WCO200412 : Master-Disciple (Leaders' Study Guide)

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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What does it mean to be a disciple or a follower to a master? This study material is the 1st part, in a 2 part series of AWESOMENESS!, as we study from The Word and reflect on our Archdiocesan Pastoral Congress theme: "CHURCH: Disciples of The Word in Communion for Mission".

Transcript of WCO200412 : Master-Disciple (Leaders' Study Guide)



This Bible Study is designed for small groups of between 4-6 persons (per group). Should you (as a facilitator) find the existing group setting too big, feel free to form smaller groups, so that everyone has a chance to share. Total suggested duration for this Bible Study: 60 minutes. Objective of this study: What does it mean to be a Disciple of The Word? This is Part 1 of a 2-part series reflecting on the Archdiocesan Pastoral Congress theme, “CHURCH: Disciples of The Word in Communion for Mission”.

INTRODUCTION (Suggested Duration: 5 mins)

Have everyone introduce themselves to each other within the group – especially if there is someone new joining. Get to know each other a little bit more. Share within the group the following (ice-breaker) starter question. Feel free to mix & match:

� Hi! My name is … and I think the best (greatest) Martial Arts Master of all times is … (describe). (it can be a person in real life, OR a fictional character (actor or cartoon character) in the movies/on film)


Keep these discussions light and free, allowing everyone to feel comfortable to share casually and openly within the group.

DISCUSSION STARTER (Suggested Duration: 15 mins)

Have everyone watch the following video.

� HOLY MONKS (Video: 3 mins 30 secs) A shaolin master (master Xin) has the task of preparing two antagonistic disciples (Bao & Fei) with the same goal: turn them into good warriors who are always willing to help the weakest. Video available from YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzH4ir6w22c OR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2hH1mwCYzE)

Discuss on the following questions. Ensure everyone in the group has a chance to share their personal thoughts to the following questions. Remind all: there is NO RIGHT or WRONG answers. Keep the discussion light and lively. (Suggested Duration: 10 mins)

1. What did Bao (the bigger shaolin student) do that was considered right in the eyes of shaolin master Xin, that Fei (the smaller sized shaolin disciple) failed to achieve?

[ There are no right or wrong answers, but personal thoughts and opinions. So keep the discussion light & open. Answers to the question above may vary according to individuals, and may include: a) they were both trained to protect/defend the weak, but Fei was more interested in getting the task done any way, any how (poor Pig!); b) Bao was more humble in accepting and executing the challenge; c) Fei cheated! ]

DISCUSSION FOLLOW-UP (Suggested Duration: 20 mins)

Have everyone watch the next video.

� I AM A DISCIPLE TYPOGRAPHY (Video: 2 mins 13 secs) A disciple is a follower. As it concerns Christianity, a disciple of Jesus is one who is devoted and committed to the ways and teachings of Jesus.

Video available from YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwYeaSetv88)

� WHAT IS LOVE? – GOD LOVES YOU AND WANTS TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU (Video: 2 mins 33 secs) Be reminded of what true love is. God loves you just the way you are, and He desires a relationship with you! Please pass it on & share His love with others!

Video available from YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa0XC3lw-wo)

Have someone within the group read the following text below. Encourage everyone to listen and relate what is being read to their own lives.


After just completing our 5-year Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan to Focus on the Family, we begin this year (2012) in preparation for our Archdiocesan Pastoral Congress by reflecting on the theme, “CHURCH: Disciples of The Word, in Communion for Mission”.

We are all called to live out our Catholic faith, by continuing the call of Jesus and His Mission: just as the Father sent Him, He is now sending us with His Holy Spirit empowerment.

As families and a community of Faith (in God we believe), Hope (in God we trust), Love (for God is Love), modeled on the Trinity (just as the Father, Son and Spirit are One, we must be united), and sent for Mission (responding to God’s call to bring Good News to others); we as Disciples of Jesus (The Living Word of God) are to be in communion (united) with one another (as a Family of God), working and serving together towards sharing Jesus (The Good News) with others, in hope that they too may come to experience Him, and in turn share the same faith and communion.

The starting point in becoming a Disciple of the Word is to understand the role of a disciple. A disciple is a person who is influenced and convinced by The Master that he decides to learn more from him, in order to take after The Master.

Hence, for us to “know” The Word, we need to acknowledge Jesus and enter into a personal relationship with Him, so that not only we believe in Him, but also live with Him (Jesus: The Word) as an influence over our daily lives.

Discuss on the following questions. Ensure everyone in the group has a chance to share their personal thoughts to the following questions. Remind all: there is NO RIGHT or WRONG answers.

2. How is “knowing a person” (to know) and “sharing experiences with a person” (to experience) different?

[ There are no right or wrong answers, but personal thoughts and opinions. Answers to the question above may vary according to individuals, and may include: a) knowing someone is head-knowledge, but to share experiences with someone is to build a relationship with that person; b) to share experiences means mutual exchange of lives, which results in transformation (influence) in both lives; ]


3. Jesus has often shared that He is the Bread of Life (John 6:35), the Light of the World (John 8:12), the Good Shepherd (John 10:11), the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25), the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). But who is He (really and personally) to me?

[ There are no right or wrong answers, but personal thoughts and opinions. Answers to the question above may vary according to individuals. ]

THE WORD: ALIVE! (Suggested Duration: 10 mins)

Have everyone open and read from their own bibles, the following scripture verses. Meditate and share on how the verses below strike each person most.

� ROMANS 3:23-26 Everyone fails God. No one is Perfect; without Sin. But God came, loved and saved.

� ROMANS 5:3-11 Greatest Love-Story ever: I’ve sinned. God loves. Jesus came. I am set free!

� ROMANS 8:31-39 Nothing can ever separate me from God’s Love.

� ZEPHANIAH 3:17 God takes delight in me.

SELF-REFLECTION (ACTION) & PRAYER (Suggested Duration: 10 mins)

Have everyone watch the following reflection video, followed by some personal quiet time (suggested: at least 5 MINUTES of TOTAL SILENCE).

During the quiet time, reflect on your own life and ask yourself these questions:

Do I need Jesus?

Have I personally experienced the Love of God in Jesus Christ?

What can I do to deepen my personal relationship with Jesus?

Then close with a community prayer – as led by either the group leader (within each respective small group) OR by the session animator.

� “YOU ARE MORE” by Tenth Avenue North (Video: 3 mins 38 secs) Video available from YouTube: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRvdcqfSHXo)