We Continue to Distance to Save...

Post on 19-Jul-2020

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Transcript of We Continue to Distance to Save...

Vol. 4 Trinity United Methodist Church, Sarasota, FL May 2020

We Continue to Distance to Save Lives

As I write this, we’ve just received word that the governor has announced schools will remain

closed for the rest of this school year. That means the earliest we might gather for worship

could be May 31 (Pentecost) or maybe sometime in June. We just don't know. I’m heartbroken

over the news and suspect you are as well. We reevaluate every few weeks and base our de-

cision on the most trustworthy information and recommendations.

We’ll continue to gather four times a week on Facebook Live. If you haven’t found us online yet, please contact me. We can help you connect Sundays and Wednesdays at Face-book.com/TrinityUMCSarasota Plus we’re adding a new Zoom online small group. (details below) We’re living a mile-marker moment in the history of humanity. Like the invention of the printing press or WWII, life to come will be marked as before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In the coming days, I'll be spending time with these reflection questions by the Rev. Dr. J.R. Briggs. I find them profound as I think about moving forward and us moving forward together. I hope they will be helpful to you as well. Thoughtful, rich questions like these help us clarify our priorities, purpose, and core beliefs in a new normal. They’ll also help us live them out. I’d love to hear your responses. Contact me at pastorlisa@itrinity.org or 941-924-7756. - Lisa <><

Who We Are Now that the World has Changed New Zoom Online Small Group Thursday nights from 6:00-7:30PM (90 minutes) May 7- June 25 (8 weeks) Facilitated by Pastor Lisa and Care Minister Tee Ormiston Each participant/household must register ahead of time to receive the zoom link and workbook info Register asap by sending an email to trinity@iTrinity.org


A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Carter

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Thank you for your patience and faithfulness in this season of COVID-19. This virus is very real. We have lost members to death. We are watching and praying as friends and family members have contracted the virus. We have been unable to gather in our sanctuaries. We carry the stress, anxiety and fear within our bodies. And yet, to quote the words of one of my mentors, Ken Callahan, “We are the people of the empty tomb, the risen Lord, the new life in Christ. We are the Easter people. We are the people of hope.” The crucified and risen Lord asked the disciple Peter a question, three times. “Do you love me?” When Peter responded, affirmatively, Jesus replied, “Feed my sheep” (John 21). We love our Lord by caring for his people. We love God by loving our neighbor (Matthew 22). And now we love our neighbors by flattening the curve (the effect and spread of the virus). Many of our neighbors and members are more senior adults, the most vulnerable and among our most dedicated. We love them and honor them by flattening the curve. We save lives by flattening the curve. Many of our members who live on the margins are among our most dedicated and are most vulner-able. Their illnesses are often unreported. We are the second oldest state in average age. Illnesses in many elder care facilities and nursing homes in Florida are often unreported. We do not yet have testing to know if we ourselves might carry the illness to those we meet and serve. A pandemic is not about political partisanship. I offered guidance as your bishop twenty-two days prior to that of the state government. This guidance is grounded in the great commandments of Jesus. Right now we love God by loving our neighbors. If you are a clergy in leadership, this is what you were licensed, commissioned and ordained to do—to feed the sheep, to seek their safe-ty, to love God’s people. This is a mindset change for many of us, who have spent out lives assembling congregations in order to offer love for God. When we know it is safe--when there is testing that is widespread and available—we will reassemble. It will be a day of rejoicing. For now, and through May 15, we will offer worship via technology. Hundreds of our churches, large and small, are faithfully bearing witness in this way. Thank you for the creative and innova-tive ways you are sharing the gospel. Be assured of my prayers and gratitude for you. In this time of dis-tancing and at times isolation, we are a connection. The Peace of the Lord, Ken Carter Resident Bishop, Florida Conference President, Council of Bishops The United Methodist Church


Promise Kids

14 Essential Psalms for Promise Kids (and adults, too!)

The book of Psalms is a great reminder of God’s strength and goodness, especially during uncer-tain and even scary times. There are 150 different psalms in the book of Psalms, which may seem like a lot, but we’ve narrowed down that number to 14 Essential Psalms just for you and your par-ents. We’re confident that, as you read them together with your family, these psalms will help you and your parents grow closer to God and feel his all-powerful peace and love surround you! Check these out and let us know (russ@itrinity.org) which one is your favorite.

Psalm 121

Psalm 8

Psalm 18

Psalm 23

Psalm 31

Psalm 40

Psalm 51

Start today with Psalm 121 and then read them in any order you like. Don’t forget to share your

thoughts and insights with us and others. No matter how young you are, your contribution matters

– Psalm 8 reminds us that it is through the praise of children and infants that God will silence his

enemies. Praise the Lord! His love endures forever!

Psalm 86

Psalm 100

Psalm 103

Psalm 107

Psalm 116

Psalm 139

Psalm 145

Trinity PreSchool

Trinity Preschool has been closed since our spring break began on March 12, 2020. The teachers sent out work packets for the first two weeks we are out to parents, along with a list of resources. Once our closure time was expanded to May 1, we busily made a second packet and a snack bag for each child. Sunday, April 19, we caravanned to each child's home to deliver the second packet, the snacks, a smile and a wave plus a short conversation!! It was so good to see all of our families! As of Sunday, Governor Ron DeSantis has closed public schools for the remainder of the schoolyear. Sadly, this includes our preschool. 2019-2020 has come to a close in the classroom and moved to homes. Teachers will cre-ate one last packet of work and summer activities for fam-ilies to work on. We will also deliver our end of year yearbooks by the end of May. Thank you to all who have volunteered for us and for those who have donated items for use. We also want to thank everyone who supported us through our fundraiser in the fall. I hope the support of our center continues for the 2020-21 school year. Pam Rader Trinity Preschool Director

Danny greeting his teachers as

they caravanned by his house!


UMCOR COVID-19 Response

As each of us shelters in place to do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we cannot help but be impacted by the scale of illness, death, and financial distress all around us. We could even be led to believe that this is a hopeless situation. But, thank God, that is not true!

Together, we can give compassion and care to others in this time of great need. Since the start of the novel coronavirus out-break, UMCOR has been working with health boards, medical professionals, disaster man-agement coordinators, and faith leaders to prevent the further spread of this disease. Now it is clear that the impact of COVID-19 will be far-reaching and demands a greater response.

Even as you shelter in place, you can be there for others.

The new UMCOR COVID-19 Response fund will equip partners in the U.S. and around the world to assist our most vulnerable popula-tions. Grants from this fund will be disbursed quickly and efficiently to address health con-cerns, food insecurity, water and hygiene limi-tations, and other pressing needs. If you would like to donate, make check paya-ble to Trinity UMC and note UMCOR. You can mail the check to the Church office or give online at www.iTrinity.org.

Prayer Keepers

For such a time as this - In the last two years, we have been blessed with 12 people who have stepped out to become PrayerKeepers for our Care Ministry. Each of these care disciples have been trained, covenant-ed and commissioned by the Trinity Care Minis-try. The training begins with a minimum of 20 hours of basic training and continues with a mini-mum of 90 minutes of training updates per month; and topical training intensives quarterly. All of your Trinity PrayerKeepers now have over 50 hours of training! One precious PrayerKeeper offering is Listening Care with Prayerful Response. Listening Care allows for deep listening, one on one, with a trained and covenanted listener steeped in God's unshakable love for you. Your concerns, your form of expression, your frustrations, fears, or dis-appointments,( yes even complaints} as well as your joys, your hopes, or your celebrations will be received, and held by your Listener. Prayer will be offered as you speak together, and if you wish, prayer requests will be held for followup. PrayerKeepers are not easily offended. We know life, and live all it's messiness right along with you. Every Listener has heard ugly things before. Not one of us is perfect; just willing. We are servant hearted and non judgemental. You are loved. We are ready to bring you assurance, and the com-panionship of being heard by a Christ Follower who knows the struggles and challenges of life. We are preparing to do this differently, as we are not in your company to be available in person as we have been. Want or need Listening Care? -Email Tee at tee.trinitycare@gmail.com -Message her on Facebook to set up a time. -Call our voicemail at 941-924-7756 -Contact Tee Ormiston on Facebook Messenger to message, or for a Facebook Call, or Face-book Video Call -Contact Tee by email to arrange a zoom; person to person Blessings as we journey forward, together. ~Tee~ \o/ Presence , Prayer, Praise Teresa Ormiston, M.Ed.,Care Ministry Director Certified Lay Minister; UMC Trinity UMC, Sarasota, Florida

Meals Delivered to Your Home Friendship Home Delivered Meals provide well-balanced meals to older adults through a part-nership with GA Foods. The meals are pre-pared fresh and are quickly frozen to assure optimum freshness when heated. Meals are delivered to seniors’ doors frozen so recipients can use them at their own convenience. Home delivery is a convenient way to get meals to those who can’t cook or are home bound. In addition, home-delivered meals are a great way for long-distance care providers to be sure their loved ones are receiving healthy, nutri-tious meals. Home bound individuals 60+ may qualify to receive meals through this program without charge. This program is not financially based. It serves those that are wisely staying home and cannot shop without risk due to age and pre-existing conditions. Call 941-556-3208

Seniors Friendship Center


It’s Still Easter On Easter Sunday, we celebrated the resurrection of Christ from the grave. This event that forms the foundation of our faith invites us to deepen our be-lief in the mysterious paradox that life follows death.

In theological terms, this is called the paschal mystery.

In practical terms, the ability to celebrate anything at all right now seems its own kind of mystery—a miracle that we are only able to welcome and receive by grace. Though that's always true, I actually had eyes to see it this year. I take that as its own grace. Our call to receive that miracle is not behind us. The broader season of Easter, or Eastertide, lasts fifty days.

This year, more than ever, I believe we will need every one of those fifty days. We will need this entire season to believe in and practice the resurrection that is not only Jesus' but also—in him and through him—ours. We will need reminders of God's faithfulness and goodness throughout the course of history and present in the midst of this still-unfolding pandemic. - by Jenn Giles Kemper, sacredordinarydays.com


We continue to worship by live stream Facebook and have small group meetings and such on Zoom and Skype. We are a flexible group. In the early church especially during persecution and punish-ment, the believers gathered in small groups. During this pandemic period there are similarities that strengthen us as we safe distance, stay at home and avoid large groups. Since television can only re-port daily news and old sports reruns we can get more familiar with our Bible and get into the Word. As you do that and reignite your prayer time please know that our Pastor, staff and lay leaders are fo-cused on spiritual and financial priorities for each of us at Trinity and the body of Christ. Some are stepping up in giving towards Trinity's fixed expenses. Some are recognizing and responding to needs of others in our church family. Not only are we not alone, we know that our God is the One True Living God and is ever present with us today and forever.

Thank you, each one who is making a positive difference for Christ through Trinity. Together in Christ, Carroll Hatfield.

What Quarantine Means to Me As many of you know, I do have vision loss, so don’t get out much, so the quarantine was just another day or month; but I received a couple of insights I want to share with you. As chairperson of the prayer chain, I do hear and see a lot of miracles. One that came in was a need for prayer for a virus victim in Indiana, a brother-in-law of a snowbird who attended Trinity. After speaking to the snowbird, come to find out we lived 10 miles apart in Indiana and knew some of the same people.... some call it a coincidence, I call it a God-incidence. We have never met, but can’t wait until next snowbird season. Next is a social media note from my granddaughter, who is in the medical field in Louisville. This was during Holy Week, but has remained in my mind: CDC reports this may be our toughest week. Wasn’t this Jesus's toughest week also? It will pass, have faith. God never promised we would not suffer, He said He would be with us the whole time. And lastly, on TV someone said "We may not be in the church building on Easter, but when we do get to worship in Gods house, it will be EASTER!!! Phyllis Pritchett


How the Virus Stole Easter

By Kristi Bothur, with a nod to Dr. Seuss www.thissideofheavenblog.com/blog/how-the-virus-stole-easter

Twas late in ‘19 when the virus began Bringing chaos and fear to all people, each land. People were sick, hospitals full, Doctors overwhelmed, no one in school. As winter gave way to the promise of spring, The virus raged on, touching peasant and king. People hid in their homes from the enemy unseen. They YouTubed and Zoomed, Social-distanced, and cleaned. April approached and churches were closed. “There won’t be an Easter,” the world supposed. “There won’t be church services, and egg hunts are out. No reason for new dresses when we can’t go about.” Holy Week started, as bleak as the rest. The world was focused on masks and on tests. “Easter can’t happen this year,” it proclaimed. “Online and at home, it just won’t be the same.” Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the days came and went. The virus pressed on; it just would not relent. The world woke Sunday and nothing had changed. The virus still menaced, the people, estranged. “Pooh pooh to the saints,” the world was grumbling. “They’re finding out now that no Easter is coming. “They’re just waking up! We know just what they’ll do! Their mouths will hang open a minute or two, And then all the saints will all cry boo-hoo. “That noise,” said the world, “will be something to hear.” So it paused and the world put a hand to its ear. And it did hear a sound coming through all the skies. It started down low, then it started to rise.

But the sound wasn’t depressed. Why, this sound was triumphant! It couldn’t be so! But it grew with abundance! The world stared around, popping its eyes. Then it shook! What it saw was a shocking surprise! Every saint in each nation, the tall and the small, Was celebrating Jesus in spite of it all! It hadn’t stopped Easter from coming! It came! Somehow or other, it came just the same! And the world with its life quite stuck in quarantine Stood puzzling and puzzling. “Just how can it be?” “It came without bonnets, it came without bunnies, It came without egg hunts, cantatas, or money.” Then the world thought of something it hadn’t before. “Maybe Easter,” it thought, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Easter, perhaps, means a little bit more.” And what happened then? Well....the story’s not done. What will YOU do? Will you share with that one Or two or more people needing hope in this night? Will you share the source of your life in this fight? The churches are empty - but so is the tomb, And Jesus is victor over death, doom, and gloom. So this year at Easter, let this be our prayer, As the virus still rages all around, everywhere. May the world see hope when it looks at God’s people. May the world see the church is not a building or steeple. May the world find Faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, May the world find Joy in a time of dejection. May 2020 be known as the year of survival, But not only that - Let it start a revival.


Bible Reading Plan for May

April 26 – May 2

Blessing Psalms 67, 72

Blessing Psalms 84, 128

Calling to God Psalms 4, 5

Calling to God Psalms 22

Confidence Psalms 27, 36

May 3 - May 9

Confidence Psalms 71, 125

Deeds of God Psalms 9, 118

Deeds of God Psalms 18

Doubt Psalms 42, 77

Doubt Psalms 73

May 10 – May 16

Faithfulness Psalms 105

Faithfulness Psalms 146, 119:137–144

Fear Psalms 37, 49

Fear Psalms 91

Identity Psalms 8, 139

May 17 – May 23

Meditation Psalms 119:9–16, 41–48

Glory of God Psalms 19

Glory of God Psalms 24, 29

Help Psalms 115

Help Psalms 54, 119:169–176

May 24 – May 30

Rejoicing Psalms 30, 47

Rejoicing Psalms 97

Righteousness Psalms 1, 15, 112

Sin & Repentance Psalms 25, 32

Sin & Repentance Psalms 38, 51

May 31- June 6 Pentecost Sunday

Power of God Psalms 68

Power of God Psalms 93, 135

Praise Psalms 65

Praise Psalms 98, 138

Prayer Psalms 17, 20

Bible Reading Plan- Psalms by Theme Adapted by Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia, www.revlisad.com

5 readings per week

Use these prompts as you read each day.


Read or listen to the Scripture.

What word, phrase or verse captures

your attention?

Underline it or copy it onto a piece of



What connections do you see to other


To your own experience or current situ-


Or, to the character or promises of



What is God inviting you to trust, say, or


How will your life be different because

of this scripture?


Talk to God about what you just expe-

rienced or anything else on your



Spend 5-20 minutes in silence looking

to God and listening for God.


Together Online

For Live Worship, Study, and Prayer Watch live or watch the recording at a time that’s best for you!

Sunday Worship at 9:00AM and 10:30AM on Facebook Live Facebook.com/TrinityUMCSarasota Music, Prayer, Preaching

Wednesday Morning Devotions at 8:00AM on Facebook Live Facebook.com/TrinityUMCSarasota Music, Scripture Discussion, Prayer

Wednesday Evening Check-In at 7:00PM on Facebook Live Facebook.com/TrinityUMCSarasota Reflection Questions (see below), Prayer Requests, Prayer

You’re encouraged to use these reflection questions daily. We do them together on Wednesdays at 7:00PM.

What happened today? When did you feel connected to God? In other words…

Where did you see God at work? (Glory Sighting) When were you your true, best self? When did you experience God’s love, grace, goodness, presence? (Consolation)

What did you read, hear, or learn? What are you thankful for? How are you feeling emotionally? All feelings are welcomed by God so be honest. When did you feel disconnected from God? In other words…

How did you fall short of loving God, others, and yourself? When were you not your true, best self? When did you feel isolated, discouraged, or destructive? (Desolation)

Jesus, I trust you to heal me and forgive me. What are you asking the Holy Spirit to do in you and through you? In other words…

God, I’m asking for the grace of _________________ Holy Spirit, help me to ___________________

What will you do tomorrow to share the light and love of Christ?

Together Online for Live Worship, Study, and Prayer


United Methodist Women News

UMW Executive Board had an email meeting on April 6th due to the church being closed. Board members received an email agenda which included reports from from a number of the coordina-tors. A few items of interest I'd like to share: - We lifted in prayer all in need of healing but especially Board members Janet Headley and Gennie Gyruica whose son Thi has been sick.

- from Lisa Hatfield, Spiritual Growth Coordinator: She gave a lovely devotion that also reminded us to remember those we are missing in prayer...to call or email those we can, send cards or notes of encouragement to others, give a smile and a thank you to those faithful servants who are helping us as we wander through this wilderness called the pandemic. Keeping our gaze on Jesus Christ will bring us triumphantly out on the other side!

- from Nancy Masterson, Unit Treasurer: Due to generosity of all UMW members, our Unit treasury is in great shape, even without the April Fundraiser. Members (if they want) can mail pledge or CO-PA payments to her home: 2505 Regatta Drive, Sarasota 34231

- from Ann Golm, Social Action Coordinator: She reviewed the many ways the UMW and UMC are a critical connecting presence worldwide. We are a connectional global mission from everywhere to everywhere actively addressing the urgent health and spiritual needs of all - caring for the healing of the world. Keep in touch with your UMW sisters, via phone calls, cards, email, text, zoom, etc.

- from Evelyn Miller: Reading Coordinator: This is a perfect time to get your UMW Reading done!

- from Joy Voyles: Membership Coordinator: Reported the death of member Lois Olmsted on Mar 24th. Trinity UMW Unit now has 68 members.

- from Jan Robertson: Response Moment: From our official UMW magazine, she shared a chil-dren's summer reading program that a UMW Unit in Charlotte, NC sponsored. Our Unit may con-sider doing something like this also.

- Praises were lifted that Circles did meet March 9 & 10 and enjoyed fellowship before the shut down. Now Circle leaders are staying in touch with their members via numerous ways. Of course no April or May Circle meetings are scheduled since the church activities will remain closed until May 15.

- Donating some of our Funds: The Board voted to donate $300 to All Faith's Food Bank for their Feed the Children Program which is vital during this time that the schools are closed. We will wait on some of the other summer missions that we usually support, until we get more information as to where the need is.

- The Ruth Circle agreed to use some of their Sunshine Fund to purchase a new electric hot water kettle to be used for hot water for tea as needed at church events and perhaps to be used at Sun-day Hospitality times. Thank you Ruth Circle!

- I completed & submitted the District UMW Mission Today report for 2019. Our Unit completed 14 out of the 19 possible criteria and will receive an award at the annual meeting this year. Congratu-lations Trinity UMW!

- Our Unit is preparing to give our 2020 Special Mission Recognition award - usually given in De-cember. All UMW members are invited to submit a name of a person (man or woman) who serves in so many ways at Trinity, or in the community. Please email your suggestion(s) to me.

- The Board members agreed to try a zoom meeting for our May 4th Board meeting. With Pastor Lisa's help, I will set this up. Board members, please check your email on Monday May 4th at 10:30 am for your invitation to join the meeting either by video or just by phone. - The Board and Circles always end their meetings with the Mizpah Benediction: May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent one from another. This has special meaning right now because I really miss everyone....UMW members and all Trinity Church members and staff. But we know who holds the future and we find our hope in that knowledge! Always, Sherrill Carr, UMW President


United Methodist Women

COINS FOR CHILDREN UPDATE: This UMW campaign started in January and before the closing, we had collected a bit over $10 in coins. This was to end in April, but we have decided to leave the coin campaign on throughout the summer and will decide where to give the proceeds in the Fall. We will choose a mission that serves the needs of children locally. The box will still be out in Ha-ley Hall back by the blue cabinet when the church re-opens.

To Ruth Circle Ladies.

I think I’ve been cooped up too long!

Here goes...

I’ll be seeing you in all the old familiar places

Haley Hall with smiling faces.

In that small cafe

Or in the garden across the way

The new oak tree, the bricks to sell.

I’ll be seeing you in every lovely summer’s

day (hopefully May or June)

In everything that’s light and gay

I’ll always think of you that way

I’ll find you in the morning sun and when the

night is new,

I’ll be looking at the moon


UPDATE ON RENOVATIONS OF HERITAGE HALL RESTROOMS. They are done!!!!! Painting, plumbing and new tile floors were done the week of April 6. The few people who have seen them, are pleased with the update! Thanks to the Rum-mage Sale Fund for funding the renovation and to Evelyn Miller and Sherrill Carr for co-ordinating the project. We wish to thank Dave Masterson, trustee chair for approval to have the project done during the shut down and to Jack Hundley and Dave for letting vendors in when need-ed. Eric Szul was the painter, Dave Liller did the plumbing needs, and Chappies Inc. did the tile installation.

A Special Offer for UMW Readers!

Ordinarily, ladies, you would be finishing up

your ‘19-’20 reading books for our circles. But

I know that we didn’t know in advance to

check out extra books to enjoy during this less

-than-enjoyable Quarantine, so we have an

amazing offer for you... So that you can com-

plete your Level I (or more) UMW Reading

Program, you can choose up to three books of

YOUR choice which could fall into the proper

categories. You may choose them from off

your shelf, your neighbor’s shelf, download

them, etc.

Remember the categories are: Education for

Mission, Social Action, Nurturing for Commu-

nity, Spiritual Growth and Leadership. Level I

requires one per group and Level II needs 2

per category. And since everything is delayed

this spring, we will set the deadline to finish on

July 1st. I hope this inspires you to read some

interesting things. Please feel free to share

what you find to read!

Stay well,

Evelyn Miller, Reading Coordinator

Lost and Found

Sometime after the end of Rummage Sale

time, a Bengal Tigers Tervis tumbler was left

in Heritage Hall. By the time it was found, it

needed some soap and water, so I took it

home to wash it. Then came all this crazy

self isolation and consequently, I still have it!

If the Cincinnati Bengals Tigers are your

team and this is your tumbler, please call me

and I’ll keep it for you. (Really, this is just a

ploy for some human contact, if only by

phone!) Evelyn Miller 377-1398


Board of Trustees Finance Team

Staff Parish Relations Team

Greetings one and all from your Trinity Finance Team. We hope you and your family are staying safe during this worldwide Pandemic. Like you, we long for the time we can all gather together as congregation physically and be able to greet each other face to face. In the meantime, we hope you have been at-tending our remote church services on Sunday mornings at 9:00am and 10:30am via Facebook Live as well as virtual gatherings during the week. Pastor Lisa and team are doing a won-derful job of reminding us of God’s Love during this difficult time. Please continue your support! As you may have heard, the Finance team has decided to contin-ue the salaries of Pastor Lisa and the rest of our staff even though we cannot meet physically at the church for the time being. We cannot contin-ue this without ongoing weekly support through your gifts and offerings. Our Trinity congrega-tion has always come through in times of need for which we are most grateful! Courtyard now open! We have finished in-stalling our courtyard project to promote giving to our Capital Campaign and we hope you will enjoy it! Many thanks to all of you who have al-ready made contributions. We believe this space will be enjoyed for generations to come as a quiet place for reflection, an outdoor bible study destination, and maybe even a sunrise service! God Bless you and your families, we will get through this with God’s Help. Curt Eskew

You can send us your offerings in 3 ways:

1. Mail a check to Trinity, 4150 S. Shade

Avenue, Sarasota 34231

2. Give online at www.iTrinity.org. Click the

online giving button at the top of the

page and follow the east prompts.

3. Make your offering using your cell

phone! Download the app Give Plus

We are happy to announce that Pastor Lisa

will continue as our pastor for the 2020-2021

appointment year. - Sally Wood, Chair

Scholarship Team

Scholarships are considered for eligible stu-

dents who are active members of Trinity. Ap-

plications and guidelines are available.

Please email Trinity@iTrinity.org and one will

be sent to you.

The Trinity Scholarship Fund is a Foundation

account, supplemented by the Scholarship

Golf Tournaments. Each year, only the inter-

est from this account is distributed to qualified

applicants by the Scholarship committee.

The Scholarship Team - Glenn Wood, Chair;

Dave Masterson; Rebecca Burke; Margarite

Hankins, Nancy Masterson

Board of Trustees decided this would be the

time to treat our Church buildings for termites.

The Tenting will be on April 30th. Trustees

and volunteers are “prepping” the buildings

and grounds prior. Please note that this is a 3

-day process, at least.

Membership Secretary

Has your contact information changed?

We are in the process of updating our emergen-

cy contact information. If possible, please email

to nancy@iTrinity.org or text to 941-539-6284

the following information:

Legal name (name you would use upon be-

ing admitted to a hospital or other facility)

Your email address and cell phone number if

different from church records

If you have a cell phone, do you text?

Emergency contact name, contact phone,

relationship to you, and whether they use


Nancy Smith , Membership Secretary


May Birthdays

May Anniversaries

Mary Lou Lawson 5/1

Kevin Tippen 5/2

L.J. Gibbs 5/5

Joy Moyer 5/7

Connor Thomas 5/8

Nora Kuhn 5/9

David Liller 5/9

Gayle Ramirez 5/11

Mary Catherine Scott 5/15

Becki Creighton 5/16

George Pierce 5/16

James Tay 5/20

Nancy Masterson 5/24

Thomas Hankins 5/25

Chris Woodyard 5/25

Chip Anthofer 5/26

Mary Beth Day-Karl 5/26

Jon Sprenger 5/26

Omer Quesnel 5/29

Bob McGuirt 5/30

Nicholas Schwied 5/31

Bruce and Phyllis Landis 5/3

Mark and Julie Calmes 5/5

Sam and Linda Cipoletti 5/5

Omer & Beverly Quesnel 5/6

James and Tammy Barnett 5/12

Henry and Mary Lou Schnathmann 5/14

Richard & Diane Ladny 5/15

George & Pam Pierce 5/16

Mark and Pam Anthofer 5/23

Craig and Cindy Jorgensen 5/26


HAVE YOU BEEN TO EMMAUS? This may be a GREAT time to make the com-mitment to enrich your walk with Jesus by taking The Walk to Emmaus. The Bible records the Walk to Emmaus in Luke 24:13-35. You too can share the experience of the two men on that walk by going on The Walk. Walks are held twice each year at Day-Spring Episcopal Retreat in Parish. Walks are in the Spring (canceled this year) and the Fall. There are separate walks for Men and Women. It is a wonderful experience to spend time re-flecting what God may have available to you to share his word and to find inner peace within yourself. Those 3 days that I was on the Walk to Em-maus changed my life's focus. It helped me see what an opportunity God had for me to share my Christian beliefs with others without fear. What Happens on a Weekend? You will enjoy 3 days of singing, learning, laughing, worship, re-flection, praying and participating in small groups. Discussions center around 15 talks presented by both laity and clergy. Call me if you have questions (941) 284 3241. You can also talk with Pastor Lisa, Ed, or Pru about our experience on The Walk to Emmaus. - Hank Lunsford

Did we miss your special day? Please email

Karen@iTrinity.org with the dates.

If you would like to receive your Acorn via

email (receive it up to 2 days sooner)

instead of snail mail, just let Karen know.

Note: the Acorn is also on our website




P r a y e r P r o m p t o r s

Please contact the Coordinator, Phyllis Pritchett, with any special prayer request. Your request will be relayed through 60 prayer partners. Contact her by cell phone at 941/356-6943 or email phyllispritchett@hotmail.com

Please lift extra prayers for:

Eddie Aguilera, Ken Beck, Ken Birt, Pat Birt, Bob Booth, Jerry Countryman-Marshall, Louise

Cowles, Char Craver, Becki Creighton, Octavia Cross, Bud Duffey, Karen Duffey, John Ellsworth,

Janet Headley, Brenda Lee Hickman, Bert Hooglander, Barbara Jackson, Linda Kistler, Gina and

Luis Laborde, Maryalice McIntyre, Royce Miller, Kai Nash, Walt O’Loughlin, George Pierce, Phyllis

Pritchett, Barbara Smith, Evan Smith, Tonya Smith, Bob Starnes, Donna Starnes, Sandy Thayer,

Carolyn Thomas, Joan Utter, Bill Watson, Ron Williams, Pat Woodyard.

Our prayers are with Becki Creighton and Ian Bland on the death of her son, Rob Purser

Our prayers are with the family and friends of Lois Olmstead who died on March 24, 2020

Our prayers are with the family and friends of Christine Metcalf who died on April 18th.

Also please pray for our military family: Tanner Holly, Gunnar Kral, Joshua Marsh, Dylan Mitchell, Eric Neumeier, May-Ree Neumeier, Brandon Oberkamp, Audrey Santana, Craig Scott, Greg Sutton, Aaron Utter, Devin Voyles, Dylan Youngblood.

If you would like to be a part of the Trinity Prayer Warriors, contact Phyllispritchett@hotmail.com.

If you would prefer a phone call over email, please contact Marg Maclaughlin.

May Sermon Series

May Sermon Series- The Deepest Need

In the post-resurrection appearances, Jesus

meets folks where they are, in the midst of

their mess. Jesus could have addressed

many needs, but he chose to address the

deepest needs first. The situation isn’t magi-

cally fixed, but lives are made new. Can we

trust Jesus to do the same for us?

May 3 - Disappointed and Disconnected (Luke 24)

Worship includes Holy Communion

May 10 - Hiding in Fear (John 20)

May 17 - Running from the Guilt (John 21)

May 24 - Moving On (Acts 1)

May 31 - Pentecost (Acts 2)



United Methodist Church

4150 S. Shade Avenue

Sarasota, FL 34231

Tel: 941-924-7756

Fax: 941-922-4986

Email: trinity@iTrinity.org



Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed Friday

Pastor: Rev. Lisa Ann Moss Degrenia Traditional Worship Director: LaTerry Butler Contemporary Worship Director: Trevor Pike Sound Board: Mark Anthofer Care Ministry Director: Tee Ormiston Director of Children/Youth Ministry: Russell Towery Nursery Coordinator: Gennie Gyurica

Preschool Director: Pam Rader Preschool Teachers: Glenna Schrock, Wanda Butler, Brooke Brayton Business Administration: Jack Hundley Secretary: Karen Remfrey Custodian: Dwayne Diggs

The Mission of Trinity United Methodist Church: Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

Stay Connected – Our Facebook page is the best place for reminders, updates and the latest pictures.

Check out the new Facebook page for Trinity Preschool, too.

Head to the church website, www.iTrinity.org, for recordings of the Sunday messages and other great info.