat reappears.]

Cat: Hello, again.

Alice: Cheshire Cat!

Cat: How are you getting along?

Alice: I don't think they play fairly at all.

Cat: How do you like the Queen?

Alice: I don't. She's so—[The Queen appears]—likely to win, it's hardly worth finishing the game.[King approaches] 

Cat: Good day.

King: I don't like the look of it at all. However, it may kiss my hand if it likes.

Cat: I'd rather not.

King: How dare you! This cat must be removed!

Queen: Off with its head!

King: Its head's already off, dear. How do you behead a head?

Alice: It belongs to the Duchess. You ought to ask her about it.[Cat disappears]

Queen: Where did that loathsome creature go?[Queens procession begins searching. Duchess approaches Alice.]

Duchess: You can't imagine how glad I am to see you again, dear!

Alice: She seems much nicer now. Maybe it was the pepper that made her so nasty.

Duchess: I'm doubtful about the temper of your flamingo.

Alice: He might bite.

Duchess: Quite true. Flamingoes and mustard both bite. The moral of that is "birds of a feather flock together."

Alice: Mustard's not a bird. It's a vegetable.

Duchess: I quite agree with you. The moral of that is: "Be what you would seem to be."

Alice: She likes to find morals in everything.[Queen approaches]

Duchess: A fine day, your Majesty!

Queen: Now, I give you fair warning. Either you or your head must be off. Take your choice and take your cat![The Cat and the Duchess leave.]

Queen: [linking arms with Alice] My dear, have you met the Mock Turtle yet?

Alice: No, I haven't, Your Majesty. I don't even know what a Mock Turtle is.

Queen: It's the thing they make Mock Turtle soup from.

Alice: I've neither seen one nor heard of one.

Queen: Come then. He will tell you his history while he's waiting to become soup.

Scene Nine: The Mock Turtle's Last Words[The Queen takes Alice to a Gryphon. The Gryphon has an accent in the original story. You can choose to modify the lines to retain the accent if you wish.]

Queen: Wake, you lazy thing!

Gryphon: I beg your pardon, Your Majesty.

Queen: Take this young lady to see the Mock Turtle. I must return to see to some executions I have ordered.

Gryphon: What fun! What is your name, girl?

Alice: Alice, sir. What is fun, if I may ask?

Gryphon: The Queen! It's all her fancy, you know. They never execute anybody around here. She spends all day ordering heads to be removed and never notices that everyone still has them the next morning. Come along.

[The Gryphon takes Alice to the Mock Turtle, who is crying.]

Alice: Is the Mock Turtle crying because it will be turned into soup?

Gryphon: Don't speak of it. This young lady wants you hear your history, good fellow.

Mock Turtle: Oh, hello.

Alice: Yes, I'd be most interested to hear what you have to say

Mock Turtle: Then I'll tell you. Sit down, both of you, and don't speak a word till I've finished.[They sit in silence.]

Alice: I don't see how he can finish if he doesn't ever begin.

Mock Turtle: Once, I was a real turtle.[They sit in silence again.]

Alice: Thank you, sir, for your most interesting story.

Mock Turtle: When I was little, I went to school in the sea. The master was an old turtle. We used to call him Tortoise.

Alice: Why did you call him "Tortoise" if he wasn't one?

Gryphon: Don’t interrupt!

Mock Turtle: Yes, we went to school in the sea, though you may not believe it.

Alice: I never said I didn't.

Gryphon: Hold your tongue! Really.

Mock Turtle: We had the best of education. In fact, we went to school every day.

Alice: I go to school every day too. You'd needn't be so proud about that.

Mock Turtle: Do you have extras?

Alice: Yes, we learned French and music.

Mock Turtle: And washing?

Alice: Certainly not!

Mock Turtle: Then yours wasn't a really good school. Now, was it? At ours, they had French, music, and washing as extras.

Alice: You couldn't have needed it much living at the bottom of the sea.

Mock Turtle: I couldn't afford to learn it. I only took the regular course.

Alice: What was that?

Mock Turtle: Reeling and writhing, mostly, with some math, you know, the usual: ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision.

Alice: I've never heard of "uglification". What is it?

Gryphon: Never heard of uglifying? You know what it is to beautify, I suppose?

Alice: Yes, it means to make something prettier.

Gryphon: Well, then, if you don't know what to uglify is, then you truly are a simpleton.

Alice: What else did you have to learn?

Mock Turtle: Well, there was Mystery, ancient and modern, with Seaography.

Alice: What was that like?

Mock Turtle: Well, I was never very good at it.

Alice: How many hours a day did you do lessons?

Mock Turtle: Ten hours on the first day. Nine the next and so forth.

Alice: What a curious lesson plan.

Gryphon: That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day.

Alice: Then the eleventh day must have been a holiday.

Mock Turtle: Indeed it was.

Gryphon: Enough about lessons. Perhaps you have some last words to say to the Mock Turtle before he becomes soup.[The Mock Turtle begins sobbing again.]

Alice: Oh, dear.

Gryphon: A word of advice perhaps? From your adventures?

Alice: Well… that is a problem. You see…

SONG: Very Good Advice

Rabbit: The trial is beginning!

Alice: Trial? Who's trial?

Gryphon: Quickly! We must go!

Mock Turtle: Just leave me here. 

Alice: Goodbye, Mr. Turtle! Be brave! I'll come back later if I can.

Rabbit: The trial is beginning!

Scene Ten: The Trial

White Rabbit: The trial’s beginning! The trial’s beginning! The trial’s beginning!

Alice: What trial is it?

White Rabbit: Silence in the court!

King: Herald, read the accusation!

White Rabbit: “The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day:The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts,And took them quite away!”

King: Consider your verdict!

White Rabbit: Not yet, not yet! There’s a great deal more to come before that.

King: Call the first witness!

White Rabbit: First witness!

Mad Hatter: I beg pardon, Majesty, for bringing these in: but I hadn’t quite finished my tea when I was sent for.

King: You ought to have finished. When did you begin?

Mad Hatter: 14th of March, I think it was.

King: Write that down. Take off your hat.

Mad Hatter: It isn’t mine.

King: Give your evidence.

Mad Hatter: Well, Your Majesty, last week, what with the bread and butter getting so thin, and the twinkling of the tea…

King: The twinkling of what?

Mad Hatter: It began with the tea.

King: Of course twinkling begins with a T. If that’s all you know, you may step down.

Mad Hatter: I’d rather finish my tea.

King: You may go!

White Rabbit: Please, Your Majesty. This paper has just been picked up. It’s a set of verses.

Queen: Are they in the prisoner’s handwriting?

White Rabbit: No they’re not.

King: He must have copied someone else’s handwriting.

Knave: Please, Your Majesty, I didn’t write it, and they can’t prove I did. There’s no name signed at the end.

King: If you didn’t sign it, that only makes matters worse. You must have meant some mischief or you’d have signed your name like an honest man. Read them!

White Rabbit: “I gave her once, they gave him two, You gave us three or more;They all returned from him to you, Though they were mine, before.”

King: That’s the most important piece of evidence we’ve heard yet. So now let the jury…

Alice: I don’t believe there’s any meaning in it. If any of them can explain it, I’ll give him a sixpence.

King: What do you know about this business?

Alice: Nothing.

King: Nothing whatever?

Alice: Nothing whatever.

King: That’s very important.

White Rabbit: Unimportant, Your Majesty, means of course.

King: Unimportant, of course, I mean. Unimportant! Yes, yes, to be sure. Consider your verdict!

Queen: No, no! Sentence first; verdict afterwards.

Alice: Stuff and nonsense!

Queen: Hold your tongue.

Alice: I won’t!

Queen: Off with her head!

All: Off with her head!

Alice: Who cares for you! You’re nothing but a pack of cards![Cards surge towards Alice, who covers her head. Go to black.]

Scene Eleven: Awake Again[Stage clears except for Alice and playing cards raining down on her. To black again. Lights up slowly on Alice and then Edith. Cards are gone.]

Edith: Wake up, Alice dear! My, what a long sleep you've had.

Alice: The Queen! Help me!

Edith: Alice, Alice, calm yourself. You've only been asleep.

Alice: Asleep? Oh, Edith, I've had such a curious dream! There was a rabbit in a waistcoat and a baby that turned into a pig and a cat that vanished into thin air and the whole country was ruled by the Queen of Hearts who kept ordering beheadings left and right!

Edith: It was a curious dream, dear, but now it's time for us to have tea. It's getting very late.

Alice: If you say so. 

Edith: You can tell mother and father all about your dream. I'm sure they’ll find it all very fascinating.

Alice: Come along Dinah.

[Alice and Edith walk away toward the house. Dinah follows them. She stops, smiles at the audience like the Cheshire Cat, and then exits as well.]

SONG: Alice in Wonderland or Medley

Cheese cloth tube for Alice falling scene.Glow in the dark paint for scenery/Cheshire cat?Make pulley system.Get more stage makeup, spot light, neon paint