· Web view, you mean that they are too pleased with themselves about their...

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The Explorer Chapter 11

The Monkey and The Bees (p114-138)

Word Definition (Collins COBUILD) Synonymscrannies(p.114)

Crannies are very narrow openings or spaces in something. crevice, opening, crack


To emerge means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen.

appear, surface, arise


If you urge someone to do something, you try hard to persuade them to do it.

beg, exhort, implore, beseech, plead


If you tug something or tug at it, you give it a quick and usually strong pull.

pull, drag, wrench, grab, jerk


If you drape a part of your body somewhere, you lay it there in a relaxed and graceful way.

lay, place, spread, lean, hang


Epaulettes are decorations worn on the shoulders of certain uniforms, especially military ones.


If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves look more attractive.


Something that is bulbous is round and fat in a rather ugly way.

swollen, building, rounded, bloated


If something, such as a person’s stomach bulges, it sticks out. protrude, project, puff out, swell


Whirligging refers to anything that whirls about, spins or moves in a circular way.


If you describe someone as self-satisfied, you mean that they are too pleased with themselves about their achievements or their situation and they think that nothing better is possible.

smug, complacent, proud


If a person or an object is encased in something, they are completely covered or surrounded by it.

enclosed, shrouded, bundled, clothed, bandaged, cloaked


Resin is a sticky substance that is produced by some trees.


If something or someone astonishes you, they surprise you very much.

amazingly, surprisingly, stunningly, astoundingly


Insect repellent is a product containing chemicals that you spray into the air or on your body to keep insects away.


If you are disposed to do something, you are willing or eager to do it.

inclined, given, predisposed, willing, keen, eager


Disinfectant is a substance that kills germs. It is used, for example, for cleaning kitchens and bathrooms.

antiseptic, steriliser, germicide, sanitiser

The Explorer Chapter 11

The Monkey and The Bees (p114-138)


Ammonia is a colourless liquid or gas with a strong, sharp smell. It is used in making household cleaning substances.


When fish, animals or insects navigate somewhere, they find the right direction to go and travel there.

direct, guide, manoeuvre, steer


If you get a purchase on something, you manage to get a firm grip on it.

grip, hold, support


If someone has command of a situation, they have control of it because they have, or seem to have, power of authority.

control, handle, authority


If your arms or legs flail or if you flail them about, they wave about in an energetic but uncontrolled way.

thrash, wave, swing, flap


If you hunch your shoulders, you raise them and lean forwards slightly. If you hunch forward, you raise your shoulders, put your head down, and lean forwards, often because you are cold, ill or unhappy.

curve, arch, crouch, bend


If you grit your teeth, you press your upper and lower teeth tightly together, usually because you are angry about something.

clench, grind, grate


Your expression is the way that your face looks at a particular moment. It shows what you are thinking or feeling.

face, look, countenance, appearance, manner


Fury is violent or very strong anger. anger, passion, wrath, ire, rage, choler


If something rebounds from a solid surface, it bounces or springs back from it.

bounce, ricochet, boomerang, spring (back)


Someone who is triumphant has gained a victory or succeeded in something and feels very happy about it.

victoriously, successfully, jubilantly, gleefully, proudly, exultantly


The remnants of something are small parts of it that are left over when the main part has disappeared or been destroyed.

remainder, remains, traces, fragments, residue


If a surface such as paper or wood is embossed with a design, the design stands up slightly from the surface.

imprint, adorn, decorate, etch, impress


A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger one.


If something skitters, it moves about very lightly and quickly. scampered, scurried, scuttled, flitted, skipped


You use precise to emphasise that you are referring to an exact thing, rather than something vague.

exactly, specifically, particularly

intricately (p.134)

You use intricate to describe something that has many small parts or details.

complicated, involved, complex, difficult,

The Explorer Chapter 11

The Monkey and The Bees (p114-138)

sophisticated, elaboratetenacious(p.136)

If you are tenacious, you are very determined and do not give up easily.

stubborn, dogged, persistent, determined, obstinate