We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ...stangelabreachurch.org › sa › wp-content...

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Transcript of We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church ...stangelabreachurch.org › sa › wp-content...

Rev. David Klunk

Administrator Rev. Francis Ng Parochial Vicar

Deacon Benjamin Flores

Deacon Mike Shaffer Our Parish Deacons

Rev. Dan Mc Sweeney S.S.C.C

Sunday Ministry

Rev. Bruce Patterson In Residence

Celebration of the Eucharist

Monday-Friday 8:00 am & 6:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Vigil,

Sunday 7:45 am, 9:30 am, 11:15 am

12:45 Spanish, 5:00 pm

Adoration Chapel Monday-Saturday

9:00 am - 12:00 midnight

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm Or by Appointment

Office Hours

We, the family of St. Angela Merici Catholic Church, welcome all to our parish of spirit-filled worship. We celebrate our love for Jesus and our diversity through faith formation, evangelization, and service.

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Monday - Thursday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 Noon

February 16, 2020

Reflection You have heard some people say, “I have donated thousands of dollars to charity,” but I say to you, they donated it not because they care about the poor, but because they want to have the tax deduction. You have heard politicians say they are pro this or anti

that, but I say to you, they did that not because they care about the well-being of the society, but because they just want to get the vote. Motives defining our actions can be moral or immoral.

This Sunday’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel shows Jesus wants us to take a closer look at the ten commandments and how our innermost motives can prompt our action or inaction (to do nothing). Matthew clarifies that Jesus had no intention to overturn the law of Moses, but to fulfill it (5:17). This clarification was necessary to satisfy the Jewish audience among the Christian community during Matthew’s time. Even though Matthew’s gospel reflected a strong Jewish background, more Gentiles were converting to Christianity and were learning from Matthew’s teachings. Matthew chose Jesus’s teachings carefully to not offend the Jews and yet, at the same time, encourage more Gentiles to convert by not over-emphasizing the Jewish law. Matthew highlights this point when he records Jesus’s words, “Amen, I say to you, that until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law until all things have taken place.” (5:19)

Jesus wants us to think about our motives for following the ten commandments. Is it because we want to look good or be known for being an honorable or righteous person or does it go deeper? When Jesus says, “You have heard it said (by God to Moses), but I say to you,” Jesus wants his listeners to dig deeper into their own behaviors and understand what the commandments mean to them personally. When Jesus said, “you shalt not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment,” (5:22), he took that commandment to a deeper meaning and said “whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment” (5:23) and you must be reconciled to your brother before you can bring your gifts to the altar.(5:23) He further says that whoever even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.(5:29)

These things are hidden from others because they are based on motives, which can be concealed deep inside a person. However, the character of a person can be seen by the consistency of the values a person holds. For example, this consistency of values means if I love the poor, I will find a way to love them and to help them, regardless of whether I am rich or poor. If this love is genuine and is from the teaching of Christ, it extends not only to the poor, but to all. It is consistent in all circumstances and in all conditions. Jesus has set the example of consistency. He consistently forgives his enemies, cures the sick and teaches about love, even at the most inconvenient times. The whole Gospel is full of examples of Jesus’s love and consistency. When we examine our own conduct, are our motives pure and our values consistent with the teachings of Christ about loving one another? Or, do we choose our values to fit our own perceptions and for our own convenience?

Fr. Francis

Fr. Jim Clarke, will speak to us on Prayer and Evangelization during our Parish Mission from Tuesday, February 18 through Thursday, February 20. There will be 2 sessions daily; in the morning hospitality at 8:45am and presentation at 9:00am and in the evening hospitality at 6:45pm and presentation at 7:00pm. Mark your calendars and please plan to join Fr. Jim for these informative presentations.

With an extensive academic background in the fields of spirituality, adult education, counseling, ritual, and depth psychology, Fr Jim Clarke currently serves as Director of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and Senior Lecturer of Spiritual Theology at Loyola Marymount University. He is also an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests. Fr. Jim’s books and CD series serve to enhance his continuing public ministry of retreats, workshops, and conferences through-out the United States for priests, religious women, seminarians,

parish & school staffs, as well as parishes at large.

President’s Day

In observance of President’s Day, the Parish Office will be closed Saturday, February 15 through Monday, February 17. We will reopen on Tuesday, February18 at 8:00AM. There will be one mass on President’s Day at 9:00AM.

Receptionist Needed

The Parish Office is looking for part-time help. Hours needed are evenings and weekends. If interested, please send your resume to sue.stangela@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

Women’s Group PALS Speakers for Tuesday’s in February: February 18 Parish Mission (No Meeting) February 25 Ned Chavira Living Gifts of the Holy Spirit March 3 Claire Frazer-Yvaguirre Healing Power of Forgiveness March 10 Ned Chavira Holy Spirit Afresh March 17 Ned Chavira Holy Spirit Dwell in our lives Please join us meeting starts as 9:15am in the Sarah room.

Healing Eucharist

Please join us for our monthly Mass, themed Christ’s Healing Presence. Fr. Michael Barry will preside over the healing Eucharist on Monday, February 24, 7:15 PM. Fr. Barry, originally from Ireland, now

resides in San Bernardino, CA. A member of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Religious Community, he is very active in retreat work and teaching on healing and charismatic spirituality. Fr. Barry is co-founder and president of Mary’s Mercy Center, an outreach feeding program for the poor and homeless, and Veronica’s Home of Mercy, for unwed mothers and their children.


Social-Support and

Single after 50

Are you looking for a fellowship with Catholic adults? Join us in this new ministry here at St. Angela Merici. Get in on the “ground floor.” For more information, call Karen Schwarz (714) 654-5878 or Ray Schumaker at (714) 264-2021.

Are You Currently a

Small Group Facilitator

for the church?

Christ Cathedral Campus is offering a free facilitator Training-Retreat “Lord Teach Me To Pray” Ignatian prayer series. Come and be fed as a facilitator or discern if God is calling you to become a facilitator. The event will take place on Saturday, February 29 at the Cathedral Campus for registration information call (504) 439-5933.

Lectors needed!

We are currently in search of new Lectors. If you are looking for a way to serve please call or text Steve Allevato at (714) 746-3677 or email at steveaa333@hotmail.com. Training will be provided.

2019 Tax Statement

Thank you for your generosity during 2019. Please be aware tax statements have been mailed to parishioners, who gave $400 or more using envelopes during the 2019 tax year. Those not automatically receiving a statement may request one using this form:

2019 Tax Statement Request Online givers can access your account by going to stangelabreachurch.org “Online Giving.” Parish ID #_____________ Name (Print)_________________________ Address_____________________________ Your request will be mailed within 2 weeks.

Ash Wednesday

and Lent

Lenten Fasting & Abstinence

Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics from age 18 to 60. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals, which, together, are not equal to a full meal. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence from meat for those 14 and older.

Ash Wednesday Schedule

February 26

8:00am Mass and Distribution of Ashes 10:30am Mass and Distribution of Ashes 12:00pm Distribution of Ashes 4:00pm Distribution of Ashes 6:00pm Mass and Distribution of Ashes 7:30pm Mass and Distribution of Ashes (español)

When we forgive, we affirm:

“Who you are is more important to me than what you did.”

Healing talk by Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv., www.ThrivingFamilies.com

For everyone who wants to experience the HEALING power of forgiveness & reconcilia-tion! Join us for a healing PALS morning with Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv, therapist & teacher, as she teaches us how to activate the healing process of forgiving with one’s soul, mind, heart, and will to build a NEW and STRONGER relationship, not just “fix” an old one.

Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, M.F.T., M.Div., is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, a former ordained minister & joyful convert of many years to the Catholic Church, a speaker, au-thor, wife and mom. With 30 years of clinical & ministry experience helping couples, wom-en and families grow their unity and joy. Each year, she and her husband, Dr. John Yzaguirre, train thousands of people in 40+ cities with their Thriving Families programs and assist churches from various denominations and dioceses in their marriage & family life ministries.

Please join, St. Angela Merici Church PALS Women’s Group, Tuesday March 3 at 9:15 AM in the Hall and take the journey from forgiveness to reconciliation! Invite your friends! All are Welcome. The event is FREE. For further information, please contact Darlene Chavira (714) 928-0421 or darlenechavira@mac.com.

Knights of Columbus / American Red Cross Blood Drive

Date: Sunday, February 23 Time: Appointments 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Where: The Hall

Knights of Columbus will be on the plaza after all masses this weekend to schedule appointment times. For more information, please contact jeffreydraper@netscape.net or call/text 714.981.5967.

Giving blood got a little more convenient !

At the last blood drive here at St. Angela’s, we fully implemented the “Rapid Pass”. The process was simple and

it reduced the wait-times considerably.

Please sign up to donate.

St. Angela Merici Church


Using our Heart and Hands in Acts of Kindness

Project: Making the needs of other people our own through charitable acts of love, kindness or service. Please join us in pledging Love, Kindness or Service to our parish and the community of St. Angela Merici. We need everyone’s participation to meet our goal of 50,000 acts. As before, we will be keeping track of the number of acts pledged. Fill out the pledge card below and return it to the offering basket, or to the box located in the back of the church, parish office or school. Please re-fer to the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy as your guide. Handouts of ideas will be available.

St. Angela Merici Church


Please check: Adult or Child/Student

I pledge 3 daily ACTS of LOVE, KINDNESS or SERVICE or: I pledge daily ACTS of LOVE, KINDNESS or SERVICE

Examples: Prayer: Instead of watching TV, read a spiritual book Go to Mass more than once a week Fasting: Give up social media (twitter, instagram, facebook,

texting etc.) Give up your, ‘go to’ comfort food Almsgiving (Service to others) Offer your talents to the church (paint, fix, garden?) Contribute an extra amount in your church envelope

*Successive PEW surveys have shown that religion is on a steep decline. Our youth is particularly hard hit. In 2016, those aged 18-29 selected “none” as their affiliation 39% of the time (hence the nickname “nones”.) This is up from 23% in 2006. This will grow to 50% by 2023 if left unabated.

*Credible Catholic (CC) is NOT just another provider of Catholic content. Credible Catholic is a force designed to stem the atrophy from within our Church and theism in general. Credible Catholic marks the return of apologetics in our education channels (as preferred by our Bishops). Interested in finding out more? Credible Catholic is 7 essential modules developed by Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S. J., Ph.D. (EWTN Fr. Spitzer’s Universe) to help us understand more clearly that faith and science do not collide but are compatible with each other. (*taken from CredibleCatholic.com)

DATES: Mondays, February 24 thru April 6

Time: 6:30 to 8:30PM

Place: St. Angela Merici Hall

For more information please contact Andrea Draper at (714) 529-1821 ext. 136 or amd.stangela@gmail.com.

Faith Formation

Our next evening Bible study through Ascension Press is “Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John” DATES: Wednesdays, March 4 – April 29 (NO meeting April 8)

TIME: 6:30-8:30PM PLACE: St. Angela Merici -St. Paul Room

Study book can be purchased at ascensionpress.com for $24.95. If you’d like to add your name and email to our mailing list, you will be sent an invitation to join the study and ability to access the videos. Please contact Andrea Draper for more information at 714/529-1821 ext. 136 or for invitation, please send your name and email address to: amd.stangela@gmail.com.

Adult Faith Formation

Thursday Youth Nights

Join us in Blessed Pier Room (youth room) Thursday nights at 7PM! All High School Teens are WELCOME! We hope to see you there.

Youth Day

“20/20 Through God’s Eyes”

Please join us for youth day on Thursday, February 20 from 7AM to 4 PM at the Anaheim Convention Center. The cost is $35 per teen and includes lunch. For more information, call Natalie at (714) 526-1821 ext. 115 or talk to her in the Youth Room.

Ignite 678

A safe, fun place for middle school students to find solid Catholic communi-ty, learn more about their faith, and experience Jesus in a profound and

personal way. Meets Friday, February 28, 6:30-8PM in Blessed Pier Room. For more information, contact SAMIGNITE678@gmail.com.

RCIT High school students who need Baptism and/or First Communion, call Shannon at (714) 529-1821 x115 for more info.


Young adults interested in receiving your sacraments? Come join us 4 to 4:45 PM every Sunday, followed by Mass together at 5 pm. Call Shannon at (714) 529-1821x115.

Need forms?

Go to stangelaconfirmation.org. If you have additional questions, please contact Mike McHenry, Confirmation director, (714) 529-1821 ext.117

Liturgy and Worship

Connecting - Welcome! New? Visiting? Interested?

Are you visiting for the first time? Would you like to know more about the wonderful ministries and activities at Saint Angela Merici Parish and School? Please check our Parish and School Website: www.stangelabreachurch.org. Register!

Are you a Catholic or non-Catholic attending Eucharist at Saint Angela Merici, but have not registered? Join us! Why Register?

Saint Angela Merici is a vibrant parish, offering many avenues for ministry. Connecting with other parishioners for personal as well as community spiritual growth opportunities. We would love to get to know you and talk about our various activities, groups, and events at our parish and school. Please pick up a Registration Form by the Baptismal Font or go online to register at www.stangelabreachurch.org. We look forward to connecting with you!

St. Angela Merici Community extends its prayers and

care for the following intentions:

The Sick, Homebound, and those in Skilled Nursing Facilities:

Tina Pittman, Kathryn Williams, Maryanne Gutierre, and Megan Kalscheuer.

The Deceased of our Community:

Carmelo Nava, Mary McDonnell, Matthew Muñoz, Dan Jakel and Gary Surmeir.

Our Community Eucharist Intentions for the Week

Monday 02/17 9:00 AM Jovita Maron † President’s Day Tuesday 02/18 8:00 AM Margaret Hernandez 6:00 PM Shirley Ramboad † Wednesday 02/19 8:00 am Loren Cruz 6:00 PM Ann Campbell Thursday 02/20 8:00 AM Lyle Ganske † 6:00 Pm Frank Mooney†

Friday 02/21 8:00 AM Illuminata de San Juan † 6:00 PM Severina Houstek † Saturday 02/22 8:00 AM Marita Lordi † 5:00 PM Aldridge Ledesma† Sunday 02/23 7:45 AM Casemera Reyes Castillo† 9:30 AM Dennis Maruki † 11:15 AM Bernie A. Kozakiewics † 12:45 PM The Community of St. Angela John & Jose Ines Serna 5:00 PM Clara Bruno †

Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy

Join us Monday - Saturday, in Church following the 8:00 AM Mass.

29th Evening Adoration: Spanish Ministries (714)529-1821 x 134 Active Christians Today (A.C.T.): Maria Fulton, Coordinator (714)529-6776 x 142 Yarmniz Garcia (714)529-6776 x 144 Adoration Ministry: Bob Goosens (562)712-5355 Adult Faith Formation & RCIA Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Altar Server Ministry: Amy Hinz (562)253-8901 Altar Society Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Audio / Visual Ministry: Ron Sled (714)803-1224 Baptism Preparation: Andrea Draper - English (714)529-1821 x 136 Jose Lopez - Spanish (562)640-7194 Susie Beas (714)356-5004 Bereavement Support Group: Deacon Mike & Rachel Shaffer (714)309-2933 Bible Study: Andrea Draper (714)529-1821 x 136 Bodas Comunitarias: Deacon Benjamin Flores (714)240-1289 Boy Scouts : Greg Marick (714)317-6060 Bread of Angels Ministry (Saturday Hospitality): Bob Duffy (714)871-0218 Centering Prayer Terry Saenz (657)278-3823 Children’s Faith Formation: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x134 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Nita Causey (714)321-2925 Debbie Kistler (714)743-2978 Church Sacristan Ministry: Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Carolyn Lamka (714)441-1278 Gloria Pena (714)879-0639 Chrissy Spittell (714)529-8893 Confirmation Faith Formation: Mike McHenry (714)529-1821 x 117 Ministerio Hispano - (Spanish Worship) : Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Coros Unidos: Rafael Bucio (714)529-1821 Cub Scouts: Greg Marick (714)317-6060 CFC Family Ministry John Siazon (714)397-2275 Felicia Siazon (714)858-6277 Cursillo: Dave Engels (714)992-1306 Ejercito Azul (Spanish Rosary): Lola Flores (562)694-5878 Emergency Resource Response Ministry: George Ullrich (714)267-6132 Empezar de Nuevo Carmela Gutierrez (714)770-7770 Encuentro Matrimonial: Juan Carlos & Margarita Hernandez (714)519-1084 Environment: Irma Gonzalez (714)612-2853 Dinora Cardenas (562)500-7000 Corina Pineda (562)972-2165 Evangelization / Apologetics Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Facilities - Master Calendar: Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x. 113 Finance: Luz Mendez (714)529-1821 x. 111 Formación de Fe para Niños: Leticia Garcia (714)529-1821 x 134 Girl Scouts: Emma Valadez ((714)920-2982 Guerreros de Yahve:

Eloy Cabrera (562)340-3599 Grupo de Oración: John Garcia (714)529-1592 Healing Eucharist / Charismatic Prayer Group: Jude Catania (714)525-8539 Ignite Advisor: Kelly Spies (714)529-1821x169 Liturgua para Jóvenes Ingrid Vasquez (714)737-1470 Knights of Columbus: Chuck Miller (714)529-1483 Las Posadas: Gloria Wade (714)529-5513 Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Steve Allevato (714)746-3677 Lectores: Francisco &Teresa Ruiz (714)785-1949 Liturgy Planning: Deacon Mike Shaffer (714)309-2933 Marian Rosary / Sacred Heart Hour : Joan Hosek (714)983-7560 Marriage Encounter: John & Maggie Lee (714)873-5136 Men’s Group: John Cushing - Fellowship (714)213-1953 Ministerio de Hospitalidad: Tano Gonzales (714)737-5653 Ministeros de Eucaristia: Maria Figueroa (714)255-8365 Monaguillos / Grupo Mikael: Jose & Teresa Macias (714)255-0928 Music Ministry: (714)529-1821 Parish Life: Sue de Grasse (714)529-1821 x 126 Parish Bulletin: Bulletin.stangela@gmail.com Parish Website & Parish Apps: webmaster@stangelabreachurch.org Pastoral Council: Nick Pulone (714)674-0650 Quinceañeras: Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821x110 Restorative Justice (Detention Ministries): Jan Urban (714)423-5802 Sagrada Familia: Jesus Flores (562)753-4659 Safety & Security Ministry Rodger Huber (714)335-5539 Parish School (Principal): Julianna Tapia (714)529-6372 SAMs Coffee Bar: Ray Schumaker (714)264-2021 Sick, Elderly, & Homebound: Frank Waclawik (714)815-0656 Social Justice: Dena Lordi zb18@alumni.nd.edu Spanish-Weddings Ana Rodriguez (714)529-1821 x110 Spritual Direction Mrs. Ceci Witchey, OP (714)745-6117 Ushers: Rick Ritter (714)310-6492 Virgen Peregrina: Rebeca Rodriguez (714)256-0638 Weddings: Gloria Knapp (714)990-2483 Yolanda Orozco (323)350-4310 Welcome, Fellowship & Hospitality: Parish Center Office (714)529-1821 Women’s Group P.A.L.S.: Darlene Chavira - AM (714)928-0421 Donna Shaffer - PM (714)990-8414 Young Adults RCIA - Spanish: (714)529-1829 x134 Youth, Young Adult: Shannon Trott (714)529-1821 x 115 Youth High School RCIA– English: Shannon Trott (714) 526-1821 x 115

LASER-COM COVER SHEET CHURCH: ST. ANGELA MERICI PARISH BULLETIN #: 513914 PHONE #: (949)922-6450 MODEM #: (714) 529-0569 REQUESTS & COMMENTS: ATTENTION: For any concerned issue please call Noel Ross at 949-922-6450 or email: bulletin.stangela@gmail.com. Thank you.