· Web viewBaking pastry case lined with foil ready to fill with...

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Cookery Skills Techniques and Processes



The largest part of this course covers you learning to cook. You will learn about the different skills, equipment and techniques to create food that is well cooked and presented.The learning intentions below outline all of the different aspects of your learning:

Learning IntentionsI can use different pieces of equipment to weight and measure accuratelyI can identify pieces of equipment use in food production

I can describe and demonstrate different cuts of vegetables

I can use various preparation techniques to prepare food

I can name and demonstrate different cookery process which use the hob and the ovenI can select the correct equipment to carry out various cookery processesI can check to see if my food is ready

I can garnish/decorate my food appropriately

I can work safely and hygienically

AssessmentThe information learned within this unit will be included in both the practical assessment and the theoretical assessment so it is vital that you and both explain and demonstrate these.

The ability to weigh and measure accurately is vital when developing food preparation skills. It is the starting point in any practical therefore developing this sill requires attention to detail and precision.

Measurements for SOLIDS are based on WEIGHT. Solids are known as ‘dry ingredients’ and include flour, rice and oats.Measurements for LIQUIDS are based on VOLUME. Liquids are known as ‘wet ingredients’. Liquids include water, fruit juice, milk and stock.


Some recipes use metric whilst others use IMPERIAL. You should always try to work in METRIC. American recipes tend to use ‘cups’ as their scale.These are examples of both metric and

imperial measurements:

A range of equipment can be used when weighing and measuring:Kitchen scales: (mechanical and digital)Traditional kitchen scales will feature a large clock with a dial. In order to be accurate when using this type of scale you must follow a few rules:

Set to zero: when the bowl has been placed on top of the scale, the dial should be pointing to zero. Adjust if necessary.

Eye level: when the ingredients are placed in the bowl, the dial will move and the weight is recorded by looking at eye level.

Digital/electronic scales are becoming more popular. There are many advantages to this type of scale including a high degree of accuracy however the following points should be considered when using the scales:

Set to zero: the bowl being used to weigh the ingredients should be placed onto the scale before it has been turned on and any


Metric Imperial Grams Kilograms Millilitres Litres

Ounces Pounds Fluid ounces Pints

ingredients added, you should then zero it by pressing the ‘zero’ button. This will ensure the scale starts at zero.

Batteries: ensure the product has working batteries to ensure you have a correct reading.

MEASURING JUGUsed to measure liquids but some measuring jugs can also be used to measure dry ingredients.Points to remember:

Clean and dry: ensure jugs are washed and dried thoroughly between uses.

Look: read and examine the marks for measuring units on the jugs. Make sure you have clearly found the scale you need for the correct measuring unit.

Flat surface: avoid holding the jug when measuring as this will lead to inaccuracies. Place the jug on a flat surface and look at eye level when pouring the liquid.

MEASURING SPOONSRecipes often include measurement in teaspoons (tspn) and table spoons (tbsp).Points to remember:

Make sure that you take a LEVEL measure of the ingredient. Use a knife to level the spoon if you are unsure.

They are good when measuring out smaller measurements.


1. Recipes are usually given in metric measurements such as grams and millilitres. State 2 other units of measurements which can be used. ________________________ __________________________

2. Write down the measurements usually found on measuring spoons:

Size of spoon in ml. Size of spoon in teaspoons/tablespoons

1.25ml ¼ teaspoon

3. Name 2 types of foods which you would use measuring spoon to measure.___________________________ _____________________________

4. What is the least amount of liquid you would use a measuring jug to measure? _________________________

5. Fill in the missing words: When measuring liquids you must have the jug sitting on a ____________________. Do not hold the jug because you may not hold it level and your measuring may be _____________________.

6. Explain what is meant by the following terms:

Pinch ___________________________________________________________________________________Dash ___________________________________________________________________________________

7. Which piece of measuring equipment would you use to measure the following items:

250 g tinned tomatoes100g sugar75g flour2.5 ml lemon juice15ml soy sauce30 ml milk


Over the year you will be using a selection of kitchen equipment. Some of it you will have used before and some will be new to you.In this section we will look at some of the different equipment and identify key information about each piece.

KNIVESOne of the most important skills you will learn, and improve through-out the year is your knife skills.Being able to handle a knife safely and cut the size and shape you need is an essential part of cooking.These are all of the different knives you would find in a professional kitchen.

A range of knives are needed in the kitchen for preparing different ingredients. The main knives used when preparing meat, fish and alternatives are:

Filleting knife: used to fillet fish due to its narrow and flexible properties making it easy to remove the skin. Carving knife: has a thin, long blade used to carve cooked meat (hot or cold). Cooks knife: is a large knife with a thick blade used for carrying out a range of cutting duties such as chopping, dicing and slicing. Paring knife: is a small knife with a short blade used for smaller cuts and chopping, slicing and dicing.

Although there are many different shapes and sizes there are two which they use on a daily basis:

1. Paring Knife (small vegetable knife)2. Chef’s Knife

Complete the table below from the Hospitality Course notes (page 35)Vegetable Knife

Chef’s Knife


Hand blender

EQUIPMENT USED WHEN BAKINGItem Description/what is it used for?Flour dredger


Rolling Pin




Pastry Brush

OTHER EQUPMENT YOU MAY USEItem Description/what is it used for?Peeler


Melon Baller:

Term Definition On what recipe might you find this instruction?

Specialist equipment needed?

Peel Remove skins of fruits and vegetables.

Skin Remove skin for poultry, meats or fish.

Chop Cut food into pieces.

Slice Cut into thin pieces the width of the food

Dice Cut food into cubes.


Thinly shredded foods commonly leaves


Segment Citrus fruit removed from the membrane and skin.

Blanche i) To cook food lightly in boiling water then plunge into cold water to retain colour.ii) To plunge veg or fruit into boiling water then refreshed to allow peel to be removed.iii) To place food in cold water, bring to boil to whiten (meats)iv) Cooking of potatoes in deep fat fryer until soft but without colouring.v) To cook lightly to render limp (leaves)

Concasse Coarsely chopped e.g. tomato or parsley

Puree Cooked fruits/vegetables, soups etc. and through a sieve or processed using a hand blender or food processor.

Marinate Meats/vegetables/fruits soaked in a flavoursome mixture to enhance taste/tenderise before cooking.

Strain To separate the liquid from the solids by passing through a sieve or strainer.

Pass To cause food to go through a sieve,

sauces, soups etc.Grate To shred food into

small pieces.

Coat To add a thin layer of seasoned flour, oatmeal etc. to delicate foods before frying.

Pane Food is coated in flour, passed through egg wash then coated in breadcrumbs or other suitable coating.

Mix Combining ingredients to make an element and/or dish.

Blend To mix together dry ingredients with a liquid to a smooth paste.

Whisk Vigorous beating of ingredients such as eggs and cream to increase volume by addition of air. Carried out by hand or with electric whisk.

Cream Working butter/margarine and sugar together using a wooden spoon until light and fluffy, resembling beaten cream.

Fold Incorporating one ingredient into another using a large metal spoon to prevent losing air.

Rub-in Mixing fat and flour to give a breadcrumb texture

Knead Manipulation of doughs - pastry,

scone, bread etc. to achieve correct texture.

Roll out Using a rolling pin to level and shape pastry to required thickness and size.

Portion i) Divide dish into individual servings.ii)Using garnish or decoration to show how dish should be served

Shape i)To mould dough into required shapeii)To form individual items of equal size and dimensions, e.g. hamburgers, croquettes.

Line Fitting rolled out pastry to flan ring or dish.

Bake blind

Baking pastry case lined with foil ready to fill with fruit or cooked filling.

Glaze Coating the surface of a food with a liquid to enhance the appearance of foods.

Pipe Using a piping bag, nozzle and of sweet or savoury food items to enhance the appearance of a dish.

Baking Cooking of prepared items in a hot oven to develop colour, flavour and texture.

Boiling Cooking of prepared foods in hot liquid, frequently water. Can be referred to as:i)RAPID BOILING – liquid constantly bubbles on the

surfaceii)SIMMERING – liquid shows occasional bubbles.

Grilling Cooking of prepared foods with direct hot, dry heat, most commonly under gas or electric grill or on barbeque but also direct heat appliances - contact grills.

Poaching Cooking of prepared foods using a liquid heated boiling point then reduced to simmer before adding food. Liquid can be water, stock, wine, fruit juice, sugar syrup etc.

Shallow frying

Cooking of prepared foods in a thin layer of hot fat or oil. Can be referred to as:i) SWEAT – slow frying of foods with a lid on to develop flavour without colouringii) SAUTÉ - frying of meat and poultry in order to seal the flesh quickly and develop flavour.

Steaming Cooking prepared food in steam produced by boiling water. Often used for fish.

Stewing Cooking prepared foods in flavoursome liquid at a temperature below boiling – slow simmer. Liquid forms part of dish.

Stir frying

Quick method frying of prepared foods using minimum oil and higher

temperature than other shallow frying techniques (traditionally carried out in a wok).


To enhance food appropriately using edible items.

FOOD PREPARATION TERMSComplete the questions below:The first one is done for you:CUT is the process of breaking the surface of the something using a sharp tool, usually a knife.Foods that can be cut: fruit and vegetables.The equipment I would use is a knife.

SLICE means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be sliced include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

GRATE means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be grated include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

ROLL OUT means to:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Foods that can be ROLLED OUT include:……………………………………………………………………………………………………

The equipment I would use is a :……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

SHAPE means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be shaped include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

PIPE means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be piped include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

MIX means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be mixed include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

CUTS OF VEGETABLESComplete the table below outlining the size and shape of each cut.Watch:

MIX means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be mixed include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

WHISK means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be whisked include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

CREAM means to:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Foods that can be creamed include:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

PEEL means to:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Foods that can be peeled include:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

The equipment I would use is a :………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Term Image and description Suitable vegetables





Paysanne (3 shapes)



1. To improve texture2. To improve flavour3. To kill bacteria4. To make it easier to digest

Cooking involves applying heat to a food which results in a change to its structure, appearance and taste. There are different methods of applying heat to food (known as heat transfer). There are 3 main methods of heat transfer:

CONDUCTION: heat is transferred through a solid surface directly onto a cold surface, e.g. frying a steak in a frying pan. The heat travels from the burner through the pan to the food.

CONVECTION: heat is transferred through air or water/liquid. For example, when cooking roast beef the air circulates around the beef in the oven causing it to cook.

RADIATION: a direct heat transfers onto the surface of the food. For example, when grilling bacon the powerful heat from the grill falls directly onto the surface of the food. The food however must be turned to allow it to cook on both sides.

What method of cooking is used when boiling eggs?.......................................................................................What method of cooking is used when baking a cake?....................................................................................What method of cooking is used when grilling fish?........................................................................................

BOILINGUse this for a visual on the difference between boiling and simmering:

Boiling and simmering are common terms that you’ve probably seen before in recipes. These moist-heat cooking methods are not so different, but they’re also not exactly alike either. Understanding the difference between simmering and boiling—and knowing when to use one or the other—can make or break a recipe.

How? Think about it. Simmer a casserole and it becomes tender and moist. Boil it, and you’ll be left with tough, chewy meat. Similarly, boiling pasta renders it a perfect al-dente, while simmering makes it gummy and glue-like. Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each cooking method.

A sign of boiling water (or any liquid) is when the surface bubbles furiously and the liquid beneath it churns vigorously. You should also see a good amount of steam escaping from the pot.

Simmering is much gentler than boiling. Instead of vigorous bubbles, you’ll see smaller bubbles that break the surface of the water. The water may even shimmer, as though it’s about to move. Maintaining a simmer can require close attention, because as heat builds in a pot, a simmer easily can turn to a boil.

Using the information above and on p. 61 answer the questions below:What temperature does water boil at?.............................What is the process that happens when boiling liquids to reduce them?...........................................................What are the 2 method of heat transfer that boiling uses?...................................... & ……………………………………….

POACHINGPoaching involves cooking foo gently just below boiling point. What are some of the benefits of poaching

food?................................................................................................…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………What are the 2 methods of heat transfer used during poaching:………………………………………………….&………………………………………………..

STEAMINGWhat are the health benefits of steaming?

What are the 2 methods of heat transfer used during poaching:…………………………………………………. & ………………………………………………..Tell me 2 different types of food that can be cooked by steaming:…………………………….&……………………………..What are the 5 different types of steamer?


What is a stew?

What are the health benefits of stewing?

What equipment would you need to stew something? …………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..What meats could you stew?.................................................................................................................................

BAKINGA dry method of cooking doesn’t involve liquid. For example: baking, gilling or shallow frying.What are the 2 method of heat transfer that baking uses? …………………………..&…………………………………..

Outline all of the health benefits of baking foods:

Tell me 5 examples of foods can be baked.

GRILLINGWhat is the main method of heat transfer when grilling?................................................................................What are the health benefits of grilling foods?................................................................................................…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Explain to me how it is different from a normal grill and where it is usually used.


SHALLOW FRYINGWhat is ‘shallow frying’?

What are the 4 different types of pans you might use to shallow fry?

What does it mean to SWEAT food?

What does it mean to SAUTE food?

What are the health benefits of shallow frying food?

What will happen if you shallow fry food at too low a temperature?

GARNISHINGGarnishing food before it is presented is important as it improves the appearance of the dish. When you are presented with a plate of food do you automatically judge whether it will be good or not? Garnishing is a way to make the food look more attractive and therefore more appealing to the customer. They should always compliment the flavour of the dish.Simple tips for garnishing/decorating: (p.69)Garnishes and decorations can be very complicated or very simple over all they should always be:

NB: use the hospitality text book page 69 to assist you in completing the tableYou can normally use standard equipment however there are some specialist pieces of equipment which are made for specific purposes. NB: use the hospitality text book page 69/70 to assist you in completing the tableItem DescriptionApple Corer

Butter Curler

Julienne Peeler

Melon Baller


There are a few main types of garnishes/decorations commonly used to decorate foods. Read pages 70 – 72 in the Hospitality Course Notes.This gives you an outline of the possible garnished you could use in both sweet and savoury dishes. It is not the only way to garnish but some of the most popular.

Ways of using it DrawingChocolate







Spring Onion



Using your ipad research any other garnishes that are used, describe them and draw a diagram.

Discuss the dishes outlined below. What types of garnish you would use for the following dishes and why they are appropriate:Dish What garnish Why is it appropriate?Lasagne E.g 4 basil

leaved on the top in the middle.

The green colour would make it look nice and the basil has a flavour that would work well with the tomato in the sauce.

Chicken Korma and Rice

Tomato soup

Chocolate and raspberry roulade

Lemon cheesecake