Weavers School Newsletter March 2013

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Weavers School Newsletter March 2013

Transcript of Weavers School Newsletter March 2013

Brickhill Road Wellingborough Northants NN8 3JH

Telephone: 01933 222830 Fax: 01933 276347

E-Mail: mainoffice@weaversschool.co.uk

WEAVERS SPORT Year 9 Basketball

The newly formed Year 9 Basketball Team travelled to Melton Mowbray to face the Leicestershire County Champions Longfield School in the first round of the Regional Stage of the England Basketball u14 National Cup.

The team consisted of Danny Clarke, Joe Howie, Sean Reid, Ailbhe Cooper, Daniel Sims, Elvis Ringisai, Chris Pettit, Billy Olrod, Thomas Tomkins and Hayden Alcindor.

The match itself was a close affair as Longfield were boosted by the 3 experienced Notts Nova u14 National League players in their starting line up. For some of the Weavers boys this was their first time representing the school and for a few, even more extraordinary, it was their first basket ball match.

Despite this the boys competed right from the start of the game and displayed some good ball movement and timing as they scored the first 3 baskets of the match. The home team started to fight back after a shaky start and moved into a sizeable lead. In an exciting end to end game both teams gave it their best and the Weavers boys started to see their dedication and commitment to training over the last month start to pay off and surged into a 5 point lead with only seconds left. A buzzer beating shot from the Longfield team was not enough to overcome the jubilant Weavers boys at the final buzzer.

A 58-55 win was enough to take them through to the next stage, an away fixture to Shenfield School in Essex, an experienced team that features some of the Brentwood Fire U14 National League players.

The team would like to thank Mr Higgins and Mr Frater for their continued support in our quest to move one step closer to being one of the final four teams in the country.

Coach Danny Alexis


Following this game Weavers Year Basketball team defeated Shenfield School from Brentwood, Essex 86-70 and are now awaiting the final 16 game in either Cambridge or Ipswich. Go Wildcats!

Weavers Netball

Our now experienced Year 7 Netball Team are consistently performing to a high standard and recently won the Wellingborough district competition, qualifying to compete against other schools across the county.

The captain of the team, Lucienne Gilmour, has been highlighted by all teams, coaches and teachers alike as the best netballer they have seen for her age group.

To add to the success of our Year 7 team, Weavers Year 8 Netball Team have continued their success of last year and competed against all schools in the district to finish second, with the captain of the team, Amy Grant, being the highest goal scorer of the whole tournament.

Well done Weavers Netball.

Netball Competition

On Wednesday 6 March Weavers School proudly hosted the cluster Netball competition when nearly 80 pupils from Redwell Junior, Olympic Primary and Freemans Junior School took part.

After 2 hours of fearlessly contested netball and fine weather, the final was between Freemans and Redwell, with Freemans narrowly winning with a final score of 4-3. Redwell school won the fair play award and were a credit to the school throughout the tournament.

A big thank you goes to the Sixth Form leaders and Year 10 Leadership group for their support in organising and leading the event.

Well done to all involved.

Monday Basketball Mr Higgins Before school

Cricket Mr Reynolds Lunchtime


Fitness Mr Higgins Before school

Basketball Mr Higgins Lunchtime

Boys Volleyball Miss Jones Lunchtime


Basketball Mr Higgins Before school

Dodgeball Miss Boon Lunchtime

Basketball Mr Higgins After school

Fitness Mr Palfrey After school

Boys Football Mr Reynolds After school

Girls Football Miss Jones After school


Fitness Mr Higgins Lunchtime

Fitness Mr Higgins After school

Rugby Mr Palfrey After school

Friday Basketball Mr Higgins Before school

Girls Volleyball Miss Jones Lunchtime



raising aspirations…raising achievements

Please note the school will close to students for Easter on Wednesday 27 March at 3.10 pm and

re-open Monday 15 April. Thursday 28 March is a Teacher Training Day.

Dear Parents and Carers March 2013

Weavers school has a long and vibrant history. Since joining the school in 2006 I have set out to rebuild it systematically to create an outstanding school. Year on year I have led changes that have resulted in greater and greater success for students educated at Weavers School. Our pride is my pride, we work hard together to be successful and to enjoy our time at school.

I take decision making very seriously. It has to count, to add up, to make a difference. But we also know that we are not there yet and the consultation about academy status is about how we will be accelerating our trajectory, our journey towards becoming an outstanding school and realising our goals, our dreams. We know that the Northamptonshire Local Education Authority, to which we belong, no longer has the skills or resources to support us effectively in the journey that we have chosen and therefore we have looked elsewhere.

Over the last 8 months the school’s governors and the senior leadership team have been investigating all of the possible ways forward for the school. We have found a group of people, an organisation, which has the professional expertise to work with us to make Weavers School an outstanding school, who will support, challenge and guide us to the success we crave. That organisation is the Creative Education Academy Trust.

I am really excited by the prospects that this change will bring, for staff, for students. I believe that this is the best route for us, I believe that it will enable me to lead this school confidently and creatively, with the ambition, drive and determination that I have, to achieve excellence.

Increasing numbers of parents are choosing Weavers School as the school of their choice. We are the fastest expanding school in the Wellingborough area and numbers entering at Year 7 and into the Sixth Form are buoyant. A partnership with the Creative Education Trust will increase the opportunities for our students. Supporting the School’s drive for improvement, our sponsors will add an additional dimension to the education of Weavers’ students.

Our joint ambition is to create a school that nurtures entrepreneurial skills and attitudes; whose students can question, think, challenge, innovate and seek out opportunities to succeed; to open students’ eyes, to open their minds.

This in its turn will better equip students in their preparation for post-16 education, higher education and employment, supporting students to embrace the possibilities that the exciting world of the 21st Century will present equipping them to face the future as confident citizens and successful employees in our rapidly changing world.

Becoming a CET academy also allows us to continue to develop and extend the high value partnership working that we invest in with like-minded schools, locally and on a national level, avoiding complacency and isolation. Working with the best to achieve the best.

Becoming an academy with CET will enable us to accelerate our progress. Together, as one, we will drive forward with determination, flair and ambition. In September 2013 we commemorate the School’s diamond jubilee, 60 years of history, what an apt time to celebrate and refresh our total commitment to making The Weavers Academy a truly great school.

Weavers School, my school, our school. Weavers pride is my pride and our pride. The Weavers Academy, my future, our future…

Please feel free to respond to the consultation either online, or via the prepaid reply slip on the consultation flyer. Our conversations so far at the parents’ consultation meeting and the ‘drop-in’ session have been interesting and positive.

Have a great Easter break, we welcome students back to school on Monday 15 April.

Jon Davis

School Council 2013

Last week Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 students voted to elect the School Council representatives for 2013 and they are:-

Year 10 - Sam Garner Adam Payne

Year 9 - Eloise England Imogen Napier Evija Pincuka Marcus Vaughan

Year 8 - Vikram Kumar David Piggott

Year 7 - Shar’Le Francis Marc Smith

Congratulations to all the successful candidates.

Forthcoming Exams

GCSE and A level exams will take place from Monday 13 May until Friday 21 June.

Students taking exams have received their individual timetables, however full information is also available on the school website www.weaversschool.co.uk.

Seating plans and other information can be found on the Exams noticeboard ground floor R block.

If any further information is required please speak to Mrs Turley, Exams Officer.

The Creative Arts Stars

Throughout Great 3 students have worked well in a variety of the Creative Arts subjects to produce some outstanding work.

Above and beyond that, a selection of students have displayed superb self-discipline with Creative Arts, showing keen determination and effort to their craft.

The Creative Arts stars is a list of students who have displayed in Great 3 this determination and persistence to improve and for this reason have been highlighted for their success.

Design Technology- Mia Hopkins, Louis Clark, Vikram, Kumar Khosla, Imogen Hornet, Chloe Coles, Lauren Ames, Danny Clarke, Marcus Vaughan, Lewis Cullen, Tia Anderson, Lucie Ims, Callum Slack, Teegan Roche, Sascha Stanley, James Dickie, Cameron Elliot, Sophie Furnell, Eleanor Austin, Max Snelling, Leon Guy, Danny Quinn Lee Fitzpatrick

Music- Shane Steel, Anthony Knight, Jay Jay Belfon, Hope Cocking, Sophie Furnell, Lucie Ims, Ethan Joseph-Gill, Jamie Hughes, Eleanor Austin, Matthew Hadfield, Paige Malcolm

Drama- Samuel Woode

Art- Chloe Pegg, Shanice Taylor, Megan Synott, Elliot Drage, Sian Medford, Kelsey-Mae Barker, Gemma Darker, Tai Smith, Pearce Jackson, Daniel Sargent, Olivia Stewart, Jan Bies

Well done to you all!

World Book Day World Book Day £1 Book Tokens were distributed to students which could be used in exchange for one of the specially produced books available at booksellers and supermarkets.

A Books Alive app for iPhones and iPads could be downloaded for free to read exclusive short stories written by famous authors and to make the book covers come alive!

In the Library there were themed word searches and a quiz about books found on the shelves. Miss Ryle and the Teaching Assistants brought in their favourite childhood books to read and discuss with their Literacy class students.

Blue Peter award winners announced on World Book Day are:

Best Story: 'Tom Gates: Genius Ideas (Mostly)' by Liz Pichon

Best Book with Facts: 'Horrible Science: House of Horrors' by Nick Arnold and Tony De Saulles

COSTA children’s book award winner:

Maggot Moon by Sally Gardner

Website of the month is: www.louiserennison.com

Visit the website of Louise Rennison author of the Confessions of Georgia Nicholson books. Her latest novel is ‘A Midsummer Tights Dream’ in the series The Misadventures of Tallulah Casey. You can listen to an extract from all of her books, create your own journal, enter a competition to win a Kindle Fire and even pick up beauty tips!

Library News

After Easter storyteller Jo Blake Cave will be visiting Weavers and performing to Year groups 7, 8 & 9. More details will be issued soon.

Term Dates 2013 Easter Close at 3.10 pm Wed 27 Mar Teacher Day Thu 28 Mar Good Friday Fri 29 Mar Easter Monday Mon 1 Apr Re-open Mon 15 Apr

May Day Close at 3.10 pm Fri 3 May Re-open Tue 7 May

Summer Half Term Close at 3.10 pm Fri 24 May Re-open Mon 3 Jun

Summer 2013 Close at 3.10 pm Tue 23 Jul

Work Experience

Year 10 completed a week’s Work Experience from Monday 11 - Friday 15 March.

Students sampled working life in many areas including hospitality, law, retail and the shoe trade. Feedback from the employers has been excellent, the students worked extremely hard and were a credit to themselves and the school.

A big thank you goes out to all the employers who participate in this scheme and also to all the parents for all their continued support.

Well done Year 10!

Year 11 Prom

The Year 11 Prom for 2013 will take place on Friday 5 July at the Hilton Hotel in Northampton.

There is a limited number of places still available, to secure your place at this memorable occasion please go to the Student Office.


Lost property-

Please may we remind parents that all items of uniform and equipment must be named. This will help us to return items to their rightful owners straight away if mislaid.


If your child is unable to attend school due to illness please telephone the absence/illness line

01933 278103 every day your

child is off school. There is a message recording facility on this line should you call outside the hours of 8.00 am - 4.00 pm.

Medical appointments-

If your child has to attend a medical appointment during school hours please ensure he/she brings an appointment card or note from home to the Student Office before leaving the school site. from Road.

Change of details-

Please let us know if you are changing your address / telephone number so that we can update your child’s records.

Water sports and Adventure Trip to Normandy

The Water Sports and Adventure trip is fast approaching! We are all looking forward to the many activities in France including canoeing, archery and abseiling.

There is a parents information evening on Wednesday 17 April 6.30 pm - 7.00 pm in the school hall to ensure everyone is prepared for the trip and to answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to seeing you there. Miss S Jones

Weavers Ski trip to Piancavallo, Italy

09:30 Friday 8 February 2013. 47 intrepid travellers set off for Europe by coach. Their destination: Italy. Their aim: to learn to become awesome skiers.

24 hours (and several DVDs) later they arrive in the pretty town of Piancavallo, high up in the Italian Dolomite mountains. The next 6 days are filled with 4 hours of skiing lessons every day, evening games and entertainment such as ice skating and a disco, and a lot of pasta and hot chocolate.

By the end of the week, despite the tiredness, many students didn’t want to come home, as the trip proved to be such a fantastic experience for all. You can see more of the photos via the link on the website.

In the words of two students who went:

“Skiing was absolutely awesome! Everyone who went was amazing too; it was a great opportunity to socialise with people from other years and get to know them. As well as that, the actual skiing and all the après-ski activities were just indescribable. By the end of the week we were on the bigger hills and were going so fast! The icing on the cake was that the teachers were really funny and cool. Definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity not to be missed.” Neve Rawlings, 9AP

“Skiing was so fun! I fell over lots but I learnt from my mistakes. The evening activities were awesome (especially ice skating!). I talked to people in other years that I never talked to before and shared a room with my two best friends. The teachers were very supportive and funny all through the week. Overall, I would love to go again and have even more fun.” Leigh Main, 9HS

Exam Countdown Make a Difference @ Home!

1. Check planner regularly for homework

2. Read through homework once it is completed

3. Learn together - working through work together

4. Ask questions about what is being learnt

5. Ask your child to explain what they have learnt so that you

can understand it and pass it on to someone else

6. Ask what else they need in order to be successful

7. Talk about the best ways to revise, the best times and the

best places

8. Be a sounding board for your child’s ideas and opinions!