Web: the future is now (GUADEC 2013)

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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By Claudio Saavedra. Now that WebKit2 is a core part of Web, the GNOME community has finally closed the gap and can be proud to present its users with a browser of world-class quality. But WebKit2 is just the start: there are plenty of challenges ahead and this is the best time for us to embrace them. In this talk we discuss the state of Web, the advantages and possibilities that WebKit2 brings to the browser, and our plans for the future.

Transcript of Web: the future is now (GUADEC 2013)

Web: the future is now


(not Garnacho)

Why are we here?

Web: the GNOME browser

Motto:"Desktop Integration at its Best"

(I just came up yesterday with that)

Where do we stand?

Tightly integrated Web Applications

A most clever overview page



A multi-process architecture

No more browser crashes

A more responsive UI

A split plugin process


Accelerated Compositing



Don't miss: WebKit2 And YouSunday, 14:00

Nice. Now tell me about the future?

What we are working on

PDF integration

A kiosk mode

Further integration of the application mode

Testing packages for major distributions

New user manual

Some neat ideas for the future

Integration between Web Applications and Online Accounts

A smarter overview

Web-based history and bookmarks

Better management of web applications

Your ideas?

What's stopping us?

Small team

We need you!

Use Web

(at least try the web applications)

Give us feedback

Hack with us

Thank you, Brno!csaavedra@igalia.com