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Scholarship Expectations

Scholarship Statements from Schools and Departments


Scholarship: promise and indication of ability to make a contribution to one’s discipline and develop new expertise.  The time and infrastructure required to perform publishable quality scientific scholarship in biology can differ significantly from subdiscipline to subdiscipline.  It is therefore impossible and unfair to set anything but general expectations for these goals.  The letter from the chair should be used to explain each faculty member’s situation.  To attain the rank of ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, the chair and department faculty look for a continuing program of research which can be expressed by various combinations (as delineated in the chair letter) of the following activities:    

The following categories are regarded as MAJOR evidence of scholarly activity Authorship and submission of articles for peer-reviewed journals in the area of

expertise Presentations at regional and/or national meetings in the area of expertise Authorship and submission of articles for peer-reviewed journals in the area of

science education Presentations at regional and/or national meetings in the area of science

education Authorship and publication of articles for the non-peer reviewed literature (e.g.,

technical reports, government reports, white papers, etc.) Authorship/ editing of textbooks or textbook chapters Submission of grant requests to national and local funding bodies Active and continuing leadership of student research Presentations by students at regional or national meetings on student research Other scholarly activities as described by candidate and supported by the chair


The following categories are regarded as MINOR evidence of scholarly activitya. Submission of grant request within the universityb. Attendance at regional and/or national meetings in the area of expertisec. Attendance at workshops in academic fieldd. Peer-review of scholarly articles in the area of expertise or science educatione. Attendance at teaching workshopsf. Memberships in scientific organizations /journal subscriptions


The Chemistry Department subscribes to a model of scholarship proposed by Ernest L. Boyer of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education. Dr. Boyer’s model identifies four categories of activity that can be counted as scholarship:


Scholarship Expectations

1. Scholarship of Discovery – Disciplined intellectual investigation directed toward increasing the stock of human knowledge.1

Measures of Performancea. Publishing or presentation in peer-reviewed forums.b. Producing or performing creative work within established field.c. Creating infrastructure for future studies (grant writing, etc.).

2. Scholarship of Integration – Disciplined intellectual work directed toward making connections across disciplines to interpret, translate, and bring insight to understanding original research or scientific principles.1

Measures of Performance2

a. Publishing literature review.b. Writing educational materials.c. Designing and delivering a course for students outside of one’s discipline.d. Editing or reviewing educational materials.

2. Scholarship of Application – Disciplined intellectual work directed toward responsibly using knowledge to address consequential problems.1

Measures of Performance2

a. Serving as a consultant using area of expertise.b. Use area of expertise in professional, social, or community service.

2. Scholarship of Teaching – Disciplined intellectual work directed toward increasing depth of understanding of the field, developing “the analogies, metaphors, and images that build bridges between the teacher’s understanding and the student’s learning,” and learning and planning pedagogical methods effective for making the field accessible to students.1

Measures of Performancea. Active learning of new content material or pedagogical methods applicable to

course preparation or student advising.b. Integration of new material or pedagogical methods into a course.c. Developing and testing instructional materials. 2

d. Mentoring students. 2

e. Designing and implementing an assessment system at the course or program level. 2

Note: Dr. Boyer’s original proposal described scholarship in support of teaching sufficient as scholarship.1 In subsequent modifications, this idea evolved into the idea that education-related research publication would document scholarship of teaching.2, This was mainly in response to difficulties in assessing scholarship of teaching at research institutions where volume of publications is a major criterion for tenure. In Chemistry at UIndy, we feel we can assess the variety of activities of colleagues effectively, and so this evolution in concept is unnecessary. We also feel that published or presented scholarship in education appropriately fits within the Scholarship of Discovery for our department.

In order for scholarship in support of teaching to contribute to scholarship requirements for promotion and/or tenure, the candidate must be able to demonstrate scholarship in excess of that required to maintain currency in course content and subject area and effective pedagogy as expressed in the expectation of


Scholarship Expectations

all faculty. This would include scholarship to broaden content knowledge into another area of chemistry or to substantially expand pedagogical competency.


Assistant ProfessorIdentified audience within a disciplineParticipation in an associated organizationContribution to the intellectual work of the organization

Associate ProfessorIdentified audience within a disciplineParticipation in an associated organizationContribution to the intellectual work of the organizationDissemination of knowledge to the audience via peer reviewed presentations/publications at the regional level

EnglishFaculty members in the Department of English do their professional work with varying emphasis in the academic, artistic, and pedagogical areas of their field.   All faculty members must publish work and speak at institutions of higher learning.

Since publications differ according to scholarly quality, textual length, and professional prestige, book-length publications like monographs and collections, as well as essays published in leading periodicals, generally carry more weight than book chapters, conference proceedings, and editorial work for collections and special journal issues. Publications in peer-reviewed journals and leading periodicals carry more weight than entries in reference works, reviews, newsletters, articles in newspapers or popular magazines, and interviews.

Since scholarly presentations differ with respect to the venues at which they are given, speeches or readings of creative work at international, national, and field-specific conferences usually carry more weight than those delivered at regional or local events. Oral presentations and participation in workshops and discussion groups are particularly useful and therefore important for faculty members specializing in language education and writing.

Faculty members may apply for and receive grants and prizes, do consulting work, or participate in research institutes and take additional courses to increase their knowledge base. They may create or effectively use computer software for research purposes and be involved in academic organizations.

Vanity-press publications, self-published material, and conference attendance do not count as scholarship.


Scholarship Expectations 4

Scholarship Expectations


Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations


Scholarship:Within Kinesiology, scholarship is defined as maintaining currency in one’s field and the process of development, implementation, progression and dissemination along a scholarly agenda. It may include the scholarship of discovery, application, integration, and teaching. It may occur within the classroom, a laboratory, an on-line environment, or a community or fieldwork setting.

All of the following:● Successful

scholarship by averaging one peer-reviewed presentation or equivalent per year

● Verifiable progress toward a scholarly research project (e.g. book, chapter, projects).

●  Attends workshops, seminars, lectures, conferences, or continuing education related to teaching, content area, or area of expertise

● Maintains CITI training● Maintains professional

development requirements consistent with state and national standards, when appropriate

● Presentation/dissemination at peer-reviewed state/district/regional conferences

Facilitates student research/critical thinking/ class project/ student presentation on campus.

●   Strong scholarship by presenting at national or international conferences.

     And two or more of the following: A presentation

of student assisted research or projects at state/district/regional conferences

Awarded internal grant funding (from UINDY but external of college)

Submits grant proposals to external local/state/national organizations

Invited dissemination through a popular source (state, editorial)

1 national presentation in professional area

New certification attained in professionally related area.

Attains doctoral degree

Superior scholarship by publishing peer-reviewed articles in national journals, multiple commentary articles or creative works, or lead author on one peer reviewed article in a national publication

And two or more of the following:

Book, chapter or monograph publication

At least 2 presentations/disseminations at refereed national or international meetings (First author not required)

Invited/keynote speaker at regional, national, or international conference

External grant proposal is funded

Receives an award for scholarly contribution (fellow, award)

Student research project is presented at a national conference or published in a peer-reviewed journal

a peer reviewed article in a national publication as first author

multiple peer reviewed articles in a national publication (second author or higher)


Scholarship Expectations

Scholarship  criteria  for  Mathematics  and  Computer  Science                                     February  2011  This  document  should  be  consulted  by  the  Promotion  and  Tenure  Committee only in  the  case  that  the  chair’s  annual  evaluations  and  the  chair’s  and  dean’s letters do  not  offer  enough  guidance  for  the  committee  to  evaluate  the  candidate’s scholarship. Further, this document offers general guidelines, and is NOT intended to supersede the Faculty Handbook and  should NOT be used  as  a  checklist.

In general,  the  department  would  expect  to  see  one  refereed  article  in  order  to be promoted  to  Associate  Professor.


Attends  a  regional  meeting  

Maintains  membership  in  professional  society

Maintains/upgrades  knowledge  in  field

Gives  talk  in  departmental  colloquium  or  faculty  forum


Authors a  book  review

Serves  as  a  referee  for  a  journal

Authors an  un-refereed  article  in  one’s  field

Attends  a  national  or  international  meeting.

Even  better:    gives  a  talk  at  a  regional,  national,  or  international  meeting

Attends  a  workshop  in  one’s  field

Completes  coursework  toward  a  second  degree  or  certification

Does  consulting  work  in  one’s  field

Advises  a  student  who  presents  a  paper at  a  conference

Is an Officer of a regional  society


Scholarship Expectations

Applies for a UIndy or other local grant


Authors a  peer  review  article or  book

Acquires  degree  or  certification  in  a  second  area

Develops  a  new  course  or  significant  instructional  software  

Is  an  invited  speaker  or  keynote  speaker  at  a  conference

Engages  in  faculty student  collaborative  research  resulting  in  an  honors project

Does  significant  consulting  work,  including  advising an  MA/MS/Ph.D.  student at  

another  institution

Is  an  officer  of  national  or  international  society

Is  an  editor  or  board  member  of  a  journal

Submits  a  grant  request  to  an  national  or  international  agency  (NSF,  MAA, etc.)

Receives a grant


It is our desire to illuminate the scholarship pursuits outlined in this document in such a way that the committee might understand better a musician’s scholarly work. It in NO way is a comprehensive listing of all possible scholarly pursuits.

Each faculty person who submits a dossier will be asked to include a statement in the dossier that explains both scholarship and service. Some performances or presentations might involve a few weeks of preparation, while others might involve years or even a lifetime of work. The quality or substance of one's performance or presentation as summarized in the qualifying statement could be the subject of critical review or peer/administrative evaluation. 3.4 Scholarship

(A) Regular and disciplined pursuit of knowledge and the development of skills in one’s discipline. Evaluation criteria include:


Scholarship Expectations

(1)  Continued study, including post-doctoral work, through regular courses, short courses, workshops, or independent research, for the musician, this includes learning new repertoire, practicing, rehearsing, and presenting concerts of new repertoire and repertoire that is revisited. It can mean private study with a specialist in the field; it can mean immersion study in another country; it can mean rehearsing and collaborating with other musicians. Performance in a musician’s work is not to be regarded simply as creative expression but rather the culmination of months of research, advanced study, and development of disciplined skill sets through individual practice and the rehearsal/collaborative process. Actual performances make up only about 10% of the actual activity of an artist. The other 90% of one’s work is accomplished through the exercise of self motivated discipline in the confines of a practice room , at the composition table, or in the editing room in a recording studio, supported by substantial research and study that is driven by the curiosities of the creative mind.

(2)  Use of research grants, sabbaticals, travel grants, fellowships, and other sources of support for professional improvement, for the musician this could mean the purchase of new music, using resources to finance advanced study or presentation of one’s work. It may also include travel to study the works of others. Grants and fellowships allow for participation in conferences and festivals, symposiums, and competitions where an invitation to participate is highly coveted and often represents a commendation by one’s peers.

(3) Active membership in learned or professional societies. IMEA, ACD, ASCAP, NASM, NATS, and NAfME represent a few of the importance societies for association and interaction with peers in the field, on a state, regional, and national scale.

(B) Creative expression. Evaluation criteria include: (1) Public presentations in the visual or performing arts. This is a given for the musician. We practice a performance driven art form. A composer whose works are performed regularly is an established composer. However, those outside of the performance side of music, such as music historians, music theorists and technology and recording specialists, are no less vital to the musical ecosystem. Their work is evaluated through theoretical analysis, or the quality of a recorded product. These areas are probably more easily understood by the academic community and can be more easily evaluated through the processes of (2).

(2) Writing monographs, articles for scholarly or professional journals, books, or similar works.

(3) Editing or translating works by others. For the musician, every performance is a translation or recreation of the works of the past or new works for the future.


Scholarship Expectations

(4) Writing poetry, plays, short stories, or similar works. Musical composers, jazz musicians and all musicians who improvise, write new works all the time. Some are transcribed, some are recorded. But some performances are created one time and documented only in the memories of those who hear them. (5) Presenting papers at meetings of learned or professional societies. A performance of a work in this environment can constitute scholarly research and presentation. To be invited to present one’s art in this environment serves to validate the quality of the past work of an artist as regarded by his/her peers.

(6) Using one’s professional expertise to help organizations or communities outside the University through consultation, lecturing, or other activities. Advocacy is vital to the core mission of every musician. Seeking opportunities to build knowledge and advocacy can include time spent talking with an audience before or during performances, teaching, coaching, collaborating with other musicians, and creating unusual performance venues.

(C) General intellectual activity as shown by the acquisition of skills or the pursuit of knowledge in secondary fields of interest. Among other possibilities, this can include language study, historical perspective and attention to common practice and tradition of the time, advocacy training, educational/teacher training, various business acumen, broadcast editing and recording expertise.

Modern Languages

The following criteria serve as a guideline to aid in evaluating faculty member’s contribution to the area of scholarship. The points assigned to each piece of scholarship should be used to provide insight into the weight of that piece in comparison to others. The assigning of points is not intended to serve as a cumulative score.

peer-reviewed book* or top journal article (MLN, French in Review,German Quarterly, Hispania etc.) 10non-peer reviewed book* 8 textbook 8 editor of edited volume (on-or offline) 8 coauthor of coauthored book* 8 peer-reviewed journal/book article – (state & local/regional/national/international) 3/5/6/7creative works (traditional or hybrid) 3/5/6/7publications (state & local/ national/ international 4-10 interdisciplinary research publication (state & local/ national/ international /5/6/7 (interdisciplinary) presentations, online presentations, or exhibitions***(state & local/ national/international 4-10translations (business, medical technical, literary, other)*** 1-10 peer-reviewed journal article –(state & local/regional/national) 3/4 /5 peer-reviewed book chapter 4-6 non-peer-reviewed book chapter 2 non-peer-reviewed journal article 2


Scholarship Expectations

conference paper or roundtable participant (state & local/regional/national/international) 2/3 / 4/ 5 review article or review essay 2-4 book review (any journal) 2-3 3 /5 /6/7 encyclopedia article 1 chair/moderator or commentator (any conference session) 1-3 grants 1-10 workshop participation (off-campus) 2-4 prizes and awards for scholarship (doubles points for book or article) 1-10

Social Work

Additional Scholarship and Service criteria approved by Social Sciences faculty (approved August 18, 2011)

In addition to the scholarship criteria indicated in the P & T guidelines in the faculty handbook, the Social Sciences Department includes the following activities with the understanding that this list still may not be exhaustive:

Entries in reference works Published book reviews Contributing to disciplinary and professional discourse through online

publications and newsletters Case examples that draw on professional literature developed to integrate into

lectures Reflective writing for a professional audience related to teaching or practice Grant proposals for programs that rely on scholarly expertise Editing scholarly and professionally journals, books, and newsletters Serving on an editorial board of a journal/publication Review of books for publishers Documentaries that draw-on professional knowledge Publication of supplemental materials for texts University publications that draw on scholarly knowledge Poster presentations at scholarly conferences. Chair, facilitator, or critic at a conference session Review of conference proposals Published syllabi, course assignments and activities

Attendance at or contributions to seminars, workshops, and trainings for professionals

Provision of seminars, workshops, and trainings for non-professional audiences that utilizes one’s professional expertise

Course creation, development and revision, new majors, and specialties (minors and concentrations)

Program evaluations that draw on professional expertise Assessments and evaluations for the university Contributing to a self-study for external accreditation Collaborating on or supervising student research


Scholarship Expectations

Mentoring student honor’s project Attaining and maintaining licensure or certification Drafting testimony or legislation for policy makers Developing competencies in areas outside those routinely required for classroom

preparation or regular professional tasks (e.g., foreign language, knowledge related to a special population, technical proficiencies)

Engaging in personal self-study or a professional growth plan to enhance pedagogical competencies

Other: Scholarship of service (can go here or scholarship depending on the area you

are addressing) Presenting or attending at conferences (can go here or scholarship depending on

the area you are addressing)

Physics and Earth-Space Science

Scholarship:In order to be an effective teacher, one must develop and nourish a connection to the discipline in which we educate. For purposes of supporting the mission of the University of Indianapolis, this is best done through connection and contribution to physics education, earthspace science education or through the direct involvement of some of our undergraduate students in scientific investigations. Possible ways in which this connection to our profession can be evidenced are listed here; it should be noted, however, that this list is not exhaustive. The dissemination of knowledge can take place at a local, regional, national, or international level.

1. Contribution to our collective understanding of Physics and EarthSpace Science (personal or collaborative research in physical and/or earthspace science principles)

Endeavors in this area can be readily evidenced through any of the following: a. Publication of the results in a journal, magazine, edited volume, book, or other venue suitable to convey the contribution to the community of fellow investigators in this field. b. Presentation of the results in a manner and a venue suitable to convey the contribution to the community of fellow investigators in this field. c. Publication and/or presentation of the results to the lay community or to scholars in other fields

2. Contribution to our collective understanding of education through personal or collaborative research in physics education and/or earthspace science education

Endeavors in this area can be readily evidenced through any of the following: a. Publication of the results in a journal , magazine, edited volume, book, or other venue suitable to convey the contribution to the community of fellow investigators in this field.


Scholarship Expectations

b. Presentation of the results in a manner and a venue suitable to convey the contribution to the community of fellow investigators in this field. c. Publication and/or presentation of the results to the lay community or to scholars in other fields d. Appropriate application of the results of these investigations in one's own classroom and/or in other courses within or beyond the Physics and EarthSpace Science curriculum

3. Contribution to the ongoing endeavors to support the enterprise of physics, earth-space science, physics education and earthspace science education as an important part of our society (outreach in physics, earthspace science, physics education and earthspace science education)

Endeavors in this area can be readily evidenced through any of the following: a. Evidence of active contributions to teacher preparation and inteacher support activities designed toward enhancing the education of physics, earthspace science and/or the natural sciences b. Evidence of active participation in innovative means of community outreach that align with physics, earthspace science or natural science education c. Evidence of support of the endeavors of the local, state, regional or national community of physicist, earth scientist, physics educators and earthspace science educators (illustrated by, but not limited to the American Association of Physics Teachers and/or HASTI).

4. Contributions to one's own knowledge, understanding, and facile practice of effective education within physics, earthspace science and/or the natural sciences (self development)

a. Undertaking vetted educational programs toward improving one's content knowledge or pedagogical practice b. Evidence of autodidactic endeavors toward improving one's content knowledge or pedagogical practice c. Evidence of reflective application of new methods of pedagogy and ongoing improvement of existing pedagogical practices

It is anticipated that creative and dedicated individuals will innovate methods of contribution and the development of appropriate means of evidencing those efforts that are not covered in this document. However, scholarly endeavors will be judged in light of the framework developed above. Note that evidence presented to support one's scholarly contributions should be aligned with the framework and presented in a manner that is clear, incontrovertible, and accessible to those to whom this is addressed.

(T h i s s e c t i o n i s a d a p t e d f r o m t h e C h e m i s t r y D e p a r t m e n t ’ s definition of scholarship as of 2011 written by Dr. Ann Cutler.)

Sociology and Criminal Justice

Additional Scholarship and Service criteria approved by Social Sciences faculty (approved August 18, 2011)


Scholarship Expectations

In addition to the scholarship criteria indicated in the P & T guidelines in the faculty handbook, the Social Sciences Department includes the following activities with the understanding that this list still may not be exhaustive:

Entries in reference works Published book reviews Contributing to disciplinary and professional discourse through online

publications and newsletters Case examples that draw on professional literature developed to integrate into lectures

Reflective writing for a professional audience related to teaching or practice Grant proposals for programs that rely on scholarly expertise Editing scholarly and professionally journals, books, and newsletters Serving on an editorial board of a journal/publication Review of books for publishers Documentaries that draw on professional knowledge Publication of supplemental materials for texts University publications that draw on scholarly knowledge Poster presentations at scholarly conferences. Chair, facilitator, or critic at a conference session Review of conference proposals Published syllabi, course assignments and activities Attendance at or contributions to seminars, workshops, and trainings for

professionals Provision of seminars, workshops, and trainings for nonprofessional audiences

that utilizes one’s professional expertise Course creation, development and revision, new majors, and specialties (minors

and concentrations) Program evaluations that draw on professional expertiseAssessments and evaluations for the universityContributing to a selfstudy for external accreditation

Collaborating on or supervising student research Mentoring student honor’s projectAttaining and maintaining licensure or certification Drafting testimony or legislation for policy makers

Developing competencies in areas outside those routinely required for classroom preparation or regular professional tasks (e.g., foreign language, knowledge related to a special population, technical proficiencies)

Engaging in personal selfstudy or a professional growth plan to enhance pedagogical competencies

Other: Scholarship of service (can go in service or scholarship depending on the area

you are addressing) Presenting or attending at conferences (can go service or scholarship depending

on the area you are addressing)

SOTWithin SOT, scholarship is defined as maintaining currency in one’s field and the process of development, implementation, and progression along a scholarly agenda. It


Scholarship Expectations

can include scholarship of discovery, application, integration, and teaching leading to a form of dissemination. This can occur within a classroom, laboratory, an online environment, professional venues, and/or within a community or fieldwork setting. Scholarship should be consistent with the department, school, college, and university Mission, Vision, and Outcomes.

Development and progress of scholarly agenda/topic. Facilitate student presentation at Annual Research Forum within UIndy

Community Complete routine CITI training to maintain current for UIndy IRB Facilitate student IRB submission Participates in faculty development activities related to teaching or clinical skills

within SOT Maintain professional development requirements consistent with state and

national standards Consistent progress towards a scholarly agenda/topic Attends workshop/course related to clinical expertise. Active pursuit of terminal degree Presentation of student research projects outside of the UIndy community. Participates in a variety of faculty development activities related to teaching or

clinical skills outside of SOT Development of scholarly agenda/topic/project for beyond requirements of

research group

Demonstrate continuing competency beyond minimum requirement (specialty certification, etc)

Invited presentations outside SOT Accepted regional juried presentation (poster, paper, presentations – i.e. IOTA) Awarded internal grant funding (from UIndy but external of college) Attainment of terminal degree Maintains professional practice that enhances scholarship (incompliance with

university and department policies) Accepted national or international juried posters


Scholarship Expectations

(after 1




Scholarship Expectations

Publication in non-peer reviewed professional journal, magazine, and/or book/chapter (beyond 1 publication ever)

Awarded external grant funding (from outside UIndy) less than $5,000 Reviewer/Referee for a professional journal, magazine, and/or book (equal to or

less than 10 reviews) First ever accepted national or international juried poster Accepted national or international juried presentation (paper, presentation, short

course - i.e. AOTA) First ever publication in professional journal, magazine, and/or book/chapter

(peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed) Peer-reviewed publication in professional journal, magazine, and/or book/chapter Keynote or invited speaker for a regional or national conference Reviewer/Referee for a professional journal, magazine, and/or book (greater than

10 reviews) Awarded external grant funding (from outside UIndy) above $5,000 Receives award for scholarly contribution


Scholarship in nursing can be defined as those activities that systematically advance the teaching, research, and practice of nursing through rigorous inquiry that 1) is significant to the profession, 2) is creative, 3) can be documented, 4) can be replicated or elaborated, and 5) can be peerreviewed through various methods. This definition is applied in the following standards that describe scholarship in nursing. (AACN Position Statement March, 1999) http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Publications/positions/scholar.htm

Scholarship of Discovery

The scholarship of discovery is inquiry that produces the disciplinary and professional knowledge that is at the very heart of academic pursuits (Boyer, 1990). Within nursing, the scholarship of discovery reflects the unique perspective of nursing that "takes an expanded view of health by emphasizing health promotion, restoration, and rehabilitation, as well as a commitment to caring and comfort (AACN, 1998, p.1) (AACN Position Statement March, 1999). http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Publications/positions/scholar.htm

Indicators of Scholarship

 Taking courses beyond the candidate’s highest degree.  Maintains active membership in professional associations.  Attendance at professional meetings/conferences/webinars.  Makes professional external and/or internal presentations (institutional, local, state, regional, national, international).  Acquisition/maintenance of professional certifications, degrees, and other specialty credentials related to one’s field of practice.  Writes scholarly/creative works for professional publications.


Scholarship Expectations

 Peer review of scholarly work  Uses and/or writes research grants, sabbaticals, travel grants or fellowships for professional development.  Writes internal and/or external grant proposals.  Mentors and/or consults for scholarship and/or research.  Participates in accreditation process and/or report writing.  Consults with regional or national agencies on/off campus with impact on professional practice.

Psychological Sciences

Operational definition of scholarship and associated criteriaScholarship refers to the products created from the disciplined pursuit of knowledge or systematic efforts directed toward understanding phenomena. In the field of psychology, the most frequently used method of externally validating scholarship is the peer review process. Scholarly activities include journal articles, books, and chapters; posters, presentations, workshops, and symposia; external or internal grant activities, and editorial work. A faculty member is expected to show that they are making meaningful contributions to the discipline of psychology with indications of continued and ongoing scholarship. Continuity may be indicated in many possible ways, such as scholarly productivity, indications of national or international impact, development of a program of research, involvement of students as co-authors, authorship, and so forth.

Tenure-track faculty members in the School of Psychological Sciences are expected to develop a scholarly agenda that is appropriate to the discipline and that results in publications in refereed journals and books.  Book chapters, presentations at professional conferences, book reviews, evaluation reports, multi-media products, and research-based instructional materials clearly are forms of scholarship which can supplement the tenure and/or promotion dossier, but will not have as much weight as scholarly, refereed publications. The quality of the publication and its publication outlet will also factor into tenure and promotion decisions. Indices of publication quality can include statements from outside reviewers and the prestige of the journal in psychology and related fields. Multi-authored publications are also valued as indices of scholarly collaboration and student mentorship, but the publication record of candidates for tenure and promotion should show evidence of project leadership and independent scholarship via first authorships in some multi-authored publications.

The promotion to full professor suggests that the faculty member has either a national or international reputation within the field of psychology. Criteria for full professor will include the above but also may include invited presentations (national and international), quantitative indexes of scholarly impact, awards for scholarship, fellow status in professional societies, and external grant funding.


Scholarship Expectations


For promotion to Associate Professor, the Faculty Handbook states that one must have demonstrated ability to make contributions to one’s discipline and to develop new expertise. For tenure, the candidate should demonstrate competence in scholarship. The purpose of this document is to define scholarship for the School of Education.To be a competent scholar in the School of Education requires a faculty member to not only engage in scholarship, but also in the “stepping back from investigation, looking for connections, building bridges between theory and practice, and communicating one’s knowledge effectively to students” (Boyer, 1990). Therefore, it is expected that faculty in the School of Education will engage in scholarship and scholarly activity in their professional field of practice in any combination of these four areas: Teaching, Discovery, Integration, Application.

1. One who engages in the scholarship of teaching is studying intellectual engagement that results in teaching models and practices that achieve optimal learning

2. One who engages in the scholarship of discovery is investigating and/or researching ideas or concepts that build new knowledge and contribute to (or advance) a body of knowledge.

3. One who engages in the scholarship of integration is interpreting, connecting, or synthesizing knowledge across disciplines resulting in a greater understanding of those disciplines (bringing new insight into original/existing research).

4. One who engages in the scholarship of application is participating in intellectual activities that result from investigation/research in one’s field and applying those results to solve practical problems.

Candidates are expected to provide evidence that their scholarship/scholarly activities are recognized within the university (internal validation) and beyond (external validation). Candidates are also expected to specifically define their particular field of practice and provide justification of how each piece of evidence meets the abovementioned definition.  It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to make his or her own case for promotion.

From Boyer (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass


Faculty in the Department of Theatre do their professional work in various and disparate areas academically, artistically, and pedagogically.  These areas include, but are not limited to: acting, directing, all areas of design, stage management, dramaturgy, playwriting, and various specialties such as fight choreography, acting for the camera, vocal coaching (such as dialects), movement, stage combat, millinery, associated costume crafts, props, scene painting, children’s theatre, and arts management. Typical publication, conference participation, and scholarly work guidelines would apply


Scholarship Expectations

to work in theatre.  N.B. Theatre faculty may also offer workshops at conferences.  As a Department, we consider these activities to fall under Expectations for Service (see below).   More importantly to the program at the University of Indianapolis, Theatre faculty create works of public performance that should be considered scholarship. The level and quality of that scholarship should be explained in the dossier for promotion and/or tenure and supported by the Department Chair and Dean.

Examples of such scholarly work include, but are not limited to the various areas described above for university productions. Examples of distinguished scholarly work and recognition include, but are not limited to the various areas described above for off-campus professional or professionally managed theatres.

Offers to repeat one's affiliation with a theatre would constitute a peer-reviewed recognition of the quality of artistic work. However, it is also typical for theatre artists to work only once for a theatre and still to have done quality work. Theatre is a small enough world that word gets around and people who do good work are recommended to other theatres. It must be stressed that production work for campus productions is no less demanding or artistically credible than off-campus work.  In addition, because of the nature of the pedagogy, theatre faculty often spend as much if not more time and depth of research mentoring student assistants, student designers, and student directors through the production process. Periodically, university productions are viewed and critiqued by colleagues through the Kennedy Center/American College Theatre Festival.  Distinguished scholarship would also include recognition of a faculty member’s work by the award of a Certificate of Merit from KC/ACTF or other recognition.

Occasionally, an exceptional production may be invited to be performed at a regional or national festival. In college theatre this is the equivalent of an athletic team making it to the conference post-season play, and should be considered a high honor and recognition of the quality of the collaborative work of art of that production.