We Write to Work Out What We Think

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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#ECE11 Pecha Kucha presentation: builds on ideas that researchers – postgraduates and advisors alike – can practice as writing researchers in order to gain comfort and flourish in as creative knowledge producers and collaborative meaning makers.

Transcript of We Write to Work Out What We Think



We write...

to workto work out to out ideas

+ Michael Small @ shuttermike.com


RESEARCH = LEARNING = WORKthink dialectically

employ practical logic know how (& why) you (don’t) know

engage in critical reflection




P romoting O utstanding W riting for E xcellence in R esearch


Delving into the law book opened up a new world. Referees’ unfathomable calls seemed suddenly clear.

Confidence soared.

Strength & technique were supplemented with a magical sense of knowledge.

Our enjoyment of the game expanded exponentially as the mysterious shield of ignorance surrounding referees decisions melted away.

At the end of the day don’t you go over what has happened, live it again, hear everything Charlie said in that fight he had with the boss?

Well, that’s history.

Write it down just as you would say it.

Worker WritersRugby for Dummies


www.hollypester.com www.123rf.com/



Work Out Ideas


Work Ideas

Out Ideas

+ 10

Wales vs Italy from www.giorgiameschini.com


4Rs: Read Respond Real Reader

Communication by www.masters.ab.ca/

Made You Look by apokolokyntosis


Jeff Paschke-Johannes on Peter Elbow and Patricia Belanoff’s A Community of Writers: A Workshop Course in Writing. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1989, 1995

“What we need most as writers is…an accurate account of

what goes on inside readers’ heads as they read our words.”


“if p then q” from www. otherroom.org


Gather Data






Glenn Ligon sculpture, photo at Creative Commons by mightymightymatze


While individual positions

have specific duties, all

players participate in

offensive and defensive

aspects; therefore, must

have universal skills enabling

play accordingly.

Some people think writers drop from heaven.

But it isn’t true. There are definite things that anyone can learn about how to put your material together once you get it out in your notebook. There is nothing mysterious about it.

It is simply something you learn. Anyone can learn it.

Worker WritersRugby for Dummies

