Ways to help someone quit smoking this valentine

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Discover how to help your loved ones quit smoking this love season.

Transcript of Ways to help someone quit smoking this valentine

Ways to Help Someone Quit Smoking this Valentine



• Every year,February 14th is celebrated worldwide as lover’s day. The valentine season is about love and if you profess to love people around you, you should be able to help them quit their smoking addiction. This article discusses ways to help someone quit smoking this valentine. Whether the person is your boyfriend, girlfriend or neighbor does not matter. All that matters is your showing your love to people this valentine season.

Can You Get a Loved One to Stop Smoking?

• But, first things first. Can you get a smoker to stop just like that? The truth is; you can’t get him or her to stop. Experts say the only way a smoker can stop is if he or she wants to stop. If he or she doesn’t want to, then it’s not going to happen. But you can support him to quit, even though it is his or her decision; not yours.

Can You Get a Loved One to Stop Smoking?(2)

• You can help relieve the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that will surface as a result of the switch from smoker to ex-smoker by being there for your loved one. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms manifest from the very first hour after the last cigarette was put off. The best thing is to support and just be there for him or her when the going gets tough.

Can You Get a Loved One to Stop Smoking?(3)

• Do whatever you can to reduce his anxiety and help him relax. If you’ve never been through nicotine withdrawal, you don’t know how physically and mentally stressful it can be. Remind him or her of how much healthier his or her body will be without those nasty toxins going in. Dealing with someone who is quitting smoking can be almost as difficult as being the actual person who is quitting. Be extremely patient, avoid confrontation or arguments.

Valentine Gift Ideas to Help Your Loved Ones Quit Smoking

• * Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking• * LifeSign QuitKey Smoking Cessation Computer• *

The Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking: A Revolutionary Approach Using Allen Carr’s Easyway Method

• * X-Halers Smokeless Cigarette (Nicotine-free) and CD Stop Smoking Program

• * The Secret To Stop Smoking

Tips to help your boyfriend quit smoking cigarettes

• For you to help your boyfriend quit smoking, he has to feel like quitting. He has to have a burning desire to quit. You can’t do that for him. Because nicotine is highly addictive, quitting can be tough. But you can suggest some ideas that may help him. Just knowing that he has your support can make him more likely to quit successfully.

Tip No 2

• Offer to help your boyfriend formulate a plan for dropping off cigarettes but please DON’T give him an ultimatum as doing so will sometimes yield results in the short term, but long term that kind of approach never works out. Instead, talk to him about what would be easiest for him, maybe get some books or pull up some web pages containing stop smoking tips. Assist him, because quitting smoking, whichever way you look at it, is really hard. It will take time, but it will pay off in the long run. Also, persuade him to speak to his doctor about a nicotine replacement and go all out to stop.

Tip No 3

• It can be helpful to break your goal into smaller bits — such as 14 days, 4 weeks, and 2 months without smoking. Assist him to stay focused once he stops, and figure out a good way to reward himself when he achieves set goals at different points. A daily reward isn’t a bad idea, if you can think of something he’d like.

Tip No 4• You can also assist your boyfriend by staying away from things

that previously triggered his desire to smoke — like visiting a particular friend’s house, going to the club, etc. Help your boyfriend by first having him spot out the triggers that produce his cravings to light up. After he’s identified his triggers, he must find a new way to cope with the urges or cravings. For instance, if he feels like smoking each time his boss complains about his work in the office, how is he going to cope now that he no longer smokes? Help him figure that out in advance as it makes stop smoking more bearable. This is because cravings are the reason many people who stopped smoking are back into it. They can’t seem to get a hang of it. But you must be wise, think ahead of time for your spouse.

Tip No 5

• The best help is not to blame or attack him. Let him know that you support him and want him to be healthy for you and for himself. Remind him (without any form of preaching or nagging) of the benefits of quitting, including all the money he’ll be able to save. And remember that ultimately he has to decide whether he’s ready to quit — but your support and encouragement can make a huge difference.

Tip No 6 & 7

• Few days after stop smoking, let him gulp lots of water and fruit juice to flush out the nicotine out of his system. It only takes a few days of not smoking to get rid of the nicotine in the body system.

• Clean his things and wash his clothes. Get the smoke smell out of his stuff. You can go as far as vacuuming up ashes and laundering smelly bed spreads and textiles.

Tip No 8

• * Also, let him have as much sleep as he wants. Have plenty of healthy (and some not so healthy treats) on hand to fight the urges or cravings. Expect his appetite to increase. Keep some extra snacks around. Keep him hydrated. Caffeine is best avoided—don’t tempt him with it.

Tip No 9

• Help him get rid of all his smoking paraphernalia. Throw out the lighters, old cigarette boxes and ashtrays. It is up to him to fling the cigarettes, but no reason to keep the other stuff. Basically, remove all evidence of his having smoked from his car, where he lives, and where you live.

Tip No 10

• If he does slip up and have a cigarette, don’t come down hard on him. He just needs to recognize the mistake and get back on track. Quitting isn’t something you can do all at once and be done with. You’re quitting every moment of your life until you rid your system of the nicotine addiction, which takes months (but does get easier after the first days and weeks).Time is on his side, encourage him to take the quit smoking journey one day at a time.

Tip No 11 & 12

• Exercise and good eating will help greatly. Encourage him to go for any exercise he enjoys, it helps to keep stress levels low. Read up more benefits of exercise on quit smoking.

• Most importantly, stress to your boyfriend that you hate the Addiction not his person. What your boyfriend needs is constant support. Watch what you say. When you say “Stop smoking” he hears “You aren’t good enough”. What he needs and wants to hear is “I love you with all my heart. I know you are struggling and I want to be there for you no matter what. Let’s battle this together.”

Tips No 13,14 & 15

• Try to keep the environment quiet and laid-back, rather than loud and busy.

• Try to cope with the topsy-turvy nature of his needs at this period. If he’s open to a massage, give him one. If he requests for a cup of tea, make him one. If he wants to be left alone, leave him alone.

• When a serious craving surfaces, encourage him to wait 5-10 minutes. Cravings usually disappear within that time. This is a tried-and-true technique.

Tip No 16

• If he’s a drinker, encourage him to avoid alcohol and bars for a while. Drinking is a huge trigger for most smokers. The urge to light up when you taste or smell alcohol is overpowering, and it weakens your willpower and your ability to say no.

Tip No 17

• As much as possible, remind him that his quitting will benefit his future self and make his life better right now. He’ll have more energy, feel generally relaxed, save money, be able to eat and taste better, sleep better, not have ugly yellow teeth, get sick less often, will be setting a good example for the children in his life, etc. It helps to make a list of all the benefits, and keep it in his wallet or anywhere he can easily access it.


• Encourage him, but you can save yourself a lot of pain and heart ache to know you can’t change anyone. They only change when they want to. Smoking is highly addictive and you just have to decide what you are willing to put up with. If you can’t stand it, then leave him…because he may not change. But it’s worth giving a trial, encourage someone to quit smoking today!!!

Thank You for Reading!!!

• For more on such incisive articles, please visit

• www.2stopsmokingtips.com