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Week 3 Homework – September 29th, 2014 Parent Signature ____________________________________

Please select one square from each column (Literacy, Numeracy, Integrated Studies) to complete this week.

Homework will be passed out on Monday to be returned on Friday. Students are welcome to submit work before Friday and to complete more than 3 squares.

Work is to be completed on the loose leaf provided. It would be great if you could put the date as well as a header for each homework item to assist with

organization. It would be nice to have your child initial inside the 3 selected blocks.

Literacy Numeracy Integrated Studies


Go to and create a custom spelling list with five of your spelling words. Choose 4 games to play, and write the name of each game you played below.

PatternsPlease write an equation for this story problem, with a variable to represent the unknown information. Bonus points if you can solve the equation!

Samantha gave Brandon 13 marbles, Emma 15 marbles,

and she kept 18 for herself. How many did she have to

start with?

Intensive French

Bring in a photo of yourself from before you started school. We will be learning to describe ourselves in French!


Write a paragraph describing your favourite part of the book you are reading.

PatternsDamen and Jordanne both take babysitting jobs. Damen earns $25 in 5 hours. Jordanne earns $5 the first hour, then $6 per hour for the next four hours.

Who will earn more money? Create two charts to show your work and explain your thinking.


Why does a round bowling ball go further than a square one? What would happen if you tried to roll a round bowling ball on the grass? Down a hill?

WritingGo to our class website and leave a comment, or respond to a comment, on our blog!

Multiplication Chart

Please find and fix the mistakes in the attached multiplication chart.

Social Studies

What does the word “cartouche” mean? Go to type in your name. This site will create your name using hieroglyphics. Create your own cartouche at home using materials (pencil crayons/construction paper/markers etc) of your choice.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at

Week 3 Homework – September 29th, 2014 Parent Signature ____________________________________

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at