Latin€¦  · Web viewspanish Spanish word. verb Indication that word is a verb. gender Gender of...

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Transcript of Latin€¦  · Web viewspanish Spanish word. verb Indication that word is a verb. gender Gender of...

This spreadsheet is for drilling Spanish vocabulary. The macros will work with any vocabulary list you enter. The list below indicates the column headings that are recognized for your vocabulary list. The three essential columns are English, Spanish and Part of Speech

Column Heading Usage aux auxiliary verbchapter Chapter where word appearsenglish English definitionmemory Memory peg, often an English cognatep.o.s. or pos Part of speech (n. and v. are recognized for gender and conjugation)spanish Spanish wordverb Indication that word is a verbgender Gender of a noun

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Spanish POS English Genderabajo adv. below, underneath, downstairs

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Infinitive, Gerund &ParticipleVosotros

abandonar v. to leave; to abandonabarcar v. to encompassabatido adj. dejected; depressedabierto p.p. of abri openedabismo n. abyss n. male lawyer m.abogada n. woman lawyer f.aborrecer v. to hate, loatheabrazar v. to hugabrelatas n.inv. can openerabrigo n. coat m.abrir v. to openabuela n. grandmother f.abuelo n. grandfather m.aburrido adj. boring; boredaburrir v. to boreaburrirse v. to be/get boredacabar v. to finishacabar v. de + inf. to have just +acampar v. to campacariciar v. to caressacaso adv. perhaps, maybeacaudalado adj. affluentacceder v. to accede, agreeaceite n. oil aceite de oliva olive oil m.aceptar v. to acceptacera n. sidewalk f.acerca de prep. about, concerning ,acercarse v. a approachacertar v. to guess correctlyaclarar v. to clear up; to explainacomodarse v. to conform; to settle downacompañar v. to accompanyaconsejar v. to advise

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acontecimiento n. event, happening m.acordarse v. to remember, recallacosado adj. hounded, harassedacostar v. to put to bed; to lay downacostarse v. to go to bedacostumbrarse v. to get used toactor n. actor m.actriz n. actress f.actualmente adv. at presentactuar v. to actacudir v. a to attend; to come/go to the rescueacuerdo n. agreement; pact m.adelantado adj. advanced; fastadelante adv. forward, aheadademán n. gesture m.además adv. besides; furthermoreadentro adv. insideadivinar v. to guessadondequiera adv. to whereveradvertencia n. warning f.advertir v. to notify; to warnafectuoso adj. affectionateafeitarse v. to shaveafirmar v. to assert, stateafligir v. to affiictafortunado adj. fortunate, luckyafuera adv. out, outsideafueras outskirtsagitado adj. agitated, upsetagotado adj. exhausted. worn outagotador adj. exhaustingagradar v. to please, be pleasing toagradecer v. to thank, be grateful foragregar v. to add

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agua n. water f.aguardar v. to wait for, awaitáguila n. eagle f.ahí adv. there (near the speaker or the person)ahínco n. earnestness; eagerly m.ahogar v. to chokeahogarse v. to drown; to suffocateahora adv. nowahorrar v. to saveaireado adj. airedajeno adj. somebody else's, other people'sala n. wing f.alambre n. wire m.alargar v. to lengthen; to extendalcalde n. mayor m.alcanzar v. to reach, catch up withaledaño adj. adjoining, borderingalegar v. to allegealegrarse v. to be glad or happyalegre adj. happy, gladalegría n. happiness, joy f.alejado adj. distant, remotealemán adj. Germanalfombra n. carpet, rug f.algo pron. somethingalgodón n. cotton m.alguien pron. someone, somebodyalgún adj. some, anyalguno adj. Borne, anyaliento n. breath m.almohada n. pillow f.almorzar v. to haye lunchalojamiento n. lodging m.alquilar v. to rent

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alrededor adv. aroundalto adj. tall, high; in a high positionaltura n. height f.alumbrado adj. lighted, illuminatedalumno/a n.m. student m.alzar v. to lift (up), raise (up)allá adv. way over thereallí adv. there (far from the speaker or the person)amable adj. kind, niceamado adj. lovedamanecer v. to dawn; (n.m.) dawnamante inv. loveramar v. to loveamarillo adj. yellowambiente n. atmosphere; environment m.ambos adj. and


amenazar v. to threatenamigo/a n.m. friend m.amistad n. friendship f.amor n. loye m.amoroso adj. loving, affectionateamparado adj. protected, shelteredamplio adj. spacious, roomyanciano adj. old; (n.m) old man;ancho adj. wide; (n.m.) widthandar v. to walkanfitrión n. host m.anfitriona n. hostess f.angel n. angel m.angustia n. anguish, distress f.angustiarse v. to be distressedanhelo n. longing m.anidarse v. to shelter oneself, make one's home

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anillar v. to make into a ring , anillo (n.m.) ringanimado adj. livelyanimar v. to animate; to cheer upanoche adv. last nightansioso adj. anxious, worriedante prep. before; in front of; in the presence ofanteanoche adv. night before lastanteayer adv. day before yesterdayanteojos glasses; binocularsanterior adj. preceding; previousantes adv. beforeantigüedad n. antiquity f.antiguo adj. ancient, former, oldantipatía n. antipathy; dislike f.antipático adj. disagreeable, unpleasantanuncio n. announcement; advertisement m.año n. year m.apagar v. to turn off; to extinguishaparato n. appliance; machine m.aparecer v. to appearaparte adv. apart, asideapasionado adj. passionateapasionarse v. to get excitedapellido n. surname, family name m.apenas adv. hardly, scarcelyapertura n. opening f.apetecer f to crave, long foraplicar v. to applyapostado adj. stationedapoyar v. to lean, rest; to supportapoyarse v. to rest on; to be supported byapoyo n. support; backing, help m.apreciar v. to value; to appreciateapremiar v. to urge (on), press

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aprender v. to learnaprendizaje n. apprenticeship m.apresurarse v. to hurry, rushapretar v. to squeeze; to clasp, gripaprovecharse v. to take advantageaquí adv. hereárbol n. tree m.arena n. sand f.armar v. to armarmario n. cupboard; wardrobe f.arquitecto/a n.m. architect m.arrancar v. to pull out; to start (a motor)arrasar v. to level; to devastatearrastrar v. to dragarrebatarse v. to get carried awayarreglar v. to arrange; to fix up; to repairarreglo n. arrangement; repair m.arrepentido adj. sorryarrepentirse v. to repent, be sorryarriba adv. up there above; upstairsarrimarse v. to come closerarrojar v. to throw, hurlascensor n. elevator m.asemejarse v. to be alike, resembleasí adv. so, in this way, thusasí que conj. as soon asasiento n. seat, chair m.asignar v. to assignasignatura n. subject, course f.asilo n. asylum; shelter m.asistir v. to help, assist; to attendasomarse v. to appear, become visibleaspaviento n. exaggerated display of feeling m.áspero adj. rough; rugged

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aspirar v. to breathe in; to aspireasustar v. to frighten, scareasustarse v. to become afraid, get scaredatender v. to attend to, par attention toatento adj. courteous, attentiveaterrado adj. frightened; terrifiedaterrizar v. to touch down, landatleta inv., athleteatraer v. to attractatrás adv. behind \atrasado adj. late, behind (time)atravesar v. to go across; to crossatreverse v. to dareatribuir v. to attributeaturdido adj. stunned, dazedaula n. classroom f.aumentar v. to increaseaumento n. increase; rise m.aun adv. evenaún adv. still, yetaunque conj. though, although, even thoughausencia n. absence f.autobús n. bus m.avanzado adj. advancedavanzar v. to advance, move forwardavergonzado adj. ashamedavergonzar v. to shame; to embarrassavión n. airplane, plane m.avisar v. to inform, notifyayer adv. yesterdayayudar v. to help, aid, assistbachillerato n. bachelor's degree m.bahía n. bay f.bailar v. to dance

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bailarín n. male dancer m.bailarina n. female dancer f.baile n. dance m.bajar v. to lower; to come or go downbajo adj. and

adv.short; low; under

balbucear v. to stammer, stutterbalneario n. beach resort m.baluarte n. bastion m.banco n. bench; bank m.banda n. band; ribbon f.bandejita n. little tray f.bandera n. flag f.bañarse v. to bathe, take a bathbaño n. bath, bathtub m.barato adj. and

barco n. boat; ship m.barnizador adj. varnishingbarrio n. neighborhood m.barro n. mud; potter's clay m.bastante adj. and

adv.enough, sufficient(ly)

bastar v. to be enough, be sufficientbasura n. garbage f.basurero n. trash can m.bata n. dressing gown; smock f.batalla n. battle f.bebé n. baby m.beca n. scholarship f.bello adj. beautifulbeneficioso adj. beneficialbeso n. kiss m.biblioteca n. library , f.bien adv. well

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bienvenido adj. welcomebigote n. mustache m.bilingüe adj. bilingualbillete n. ticket m.bizquear v. to squintblusa n. blouse f.bocadillo n. sandwich m.boda n. wedding f.boleto n. ticket m.bolígrafo n. (ballpoint) pen m.bolsa n. bag f.bolsillo n. pocket m.bombilla n. bulb f.bondad n. goodness; kindness f.borracho adj. drunkborrar v. to erasebosque n. wood; forest m.botella n. bottle f.brazo n. arm m.brillante adj. bright, brilliantbrillar v. to shine; to sparklebrillo n. brilliance, brightness m.brindar v. to offerbrisa n. breeze f.bruma n. mist f.bueno adj. goodburlarse v. to make fun ofbuscar v. to look or search forbúsqueda n. search; inquiry f.butaca n. armchair, easy chair f.caballero n. gentleman m.caballo n. horse m.cabecera n. headboard f.cabello n. hair m.

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caber v. to fitcabeza n. head f.cada adj.inv. each; everycaer v. to fallcaerse v. to fall clowncaja n. box f.cajón n. big box; crate m.calcetín n. sock m.calefacción n. heating f.calidad n. quality f.cálido adj. hotcaliente adj. warm, hotcalor n. heat m.calvo adj. baldcalzado n. footwear m.callado adj. quiet; reservedcallar v. to silence, shut upcallarse v. to keep quiet, remain silentcalle n. street f.callejuela n. side street f.cama n. bed f.camarero/a n.m. waiter/waitress m.cambiar v. to changecambio n. change m.camerino n. dressing room m.caminar v. to walkcamino n. road m.camisa n. shirt f.camiseta n. T-shirt f.campeón n. male champion m.campeona n. female champion f.campesino/a n.m. farmer m.campo n. country(side); field m.canal n. channel m.

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cancelar v. to cancelcanción n. song f.cansado adj. tiredcansar v. to tire outcansarse v. to become/get tiredcantante inv. singercantar v. to singcantidad n. quantity f.capacidad n. capacity f.capataz n. foreman m.capaz adj. able, capablecapital n. capital (city) n. capital (money) m.capitulo n. chapter m.cara n. face f.carabina n. carbine, rifle f.cárcel n. prison, jail f.cargado adj. loadedcargar v. to carry, loadcariño n. affection; fondness m.cariñoso adj. affectionatecarne n. meat f.caro adj. expensivecarpintero n. carpenter m.carrera de caballos n.

horse racef.

carta n. letter f.cartera n. wallet; pocketbook f.cartero n. mailman f.cartón n. cardboard n. house f.casado adj. marriedcasarse v. to marry, get marriedcasi adv. almost

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castaño adj. browncastigar v. to punishcazar v. to huntceder v. to hand over; to give upcelos n. jealousy m.celoso adj. jealouscena n. supper; dinner f.cenar v. to have supper/dinecentena n. hundred f.centro n. center; downtown m.cepillarse v. to brush oneself. cepillar los dientescepillo n. brush m.cerca adv. nearcercano adj. nearbycerrar v. to closecesar de v. to cease/stop (doing something)cesto n. basket m.cesto de basura n. garbage bin m.ciego/a n.m. blind m.cielo n. sky m.cien adj. a hundredciento adj./n.m. (one) hundredcientos adj. hundredscierto adj. sure, certaincima n. top; peak f.cine n. cinema, movies m.cinta n. ribbon; cassette f.cinturón n. belt m.cita n. appointment, date f.ciudad n. city f.ciudadano/a n.m. citizen m.claramente adv. clearlyclaridad n. brightness, clarity f.claro adj. bright; light

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clima n. climate m.cobrar v. to charge; to collectcocer v. to cookcocina n. kitchen f.cocinero/a n.m. cook m.coche n. car m.codiciado adj. sought-after, covetedcodo n. elbow m.coger v. to grab, seizecojo adj. lame, crippled; limpingcolgar v. to hang (up)colmado adj. fullcolocar v. to place, putcomedor n. dining room m.comenzar v. to begin, startcomer v. to eatcomerciante n.m. merchant; dealer m.comercio n. commerce; business m.comestible adj. eatable, ediblecometer v. to commit (a crime); to make an error   comida n. food f.como adv. as, sincecómodo adj. comfortablecomoquiera conj. in whatever waycompañero/a n.m. companion; schoolmate m.compartir v. to sharecompasivo adj. compassionatecompentencia n. competition f.complacer v. to pleasecomplicar v. to complicatecomponer v. to fix, repaircomprar v. to buycomprensible adj. understandable, comprehensible

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comprensivo adj. understandingcomprobar v. to check, verify; to provecomunicar v. to communicatecon prep. withconciliar v. to reconcileconcluir v. to conclude, to endconcurso n. competition, contest m.condenado adj. condemned; damnedconducir v. to drive, to lead, to conductconductor n. driver m.confesar v. to confessconfianza n. trust; confidence f.confiar v. to trustconformarse v. to conform; to resign oneselfconfuso adj. confused; mixed upconmover v. to move (feelings)conocer v. to knowconocido adj. well-knownconocimiento n. knowledge m.conquistador n. conqueror m.conseguir v. to obtain, getconsejo n. advice m.consentir v. to consentconservar v. to preserve; to conserveconsiderarse v. to consider oneselfconsistir v. to consistconstantemente adv. constantlyconstruir v. to construct, buildconsultorio n. doctor's office m.contabilidad n. accounting; bookkeeping f.contador n. male accountant m.contadora n. female accountant f.contar v. to count, to tellcontener v. to contain

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contento adj. glad, happycontiguo adj. adjacentcontinuar v. to continuecontra prep. againstcontraer v. to contractcontribuir v. to contributeconvencer v. to convinceconvenir v. to agree, be suitableconversar v. to talk, to chatconvertir v. to convertconvertirse en v. to turn into, becomeconvidar v. to invitecoqueta adj. flirtatiouscorazón n. heart m.corazonada n. hunch f.corbata n. necktie f.cordillera n. mountain range f.corona n. crown f.corregir v. to correctcorreo n. post, mail m.correos post office m.correr v. to runcorresponsal n. newspaper correspondent m.corriente adj. current, everydaycorriente n. current (river) f.cortar v. to cutcorte n. court f.corte n. cut m.cortina n. curtain f.corto adj. short; briefcosecha n. harvest f.costar v. to costcostumbre n. custom f.crear v. to create

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crecer v. to growcrecimiento n. growth m.creer v. to believecrepúsculo n. twilight, dusk m.crianza n. rearing; breeding f.criar v. to real, raise, breedcriatura n. creature; infant f.cristal n. crystal m.criticar v. to criticize, critiquecrucigrama n. crossword puzzle m.crudo adj. rawcrujir v. to creakcruzar v. to crosscuaderno n. notebook m.cuadra n. city block f.cuadro n. picture; painting m.cual adj. such ascualesquiera adj. anycualquier adj. anycualquiera adj. anycuando adv., conj. whencuarto n.m., ad room; fourth m.cubierto adj. coveredcubrir v. to covercuchara n. spoon f.cuchillo n. knife m.cuello n. neck m.cuenta n. account, bill f.cuento n. story; tale m.cuerpo n. body m.cuervo n. raven; crow m.cueva n. cave f.cuidado n. care m.cuidadosamente adv. carefully

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cuidadoso adj. carefulcuidar v. to take care of, look afterculebra n. snake f.culpable adj. guiltycultivar v. to cultivatecumpleaños n.inv. birthdaycumplir v. to carry out; fulfillcuñado n. brother-in-law m.cura n. cure f.cura n. priest m.curar v. to curecuyo adj.rel whosechalado adj. madchaqueta n. jacket f.charco n. pool; puddle m.charlar v. to chatchicano/a adj. Mexican- Americanchimenea n. chimney f.chisme n. gossip m.chismear v. to gossip ,chocar v. to crash; collidechoque n. crash m.chorro n. dribble, trickle; jet m.chupar v. to suckdar v. to givedato n. fact; piece of information prep. of; from; aboutdebajo adv. underneathdeber v. to owe (money); should, ought todébil adj. weakdebilidad n. weakness f.década n. decade f.decantamiento n. preference m.decenas n. tens p

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decidido adj. decisive, resolute, drivendecidir v. to decidedecidirse v. to decide to, make up one's mind todécimo adj. tenthdecir v. to say, telldedicar v. to dedicate, devotededicarse a v. to devote oneselfdedo n. finger; toe (foot) m.defender v. to defenddejar v. to leavedejar que v. to allow/permitdelantal n. apron m.delante de prep. in front ofdelgado adj. thin, slimdelicia n. delight f.demanda n. request; demand f.demandar v. to demand; to suedemasiado adj. too muchdemostrar v. to demonstrate, to showdentista n.inv. dentistdentro adv. in, insidedependiente n.inv. clerk; salespersondeporte n. sport m.deportista n.inv. sportsman/ sportswomandeprimente adj. depressingdeprimido adj. depressedderecho adj. right; straightderramar v. to spillderretir v. to melt; to thawdesabrocharse v. to undo/unfasten oneselfdesaparecer v. to disappeardesaprobar v. to disapprove ofdesayunarse v. to have breakfastdesayuno n. breakfast m.

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desbordarse v. to flood; to overflowdescalzo adj. barefoot(ed)descansar v. to restdescanso n. rest period m.descender v. to go downdesconfianza n. distrust, mistrust f.desconfiar v. to be distrustfuldesconocer v. to be ignorant ofdesconocido adj. unknowndescribir v. to describedescruzar v. to uncross; to unfolddescuido n. carelessness m.desde prep. from; sincedesear v. to wish; to wantdeseo n. wish, desire m.desequilibrar v. to unbalancedesgracia n. misfortune; bad luck f.deshacer v. to undodeslizar v. to slidedesmayado adj. unconscious; faintdesmayarse v. to faint (become faint)desocupado adj. empty (seat); unemployeddesorden n. disorder m.despacio adv. slowlydespedida n. good-bye, farewell f.despedir v. to dismiss, to firedespedirse v. de to say good-bye todespegar v. to take off (airplane)despertador n. alarm clock m.despertar v. to awakendespertarse v. to wake up despierto awakedesprecio n. scorn, contempt m.después adv. afterwards, laterdespuntar v. to break (day); to dawn

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destino n. destiny, fate m.destruir v. to destroydesvaído adj. pale, washed-out; flat, dulldetalle n. detail m.detectar v. to detectdetener v. to detaindetenerse v. to stopdetenimiento n. care m.deterioro n. deterioration; damage m.detrás adv. behinddevolver v. to return, to give backdiablo n. devil m.diario n. newspaper; diary m.dibujar v. to drawdictadura n. dictatorship f.dicho p.p. of

decirsaid, told

diente n. tooth m.digerir v. to digestdinero n. money m.dirección n. direction; address f.dirigente n. leader m.dirigir v. to directdirigirse v. to go, make one's waydisco

n.disk; record; disco compacto = compact disc m.

discutir v. to discuss; to arguedisfrutar v. to enjoydisimular v. to hide; to concealdisminuir v. to reduce, decreasedispensario n. community clinic m.disponer v. to dispose ofdisponible adj. availabledistanciado adj. remote; far apart

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distinguir v. to distinguishdistinto adj. different, distinctdistraer v. to distractdistraído adj. absentmindeddistribuir v. to distributedivertido adj. entertaining, amusingdivertir v. to amusedivertirse v. to have a good time, enjoy oneselfdoblar v. to fold; to turndoler v. to pain, to hurt, to achedolor n. pain m.doloroso adj. painfuldoncella n.f maidservant f.donde rel.adv. wheredondequiera adv. whereverdormir v. to sleepdormirse v. to fall asleepdrama n. drama; play m.ducha n. shower f.ducharse v. to take a showerduda n. doubt f.dudar v. que to doubt thatduelo n. duel m.dueño/a n.m. owner m.dulce adj. sweetdúo n. duo; duet m.durante adv. duringdurar v. to lastduro adj. hardechar v. to throwedad n. age f.edificio n. building m.editorial n. publishing house f.editorial n. editorial m.

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educar v. to educateegoísta adj. egotistical, selfishejecutivo adj. executiveejemplo n. example m.ejercer v. to practice a profession; toejercicio n. exercise m.ejército n. army m.elegir v. to electembarazo n. pregnancy m.embarcarse v. to board, go on boardempañar v. to mist, steam upempeñarse v. to insist on, be set onempezar v. to begin, startempleado/a n.m. employee; clerk m.empleo n. employment, work m.emprender v. to undertakeempresa n. enterprise; firm, company f.empujar v. to pushen prep. in; into; on; uponenamorado adj. in loveenamorarse v. (de) to fall in love (with)encabezar v. to lead, headencaje n. lace m.encaminar v. to set on the right roadencantar v. to loveencarcelar v. to imprison, jailencargar v. to entrust, to put in charge, to orderencargarse v. to take it upon oneself to, to takeenceguecer v. to blindencender v. to light, to igniteencerrar v. to enclose, to lockencima adv. aboveencoger v. to shrinkencomendar v. to entrust

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encontrar v. to findencontrarse v. to be situatedencontrarse v. con to meet, run acrossencorvado adj. curved; bentenfadarse v. to get angryenfermarse v. to fall/be taken illenfermedad n. illness, sickness f.enfermería n. inftrmary f.enfermero/a n.m. nurse m.enfermo adj. sickenfrentamiento n. confrontation m.enfrentar v. to faceenfrente adv. opposite (to), facinJenfriar v. to cool, chill tengañar v. to deceiveenloquecido adj. madenlutado adj. in or wearing mournmgenojado adj. angryenojarse v. to get angryenorgullecerse v. de to take pride inensalada n. salad f.enseñar v. to teach; to showensuciar v. to dirty, make dirtyentender v. to understandenterarse v. to find outentero adj. entire, complete, wholeenterrado adj. buriedentonces adv. thenentorpecer v. to dull; to obstructentrada n. entrance; doorway f.entrar v. to enterentre prep. among, betweenentrecortado adj. hesitantentregar v. to hand over, deliver

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entrenador/a n.m. trainer, coach m.entrenamiento n. training, coaching m.entrenar v. to train; to coachentretener v. to entertain, amuseentretenerse v. to amuse onselfentretenido p.p entertaining, amusingentrevista n. interview f.entrevistar v. to interviewentristecerse v. to become sadentusiasmado adj. excitedentusiasmarse v. to get excitedenviar v. to sendenvidia n. envy; jealousy f.envidiar v. to envyenvigorado adj. invigoratedenvolver v. to wrapépoca n. time, epoch f.equipaje n. luggage; baggage m.equipo n. team m.equivocarse make a mistake, be mistaken, be wrong

escalera n. stairs f.escaparse v. to escapeescaso adj. scarce; scantyescoger v. to chooseesconder v. to hideescribir v. to writeescrito adj. writtenescritor/a n.m. writer m.escritorio n. desk m.escrutar v. to scrutinize, examineescuchar v. to listenescuela n. school f.escultor/a n.m. sculptor m.

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esforzarse v. to exert oneself, make an effortesfuerzo n. effort m.eso pron.dem thatespada n. sword f.espalda n. back f.espantar v. to frighten, scareespecializarse v. en to specialize (in),   espejo n. mirror m.espejuelos n.m. eyeglasses m.esperanza n. hope f.esperar v. to hope, expect; to wait forespiar v. to spyesposado adj. married, handcuffedesposo/a n.m. husband/wife m.esquiar v. to skiesquina n. corner f.esquivar v. to avoid, shunestablecer v. to establishestación n. station; season f.estacionar v. to parkestante n. bookshelf m.estar v. to be (temporary or location -- see ser)estimado adj. esteemedestómago n. stomach m.estrangulado adj. strangledestraperlista n.m. black marketeer m.estrecho adj. narrowestrella n. star f.estricto adj. strictestudiante inv. studentestudiar v. to studyevitar v. to avoidexceptuar v. to except, exclude

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exhausto adj. exhausted; worn-outexigente adj. demandingexigir v. to demandéxito n. success; smash hit m.exitoso/a adj. successfulexpectativa n. expectation f.explayar v. to extendexplicar v. to explainexponer v. to expose, explainextinguir v. to extinguishextranjero adj. foreignextrañarse v. to be amazed, be surprisedextraño adj. strange, oddfábrica n. factory f.fabricar v. to make, manufacturefacha n. look, appearance f.falda n. skirt f.falta n. failure; fault f.faltar v. to lackfantasma n. ghost m.fardo n. bundle m.fascinar v. to fascinatefastidiar v. to bother, annoyfatigoso adj. tiring, exhaustingfecha n. date f.felicidad n. happiness f.felicitar v. to congratulatefeliz adj. happyferia n. fair, exposition f.feroz adj. fierce, ferocious, savagefiarse v. to trust, relr on somebodyfijar v. to fix; to securefijarse v. to pay attentionfijo adj. fixed

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fila n. row f.filete n. meat; fillet m.fin n. end m.finalmente adv. finallyfingir v. to pretendfirmar v. to signfirmeza n. firmness f.flor n. flower f.fondo n. bottom; background m.fortalecer v. to strengthenfoto n. photograph f.francés adj. Frenchmanfrancesa adj. Frenchwomanfregar v. to wash (dishes)freír v. to fryfrente n. forehead f.frente n. front (military) m.frente a prep. opposite, facingfresco adj. fresh, impudentfrescura n. freshness f.frijol n. bean m.frío adj. coldfrontera n. frontier, holder f.frotarse v. to rubfuego n. fire m.fuente n. fountain f.fuera adv. outsidefuerte adj. strongfuerza n. strength; fuerza laboral = workforce f.fumar v. to smokefuncionar v. to function; to runfuncionario/a n.m. official m.fundamento n. foundation; fundamentals m.gallina n. hen f.

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gallo n. rooster m.gana n. desire, wish f.ganar v. to earn; to wingaraje n. garage m.garantizar v. to guaranteegarganta n. throat f.gastar v. to spend; to wastegasto n. expense m.gato n. cat m.gendarme n. policeman m.gente n. people f.gobernar v. to governgobierno n. government m.golpe n. blow; hit m.golpear v. to strike, to punchgozar v. to enjoygrabar v. to recordgraduarse v. to graduategris adj. graygritar v. to shoutgrosería n. rudeness f.grueso adj. thick; big, heavyguante n. glove m.huir v. to fleehumo n. smoke m.hundir v. to sinkidilio n. idyll; romance m.idioma n. language m.iglesia n. church f.igual adj. equal; alikeigualmente adv. equally; likewiseimaginarse v. to imagineimpedir v. to preventimponer v. to impose

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importar v. to be important, matterimprimir v. to imprint; to printimpulsar v. to drive, propelincluir v. to includeincómodo adj. uncomfortableincorporarse v. to sit upindeciso adj. undecided; indecisiveindicar v. to indicate; to point outinesperado adj. unexpectedinfluir v. to influenceingerir v. to consumeinicio n. start, beginning m.inmóvil adj. motionless, stillinquietud n.f anxiety; restlessness f.inquina n.f aversion, dislike f.intercambio n. exchange m.intervenir v. to be involved, interveneintranquilo adj. worried, anxiousinventarse v. to make up, concoctinversion n.f investment f.inversionista inv. investorinvertir v. to investinvierno n. winter m.invitar v. to inviteir v. to goirse v. to leave, go awayizquierdo/a adj. leftjabón n. soap m.jamás adv. nevermoneda n. coin f.monja n. nun f.montaña n. mountain f.montar v. to mount, get onmorir v. to die

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moro adj. Moorishmostrador n. counter (in a store) m.mostrar v. to showmostrarse v. to show oneself; appearmoto n. motorcycle f.mover v. to movemucho adj. and

adv.a lot; much

mudarse v. to movemueble n. piece of furniture m.muerte n. death f.muerto p.p. of


mugre n. dirt; filth f.mujer n. woman f.mundo n. world m.murmullo n. murmur, whisper m.murmurar v. to murmur, to whispermuro n. wall m.muy adj. verynacer v. to be bornnacimiento n. birth m.nada pron. nothingnadar v. to swimnadie pron. no one, nobodynariz n. nose f.natación n. swimming f.natal adj. nativenaturaleza n. nature f.negar v. to denynegarse v. +a to refuse tonegocio n. affair; business m.negro adj. blacknevar v. to snowni conj. nor, neither

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ninguno adj. no one, nobodyningún adj. no one, nobodynivel n. level m.noche n. night más adv. just; onlynombrar v. to name; to mentionnombre n. name m.normalmente adv. normallynotar v. to note, noticenoticia n. news f.noveno adj. ninthnovio/a n.m. boyfriend/girlfriend m.nube n. cloud f.nublado adj. cloudynublarse v. to become cloudynudillo n. knuckle m.nuera n. daughter-in-law f.nuestro adj., adv. ournuevo adj. newly made; unusednunca adv. nevero . . . o conj. either. . . orobedecer v. to obeyobligar v. +a to oblige toobra n. work; piece of work f.obra n. de teatro play f.obtener v. to obtain, getoctavilla n. pamphlet f.octavo adj. eighthocultar v. to hide, concealocuparse v. +de to busy oneself withocurrir v. to happen, occurodiar v. to hateodio n. hatred m.ofenderse v. to get offended

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oferta n. offer f.ofrecer v. to offeroir v. to hearojalá conj. +que one would hope thatojo n. eye m.ola n. wave f.oleada n. big wave f.oler v. to smellolor n. smell m.olvidar v. to forgetoponerse v. to be against, opposed tooprimir v. to squeeze; to oppressorden n. order (command or religious order) f.orden n. order (sequence) m.oreja n. ear f.orgullo n. pride m.orgulloso adj. proud; haughtyorilla n. edge, border; riverbank f.oscurecer v. to obscure; to darkenoscuro adj. darkotoño n. autumn m.otro adj. anotherpadecer v. to suffer; to endurepadre n. father m.padres n.m.p parents m.pagar v. to paypágina n. page f.país n. country m.paisaje n. landscape m.pájaro n. bird m.palabra n. word f.palacio n. palace m.palma n. palm f.pan n. bread m.

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pantalones n.m.p trousers, pants m.pañal n. diaper m.pañuelo n. handkerchief m.papa n. potato f.papa n. pope m.papel n. paper m.paquete n. parcel, package m.par n. pair, couple m.para prep. for; in order toparabrisas windshield m.paraguas umbrella m.parar v. to stoppararse v. to stand upparecer v. to seem, appearparecerse v. a to resemble, look likepared n. wall f.pareja n. couple f.pariente n. relative m.parque n. park m.participar v. to participatepartido n. game, match m.partir v. to split up, divide; to departparto n. childbirth m.pasajero/a n.m. passsenger m.pasear v. to take a walkpaseo n. stroll, walk m.pasillo n. corridor, hallway m.paso n. step m.pastel n. cake; pie m.pastilla n. pill f.patata n. potato f.patinar v. to skatepato/a n.m. duck m.patria n. native land, fatherland f.

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patrón n. boss m.paz n. peace f.pecho n. chest, breast m.pedazo n. piece, bit, shard m.pedir v. to ask for, requestpedrada n. throw of a stone f.pegar v. to hit, strike; to gluepeinar v. to combpeinarse v. to comb one's hairpelea n. fight f.pelear v. to fight, strugglepelícula n. film, movie f.peligro n. danger m.peligroso adj. dangerouspelo n. hair m.pelota n. ball f.peluquero/a n.m. hairdresser m.pena n. grief, sorrow f.pendiente adj. pendingpendiente n. earring m.pensamiento n. thought m.pensar v. to think; to planpeor adj. worsepequeño adj. small, littlepera n. pear f.percha n. hanger f.perder v. to loseperderse v. to get lostperdido adj. lostperfilarse v. to show one's profileperico n. parakeet m.periódico n. newspaper m.periodista inv. newpaperman/womanpermanecer v. to stay, remain

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permitir v. to allowpero conj. butperro/a n.m. dog m.perseguir v. to pursue; persecutepersiana n. window blind f.persona inv. personpersonaje inv. character (in a novel, etc.)pertenecer v. to belongpesado adj. heavypesar v. to weigh down; to weighpescado n. fish (dead) m.pescador n. fisherman m.pescar v. to fishpeso n. weight m.pez n. fish (alive) m.picardia n.f crookedness, villainy f.pie n. foot m.piedad n. piety; pity f.piedra n. stone f.piel n. skin f.pierna n. leg f.pieza n. room f.pinar n. pine grove m.pintado adj. paintedpintar v. to paintpintarse v. to put lipstick onpintor/a n.m. painter m.pisada n. footstep f.piscina n. swimming pool f.piso n. floor m.pitillo n. cigarette m.placentero adj. pleasant, agreeableplanear v. to planplantear v. to bring up, raise

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platicar v. to chat, converseplato n. plate; dish m.playa n. beach f.plaza n. square f.pluma n. feather; pen f.población n.f population f.poblado n. town m.pobre adj. poorpobreza n. poverty f.poco adv. pron. little; smallpoder v. to be ablepoderoso adj. powerfulpoema n. poem m.poeta n. poet m.policía n. police force f.policía n. policeman m.polvo n. dust m.pollo n. chicken m.pompa n. pageantry f.poner v. to put, placeponerse v. to put on; (+ adjective) to becomeponerse v. +a to begin topor prep. for; by; through; on account ofporque conj. becauseposada n. shelter, lodging f.poseer v. to possess; to ownpostre n. dessert m.practicar v. to practiceprecisar v. to determine exactlypreferir v. to preferpreguntar v. to ask a questionpremio n. prize m.prenda n. garment, article of clothing f.preocupado adj. worried

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preocuparse v. de to worryprepararse v. to prepare oneself; get readyprescindir v. +de to do or go withoutpresenciar v. to be present atpresentar v. to present; to witness; to introducepreso n. convict, prisoner m.prestar v. to lend, loanpresupuesto n. budget m.primavera n. spring f.primer adj. firstprimo/a n.m. cousin m.princesa n. princess f.príncipe n. prince m.prisa n.f hurry f.probar v. to try, to tasteprobarse v. to try onprodigar v. to lavish; to squanderproducir v. to produceprofundo adj. deepprohibir v. to prohibitpronto adv. quicky; at oncepropiedad n. property f.propina n. tip, gratuity f.propio adj. own, of one's ownproponer v. to proposepropósito n. purpose m.proseguir v. to continue, proceedproteger v. to protectpróximo adj. next, neighborprueba n. proof; test f.publicar v. to publishpueblo n. village m.puente n. bridge m.puerta n. door f.

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pues adv. then; well thenpuesto conj. since, given thatpuesto n. post, job; stall m.pulgada n. inch f.punto n. dot; point m.puro adj. pureque conj. that; for; because that; which; whoquedar v. +en to agree onquedar v. to have left overquedarse v. to remain, stayquedarse v. +con to keep, to hold ontoquehacer n. job, task m.queja n. complaint f.quejarse v. de to complain aboutquemadura n.f burn f.quemar v. to burnquerer v. to want, wish (for); to lovequeso n. cheese m.quien pron. who; he who; whoquienquiera, pron. whoeverquienesquiera pron. whoeverquieto adj. stillquinto adj. fifthquitar v. to take away, removequitarse v. to take offquizás adv. perhapsradio n radioraíz n. root f.rama n. branch f.rapidez n. rapidity, speed \ f.rápido adj. fast, quickraro adj. rafe, uncommon; odd, strangerascacielos skyscraper m.rasgo n. feature m.

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rato n. (short) time, while m.razón n. reason f.razonar v. to reasonrealizar v. to carry out; attain, achieverecado n. message m.receta n. recipe; prescription f.recibir v. to receiverecibo n. receipt m.reciclar v. to recyclerecobrar v. to recoverrecoger v. to pick uprecomendar v. to recommendreconocer v. to recognizerecordar v. to rememberrecorrer v. to go away; to travelrecortar v. to draw in outlinerecuerdo n. memory; souvenir, memento m.rechazar v. to rejectredondo adj. roundreducir v. to reducereferirse v. a to refer toreflejar v. to reflectreforzar v. to reinforcerefresco n. soft drink m.regalar v. to give (as a present)regalo n. gift, present m.regar v. to water (plants)regresar v. to return, go backrehusar v. to refusereina n. queen f.reír v. to laughreírse v. to laugh atrelajador adj. relaxingrelajante adj. relaxing

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relajarse v. to relax; to become relaxedreloj n. watch; clock m.relojero n. watchmaker m.reñir v. quarrelrepartir v. to divide up; to distributerepasar v. to reviewrepaso n. review m.repentino adj. suddenrepetir v. to repeatrepresalia n. reprisal f.requerir v. to need, requirerescatar v. to rescueresfriado n. cold m.resfriarse v. to catch a coldresignarse v. a to resign oneself toresolver v. to solve; to resolveresolverse v. +a to resolve tosal n. salt f.sala n.f living room f.salario n. salary m.salida n. exit f.salir v. to go out, leavesaltar v. to jumpsaltarín/ina adj. restlesssaltarín/ina n.m. dancer m.salto n. jump m.salud n. health f.saludable adj. healthysaludar v. to greetsaludo n. greeting m.salvador adj. rescuer, saviorsalvaje adj. wild; savagesalvar v. to rescue, savesalvavidas n. lifeguard m.

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sandalia n. sandal f.sangre n. blood f.satisfacer v. to satisfysatisfecho adj. satisfiedsecar v. to dryseco adj. dryseguir v. to continue, followsegún adv. according tosegundo adj. secondseguro adj. safe; certainsello n. stamp m.semana n. week f.sembrar v. to plantsemejante adj. similarsendero n. path m.sentado adj. seatedsentar v. to sitsentarse v. to sit (down)sentencioso adj. pithy; dogmaticsentimiento n. feeling m.sentir v. to regret; to feel; be sorrysentirse v. to feelseña n. mark; sign f.séptimo adj. seventhser v. to be (permanent condition; see estar)serie n. series f.servilleta n. napkin f.servir v. to servesexto adj. sixthsiempre adv. alwayssiglo n. century m.siguiente adj. followingsilbar v. to whistlesilbido n. whistle; hiss m.

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silla n. chair f.sillón n. armchair, easy chair m.simpático adj. nice, likeablesin prep. withoutsin embargo conj. neverthelesssinnúmero n. countless m.sino conj. but; but rathersiquiera adv. at leastsituar v. to place, set; to locatesobrar v. to have in excesssobre n.m., pre envelope; on, upon m.sobre prep. on; aboutsobrepasar v. to excede; surpasssobretodo n. overcoat m.sobrevivir v. to survivesofocado adj. out of breathsol n. sun m.soledad n. solitude; loneliness f.soler v. to be in the habit of, to be accustomed tosolo adj. alonesólo adv. onlysoltero adj. unmarried; singlesombra n. shadow; shade f.sonar v. to ring, to soundsonido n. sound m.sonograma n. sonogram m.sonreír v. to smilesonrisa n. smile f.soñar v. to dream aboutsopa n. soup f.soportar v. to bear, hold upsordo adj. deafsoma n. slyness; sarcastic tone f.sorprender v. to surprise

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sorprenderse v. to be surprisedsosegar v. to calmsostener v. to sustainsu pron. sing his, her, your, its, theirsuave adj. smooth; gentle; softsubir v. to go upsuceder v. to happensuceso n. event, happening m.sucio adj. dirtysudor n. sweat m.sueldo n. salary m.suelo n. floor m.suelto adj. loose; freesueño n. dream m.suerte n. luck f.sugerir v. to suggestsuma n. addition f.suplicar v. to beg, pleadsuponer v. to supposesuspirar v. to sighsuspiro n. sigh m.sustituir v. to substitutesusurrar v. to whispersuyo pron. his; hers; yourstaconeo n. tapping with one's heels m.tal adj. suchtalla n. size f.taller n. workshop; repair shop m.tamaño n. size m.también adv. alsotampoco adv. neither, not . . . eithertan adv. sotanto adj. so much; as muchtardar v. +en to delay in

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tarde n. afternoon; late f.tarea n. task, homework f.tarjeta n. card f.taza n. cup f.techo n. roof m.tela n. cloth f.tema n. theme m.temblar v. to trembletemer v. to feartemor n. fear m.templo n. temple m.temporada n. season f.temprano adv. earlytenedor n. fork m.tener v. to haveteñir v. to dyetercero, tercer adj. thirdterciopelo n. velvet m.terminar v. to end, finishterraza n. terrace f.testigo inv. witnesstibio adj. lukewarmtiempo n. time; weather n. store f.tierra n. earth; world f.tijeras n.f.. scissors f.tío/a n.m. uncle/aunt m.tipo n. type; kind; character; guy m.tirar v. to throwtoalla n. towel f.tocadiscos record player m.tocar v. to touch; to playtocarle v. +a to be one 's turntodavía adv. still, yet

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todo adj. alltomar v. to take; to eat; to drinktorcer v. to twisttorcerse v. to spraintormenta n. storm f.toro n. bull m.torre n. tower f.tortilla n. omelette f.tortuga n. turtle f.tos n. cough f.toser v. to coughtostada n. toast f.trabajador adj. hardworkingtrabajador n. worker m.trabajar v. to worktrabajo n. job m.traducir v. to translatetraer v. to bringtragaluz n. skylight m.tragar v. to swallowtraje n. suit m.tranquilizar v. to calm downtranquilo adj. calm; quiettranscurrir v. to passtranvía n. streetcar m.tras prep. after; behindtrasladarse v. to go; to movetrasponer v. to transpose; to disappear from viewtratamiento n. treatment m.tratar v. to treattratar de v. to try totratarse v. +de to be concerned with, be abouttrazar v. to draw; to sketchtren n. train m.

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trepar v. to climbtricot n. heavy knitted sweater m.trío n. trio m.tripulación n. crew f.triste adj. sadtristeza n. sadness f.triunfar v. to triumph; to wintronar v. to thundertropezar v. to trip, stumbletrozo n. piece m.tumba n. tomb, grave f.tuyo adj. pron. yours, of yoursúltimo adj. last; latest, most recentúnico adj. only, sole; uniqueuña n. fingernail f.usar v. to use; to make use ofutilizar v. to use, make use ofvaca n. cow f.vacilar v. to hesitatevacío adj. emptyvagón n. coach, passenger car m.vainilla n. vanilla cookies f.valer v. to be worthvalor n. value, worth m.valorar v. to valuevanidoso adj. vain, conceitedvara alta n. powerful connection f.varios adj. severalvarón n. male m.vasco adj. Basquevaso n. glass m.vecindario n. neighborhood m.vecino n. neighbor; near, nearby m.vejete n. old boy (fam.) m.

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

vela n. candle f.velador n. watchman, caretaker m.vencer v. to overcome, conquervender v. to sellvenir v. to come ,ventaja n.f advantage f.ventana n. window f.ventanilla n. small window f.ver v. to seeverano n. summer m.verdad n. true f.verdadero adj. true, truthfulverde adj. greenvereda n. path, lane f.vergüenza n. shame f.vericueto n. rough track m.vestido n dressvestir v. to dress (someone)vestirse v. to get dressedvez n. time; occasion f.viajar v. to travel, joumeyviaje n. trip; journey m.viajero n. traveler m.vidrio n. glass m.viejo adj. oldviento n. wind m.vientre n. belly; womb m.vino n. wine m.visitante n. visitar m.visitar v. to visitvista n. sight; look, gaze; view f.vivienda n. housing f.vivir v. to livevivo adj. living, alive; sharp, alert

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

volar v. to flyvolver v. to return; to go backvoz o.f voicevuelta n. turn f.vuestro adj. youry conj. andya adv. alreadyyegua n. mare f.yerno n. son-in-law m.zaguán n. entry, hallway m.zapato n. shoe m.zigzaguear v. to zigzagzopilote n. turkey vulture m.zurdo adj. left-handed

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answer

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

abolir abolido; vocab= abolir

abolished;vocab =to abolish

09:48:37 23.0

abolido abolido; vocab= abolir

abolished;vocab =to abolish

09:49:07 9.0

No Entered= 2 No Nailed= 0 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time= 00:00:52

Think minutes= 0.5

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answeracquitando absuelto;

vocab= absolver

are acquiting;vocab =to acquit

09:52:03 29.0

abstraer abstraer; vocab= abstraer

to abstract;vocab =to abstract

09:52:35 8.0


absolvido; vocab= absolver

acquited;vocab =to acquit

09:53:28 10.0

absolver absolver; vocab= absolver

to acquit;vocab =to acquit

09:53:48 7.0

No Entered= 5 No Nailed= 0 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 1 Clock time= 00:02:23

Think minutes= 1.1

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answerabsteniendo absteniendo are

abstaining;vocab =to abstain

Perfect 10:37:50 9.0

Perfect 10:38:20 5.0Perfect 10:38:27 2.0

abstraer to abstract;vocab 10:38:30 2.0

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

=to abstractabsolver absolver to acquit;vocab

=to acquitPerfect 10:38:35 8.0

abstenido abstenido abstained;vocab =to abstain

Perfect 10:38:45 16.0

abstener abstener to abstain;vocab =to abstain

Perfect 10:39:03 7.0

abstraiendo abstrayendo are abstracting;vocab =to abstract

10:39:13 8.0

No Entered= 8 No Nailed= 6 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time= 00:02:26

Think minutes= 1.0

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to AnswerNo Entered= 0 No Nailed= 0 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time=

00:00:59Think minutes= 0.0

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to AnswerNo Entered= 0 No Nailed= 0 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time=

00:03:26Think minutes= 0.0

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answerabolía abolía I was

abolishing;vocab =to abolish

Perfect 18:02:48 22.0

abolío abolía he was abolishing;vocab =to abolish

18:03:12 15.0

abastaba abastecía he was supplying;vocab

18:03:28 13.0

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

=to supplyabole abole he

abolishs;vocab =to abolish

Perfect 18:03:44 18.0

abolíamos abolíamos we were abolishing;vocab =to abolish

Perfect 18:04:04 10.0

abolíeron abolieron they abolished;vocab =to abolish

Almost 18:04:16 13.0

abolíamos abolimos we abolish;vocab =to abolish

18:04:38 15.0

abolímos abolimos we abolished;vocab =to abolish

Almost 18:04:56 86.0

No Entered= 8 No Nailed= 3 No Almost= 2 No skipped= 0 Clock time= 00:04:03

Think minutes= 3.2

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answerabarcaba abarcaba I was

encompassing;vocab =to encompass

Perfect 19:29:29 18.0

abandonas abandonaste you (fam) leave;ed to abandon;vocab =to leave; to abandon

19:29:49 26.0

abandanamos abandonábamos

we were leave;ing to abandon;vocab

19:30:21 12.0

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.

=to leave; to abandon

No Entered= 3 No Nailed= 1 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time= 00:01:08

Think minutes= 0.9

SummaryEntered Foreign English Correct Addl Hour Entered Secs to Answerboraste aburriste you (fam)

bored;vocab =to bore

19:30:56 12.0

abría abría I was opening;vocab =to open

Perfect 19:31:10 22.0

aboraste aborreciste you (fam) hated loathe;vocab =to hate, loathe

19:31:34 26.0

No Entered= 3 No Nailed= 1 No Almost= 0 No skipped= 0 Clock time= 00:01:21

Think minutes= 1.9

Copyright 2003 Sakura Systems. This document and the associated macro programming is distributed as freeware. Users are free to copy and distribute it for personal, school and corporate use, but must request permission before commercializing this document or any portions thereof.