We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to ... · Clothes make the saint Holding a law...

Post on 15-Aug-2020

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Transcript of We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to ... · Clothes make the saint Holding a law...

We are a welcoming Catholic Community called by God to live out the message of Christ in love and service to all people.

28290 Beaumont Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34134 www.stleocatholicchurch.org

The Parish Office is closed until further notice. You may reach us by calling 239-992-0901. Currently, you can leave Non-perishable items at the front office door from 8am-4pm.

Our staff will remove these donations regularly.

April 19, 2020


BAPTISM OF INFANTS Baptisms of children under 7 years old are offered every fourth Sunday of each month in Spanish and every second Sunday of the month in English. Please visit our website or contact our office for details and requirements. CONFIRMATION At confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and confirm and renew our baptismal promises committing to a life of maturity in the Christian faith. Uncon-firmed Catholics wishing to receive the Sacrament should contact the Parish Office to make arrangements for suitable instruction. Unbaptized or non-Catholics can be confirmed at the Easter Vigil when they are baptized or received into the Church as a part of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult. To enroll in RCIA, please call Griselda Cisneros at 992-0901. EUCHARIST Parishioners who wish to bring communion to their spouses should contact the parish office to pick up a pyx with the St. Leo’s inscription on it. Please use this pyx when approaching to receive a host for your spouse or a family member in the Communion procession during Mass. If you need to receive a gluten free host due to a medical condition please arrive 15 minutes before Mass begins and inform the Sacristan. RECONCILIATION Individual confession with a priest is the principal means of absolution and recon-ciliation of grave sins within the Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation frees us from sinful patterns of behavior and calls us to complete conversion to Christ. Con-fessions are heard at 2:00 pm on Saturday in English and 6:15pm on Sunday in Spanish. You may also approach any of our parish priests to hear your confession at another suitable time. THE RITE OF ANOINTING A person does not need to wait until the point of death to receive this sacrament. A careful judgment about the serious nature of the illness is sufficient. The Sacrament may be repeated if the sick person recovers after the anointing but becomes ill once again, or if, during the same illness, the person's condition becomes more serious. For those who are about to depart from this life, the Church offers the person Pen-ance, Anointing of the Sick, and the Eucharist as Viaticum (food for the journey) given at the end of life. Contact the Parish Office at 992-0901 to be connected with the priest on duty. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE If you are a registered parishioner of St. Leo and plan to marry in our parish please contact our office at least six months prior to the tentative wedding date. Weddings cannot be scheduled until the marriage preparation process is complete and it is determined that the parties are free to marry. ANNULMENT - Reestablishing the freedom to marry. An annulment is more accurately described as a declaration of matrimonial invalid-ity. It is an official determination made by an ecclesiastical court that at the time of the marital consent exchanged by the parties a specific component of the marriage was lacking or defective. Hence, the marriage failed to be a marriage as defined by the Catholic Church. If you wish to reestablish your freedom to marry in the Church, please contact a parish priest to be your advocate in presenting your case to the Tribunal. VOCATION If you think that you have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life please speak with one of our priests, or contact the Diocesan Director of Vocations at 941-484-9548, visit www.dioceseofvenice.org/vocations

Rev. Jarek (Jaroslaw) Sniosek .............................. Pastor Rev. Kristian Villafana ........................................... Parochial Vicar Rev. Luis Albarracin ............................................... Parochial Vicar Anne Bellows .......................................................... Assistant to the Pastor Hermilo Calderon .................................................... Lead Maintenance Griselda Cisneros ................................................... Receptionist Rogelio Delgado ..................................................... Maintenance Sandra Edwards ..................................................... Receptionist Daniel Gonzalez ..................................................... Maintenance Elsy Hernandez ...................................................... Graphics Designer Annemarie Jardon .................................................. Director of Religious Education Marcin Malewski ..................................................... Director of Music Martha Mercado ...................................................... Maintenance Frank Murray ......................................................... Youth Ministry Gisela Saldana ....................................................... Religious Education Assistant Henry Soto .............................................................. Bookkeeper Milana Strezeva ..................................................... Musician

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St. Leo

The 2020 Catholic Faith Appeal

Our Goal....................... $462,000 Contributions to date . $266,735 Our Pledges ................. $285,640 Pledge Goal Attained….61.83%

Making Your Pledge to the Catholic Faith Appeal

Please consider making a pledge to help us pay our Diocesan tax directly. We encourage you to do this, as this is the best way for the parish to plan for the upcoming financial year. You may have already received a pledge card in the mail from the diocese, or you can donate online on our website. Through your generosity last year St. Leo was able to meet its pledge goal directly. The diocesan assessment is based on our regular income at the rate of 26%. Your contribution to the 2020 CFA is the best and most efficient way to help our parish, and the collected funds support numerous ministries throughout the Church.

Thank You for Your Thank You for Your Continued Generosity!Continued Generosity!

= 10% of Goal

Sunday, Apr 19, 2020 SOLEMNITY OF THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER; DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Empty chairs, full hearts On this day 25 years ago, 168 people died in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The footprint of the building is now ringed by trees providing a living threshold for ground made sacred by grief. A surviving wall records the names of those who lived through the tragedy, while a Field of Empty Chairs recalls the adults and children who perished. Violence created the need for this memorial. But the chairs, which become vigil lights of memory through each night, attest that a light shines in every darkness. Be that light.

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 (43). “They devoted themselves . . . to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers.”

Monday, Apr 20, 2020 EASTER WEEKDAY Give life the last word Today is the 21st anniversary of the Columbine school shooting. How to cope with the sorrow and outrage of that incident and so many similar ones? We begin to rebuild our society when we allow the Spirit to flow through us and see the face of God in others. “Every human being . . . , however weak, is created ‘in the image and likeness of God,’” Pope Benedict XIV said in Came-roon in 2009. “Every person must live! . . . Death will never have the last word!” Acknowledge the right of those around you to live, no matter their differences, their weakness or strengths, their failings or successes.

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 4:23-31; John 3:1-8 (267). “You do not know where [the wind] comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Tuesday, Apr 21, 2020 MEMORIAL OF ANSELM, BISHOP, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH Our Redeemer, in the flesh In 1098, Saint Anselm wrote the treatise “Why the God-Man?” to champion a core Christian tenet: the Incarnation—the belief that Jesus was both fully human and fully divine. Incarnation is a big deal. Nearly every heresy tackled by the Early Church concerned errant beliefs about Jesus’ true nature. No, we don’t believe that Jesus was merely human (Arianism) or that he was all divine, only pretending to be human (Docetism). We believe that the second person of the Trinity took on human flesh to save us. Imagine that!

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 4:32-37; John 3:7b-15 (268). “You must be born from above.”

Wednesday, Apr 22, 2020 EASTER WEEKDAY Give your sister some breathing space "Saint Francis of Assisi reminds us that our common home is like a sister with whom we share our life. . . . This sister now cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her." Thus opens Laudato Si’, Pope Francis' encyclical "On Care for Our Common Home." Do we really want to live in darkness? Shine a light on what each of us can do to clean up the planet. And plant a tree for good measure!

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:17-26; John 3:16-21 (269). “The light came into the world, but people preferred dark-ness to light.”

Thursday, Apr 23, 2020 MEMORIAL OF GEORGE, MARTYR Face the dragon The legend of Saint George the dragon slayer is a famous one, but it’s not as rooted in historical fact as is the manner of his martyrdom. Yes, George had the courage to face a monster—but the monster was the Roman emperor Diocletian, whose persecu-tion of Christians in the early 300s martyred not only George but well-known saints Sebastian, Agnes, Lucy, and Philomena, among countless others. George, a soldier, remained joyous even when tortured for his belief. What negative influences threaten your own joyous practice of Christian faith today—and are you willing to face them, as George was?

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:27-33; John 3:31-36 (270). “One who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.”

Friday, Apr 24, 2020 MEMORIAL OF FIDELIS OF SIGMARINGEN, PRIEST, MARTYR Clothes make the saint Holding a law degree from Germany, Fidelis of Sigmaringen (1577-1622) was known as the “poor man’s lawyer” who sometimes would give his destitute clients the clothes off his back. But he tired of the adversarial nature of the law profession, so he joined the Capuchin Friars. Ordained a priest in 1612, Fidelis was sent to Switzerland to convert Calvinist reformers. In violent reaction to his successful efforts, Fidelis was set upon and murdered. He was canonized in 1746 by Pope Benedict XIV. Fidelis means “faithful” in Latin. Exercise your faith today by donating clothes to the poor in memory of Fidelis.

TODAY'S READINGS: Acts 5:34-42; John 6:1-15 (271). “This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world.”

Saturday, Apr 25, 2020 FEAST OF MARK, EVANGELIST Write the Good News with the ink of your life Mark was an early follower of Jesus but not one of the 12 apostles. Most scholars think that he was the “John who is called Mark” referenced in Acts 12:12 who joined in mission work with Paul and Barnabas. Today’s first reading mentions that he had a special sonlike relationship with Peter. Beyond that, little is known except that he used the gifts he had been given to write the shortest and earliest gospel a few decades after Jesus’ death. His gospel became the inspiration for Matthew and Luke to write theirs. How will those who come after you take inspiration from your life and the way you shared the Good News?

TODAY'S READINGS: 1 Peter 5:5b-14; Mark 16:15-20 (555). “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Good News to all creation.”

We are pleased to provide for all our of parishioner the ability to access this wonderful website filled with thousands of wide ranging movies, programs, audios, videos and books on topics such as the Lives of Saints of History and Modern Day, The Sacraments, Bible Study, Children’s Entertainment, Praying at Home, and Movie Night selections. To access FORMED choose the link on our website, search “St Leo Bonita” to find us in the drop box, and sign up for your own account.


A message of gra tude from Philomena Pereira, CEO of Catholic Chari es Diocese of Venice

April 11, 2020 Dear Fr. Jarek and St. Leo Parishioners, This is a simple note to wish you peace and good health as we move into this surreal celebra on of Easter. Despite the strangeness of celebra ng this great feast in our personal “cloisters,” our faith con nues to remind us that, when all is said and done, life will win out over death. The Risen Jesus is with us no ma er the darkness and regardless of how long it takes to get through these Good Friday

mes. Catholic Chari es has been busy distribu ng food, providing tele-mental health counseling and helping with financial assistance. Our food distribu on has been serving people who have lost their jobs. Yesterday, I was with our staff at St. Leo the Great parish. We distributed food to 1080 individuals. In March 2020, we distributed to 8959 individuals throughout the Diocese. I want to thank you for all your compassion, prayers and service to those in need. Count on my prayers and my gra tude for you! Gratefully, Philomena

At this critical time when so many people are out of work, please consider

donations to the St. Leo Food Bank. We will pass these items on to

local food pantries for distribution. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

These listed items are suggested but all unopened, non-perishable foods

are now welcomed.

breakfast cereals

canned fruit & vegetables

canned pasta & soup

canned tuna & chicken

diapers, baby wipes

pastas & spaghetti

peanut butter & jelly

powdered milk

toothbrushes, toothpastes, laundry soap, bar soap

These food are especially needed:

dried beans

maseca (corn tortilla flour)


vegetable oil

white rice

cooking oil




Please continue to make food contributions as you so generously

have in the past. Currently, you can leave Non-perishable items at the front office

door from 8am-4pm. Our staff will remove these donations regularly.

Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents na ons from working together and neighbors from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this me of uncertainty and sorrow. Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair. May they know your peace. Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protec on and peace. Be with the leaders of all na ons. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solu ons that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth. Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us.

Lee T Holle Sue Byers

Courtney J & Elaine M Hill Joy Sacramone

John & Cathy Gallo John and Philomena McGrory

William, Laura, & Lucas Burkhard Deborah A. Lechelt

Miguel Hernan Alonzo Juan Ronald & Jucy Incorvaia

Harry & Kathleen Rohrer Paul & Kay Barrath

Stephen Kroeger & Mary Mitchell Jennifer Feeney

James & Sandra Elkin George & Anita Lombardo Thomas & Anna Duncan

David & Sandra Kury Chuck Muia & Karen Kassa Wayne & Mary Ann Morgan

Brad Tanner Donald & Diana Clough

Mary Loretta Keysa Francisco, Joathan, Ruby Rodríguez

& Maria de los Santos Ramírez Daniel & Carol Miller

Raymond & Bonnie Koziak Gary & Anna Cesnik John & Helen Cassin

Arthur & Barbara A Willging Gary R. & Josephine M. Barnes

Carl & Carol La Sala Gladys Herrera

Agne Bareisaite & Sergey Likholat

cÄxtáx cÜtç yÉÜ bâÜ gÜÉÉÑá Michael DeSantis Lt. Connor Flynn Lt. Thomas A. Flynn C. Sean Flynn Joseph D. Frost Thomas Geanuracos Carlos Gonzales Todd Gibson Brian Howlett Richard R. & Alexandra Kock Maj. Nickolas LoRusso

Daniel McDonald Adams J. Marks Kyle Martin Jacob Midura Daniel Midura Sgt. Thomas Pauls Nick Parrorzio Sean Michael Perry Maj. Frank D. Razzano Jr. Trevor Terpstra All serving in the military, especially those in combat.

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Names remain on our prayer list for 30 days & troop list for 6 months. To add names or update information call the Parish Office at

992-0901 or email: ehernandez@stleocatholicchurch.org

Dave Bowezs Estela Bustamante Patrick Cain Isabelle Marie Caiola John M. Carrol Mary Ann Clukey Scott Cochell Lourdes Coll Marie Corrao Stephen Crowley Allan Degnan Kathy Elliman Brad Fairfield Matthew Fairfield Gissette Lupita Garcia Robert Gearhart Pauline Graziano Karen Grimshaw Luke Hass Doug Hawk Richard Herberholz Bob Holloran Robbin Holcomb Natalie Huppee William Johnson Jerry Kaehle Madeline Kennedy Mary Kobel Adam Krulasik Emily Lienesch Bill Mantani Diego Marin Russell Lunderberg Marvin Jay Miller

Conrad Molter Judy Moore Jay Morgan Ann Marie Morgiewicz Audrey Grace Neeley Kelly Page Pat Parker Victor A. Perosi Connie Phillips Aiden Putnam Beverly Queroli Mary Ranallo Cal Raugh Fernando Reina Helen Ross Tony Ross Judy Ross-White Cynthia Rubio Wilfredo Russion Tessa Santagate Jennifer Schultz Sheryl Southerd Gary Stinka Jim Stokes Charlie Sweeney Jr. Lyle Troxel Meghan Sullivan Ryan Vaughan Frederick Westelund George Witkowsky Ray Zonghetti Barbara, Jillian D., Linda, Liz, Magali G., Pat S., Spencer Present & past parish priests.

Flowers & Candles this week are dedicated to † The deceased members of the Poma Family

Requested by The Poma Family

NEXT WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS MASS INTENTION REQUESTED BY MONDAY APRIL 20 8:00 am +Seamus Heslin Fran & Vic Cunningham TUESDAY APRIL 21 8:00 am +Janet Jean Zago Deanna Ruggiero WEDNESDAY APRIL 22 8:00 am +Ruth Brune Jean Mitchell THURSDAY APRIL 23 8:00 am +John Geraghty Irene & Bll Gilroy FRIDAY APRIL 24 8:00 am +Yvette & +Frank Coyle +Frank Coyle SATURDAY APRIL 25 8:00 am +Lou Fuller Casa Bonita Neighbors 3:30 pm +Norma Treviño Her Loving Family 5:30 pm +Helen & + Lisa Lagowski Loving Husband & Father John Lagowski

SUNDAY APRIL 26 7:30 am +Rose Scenna Rita & Robert Sokol 9:30 am +Anna & Dominic Corcelli Diane Corcelli 11:30 am +Nina Boden Noreen Harrington & Rick Devin

5:00 pm +Frank Zencuch Arleen Lento 7:00 pm Special Cumulative Intentions

Due to the Coronavirus it is not possible for private confessions

at this time. However, we can still have our sins forgiven in these extraordinary circumstances

through Plenary Indulgences and acts of Perfect Contrition.

Join us on our website for a Communal Act of Perfect Contrition.

PARISH DIRECTORY Altar Servers - Adults Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901 Altar Servers - Youth Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901 Arimatheans Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Bereavement Support Group Cate Staid ......................... 992-0901 Bible Study Marge Salow…………734-243-5233 Bingo Pauline Levesque……207-402-8748 Bulletin Anne Bellows .................... 992-0901 Catholic Charities at St. Leo .......................................... 390-2928 Cenacle Legal Services (Low Income) ………………………..941-244-0308 Counseling Services Catholic Charities ............. 455-2655 Discovering Christ Sal & Joan Tassone .......... 985-9336 Extraordinary Minister Coordinators: Daily Mass Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442 Weekend Masses Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Homebound Allan Degnan ................... 495-1195 Hospice - Hope Hospice Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Hospitals/Nursing Homes Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Finance Council Henry Soto ....................... 992-0901 Greeters Ministry John Bonney ..................... 221-8170 Human Trafficking Hotline ………………………..888-373-7888 Landings Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Lector Ministry Coordinator Peggy Bischoff ................ 992-0901 Lector Coordinator for Weekdays Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442 Mass in Polish Coordinator Maryla Basara .................. 405-2151 Money Counters Henry Soto ....................... 992-0901 Perpetual Baby Shower Joanne Bradle……... (631) 513-9276 Polish Classes Renata Dabrowska-Klimczak 384-9726 Prison Ministry Robert Hiniker………863-558-0407 Project Gabriel Carol Dangler ................... 793-0826 Project Rachel Sylvia Jimenez………..941-412-5860 Respect Life Diane Corcelli .................. 992-6723 Respite Bonnie Dunne-Martin ...... 992-0901 Retrouvaille Doug & Jeanne Lindberg..800-470-2230 Rite of Christian Initiation Griselda Cisneros ............. 992-0901 Sacristan Ministry Annette Smith .................. 948-1640 Sewing-Knitting-Crocheting Bernice Romano .............. 992-2985 Sing a Long Penny Kelly ...................... 948-7057 St. Leo the Great Ladies Guild Amy Campanile……...563-650-6442 Usher Ministry Parish Office .................... 992-0901 Youth Ministry Frank Murray .................. 992-0901

Diocese of Venice Sunday TV Mass

10:30 am WFTX-TV FOX 4

or go to


Religious Education

•First Communion classes and the May 9 celebration are canceled and will be rescheduled. •All Wednesday classes and Confirmation Level 1 classes are canceled for the remaining school year. Please continue to teach your child at home. •Drive through textbook pickup is canceled until further notice. •The Sacrament of Confirmation has been postponed until a date to be determined later. •Friday evening High School Youth Group meetings are suspended indefinitely. Watch for up-dates.

Updated Notes

NOTAS EN ESPAÑOL Oración Espiritual para la comunión:

“Mi Jesús, creo que estás en el Santísimo Sacramento. Te amo sobre todas las cosas, y te anhelo en mi alma. Ya que no te estoy recibiendo sacramentalmente entra

en mi corazón espiritualmente, como si ya hubieras venido. Te abrazo y me uno completamente a ti.

Nunca dejes que me separe de ti.”

Virgen Santísima de Guadalupe, Reina de los Ángeles y Madre de las Américas.

Acudimos a ti hoy como tus amados hijos. Te pedimos que intercedas por nosotros con tu Hijo,

como lo hiciste en las bodas de Caná. Ruega por nosotros, Madre amorosa,

y obtén para nuestra nación, nuestro mundo, y para todas nuestras familias y seres queridos,

la protección de tus santos ángeles, para que podamos salvarnos de lo peor de esta enfermedad.

Para aquellos que ya están afectados, te pedimos que les concedas la gracia de la sanación

y la liberación. Escucha los gritos de aquellos que son vulnerables

y temerosos, seca sus lágrimas y ayúdalos a confiar. En este tiempo de dificultad y prueba,

enséñanos a todos en la Iglesia a amarnos los unos a los otros y a ser pacientes y amables.

Ayúdanos a llevar la paz de Jesús a nuestra tierra y a nuestros corazones.

Acudimos a ti con confianza, sabiendo que realmente eres nuestra madre compasiva, la salud de los enfermos

y la causa de nuestra alegría. Refúgianos bajo el manto de tu protección,

mantennos en el abrazo de tus brazos, ayúdanos a conocer siempre

el amor de tu Hijo, Jesús. Amen.

Noticias de la Educación Religiosa •Las clases de primera comunión y la celebración del 9 de mayo se cancelan y se reprogramarán. •Todas las clases de los miércoles y las clases de Confirmación Nivel 1 se cancelan por el año escolar restante. Por favor continúe enseñando a su hijo en casa. •La cancelación de la conducción a través del libro de texto se cancela hasta nuevo aviso. •El sacramento de la Confirmación ha sido pospuesto para el otoño. •El viernes por la noche, las reuniones del grupo juvenil de la escuela secundaria se suspenden indefinidamente. Esté atento a las actualizaciones.