Weather Meter 2.0

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Weather Meter 2.0


By Team 5a:Richard BenjaminAndrea Boarman

What is Weather Meter 2.0?

A stationary weathervane that measures temperature, wind speed and direction, and precipitation

All data received from the weathervane is graphically displayed on a touchscreen

How does it work? The weathervane is connected to an mbed

microcontroller via RJ11 breakout connectors.

The mbed is responsible for receiving and transmitting the weather data to the Altera DE2 development board and also to our team’s website via (formally known as

The touchscreen is connected to the DE2 where it is able to display the weather data.

Decisions, decisions...

Our project took many different turns before reaching this point.


• The MAVRK and µMAVRK• DE2 Ethernet capabilities• Mbed Wi-Fly• Poor Documentation

The road to success... (cont’d)

Our original product:Used a completely different platform for

weather data (The TI MAVRK and µMAVRK, no mbed)

Communicated via Ethernet○ The DE2 communicating via wired Ethernet to

update weather information on cosm.comExhibited an interactive UI on the


What we learned...

• How to work with an unfamiliar platform with a limited amount of time

• How exactly does a touchscreen work?

• How to debug other people’s code

Advice to Future ESD3 Students

Sooner than later is better. It’s cool to think BIG when you

have a lot of time. Be proactive in asking for



Our team’s webpage is: