Watermelon Rind in Use

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Project Report

Transcript of Watermelon Rind in Use


Conny Julanda A. – Dwiki Febri R. – Febriani Fitria R. – Kiemas Arifnoor

Z. – Restu Andreza P.

XI Science TY / 2012-2013


INTRODUCTION Watermelon is a common fruit that is consumed by Indonesian people. In our school’s dormitory, usually, we are given watermelons as the menu for lunch or dinner. The problem is that the watermelon rind is usually thrown away as rubbish. The rubbish itself will pollute the environment by the smell and the look. Moreover the watermelon rind can also be placed for the bacteria to live. Actually the watermelon rind contains many kinds of nutrients that are needed by the body. So, it will be useful if the watermelon rind can be processed into a healthy product that has a good taste. We want this product can be used by the society for their living as well. Throughout the second semester, we are going to design and create products from the watermelon rind. To make a healthy food recipe at our product, we will have to go through certain steps which include investigation, design, plan, create, and evaluation stage. We will observe the problem about the product and talk with the advisor about it. We will try to solve the

problems we face and design some options of Indonesian healthy food from the watermelon rind. The time management will be planned out carefully before moving to the ‘create’ stage so we could meet up with product as soon as possible. We will work efficiently in this project by build a good teamwork. We will do some experiments in the ‘create’ stage to investigate the most efficient and appropriate design. The appropriate design will be our product in this project. The product will be based on many factors, such as: taste, nutrients, safety and healthy, cost, appearance, quality, etc.


INTERACTION Our scopes of interaction are health and environment because we are going to make a product that can be applied to solve health-related and environmental problems. Environment is about how to reduce the waste and process it into a product so that we could reduce the waste, in this case: the organic waste. Meanwhile, the health SOI is about the nutrient in the watermelon rind that surely can be beneficial for man’s body. By processing the watermelon rind into a more valuable food product, the nutrients contained in the watermelon rind can be consumed so people could satisfy their needs of nutrition. We do study on literature to get the information about the nutrients of watermelon rind and use our basic knowledge to investigate, design, plan, and create this product. Also we will use our cooking skill and ability in processing the ingredients and using the utensil in the process of making the product. Therefore, this project is related to health and environment aspect among the scope of interaction.



Abon Sapi (Meat Abon) Acar Kuning Mentimun (Indonesian


Keripik Pisang (Banana Crisp)

Form Boiled and fried shredded meat Pickles, salad with souring agent Crispy chips, sweet or salty taste

Main Materials Meat Parrots and cucumbers or string bean Banana

Process of making Fry the shredded meat without

using oil

Fry the vegetables, add the spices and

souring agent

Using slicer, and fry it

Nutrient Lipid, proteins Fiber, vitamins and minerals, citrulline,


Vitamins , glucose, and minerals

Uses Side dish Additional food Snack

Durability About 3 month 1 day About 3 month

Modification Replace the flesh by using the

watermelon rind

Use watermelon rind to replace the

cucumber, use Indonesian spices

Use watermelon rind to replace

the banana, make it into some



After researching on 3 different types of food for the case study, we try to mainly focus on the foods that are usually eaten by Indonesian people and easy to be made. This case of study helped us to get more ideas about our product. The materials used in the food product will be such common materials (vegetables, flavor, equipment etc.) that can be found easily in Indonesian markets. These three foods all have their nutrients that is needed for our body and also the way it made so this helped us to think about pros and cons for each type of food and which will be more suitable for processing the watermelon rind. This case of study will help us a lot when coming up with 6 possible products because this gave me more different ideas about the food that can be made from watermelon rind.

UNIT QUESTION What is the problem that we consider?

The problem that we concern at is that there are many waste of food near us. Actually, the waste (especially organic waste) still can be processed into another product. We concern the peel of fruit especially watermelon as our main ingredient.

Why do you choose the problem?

Because it is the closest and nearest problem to us as there are many watermelon rind after the dinner or lunch in our dormitory.

What is your scope interaction?

We actually try to cover the three of scopes of interaction but we try to focus only on Health and a little on Environment.

How do you solve the problem?

We planned to create a recipe of some foods so the waste can be reduced and also the nutrients inside the watermelon rind can be used to keep our body healthy.

What is the product after you solve the problem?

Food recipe that use the watermelon rind as the main materials

UNIT QUESTION Why do you choose the product?

So people or teenager can follow the recipe to process the watermelon rind into a food.

What are the appearances of the product?

It might not be very attractive because we are not going to use any food coloration or preservatives. We try to make the product healthy and hygiene.

To whom you will deliver the product?


What are the effects of your product?

Reducing the waste, give new variety of healthy food

What are the advantages of your product?

It contains citrulline, lycopene, vitamin E, and other minerals. It does not use any food coloration or preservatives. It is an healthy food.

What are the obstacles that you will face in the middle of making your product?

Finding the way to reduce the water inside the watermelon rind.

Being give up on this project

Being lazy to do the plan

Difficult to find the good sample and place to do experiment

TOOLS Standard Cooking Utensils


Knife is a cutting-purpose utensil that is commonly used to cook any food. Made of metal that has a very sharp point and sharp side that is actually dangerous to be used by children or teenager without any supervision.


This is an utensil that can be used to place the ingredients or the food itself. The utensils can be made of plastics or glasses.

Filtering Fibre

Filtering fibre is a kind of fibre that has been wind the way it can be used to filter something. This can also be used to take the watery part from a materials and thus can be used to dry a thing.

Frying Pan

Frying pan is a flat-bottomed pan used for frying, searing or browning foods. It is typiically 200-300 mm in diameter with relatively low sides, a long

handle and no lid. However, for a larger frying-pan there is also a small handle set on the utensil.


A spatula is a small implement utensils with a broad, flat, flexible blade used to mix, spred or lift materials including food. It usually has a handle that is long enough to keep the holder’s hand away from what is being lifted or flipped. With a wide variety of size, it usually has a wider or longer side than the other one.


Stove is a utensil, kitchen appliance, used and needed for wide variety of food cooking. It relies really to the direct heating. While nowadays the heating material that is common is gas.

TOOLS Vacuum Frying

This appliance is a kind of deep-frying device housed inside a vacuum chamber. This utensil was originally developed for the making of chip. It is easier to maintain the flavor of the finished product. The good thing is that this product applied a lower temperature to fry the object. Hence, formation of suspected carcinogen is significantly lowered than in the standard atmospheric fryer with a frying temperature reaching 170.

Hand Coconut Grating/Scraper

The grater is utensil with a rough surface that allow some material to be scrapped or ripped in a form of a simpler and smaller shape but still keeping the fibre of the material. With typically low price, the grating is used manually and thus a little bit tiring to use the

utensils. It is also dangerous to be used by children without any supervision from adult.

Manual Cheese Grating

This kind of grating allow the cheese to be ripped and scrapped into much smaller form and usually long depending on the length of the cheese grating itself. Compared to the coconut grating, it has a softer surface compared with coconut grating but still rough enough to grate some materials with fibre especially.

INGREDIENTS Watermelon Rind

Watermelon rind is a part of watermelon that composes 35% of the whole weight of the watermelon itself. If you see watermelon closer, you’ll see that watermelon has a red-watery flesh with the seeds there (some varieties have no seed though), white-coloured part that contain less water but has more fibre than the flesh and a thinner green peel in the outermost place. Rind is the white part and it is commonly thought it has no uses at all and thus being thrown away. In fact, it contains citrulline that has a very advantage for human body.


Carrot is a root vegetable, usually orange in colour, though some are coloured purple, red, yellow or white. It has a crisp texture when it

is fresh. The most commonly eaten part of the carrot is the taproot, although the leaf is actually edible as well. Carrot is known to be a main source of Vitamin A that is a good nutrient that can be consumed for human eyes.

Common Spices for Indonesian Pickles and Abon

After doing a research on many kinds of pickles exist in Indonesia, here are the most used spices for the making of the Indonesian Pickles:

1. Onion

2. Chili

3. Garlic

4. Candle nut

5. Turmeric


Focusing on the Scope of Interaction Environment, we try to find a problem that is needed to be fixed in or surrounding. We finally find that the waste of watermelon rind needs to be fixed. The approaches done during the research are experiment, observation and the study on the literature. The experiments are done by focusing on finding the best way on how the rind can be processed and to find the nutrient contained in the rind itself. On this research, the researcher creates some designs or the product plans but still in the brainstorming process along with the case study. We also try to find the best utensil than can be used to process the rind. We want to have a utensil that is cheap to buy, easy to find and simple to use. Hence we also conducted research on that. We were able to determine the advantage and the disadvantage of each product as well as the result that we will get by using each of the utensils.

IMPACT Environment The watermelon rind is one of the wastes we have after consuming a certain kind of food, in this term it is fruit. Those wastes will eventually became a useless rubbish. As we all know, rubbish can also be a source of many disease and is obviously dangerous for human’s body. Furthermore, this can actually disturb the view of our surroundings and make it even dirtier and messier if they are thrown away for granted. By processing watermelon rind to another product that has a value-added and thus a lot more interesting to be consumed, we can reduce the waste—minimize the amount of rubbish produced, minimize the possibility of the development of a certain disease—and maximize the use of the watermelon itself.

Health Watermelon rind is the main sources of a certain amino acid by the name of citrulline. It is well known as a quite important nutrient that human-being need for meeting the need of their physical well-being. Protein is made of amino acid, and so consuming amino acid can also benefit the body by providing it protein that is usually used for energy-providing. Citrulline itself is a great antioxidant and is a co-product of nitric oxide generated from the oxidation of arginine catalyzed by nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide (NO) functions as a cellular messenger in the cardiovascular system and is a pivotal vasoprotection molecule.

DESIGN BRIEF We plan to create products that are mainly made of watermelon rind. The purpose of the products are to make watermelon rind posing a value-added by processing it into a type of Indonesian food that is healthy and well-tasted but still affordable and easy to be made. Focusing on how it can be converted into another product that is more interesting to be consumed, the research during the investigation and design will be used to provide all information related to the possible product, the utensils to be used and the possible way to process the rind. Planning process will be done in step-by-step way with the schedules that were made at the investigation step. During the create process we will try all the products, utensils and possible way will be experimented. This attempts will be done to get the best design and the best process to do. All the processes are then evaluated for certain point and consideration. Afterward, the products are tested to some students at the school.

SPECIFICATION Title Specification and Reason Test


The main ingredient is watermelon rind because this is the main

object of the problem in our environment that we try to address.

We try to process the rind in the same way as processing the

original food. We also combine the rind with the common spices of

the original indonesian product. The reason for this is to make sure

that the rind is completely processed into something that is

surprising to be made of the rind.

We do some experiment on how the rind can be

combined and do some case studies of the

products (indonesia food) that are likely to be

made of the rind. Also, we read recipe books and

finding recipes in internet as our references.


The whole project including investigation, plan, design, create and

evaluation should be done by the end of the third term. The actual

making part (create) will take about 5-8 weeks depending on how

efficient we work and how expeditious we progress each step.

We make the schedule as well as the timeline as

our guide on doing this project. Also, we will

make sure that all the stages will be done on time

and not exceeding deadline as possible.


We consider the process of the processing the rind should be as

safe as possible since this is made for adolescence and aimed that

they can make it themselves later on. The processing of the rind

should only involve utensils that is commonly found in the kitchen.

Investigating on how the process of the rind

happen, we try to be as assiduous as possible

choosing the best and the most safe utensil

during the process.


We don’t actually expect that the products will ammount many or

much, seeing the fact that the rind only composes 35% of the

whole weight of the watermelon. We plan, though, to have as high

ammount as possible products from that rind.

We will do experimet on each product’s design to

find the best design that can produce the highest



One of the thing that matters the most about food is its

presentation, because it is the one that determines whether the

food is interesting or not. The shape is also our consideration

seeing that the shape conveys the presentation itself.

Case study on a range of varieties of recipe as

well as the experiments on creating the products.


The target of this project is the teenagers ranging from the

age of 12 until 18 years old, with sthe specific sample

comes from SA.

We’ll do an immediate interview to those

targets for asking the products’ result.


We want to have a product that contains rich of nutrients

and thus can benefit human body after being consumed.

The plan is to have a product that doesn’t experience such

a huge reduction on the ammount of nutrients after

undergo a processing step.

We do an estimation of nutrient left in the

products after every the processing step. We

also conduct some studies on some literatures.


The tools that are going to be used should be easy to use

and affordable to buy. We expect that the tools are the

common utensils found in kitchen and are not something

so big and complicated to use. Furthermore, this is

regarding the safety specification.

We do experiment, study on literature and a

quick interview to our supervisor on how some

utensils can be involved in processing the rind.


The way on how the rind is processed must be easy and

simple to do. The thing that matters the most is that the

process should not take too long time. We want to find the

best design of product that takes fastest time upon all.

Experimenting each design and predicting the

time it will take, we try to mesure the time

taken to create each design and compared them



The products doesn’t have to last for a long time as we

perceive to have a product that has no addition of

preservatives to keep the food in a healthy state to be


After the design of the product is created, we

see how long the product will last.


INVESTIGATION The study case that was done provided us more information about the product that are going to be made. It gave us more specific information about the nutrients inside the watermelon rinds. This study case also provide us more information about the benefits of consuming the rinds.

By investigating the materials and equipment used in making a food product, we were able to compare them and choose the best materials that we will use to process the rinds into food. We also investigated the spices used to support the taste.

The case study on 3 different type of food gave us a better idea of what materials to be used, the spices, design, the function as well as the nutrients inside the product.

Researching about the impacts of consuming the watermelon rinds in both environment and health, helped us to think about the benefits and effects during the processing of the watermelon rinds into a food product.

Our specification points and the testing would be the guide for us to make our product in a best quality. We will do experiments to evaluate each design to help us choose the final design. The testing part will help us to ensure the product from the rind is edible and healthy.

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"Watermelon Rind - Watermelon Rind Nutrition And Pregnancy." Watermelon Rind - Watermelon Rind Nutrition And Pregnancy. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. <http://www.watermelonrind.com/watermelon-rind-nutrition-and-pregnancy.html>.

"Watermelon Rind - What Vitamins And Nutrients Are In Watermelon Rind?" Watermelon Rind - What Vitamins And Nutrients Are In Watermelon Rind? Watermelonrind.com, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2013. <http://www.watermelonrind.com/what-vitamins-and-nutrients-are-in-watermelon-rind.html>.

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Wolf, Nicole. "Benefits of Watermelon Rinds." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 28 Mar. 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2013. <http://www.livestrong.com/article/408893-benefits-of-watermelon-rinds/>.


DESIGN 1 Pros:

Light snack

Durable (can be eaten after long


Simple (only needs few ingredients)

Vary flavours


Expensive equipment needed

Contains less nutrient

Contains less fiber

Takes time to make it

DESIGN 2 Pros:

Simple (only needs few ingredients)


Vary flavours

Light snack

Can be eaten with other foods

High fiber in it


Needs more main ingredients (watermelon’s

rinds) but produce less abon

Contains less vitamin

Contains less mineral

Takes time to make it

DESIGN 3 Pros:

Easy to be made

Fast and quick to be made (no need

much time)

It is a healthy food

Contains high vitamin

Contains high mineral

High fiber in it

Can be eaten with other foods


Needs additional ingredients to

accompany the watermelon’s rinds

(e.g carrot)

Not everyone like the food

Not durable

SUMMARY OF DESIGNS Design 1 – The tools needed for making this food are expensive enough. We as a student can not afford to buy them. One of the tool needed is a vaccum frying, which is too expensive for us. Vaccum frying is used for frying the watermelon’s rinds. As we know, the watermelon’s rinds contain great amount of water, so we need a vaccum frying for frying them. Because it is unavailable in our workshop, so we need the sunlight to dry them then fry the watermelon’s rinds with an usual frying pan. It takes a lot of time to dry them and we do not know the condition of the weather, so it is lucky if the sun shines brightly. The nutrient produced is less than we expected, but this food is durable, so our client can keep it for a long period. We just need watermelon’s rinds for the main ingredient.

Design 2 – This food is simple enough for us to make, because we only need watermelon’s rinds as the main ingredient. But the product produced is not proportional with the ingredient needed (in

quantity). For instance, we use great amount of watermelon’s rinds, then we only get less abon. Besides simple, it is easy and quick to make it. We do not need a special tool, like vaccum frying. We only need a board for scrapping. The nutrient contained is still less, because in its process there is still frying process that can reduce the amount of nutrient.

Design 3 – Still, watermelon’s rinds are the main ingredient of this food. But, we need additional ingredient, for example carrot. So, carrot will be mixed with the watermelon’s rinds to make this food. All tools are available in the workshop and also it does not take a lot of time to make it. Our client is suggested to not keep this food for long period, because it is not durable. Frying process will be not included in making this food. So, the nutrient still can be kept well. Therefore, this food is suitable for teenager who need to maintain their healthy.



Specification Design 1 Design 2 Design 3

Ingredient J J J

Time J J

Safety J J J

Quantity J J

Presentation J J J

Target Audience J J J

Nutrient J

Tool J J

Process J J

Durability J J

FINAL CHOSEN DESIGN Specification Design 2 Comments

Ingredient J Watermelon's rinds are needed as the main ingredient here, which are already

available. The other ingredients are already available, for example cooking spices .

Time J We have plenty of time to make this food. Moreover, making this food will not take

much time. We will pay attention on making this product perfectly.

Safety J

Since making this food is not taking much time and easy too, we think everything will

run smoothly. We just need to pay attention while grating and frying the watermelon's

rinds. We have to do the steps carefully. That's all.

Quantity We expect to get great amount of abon from great amount of watermelon's rinds. But,

the product produced is not proportional to the watermelon's rinds used.

Presentation J The shape is like usual abon. We think our client will like it.

Target Audience J Our client is teenager. But, we think this food can be consumed for all people. But still

we will more focus on teenager first.

Nutrient Frying is included in our process. But, it will reduce the amount of nutrient contained a


Tool J We do not need a special tool for making this food. We only need grater, containers,

etc. Those tools are available in our kitchen. So it will be easy for us to make this food.

Process J The process is quite simple. We only need to dry the watermelon's rinds, grate them,

etc. There is no difficult process.

Durability J Since this food is same like usual abon, as we know that it is durable. So, our client can

keep the food for long period.

FINAL CHOSEN DESIGN Specification Design 3 Comments

Ingredient J We need watermelon's rinds as the main ingredient. Besides, we still need additional

ingredients, for example carrot. We will mix them together and make a pickle.

Time J We have plenty of time to make this food. However making this food is quick and

fast. So, we can make more pickles and test them to our client.

Safety J All tools are available in our workshop. We will do each step carefully.

Quantity J The amount of pickle produced is proportional to the amount of watermelon's rinds


Presentation J This food is like usual pickle. Yellow colour for the watermelon's rinds and orange

colour for the carrot. They are beam-shaped pickles.

Target Audience J Our client is teenager. We think this food is fit with the teenager. Also, other people

can consume it, because it is healthy food.

Nutrient J The nutrient will not be reduced much, because we do not include the frying

process. Thus, this food is good for our client's healthy.

Tool J We only need boiling pan, containers, etc. All tools are available, so we do not need

to buy more tools anymore.

Process J

The process is quite easy, we only need to grate the watermelon's rinds, mix them

with the bumbu, boil them and so on. We think we can complete the process in a


Durability Pickle is same like vegetable. As we know, vegetable is not durable enough, so is it.

Thus, our client can not keep it for long period.


In our first trial when we made design 2, which is abon, we realized that the amount of abon produced is not proportional to the amount of watermelon’s rinds used. So, we plan, in our next creating process, we will used much more watermelon’s rinds than before, so it will produce more abon. Then, we will test the abon to our client and ask their opinion.


Along the process that we did, we realized that, if we only use watermelon’s rinds as the main ingredient, our client will lost interest easily. So we think to add the other ingredient, for instance in our first trial we use carrot. So the carrots will be mixed up with the watermelon’s rinds. We will chop the watermelon’s rinds and the carrots into beam-shaped. Then, we add the cooking spices to make it more taste. After that,

we will do the next step. Thus, we think this pickle will be a healthy food and our client will like it.



Prepare are the materials & ingredients

Fry it until it becomes brown

Until it seems warm enough to fry, put the rinds in it

pour oil into the pan

Dry the rinds Keep the rinds in air apu to make the texture harder

Cut the rinds into small pieces

Wash the materials and ingredients

Filter the oil using

the collander

Plate the food


Prepare are the materials & ingredients

Until it gives fragrant, pour also the carrots first and then add the

watermelon rind as well

Pour the water to the foods. Leave it until

there is less water in it and gives yellow color

Heat the frying pan

Grind all the flavor

Cut the carrots and the rinds into small


Wash the materials

and ingredients

Pour the flavor into

the pan

Put margarine into the

frying pan

Plate the foods

Prepare all the materials & ingredients

Peel out the rinds Wash the rinds and the ingridients

Grind the rinds by coconut grater (sample 1) and cheese grater (sample 2)

Chop the ingredients

Squeeze the grind


Heat the frying pan

Put the margarine into frying pan

Stir the foods Until it becomes brown stop cooking

Put into the appropriate place













Scope of






Making proposal





Consulting with









Draft design





Question &

Answer list






proposal in






Discuss about

design and






Discuss with






Pros and

cons about

the product



Experiment for

making Keripik





Discuss about

the experiment





Disscuss about new






Planning the


Discuss about the

second experiment









Second experiment





Start making

Karya Tulis



for the






TOOLS Name of The Tool Picture What is it used for?

Non-stick Pan To fry the grinder watermelon for making


Pan To fry the keripik

Cobek To grind the ingridients

Knife To cut the ingridents

Spatula To stir the cooked-food. We use the

wood-spatula so the food will not stick

on spatula and the frying pan will not


Colander To drain the keripik

tools Cutting Board

To cut and chop the materials

Grater for Cheese

To grat the watermelon rind

Grater for Coconut

To grat the watermelon rind. The result of it might be different form the cheese-grater

Gas Stove

To cook abon and acar


To strain the grate of watermelon rind in making abon


To place the cutted watermelon rind and to put the grated watermelon rind


SMART stands for Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic, and Fits the Time. Our plan has specific enough to explain the step by step in making the products and it can be measured easily because this plan is not abstract. Based on our research there are so many people have tried in making food from watermelon rind so this project is achievable as well as realistic. We will do this project based on the grant chart that we have made and it will fit the time.

Does the plan seem to be in logical steps?

We made this plan as precise as possible to make it has a clear way how to do the plan. The tools are easy to get and the ingredients have clearly explained including the quantity. The steps are well described. We The plan can change as we do the experiment. Even it might not follow the plan but it will not go so far away from the plan. This plan is our guide and basic procedure to do the experiments.

Variation of the products

We have 3 designs of the products: Abon, Acar and Keripik. The steps to make it are different. We have arrived to the decision of the products and we think those 3 products are enough.

Concluding the evaluation of my step by step plan

We have to do this experiment in such discipline way thus we can have good result. We have the plan already as the guide to do the experiment. We are committed to do the experiment soon.



We did the experiment separately because we did this in our home. But, we got the same results. The steps are: we peeled out the watermelon and got it clean. Then cut the watermelon rinds into small pieces of cube. Then the rinds are kept in water of apu to strengthen the rinds. We kept it for 1 day. The next day we washed it for many times to make sure it cleans. We prepared the things to fry the rinds. After the oil was warm enough to fry, we put the rinds to the frying pan. Until it changed become brown. Well, the result of keripik is too bitter.


We started off making this project by preparing all the materials and tools. We bought the materials and ingredients in Pasar Caringin then we headed to our supervisor home. After we arrived, we washed all the tools and materials to make sure all the things that we have are safe and clean. Then we divided our group into different job desk. Dwiki, Kiemas, and Restu were grating the watermelon rind while Febri and Conny peeling out the green part of the watermelon. The flesh of watermelon was gifted to Miss Sari. Before the rinds were grated, we washed it first. We split the watermelon rind become 2 places. The first place is for making abon and the second place is for making acar.

Firstly we made abon. We had 2 samples. The first sample was grated by using Cheese grater and for the second time used coconut grater. After we had the grated watermelon rind, we squeezed it first by using strainer. Then, to make sure it had less water we dried it first. After 10 minutes of drying, we heat the frying pan using small fire and we put the margarine into the pan. The dried rinds were plunged to the pan with all the ingredients. We stirred the rinds until it gave fragrant and the color of the abon become yellowish-brown. These 2 samples gave different results. Put the abon to appropriate place.


To make acar we have to cut the watermelon rinds into small blocks and so do the carrots. Then we also need to grind the flavor in cobek. After we had prepared all the materials, we prepared all the cooking stuffs. We heated the frying pan gave 2 spoons of margarine. Then we put all the flavor to the frying pan. We cooked it until it gave fragrant. We put the carrots because the structures of the carrots are harder. Then we also put the watermelon rinds. We gave sugar, salt, and some water to boil it. The function of water here is to make the flavor is absorbed by the carrots and the rinds. Until the color of the food were yellow and there were less water in it. Then we tasted it.


EVALUATION ON EACH STAGE Investigation - The goal of this project was to make a product, mainly made of watermelon rind, that can be beneficial for man’s body and can reduce the ammount of wastes of rind. Investigation is the first stage of the design cycle so it was the starting, the important part, of the whole project. We did research on the problems happen around us to first get an idea of what kind of problem we can solve and based on that, we did a brainstorming about different way of how to solve that problem since we want to process the rind, researches about ingredients and utensils that could be used, case study on many kinds of types of indonesian food, etc. to basically have everything that is needed to have in mind before thinking about the design and how to make it. This first stage of the design cycle helped us to think more in detailed about the purpose of this project and what we need to keep in mind to satisfy all the requirements to have the best quality of product (specifications). Overall, we did put lots of effort in it and trying to do a better job on the project. Since we already had in mind to use watermelon rind as the central of the product, during the researches that we did on materials and ingredients to use helped us a lot throughout the whole project.

Design - The three different designs/product-plannings were based on the researches and also the specification points made in the investigation stage. We evaluated all the designs using the specification points, which helped us to choose the best and the most appropriate design in the end. Besides, pro(s) and con(s) are also provided. We also explained why each designs did not meet or does meet each specification point to clarify ourselves about why the final design was chosen. So we think we did such a good job for the design section as we evaluated all the designs based on the specification points and used this to chose the final design and explain why it was chosen.

EVALUATION ON EACH STAGE Plan - In the plan section, we planned out the time and the steps to follow when making the products (food). The step by step was very brief since it only explains the main steps when making the product but the timeline shows how we planned the time schedule by showing how much time to spend for each step so that we can make sure we use the time efficiently when we start making the product. We also planned about what utensils to use, why and when, and because of this, we did not have to waste time thinking about what tool to use when we were working on the experiment. Create - We had documented evidence for every experiment. We also evaluated the whole experiment and decided the best ingredients to process, the est utensils to use and the best way to do. Based on the documents, project entry and materials from the resources as well as he specification points, we can make the create stage as effective as possibleand think of how efficient the time we used. Although we also experience failure at the making of the first design, we have made very good products for teh second and the third design. Evaluation – This stage has been done in order to evaluate everything that we have done and the whole project generally. We’ve done a small interview with our friends at school and consider them as our tester. This is good because from this we an have many opinions that we can use to build our final produt better. Overall, we have done a great job and had fun with it.


Title Test Successful or not?

Why? Abon Pickles


We do some experiment on how the rind can be combined and do some case studies of the products (indonesia food) that are likely to be made of the rind. Also, we read recipe books and finding recipes in internet as our references.



For both two final chosen products, the watermelon's rinds are needed as the main ingredient here, which are already available. The other ingredients are already used just to add the taste and variation but the main ingredients are still the watermeon rind. Furthermore, the preservatives containing MSG are less likely to be used here and we consider thsi as a very good point.


We make the schedule as well as the timeline as our guide on doing this project. Also, we will make sure that all the stages will be done on time and not exceeding deadline as possible.


The timeline and the schedule we made worked well. We’ve done the whole activities on time following the due date and meeting are kept to be done so that my projects are controlled quite well.


Investigating on how the process of the rind happen, we try to be as assiduous as possible choosing the best and the most safe utensil during the process.


Since making this food is not taking much time and also easy, we think everything will run smoothly and safely. We just need to pay attention and be extra careful while grating and frying the watermelon rind. We have done the steps thoroughly.


We will do experimet on each product’s design to find the best design that can produce the highest quantity.


We expect to get great amount of abon from great amount of watermelon's rinds. But, the product produced is not actually proportional to the watermelon rind that is used. But luckily the pickles can be produced in a quite high ammount from the given ammount of watermelon rind.



We’ll do an immediate

interview to those targets for

asking the products’ result. J J Based on the interview we have done along this project

with our friends (teenager) as the target, we got positive

respond from them that these final products are

appropriate and have met the teenagers’ want.


We do an estimation of nutrient

left in the products after every

the processing step. We also

conduct some studies on some

literatures. J

It is a pity to realize that much water contained in the rind

is wasted during the processing time. This is what makes us

think that nutrients are wasted quite a lot. Good things

from the pickles: it is made in the normal way as if the rind

is teh cucumber and there is only a little water loss in the

processing of rind into pickles.


We do experiment, study on

literature and a quick interview

to our supervisor on how some

utensils can be involved in

processing the rind. J J

We do not need a special tool for making these foods. We

only need grater, containers, etc. Those tools are

commonly available in our kitchen. So it will be easy for us

to make this food.


Experimenting each design and

predicting the time it will take,

we try to mesure the time

taken to create each design and

compared them altogether. J J

The process is quite simple. We only need to dry the

watermelon's rinds, grate them, etc. There is no difficult

process at all for the making of the abon. For pickles, it’s

even easier to make that tenagers can also make this food

by self.


After the design of the product

is created, we see how long the

product will last. J Since this food is just the same as the common abon, this

products would be durable. The Abon can be kept for long

enough period of time. Such a pity, pickle is a sort of

processed vegetable. As we know, vegetable is not vey

durable, so is it.


The point that we consider to be successful is tHh create stage because we can eventully realize what we have investigted, designed and planned. The other good thing is that nearly the whole activity runs due to the deadline and thus everything is organised well. Abon and Pickles made of watermelon rind are very unique and new products in Indonesia. We are so proud of having this in our hand. All the process we’ve passed through to do the experiment is shown in the projects entry and timeline. From that we could also reflect ourselves one think about how to improve the product as we do teh research and experiment t make it.

LEAST SUCCESSFUL POINTS The least successful point is the design stage because we can only create three designs from the case study that we’ve built. This happens because we consider the structure and the texture of the rind that cannot be made into any other kind of food randomly for granted. This limitation also comes along the fact that we had a little misconception on how the design is produced. If only we researched more on how the rind is possible to be processed into a certain kind of food.


While producing the final design really we have no problem on that since the utensilsto use and the way to make are never too difficult to do. It’s quite simple and easy to do. The problem is on the first design. At first we thought we can make the crisp easily in the same way people make the banana crisp. This was totally wrong because rind contains water that is quite high to be processed into crisp. The only utensild that is needed is named Vacuum Frying. This is not a cheap and an easy-to-find utensils. This is expensive, takes big spaces and cannot easily be operated. We fail in making the rind crispy as how everyone expect from whatever kind of crisp.


Make sure that in the making of the abon, the rind must be grated and then dried in a varios way that the grated-rind can be fried until fairly ripe and turn brownish fairly.

Traditional spices are encouraged to be used because any preservatives like MSG doesn’t help much but might bring people illnss in teh future if it’s consumed in a high ammount.


Watermelon rind is the main sources of a certain amino acid by the name of citrulline. It is well known as a quite important nutrient that human-being need for meeting the need of their physical well-being. Protein is made of amino acid, and so consuming amino acid can also benefit the body by providing it protein that is usually used for energy-providing. Citrulline itself is a great antioxidant and isa co-product of nitric oxide generated from the oxidation of arginine catalyzed by nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide (NO) functions as a cellular messenger in the cardiovascular system and is a pivotal vasoprotection


The watermelon rind is one of the wastes we have after consuming a certain kind of food, in this term it is fruit. Those wastes will ventually became a useless rubbish. As we all know, rubbish can also be a source of many disease and is obviously dangerous for human’s body. Furthermore, this can actually disturb the view of our surroundings and make it even dirtier and messier if they are thrown away for granted. By processing watermelon rind to another product that has a value-added and thus a lot more interesting to be consumed, we can reduce the waste—minimize the ammount of rubbish produced, minimize the possibility of the developmet of a certain disease—and maximize the use of the watermelon itself.



We are a group of students coming from XI Science TY class in Sampoerna Academy Bogor Campus. With an aid from Ms. Sari as our supervisor, we have been working together from September 2012 until this report is produced and the exhibition is finished. Let us introduce ourselves: Restu, Dwiki, Febri, Conny and Kiemas!