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Post on 22-Jun-2020

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Health and Wellbeing:Mrs Taylor will teach rights and responsibilities as we start our journey towards becoming a 'Rights Respecting School'.

Mrs MacDonald will teach internet safety to children in P4-6.

Maths and Numeracy:Mrs Taylor will teach fractions, decimals and percentages. Mrs Wright will teach data handling (graphs, charts and tables).Mrs Nelson will finish her work on time and teach measurement.

Language / LiteracyGroup reading will continue with the younger children carrying out a unit of work on Katie Morag. Mrs Wright will continue personal writing with the younger children, and reading comprehension and grammar with P3-6.Mrs Nelson will continue to teach writing through current affairs.Mrs Taylor will teach poetry this term.

RMEMrs Wright will continue to teach religious and moral education. This term the focus will be on pilgrimage.

PERugby - the children will have lessons in school on Mondays starting soon. Swimming lessons start on Tuesday 9th May.We will take part in the Cross Country event at Flowerdale, and the ASG Sports Day.

TOPICOur topic this term is 'Seashore'. We have planned for the children to work with Jenny, the Countryside Ranger, and with Ian French, Marine Biologist, to learn about our local seashore. Our art work will link with our poetry and topic work, and will involve some weaving and collage.

Resource Request - If anyone has newspaper for our tables during art, and any wool / fabric for weaving and collages we would really appreciate your donations.

Come on in - You are always welcome in school. If you would like to speak to a class teacher about any of the above please note that the best times to speak to them are as follows: Mrs Wright (Monday - after school), Mrs Nelson (Wednesday before school), Mrs MacDonald (Wednesday after school), Mrs Taylor (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday after school). We value our open door policy and you are always welcome to pop in. However, if you would like to discuss something with the class teacher in private please contact the school and we will be happy to arrange a meeting with the relevant member of staff.

Kinlochewe Primary School Homework Sheet - Until Friday 26th May. Primary 1-4



To design and make a boat using materials you would usually throw away. Your boat needs to be able to float confidently in the school's water tray. If it can move along when blown, even better!

Be ready to tell everyone how you made it and why you chose the materials you chose.


SPELLING HOMEWORK:We will continue to hand out new spelling lists on a Monday. Words will be tested in school on a Friday. A little practice each night will help you to learn your spellings.

READING HOMEWORK:Keep an eye on your reading diary.

No reading homework? Remember to keep reading your own books at home too. We recommend reading for about 15 mins each night. Remember to keep reading out loud to someone at home too.

MATHS / NUMERACY: Sumdog. We will set the children a challenge on sumdog to have a go at at home each week.