· Web viewSikhs form about 2% of Indian population. In comparison to other religions, Sikhism is...

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Transcript of  · Web viewSikhs form about 2% of Indian population. In comparison to other religions, Sikhism is...





Chapters Page no.

1. Water Pollution 2

2. Cabinet Ministers of India 3-4

3. Religious History 5

4. Dance Forms of India 6-9

5. Olympics 10

6. Unknown Inventions 11

Prepared By-

Ms. Anuradha Singh

Contribution Towards Environment

1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________

WATER POLLUTION Water Pollution means contamination of water bodies as a result of

some human activities. Causes of Water Pollution

Drainage of sewages Cattle bath in lakes and rivers Discharge of industrial wastes Unrepaired taps

Need to save water 97.5% of the earth water is locked in oceans and seas, too salty for human use. And most of the remaining water (2.5%) is in the form of ice caps of which only 0.03% of fresh water is available for human use.

Effects of water pollution Causes diseases like Typhoid, diarrhoea, cholera Destruction of ecosystem Effects the food chain

Steps to conserve water Get a low flush toilet Save up your dirty clothes Shower with less Get the taps repaired on time Catch rain water





Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world. Hinduism is world’s third largest after Christianity and Islam. It is the dominant religion in India, where Hindus form about 84% of the total population. It is also known as ‘Sanatan Dharma’ or the everlasting religion. It has no founder, it developed out of Brahminism and it may date to prehistoric times.


One of the prominent religions of India, Islam forms about 12% of India’s population. Though India’s contact with Islam had begun much earlier, the real push came in the 8th

century when the province of Sindh was conquered. Though the Muslims form only 12% of the total population of India but the influence of Islam on Indian society is much stronger. Prophet Muhammad is the founder of Islam. Most historians believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century CE, approximately 600 years after the founding of Christianity.


At present Buddhism is one of the major world religions. The philosophy of Buddhism is based on the teachings of Lord Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama (563 and 483 BC), a royal prince of Kapilvastu, India. After originating in India, Buddhism spread throughout the Central Asia, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Southeast Asia, as well as the East Asian Countries of China, Mongolia, Korea, Japan and Vietnam.


Jain form less than 1% of the Indian population. For centuries, Jain are famous as community of traders and merchants. The states of Gujarat and Rajasthan have the highest concentration population of Jain in India. The Jain religion is traced to Vardhamana Mahavira (599-527 B.C.).


Sikhs form about 2% of Indian population. In comparison to other religions, Sikhism is a younger religion. The word Sikh means a disciple and thus Sikhism is essentially the path of discipleship. The true Sikh remains unattached to worldly things.


OLYMPICS1. The first modern Olympic games were held in 18962. Olympic games began over 2700 years ago3. Olympic games were started in Olympia, Greece4. Headquarters of the International Olympic Committee Lausanne,

Switzerland5. The Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius means Faster, Higher, Stronger6. Olympic symbol Five Rings in different colours ( red, green, yellow, blue

and black) 7. Father of modern Olympics Baron Pierre de Coubertin8. The duration of the competitions of the Olympic games shall not exceed

16 days9. Women participated in modern Olympic games for the first time in 1900,

Paris10. Country that won maximum number of medals in first modern Olympic

games Greece11. First city to be awarded both summer and winter Olympics Beijing 12. First modern Olympic champion James Connolly (won silver medal in

triple jump on the opening day of the games).13. First female Olympic champion Charlotte Cooper14. Rank of India in Olympics 17th

15. Total number of medals won by India 28 (9 gold, 7 silver, 12 bronze)16. First Indian to win an individual medal in Olympics Mr. Khashaba

Dadasaheb Jadhav (won a bronze medal for wrestling in 1952).17. First Indian woman to win an Olympic medal Karnam Malleswari (won a

bronze medal at Sydney Olympics in the Women’s 69kg category in weightlifting).

18. Special Olympics World Games 2019 was held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

19. Special Olympics World Games 2019 was held from March 14 – 21, 201920. India scripted history in UAE by scooping 368 medals (85 gold, 154 silver

and 129 bronze)




Safety Pin Walter Hunt 1849, USA

Stethoscope Laennec 1819, French

Tank Sir Emest D Swington 1914, Britain

Piano Cristofori 1709, Italy

Pistol (Revolver) Colt 1836, USA

Helicopter Etienne Oehmichen 1924, France

Lift Elisha G Otis 1852, USA

Microwave Percy LeBaron Spencer 1947, USA

Motor Cycle G Daimier 1885, Germany

Electric Iron Henry W Seeley 1882, USA

Electric Washing Machine Alva J Fisher 1906, USA

Laptop Sinclair 1987, Britain

Camera (Kodak) Walker Eastman 1888, USA

Air Conditioning Carrier 1902, USA

Chocalate Chip Cookies Ruth Wakefield 1930

Ice Cream Maker Nancy Johnson 1843

World Wide Web Tim Berners - Lee

Matches John Walker
