· Web viewKeansburg School District. Curriculum System. Core Curriculum - Seminars. Keansburg...

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Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Believe, Understand, and Realize Goals

Core Curriculum: Freshman SeminarCollege and Career Ready (CCR)

Board Approved:

Keansburg Public Schools

Board of Education

Mrs. Judy Ferraro, PresidentMs. Kimberly Kelaher-Moran, Vice President

Ms. Delores A. BartramMs. Ann Marie Best

Ms. Christine BlumMs. Ann Commarato


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsMr. Michael Donaldson

Mr. Robert KetchMr. Steven Rogan

District Administration

Mr. Gerald North, SuperintendentDr. Thomas W. Tramaglini, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Funding

Ms. Michelle Derpich, Secondary Supervisor of Curriculum & InstructionDr. Brian Latwis, Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services

Mrs. Donna Glomb, Elementary Supervisor of Curriculum & InstructionMs. Corey Lowell, Business Administrator

Curriculum Development CommitteeTimothy O’Halloran

Eileen LidonKaren Politte

Dagoberto Pinol


Believe, Understand, and Realize Goals

Graduatesthat are

prepared and

inspired to make positive

contributions to society


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsMission/Vision Statement

The mission of the Keansburg School District developed through relationships with all stakeholders is to identify the unique potential of each individual by creating a relevant and meaningful learning environment that promotes high academic, social, and emotional expectations for our

students and teachers, and leads to graduates that are prepared and inspired to make positive contributions to society.


We believe that:

All children can learn. To meet the challenges of change, risk must be taken. Every student is entitled to an equal educational opportunity. It is our responsibility to enable students to succeed and become the best that they can be. All individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. The school system should be responsive to the diversity within our total population. The degree of commitment and level of involvement in the decision-making processes, from the student, community, home and school,

will determine the quality of education. Decisions should be based on the needs of the students. Achievement will rise to the level of expectation. Students should be taught how to learn. The educational process should be a coordinated system of services and programs.


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars

Curriculum Philosophy

The curriculum philosophy of the Keansburg School District is progressive. We embrace the high expectations of our students and community towards success in the 21st Century and beyond. At the center of this ideal, we believe that all of our students can be successful. The following are our core beliefs for all curricula:

All district curricula: Balances policy driven trends of centralization and standardization with research and what we know is good for our students. Balances the strong emphasis on test success and curriculum standards with how and what our students must know to be successful in our

community. Embraces the reality that our students differ in the way they learn and perform, and personalizes instruction to meet the needs of each

learner. Are aligned to be developmentally appropriate. Provides teachers the support and flexibility to be innovative and creative to meet the needs of our students.


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsNew Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st Century Skills (2009)

9.1 21st Century Life Skills A. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving B. Creativity and Innovation C. Collaboration, Teamwork and Leadership D. Cross-Cultural Understanding and Interpersonal

Communications E. Communication and Media Fluency F. Accountability, Productivity and Ethics

9.2 Personal Financial Literacy A. Income and Careers B. Money Management C. Credit and Debt Management D. Planning, Saving, and Investing E. Becoming a Critical Consumer F. Civic Financial Responsibility G. Risk Management and Insurance

9.3  21st Career Awareness, Exploration & Preparation A. Career Awareness B. Career Exploration C. Career Preparation

9.4 Career and Technical Education 9.4.A. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career

Cluster o 9.4.A(1) Food Products and Processing Systemso 9.4.A(2) Plant Systemso 9.4.A(3) Animal Systemso 9.4.A(4) Power, Structural, and Technical Systemso 9.4.A(5) Natural Resources Systemso 9.4.A(6) Environmental Service Systemso 9.4.A(7) Agribusiness Systems

9.4.B Architecture & Construction Career Cluster o 9.4B(1) Design/Pre-constructiono 9.4.B(2) Construction

o 9.4.B(3) Maintenance and Operations Pathway 9.4.C Audio/Visual, Technology & Film Career Cluster

o 9.4.C(1) Audio & Visual Technology and Filmo 9.4.C(2) Journalism and Broadcastingo 9.4.C(3) Printing Technologyo 9.4.C(4) Performing Artso 9.4.C(5) Telecommunications Technologieso 9.4.C(6) Visual Arts

9.4.D  Business, Management & Administration Career Cluster

o 9.4.D(1) Administrative Serviceso 9.4.D(2) Business Information Technologyo 9.4.D(3) General Managemento 9.4.D(4) Business Financial Management &

Accountingo 9.4.D(5) Human Resourceso 9.4.D(6) Operations Management

9.4.E Education & Training Career Cluster o 9.4.E(1) Professional Support Serviceso 9.4.E(2) Teaching and Training

9.4.F Finance Career Cluster o 9.4.F(1) Accountingo 9.4.F(2) Bankingo 9.4.F(3) Business Financeo 9.4.F(4) Insuranceo 9.4.F(5) Securities and Investment

9.4.G. Government & Public Administration Career Cluster o 9.4.G(1) Governanceo 9.4.G(2) Foreign Serviceo 9.4.G(3) Planningo 9.4.G(4) National Security

9.4.H Health Sciences Career Cluster o 9.4.H(1) Therapeutic Services


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminarso 9.4.H(2) Diagnostic Serviceso 9.4.H(3) Health Informaticso 9.4.H(4) Support Serviceso 9.4.H(5) Biotechnology Research and Development

9.4.I Hospitality & Tourism Career Cluster o 9.4.I(1) Restaurant Food and Beverage Serviceo 9.4.I(2) Lodgingo 9.4.I(3) Travel and Tourismo 9.4.I(4) Recreation, Amusement, and Attractions

9.4.J Human Services Career Cluster o 9.4.J(1) Early Childhood Development and Serviceso 9.4.J(2) Family and Community Serviceso 9.4.J(3) Personal Care Serviceso 9.4.J(4) Consumer Service

9.4.K Information Technology Career Cluster o 9.4.K(1) Network Systemso 9.4.K(2) Information Support and Serviceso 9.4.K(3) Web and Digital Communicationo 9.4.K(4) Programming and Software Development

9.4.L Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Career Cluster

o 9.4.L(1) Corrections Serviceso 9.4.L(2) Emergency and Fire Management Serviceso 9.4.L(3) Security and Protective Serviceso 9.4.L(4) Law Enforcement Serviceso 9.4.L(5) Legal Services

9.4.M. Manufacturing Career Cluster o 9.4.M(1) Manufacturing Production Process


o 9.4.M(2) Productiono 9.4.M(3) Maintenance, Installation, and Repairo 9.4.M(4) Quality Assuranceo 9.4.M(5) Logistics and Inventory Controlo 9.4.M(6) Health, Safety, and Environmental

Assurance 9.4.N Marketing Career Cluster

o 9.4.N(1) Marketing Communicationso 9.4.N(2) Marketing Managemento 9.4.N(3) Marketing Researcho 9.4.N(4) Management & Entrepreneurshipo 9.4.N(5) Merchandisingo 9.4.N(6) Professional Sales & Marketing

9.4.O Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster

o 9.4.O(1) Engineering and Technologyo 9.4.O(2) Science and Mathematics

9.4.P Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Career Cluster o 9.4.P(1) Transportation Operationso 9.4.P(2) Logistics Planning and Managemento 9.4.P(3) Warehousing and Distribution Center

Operationso 9.4.P(4) Planning Implementationo 9.4.P(5) Transportation Systems/Infrastructure

Planning, Management, and Regulationso 9.4.P(6) Health, Safety, and Environmental

Managemento 9.4.P(7) Sales and Service


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsNew Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Educational Technology

Standard 8.1 Educational Technology

A. Technology Operations and ConceptsB. Creativity and InnovationC. Communication and CollaborationD. Digital CitizenshipE. Research and Information LiteracyF. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making

8.2 Technology Education, Engineering and Design

A. Nature of Technology: Creativity and InnovationB. Design: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision MakingC. Technological Citizenship, Ethics and SocietyD. Research and Information FluencyE. Communication and CollaborationF. Resources for a technological worldG. The Designed World


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsYear Block Concepts/Big ideas

15 periods 7.5 blocks

1. Effectively use digital tools o Basic PC skillso Developing digital portfolioso Navigate ethically while operating electronic mail applications to

communicate with otherso Identify different internet browsers and utilize their key functionso Understand the purpose of the district’s acceptable use policy and

the consequences of inappropriate use of technologyo Apply Boolean logic and advanced search techniques to extract

specific information using search engineso Identify and utilize key features and functions of desktop

managemento Model appropriate online behaviors related to cyber safety, cyber

bullying, cyber security, and cyber ethics

50 periods 25 blocks

2. Word Processing/Keyboarding o Develop proper keyboarding skillso Identify and utilize functions of word processingo Manipulate word processing features and toolso Apply word processing skills to everyday business and personal


60 periods 30 blocks

3. Presentation/Publication Applications o Identify and utilize key features and functions of

presentation/publication programso Apply program features and proper presentation/publishing skills

to engage and inform audienceso Create and present business appropriate



Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars

40 periods 20 blocks

4. Spreadsheet Applications o Identify and utilize key features and functions of spreadsheet

programso Demonstrate how to use spreadsheet program features and

commandso Apply spreadsheet skills to everyday business and personal

scenarioso Create formulas to automate mathematical calculations

15 periods 7.5 blocks5. Social Networking

o Participate in online learning communities, social networks, and virtual worlds


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars

Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Subject/Grade/Level:Freshman Seminar


Topic(s): Effectively use digital tools

Significance of Learning Goal(s): 1. To allow students to learn and communicate individually and collaboratively2. Model appropriate internet use to effectively navigate the World Wide Web3. Evaluate online resources needed to solve a given problem



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n Content Standards /

CPI / Essential Questions

Specific Learning Objective(s)

The Students Will Be Able To:

Suggested ActivitiesInstructional Tools / Materials /

Technology / Resources / Assessments and Assessment Models


EQ:Why is it important to collaborate with your peers?

In what ways

Concept(s): o Demonstrate basic PC skillso Create digital portfolioso Navigate ethically while

operating electronic mail applications to communicate with others

o Identify different internet browsers and utilize their key functions

o Understand the purpose of the district’s acceptable use policy and the consequences of inappropriate use of technology

o Apply Boolean logic and

Meets Standard: Create H drive portfolio for data placement

using data management Create an electronic mail account via gmail

to be used for class purposes only Determine how the internet impacts your life Outline the main restrictions of the

Keansburg School District’s Acceptable Use Policy

Understand the different Boolean operators in order to conduct a complex search of the internet

Complete a document analysis worksheet to determine if a source is a primary or secondary source

Identify various types of internet communications that if used inappropriately,

Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

Based on your research, identify which ISP you would choose as your home internet service.

Complete an online digital footprint quiz to determine how much of your identify is in cyber space.

Why is it important for you to monitor what you post on other people’s blogs or pages in a virtual community? (research paper)


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminarsdo you collaborate with others?

Have you ever been cyber-bullied?

What is acceptable use of digital tools?

Who is watching you in cyber space?

What is your digital footprint?

advanced search techniques to extract specific information using search engines

o Identify and utilize key features and functions of desktop management

o Model appropriate online behaviors related to cyber safety, cyber bullying, cyber security, and cyber ethics

SWBAT:o Understand the difference

between open and primary sources while extracting information from the web

o Demonstrate appropriate use of copyrights as well as fair use and Creative Commons guidelines

o Explain the impact of cyber crimes on society

o Create a personalized digital portfolio to be used throughout their tenure as storage for exemplary projects and activities

may lead to cyber bullying Choose an online social network and review

the Codes of Conduct and the penalties involved for cyber bullying types of behavior

Outline the steps you can take to protect yourself from cyber bullies

Exceeds Standard: Research internet service providers in your

area utilizing both cable and DSL connections (minimum 4)

Create a table using Word Processing to compare/contrast major features including monthly base fee, download speed, software included, user support services, number of email accounts provided


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsKeansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Subject/Grade/Level:Freshman Seminar


Topic(s): Word Processing/Keyboarding

Significance of Learning Goal(s): 1. Introduce students to 21st Century word processing/keyboarding features in the context of personal and

business-oriented communications



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n Content Standards /

CPI / Essential Questions

Specific Learning Objective(s)

The Students Will Be Able To:

Suggested ActivitiesInstructional Tools / Materials /

Technology / Resources / Assessments and Assessment Models


EQ: What is word processing?

Why is it important to use software tools and applications effectively?

Why is it important to use different types of communication?

Concept(s): Proper keyboarding skills Functions of word processing Word processing features and tools Create document text Formatting documentsSWBAT: Develop proper keyboarding skills Identify and utilize functions of word

processing Manipulate word processing features and

tools Apply word processing skills to everyday

business and personal documents Update digital portfolio to include resume

and exemplary projects and activities Identify software specific tools and

explain their purpose Create text-based documents that

effectively communicate intended message while efficiently using the

Meets Standard:

Identify and utilize word processing tools effectively

Identify and compare personal and business communications

Compose personal and business communications, including memos, personal/business letters, resumes, tables, MLA reports, and desktop publishing documents

Create an informational document after conducting a search on the internet to find information related to careers in the technology field

Exceeds Standard: Research, analyze, and propose

document for a public service

Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

Pretest Posttest Concept tests Critical thinking document

creation Cumulative project-based

activity to include word processing skills learned

Self assessment Peer assessment


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminarsprogram’s tools, features, and shortcuts relevant to today’s real-life, teen-based interests

Develop probing questions prior to interviewing someone in a technology career. Present the information gathered during the interview in a professional word processing document.

Curriculum integration - Using word processing concepts, compose a letter to someone you have learned about in your history class. Include the particular action that he/she was noted for and reference other people from that era in the letter.


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsKeansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Subject/Grade/Level:Freshman Seminar


Topic(s): Presentation/Publishing Applications

Significance of Learning Goal(s): 1. Students will learn how to synthesize information to create and deliver presentations and publications in an effort

to engage and inform audiences2. Students will collaboratively collect, organize, and critique data to propose a solution to a local, public, and/or

global issue



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n Content Standards /

CPI / Essential Questions

Specific Learning Objective(s)

The Students Will Be Able To:

Suggested ActivitiesInstructional Tools / Materials /

Technology / Resources / Assessments and Assessment Models


EQ:Why is it important to know your intended audience prior to creating a presentation or a publication?

What are you trying to accomplish

Concept(s): o Identify and utilize key

features and functions of presentation and publishing programs

o Apply program features and proper presentation/publishing skills to engage and inform audiences

o Create and present business appropriate presentations/publications

o Update digital portfolio to include exemplary presentation/publication projects and activities

Meets Standard: Create a public service publication in various

formats, i.e., flyer, digital presentation Determine the purpose and audience of the

presentation and write down a list of their characteristics

Make a presentation in front of your classmates using a student-created rubric to evaluate the presentation

Exceeds Standard: After meeting with an academic teacher of

their choice, students will create a content-area lesson for this teacher using presentation software.

Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

Pretest Posttest Concept tests Critical thinking document

creation Cumulative project-based

activity to include desktop publishing and presentation software skills learned

Self assessment Peer assessment


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminarswith a presentation or publication?

Under what circumstances would you use presentation software vs. publishing software?

Why is it important to promote school and community events?

SWBAT:o Create a public service

presentation of their choice after researching the topic

o Develop presentations/publications to promote school-wide and community-based activities

o Gather and analyze relevant data regarding a current issue in order to formulate an opinion and present their position


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars

Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Subject/Grade/Level:Freshman Seminar


Topic(s): Spreadsheet Applications

Significance of Learning Goal(s): 1. Organize and manipulate data using a spreadsheet application2. Develop formulas and logical functions and interpret their results in order to make well-informed business

decisions3. Generate charts and graphs for visual enhancement of data



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n Content Standards /

CPI / Essential Questions

Specific Learning Objective(s)

The Students Will Be Able To:

Suggested ActivitiesInstructional Tools / Materials /

Technology / Resources / Assessments and Assessment Models


EQ:What is a spreadsheet?

What are the benefits of keeping track of your personal data?

Concept(s): o Key features and functions of

spreadsheet programso Spreadsheet skills for business

and personal useo Mathematical formulas and

functions o Charts and graphs

SWBAT:o Identify and utilize key features

and functions of spreadsheet programs

o Demonstrate how to use spreadsheet program features and commands to effectively

Meets Standard: Create a personal budget for student’s

freshman year in college Create a worksheet that can be used to

manage school and extra-curricular activities Integrate Word and Excel by importing an

Excel spreadsheet into a Word document

Exceeds Standard:o Research, analyze, and present the nutritional

value of fast food meals at 3 restaurants, i.e., Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Burger King

o Create a spreadsheet that converts temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius that includes average temperature data from 2 countries from each continent

o After researching the metric system, create a

Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

Pretest Posttest Concept tests Critical thinking document

creation Cumulative project-based

activity to include spreadsheet skills learned

Self assessment Peer assessment


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsWhat type of data would you keep track of and why?

What can you do with the results of your data?

collect and organize datao Apply spreadsheet skills to

everyday business and personal scenarios

o Apply logical thinking to create formulas to automate mathematical calculations

o Update digital portfolio to include exemplary spreadsheet projects and activities

o Analyze data to make future business and personal decisions

o Visually present data by creating charts and graphs

spreadsheet conversion chart for the U.S. system of measurement

o Curriculum integration – track the prices for selected consumer goods over the course of several months in a spreadsheet. Analyze the data and explain how prices vary with changes in the economy.


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - SeminarsKeansburg School DistrictCurriculum Management System

Subject/Grade/Level:Freshman Seminar


Topic(s): Social Networking

Significance of Learning Goal(s): 1. Demonstrate appropriate social networking etiquette2. Explore the safety and security of social networking



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n Content Standards /

CPI / Essential Questions

Specific Learning Objective(s)

The Students Will Be Able To:

Suggested ActivitiesInstructional Tools / Materials /

Technology / Resources / Assessments and Assessment Models


EQ:Who uses a social network?

What are the benefits of social networking from a business perspective?

What are the positives and negatives of social networking

Concept(s): o Understand dos and don’ts of

appropriate social networking o Participate in online learning

communities, social networks, and virtual worlds

SWBAT:o Identify different forms of

social networkingo Differentiate between ethical

and unethical use of social networking

o Effectively use social networking to promote school and community events

Meets Standard: Create and regularly post to a class blog Post a tweet on twitter that describes in your

own words the difference between social media and social meeting using hashtag provided by your instructor

Exceeds Standard:

What are the marketing advantages to using social networking? Research 3 companies that use social networking to promote their business/product and create a research paper detailing your findings.

Typical Assessment Question(s) or Task(s):

Why is it important for you to monitor what you post on other people’s blogs or pages in a virtual community? (research paper)

What are the marketing advantages to using social networking? Research 3 companies that use social networking to promote their business/product and create a research paper detailing your findings.


Keansburg School DistrictCurriculum System

Core Curriculum - Seminars