Ways To Put Fire To Angry Customer[2]

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Ways To Put Fire To Angry Customer[2]

Information Title: Training Manual

Owner: Training Department

Clasification Level: Internal

The first thing a Call Center Representative would want to do is to ‘Put Out the Fire’ Or in simple words ‘ Cool the customer down’

The first stance a call center representative should take in such a situation, is to put himself in the customer’s shoes.

Simply think how would you react or how would you feel if you had to face the same inconvenience??

Wouldn’t you be rude and angry to the person who would be the representative of the company?

Hence instead of focusing on your emotions, concentrate on the customer’s issue.

Focusing on the customer’s issue

Listening attentively to the angry customer

These are two very essential things to be done from the time the customer starts stating his issue till he finishes.

Now Lets Discuss Six Main Steps to be Taken for ‘Putting Out The Fire’

Do Not Interrupt!!! This is the very first and most important step which ‘if followed’

could help you in ‘wrapping up the call fast’ and ‘if not followed’ , would make ‘the issue worse’ and ‘prolong’ it more.

Listen Carefully and do not try to rush or interrupt an angry caller. An angry caller wants to let out his anger and frustration that he has

faced due to an inconvenience caused by our service. So Let the customer speak, your job is to listen attentively by giving

signs that you are listening such as ji ji, bilkul sahi etc. Another important thing to be done is while the customer states his

issue note down some information which would help you later on in solving his issue such as a number, error message etc

Asking the customer about details of his issue when he finishes talking, would fuel up his anger once again.

Empathize or Apologize!!! Empathize or apologize with the customer by acknowledging

him that you do understand how it feels to face the inconvenience he had to face.

The apology should never be on a personal level, apologize professionally by using words such ‘we apologize’ or ‘we understand’

Acknowledgements work best at the beginning of the call when you first get a sense that the customer is upset or having a problem

The more specific the acknowledgement, the more the customer feels you understand such as just saying okay, alright or I get it would not be appropriate acknowledgements.

Empathize or Apologize!!! (Contd…)

For Instance if a customer is facing an issue regarding call connectivity due to network congestion you could acknowledge him by saying something like “I do understand the inconvenience felt when you were unable to connect your call and I will require some more details to locate and solve your issue”.

A strong and specific acknowledgement such as the one above should never be followed by “but” or “however.” It negates what you have just said.

Do Not Make Assumptions!!! In order to verify and make sure that you have

heard all of the facts or issues ask some important questions.

Ask open-ended questions, this would force the customer to talk and help you to uncover some underlying facts, assumptions and motives

Don’t ask too many questions at once as it feel like being interrogated

Attach a benefit to the question hence the customer would not resist disclosing the information to you.

Always be respectful while asking questions and say “please”.

Paraphrase Or Summarize! Summarize all the information you have

noted down and heard as to verify that what you have heard is accurate

Summarizing the information before the customer would give him a feeling that his problem will surely be taken care off

Summarizing also gives the customer a chance to correct or add information

When you paraphrase, it can sound phony or mechanical

To avoid this, use a variety of expressions so that you are perceived as genuine and sincere.

Solving the Problem by Offering Alternatives!!! Now that you have understand the problem, the customer

expects you to fix it, Hence to fix it follow the following simple steps:

Involve the customer in the solution by asking for his suggestions or input.

If possible try to be flexible on policies or deadlines as the customer will be impressed and feel you have gone out of your way to fix issues

While providing the solution “Educate the customer to avoid similar situations in future”

For example if a customer was getting the error message ‘SMS BARRED’ while sending messages from a Sony Ericsson Handset, along with providing the solution also do guide the customer to set his Connectivity at ‘GSM Subscription” always.

Solving the Problem by Offering Alternatives!!! (contd…)

Frame negative information as positively as possible. Instead of telling a customer what you can’t do, stress what you

can do. At all costs avoid ordering, defending, belittling or arguing. Always remember arguments will always fuel up the conversation

instead of putting out the fire!!! Focus on solutions and not on laying blame. Regardless of how customers treat you, they want to be treated

with respect So remember a Customer Service Representative’s duty is to

service his customers , especially irate ones with all the respect he can possibly give.

Summarize and Follow Through on All Promises!!! End each call on a positive note as it is the last thing the customer

will remember. Thank the customer for his patience,Use words such as “Thankyou

for your patience” or “Apkay Tawun Ka Bohat Shukria”. Ask if there are additional things that you can do for them before

you end the call such as saying “Is there anything else I can help with you with” or “Kia Telenor ki kisi aur service k baray men apki madad kar sakta hun” or “Kuch Aur Janna Chahen Gay”

This would help you to demonstrate that you care about the customer’s satisfaction and he would feel that his problem would surely be taken care off and resolved.

It further cements the relationship and helps in the future if the customer has to face some issue again.

Instead of ‘Impressing’ the customer ‘satisfy’ him and take all the necessary steps to resolve his problem.

Compensate the Customer for his Inconvenience but always remember to


