· Web viewThis includes the design and construction of a prototype to finalize...

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Date of Est: 16 November 2015Prepared by: Robert Walker and John Rutherfoord Docdb #:

WBS number: WBS Title: Forward Calorimeter Module 1 and Cold Electronics

WBS Dictionary Definition: This WBS covers the design, fabrication, and assembly of the Liquid Argon FCal module 1 and the FCal cold electronics including the cable harnesses for both A and C endcaps. This includes the design and construction of a prototype to finalize electrode gap size and assembly procedures.

The deliverable for WBS is two (2) sFCal 1 modules, two (2) complete Forward Calorimeter cable harnesses and the 16 cold HV distribution boards (8 for each Forward Calorimeter).

Estimate Type (check all that apply – see BOE Report for estimate type by activity):

___ Work Complete___ Existing Purchase Order___ Catalog Listing or Industrial Construction Database_X_ Documented Vendor Estimate based on Drawings/ Sketches/ Specifications_X_ Engineering Estimate based on Similar Items or Procedures_X_ Engineering Estimate based on Analysis_X_ Expert Opinion

Supporting Documents (including but not limited to): Vendor Quotes

Details of the Base Estimate (explanation of the Work)

This BOE covers the design, prototype, and construction of the Forward Calorimeter module 1 (FCal) A and C ends, the cable harnesses, and cold HV distribution boards for the complete Forward Calorimeter and the cooling loops needed for the additional cooling.

The engineering costs, personnel, and total construction hours came from a bottoms-up, detailed step-by-step analysis and recent quotes, all buttressed by our experience based on the original FCal construction project completed in 2004.

The materials and machining costs for the FCal are based on quotes received in 2012 and 2013 for the copper plates, rods, ground pins and washers needed to complete the modules, as well as estimates based on previous FCal construction costs for the copper tubes. The prototype cost estimates are scaled down from the FCal costs. The cold electronics, cable harnesses, and cooling loops are estimated from past construction costs as well as experience with and the cost of the materials used. Quotes for materials, where available, are attached in the Comments section.

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Fund WBS Tag Description AY k$ FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24


DOE   FCAL Total 169.336 157.838 1,738.8271,757.19

6 700.062 538.673 232.616 5294.548Labor 144.336 92.838 256.827 309.196 390.062 329.673 152.616 1675.548


l 20.000 55.000 1,460.0001,433.00

0 300.000 200.000 70.000 3538.000Travel 5.000 10.000 22.000 15.000 10.000 9.000 10.000 81.000

CORE 2404.000

(24%)FTEs 1.200 0.800 2.750 3.500 4.850 4.200 1.800 19.100

FCAL Mechanics 0.000

   FCM 1000 Design Total 169.336 136.197 - - - - - 305.532

Labor 144.336 71.197 - - - - - 215.532Materia

l 20.000 55.000 75.000Travel 5.000 10.000 15.000

CORE 0.000FTEs 1.200 0.600 - - - - - 1.800

FCM 1010 Prototype Total - - 273.255 - - - - 273.255

Labor - - 68.255 - - - - 68.255Materia

l - 200.000 200.000Travel - 5.000 5.000

CORE 0.000FTEs - - 1.000 - - - - 1.000

FCM 1020 Production Total - - 1,105.991

1,023.395 478.619 443.906 198.071 3249.981

Labor - - 143.991 205.395 318.619 288.906 140.071 1096.981Materia

l - 950.000 803.000 150.00

0 150.00

0 50.000 2103.000Travel - 12.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 8.000 50.000

CORE 1409.000FTEs - - 1.350 2.400 4.050 3.800 1.700 13.300

FCAL Cold Electronics 0.000

    FCE1000 Design Total - 21.642 - - - - - 21.642Labor - 21.642 - - - - - 21.642

Material 0.000

Travel 0.000

CORE 0.000

FTEs - 0.200 - - - - - 0.200FCE 1010 Prototype Total - - 76.145 - - - - 76.145

Labor - - 11.145 - - - - 11.145


l - 60.000 60.000

Travel - 5.000 5.000

CORE 0.000

FTEs - - 0.100 - - - - 0.100FCE 1020 Production Total - - 283.436 733.801 221.443 94.767 34.544 1367.992

Labor - - 33.436 103.801 71.443 40.767 12.544 261.992


l - 250.000 630.000 150.00

0 50.000 20.000 1100.000Travel - - - - 4.000 2.000 6.000

CORE 995.000FTEs - - 0.300 1.100 0.800 0.400 0.100 2.700

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A detailed timeline covering the full scope of the Forward Calorimeter upgrade has been created. This timeline covers design, prototype, and construction for all 6 modules and their support structures that make up the full FCal. The schedule allocates time for bidding, vendor selection, machining, acceptance testing, parts cleaning, and assembly. It estimates lead time on parts, machining time, cleaning schedules, and assembly time.

Shown below is a summary of the full timeline only containing the Construction phase at the University of Arizona; it includes assembly of a prototype module, two FCal1 modules, cold cable harnesses and cold electronics. The schedule shows FY19 through FY24. The current timeline has the Construction phase beginning in FY20, everything shown in the schedule before FY20 is considered part of the Design phase.

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The following is a rough description of the major tasks occurring by fiscal year.


FY18: Design work continuing.FY19: Design work finalized. Late FY19: Formal bid requests sent out. FY20, Q1: Vendor selection, prototype manufacturing begins, full FCal1 plate manufacturing started. As prototype parts are received, they are inspected, cleaned, cataloged, and stored. FY20, Q2+: Assembly of prototype module. Final FCal1 tube and rod size verified and ordered. Fully machined FCal1 plates delivered several at a time, inspection and cleaning begins. Rod and tubes batches continue to arrive, inspection and cleaning begin. FY21, Q1: Assembly of first FCal1 module starts. Parts continue to be delivered from vendors; inspection, cleaning and cataloging continues, stored until needed. FY22: Cleaning of rods and tubes continue, stored until needed. FY22, Q3: First FCal1 module completion and start of second FCal1 module assembly.FY23: Second FCal1 module assembly continues.FY24, Q1: Completion of second FCal1 module assembly.

Cold Electronics, Cable Harnesses:

FY19: Design work finalized. Late FY19: bid request sent out. FY20, Q1-Q2: Cold Electronics prototype board is assembled and tested. FY20, Q3+: Cold Electronics manufacturing starts. Cable Harness manufacturing begins. FY21, Q1: Cold Electronic testing finished. FY21: Cable Harness manufacturing continues. FY22, Q2: Cable Harness manufacturing is estimated to be completed. Cable Harness testing started.FY22, Q3: Estimated completion of Cold Harness testing.

Further discussion on the FCal1 cleaning and assembly processes can be found in the Comments section.


The estimated labor follows from our detailed resource-loaded schedule and from our experience with the original construction of the FCal1 modules. Majority of the tasks overlap with each other with an optimized phase, meaning they are happening in parallel with the assembly of the modules. Cleaning of parts, for instance, will be ongoing for several years, but has down-time between steps, during which, the employee will move to a different task. Certain tasks require a minimum number of people to complete. For example, cleaning tubes and rods requires one employee to preform each of the steps, while cleaning the plates requires a minimum of two employees for each step, and electrode assembly requires at least four employees (one preforming a final inspection of the rods to be inserted, one preparing the rods for insertion, one inserting the rods, and one testing the tentatively completed electrode). The following is a summary of the estimated labor needed, organized by fiscal year and examples of major tasks being performed during that time.

FY18 – FCal Design: 1.20 FTE (0.60 FTE – Sr. Engineer, 0.60 FTE – Jr. Engineer) – Tasks include continuing design of full FCal upgrade.

FY19 – FCal Design: 0.80 FTE (0.20 FTE – Sr. Engineer, 0.60 FTE – Jr. Engineer) – Tasks include continuing design of full FCal upgrade, preparing for FCal1 prototype and module production.

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FY19 – Electronics Design: 0.20 FTE (0.20 FTE – Jr. Engineer) – Tasks include design of FCal cold electronics upgrade and preparing for electronic prototype.

FY20 – Module Prototype: 1.00 FTE (0.50 FTE – Jr. Tech, 0.50 FTE – Students) - Tasks include inspecting, cleaning, and assembly of the prototype module.

FY20 – Electronics Prototype: 0.10 FTE (0.10 FTE – Jr. Engineer) – Tasks include assembly and testing of the prototype cold electronics.

FY20 – Module Production: 1.35FTE (0.25 FTE – Sr. Engineer, 0.90 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 0.20 FTE – Student) – Tasks Include inspection, documenting, cleaning, cataloging, and storing FCal1 parts as they are received.

FY20 – Electronics Production: 0.30 FTE (0.30 FTE – Jr. Engineer) –Tasks include production of the cold electronics and cable harnesses.

FY21 – Module Production: 2.40 FTE (0.25 FTE – Sr. Engineer, 0.90 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 0.25 FTE – Jr. Tech, 1.00 FTE – Student) – Tasks include continuation of part inspection and cleaning, plate stacking, and tube insertion.

FY21 – Electronics Production: 1.10 FTE (0.80 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 0.30 FTE – Student) – Tasks include testing cold electronics. Production, testing, and certification of cable harnesses.

FY22 – Module Production: 4.05 FTE (0.25 FTE – Sr. Engineer, 0.80 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 1.00 FTE – Jr. Tech, 2.00 FTE – Student) – Tasks include a continuation of parts cleaning, electrode assembly, and testing of the first FCal1 module. Beginning assembly of the second FCal1 module.

FY22 – Electronics Production: 0.80 FTE (0.50 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 0.30 FTE – Student) – Tasks include continuation of production, testing, and certification of cable harnesses.

FY23 – Module Production: 3.80 FTE (0.80 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 1.00 FTE – Jr. Tech, 2.00 FTE – Student) – Tasks include insertion of the tubes into the module, electrode assembly, and testing.

FY23 – Electronics Production: 0.40 FTE (0.30 FTE - Jr. Engineer, 0.10 FTE – Student) – Tasks include finishing cable harness production, testing, and certification.

FY24 – Module Production: 1.70 FTE (0.40 FTE – Jr. Engineer, 0.50 FTE – Jr. Tech, 0.80 FTE – Student) – Tasks include finishing assembly of the second FCal1 module.

FY24 – Electronics Production: 0.10 FTE (0.10 FTE – Jr. Engineer) – Finalize any remaining tasks needed to complete the cable harnesses and cold electronics.


This BoE assumes a funding profile adequate to upgrade everything associated with the Forward Calorimeter.

FCal1 modules, cold electronics and cable harnesses built at University of Arizona. Other FCal modules and support structures built by other contributing institutions, at sites tentatively identified.

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The plate manufacturing timeline assumes machining at the University of Arizona Research Instrumentation Center (URIC).

Risk Analysis:

Schedule Risks:Potential Problem:

Delays in part manufacturing. Plate machining is currently estimated to take 16-18 months to complete at URIC. A different manufacturer or machining delay early on could push the start of the first module assembly back several months.

Mitigation:Plate machining done at URIC would allow for immediate assessment of any problems associated with the manufacturing process, reducing the time needed to solve the problems. Shipping delays are eliminated. As the plates are finished they can be moved to the assembly staging area. Additionally, having enough funding early, will allow for machining to begin as soon as the final design is approved.

Probability: moderate, Impact: high

Potential Problem: Depending on the capabilities of the rod manufacturer, additional manufacturing steps may be needed to produce a completed rod, delaying the final delivery and potentially delaying electrode assembly.

Mitigation: Additional discussions with rod manufacturers will be needed to understand exactly what process is needed. The earlier the manufacturing can start, the less potential there is for delay when electrode assembly is ready to begin. Prototype rod manufacturing may also highlight an optimal process.

Probability: moderate, Impact: highPotential Problem:

The original FCal module was assembled with electrodes having 250 micron gaps between the rods and tubes. The proposed FCal upgrade has 100 to 140 micron gaps. Assembly of a small quantity of electrodes with this smaller gap has been done on a table top model. This has shown that insertion of the rods into the tubes is more difficult and time consuming than with the original 250 micron gap electrodes. The time needed to assemble the electrodes may be under estimated.

Mitigation: Further R&D is planned to allow for a better understanding of the assembly challenges. Starting the prototype earlier would allow for a more accurate estimation of the time needed to assemble the new FCal electrodes. It would also allow time for an optimized assembly procedure to be developed. Currently the prototype is scheduled for FY20, enough early funding to start a prototype could allow for additional extra time to complete the full FCal modules.

Probability: high, Impact: high

Cost Risks:Potential Problem:

Copper is a commodity and the price fluctuation could potentially affect the final cost of the copper plates, rods and tubes.

Mitigation: We do not know the impact the traded price of copper has on the end price of a plate, rod or tube because machining costs add substantially to the price quoted. However, if raw copper prices are

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significantly higher at the time of construction, it would be safe to assume the cost of the plates, rods and tubes will also increase.

Probability: moderate, Impact: low

Potential Problem: Many quotes used to determine the cost estimate for the FCal are from 2012 and 2013 and initially for prototype quantities of parts that have been scaled up for FCal quantities needed. Prices on some parts may have a lower cost per part when larger quantities are ordered.

Mitigation: As designs near finalization, newer quotes will be acquired to narrow in on the potential cost of the FCal construction.

Probability: high, Impact: moderate

Potential Problem:This BoE assumes plate manufacturing takes place at URIC, removing any shipping costs associated with finished plates. If the plates are manufactured at an offsite location and must be shipped to Arizona, substantial shipping fees must be added to the cost (36 plates and shipping crates).

Mitigation:Manufacturing the plates at URIC would eliminate shipping costs. Also, stated above in Schedule Risks, it would reduce the time needed to address any problems that arose during the machining, as well as eliminate costs that might be accrued by making site visits.

Probability: low, Impact: moderate

Potential Problem: Current designs are still changing. Until final designs are set, there will still be questions regarding final quantities of materials and parts needed. This will have more of an impact on the HV distribution boards, as discussions continue about whether to have fine granularity (no summing) across all FCal modules. Fine granularity means simpler HV distribution boards, but more pigtails, pin carriers, and warm electronics.

Mitigation:As the final design parameters are set for the FCal and the electronics, steps can be taken to narrow in on a final cost estimate. While there are still pending design decisions happening, there will be fluctuations in the estimated cost.

Probability: moderate, Impact: low

Technical/Scope Risk:Potential Problem:

The smaller gap proposed for the FCal modules makes electrode assembly difficult. The impact this will have on the final design and assembly time of the modules can only be determined with the construction of a prototype. Prototype construction will help determine the final gap size. Design changes may have be decided and tested prior to any final parts being manufactured, leading to potential delays.

Mitigation:The earlier a prototype can be funded and started, the sooner we can discover any changes that need to be made in the electrode design or assembly procedures and absorb any potential delays that could result from such changes.

Probability: high, Impact: moderate

Potential Problem:

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Tolerances set on the parts may be too tight. Companies might not want to provide bids because they cannot hold the requested tolerances.

Mitigation: Loosen the tolerances on the parts. As final designs are set, finding both an acceptable tolerance for finished products and what manufacturers are comfortable producing will be a necessity.

Probability: high, Impact: moderate

M&S Contingency Rules Applied


The University of Arizona built the original FCal1 modules. This experience provides a much better understanding of problems that could arise during the construction of the upgraded FCal modules, possibly allowing for a lower M&S contingency.

We now estimate the contingency based on the rules for M&S. It depends on the maturity of the cost estimate.

40‐60% contingency on: items with a detailed conceptual level of design; items adapted from existing designs but with extensive modifications, and/or made more than 2 years previous with documented costs. A physicist or engineering estimate uses this level.

Labor Contingency Rules Applied


Original FCal construction at the University of Arizona provides an insight into the labor needed for successful construction of the upgraded FCal1 modules. A lower Labor Contingency could potentially be applied due to this experience.

We now estimate the contingency based on the rules for Labor. It depends on the maturity of the cost estimate.

40-60% contingency for a task that is not yet completely defined, but is analogous to past activities; for example, a fabrication activity similar to, but not exactly like, items fabricated for other activities; for example, design labor for items similar to, but not exactly like, previous designs.

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The scope of the construction phase has yet to be finalized. Further clarification is needed on what occurs during the construction phase versus the installation phase.

The outline above is one possible component arrangement the University of Arizona could be responsible for. There are other components to the upgrade that have yet to be discussed, such as construction of the bulkhead, cone, structural tube, and additional cabling from the bulkhead to the warm wall feedthrough. These, including the cooling loops, could be assigned to other institutions.

Costing Estimates: Summarized below are the existing quotes and cost estimates that contribute to the Material estimates of both the prototype and the production FCal1 modules, shown on page 2, with backup documents shown when available. Only the major contributors to the costs are listed, and does not include 26% overhead.

Prototype: The prototype design has yet to be finalized. The following are estimates covering the largest expected

costs for a new prototype containing approximately 1,000 electrodes.

Prototype Plates: Estimated Total: $29,905

Material: $6,505McMaster-Carr ( Part # 1012N376, $722.80/plate. Quantity: 9.Each 12” x 24” plate will be cut in half to produce the 18 plates needed for the prototype.

Machining Cost: Estimated $23,400. This cost is strictly an estimate of 20 hours machining time per plate with URIC cost of $65 per hour labor. A quote will be needed for a more accurate cost estimate.

Prototype Tubes:Estimated Total: $2,400

The tube price is estimated from the original FCal module construction costs. Estimated $2.00 per tube.

Prototype Rods:Estimated Total: $20,533

Material: $8,400The current estimate uses $7.00 per 36” oversized raw copper rod. The copper rods used in the electrodes has to be precision ground down to the correct diameter. Current planning assumes rod stock has to be supplied to the grinding company; the closest commercially available size to the estimated final rod size is 1/4” round stock typically found in 3’ lengths. From that size, two rods could be made. The cost of the rod stock depends greatly on the supplier, several researched sources are shown below; in this cost estimate we used a value falling within that range.

Item Cut Fee

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Item Cut Fee Price Quantity Total

Copper 110 H04 Round 0.25"Cut to: 36" $897.00 $6.7



Total: $110,967.00

Copper 110RRD .25 X 36 $15.99 $9,594.00



8966K4 Multipurpose 110 Copper, Rod, 1/4" Diameter, 3' Long 

11.42 each


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Rod Grinding: $6,335Below is an estimate for 3000 rods to be ground to the final diameter, the estimate used scales this value down to 1200 rods priced at $5.25 per rod, plus the startup charge.

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Pin Hole Drilling: $5,798Each rod requires a pin for signal readout. Below is a quote for 3000 rods to have a pin hole drilled, this price has been adjusted to account for the estimated 1200 rods needed for the prototype.

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Cleaning: Estimated Total: $15,000This is the estimated cost of cleaning supplies needed to clean the parts for the FCal prototype. Some cleaning supplies include: LPS de-greaser, Citranox detergent, Kimwipes, tube swabs, pin hole swabs, alcohol, etc.

Production:The following are estimates for the largest contributors to the Materials estimate of the FCal1 modules shown on page 2.

FCal1 Plates:Estimated Total: $774,876Material: $69,966Estimated cost of 36 copper plates (2 FCal1 modules). Quote is shown below, 11-12 weeks lead time for the materials only.

Machining Costs: $442,750The quote shown below estimates the cost to machine the 36 plates to their final form at the University of Arizona. This includes the outer dimensions, electrode holes, ground pin holes, etc. Currently the estimated total machining time is 135-180 weeks, URIC is open to the idea of running a double shift to complete the plate machining sooner.

Milling Machine and Tooling: $262,160URIC plans to buy a milling machine that will be dedicated to machining the copper plates. This machine has the ability to mount two plates at a time for machining, helping to reduce time between plates. The cost of the machine is shown in the quote below.

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FCal1 Rods:Estimated Total: $91,583

Like the rods in the prototype, the FCal1 rods need to be precision ground to the correct diameter and have a pin hole drilled in one end. The estimated total is from the quote, shown below, for 27000 completed rods, the total number of rods required to complete both modules. This quote includes the cost of rod stock, grinding, and drilling of the pin hole. An additional quote for completed rods is shown in the URIC quote above.

The following shows the estimated time to manufacture the rods from the company quoted above.

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Tubes: Estimated Total: $52,500

The tube price is estimated from the original FCal module construction costs. Estimated $2.00 per tube. Quotes would be needed for a more accurate estimate.

Ground Pins:Estimated Total: $9,250

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There is a single pin on each rod, and two ground pins for every group of 4 electrodes on the signal side of each FCal. There are also two pins for every group of 4 electrodes on the opposite face that help hold the electrodes in the module. The same configuration applies to the prototype too. The quote, attached below, cites a small order; it has been scaled up to account for the roughly 50,000 needed for the FCal and prototype assembly.

Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2012 17:56:25 +0000From: Nick Dressler <>To: "" <>Cc: Dave Harmeyer <>Subject: RE: RFQ for Mill-Max Part Number 5601-0-01-15-00-00-03-0

Robert,Please see pricing and delivery on the Mill-max part you requested. If you would like to place the order please send back to me and I will process. Thank you.M5601-0-01-15-00-00-03-0, Qty: 5,000pc @ .185ea, Factory stock 7-10 business daysNick DresslerCustomer Service Representative

Aero-Space Southwest, Inc.Celebrating 30 Years of Business 1982-201221450 N. Third Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85027Phone: 623-587-5805 Toll Free: 800-289-2779Fax: 623-516-4355 /<>

Your authorized distributor for: Avdel, Emhart, Laird, Pem®, Southco

Washers:Estimated Total Brass: $1,560Estimated Total Kapton: $2,005

Every group of 4 electrodes is held in the FCal module by two ground pins on the signal side and a pair of pins on the opposite face. Between each pin and the module face is a brass washer and a Kapton washer. Below are two quotes, one for brass the other for Kapton washers. The quotes show the pricing per washer varies per the quantity ordered. We estimate approximately 25,000 of each type of washer to complete the prototype and FCal1 modules.

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Cleaning Supplies and Storage: Estimated Total: $280,000

This is the estimated cost of cleaning supplies needed to clean the parts for the FCal1 modules. The cleaning supplies include: LPS de-greaser, Citranox detergent, Kimwipes, tube swabs, pin hole swabs, alcohol, etc.

Storage includes bins to hold the rods and tubes, plastic bags, and nitrogen gas.

Tooling: Estimated Total: $77,000

Assembling the FCal modules requires custom hand tools and various jigs. At this time, it is unknown exactly what will need to be re-made or purchased and what original tooling can be reused. The estimated cost is a lump sum that would cover the cost of needing all new tooling.

Cooling Loops: Estimated Total: $107,100

The cost of the cooling loops was estimated by material cost for the piping, manufacturing time, and testing. A quote, based on the final design, would be needed to get a more accurate estimate.

Cold Electronics (HV Distribution Boards):Estimated Total: $410,000

The estimated cost and assembly time needed for the cold electronics was derived from the original FCal cold electronics. This cost estimate includes: final design work, a prototype, needed components, manufacturing and assembly time, and testing of both the prototype and production boards. Quotes are needed to narrow in on the actual cost.

Cable Harnesses: Estimated Total: $750,000

The estimate for the cable harnesses includes the materials, manufacturing, and testing. Current cost estimates are based on the original FCal design. Quotes are needed for more accurate estimates.

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Cleaning Process:

The following describes the extensive cleaning process the plates, rods, and tubes go through prior to assembly.

Plates:The plates for the full FCal1 modules would be ordered very early in the construction project. Current estimates have two plates being machined per month starting approximately three months after the order is placed. As the individual plates are completed, they will be delivered to the assembly area, where they will begin the cleaning process and stored until the prototype is completed and the cleanroom is ready for the assembly of the first FCal1 module.

Upon reception each plate is visually inspected for flaws and measured to see that it is within design specifications. This includes measuring the outer diameter with calipers, a random selection of electrode holes with a go/no-go gauge, and a random selection of pin holes with go/no-go gauges. The plate is then sprayed down with a degreaser solution to remove any loose particulate and machining oil from the machining process. The plates are then transferred to an ultrasonic degreasing bath. To ensure all areas of the plate are exposed to the ultrasonic transducers the plate is rotated and flipped, totaling 4 different positions. After the degreaser bath, the plate is rinsed with water and placed in an ultrasonic acid cleaner and detergent bath, again being rotated and flipped to ensure the whole plate is exposed to the ultrasonic transducers. While in the acid bath, all the ground pin holes in the end plates are swabbed to remove any remaining particulate or machining oil. Once the ground pin holes have been swabbed, the plate is rinsed with water and then with alcohol. Finally the plate is dried with compressed dry nitrogen gas and transferred either to the clean room for stacking or to storage. The cleaning process for each plate takes approximately 8 - 10 hours to complete.

Rods and Tubes:

The original FCal rods and tubes were sent in batches of several thousand at a time. We expect a similar process to occur with the new FCal1 rod and tube manufacturing. The rods and tubes arrive separately from their respective manufacturers, and are sent through the acceptance testing and cleaning processes separately. The acceptance testing and cleaning processes for both the rods and tubes are very similar.

As the large rod or tube batches are received, they are visually inspected for physical defects. Any rods or tubes found with defects are removed and do no advance through the remaining steps. After visual inspection, a small sample of rods or tubes will be selected from the remaining pieces. This sample will be measured to ensure they fall within the specified tolerances. If more than 10% of the samples fail the tolerance testing, the entire batch is rejected. Batches passing tolerance testing are then checked for straightness. In this step, each rod or tube is rolled on a granite surface, the rod or tube is accepted or rejected according to the tolerance given in the drawings. Following the roll test, the rod pin holes are checked to see if they are centered using a jig. Rods with pin holes not centered are removed from the batch. The rods or tubes passing inspection are placed in a mineral spirit bath to soak for 24 hours.

After the mineral spirit soak, the rods or tubes are separated into smaller batches of 132. Each smaller batch is placed into a cleaning matrix that holds the rod or tube vertically. This matrix is lowered into a tank containing an LPS de-greaser solution with ultrasound for 40 minutes. After the LPS bath, the matrix is moved to a tank filled with water and dunked several times to rinse the rods or tubes. The matrix is then lowered into a tank filled with an acid and detergent bath with ultrasound for 40 minutes. After the 40 minutes, the matrix is then rinsed in a tank containing filtered, de-ionized water, and then placed in a pre-drying tank filled with isopropyl alcohol. The matrix is then removed from the alcohol and the rods or tubes are dried using compressed nitrogen gas. The cleaned batches are moved to the cleanroom while still in the matrices.

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In the cleanroom, the tube batches are inspected again. A random sample of 14 tubes from each cleaned batch is selected. The inner tube length is completely wiped down using a foam swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol. The swab is then inspected. If any of the samples show contamination, the entire batch is re-cleaned. If all the samples pass, the individual batches of tubes are placed into a clean plastic bag. The bag is filled with compressed nitrogen gas, then thermally sealed, and placed in tubs with low flow nitrogen atmosphere until they are needed for assembly.

Rod batches in the cleanroom are inspected again prior to storage. Like the tubes, a random sample of 14 rods are selected. Each rod is wiped down with a cleanroom wipe wetted with isopropyl alcohol. The wipe is inspected for contamination. If any is found, the entire batch is re-cleaned. If all the samples pass, the individual batches are placed into clean plastic bags filled with nitrogen gas, and thermally sealed. The batches are then placed into tubs with low flow nitrogen atmosphere until they are needed for assembly.


Prototype and production module assembly is the same. The prototype assembly period will be used to determine the final electrode assembly procedure and provide a better estimate on the assembly time needed for the production FCal1 modules. The cleanroom size only allows for one module to be assembled at a time.

The module assembly begins by stacking the cleaned plates, face to face, on a carrier. The plates are held together using four tie rods. Once completed, tubes are inserted into the electrode holes. Prior to insertion, the tubes are placed through a final inspection. They are checked for any mechanical deformation or contamination. Rejected tubes are set aside and not used. Inserted tubes are swaged into place using a modified riveting tool. The swage tool expands a small portion of the tube into a groove machined into the signal end plate, securing it in place. After swaging is complete, the tubes are cleaned one last time by passing one isopropyl alcohol wetted swab and two dry swabs through each tube. Rod insertion can then begin.

Like the tubes, each batch of rods is inspected prior to insertion. This inspection includes wiping down the rods with a cleanroom wipe and isopropyl alcohol, and swabbing the pin holes. Rods not passing this inspection are removed and run through the cleaning process again. Rods passing inspection, have a signal pin inserted into the pin hole using the pinning jig.

Pinned rods are then inserted into the tubes while helically wrapping PEEK fiber around each rod to electrically isolate it from the tube. After each rod is inserted, it is checked for a short by placing high voltage on the rod. If a short is present, the rod is removed, the tube and rod are both wiped down and inspected. The rod is then reinserted and tested again. Further failure may result in the tube or rod being replaced completely.

As rows of electrodes are finished, they are held in place by ground pin assemblies. These assemblies are inserted into holes on the end plates, and secure the electrodes in groups of four. Each ground pin assembly consists of a Kapton washer, brass washer, and ground pin. The Kapton washer is against the face of the module to prevent electrodes from shorting. After each ground pin is inserted, the electrodes are again tested for shorts. If a short is found, the ground pin is removed, and the electrode is rebuilt as described above.

After all the electrodes have been assembled and tested, the module is wrapped up and removed from the cleanroom for shipping to CERN. The cleanroom is then prepared for assembly of the next module.

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ATLAS Core Costs and Schedule from Scoping Document

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