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Transcript of Web Copy Mastery E-Workshopworldinternetsummit.com/bonus2004/script.pdf · Johan : Think about...

The Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop _________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2003Super Fast Profit Enterprise. All Rights Reserved


Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop (Web Coaching Conference Transcript)

By Jo Han Mok CEO, Super Fast Profit Enterprise

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The Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop _________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2003Super Fast Profit Enterprise. All Rights Reserved


The Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop by Jo Han Mok

Copyright © 2003 by Jo Han Mok. All rights reserved.

Reproduction or distribution in any way, shape, or form is strictly forbidden.

The Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop Web Coaching

Conference Held: November 3rd 9PM E.S.T


Jo Han Mok: CEO, Super Fast Profit Enterprise

Alex Tan: CEO, The Marketing Secret

Coaching Client:

Fabian Lim: BizSuccessOnline

Websites Critiqued:



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Johan : Good morning guys.

Alext : Welcome Fabian.

Johan : We're gonna start the conference proper in 10 mins time.

Alext : We are all early.

FabianLim : No problem.

Alext : How about a story for the early birds?

Johan : Sure.

Alext : Every morning in Africa a deer wakes up. It knows that it must run faster

than the fastest lion or it will be killed.

Johan : Yes Alex, continue.

Alext : Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest deer

or it will starve.

Johan : Right… and your point being?

Alext : No matter if you are a lion or a deer - when the sun comes up, you had

better be running.

Alext : I just wanted to congratulate the early comers for a job well done.

FabianLim : Thank you...

Johan : I probably have had too much coffee.

Johan : Anyway guys. I'll kick off the conference now.

Johan : Fabian… I'd like to introduce you formally to my partner - Alex. Alex is

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the co-owner, together with me, of http://www.TheMarketingSecret.com

and he is also the Head of my network marketing division in Super Fast

Profit Enterprise. And let me tell you this, if there's anyone whom I

consider having a 'deep' background in Direct Response Marketing, it's


FabianLim : Hi Alex... good to meet you.

Alext : Nice to see you around, Fabian. Do feel free to blast away with any

question for Johan as well cause he's a wealth of kick-butt information.

Johan : Maybe Fabian, you'd like to do a self introduction first?

FabianLim : Sure. I'm from Singapore. 32 years old.... ex management consultant.

Alext : Are you new into Internet Marketing or Copy Writing?

FabianLim : Yes... to both... I started in internet marketing about 2 months ago.

Johan : Cool. So you're an ex corporate guy turned Internet Marketer huh…

FabianLim : Yeah...

Alext : Just how long have you been seriously studying these two?

FabianLim : About 2 months for internet marketing and 1 month for copywriting. Both

are real deep subjects... if you want to do it "right"... I mean.

Alext : Fabian, you are in for a treat cause Johan is going to give you a

headstart, light years ahead

Johan : I would have to say I agree and disagree to Fabian's statement.

FabianLim : Please elaborate.

Johan : Internet Marketing is multi-faceted. But there is a HUGE tendency for

newbies to get overwhelmed by the technical stuff.

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Alext : I know I was.

Johan : Think about it... people fret over website design... autoresponders,

graphics, script installations... And they give up in frustration because

they just are not making any money yet!

Alext : There just seems to be so much.

FabianLim : That's the tough part....making money!

Johan : Let me share with you a governing principle for Internet Marketing

Success. Know this... the Internet is just another medium for Direct

Response Marketing. That's it. It doesn't HAVE to be THAT


Alext : Like what they say, "Marketing is Marketing". I definitely agree that all

the principles used in Direct Response Marketing can and should be

employed in Internet Marketing.

Johan : What's YOUR definition of Direct Response, Fabian?

FabianLim : Not sure really....guess it's the art of persuasion?

Through a media? E.g. Letter, Print Advertising? Cold calls?

Johan : That is correct. Let me just clarify. It's called Direct Response Marketing,

because the prospect RESPONDS to your marketing message.

Alext : And I would have to disagree on the cold calling part. Ideally you should

never have to cold call, if you follow the steps to qualify your propects,

make THEM raise their hands. You would be responding to their

requests for your information.

FabianLim : Really?

Alext : Lead generation.

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Johan : Are you familiar with that term, Fabian?

Alext : Qualify your prospects.

Johan : Specifically, you separate the prospects from the suspects. Getting them

to raise their hand and say 'Maybe'.

FabianLim : Yes... So it's actually a 'two-step' process?

Alext : Ideally it should take as many steps as required.

Johan : First you separate the suspects from the prospects.

Alext : No point trying to sell sand to someone who lives on a desert, no matter

how cheap your sand is.

Johan : Then you convert the prospects into customers.

Johan : Usually with an 'entry level' item that will deliver value to them.

And after that, you'll 'backend' your prospects with a higher ticket item.

So on and so forth. This is really the umbrella term 'multi-step'.


Alext : By the end of the multi-step process, you would end up a group that will

be what we call very 'hot' prospects.

FabianLim : I see...

Johan : Think of it this way. You get your prospect to enter a 'funnel'.

And once they complete ONE funnel, you enter them into another one...

so on and so forth. Ad infinitum.

FabianLim : Unless they unsubscribe… that is...

Johan : Yes. They buy or die. To put it bluntly. Some people cringe at that


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Alext : If you are truly delivering great information, there's just no reason for

them to unsubcribe.

Johan : But hey… realize this… you cannot please everyone.

FabianLim : Right.

Johan : Neither is it your JOB to please everyone. You only want to please the

ones who are pleased, and are asking to be pleased.

Alext : That by itself, is a step in qualifying your prospects.

Johan : I think this puts it in a great perspective. Because Marketing is all about

Psychology AND MATH. You're banking on that 'dependable' percentage

of people to RESPOND to your offer. And capitalizing on their

LIFETIME VALUE as a customer. Realize this… a buyer, is a buyer, is

a buyer.

FabianLim : That's where the Sales Copy is crucial right?

Johan : That's right. And we're ALSO assuming that your product is a good one

that delivers genuine value, and not a piece of crap or junk.

Alext : That is very important. I strongly believe in selling products that we

believe in. Don't fall into the trap of selling anything and everything. You

will lose credibility.

FabianLim : I agree....

Johan : While what Alex and I say seem to be very 'brutal' and ruthless... It's the

truth in marketing, and it is scientific. And my point is these are principles

governing direct response marketing. And since they are principles,

anyone with a half brain can apply these principles and become


Alext : Marketing is truly a science.

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Johan : You don't need special talent or gifting. All you need to do, is LEARN

these principles and apply them. It's formula. The reason why so many

people fail… is that they don't recognize the basics of direct

response marketing. They get caught up in techie shit and all that

useless stuff that are jobs for geeks. And they neglect the most important

aspect of their business. MARKETING.

Alext : Concentrate on your priorities.

Johan : If you're the marketer, then do what you're supposed to do. Market.

Alext : That's a 10 Star tip. You would have to agree that Johan is giving you his

advice based on years of experience.

Johan : Woo hoo. I'm DEAD SERIOUS.

Johan : Fabian, do you have any questions at this point?

FabianLim : And what resources would you recommend? I recently bought two books

by Dan Kennedy. Excellent material!

Johan : In terms of resources… I would have to say this.

Strategies may change, but principles are timeless.

FabianLim : Great statement...

Johan : Ask yourself if this makes sense... If you want to learn marketing…

wouldn't you want to learn from people who could actually SELL SNOW

to Eskimos?

Alext : Study the principles and you can apply it to anything. Online or offline.

That's the power of copy writing.

Johan : These are the 'old' guys. People like Claude Hopkins, John Caples,

David Oglivy, Robert Collier and Gary Halbert.

Alext : Jeff Paul.

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FabianLim : These are advertising guys?

Alext : I would rather think of them as great copy writers.

Johan : These are legendary copy writers who used 'printer's ink to sell millions

of goods and services. They KNEW how to sell.

Alext : They have really studied and applied the core principles of marketing.

Johan : And their response rates were as high as 100%.

I kid you not. 1% to 2% is usually the norm... so you can imagine...

FabianLim : Guess it's one thing to know the principles...it's another to express it

persuasively in ink....

Alext : Talk about the power of copy, well thought and great copy.

Johan : Well it boils down to this. Human Psychology.

Alext : It's a science, apply the principles and results will show.

Johan : I mean have you heard the saying...

"Build a better mousetrap.. and the world will come knocking on

your door.."

That's bullshit. Who the hell knows you've built a better mousetrap?

Really. Who knows?

FabianLim : Maybe your neighbour...LOL

If you TELL them..LOL

Johan : Yeah... or the cat...or the mouse itself. All kidding aside.. I think you get

my point...

FabianLim : Yes.

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Alext : We do. It's important not to reinvent.

Johan : Wow! That's a super statement. I like that...

Alext : That's wasting precious time.

Johan : Which is why one of my favorite sayings is,

"Why invent mediocrity when you can model success?"

Alext : Get down to your priorities.

FabianLim : Great statement...

Johan : Marketers CANNOT AFFORD to be creative. You want to give people

what they WANT.

Alext : Follow the exact steps and you will only get the same results.

Johan : There is simply no room for 'guesswork'. Marketing has always been,

and always will be scientific. If you're NOT RESULTS BASED, then you

better take a cold hard look at your marketing cos it ain't working baby.

Alext : It's a science and principles will never change.

FabianLim : Good point.

Alext : Fundamentals are important.

Johan : I know, Fabian, we have not gone into 'techie' stuff yet. And I hope you

now realize why...

Alext : Johan's taking you by the hand...Giving you the foundation.

FabianLim : Appreciate that...

Johan : Hey, you're most welcome. But do you understand what we've gone

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through so far?

FabianLim : Yes...

Johan : Much of it may cause some 'cognitve dissonance'. Because it contradicts

so much of the 'conventional wisdom' that you're exposed to, whether

it's from your well meaning 'friends'... parents... or what you learnt in


Alext : Fabian, you should really jump on the chance to ask any question.

FabianLim : RIght...

Johan : I do know for a fact that if I used what I learnt in school for my marketing

classes... I'd be a really poor man...IF I tried applying all that useless

marketing crap I learnt in school.

Alext : Johan, maybe you could recommend some useful resources.

Johan : Sure. Fabian, what resource do you have particularly in mind? Pertaining

to anything specific?

FabianLim : Well... Resources for a complete web copywriting beginner...

Johan : Ok. I'm not gonna let up cos you're a beginner. Tough love ok. Some of

the books I'm gonna recommend are not exactly 'easy' reading... but you

should and you MUST read them if you're serious about succeeding and

getting the most complete education in Direct Response Marketing.

FabianLim : Sure.

Johan : To start off... I highly recommend Robet Cialdini's book... 'Influence,

The Psychology Of Persuasion'. That is a must have...and is available

at most major bookstores.

Alext : Often overlooked.

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Johan : You'll learn exactly why humans act the way they do and what motivates

them to do so. You do want to be able to 'motivate' people to buy, don't

you? You do want to 'motivate' people to opt in, don't you?

FabianLim : Is there an ebook version?

Johan : Not that I know of... But it's not expensive. You can get a copy in


FabianLim : Absolutely...

Johan : The companion of that would of course be 'Triggers' by Joe Sugarman,

a friend of mine. Get anything by Joe. 'Advertising Secrets of the

Written Word' etc. They're all on Amazon. Next, anything, and

everything by Dan Kennedy. I also highly recommend 'Advertising

Magic' by Brian Keith Voilles. It's probably THE Course that will take

any 'beginner' and help them write their own 'zero to hero' story.

FabianLim : Right...

Johan : And.. you'll need to get Joe Vitale's stuff. There are just too many

'books' out there... so you really have to ask yourself what you 'really'

want. And I do NOT recommend you plummeting a fortune trying to get

ALL the books. I did that. And it was painful.


Alext : Johan, don't forget your book, 'The E-code'.

Johan : Thanks for the plug, Alex... Yes. Get ONE good course. Make it pay

dividends... then start investing in the 'rest' of your education. If you

want what I think would be a 'really' good course that will not 'burn' a hole

in your wallet... I would recommend http://www.MasterWordsmith.com

FabianLim : Good advice...thanks.

Alext : Johan's really spilling the beans here.

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FabianLim : I can tell...

Alext : That advice alone can save you a fortune.

Johan : You'll get a detailed analysis by the top copywriters on WHY they wrote

what they wrote for their winning ads. They dissect the frog... and leave

nothing whole...So do check it out.

FabianLim : Have been there... Great sales copy!


Johan : Thanks. So, Fabian... What is your #1 biggest challenge online right

now? Do you have a website?

FabianLim : Yes, I do... Here's the url http://WebCopywritingCourse.com

Johan : Now that's a GREAT Domain.

FabianLim : Oh thanks!

Johan : Alright. I'm 'pushing' the URL now... so that we're all on the same page.

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FabianLim : Yes... I have it on screen. Can you start by commenting on the pre-head,

headline and sub-head?

Johan : Let's look at the pre-head, shall we?

FabianLim : Yes, please.

Johan : Finally Revealed is a great starter.

FabianLim : Thanks.

Johan : But there is something I do not like about it and it turns me off.

FabianLim : What is it?

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Johan : Sorry about the honesty.

FabianLim : No problem.

Johan : I think the phrase 'Inspire people to hand over their hard earned

money' is not something I would use.

FabianLim : Why not?

Alext : It makes people feel like it's a scam.

Johan : Because it makes people think: "Gosh, these guys are just out for my


Alext : Con job of sorts.

Johan : I don't want a course that will teach me to CON people... That might not

be the truth.

Alext : Precisely.

Johan : But it is their perception. And I want to touch on this. Perceived

REALITY is more powerful than the TRUTH.

FabianLim : Interesting point...

Alext : That again is a 10 star tip.

Johan : There is a great difference between believability and the truth. And do

you understand what I mean by that?

FabianLim : Yes, I do... What people choose to believe vs. the actual truth...

Johan : And my 'perception' is that you're asking me to buy a course that makes

people 'hand over their hard earned money' and so... I would NOT use

that phrase.

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Alext : “Secrets of salesmanship” could also be reduced to simply "secrets".

FabianLim : How would you re-phrase the pre-head? Isn't the phrase 'Beg them to

take their money' very commonly used in sales letters?

Johan : Finally Revealed: The inside “secrets" of top copywriters used to

magnetically attract prospects and converting them into lifetime

paying customers. You'll discover how YOU can do it too!

Alext : Straight to the point.

Johan : 'Beg them to take their money' can be used if phrased in the correct

manner. But 'handing over their hard earned money is not good because

they earned it hard, and you're taking it 'easily'. Doesn't that turn

people off?

Alext : It projects you as a blood sucker.

Johan : Ok. Back to the point. My 'revamped' prehead is very DIRECT and You

oriented. But you have to understand the FUNCTION of a prehead. It's

a qualifier. And people can associate with it better.

FabianLim : I see.

Johan : My prehead qualifies the people you want reading your letter. And I

think it transmits the 'benefits' of your course in a more positive light and

less hypey fashion.

Alext : Effective communication is the key.

Johan : True. Not everything has to be the sizzle with the dizzle. Talk straight.

FabianLim : Instead of "The inside secrets of top copywriters used", can I rephrase to

"The inside "secrets" top copywriters use"?

Johan : Sure. It's fine.

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FabianLim : Alex?

Alext : That's much better and much more effective than “Secrets of


Johan : But yours is an active approach. And it works too.

FabianLim : Is there a difference between "active" and "passive"?

Johan : And here's something I want to touch on again. If I say "Secrets of top

copywriters used", I'm connoting a 'mysterious act' that happened in

the past. If I say Copywriters USE...it's in the present tense. And people

are still using it now.

Alext : And for very good reason.

Johan : So, I would say this. If your course deals with 'copywriters in the past',

USED would be a better word. But if you're talking about present day

web copywriters, USE will be more appropriate.

FabianLim : Ok... Good point.

Johan : So make your decision and use what works for you.

FabianLim : Thanks..... Can you critique the headline next?

Johan : The next thing I would do is that I would REPLACE the headline with the

supra head. I think the headline you're using now... actually makes a

good supra head. And the supra head makes a better headline. And I

would place QUOTATION MARKS on the headline itself as well as the

supra head.

Alext : Switch them around.

FabianLim : Can you explain 'supra' head?

Johan : Supra head is what comes after your headline. In this case... I'm referring

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to: "If you’ve ever wanted to master the skill of writing powerful,

profitable online sales letters, but didn’t know where to begin – this

brand new web copywriting course may be the answer YOU have

long been waiting for". I feel that this makes a better headline than

your current one.

FabianLim : I see.

Johan : But I would alter it a little. I would say something like "This letter might

be the most important letter you'll ever read!" instead of "this brand

new web copywriting course..." And there's a good reason why. You're

telling them upfront that you're selling to them. It's a big no no. Especially

online. People come online to get information. And the more you can

make your sales letter seem like 'information'. The higher chance

you'll have of getting the sale.

FabianLim : Good point.

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Alext : Brand new might create an untested feel.

Johan : Yes. Breakthrough or Revolutionary might be more appropriate.

FabianLim : Right.

Johan : But I still think that it's better NOT to imply a product.

Alext : My sentiments too.

Johan : Try this, Fabian. Go to: http://www.ProfitInfo.com and get the split

testing script by Marty Foley. And test our changes versus yours. You'll

be able to let your results be the sole judge.

FabianLim : Right... You are referring to the Scientific Web Marketing System?

Johan : Yes.

Johan : Next. I am completely distracted by the opt in box. My readership is


Alext : It's introduced abruptly and breaks the flow.

FabianLim : Go on...

Alext : Maybe as a pop-under.

Johan : Yes. Or an exit pop.

Alext : At least you don't break the flow that you have worked hard in creating.

Johan : You know what's REALLY wrong with this webpage?

FabianLim : My original intention was to funnel them into a mailing list for e-mail

marketing purposes.

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Johan : You're NOT confident your copy will sell. In this webpage, you're

DELAYING the sale. You're MAKING it DIFFICULT for them to buy.

Because you're confusing your prospect. When you ask them to

download the free primer, you're saying "Hey... Don't buy yet... See what

I have to offer first." BEFORE the prospect has the chance to EVEN

make a decision on his own. Do you see my point?

FabianLim : Yes yes.

Alext : Actually, I feel the word 'primer' shouldn't even be used.

Johan : You've MADE the decision for the prospect. That's not what you want.

You want your sales letter to make its case. And your primer should be

used for the purpose of "Ok.. so you didn't buy. How about giving me

your email address for a bribe?"

FabianLim : Right...

Alext : Ethical bribe.

Johan : And that's why it is best used in this context as a 'skeptic silencer' - I'll

let you try before you buy". Just remember this. Direct Response

marketing is based on getting your reader to take a SPECIFIC action.

And notice it's ACTION. Not actions. In this case, you want to shoot for

the sale. If you want their email address so bad... You can create a stand

alone page as a lead generator...

Alext : A gateway page.

Johan : Or simply make the primer 'download' a gateway page to your main sales

letter. That way, you'll accomplish BOTH without confusing the readers.

Let me give you an example http://www.KillerWebCopy.com. That's

my gateway page. It doesn't sell anything. It looks like a page that

provided a 'news flash' and gets people to sign up for a headline course.

That's it.

Alext : Don't confuse your readers.

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Johan : So think about it, Fabian. You have a great sales letter.

FabianLim : Will do.

Johan : Don't do it injustice by 'wimping' out on it. If you don't think it's great,

REWRITE it. You must have full confidence in your copy that it will SELL.

FabianLim : Right.

Johan : The other thing I feel that is essential to point out is this. Who are you?

You see. People have 4 questions in their mind.

1) Who are you?

2) Why should I listen to you?

3) Who cares?

4) So what?

These are REAL people you're dealing with. You cannot get away with

words like "happy reading". It doesn't MEAN anything. If you want to, you

need to tie up your relationship with Robert Boduch. In your 'ramble', let

people know the 'story'.

FabianLim : I see your point...

Johan : For instance, you might say something like, "I twisted Robert's arm real

bad to make this available to you..." If you don't establish the

'relationship', people will once again get confused.

Alext : Well said. Associate in any possible way if you are new.

Johan : I hope you take this positively, Fabian.

FabianLim : Absolutely!

Johan : We're not trying to 'bash' your website.

FabianLim : I understand.

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Johan : We're trying to help you sell more.

FabianLim : Appreciate that!

Johan : Sure.

Alext : Your perceived value increased with the right association.

Johan : The changes might be 'painful'. But that's the way we learn.

FabianLim : Yeah...

Johan : Through our mistakes and through OTHER PEOPLE'S mistakes.

FabianLim : Yeah.

Johan : And I'm pointing out your mistakes now, based on my own experience.

And TONS of mistakes that I have made.

Alext : We are all learning some great stuff here.

FabianLim : Agree.

Johan : But I would like to say you did a lot of 'right things'. Like having a

completely new design... Giving a personal endorsement. Your graphics

are kick ass. And it takes guts to put your photo up there. I think with

some changes...I can see no conceivable reason why you won't become

one of the stars soon... It's in all a job well done.

Alext : Well done, Fabian!

FabianLim : Thanks for your advice and vote of confidence!

Johan : Anyone can see that you took MASSIVE ACTION. Some people just

don't do anything..

FabianLim : For a newbie... I guess...

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Johan : Alright Fabian... I hope you found our advice constructive. Let's take a

look at another website submitted for critique.

FabianLim : Absolutely! I'll work on the changes and maybe you can review it when

it's done...


Johan : Ok. Let us take a look at http://www.ChurchSecretary.com It's a great

looking site but I see something really 'wrong' here. Alex and Fabian, do

you see it? There is a HUGE inconsistency here. If it's supposed to be a

SPECIAL report. The 'click here to order now' button should NOT be at

the Top.

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Alext : Talk about heading straight for the sale. That's like too soon.

Johan : Yes. It’s just not congruent. If you want to shoot straight for the sale...

you'll use a headline like "Announcing..." Not a special report. If you're

doing a 'special report", you'll want to make it LOOK and READ like a

special report. To reiterate, a special report, should be a special


Alext : At least wait till they know what you are really selling.

Johan : Exactly.

Alext : It is supposed to look like a report but looks just like a salesletter.

Johan : It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is not a report. Also

this sales letter is way too high on the ego- meter. It’s not that Rose is a

show-off or anything of that sort, but what I mean, is that the letter is not

as prospect centered as it should be. The whole letter revolves around

how great the book is. There is no 'useful' information given to the reader

at all. A far better approach would be to give 'tidbits' of information,

REALLY USEFUL information in the sales letter.

Alext : It would also be good if the points were more well supported. Facts,

figures and graphs would be a good inclusion.

Johan : Rose needs to convince people that they REALLY do not know

everything they need to know about running a church and they NEED

this book.

FabianLim : Yeah... Good point.

Johan : The testimonials are 'nice looking' but they make a really weak case for

the book. Photos are credible. But there is no 'strong case' of how the

book helped! Here's another case of confusion. Are we selling the 'book'

or Rose?

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FabianLim : And sorry, but I don’t exactly ‘buy’ date scripts "order by xxx date"!

Johan : Yes. And if my target audience around with the ‘church’ community I

probably would not want to use a date script. It’s a credibility issue.

Alext : Most people are ‘immune’ by now.

FabianLim : Exactly the point!

Johan : It’s just a whole issue of congruency.

Alext : It's just not effective anymore and it takes away credibility.

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FabianLim : Also, there's far too many "I"s in the sales letter.

Johan : Yes. For that reason I have said that a lot of "accomplishments" of Rose

are irrelevant to the product.

Alext : The simple 'you' rule is violated. The price drop is not well supported

as well. Rose will do well to justify the ‘price break’ better with good

“reason why” copy.

Johan : And the sales letter just does NOT make a strong case. In my opinion,

this letter will do very well if...

#1: It 'gives' more information on why people really NEED this

product. And to 'agitate' the people more.

#2: It can use more "FACT: blah blah blah" type of copy

#3: The hardsell is removed.

#4: More 'product related proof' is added.

Alext : Problem, Aggravation, Solution

Johan : A better 'Call to Action' and removal of the date script. Any other

comments, guys?

FabianLim : She should provide more book review related testimonials. Currently,

only one testimonial is related to the book.

Johan : Yes. That would be a good addition.

Alext : I wouldn't mention it if the report is only 65 pages.

Johan : But all 'feedback' aside. I would say Rose also did a lot of 'correct things'.

She has 'branded' herself in the header.

Alext : Niche marketing.

Johan : And her name is stuck in your head. All she needs to do... is to give the

product benefits the same 'spotlight' she gives herself.

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FabianLim : Great learning point.

Johan : Last but not least. I think she can make a FAR bigger deal of the

'personal coaching'. I think it's of much more VALUE than her book. In

fact with the way she's doing it, I feel she should make HERSELF the

product.. (the coaching) and the manual as a 'workbook' or reference. All

she needs to do is to print out her book, slap it into a 3 ring binder and

voila! The Rose Randolph Church Administation Protege Program is


FabianLim : Interesting twist, Johan.

Johan : Throw in some audios, and you have a full blown cash cow. It's

really a case of 'repackaging'.

FabianLim : Brilliant!

Alext : Since she's giving away 5 hours of consultation, she's better off offering

a personal coaching package

Johan : My sentiments exactly. So can you see how 'repackaging can change

the way your marketing is done, and increase your ‘value’?

Alext : And the fact that her market is so niche, she should increase the

perceived value and charge much more.

Johan : I hope you can see the value in this, and start 'thinking' and having an

eye for the 'hidden gold' in your business. Alright guys...we're way

overtime... and I think it's time to wrap up. It's been a superb call. I

feel like I just gave birth.

FabianLim : Me TOO!

Alext : LOL

Johan : Thanks Alex, for your wonderful side comments. And thanks, Fabian for

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gritting your 'teeth' while we told you what was 'wrong' with your website

cos no one likes to be told that they're wrong.

Alext : But that's the way to learn.

Johan : Having said that, if you do take it as an educational experience though,

you'll be on the fast track to success sooner than you think.

FabianLim : I've learnt a GREAT DEAL, and it has been a blast getting so much take

it to the bank information!

Johan : Au Revoir, guys!

Alext : Till next time...

FabianLim : Ciao!

Johan : Take care guys!

Alext : Take care and best of success!

The Web Copy Mastery E-Workshop _________________________________________________________________

Copyright © 2003Super Fast Profit Enterprise. All Rights Reserved


Recommended “From The Trenches” Resources:

The Gary Halbert Letter: http://www.TheGaryHalbertLetter.com

Killer Web Copy Software: http://www.KillerWebCopy.com

Master Wordsmith Program: http://www.MasterWordsmith.com

Killer Copywriting: http://www.CopywritingSecret.com

Ad Secrets Revealed: http://www.AdSecretsRevealed.com

Marketing Rebel Rant: http://www.MarketingRebelRant.com

Kimble Kennedy Publishing: http://www.DanKennedy.com

Hypnotic Marketing Inc: http://www.MrFire.com

Persuasion Masters: http://www.PersuasionMasters.com

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Copyright © 2003Super Fast Profit Enterprise. All Rights Reserved


The End