· Web viewBreakout room 2, it’s your turn now to share screen. _____ (the person who...

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Transcript of   · Web viewBreakout room 2, it’s your turn now to share screen. _____ (the person who...

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Facilitator pre-Workout checklist


The overall aim of the recall session is to bring participants together (one last time) to review and reflect on the learnings they have gained from the content of the programme, plan for their ongoing learning, and consolidate the key skills they learned through the programme.

Learning outcomes

In the recall session, participants will be able to:

1. reflect on the progress they made throughout the New People Leader Development Programme2. further develop coaching and feedback skills 3. experience the benefits of being coached through challenges towards action4. celebrate their involvement and progress in their own leadership development.

Resources Computer with high-speed internet, ideally with two monitors PowerPoints

Emails from the participants from the Kick-off session (to email back to them at this session)


1. The session is three hours. In the recall there is the option to include the managers back in the final session. This will take the recall session to four hours in length and the content is included in the facilitator guide in orange to support facilitators to add this in.

2. The 10-minute break can be moved to suit your session. 3. Ensure you have an internet connection for any videos required in the content review or revisit.

4. Ensure you have access to all the guides and materials that the group might wish to review during the content review.


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

Welcome & housekeeping

Say: Kia ora. Welcome back to the recall session for the New People Leader Development Programme. I hope the last two months have been great for you.

Say: Let’s quickly run through any housekeeping.

Ensure you cover:

Mute and unmute protocols Reminder to turn on the chat function, so if anyone is having difficulty

they can use this function and others can see it; or they can share ideas. Expectation that everyone takes a turn to talk in the main room (if group

size allows this) and that people are expected to take turns with being spokesperson from breakout room conversations debriefed in the main room

The need to accept a breakout room when the offer comes up on screen, in order that they go into the breakout room

Acknowledgement that if there is an emergency at anyone’s location, they will attend to that in whatever way is necessary – just as you will as facilitator

A wish for people to keep cameras on whenever possible. (You may wish to mention that if the ‘home-working’ situation means there are periodically background distractions, we understand you may periodically turn cameras off)

A reminder to close email programmes, and turn off phones (just as if we were face-to-face)

A suggestion that if they have technology issues, to contact your session technical support person (so that they get a quick response).

Say: Remember, our group guidelines/kawa apply for our session.Ask: Is there anything you would like to change or add to the group guidelines/kawa for today?

Chat: set the scene about how you want this to be used or not used – for example, do you want people sharing ideas in the chat, or not?If you do not have a technology assistant, you may like to assign a person to alert you to anything you need to be aware of in the chat – as facilitator, you may be otherwise occupied and not notice. Cameras: In the event of a participant’s poor internet connection, it may be appropriate for them to turn off their camera and take part by audio only. Urge people to have cameras on when in the breakout rooms.

Ensure you have a copy of the guidelines the group created in the Kick-off session or first Whole Group Connection session.

5 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

Reconnection Say: To warm us up for our work today, I’d like each of us to share one of the following in a quick popcorn round. You will have a maximum of 30 seconds each to share: An example of a management practice that is returning good results,

e.g. effective use of team meeting time.

An example of one thing you are doing to build your own resilience, e.g. lunch dates with people you find energising once a fortnight.

A book, article, webinar, or development experience you have found useful recently.

Say: Feel free to share your example in the chat – especially if we are taking too long to get to you. I’m going to be ruthless with our 30-second rule.

Ask: Who would like to speak first?

Say: Thank you, ____. After you, I am calling on ____.

Keep your audio on. Keep time – tell people they have five seconds left when that is true. Stop them at 30 seconds and invite the next person to talk by saying:

Thank you, ___. Now, it’s ____’s turn, and after that we will hear from _____.

Refer to PP slide 2

If people have added their suggestion to the chat, acknowledge that during this process. That is, keep this moving, so it doesn’t take too long.

18 min

Overview Say: Let’s have a look at what we are covering today. Walk through slide 3, the overview for today, signposting what is to come. Be clear about finish time. Ask: Has anybody got any questions about what we will be covering today?

Refer to PP slide 3 2 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

Learning progress check-in

Say: Before we get into today specifically though, let’s check in with how your peer learning groups and actions have gone since our last session together.

Ask: How are things tracking after the Develop workshop? What is working well? What have you struggled with? How did you progress with your actions?Say: You’re going to have six minutes in your breakout room to discuss these things. Remember to take a screenshot of the slide or use your snipping tool or camera to record the questions to help you stay on track in your breakout room.

When you bring the groups back to debrief from their conversations, if the group did the Processes Development and Action Guide this is an opportunity to follow up on the work they did.

Ask (whole group):

1. Can we have 2 people to share one thing from your conversations?2. What did you think of the Process Development and Action Learning

Guide? Who had follow-up conversations with parts of the business who run processes and what did you learn?

How did your peer learning meetings go? What were the most useful things that came out of your meetings?

Refer to PP slide 4

Decide whether you want to specify people going into their peer learning groups for this check in, or a different group.

Six-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into breakout groups. Decide the number of groups you want (which will depend on whether you want three or four people per group).

Remember when you bring the breakout groups back to the main room, they get one minute’s notice, so start the call back to the room one minute before the time you have allocated to them. (If you don’t do this, your time disappears very quickly!)

20 min

Content review Say: As a group, let’s brainstorm all the content/topics you have covered during the programme. Say: In your groups, I’d like you to reflect on the key conversations that you have had over the course of the programme. What was it about those conversations that stood out for you? These can be conversations that you had in your peer learning groups or during the Workouts.To record your thoughts, nominate someone in your breakout room to open a Word file and type them in. When we come back together to the main room, we won’t be talking through your discussions in detail. Rather, we will take

When they have finished, reveal PP slide 5

Refer to PP slide 6 for the breakout conversation

12-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into breakout groups. Decide the number of groups you want (which will depend on

20 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

turns to ‘share screen’ from each of your groups, so we can read your summaries. I’ll also be inviting you to copy and paste your Word document into the chat.

Say: Breakout room 1, I’m inviting you to ‘share screen’ now and show us the summary of conversations that stood out for you. There’s no need to talk us through the list in any detail, just give us a chance to read your thoughts.

Say: Breakout room 2, it’s your turn now to share screen. _____ (the person who ‘shared screen’ from breakout room 1), you might like to copy the contents of your Word file and post it in the chat, so people can take away those ideas.

Say: Breakout room 3, it’s your turn now to share screen. _____ (the person who ‘shared screen’ from breakout room 2), you might like to copy the contents of your Word file and post it in the chat, so people can take away those ideas.

Say: Breakout room 4, it’s your turn now to share screen. _____ (the person who ‘shared screen’ from breakout room 3), you might like to copy the contents of your word file and post it in the chat, so people can take away those ideas.

Say: Thank you, everyone. These are great reminders of what has been on our minds as new people leaders. _____ (the person who ‘shared screen’ from breakout room 4), you might like to copy the contents of your Word file and post it in the chat, so people can take away those ideas. Everyone remember you can ‘save chat’ at any time.

Have a ‘summary of resonant content’ conversation or go on to the optional

whether you want three or four people per group). You may like to use the established peer learning groups as the composition.


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

content revisit session.Content revisit Say: Looking at the Word files you have just completed and shared, choose

one area you would like to discuss further in today’s session.

Ask: Please list your area in the chat. If anyone’s area has already been listed, please repeat it.Once everyone has selected their two areas, identify the most popular and sort people into groups based on the topics.

5 min

Break Allow 10 minutes for a comfort break. Remind participants to set their phone timers, to know when to return. Request that they turn off their videos while they are away.During the comfort break, you might wish to consider if any strong themes that have come up and whether there is anything content you want to revisit on the nominated topics. This might include: replaying a video and facilitating a discussion finding an article that the group wanted to talk about more drawing up a model (using a document camera or the whiteboard

function in Zoom – or finding a slide from a previous session) for the group to practise with.

pair coaching/skills practice.

10 min

Content revisit continued

Option 1: The choice here is to run a short activity of your choice using an idea above to revisit one of the specified areas Option 2: Break the group up into breakout rooms based on the topics shared for them to discuss together as a group

Say: I’m now going to put you into breakout rooms based on the topics you gave. You will have five minutes and in your rooms I want you to share the following (remember to nominate a spokesperson to share back your thoughts):

Use any of the online techniques from past workshops or create your own new ones (e.g. breakout rooms, speed break out rooms, or chat).

Five-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into breakout groups based on the topics they

20 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

What questions do you still have around those areas? What would you like to know more about?

Ask: Can we have a person from each group share back the questions they discussed. As the group shares questions this is the opportunity to use the rest of the groups knowledge to deepen the learning and share examples.

nominated in the chat.

Feed forward Say: Now we are going to run an activity called feed forward. This time, I want you to think about something you want to change about your own leadership. This should be an area you want to do something different in/a behaviour change that you think will make a positive difference to you and your team.

Say: You are going to pair up with different people during this activity, each time you pair with someone new you need to explain the behaviour change you want to make in one sentence.

The person listening to you then simply gives you two suggestions for how they think you could go about changing that behaviour (ideas must focus on changes for the future not feedback about the past). If you are the person receiving the suggestions, you cannot comment on the suggestions; you must simply record them and say thank you.You will return from the breakout room in five minutes, so you each have two-and-a-half minutes to share what you want to change and receive suggestions. Once this has happened, swap roles.

Say: Now you will be put into a new breakout room, and you will do this activity again. If you receive a suggestion you have already been offered, do not say that, just write it down again or make a note against your previous note that it has been repeated. (Your suggester does not have to come up with another suggestion because you have already received it.)

Refer to PP slide 9

Ideally, three five-minute breakout rooms, with different pair groupings each time:

Five-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into breakout groups. Decide the number of groups you will have (which will depend on whether there is an even number of participants for pairs to work together, or whether you need a group of three people).

Remember when you bring the breakout groups back to the main room, they get one minute’s notice, so start the call back to the room one minute before the time you have allocated to them. (If you don’t do this, your time disappears very quickly!)

While they are doing this exercise,

15 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

If there is time, Say: And now, one last time. You will be with a new partner. Remember, if you receive a suggestion you have already been offered, do not say that, just write it down again or make a note against your previous note that it has been repeated. (Your suggester does not have to come up with another suggestion because you have already received it. And if this is the third time you receive that suggestion, it might really make sense for you to use it…)

Ask: How helpful did you find that? What actions are you going to take?

send the emails to each participant with their programme intentions as at Kick-off/the first Whole Group Connection session.

This is a matter or replying to those emails with a simple sentence, like:

Kia ora ____

Remember this? We’re going to talk about this in our session shortly …

Nga mihi nuiYour NPL Facilitator

Reflection – email reminder

Say: Remember in our Kick-off session you wrote down/emailed me the two most important things you would like to achieve as part of this programme, or where you wanted your leadership to be at the end of this programme? For the first and only time you have permission to open your emails during session 😊. Check your inbox and look for an email from me. Be disciplined! Look just for the email I have sent you in the last five minutes. Open it and have a read.Allow two minutes to reflect.Then show PP slide 10.Ask

On a scale of 0–10 how much progress have you made on these? What are you most proud of regarding your progress? What do you still need to do if you have not reached your goal and

answered 10/10?Say: I’m just going to pop you back into a pair conversation to share your insights. It’s just a short conversation – five minutes.Ask: Would anyone like to share what they wrote and if it matched their expectations of the programme?

Refer to PP slide 10

Five-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into breakout groups. Decide the number of groups you will have (which will depend on whether there is an even number of participants for pairs to work together, or whether you need a group of three people). You might like to use the same pairings you used for the coaching conversation earlier.

Remember when you bring the breakout groups back to the main room, they get one minute’s notice, so start the call back to the room one minute before the time you have allocated to them. (If you don’t do this, your time disappears very quickly!)

15 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

What next? Say: If you remember back to the Mindset Workout, we talked about Growth Mindset.

Ask: What do you remember about the topic of Growth Mindset?

Short answer: We are always learning and developing!

Say: While you are now well into your people leadership transition, you are still on this leadership development journey. Therefore, we would be remiss not to start you looking ahead to the future.

Ask: Who has heard of 70-20-10? (based on research conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership)Say: While the idea of 70-20-10 is debated regarding its currency, the idea that learning needs to have a mix of on-the-job, social, and formal learning (whatever the ratio) remains very relevant. During this next activity, as you think about what your future development looks like, it is important that you consider development from all these angles and ensure your development includes a mix of each.

Say: In your breakout rooms, we want you to work through the following questions (10 minutes). What do you need to put in place to ensure you will remain committed to

your development? How will you continue your development? What does your development look like when it’s not a programme? If you can’t rely on your manager, whom can you rely on? Will you continue with mentoring?

Say: Now take some time individually to consider what your next steps will be. Try to have several options for development, but include at least one solid action that you will commit to.

70-20-10 and the Concept of the OSF Ratio I Training Industry


The 70-20-10 Rule for Leadership Development I Center for Creative Leadership


Refer to PP slide 11

10-minute Zoom Room:

Put the Zoom room into break out groups. Decide the number of groups you want (which will depend on whether you want three or four people per group).

20 min


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

Say: Now we are each going to share one commitment you are making to your development moving forward.

Ask: Who is going to start? (Call on people, as necessary.)

Continuing peer learning

Say: Although the programme is finishing, the peer learning groups/ALGs/buddy pairs don’t need to. If most of the group wants to finish, a smaller group can continue to meet. Therefore, we want to give you seven minutes to discuss together whether you want to continue in your groups or not, and if you want to continue, what frequency and structure would work moving forward.Participants move into their peer learning groups/ALGs/buddy pairs.

You may decide to do this as a full group.

Seven-minute Zoom Room in peer learning groups:

Put the Zoom room into peer learning groups.

10 min

Our summary with each other

Say: As we said at the beginning of this programme, one thing that new people leaders consistently share is how challenging their new role is and how lonely it can be.

So, while it’s important to continue to focus on what else we need to develop, we need to remember what growth has already occurred; to acknowledge what changes you have made and what you are doing well. Therefore, your last activity is to look at your tracker and reflect on what area you have made the biggest shift in since you started the programme and then identify one other area you are doing well in that you would like to acknowledge yourself for. Ask: Please share this reflection with the wider group. You have a maximum of 30 seconds each.

It may be appropriate to remind people that a more formal development tracker exercise will follow the final Whole Group Connection Session.

Refer to PP slide 12

15 min

Preparation for manager session

This is an optional session.

Say: Your managers are due to join us to hear how you have got on with the programme at XX (time). That means we have 20–30 minutes to plan for that

Refer to PP slides 13 & 14

30 minutes


Activity Detail Facilitator notes/resources Timing

session. When I say ‘we’, I mean you! My role in that part of the session is to welcome the managers and then hand over to you to lead the conversations you want to have.

So, this is the planning time for that:

What do you want to share as a summary of your leadership development experiences with your managers?

How will you collectively thank them for the opportunity to be on this programme?

What questions do you have for your managers? How will you run the 30 minutes you have with them?

So, how do you want to organise that?

Hand over, so the group can arrange their session and how each of them will contribute.

Manager session Say: Welcome managers; we’re pleased you could join us today as part of our celebration of learning while we have been working on our leadership in the New People Leader Development Programme.

Say: (A few words in summary about the group and it’s learning journey – keep it short.) I’m immensely proud of the commitment and work demonstrated by this group throughout the programme. People have set aside the time to prepare for our Workouts and meet with each other in support of collective and individual learning, as well as actively contributing in our Workouts. We’ve laughed, sighed and learned together and today the group are going to share some of their summary highlights with you. We’ve spent the last 20–30 minutes pulling together those thoughts.

I’m handing over to ____ now. And just before I do, as facilitator, I want to thank you, managers, for nominating your people to take part in this programme and providing the time to engage in this learning opportunity. They’ve embraced it whole-heartedly and I’ve enjoyed working with them. _____, over to you.

Refer to PP slide 15

Be brief in your welcome and handover. This is the participants’ session to pave way for great one-on-one conversations with their managers back at work.

30 minutes


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Closure Finish the session by thanking the group and managers for their participation and reminding participants to have a one-on-one conversation with their manager about completion of the official components of the programme.

Wish them well for the next stages of their development.

It may be appropriate to share a whakatauki or karakia to finish the programme.

PP slides 16 & 17 5 min


This guide is part of learning material available to New Zealand Public Service agencies to support new people leader development.

May 2020 Release 2.0