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Attracting What You Want - Week #3

By Lindsay Kenny

Pat: Hello everybody this is Pat Carrington and I am so fascinated by the course myself because I don't always know until the week of exactly what Lindsay it is planning and I want to coordinate with it. And I must tell you it's OK if you didn't yet hear the first Matt recording, the one Lindsay did especially for this class with a member of this class; Matt.

But, I didn't hear the second yet because I came in this afternoon and I haven't had time yet. And it's OK if you haven't heard it yet, because we all know how busy you are and how you're trying to keep up with the homework and Lindsay is going to talk about that in a moment. How easy it is easier than you think and but I must tell you that first recording is simply wonderful. It is so powerful when you tapped along with it. I did the tapping along with it and it was and very important tapping, it is a beautiful experience. And don't miss it by any means; Lindsay really does want you to listen to the first by next week. And I would agree it is going two contribute so much to you, but you don't have to worry about it because you have a little treasure there. So, that is all I am going to say Lindsay I am now going to turn it back over to you now because you have so much to tell us.

Lindsay: Welcome everybody I'm Lindsay you are probably sick of me by now, you have gotten a million emails from me this week. I posted my little heart out this week on Face Book, I hope you saw those posts I tried to answer almost every one or put out emails about it. We're still getting emails from people saying how do I find a tapping buddy I need to find a tapping buddy. And I keep sending out how to do that in the emails it is listed on your confirmation page. And the reason I don't repeat those pages in the emails is because we have different confirmation pages depending on the level or option that you chose. To find your confirmation page email Jaime at assistant@lkcoaching.com if you don't have your confirmation page. But sense you are on this line and are listening to the recording you must have it and on there is the link for the tapping buddies. Once you sign up, pick somebody. They are all listed there must be 60 to 70 people listed on there; where they're from and their level of expertise. So I hear a lot of people saying, “I need a tapping buddy". Then find one, don't wait for somebody to call you. Think of it as Match.com you being the chooser or not just the chosen. Find somebody, you don't have to really think about it, email two or three people and say you want to be a tapping buddy, here it is where I lived and here is what I want to work on.

Pat: Lindsay, could they phone Jaime? You are giving very good instructions now and a lot of people will use that but, couldn't they phone Jaime and be lead through the process? Not you because you are so busy and you will be doing something else. But how about if they phone Jaime and she was just able to take them by the

hand with this tapping buddy thing.

Lindsay: Okay, well yes you can email Jaime and I will let her share her number rather than doing it online here.

Pat: Yes, that is a good idea.

Lindsay: But it is very simple you fill out a form with your name, e-mail, and contact information. Click get in that gets put on the tapping buddy’s page and that is it. Then you look on the page and find somebody, click on their link and email them.

Pat: Well, I think that being hand held is sometimes something is needed for certain people. So, if they need to they email Jaime, ask Jaime what her phone number is and call her if they need too. Okay.

Lindsay: Okay, good. Along the same lines I think we have the Facebook issue straightened out. A lot of people are participating there and I appreciate that. So, I am going to start with our homework from last week. Some people thought it was a little overwhelming but we had already done a lot of the things, a lot of the elements. We started the first week with me saying, “write down a simple statement or a simple thing that you want". So, one part of your homework was to use a tapping buddy and to tap away the beliefs and fears about last week. But the other part was to write down what you want and the reason, the additional step was to write down the reason you want it. That is how your life will be different and what emotions will you feel when you have what you want. Because that’s what we are going to work tonight except now we’re going to get a little bit more formal and a little more structured and create a powerful pulling present tense tool to use that will pull the thing that you want to you that will allow you to connect with it and attract it. We will talk about that in a few minutes.

If you have not done that as I am talking now, you haven’t done your homework I won’t shame you or wag my finger at you. Just work along with as best you can, but the more you participant the better results you will get. Your success in this course is contingent on your level of participation. Writing down what you want, what you have already done, how your life is different or why you want it. I’m going to go into detail about this in a moment. How you will feel when you get it and then jot down some of the thoughts that come up about of why you can’t have it those are your limiting beliefs and fears. I just went over the homework so I could remind you what it was. It wasn’t about listening to the audios or all of the other hand outs. I posted handouts and audios and videos about limiting beliefs and fears and Lots of support material. That’s not your homework is just stuff to help you out to support you. That’s listed under week two on your confirmation page.

So are the audios I did with Matt. Both of them are great. I thought the second one he was just terrific. I want to thank again for volunteering like that because it’s not

easy to bare your soul and be honest. You did a great job and I think everybody benefited from it. So thank you Matt for that. His real name we talked about online his real name is Jane. He’s really not a guy we disguised his voice.

I wanted to see if anybody has any questions about the homework. Trying to keep it to that rather than how do I find this or how to find that. The answer to that is on your confirmation page. But any questions about your homework, or something else hit star 2 to raise your hand and Debbie will recognize you by the last four digits of your phone number and call on you. Some of you who are calling on Skype or anonymous we will at least see your hand up and guess. So if you have any questions about the last class up or anything raise your hand. Keep it up if we miss it. I am going to move on because I don’t see any hands being raised. I’ll move on. We will pick you up on the next Q&A segment if you still have a question.

Oh boy! This is my favorite thing we are going to work on tonight the ultimate truth statement. It is a contract with yourself. So imagine that you end up making a contract agreement about having what you want in your life instead of the chatter of what you don’t have. You have a contract with yourself. So we are going to actually build as we go. I am going to work with Natalie in a few moments who is going to kind of be a subject like Matt was where we are going to structure her statement and go right through the process. So while the handouts I provided for you have all the steps on them I am not going to be following that so precise because I am going to stay with Natalie as we work and I want you guys to work along with us.

One of the benefits of having these sessions by audio and video and recorded is if you miss something you can go back and listen to it. You can fast forward it, turn up the volume and pause it. So if you miss any part of this because your writing, distracted, had to go to the bathroom, or whatever just go back and listen to the recording because this is a really vital element to your attracting this statement.

So here are some of the benefits. It kind of involved how I created this because I was having trouble measuring hard to measure issues. When someone wanted to work on weight what do we measure in the intensity of I have a weight problem. I want to lose 50 pounds. What’s the intensity on that? I don’t know. How do you measure insomnia? What the intensity on insomnia? What’s the intensity on procrastination on addiction? You have to find something to give a number to so you know what you’re tapping on. So that’s how this involved. But it ended up being a much more powerful tool. The ultimate truth statement. I call it UTS for short not to be confused with UTI. Never mind.

Okay, so the ultimate truth statement is easy to work with hard to measure issues. That’s how it involved like I just said procrastination, stuck issues, weight issues, low-self-esteem things that are hard to measure. I found it quickly that it is also dynamic and wonderful to achieve any goals whether it’s about relationships,

money, health, weight, want a new career, better confidence, peace of mind, happiness, become a great speaker, athlete, or personable performance it doesn’t matter this is the go to tool for anything you want so it makes it a natural for law of attraction. In fact I don’t know how you can really do this process without incorporating the law of attraction because it requires a definite element of belief. You have to believe what we are doing in this. Some of the other benefits of it are that it helps spotlight and identify poor issues meaning the things that are really in the way of you having what you want. The limiting believes and fears we talked about last week, the doubts, the worries, past disappointments and failures, traumas things that can block your attracting show up in this ultimate truth statement. It’s hard to miss them because when we identify what you want what comes up for everybody is why you can’t have it or why you don’t already have it. So, that gives us something really concrete to tap on.

Another thing probably the most important thing is it helps you stay focused on your goal as opposed to focusing on what you don’t have and your problems. Not having wealth, not having financial freedom, having debt, focusing on weight doesn’t work. You want to focus on what you want. This is a great tool for that. Then it miraculously helps you invoke the very emotions that are needed to attract what you want because it’s like living in the moment as if you are that person that has the money. You are the person who makes a hundred fifty thousand a year, you are the woman or man that weighs whatever your ideal weight is, or you are that great athlete or public speaker you have the education. Whatever your goal is you become that person now and feel those emotions now as if you already have it. It’s not about staying positive all the time, but it’s about staying clean at least on that subject about getting your goal and knowing what you want and knowing that you’re going to get it.

Here’s an analogy I that I like to use. I think a great analogy I learned from Ester and Jerry Hicks with the Abraham Hicks series, “Ask and it is Given” which is a fabulous law of attraction course. It is one that really opened my eyes so I could why the Jimmie Cricket story was true and why I was attracting things in my life and why I was messing things up in my life. It’s a really great course “Ask and receive”, by Abraham Hicks. Here’s the analogy they use and I think it is absolutely perfect. It is like a radio analogy. When you turn on let’s say your car radio, most people don’t listen to their radios in their homes like they use to. But we get into our car and the radio is on. It might be on an AM station sports radio or Rush Limbaugh. God forbid Sorry.

Or some other AM radio station. You want to listen to jazz music well you can’t just sit there and wish and wish and wish that you can hear jazz music. You have to get it off AM and put it on the right frequency on FM assuming there not usually jazz on AM at least in my town. You want to get it on a frequency that usually hosts music and then fine tune the dial to a station or channel on that frequency that plays jazz so 88.5 or 85.0 FM or whatever it might be. If you want to hear the kind of music

you want you have to be on the right frequency and then you have to fine tune it to the exact channel that you want.

That’s why you can’t just say in the analogy of the law of attraction I want more money. That might put you in the right frequency of thinking about money instead of the garbage you have to take out, but you need to get it tuned in finally to how much money. Not as getting it on the exact channel. Here’s the interesting thing you didn’t create the radio and you didn’t create that jazz station or the FM frequency it was already there. You just tuned in to what was already there and then invited it into your car. You opened the channel to receive it.

If you’re looking for your soul mate and you identify who that is, how you want them to be and their intelligence, sense of humor and character. That person isn’t going to be born tomorrow their already alive. They are already out there in the world. You’re not creating them they are already there. What you’re going to do is get on the right channel and get on the right frequency so you can invite them into your life. Money isn’t going to be created tomorrow. There is so much money in the world it’s unbelievable and it is being created every day. It is an infinite amount it’s a river of money. You taking a cup out, or a bucket or a truck load out of the river isn’t going to diminish the size of the river. You’re not creating more money by attracting it you’re simply opening the right channel getting on the right frequency to allow it into your life.

If you want to be a great athlete you already are. What you’re doing with this process is just clearing out the junk that’s keeping you from experiencing your dynamic athlete self. I am hoping this makes sense. Does that make sense to you Pat?

Pat: It does and it’s a nice way of putting it though. I love the analogy.

Lindsay: Well, again I thank the Hicks people for that. We do this every day when we are surfing the net. We don’t even realize and in a different way. Let’s say I want to find somebody whose big on personal growth and you Google it. It will probably bring up Wayne Dyer or Tony Robbins. And you go to the Tony Robbins website and it’s a gigantic website. You go oh my gosh everything I need this website.

You go up to top navigational bar and you might see home, contact us, media page, resources, speaking engagements, affiliations, and public appearances. If you hover over one of those things. Let’s say resources. There will be a little drop down button. Ironically it’s called a radio button were you see a lot of lot of choices under workshops, tapes, and audios by Tony.

Click on one of those into it takes you to the exactly the page that you want. You didn’t create that page but you went down the channel, down the road, got on the frequency that allowed it in your home via your computer.

I hope that makes sense to people. In fact I want to welcome questions on that before we go any further. Anybody have any question about tuning into your frequency? We are going to talk about how do that. But I mean do you guys get the analogy. Hit star 2 to raise your hand if you have any questions about that. Here’s the message. Let me know Debbie if we any questions on that before I move on.

Here’s the essence of this. The difference between what you want and what you get isn’t really a matter of time and space because it’s already there like I said. It’s just a matter of being on the right frequency and the right place at the right time. It’s just fine tuning. The universal is not out there making you a peanut butter sandwich it’s already there.

It just kind of allows you to go into the kitchen and get the bread, the peanut butter and jelly and put it together. Some people think well I can’t just sit back and hope it’s going to fall into my lap. Well, of course not you’re going to be inspired. You’re going to have inspirations; you’re going to have ideas, thoughts, people that get put in your pathway. The doing part of this is you paying attention to that, paying attention to the messages that you are getting from the universe.

Let’s move on and construct the statement. We are going to do part one and hopeful get into a little bit of part two. It’s identifying what you want in one area of your life.

Pat: Excuse me Lindsay, there may be a questions on the webcast I believe I Maggie may want to read some of those questions.

Lindsay: Okay, Maggie do you have some questions.

Maggie: Am I unmuted? Can you hear me? There are not any questions related to what you were asking, but there are some questions that may come up during the process here.

Lindsay: Okay, let’s see where we go and then you can ask them accordingly. I am going to ask that Natalie put up hand because that is who I am going to work with tonight on this. So, hit star 2 Natalie, put up your hand so we can call on you. There she is from Canada. Do you see it Debbie?

Okay, good your unmuted Natalie. Thanks for volunteering. How are you?

Natalie: I’m good how are you?

Lindsay: I’m great. Thanks for letting us work with you on this. Natalie sent me some things. She is in your class. She’s not somebody I know other than just emailing back and forth on what we are going to work on tonight. We are going to use her example which happens to be similar to Matt’s and that it’s about money. But it really doesn’t matter because the formula is pretty much the same.

So as we do this I want you guys to do this with us taking each step along the way and if you get lost the steps are in your handout one by one. Stay with us if you can. I want you to define in some ways how you want to improve one segment of your life. Take a segment in your life like relationships; it might friends or social relationships, or it might be your ideal partner, might be a relationship with a member of your family. Just kind of think in terms of these categories it would be better. Home or environment having a new house, getting a new apartment, finding a better place to live, cleaning up what you have, revamping it. Something about your home, environment or something about weight or health. It could be exercising daily or five times a week, losing weight or bulking up your muscles. Or something about your money or career.

What you want to do is stay just in that category. Meaning let’s say that your issue is you want to attract your life partner. Don’t add into that you live in a beautiful home and a beautiful place and you are earning X amount a year and you have a puppy. You might have that, but as far as this statement as we construct it you are going to keep it just to the relationship about attracting your life partner or just the part of being at your ideal weight, attracting amount of money, or completing your education or getting your advanced degree.

Does everybody get that? Hopefully, you have already done your homework and you have picked out one area of your life already that you want to improve on. The first step is to right a simple statement about it and I think we did that last week. A simple statement I want whatever it is. It is in the future tense at this point. I want to attract or I want to have blank. So, Natalie tell us what your simple statement was.

Natalie: I want to attract $130,000 dollars per year.

Lindsay: Okay, I want to now explain $130,000 dollars. Natalie did a smart thing she figured out what she wanted and then she took the taxes out of that. She wants $100,000 dollars a year net. Don’t make the universe a tax accountant and try to figure out what your tax rate is. Just say what you want to attract and what Natalie did is I want a 100,000 to play with so I want to attract a 130,000 because my figure my tax rate is going to be roughly that. Am I saying that right Natalie.

Natalie: That’s right. Yeah.

Lindsay: Very smart thing to do a lot of people would say I want this amount after taxes. Just increase the amount by so much, so the poor universe doesn’t have to figure out the tax rates. Because you are in Canada so who knows what the universes rate might be there. That’s the first step. I want to attract $130,000 dollars. So all of you should have a simple statement like that.

Now the next step is describe in what ways your life will be different. So now Natalie I asked you to do that. You wrote back. You described your life really nicely

however, it had a lot of things in it that didn’t pertain to just the money. What you wrote was beautiful and I am not going to read it for privacy reasons. Natalie wrote how she saw her life in general. Living her life of her dreams, but it incorporated things beyond just attracting this money.

So if you just focus on that Natalie you have 130,000 dollars at your disposal every year. In what ways would your life be different? Before you answer I am going to give an example for everybody and this is on your slides. I would have freedom of choice, to travel where ever I wanted to go, have enough money to buy a house or a car, be able to help my parents out, and buy clothes that I want. Those are ways your life is different.

Along that thing is what I want you to jot down not the whole sentences just a couple of words. So Natalie tell us some of the things and ways your life would be different when you have 130,000 dollars a year.

Natalie: My life would be different hopefully in a whole lot of ways. Big one would be clothes; being able to purchase the clothes I want and clothes that feel great and look good. Definitely money to travel and one thing I would like to do is spend the winters in the sun because it’s kind of cold up here in Canada in the winters. Kind of want to figure that to spend a bit more time in the sun in the winter. One of the big reasons I want money is to invest money into real estate and to do business investments.

Lindsay: So the winter thing was part of traveling. Traveling to warm climate in the winter is what you were saying.

Natalie: Ideally what I would like to do is spend 3-4 months in the winter and sort of relocate for 3-4 months and then come back to Canada when it’s warmer.

Lindsay: Okay good. Everybody should have at least 4 or 5 ways their life would be different. Let me give you some other examples and there are some things on your handouts as well. When you are at your ideal weight it might be you have great energy, you look great in your clothes, that you can fit into theater seats and airline seats easily, you have more choices in your life for sure, your health is better, your blood pressure is low.

Whether than me coming up with ideas let me ask you guys. Raise your hands and hit star 2 if you want to share with us a couple of ways your life would be better as a result to having what it is you want. So hit star 2 and just share with us especially if it is something other than money. We have a very quiet class tonight don’t we. There we go we have some hands up now. Go ahead Debbie there is somebody in New Hampshire. Go ahead you are unmuted. Who is this in New Hampshire?

Helen: Hi, is this is Helen from New Hampshire.

Lindsay: I thought so

Helen: I would feel more confident, and be able to have more fun and feel more relax and be able to nurture myself a little more as well as others. I would be able to go to Spain and spend more time in Spain.

Lindsay: Good that is exactly what we are looking for. Now, Helen combined the next element with this one which is fine. You want to have two things how your life will be different that is the tangible things in your life like traveling to Spain, being able to buying the things you want, the tangible some of the things Natalie mentioned buying clothes and being able to spend time away.

The other element I am going into that now. We are still going to take a couple of your comments. How you will feel differently, Helen mentioned confidence, feeling good about herself, feeling relaxed. We are going to ask you to do that in a second too Natalie. We have a couple of hands up here. Let’s call on Mitchell. Go ahead Mitchell your unmuted.

Mitchell: Hey Lindsay, how are you?

Lindsay: Good. How would your life be different and what emotions would you feel when you have what you want.

Mitchell: One of the things I wrote down was I want an unwavering belief in myself that I can handle anything. How I will feel different I wrote two things down I will have a peace of mind that comes from knowing I can easily handle anything that comes my way and I will also have a decent terrific sense of self confidence that is unrelated to anything in the external world.

Lindsay: Oh that is beautiful. That is so true. It just stuff that makes your people understand you have sense of confidence and self-reliance that is separate from anything in the external world. Meaning your job or your money. Just feeling good and confident of who you are because that is where true joy and peace of mind come from. We talked about that on the recording yesterday with Matt about getting that self-reliance and confidence from within rather than tangible things. Thank you on that Mitch. Natalie tell me what how you would feel because we talked about how your life is different. How does that make you feel know you have the clothes you want that you like, you can go someplace sunny in the winter to get out of that Canadian snow, invest money into real estate and travel. How does that make you feel?

Natalie: It would make me feel taken care of and comfortable. It’s not just comfort as in physical comfort, but it’s also about being comfortable in my body and comfortable with who I am. I would suddenly feel happier and the biggest thing for some reason I feel like it would make me feel safe.

Lindsay: Oh it would. How about the word secure?

Natalie: Yeah.

Lindsay: How about peace of mind?

Natalie: Yes absolutely and confidence like you said earlier.

Lindsay: Confidence, peace of mind, security. Those things come with a lot of stuff. If you get rid of the clutter you are going to have confidence, peace of mind, and security. If you become an effective athlete you will probably have happiness, confidence, and peace of mind, joy and security. In fact you mentioned you had another goal Natalie to and it was similar and when you reached the goal it would be similar as this goal. Completely separate goal and people find that is true.

Now the next thing we do is make a simple sentence out it combining these three elements. The three elements are the simple statement I want in your case I want to attract $130,000 a year, how your life is different and how it makes you feel. Those are the three elements. Now I am just going to make a sentence out of it, a little paragraph, and a little statement using the words I jotted down for you. Now when I do that it’s going to be present tense, first person, positive and pulling. Instead of saying more peace of mind or more confidence. We talked about this last week I think is limiting the more or less words. So, it would be totally confident, completely at peace with myself. Does that sound okay? Are you okay with me doing that?

Natalie: Yeah.

Lindsay: So here’s how I would and again I don’t have your statement written out and you guys probably don’t either. This is how I want you to do it for next week. Everybody write their statement out for next week with those things in mind. I will give you tips as well. So Natalie yours would be something like this “I’m earning a 100,000 dollars a year that allows me to winter someplace that is nice and warm in the sun. I have more than enough money to invest and travel as I please. I feel so well take care of, comfortable, happy, and safe. With this new income I feel secure, confident and have peace of mind. I am a happy joyful person. ” How does that sounds?

Natalie: Please and thank you. It sounds great.

Lindsay: I’ll take that please. I had Natalie write out a statement and it incorporated a lot of elements in her life. We wanted to just stay on the money part. You can write another statement for finding your partner, for finding a new home or something like that, but for now we are staying just on the money and that sounds pretty good just in itself right?

Natalie: Yes.

Lindsay: Then we had a couple of magic phrases and this is sort of thanks to Pat Carrington. Pat you contributed to my ultimate truth statement without even knowing it. Because we add a gratitude statement at the beginning and a statement

of simplicity or ease at the end. At the beginning you add a phrase of gratitude. It could be I am so grateful that all written in present tense or it could be thank you universe for allowing or supporting me in this. It could be thank you God. I’m so glad that I am able to or that I created this. It’s just something that expresses the gratitude for what you have. Now I am going to read your statement back Natalie using those magic phrases. Oh the phrase at the end is one about ease. I will just put that at the end. Again this is from a Pat Carrington idea.

So, your statement I will read it differently every time all I have written down is ten or twelve words. I am just making this up as I go. So something like this “Thank you universe for allowing me the ability to take 3 or 4 months off in the winter in a sunny place so I can enjoy my winters. Because I am attracting $130,000 dollars every year I have more than enough money to travel and invest in real estate. I am buying luxurious clothes that I love. I can afford linens on my bed you have mentioned that before that are soft and comfortable. This supports me in feeling happy, feeling safe and secure. I am so pleased that I am confident and have peace of mind again. I am surprised that this has been so enjoyable and easy. How does that sound?

Natalie: That sounds great.

Lindsay: Now that is part of the end. Something Pat Carrington mentioned a long time ago. I think before I even knew her personally. That was in choosing to make things easy. People say oh this is going to be so hard whatever it is losing weight, making money, getting a new job, moving to a new place. This is going to be so hard. You are projecting that into whatever you are about to do. Simply choose by your statement and thoughts to make this easy. This is a very powerful trick. Pat thank you very much for it. I chose to make this easy instead of saying this is so hard and I don’t have the time. Say I chose to have more than enough time and I chose to make it easy. You will be shocked at how easy things become. Things fall off your to do list and it just makes it easy.

So put it in your statement. Put it in present tense, first person, and positive, take out the more and lesses and make it really powerful for you. Instead of saying I’ll be happy. I’ll be really happy, super happy, and very happy. Instead of saying I have peace of mind; I’ll have totally peace of mind. If you’re tempted to say I’ll be less stress just think of me coming over there and kind of giving you a little thump in the head. What you want to be less stressed; you want to be calm and peaceful.

I’m not thumping you Natalie because I know you didn’t say anything like that but I know that people will say I will have less clutter in my life or something like that. You want to make sure you put down what you want and not what you don’t want. Let’s see if we have some tips and some examples. We have lots of goals that are in your handouts. A lot of different examples of how you say these different things.

What I want you to do. Here are some tips is state your desire as if it already a

reality in the present tense. You take out the word want and I already mentioned that. I am earning ten thousand a month with my new career, I have great health not I have better health, not that I have lower blood pressure, but what you want your blood pressure to be, not I like my life, but I am in love with my life, not my life is better, but my life is fabulous. So you get the idea.

Here are some others. Instead of I want better health and more energy. You change it to I chose or I have excellent health and high energy. Instead of I want more joy and peace of mind. That could be just a little bit more. You want a lot of it. I claim relaxation or I chose to be calm and to have infinite joy, peace of mind, and happiness. That’s another Pat Carrington thing. She said make the statements pulling. I remember hearing that on her choice video that was probably made ten years ago with Pat sitting in a room making people rewriting there statements over and over again.

Pat: May I just intercede?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Pat: I call it go for the jackpot.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Pat: Don’t settle for just good enough or a little better. Go for what you really want. That is wonderful when people realize they can go for the wonderful thing and not just the better thing. It just depends on where you want to put that energy.

Lindsay: It’s sort of like saying I want more possibilities and more choices. Change that word more too infinite. Change the word better to fabulous. Change the word to very to incredible or to an adjective that is really pulling and powerful just like Pat said it’s just the going for the jackpot.

Here are a couple of other examples using different things instead of I want to have less clutter. I used this example I chose a neat clean orderly environment. Less clutter is one box Kleenex less on the floor. Instead of less debt and more cash. I am attracting over whatever it is you want. You can say debt free, but it’s better to say financially solvent or you’re in the black. So Natalie let me see if there are any questions before I continue. If you have questions raise your hand. Debbie tell me what you have.

Pat: Lindsay I have a question before anybody.

Lindsay: And who is this please.

Pat: I should just bud in and give it. This is what it is. The amount the people choose should be what they really want except it’s really easy for people to routinely say I want a million dollars or I want a billion dollars. Somehow it isn’t

ready to resonate that particular amount. Can you say something about the tendency to Clinique like I want a million or I want to be as wealthy as Donald Trump or any of those Clinique things. The difference between that and what Natalie said and which is what she really does want. I’m not expressing myself very clearly

Lindsay: You’re right on the money Pat. No pun intended. You want it to be believable because if you say I want a bag of gold and you want a million dollars a year and you are making 30,000 a year. There’s a part of you that can’t resonate with that. Here’s a great example. I think this is a wonderful law of attraction thing. It’s about the actor Jim Carey.

When he was I think he was twelve years old his dad had him write out a check to himself to James Carey for 20 million dollars and he put it in his little twelve year old wallet. Jim Carey carried that around with him. 20 million dollars thirty or forty years ago whatever that was would have been it’s a lot of money now.

Holy Cow. This was ridiculous I’m sure he went I won’t see that in my life time, but as he got into film and started making money it wasn’t quite as impossible. He ended up being the very first actor ever in the history of the planet, not Brad Pitt or Angelina Jo Lee, but Jim Carey was the first actor to ever get paid 20 million dollars for a movie. It was that stupid movie the Cable Guy or something like that. But he brought out his check and oh my gosh how did this happen.

Twenty million dollars I actually have a check that says 20 million dollars with my name on it. Now isn’t that cool. It wasn’t believable when he was twelve years old, but he grew into it. When he was in the right place he was able to fine tune that dial. Now I don’t know if he gave that any thought as he was older, but he kept it in his wallet. It was part of his vibration.

You want to make it an amount that seems reasonable that’s believable to you. It’s okay if you have limited beliefs about it like; it’s going to be hard or it’s not possible. That’s okay that’s what we are going to work on. When you say there is absolutely no way this sounds like pie in the sky, no way josé that’s too much. You want it to be a stretch, but not feeling impossible otherwise you will have too much brain chatter around it. Thanks Pat for bringing that up. Any questions? I don’t see any hands up Debbie. Do you have any online Maggie that is relevant at this point?

Maggie: This one is from Mitch in Southern California. Do we combine our gratitude statement with how our life will be different when we get what we want?

Lindsay: Yes. There together. The gratitude is at the beginning. Thank you universe for allowing me to have blah blah blah what I want, because I have blah blah blah I feel this way. The feelings are the warm fuzzy things and my life is different in the ways it is different and the thing at the end. So really you have five elements together. That’s the simple statement. How your life is different. It’s kind

of why do you want this, why do you want have that thing. Well because I’ll have this and I will be able to do that, I’ll be this way. How you feel about it and then a gratitude statement at the beginning; thank you universe, thank you God, or yourself for supporting me and having this. Then at the end a Pat Carrington ease statement or simplicity statement. I’m surprised or I’m grateful that this has been so fun and easy. This has been so simple or enjoyable because it puts it in the same tense. You’re not saying I choose to make it fun and easy because you want to have it already happen.

Here’s the key you want to be that person who has that kind of money. You want to pretend you have that kind of money. When I was thirty something I don’t know. I had a friend that had a yellow Mercedes 450 SL. I think I told you guys the story in the very first interview with Pat about attracting the Mercedes. The way it really happened it wasn’t how I bought stuff in the stock market. My friend, his name is Conley let me drive that car often. That little 450 SL with a black top and man I could feel the leather on the wheels and I could feel the leather in the seats, the strength of that engine and the wind blowing through my hair. That car wasn’t mine, I was just borrowing it. But I felt like the kind of person that would be driving a Mercedes. It was only three months later that I had my own already paid for from a silly stock.

Pat: You never put that in any interview with me. It’s a very interesting story.

Lindsay: Oh I didn’t.

Pat: First time I ever heard it.

Lindsay: Oh, that’s one of my favorite stories. Well there’s the back story of it. This is kind of the front story. Here’s the doing of it. I ended up putting 2,000 dollars for a stock back in May of 1979. I was working for a communication company and there was a company that made telephone systems and I was a communication consultant. They were called Rohm. I knew it was a good company and had ever bought stock in my life. A friend of mine said let’s buy some stock in this. So I did and there is a side story about it that’s amazing too. The point is I put 2,000 dollars in the stock market. I didn’t even know what a stock market was but that stock started to go up.

My stock broker was a friend of mine called me and said Lindsey you must have some insight or knowledge your stock is going through the roof. Do you want to buy some more? I said no I don’t have any money that was about it. He said well its gone up enough that you have equity in it. So you can buy it on margin. Well if you guys know anything about stocks that gets people in a lot of trouble you’re buying it on the equity you have. So if you have 2,000 dollars’ worth invested and it’s now worth 3,000 then you can just spend the extra 1,000 and just buy more stock. I said sure why not it doesn’t cost me anymore. He kept calling me every few days. Hey you want to buy some more and I said do I have enough whatever that is equity

thing. He said sure. So I kept buying it. I just kept rolling it over and I wasn’t keeping attract of it.

But, along came an opportunity another story about this and I will make it really short. I have always wanted this 450 SL. This friend said do you have a goal and I said well yeah I want to go to Europe and I want a 450 SL, but only if I can pay cash for the car. I don’t want to go into debt 30,000 dollars for a car I can’t afford. So, I want to have at least that much in the bank. I think it was 34,000 dollars at the time for a Mercedes. So, I was really focusing on that but I didn’t pair that up in any way with the stock investment. Didn’t even consider it but, I placed an order for the Mercedes not knowing where the money was going to come from. How I was going to pay for it. I just put a down payment through a friend’s relative in Canada that allowed me to buy a car overseas. So, I was going to get to go to Europe and pick up that car I couldn’t afford and didn’t have the money for on September 4th of that year.

About a month from then August 4th thank God the dealer in Canada called and said you have to pay for that car in advance cash. So, you need to send me 24,000 dollars because I was picking it up overseas. It was a huge savings. I said okay well let’s see what I can do. That afternoon after the dealer called me. My stock broker John Miller called me and said Lindsay somebody is after this company. The stock market has split. I went oh no. Oh no, that is really a good thing now you have twice as many as shares as you had before and the price is low so you can buy some more. I said well it just so happens I need some money and I’m thinking gosh I might have 8 or 10 thousand dollars in there by now. So, how much do I have and he said are you sitting down. I said well yeah. He said 76,000 thousand dollars. I said,” are you kidding me hello operator oh you mean 7,600 hundred you said 76,000. No you have 76,000 thousand and IBM or somebody is going after this company. I said great let’s take the money out”.

And I took the money out I had 76,000 thousand dollars in 1979 that was a lot of money. It’s a lot of money today but I had enough buy to pay off and buy that car and put 30,000 thousand something in the bank and plus the tax I would owe on it and enough money to go to Europe to pick up the car and have a two week vacation over there. It was all pretty much free it didn’t really cost me anything. I can remember driving off the lot in Germany on September 4, 1979 with that yellow Mercedes and that leather steering wheel under my hands saying how did this happen in 90 days.

I was really tuned into that frequency apparently and I was on the right channel. I had driven that car with the wind in my hair and I felt that powerful engine. It was mine. That is an absolutely I swear true story as all of mine are. It’s unbelievable, I didn’t plan it, I didn’t figure it out, I didn’t doubt it, I wasn’t invested in it, it just happened because I was in the right place. So I had my own little ultimate truth statement because I saw how I was going to feel in that, and how my life would be

different because I thought it would give me some prestige. It wasn’t really about that it was I just like cars. I had a thing for cars and I wanted a powerful cool car like that. So I got it. Anyway that’s my cool story. Thank you Pat I thought I told that story.

Pat: Oh but it’s wonderful.

Lindsay: There is another little side story to it that is quite hysterical. That is the very law of attraction as well about the 2,000 dollars. Any questions about where we are so far because we are about to go into a really important part.

Maggie: Hi, Lindsay. Thanks for that story. That was awesome. It was really great I love it. I do have a question from Dave from Scottsdale. He wants to know about his statement. He is making his statement in terms of clients. He is says I want 25 clients per year. Should I also put a dollar amount or is the client number sufficient.

Lindsay: No you want to put a dollar amount unless money isn’t important to you because they could be free clients. A lot of us have clients we don’t charge for whatever reason or pro-bono clients who can’t afford services. So you want to put the number of clients or the average amount per client or something so if money is the value. Let me be more specific here Dave, if money is your object then you want to focus on the money and not limit the law of attraction to getting it from clients. If your objective is to have clients and not make money then you stay focused on that number how many clients you want to have. But, it sounds like it’s a combination of both. I’m just guessing. We can’t hear you because you are on the internet. But, you want to do both I want to have 25 clients. I want to attract 25 clients a year earning an x amount of income from that. If that’s how you want to make the money it’s okay to do it that way or at least that much money. I hope that answers that if not joint back another note to us online. Now poor Natalie I didn’t mean to ignore you. We are coming back to you.

Natalie: I actually had two questions.

Lindsay: Go ahead.

Natalie: Is that okay. One of them goes to what Pat was saying earlier about a lot of people asks for like a million dollars. When I was five I decided that when I grew up I was going to be a millionaire. To me asking for a 100,000 thousand a year is something that feels a bit more realistic to ask for right now than a million dollars. It’s something I feel that is more like a stepping stone in the next year or two that I can use to raise my vibration and then from there move on and then ask for a million dollars. So can you just comment on that? Is it better to ask for a million dollars right away or just sort of ease your way there?

Lindsay: Is this you Natalie? Is that you talking?

Natalie: Yes.

Lindsay: I just wanted to make sure. I thought it was because it was a 100,000. You can do both. You can say I want to attract 100,000 dollars a year and you can have the check in your wallet so to speak for a million dollars. That being your goal and once you see that you are making 100,000 dollars a year. Ten years that is a totally of a million dollars. Here is a secret word to put in when you’re doing money, during a wake or doing anything. You say now in your initial statement. In fact when you are reading the statement it is already assumed now because you’re reading it in present tense. So you could either say thank you universe for allowing me to attract a million dollars now, but it’s not as believable for you as saying to attract 1,000 dollars a year. So, I would go with that statement and it’s fine to have the million dollar goal sort of in the background. Unless you’re making a 100,000 trust me you’re going to say geez a million dollars doesn’t seem so far off now. I bet every city council man, every state senator that has ever won in office has said I can go on and be a US congressman or senator. Then maybe President of the United States. Once you get a little taste of it. It’s really easy to take it to the next level. Have the big goal in mind don’t worry about whether you have the particulars just right. I would stay with what you have now and have the million dollars kind of in the background.

Natalie: Okay.

Lindsay: Okay.

Natalie: I have one more questions also.

Lindsay: I just thought of another great story.

Natalie: It goes back to taking the winters off. When you read it back to me. You read it back to me as taking the winter off. Taking 3-4 months off. The idea I had when I wrote it was like if I had an online business and like relocating my business and but, not actually taking the 3-4 months off. When you read it back to me I realized I had a limitation almost like having blinders on of how I am supposed to get it. So I am just wondering about releasing imagination of you know if you can only see something in one way. How do you see it in a different way to have something better?

Lindsay: Well you are attracting a 100,000 a year. You don’t say you by working 50 weeks a year. You just say I am going to attract 100,000 a year. So you’re not even saying a monthly amount. You may end up getting paid 15,000 a month doing something or attracting 15,000 a month on a speaking engagement, book tour or on the internet. Wow I can make a 100,000 in just eight months or six months. I know a guy in Phoenix that makes about a million and a half every year and he only works three weeks out of the year. Guess what he does? He sells Christmas trees. He wanted to be a millionaire and he started a little tree lot, Mitchell Trees or something like that in Arizona and he got a corner of the market years and years ago. He is probably passed on by now but he became a millionaire. He made over a

million dollars easily every year and he really only worked three weeks of the year. That was his goal and he spent the rest of his time on a boat named the Christmas tree. So I think you’re in the right place to take the time off it you want. That is why I said you use the word attract the money rather than make the money.

Natalie: Okay.

Lindsay: I got to tell you guy’s this other story that is true of a client of mine and I need to disguise how I tell it a little bit. So, I’ll call him Charlie. This happened before I met him actually. He was telling me this because he had heard my law of attraction stories and he wanted to work on something. We were in alignment with how we felt about it. He was a writer. A particular kind of writer in Hollywood. Let’s say he was screen writer and wrote mysteries. He wanted to sell that it to cable stations. Again I am changing some of the details of this. He wanted someone to buy his stories so he could be an ongoing screen writer. He was running out of money. He’s struggling with these two things. I want to sell my story and I need a lot of money. He was trying to figure out how he was going to live. He was going they got to pay me big money for this script. Excuse my language I need to get a hit by shit load of money. Then he changed it to a truck load of money. I want to get hit by a truck load of money and have someone buy my stories. He got an appointment and he was really clear about what he wanted a lot. He couldn’t even say he wanted a million of dollars, 5, 10, 20 millions of dollars just a truck load of money more than I can count was his goal. He wasn’t being specific at all about earning it or selling the story.

On his way to the appointment that he had to see the producer. On his way he got hit by a Brinks truck. For those of you who don’t know that is a truck load of money. He ran the red light and broadsided him and completely totaled his car. He was injured not too seriously, but he got a truck load of money from him. He got hit by a truck load of money. The settlement was millions and millions of dollars and they bought his stories and he became a successful writer in Hollywood. So how’s that about the law of attraction being literal. Hello.

Pat: It’s scary. It almost says you know the old saying watch out what you ask for you might just get it.

Lindsay: That’s right. I can think of some things that are really scary like that. You’re not going to create something in a flash you know because you think a bunch of poo poo doesn’t hit me in the face. Then it’s going to hit you in your face because you had that thought. It’s the predominance of your thoughts and the guy was really focused on that. It’s where you focus and put the predominance of what you’re doing.

Okay so we want to get on with this. Natalie tell me what comes up for you. First lets to do this I want you to measure the believable of that statement we read a few minutes ago as it is you know with attracting 100,000 a year and if you want to say

and taking 3 or 4 months off in the winter you can leave it that way or say have time to vacation in the winter. It’s kind of the way I read it to you more or less. What’s your believable or ownership in it with 10 being a totally own it and 1 or 0 being it just seems like an impossibility.

Natalie: I would say about a 3.

Lindsay: Okay, now you set that statement aside and we work on the limited beliefs. Because we are short on time we may not get too far into the beliefs, but I want you guys to get the idea with it so you can tap on your limited beliefs with your tapping buddy, or attracting buddy or yourself. But it helps to have perspective from someone else. What are your beliefs about why you can’t have that? Why aren’t you at a 10? What’s in your way?

Natalie: I feel like my voice isn’t heard.

Lindsay: I didn’t hear you myself at first for a minute. Your voice isn’t heard by the universe or others. Is that what you mean?

Natalie: Yeah.

Lindsay: Okay what else?

Natalie: I feel like sometimes I am better at destroying things than I am at creating things.

Lindsay: Okay.

Natalie: And there’s a part of me in essence of what I want is safety. I got this phrase the other day that my financial situation has never been safe and it’s not possible for it to be safe.

Lindsay: Okay do you know what that comes from? Why do you feel your financial isn’t safe and it’s not possible to be safe?

Natalie: I think that comes from my parents. From the first memory that comes to mind is my mom wanted to go back to school and my dad didn’t want her to go back to school. She was a nurse’s assistant and she wanted to go to school to become a nurse. And it was just a really tense discussion and he didn’t really support her in doing that. She did and when she got her nursing degree she left him.

Lindsay: Oh and so is that the part that is not safe because you end up losing somebody you loved. Was that the message you got?

Natalie: I never thought of it that way.

Lindsay: But somehow it felt unsafe to you?

Natalie: Yeah.

Lindsay: Somehow to you getting the money was unsafe and it broke up a home.

Natalie: And it made my dad very angry.

Lindsay: Here’s what we are going to do. Those are all the things you’ve said. Everything you guys are writing down I want you to joint down why you don’t think you have what you want whether it’s the economy or your fear you will be somebody else, or its going to be too hard or you don’t you don’t know how. I can pretty much guarantee it’s going to be a limiting belief or fear like we talked about last week which is why we kind of did that rehearsal last week and getting rid of limiting beliefs and fears. So, everybody just joint down a couple of reasons why just like the way Natalie did. This is a limiting belief I am better at destroying things than creating them. That’s a limiting belief. Its safety issues that’s not safe. That’s really a fear and a belief. The fear she won’t be safe if she has the money and any other things. Oh your voice isn’t heard. You believe your voice isn’t heard.

Natalie: Another one we ran into is I am not a good asker. I am not good at asking for things.

Lindsay: Oh yeah. You’re not a good asker. That is part of this I’m not being heard. You know you ask from something and people ignore you somehow. There was something about your sister too. We put all of that stuff together. Not being a good asker is a limiting belief. So here is what we do with this we learned friendly baggage last week. I want you guys to draw a big circle. If you have already written down some of those things just circle you’re limiting beliefs and fears. We are going to circle your Natalie’s all of your beliefs that you mentioned and the fears you mentioned.

You’re not a good asker. Actually you are you created asking to be my volunteer tonight. You got that I heard you. So you are on your way. Circle it and that represents everything in that circle and out of that circle energetically represents every single block or obstacle that’s in the way of having what you want. This is true for all of you. So energetically there all tied together. It’s tied to something you experienced in the past, it’s tied to your childhood, and it’s tied to a trauma or something. It’s more efficient if you clear that up first what caused it. But we are going to throw it in the pile with Natalie and the lesson she learned from her family. The family of origin she learned somehow that having money was not safe and it wasn’t possible to be safe.

So, if we put all of those together. All of your limiting beliefs and fears Natalie the ones we mentioned, the ones you haven’t thought of, the ones you don’t that are lurking in there. What pull would they have on you? This is different than intensity its if they are holding onto your arms and legs and holding you back how strong are they in keeping you from attracting you from that 100,000 a year. With 10 being

quite high.

Natalie: Quite Strong. Did you want a number?

Lindsay: Yeah. They really have a hold on you. You can’t even move forward at all then that’s a ten.

Natalie: I’d say a ten. It’s a ten.

Lindsay: Now everybody put a number down for yours. We are going to do this together. You are going to borrow benefits. Pat, Maggie, or any of the assistants on the line that need to mute yourself and want to do this, tap with us. Mute yourself and then you can tap outline. Just don’t mute Natalie here. So, Natalie on your karate chops point we are going to do reversal neutralization to letting go of these. So, on your karate chop I want you to say even though these fears and beliefs are keeping me from realizing my financial goal.

Natalie: Even though these fears and beliefs are keeping me from realizing my financial goal.

Lindsay: There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let them go.

Natalie: There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let them go.

Lindsay: I love myself anyways.

Natalie: And I love myself anyways.

Lindsay: Even though these fears and beliefs about money.

Natalie: Even though these fears and beliefs about money.

Lindsay: About not being heard and not being safe.

Natalie: About not being heard and not being safe.

Lindsay: Keep me from having the money that I want.

Natalie: Keep me from having the money that I want.

Lindsay: There’s a resistant part of me that doesn’t want to let go of these beliefs.

Natalie: There’s a really strong resistant part of me that doesn’t want to let go of these beliefs.

Lindsay: For whatever reason.

Natalie: For whatever reason.

Lindsay: Valid or not, right or wrong.

Natalie: Valid or not, right or wrong.

Lindsay: And I still want love and accept myself unconditionally.

Natalie: And I still want to love and accept myself unconditionally.

Lindsay: Take a deep breath while you shake out your fingertips as if you’re shaking water of the ends. Everybody do this we us unless you are driving. Now go to the eye brow points both hands on both sides of the beginning of your eye brown and say these limiting beliefs and fears about attracting a 100,000.

Natalie: These limiting beliefs and fears about attracting a 100,000.

Lindsay: It’s best if everybody used the same verbiage and borrowed benefits rather than try and put your own in there. But, if you want to go ahead and do that. It’s easier if you just say what Natalie and I say. So on the outside of the eye, the belief that I am not heard.

Natalie: The belief that I am not heard.

Lindsay: Under the eyes. The belief I am not a good asker.

Natalie: The belief I am not a good asker.

Lindsay: Under the nose and the chin. I must not be good at asking for what I want.

Natalie: I must not be good at asking for what I want.

Lindsay: Collar Bone because people aren’t hearing me.

Natalie: Because people aren’t hearing me.

Lindsay: Under the arms. The belief it’s not save to have that kind of money.

Natalie: The belief it’s not safe to have that kind of money.

Lindsay: On the liver. The belief that it’s not possible to attract 100,000 dollars a year.

Natalie: The belief it’s not possible to attract 100,000 dollars a year.

Lindsay: On the wrist. The fear and belief that I destroy rather than create.

Natalie: The fear and belief that I destroy rather than create.

Lindsay: Top of the head. I want to let go of all those beliefs and fears.

Natalie: I want to let go of all those beliefs and fears.

Lindsay: On the eye browns. Thanks to mom and dad for helping me create them.

Natalie: Thanks to mom and dad for helping me create them.

Lindsay: On the side of the eyes. Maybe part of me has felt safe because of them.

Natalie: Maybe part of me has felt safe because of them.

Lindsay: Under the eyes. But there not working for me anymore.

Natalie: But there not working for me anymore.

Lindsay: Under the nose and chin. There holding me back.

Natalie: There holding me back.

Lindsay: Collar bone. I want to let them go.

Natalie: I want to let them go.

Lindsay: Under the arms. I want to release these beliefs and fears that hold me back.

Natalie: I want to release these beliefs and fears that hold me back.

Lindsay: On the liver. You say something Natalie. What would you say there?

Natalie: I want to let these go so I can be happy.

Lindsay: On the wrist. I want to make it easy to let go.

Natalie: I want to make it easy to let go.

Lindsay: On the top of the head. I give myself permission to eliminate these fears and beliefs.

Natalie: I give myself permission to eliminate these fears and beliefs.

Lindsay: Okay good. Take a deep breath. Tell me what number is now. This is the number of how strong the pull the limiting beliefs and fears has on you.

Natalie: 7 is the first number that comes to my mind.

Lindsay: Okay that’s good. Do feel it, see it or hear it?

Natalie: I hear it.

Lindsay: For those of you who aren’t sure of your number. Just guess and even though I might not be sure what pull these fears or obstacles have. If I had to guess I would say it was a blank. Okay did any thoughts, emotions or memories come up for you Natalie while we were doing that?

Natalie: When you said the word permission at the end. That I was like okay I have to give myself permission. I don’t know it just kind of struck something.

Lindsay: We don’t realize we are the ones holding ourselves back. We tend to think something else is holding us back, but it’s really us. Sometimes it’s the fear of who am I going to be when I let go of this other stuff, these beliefs and fears, or the safety issue or it’s not okay. It’s just a matter of giving yourself permission to move on. Thank you for that. Back on the karate chop. Even though there is part of me letting go of these limiting beliefs and fears.

Natalie: Even though there is a part of me letting go of these limiting beliefs and fears.

Lindsay: The obstacles that keep me from attracting that money.

Natalie: The obstacles that keep me from attracting that money.

Lindsay: I still love and accept who I am.

Natalie: I still love and accept who I am.

Lindsay: Even though I’m resistant to letting go of my beliefs and fears.

Natalie: Even though I’m resistant to letting of my beliefs and fears.

Lindsay: At least a part of me is.

Natalie: At least a part of me is.

Lindsay: For whatever reason.

Natalie: For whatever reason.

Lindsay: I love and accept myself anyway.

Natalie: I love and accept myself anyway.

Lindsay: Okay on the eye brown. These remaining beliefs and fears about attracting 100,000 dollars.

Natalie: These remaining beliefs and fears about attracting 100,000 dollars.

Lindsay: The belief I can’t ask for what I want.

Natalie: The belief I can’t ask for what I want.

Lindsay: Under eyes. I just did whoops.

Natalie: I just did whoops.

Lindsay: I want 100,000 dollars.

Natalie: I want 100,000 dollars.

Lindsay: On the collar bone. Every year.

Natalie: Every year.

Lindsay: Under arms. I want the freedom that, that brings me.

Natalie: I want the freedom that, that brings me.

Lindsay: On the liver. And I want to let go of anything that is in my way.

Natalie: And I want to let go of anything that is in my way.

Lindsay: On the wrist. I allow myself to release these obstacles.

Natalie: I allow myself to release these obstacles.

Lindsay: Top of the head. I allow myself to claim that 100,000 dollars.

Natalie: I allow myself to claim that 100,000 dollars.

Lindsay: On the eye browns. But what if I feel unsafe.

Natalie: But what if I feel unsafe.

Lindsay: On the side of the eyes. I want to feel comfortable with that kind of money.

Natalie: I want to feel comfortable with that kind of money.

Lindsay: Under the eye. So I think I’ll just choose to be comfortable with it.

Natalie: So I think I’ll just choose to be comfortable with it.

Lindsay: Under the nose. I could handle having a 100,000 a year.

Natalie: I could handle having a 100,000 a year.

Lindsay: Collar bone. So I accept it.

Natalie: So I accept it.

Lindsay: Under the arms. Thank you universe for allowing me to attract 100,000 dollars a year.

Natalie: Thank you universe for allowing me to attract 100,000 dollars a year.

Lindsay: On the liver. I am grateful that it’s easy to do this.

Natalie: I am grateful that it’s easy to do this.

Lindsay: On the wrist. I love the joy and freedom it brings me.

Natalie: I love the joy and freedom it brings me.

Lindsay: Top of the head. I choose to let go of anything that is in the way of me claiming it.

Natalie: I choose to let go of anything that is in the way of me claiming it.

Lindsay: Okay good. Take a deep breath. And tell me what the number is now. The negative pull that those limited beliefs that tap on you.

Natalie: It feels like it’s a 2.

Lindsay: Very good. That’s a nice drop. What I want you to do time wise Natalie. I want you to tap on the rest of those limiting beliefs. Choosing to let them go. You’re now down in an area where you can say I choose to release them, choose to eliminate them, and choose to let them go. Just do some rounds choosing to let them go that way you can get rid of them so there at a zero. You want to check in and make sure they are gone. Then the next step is we go back to even though your beliefs and fears are not gone. Let’s go back and check in with your ultimate truth statement. Let me read it another way and I want you to tell me if the believable has gone up even though we are not at a zero.

Thank you universe for allowing me to wear these great clothes because, I can afford them easily. I even have more than enough money to invest and travel. I am able to go somewhere warm and comfortable in the winter and work if I want to or not. I feel taken careful of and comfortable. I feel so happy, safe and secure with this new sound income. I feel confidence and have happiness and peace of mind. I am so grateful this journey has been fun, safe, and easy. How does that sound?

Natalie: When you were reading it there was a voice in my head saying you deserve that.

Lindsay: That’s great. You do deserve it.

Natalie: I can totally see myself in the sun and being warm. It felt really good.

Lindsay: Who’s to say you don’t deserve it. I mean what is somebody going to knock on your door and say we are the worthy police and you don’t deserve this? You do deserve this. That is a great voice. Now on the believable from 1 to 10 where is that on the scale 1 to 10 with you owning the statement even though you still have limiting beliefs and fears.

Natalie: An eight.

Lindsay: When you get rid of the limiting beliefs and fears and there really at a zero that number should go to a ten. I want you to tap on that with your tapping buddy to get rid of those limiting beliefs and fears. Now, for those of you who that are listening or following along hopefully on the recording or live. On the handout there are four or five slides on what to do if you get rid of your limiting beliefs and fears and your statement still isn’t at a ten. That is not uncommon at all people might get to an eight or nine and you really want it and there is nothing in the way. There is trouble shooting steps you really just want to tap away any resistance or reluctance to owning it. Stepping into the kind of person, which would have that kind of money, or have that kind of life, or be in that kind of a relationship?

Let me go over the reluctance. You’re not changing identities you’re stepping into your own authentic identity. I want you to see the difference. People say who will I be at that weight, you will just be a skinner version of what you are now only with confidence, self-esteem and skinny jean clothes and stuff. You’re not going to change personalities but you might need to tap away any resistance or reluctance to totally stepping into that identity.

So take a deep breath. Thank you Natalie. You can stay on here with me. I am going to go into some other steps and where we want to be at this point. Because we talked about a lot of stuff tonight and some of this you are things you will have to do on your own getting rid of these limiting beliefs and fears. There is a slide about that. Follow the steps you need to get your statement just right. Post it on the Face Book page if you have any questions. So we can answer it. Instead of emailing it directly to me put it on the Face Book page so we can share it with each other because it does become contagious.

I am going to tell you what you are going to do with the statement once you get it to a ten. But before I do that I want to take any questions and that includes you Natalie if you have any. So hit star 2 or if you are on the online email thing joint an email down. I will ask Maggie first if she has any email questions.

Maggie: I think you probably already answer this but, just to make it clear do we focus on one thing at a time?

Lindsay: Just one thing, one part of your life. Now you can have an ultimate truth statement for finding your life partner and an ultimate truth statement for attracting the money you want. You can put money and career together. Thank you universe for letting me have my ideal career that pays me this amount of money. Those two you can put together.

Maggie: This question about timeframe. Cowboy boots for your birthday? But in our statement should it or should it not include a timeframe? It sounds like you are creating a timeframe for those and I just wanted to make sure.

Lindsay: The only timeframe is now. When I was a little kid and didn’t know the

rules I wanted those boots. I never did say I wanted them for my birthday although my belief was they would show up then. It didn’t really matter I just wanted them and they did show up on my birthday. But when you say by the end of the month, by the end of the winter or year, it puts an artificial timeframe around that desire and it will often bring up anxiety as the day gets closer. Gee, I don’t have it yet, maybe I’m not going to get it yet, and that just absolutely takes right you off that station, off the frequency you need to be on or off the channel or the station.

So, you want to not put a timeframe however, you could say now. It’s okay to say thank you for allowing me to have this now. And then now is kind of a subjective term. The universe does whatever it needs to do to put it in front of you now. I told the story with Matt on the recording this week about a lady that wanted a 250,000 dollars. It’s on the second recording and you guys should listen to that. She created that from Tuesday to Friday. She got paid two or three weeks later, but she created it. And in almost no time at all exactly the amount she asked for.

So, you just say now on the timing. When you’re saying the statement you are saying it in the present tense so there is an assumption you have it now. Do you see what I mean? It’s sort of already built into the equation? Any other questions star 2 to raise your hand if you’re online with us. Do you have any Natalie?

Natalie: No I don’t.

Lindsay: Okay, let’s move on we are almost done here. There are some slides in your handouts about installing some new beliefs. Those are really good to do after you get rid of your old ones. Installing tapping no karate chopping needed. You just tap on starting with the eye browns and do a round of I choose to believe I have this, I choose to feel smart and resourceful, I choose or I allow myself trust who I am, I choose to know that I am more than good enough and on and on. Just some really powerful phrases about what you want. Not just the money, but how you will feel about it and how your life will be different. I choose that, you’re choosing to be that person who has those things in your life. A person that lives in that kind of house. You guys remember the story I told about creating this fabulous home that out of nowhere a couple years I on the exact spot I envision it. But the night I moved in and stood there looking out at the moon rising up over the mountain I said, “Geez I don’t feel comfortable, I didn’t deserve this and I don’t feel like the person that should be in this kind of house.” I ended up losing it in a few years and had excellent credit, but some circumstances came up and I ended up having to give that house back. I know it’s because I never felt ownership of it.

Now, I also included a slide because I had a question about it this week. So there is one handout that I want to point out before we wrap up. I’m sorry we have gone so long. It’s for people that worry about their loved ones. I’m so worried about my son in the service or my brother has a dangerous job and I worry for him all the time. Instead of worrying about your children or loved ones or whatever. See them

wrapped in a cocoon of safety. See them surrounded by an invisible shield that protects them and see them coming home safely every day or back to their barracks safely. Your worry does not keep them safe, but your good thoughts could surround them with love and some element of protection. There is a little slide on that with some things to say and I want practice that if you have that situation and I do have some friends in my life whose children, or siblings are in Afghanistan who are just scared to death every day about a phone call or a visit. So I talk to them about seeing their loved ones safe instead of worrying about them.

Okay we are going to wrap up. Next week I am going to talk about how to use the ultimate truth statement. It’s actually easy it won’t take us very long and then we will move along onto something else. We will spend some time on the ultimate truth statement, but before I wrap up and give you homework are there any last minute questions?

Maggie: There’s one from Dave from Scottsdale and I will just say it. Is the reversal neutralization falling into regular Golden Gate Technique or is it still a reversal tapping?

Lindsay: I know Dave is a terrific guy and he was in my level three classes and we learned reversal slightly different. So, now the reversal is the set up statement. It’s called a reversal set up and you melt the two together. And on your confirmation page there is an audio and a handout about that and it explains that new kind of reversal. It is one of the steps in the golden gate technique and in everything we do. One of the first things we do it name whatever it is you have, give it an intensity and the third thing is almost always do a reversal on whatever it is. The reversal is even though I have this problem and it’s not working for me something along that line. There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to let go of it, but I love myself anyway. That’s just a real simple way of doing that and it neutralizes that resistance to letting go.

Thank you Dave for that question. And again there are so many freebies and good things on your confirmation pages. Be sure to go there often and see some of the things I posted there for you.

Your homework for next week which is week 4 is to perfect your ultimate truth statement. Write it out and making sure its present tense and positive. I am going to ask you guys to post it on Face Book. You want to keep it short and simple. There are several examples in your handout for how it should look. It should be a paragraph long, two or three sentences long. You want it to be concise, really impactful, powerful, present tense and pulling. Pat says with the big prize with the big bang. Then I want you to tap with your buddy once you get written out and you measure its strength and believable then write out another way of own this. Set it aside and then tap on your limiting beliefs. You measuring how strong those are and you tap on your limiting beliefs with your buddy until they are gone and make sure

you neutralize the reversal even though these limiting beliefs are keeping me from what I want there is a part of that doesn’t want to let go for some reason. Maybe it’s not safe or maybe it’s my identity. Doesn’t matter for whatever reason I don’t want to let go but I love myself anyway. That’s really important to do neutralization on those beliefs and then tap them away.

There is a thing on your homework about tapping on your statement every day. That we haven’t gone into that yet I want to make sure that everyone has their statement first and that they are tapping on their limiting beliefs and get there questions answered before we go into the final step of how to use that ultimate truth statement to your advantage. Most likely you will see things shift with getting this far into and things coming up as well. Oh my gosh what if I actually get this or oh my gosh what if I don’t.

So any questions at all about anything we covered tonight or anything else. Star 2 if you have any questions. We have just a minute or two to ask those. Anything online Maggie.

Maggie: My goal is related to my career and I don’t have any limiting beliefs. In this case how can I incorporate EFT to boost my passionate to the goal?

Lindsay: So you write out what you want from your ideal career. Not knowing what the thing is you write out your goal whether it’s a promotion. Without having more information it’s hard for me to address it. You would write what your ideal career is if you already a job you want and you want it to be better and really great. Then you write my ideal career is surrounded by like-minded people, supportive and accepting. I have a great income of x-amount, free-time to myself or flex time; I have a short commute or no commute. Whatever is true for you to have an ideal career and you make it really powerful and exciting to get up and go to work every day in this job. I hope that I’m answering it. I don’t quite know what the question is. It could be a boring thing you just choose to make it exciting or passionate thing. Even if you already have a spouse or significant other you can write a statement about bringing more passion and love and sex or interest into that interesting relationship. Or make your house cooler, neater and more exciting. You just simple write out the best possible outcome to that. Pat, do you have anything to add?

Pat: No I don’t really. I just think this is excellent and I look forward to doing it myself with my attracting buddy. We will do this.

Lindsay: Okay everybody please write your statement out and post it online if you feel comfortable. If not send it to Jaime assistantlkcoaching.com, she will post it anonymously. It will just say here is an ultimate truth statement from studious name for you and not under your identity otherwise let us know who you are we are not going to bite you it’s a closed group.

So I want to thank everyone for participating. Sorry this is longer than I intended for

it. I hope you don’t mind. I thought Natalie was terrific. Thank Natalie for that. Thank you guys for asking questions. We had a lot of people online and a lot of people in class and you were all well behaved.

We’ll see you next Wednesday same time, place, same numbers and all of that. Do your homework and we will see you then.

Good night and good tapping.