Water Street - Memorial University of...

Post on 14-Mar-2020

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Transcript of Water Street - Memorial University of...

~oLUME xxxvn.

-o- . W· II. Kpnov begt to acquaint

lhos~ pereono 'w'bo wleh to be lp· slrueled in ~CANe IN(;,

that be lplenda openinf a ol~ for

~a' ppr\ie the flOJn pg wint~r. n·t~pd 1 n ·partie{ pan'-i will ·pi_, t fli rq po" Qf "'eir lP~PUOfl

.. ~..1.,,.. the 8DtJWDI week, a\ hit .. .. v .

Water Street

t"o faUowtns


't~ .......... --·- -- .

Prescriptions earefuUy oompounded. . ' Outport order a _fiv~n- prompt attention.

E. F. TAYLOR, O<irJw Victoria wtd Water 8trul8. . •

MLJNN & coMPANY Boston -Kerosene Oil- 116 and 160 test·

FLOUR- all Grades. · · Best Barbados Molasses .

Pitch, Oakum, Nails, ·~nthraclte Ceal. BREAD,_ POR BEEF.

Tea.,. .Sugar, Rice, Butter, .&c.

Amunition. MUNN & Co., Harbor Grace

POST OFnCE NOTICE. FOR SALE AT - Fancy and Toy Bazaar,­

V laiOBU S'l'B.EET. Ou and after MONDAY NEXT, 6th OCT., mallt wlll be cloaed • ' the Harbor Grace P~ Oaloe, dally, at 8.46 o'clock a.m. .


.Baaketa from 6 centa. Flower Pot OoTertt, 'Bate, Wit&eta, and Ba11e.


apendl111 JOUr _, for worth·

S... ~ and buy "bottle of



--..1\'W'~"' TH~

t~ DRYitaa AHO


wt.in the Great OaoBngrntion the sum

$5~000 IPlcl ~lle

QUEEN INSVRA.NCE c:u. po.id out to 398 or its pl\lrons, who11e policies were invoh·ca in the fi.r,r, exnctly n llimilnt amount,~··






~ •• A

. ..



t'be COlt complete and II.ICM dnk:a..,. added to any -lac mxlllae.

:rbo WlllT.E 1a

DuzUiy lid " ....... ~ hlltt. or nw F1alall uct ,...,t Adjaat.at_

Stw1 AU 8 .... 11 Artfel .. , w tJIU -and pleue 7011 up to tbe r.: I lm1t of )'OIU cxpect:11loa.J.

A CTtY& D&AUtU W A.In'&D hl llDOCC'.r­,lcd len'i101y. Ubetal tmns. Addtaa,


JOHN OASEV, lltlriJor Ymtt~· Agent ftrr N/ld.. (north).


li. ltna'aladlaa R11t Plllt

t\ T'EY ''' fh1 R1mlfl1 tha{ lhf bounf.u1 hani of natun hi.' •

prOt/did for all diu.,., u/1/f.~ (l'tlf'fl fiiPURE BLOOD. ~'

••••• Morse's ~~- -.:-.I:.~ ..... -:..:.L t.n~ 'Us. ~ .... IllY . .........

U.l. ..... - • Pt ,., uu ., ILL .uuu

Clu~t~ljQ r%~1m~:11:~~ell~tbat lbe ...Uoa e1 be tle-(.-red for Ule preeent,

Oo&. 28-Wbea& lo lhe market bas lie. olined I &o 6 cent..

JleaY7_1110Wa&onn1 in ScoLland. The llilalonar7 §&eamer Dayapring

bat beeo wnrbil In New Caledonu, aoil foqrJlrtt ••. . ~ leDda VenqQ• 'en IJ!il:

Jloo dollaiil. ------Tb. lMm Ia l.aa' fllae abou~ ~lr. P. J. Flllprald baYIDI taken tbe abop la&elt oeoapled b.1 Mr. R. A. Morri.uey, ... looornol, u we 11Ddentand aucb i• DO& Ule cue. •

-'Look bere. Jolbo, "bf need you ro &o euch koubJe · aoc1 eapeoao ~ ba'• wben 1011 eaD ba~dob nice pu try and blacula. 10 ~ aL ~ulrte'. •

Daodral' loima wntn die glan<la of U.. Ulo are wMteaecf, and if n~lrct· ed, .baldD.. Ia IUN &o follow. Hall'• llaU .a...-... it Lbe bee~ proventl\"t.

-Tbe onw and l'ni,bten of tbt- I l IOhoocier YouDIThQIIIM, ~!rlok Wa h ...... canae b11.hti br traiil 'od TIIUu da 1M&. bari!IC been landed aL Twill in·

bJ Ule Lld)'_Oionr. Tbe Young u wu ·a& JPla~ttaiJ' Tiokle ne>LC

~·· 8be wu 67 ~n1, t.nd ., .. , laeired.

-Tbe 8Jt. V~al\l arrhed from 't. John .. on WecbHidar lu L, where ehe ba4 ,l)eecJ qacJe~lnt repairt. ~be broapl tihb6r a ltit' of Pllqcboont an~ eUler lrelab~ for her ownen . ihc is bu,ud a& 15blp'a B eall.

- 'Vttt cboioe pean, bant.oaa, p tt-n .ad blaittNP~~-.Dd applee a ll:iqulrt·•'·

- n.Jdena. oa &.be Beach Hill w.u1t · &o lrDpw whr &he R.Jad Board p:u ' I lliaL Ul~bftN and left the eto111 s and dfbrli' L~ete ondte~u~bed. 'Othc, plaoee were aeea &o, tbaL .did oot ntt-J mendinaeob&dlJ u the lOCAlity namrJ, boLf~eoment&IOn oroc.berlt wasP' · eel OYer ~ left In ILa unaatlarActmy aLa&e. ,

- The d,.fJf aitr pa~rt are havin~: " warm dka1191Jon•over the all~o.l rob bel)' aL the OualOm Hou~o. E.ich lin· I IY~f1 of lbem are nOtf aueltiog tO Ull· ra'ft l the Lroublt-, • coordinJI to tht ir OWD 1o4iridua! w ' Y or tbinltlng, with· out lobe ald of t he tribuD!ll apee1all)'

r.ro.,Jded lor the tlndiog ouL and puni,h· ~ of Lhe doeq Of aqoh lJOiat~•(nl act~.

niet nidenUt forpL tbn iL Ia n N Lheln &o ••1 who le innocent or n-h•> •~ ,UiiLJ, aod Lbat t..bey aboultl c:QDitiJII t'r;' l · r, be allen\ until t ho Cour~ hlll'll c!• .. Dualon&Ldy at1J.udgt4 tho case. f.\1 · a~~W.,Irof,~J1 Uf&Ome kin<J,Iight·)li, OI' ' tMl c»be,.t,e, h•• ~ec11 COfl\'11'~''.''1, .... 'Ia lor &.be M.ljpe anti .. uthprn•• ~

• ~c ~ .. 11~ II\ the r111ht

&o u.eo home . ....... ~· . Jlld: Tho diLill'- "ax warm " ''" n v.J;.. a chance LO "leL olf" pohu~~~~ DDOOUr a.nd jealouaJ. Do calm. yo rll)

ben ot the fourth ttL& I<' I antl tlo> ::"tunber aU.mpL to talto upon )J': IIDIIIbd &be duuea appertaining to " wvawok.