· Web viewEven though Daniel was so young, he still knew his...

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Transcript of  · Web viewEven though Daniel was so young, he still knew his...


Kid’s Camp Workbookbelongs to __________________________________

Friday 24th to Monday 27th April 2020, God Willing!

This workbook has four small chapters for you to complete:

Daniel Chapter 1: Daniel and his Friends Refuse to Conform

Daniel Chapter 2: The King’s Dream and God’s Interpretation

Daniel Chapter 3: The Three Friend’s and the Fiery Furnace

Daniel Chapter 6: Daniel and the Lion’s Den

“…Who through Faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness,

obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,

quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword,

out of weakness were made strong……of whom the world was not worthy…

…these all obtained a good report through Faith!’

Hebrews 11 v 33 – 40

Daniel and his Friends Refuse to ConformReading: Daniel Chapter 1

V1 – 3: Daniel was one of the many people who were led into captivity, or taken as prisoners from their home, to the far away land of Babylon.

How old do you think Daniel was when he was dragged away from his home? Here are some clues:

- The captivity of Judah that starts here in Daniel 1v1 lasted for 70 years. Daniel lived for the whole period of this captivity (cp Ezra 1 v XX) so he must have been a fairly young man when he left Judah.

- He was old enough to ‘understand science’ (Daniel 1v4)

We are going to suggest that Daniel was a young teenager.

Even though Daniel was so young, he still knew his bible and loved his God. God worked with him in this far off strange land, and he has expectations of you too, even though you’re young – God can still work in your life! Look up Ecclesiastes 12v1 and write out the first ten words here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________V3-5 The king wanted the people who were brought back to Babylon to have certain things. Have a go at putting these into your own words:

‘have no blemish, but well favoured’


‘be skillful in wisdom, cunning in knowledge and understanding science’


The king was going to take these handsome and intelligent people and (find the verse in Daniel Chapter One):

Give them lessons about ‘the learning and tongue of the Chaldeans’: _________

Feed them the King’s meat: ___________ Give them the King’s wine: ____________

He wanted to take these people and make them just like him! Who are we meant to be trying to be like? CLUE: Genesis 1v27 ______________________________________________________

V7 As part of the king’s plan, he gives Daniel and his friends Babylonish names. Look at verse 7 and write down what the friends Jewish names were changed to:

Daniel, whose name means ‘Judgement of God’ had his name changed to ________________________ which means ‘Keeper of Bel’s Hidden Treasures’Hananiah, whose name means ‘God is Gracious’ had his name changed to________________________ which means ‘Inspiration of the Sun God’Mishael, whose name means ‘Who is Like God’ had his name changed to_______________________ which means ‘Belongs to Sheshach’ Azariah, whose name means ‘God has helped’ had his name changed to_______________________ which means ‘Servant of the Shining Fire’ (Babylon’s Sun God)Look up these quotes and find out what God promises to people who try to be like Him and His son, Jesus Christ: (Hint: All of the verses mention this one special thing!)

Revelation 2:17 Isaiah 56:5 Isaiah 62:2

_________________________ ______________________ _____________________

What is this new name going to be: Look up Revelation 3:12 to find out:


V9 When people are trying to please God, He will work in their lives. Daniel 1v9 says that God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs. This wouldn’t have been a normal way for a Babylonian prince to feel about his charges! Look up the following passages and write down what you think helps people to grow in favour with God and man:Proverbs 3:3-4 ___________________________________________________________________________


Proverbs 16:7___________________________________________________________________________


Who is the ultimate example of this that you can think of? (Hint: Look up Luke 2v52)


V10 Who do you think the prince of the eunuch’s is talking about when he mentions ‘the children of your sort’?


We might think it’s hard sometimes when we shouldn’t do things that the world does and it’s hard being the one who is different to everyone else. How would you feel if you needed to make a different choice to the people in your meeting?! Even some of the ‘other Christadelphians’ weren’t making the same decision and stand that Daniel was! What matters the most is that we’re trying to please God, and not to please people around us! Fill in the blanks from Acts 5v29.

We ought to _______________________________ rather than _____________________ !

God responded to the good attitude that Daniel and his friends had by looking after them. What happened at the end of the ten days? (v15 has the answer)



Have a look at v17 - this also tells us that God was working in the lives of Daniel and his friends for their good. It says that God gave them certain things, can you list these out here:



V19 Does this verse use the Hebrew or the Babylonish names for Daniel and his friends?

Isn’t that amazing - these men were still successful, but they didn’t need to conform to Babylon!

Have a look at v20 and write down how much better Daniel and his friends were than all the other magicians and astrologers in Babylon:


Lesson: Romans 12v1-2 Be Not Conformed to This World! Explain in your own words what it means to be conformed:


The world wants to shape and mould us to be just like them. They put pressure on us to ‘fit in.’ Look up Romans 8v29 to see God’s solution to this problem – who does God want us to conform to?

We need to be like Daniel and his friends and remember that God wants us to try to be like Him and His Son. The King’s Dream and God’s InterpretationReading: Daniel Chapter 2

V1 – Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams. The dreams were so bad that he couldn’t sleep, and his spirit was troubled – he was upset and anxious.

God used dreams to talk to men and tell them things he wants them to know. Here are some examples – Look up the following quotes and write down men who had a dream from God:

Gen 46v2 1 Kings 3v4-15 Matthew 2v12-13 Acts 16v9, 18v9

________________ ____________________ ________________ ______________

In fact, we will see later on in this chapter that God gives Daniel a dream – v19!

V2-6 Nebuchadnezzar desperately wanted to know what the dream was about – he clearly sensed that he was receiving a message, it wasn’t just an ordinary dream! The only trouble was, he couldn’t remember exactly what the dream had been about. The king became very desperate to recall what the dream had been and to know what it meant. What did the king say would happen to them if they couldn’t do as he asked? (v5)


And what did the king say would happen to them if they could do as he required? (v6)


V9 The King had a real problem – he knew that he couldn’t really trust his wise men – he knew that they had told him lies in the past. So he demands that they tell him the dream as well as telling him what it meant

(the interpretation). There was really only one solution to the king’s problem – look up and write out Proverbs 16v14:




You see there are two kinds of Wisdom. If you look up James 3 v 15 and v17 you will be able to see what these are:

V15: This wisdom descends not from above, but is ___________________ (Man’s Wisdom!)

V17: But the wisdom that is from __________________ is first pure… (God’s Wisdom!)

Look up 1 Corinthians 3v19 to see what God thinks of man’s ‘wisdom’ – he says that it is:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ !There is quite a contrast in Daniel chapter 2 between God’s wisdom (from above) and man’s wisdom. Here is a brief bible marking activity for you to complete in your bible:

Colour in ‘the wise men of Babylon’ in v12, v14, v18, v24 (x2), v27 – This is earthly wisdom.

Colour in ‘the God of heaven’ in v18, v19, v28, v37, v44. - The Wisdom from Above!

Where should we look for Godly wisdom? James 1v5 tells us we can ask God for wisdom. Proverbs 2v6 tells us that God gives wisdom. Proverbs 9v9-10 and Psalm 11v10 give us a bit more information. Fill in the blanks for the two quotes below:

“Give ________________ to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; ___________ a just man,

and he will increase in ___________. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,

And the ______________ of the Holy One is understanding.”

And Psalm 111v10 adds:

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they

that _______________________________________: his praise endureth for ever.”

Where do we get these things from? Where should we go for Godly wisdom? The Bible!!

We need to READ OUR BIBLES to grow in Godly wisdom! One of the most amazing things about Godly Wisdom is the ability for the Bible to tell us what is going to happen in the future! This is called prophecy. No other book in the whole world can do this!

V20-23 is Daniel’s prayer to God and his response to the king.

V14 tells us that he answers with counsel and _____________________.

Fill in the blanks below. Daniel understood where Godly wisdom came from!

- V20 Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever, for ‘_______________ and

might are _________’

- V21 ‘_________ giveth ________________ to the _____________’

- V23 ‘Who has given me ___________________ and might’

- V28 ‘_____________ in _____________ reveals ________________’

It is also interesting to note how many times Daniel mentions God in his prayer. This man loved his God! Colour these in in your bible – in v20-23 we came up with 13 times that God is referred to, either as ‘God,’ ‘his,’ ‘he,’ ‘thee,’ and ‘thou.’

As a side note, it’s important to make sure when we pray to God that our prayers aren’t all about us and what we want, but instead are God-centered.

V31-45 What the King Dreamed and What it Meant:

Don’t you think it’s amazing that in one chapter we can read what the dream was all about, and then keep on reading to find out exactly what it all means! This is a good lesson in how to study the bible – it’s important for us to read the context (the nearby chapters and verses) to understand what the bible is trying to say!

The King’s Dream v31 – v35. Use these verses to fill out the blanks in the ‘Anatomy’ and ‘Metal’ columns below.

The Interpretation v37 – 45. You can use v38 to fill out the very first blank under ‘Empire’.

Anatomy (Body Part) Metal Empire

Head V38


Belly and Thighs

Iron Rome

Feet Divided Europe

Use the following clues to help you fill out the remaining four blanks:

Daniel 2v39 says that after Babylon would arise another kingdom inferior to thee – If you look up Daniel 5v28 you can find out what Empire it was that took over the kingdom of Babylon.

Daniel 2v39 then says that another ‘third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.’ This ones a bit trickier – but see if you can get a clue from looking up Daniel 10v20 – who comes after the prince of Persia?

Did you know that in Daniel Chapter 8 Belshazzar has dreams that Daniel interprets about the very same thing – what kingdoms were coming after Babylon! Instead of the empires being shown as different metals, they are shown as different animals or beasts. The Silver Empire is represented by a ram, and the Brass Empire by a rough goat! Check that you have the right answers so far by looking at Daniel 8v20 and 21. (Isn’t the Bible amazing!)

We have filled in the last two Empires for you. History books are clear that the Roman empire conquered the Grecian Empire and that the Roman Empire then dissolved into what is known today as ‘Divided Europe.’

So what do we know about the stone?

The Stone Clues about what the stone represents

It was cut out of the mountain without hands. V34, 45

No human was responsible for creating this stone. Who does this remind you of?Hint: Luke 1v35

It smote the image. V34 v44 tells us what it is that breaks the image. Can you read v44 and find the answer?

It became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

Based on your answers in the above two boxes, what do you think this is talking about?

Some other quotes you can use to help you if you get stuck:Numbers 14v21, Matthew 6v10, Luke 1v33Revelation 11v15

We are in a very special place in history when you stop and think about it. We can see that everything that God said was going to happen has happened so far! The only thing left to happen is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this earth as King to destroy the kingdoms of this world and set up God’s kingdom which will never be destroyed!

Lesson: God’s wisdom found in his word can tell us the future – we are SO blessed to have this knowledge! So many people in the world have no idea what is going to happen to this world, but we do!

Seeing we have been given this precious gift,

we should read our B ___ ___ ___ ___

every day and look forward to the K___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ He has promised!

The Three Friends & The Fiery FurnaceReading: Daniel Chapter 3

V1 Nebuchadnezzar makes an image. The first thing we can notice about this image is that it isn’t like the image in Daniel Chapter 2 – how is it different? What is it made of?


Nebuchadnezzar had been thinking about what Daniel had said about other kingdoms arising after his kingdom of gold (2v39), and God’s

kingdom lasting forever (2v44), and he didn’t really like the sound of that, so he makes an image that is ALL of Gold – he wants the kingdom of Babylon to last forever!

Where does Nebuchadnezzar set his image up?

Notice that it is set up on a plain – as far away from any mountains as possible. He wasn’t going to have any stones knocking over his image!

This image was big and very impressive. We’re not used to measuring things in cubits like v1 describes, so to help you out, the image was roughly 27 meters tall – that’s like an 8 storey building! Sitting in the middle of an open plain would have made it look even taller! Nebuchadnezzar calls everyone in his whole realm to attend a national dedication of the image. He wanted to impress everyone with Babylon’s greatness.

V4-6 The King has a pretty clear message for everyone. What did he want them to do?

Can you list all of the instruments that are used in v5?


They are emphasized and repeated several times in this chapter – what are the three other verses that list these out for us?


Why did the King want music to play? They could have just bowed down when someone commanded them to. Why was music used? Look up the following passages and fill in the blanks to help you discover the answer.

Psalm 98v4 ‘Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth; Break forth and _____________for

______________ and sing praises.

Job 30v31 ‘My harp is tuned to _____________________ and my organ into the voice of

them that _________________.‘

Isaiah 24v8 The _________________ of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that

_________________ endeth, the _______________of the _________________ ceaseth.

Psalm 137v 1-3 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we ________________,

when we remembered Zion. We hanged our _______________on the willows in the midst

thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a ______________; and

they that wasted us required of us _____________, saying ‘_________________ us one of

the __________________of Zion.’

Exodus 15v10-21 Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a _______________

in her hand, and all the women went out after her, with timbrels and

with___________________. And Miriam answered them “_______________ ye to the Lord,

for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.”

The reason the king used music, was because

music affects us emotionally.One tool that the world can use to manipulate us

in their wisdom and ways is wordly music.

V6 The friends were being told to worship an image. Look up Exodus 20v3-5 and write down three reasons why this was wrong.

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________


It is a lot harder to make good choices under pressure. Daniel’s friends would have talked about what they were going to do before it happened and made a decision. This is helpful to remember when we know we are going to be faced with tricky decisions in life. Here’s a little saying that might help you to remember this:

‘Choose to obey before the music starts to play!’V12 - 15 The idea of serving is a theme of this chapter - Colour in the word ‘serve’ or ‘servant’ in v12, v14, v17, v18, v26, v28 (x2)

What does Matthew 6v24 tell us that no man can do?

Who we choose to serve will affect what happens to us so dramatically. Have a look at Revelation 14v 6 – 12 and fill in the blanks:

In v7 people are told to worship ___ ___ ___

However, in v9 and v11, Some people choose to not serve God, but instead

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the beast and his image. They then have to face the

consequences: What happens to them in v10?

They are tormented with ___ ___ ___ ___ and brimstone!

Stop and Think About: The King is told that the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego haven’t obeyed his instructions and he was furious! It is amazing that he gives the friends a second chance at all. Think about the effort Nebuchadnezzar had gone to - to create this image, and invite the whole kingdom and then, after giving such clear instructions about how he wanted the occasion to run, three people ruin the whole thing! This says that Nebuchadnezzar must have had a fairly high respect for the three friends and the way that they conducted themselves. He explains what he wants them to do again clearly in v15. At the end he adds a threat – ‘and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?!’

It is possible that the friends thought of Deuteronomy 4v23-24. Look this quote up. Straight after instructing Israel to make sure they don’t’ make any graven images, how does v24 go on to describe God?

Our God is ________________________________________________________________


The friends had to make a choice at this point, between the fiery furnace, or their God, who was a consuming fire – they had to choose between one fire or face the other!

V16 All three of the friends answer together. Look up Proverbs 13v20 and write it out:



Friends are so important in helping us to do the right thing. Have a go at putting the above verse into your own words:


V25 You all know what happens in the story – the friends are thrown into the burning fiery furnace and God is with them – he sends his angel to protect them! What an encouragement that would have been. God promises his protection to his people in Isa 43 v 1 – 2. He says:

‘… Fear not… When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the

rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the ___ ___ ___ ___ thou

shalt not be ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___; neither shall the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ kindle on thee!’


You’ve already coloured in the key word for this chapter – the question for us:

Who do we choose to serve?!Romans 6 v 13 and 16 summaries the choice that we have to make and the consequences that follow.

“Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ to obey, his

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ye are to whom ye obey;

whether of sin unto DEATH OR of obedience unto RIGHTEOUSNESS?”

Daniel and The Lion’s DenReading: Daniel Chapter 6

V1-3 King Darius had chosen a special 120 princes to look after his 120 provinces. To help him look after these 120 princes, he had specially chosen 3 men. Daniel had been chosen to be one of these three men, and not only that, what do we read in v2?

’Of Whom Daniel was ___________________________’

Clearly the king had a lot of respect for Daniel, to make him the chief ruler like that! There are quite a few things we’re told about Daniel in this chapter that explain why the king had this respect for him. Finish the blanks below:

V3: Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an _________________

________________ was in him.

V4: He was _____________________, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

V22: Forasmuch as before him _______________________ was found in me.

Also the following two verses from Chapter 5v12: Forasmuch as an _______________________________ and knowledge. And understanding, interpreting of dreams and shewing of had sentences, and dissolving of doubts were found in the same Daniel.

V14: That light, and understanding and _____________________________ is found in thee.

Everyone knew what Daniel was like, because Daniel was consistent. He didn’t change his behavior depending on who he was around. People will only respect us if we’re consistent.

V5 In fact, it was Daniel’s very consistency that made it easy for the jealous presidents and princes to know how to trap him. They knew that he wouldn’t change his behavior towards his God!

V10 describes the fact that Daniel didn’t change! Complete the verse: “He kneeled on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God,

__________________________________________________________ .”

Daniel is an amazing example of prayer.He made sure he prayed three times a day, no matter

what!How often do you pray to God?

This is Daniel’s great test of faith in his God - His friends had had to face the fiery furnace, and now he faces the lion’s den! Below is a chart comparing the events of the fiery furnace to the events of the lion’s den – Can you complete what the verses from Daniel 6 are in the right hand column:

Accusers came near Daniel 3 v 8 Dan 6 vA signed decree Daniel 3 v 10 Dan 6 vPunishment for disobedience

Daniel 3 v 11 Dan 6 v

No regard for the decree or the king

Daniel 3 v 12 Dan 6 v

The king was upset/enraged

Daniel 3 v 13 Dan 6 v

King tries to give second chance

Daniel 3 v 15 Dan 6 v

God will/can deliver Daniel 3 v 17 Dan 6 vA second decree made Daniel 3 v 29 Dan 6 vAn angel was present Daniel 3 v 25 Dan 6 v

We have already mentioned that the King had a lot of respect for Daniel. He was so upset at what had happened and worked so hard to fix the situation! Can you find the verses in Daniel 6 where it says these things about the King trying to save Daniel:

- V______ ‘Sore displeased with himself’- V______ ‘set his heart on Daniel’- V______ ‘laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him’- V______ ‘passed the night fasting’- V______ ‘his sleep went from him’- V______ ‘arose very early’- V______ ‘went in haste’

- V______ ‘cried with a lamentable voice’- V______ ‘then was the King exceeding glad!’

Bible Marking Exercise. Lots of things in the story of Daniel in the lion’s den are similar to the story of Jesus trial and crucifixion. We’ve listed them here for you to read in the chart below. Write this chart into your bible. If you can think of any more types, then add those in too.

Daniel in Daniel Chapter 6

Event Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew

V6 Assembled together 27 v 17V3 They envied him 27 v 18V18 King can’t sleep 27 v 19V14 King thinks he’s

innocent27 v 23

V15 King can’t change things

27 v 24

V15 A tumult ‘assembled’ 27 v 24V17 Lion’s den / stone /

seal27 v 66

V19 Rise early in the morning

28 v 1

V23 Alive from the dead 28 v 7V24 His blood be upon us 27 v 25V24 Not a bone broken John 19 v 36

V19 – 22 The king rushed to the lion’s den early in the morning to see what had happened to Daniel. Daniel’s reply in v22 was, ‘My God has sent his angel…’

Stop and Think About: What an amazing moment for Daniel this would have been! From the thought of being mauled by a lion, to coming face to face with one of God’s special angels!

Turn up Psalm 34. This tells us about God’s care for those who trust in him. There are a few verses that remind us of the story of Daniel and the lion’s den.

In v7 who is it that encamps around the people that trust in God?

___________________________________________________________________________In v9 what group of people don’t suffer want?


In v10 who is it that suffers hunger?


In v19, the righteous are afflicted, but what does God do for them?


In v20, what happens to the bones of the righteous?


V24 That last question takes us back to Daniel 6v24 – when the king commanded for the men who had accused Daniel to be thrown into the den instead, it says that the lions broke all of their bones in pieces before they even hit the bottom of the den! What a contrast!!

Lesson: The list of the faithful in Hebrews 11 includes some amazing people, but Daniel and his friends aren’t listed by name. However, they are hiding in the record if we look hard enough. In v33 we read of those faithful people who:

stopped the mouths of _______________________________________________ (Daniel 6)

and in v34 we read about those who quenched the violence of _______________ (Daniel 3)

and also those who escaped the edge of the ______________________________ (Daniel 2)

If we want to be part of the list of the faithful in Hebrews 11 we need to develop our

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ like Daniel’s and his friends!