WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE, LOOKING FORWARD TO · Also the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you...

Post on 13-Jul-2020

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Transcript of WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE, LOOKING FORWARD TO · Also the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you...


BUT…There’s always something lingering in the back of our minds! Most of us dread having to bear all on the beach and at the poolside. That awful feeling of removing our t-shirt and having to suck in that pasty gut…

I’ve been there!

Now I can’t help you with your tan but I can certainly help you with the second part, getting a leaner more toned look for the beach this summer. We all have our misconceptions of how to cut weight for the summer; a lot of us opt for the classics:

Low fat Low carb Low calorie Juice diets 5/2 diets Dust only

There are so many gimmicks out there today that it is extremely hard to know what is right and what is wrong from the crash diets to the kale shakes, the list goes on… Now you may well be aware from past experiences that these quite obviously don’t work and are not sustainable.

It often leads to tiredness, lack of motivation, poor performance – both in the gym and in the sack. Ultimately this all leads to one thing… FAILURE and guess what?

You still have the man boobs, you still have that gut and your wife is still too tired to sleep with you, or so she says. Your kids’ just give you crap all day about being a fat dad and you struggle to do anything with them because you feel too bloated and tired to get up and go.

Sound familiar?

Well here’s the thing, there is no magic solution, no gimmick out there that will do this for you, so get off the internet and stop looking. The only thing that is going to help you is YOU. Without you putting in the work – diet and exercise, you will NOT get the results you want and you will always be fat.

My friend; I’ve been there too, CONFUSED, DEPRESSED and not knowing what the hell to do next.

What if I told you there was an easier way?

Something that didn’t involve starving yourself. A diet that didn’t leave you feeling like a corpse by dinnertime.

A diet that doesn’t leave you feeling grumpy and irritable.

But best of all something that you can implement into your lifestyle to not only shed the fat for the summer but be able to stick to it year round while still enjoying some of those home comforts. This is a complete blueprint I am giving to you for free; no catch no gimmicks, if you follow what I say here you are guaranteed results.

BUT, you have to do the work; I can’t do it for you. So here they are the 5 steps you absolutely need to be doing to get the body you want

Step 1: Eat More Protein

You don’t need to be a bodybuilder to understand what protein does. But my guess is that you aren’t eating enough good quality protein, such as:

Chicken Steak (yes steak) Bacon (yes bacon) Salmon Tuna Cod Turkey Pork Beef Duck Eggs Protein supplements (i.e. protein powder)

To name a few, for men as a start, try to eat two palm sized portions of protein with every meal

Step 2: Eat In Moderation

The key to a healthy lifestyle is balance; but what the hell is that right?

Basically, don’t be too drastic by cutting out all sorts of foods. It will leave you feeling frustrated, demotivated, hungry and potentially your metabolism may crash resulting in your weight loss plateauing.

Eat protein and fats (yes fats) with EVERY meal, your body will love you for it!

Protein – as we have previously mentioned it is required for muscle gain and lean mass retention

Carbs – You need these for fuelling those training sessions so you can actually exercise rather than feeling like a sloth. Carbs also double up as a recovery tool after your session. Low carb diets totally suck by the way so don’t do it, you don’t need to so keep it simple and keep it MODERATE.

Fats – In my opinion are demonised as the source of being FAT, this really is often not true. When most people diet they often try to totally eliminate this essential macro nutrient which is responsible for a number of things including hormone production such as testosterone and thyroxin.

Step 3: Resistance Training

“I want to get in shape, but I don’t want to get too big”

Or my personal favourite “I don’t train legs because I play football once a week If it was that easy you would be stacked and I’d be working in IT.

It is hard, hard work to get to that level, you won’t accidentally stumble on 20 plus inch arms.

Lifting weights gives you increased muscle tissue yes, but not to the degree your thinking. Unless all the other conditions are right and you have a genetic gift for developing muscles- which I highly doubt as you’d be STACKED like Dwayne Johnson and therefore wouldn’t be reading this e-book.

The more muscle we have, both male and female, the quicker and more effective our metabolisms will be therefore we can achieve faster fat reductions and above all eat more – I do enjoy pizza too.

Also the more lean muscle you have, the more fat you burn – WHILE YOU ARE AT REST!

You see, that’s really the ultimate fat loss secret. Looking great is not just a function of how much fat you burn when you’re working out, because you can only exercise so much in a given week.

The real secret is how metabolically active your body is the other 95% of the time. People with more lean muscle burn fat at a much greater rate than do those with less lean muscle.

A good training routine to start would involve compound lifts such as deadlifts, bench press and squats. You don’t have to go crazy, just twice a week for 45 minutes to an hour and work up from there.

Step 4: Cardio & Conditioning

Now you may be guilty of this, going hell for leather and jumping into cardio sessions 4 – 5 times a week to try and shed weight. This will lead to one thing, your progress stagnating.

Just think, this entire process has to be progressive, so if you are currently doing 5 sessions per week you will soon be doing 6 and then 7 in order to keep moving forward. Where does that hustle stop? There is no such thing as an 8 day week so heed my warning and limit your cardio at the start.

It is a weapon in your arsenal against the blub, another arrow for the target of weight loss. So my friend, save those arrows for later when you might need them and introduce this stuff gradually.

Step 5: Bonus Material – Know Your Numbers

Protein; how much?

Depending on the goal there are various ranges of protein which we can use, from average Joe on the left, to a bodybuilder on the right. Just decide on your goal and adjust your protein intake to suit.

I’ve personally found the most benefit from using the 2 - 2.5g per kg bodyweight especially when dieting – although this can sometimes over estimate protein needs.

So using this example for someone who weighs 80kg:

If you were to take 2g of protein for every kg body weight you’d be eating 160g protein per day. That doesn’t sound like a lot but with a sensible amount of carbohydrates in there that’s plenty for most people.

Carbs; how much?

Again, depending on the goal from left to right: sedentary male on the left, in the middle we have someone who wants to gain muscle and on the right we have an endurance athlete.

Decide where you sit on the scale and note that down.

Fat; how much?

It’s worth noting that anything below 30% of total calories as fat is considered “low fat”.

As a guide making sure you are eating 1-1.5g fat per kg bodyweight will be plenty.

How many calories?

There are many formulas that determine your basal metabolic rate.

Basal metabolic rate (or BMR) is the absolute minimum number of calories a person needs at complete standstill. You really should not reduce your calories below this level.

To calculate BMR firstly use one of the following formulas:


Age Kcal per Day

18-30 16 x bodyweight in KG + 545

30-60 14.2 x bodyweight in KG + 593

60-70 13 x bodyweight in KG + 567


Age Kcal per Day

18-30 13.3 x bodyweight in KG + 558

30-60 9.74 x bodyweight in KG + 694

60-70 10.2 x bodyweight in KG + 481

So, here’s an example,

Let’s say you’re a 32yrs old male and weigh 90kg. We pick the age specific formula from above.

14.2 x 90kg (his bodyweight in kg) = 1278. We then add 593 to this which gives us 1871kcals per day BMR.

This is the absolute minimum amount of food you would need if you were to do absolutely nothing at all.

Next we need to add in an activity factor to account for the energy cost of your daily life.

If you are not very active use 1.4 – Desk jockey, not active at all If moderately active use 1.5-1.7 – Trains a little and is somewhat active

If very active use 1.7-1.9 – Cyclist, runners or athletes comes to mind

So for our example you need 1871kcals BMR. We multiply this by one of the numbers above, so, let’s suppose you have a desk job but train at the gym 4x a week so we’d go with 1.7. Your daily calorific needs then become 3180kcals per day.

That’s just to maintain your current weight.

Now in practice you may find, you may gain some weight on that, lose a little or perhaps nothing will happen at all. Like I said it’s just a starting point really it’s not exact and everyone responds differently.

Whether you want to gain weight or lose it, you simply adjust the calories up or down.

Most people will tell you to add or subtract 500kcals, again most people are wrong.

I’d always start with subtracting just 10% of total calories if wanting to lose fat. Or add just 10% if you want to gain muscle. Outside of that, if you want to lose more you’d simply increase your energy expenditure first (i.e. the amount or intensity of exercise you are doing) before reducing calories further. Even then tread carefully as your metabolic rate is directly proportional to the amount of food you eat, so just take it in increments of say 5% at a time.

Less calories = slower metabolism which sucks for getting lean.

With gaining weight you’d simply add 10% for a month and see how you respond, then add another 10% etc. until you get the desired effect.

So to put all this together

You are an overweight male who weighs 90kg, your goal is to shift the flab and get some abs. So, taking all the information previously with the daily calorific needs formula we know we need 3180 kcals to maintain weight.

Firstly subtract 10% 3180 x 0.9 = 2862 kcal

Next we need to work out protein and fat consumption. 90 x 2g = 180g Protein per day

90 x 1.5 = 135g fat per day

We then need to convert these to kcals 180x 4 = 720 kcals (4 kcals per 1g of protein)

135x 9 = 1215 kcals (9 kcals per 1g of fat)

Add these together and subtract from 2862 gives us our carbs kcals 1215 + 720 = 1935

2862 - 1935 = 927 Kcal or 232g of carbs

So, we should be aiming to consume 2862 kcals per day, 180g protein, 232g carbs and 135g fat.

What I would then advise to do would be to split this over 4 meals which should then keep you fuelled throughout the day.


This is one of the method I use to get my clients the fantastic results they see on a weekly basis, so why the hell would I give this to you and give away my secret weapon, or so to speak?


1) I want to help and if you see some sort of success here I would love it if you would send me your transformation and your story.

2) You can see from what I have just covered in short, it is very time consuming and at first sight may seem a little confusing but there must be an easier way right?

Well there is, I’ve worked alongside a dietician to come up with a concept where all you have to do is pick a series of meals from a vast array of menus, follow the instructions, cook and eat. Making the whole process…. Monkey simple.

And within reason, you can work in alcohol too – as you’ve gotta live a little… Right?

Anyhoo, I hope and I sincerely do hope you found this information useful. It should save you time and money on your route to getting in shape. But remember there is no quick fix, no magic potion, special pill or amazing exercise equipment that is going to suddenly make you peeled.

It takes time, consistency and hard, hard work.

How do we remain consistent?

Get a coach who will kick your ass and call you out on all your bullshit.


Because you are not accountable to anyone right now and by being one of my cherished clients I will ensure by the time you’ve finished working with me, you’re in the best shape of your life.


I am so confident in the system I use that if you follow the plan and it doesn’t work.

I’ll give you your money back


Because I use the same system on myself as I do on my clients. I have the knowledge and the experience to get you to where you want to be. Faster than you can do on your own, I’ll be kicking your ass yes.

BUT…I’m not a cheerleader.

So if you are easily offended and don’t like being called out when you try to bullshit me, I don’t want to work with you.

That said I know you are no athlete and we will progress ONLY as fast as you can

So for those of you who want to make that change and are ready to do the work but are still unsure about working with me

Click the link below and apply for a FREE trial week on my Spartan Body programme.

That’s all from me, any questions get in touch

To your success! Scott Mangles – SM Athletic

