Wars, Hope, Despair and Peace in History Call for Papers

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Tunisian World Center for Studies, Research, and


Tunisian-Mediterranean Association for

Historical, Social and Economic Studies

12th International Symposium on the theme:

Wars, Hope, Despair and Peace in History Béja (Tunisia): 25, 26, 27 November 2019

Call for Papers

The Tunisian-Mediterranean Association for Historical, Social and Economic Studies

(TMA for HSES) & The Tunisian World Center for Studies, Research and Development

(TWC for SRD) will organize the 12th International Symposium around the theme: Wars,

Hope, Despair and Peace in History, on 25, 26 and 27 November 2019.

The causes of violence and wars is a traditional theme of controversy. According to

Ibn Khaldoun, "...wars and types of confrontation have always existed among living beings

since God created them. Their origin is the will of certain beings to take revenge on each

other, and each is supported by his relatives (Ahl al-Asabiyya). If they help each other and if

the two communities agree, one demands revenge and the other defends itself, and war is

triggered. This is normal in humans; no nation or generation is spared...".1 Some old

philosophers, like Maurras or von Moltke, see war as a divine law. Others, like Plato, think

that it results from human passions or that it constitutes a biological necessity (Nietzsche,

Malthus). Still others attribute it to nationalism fueled by despotism. For Marxists, conflict

comes from the clash of economic forces. Scholars, philosophers, and moralists debate

whether aggression is a constant factor in human nature, an innate or acquired character.

According to Thomas Hobbes, in his famous work Leviathan (1651), man in the state of

nature is violent, thirsty for power, and belligerent: thus, "Man is a wolf toward man".

Arguing the contrary, Jean-Jacques Rousseau thinks that man is "naturally peaceful and

fearful", and remains good as long as he does not live in society (From The Social Contract,


Researchers disagree on the nature and origins of wars in prehistoric times. Some

think that conflicts were born out of the desire to to control game resources or with

sedentarization that would have attracted hunter-gatherers' desire for agricultural resources;

for other specialists, these clashes would have been facilitated by the perfecting of metallurgy

to forge effective weapons or stimulated by the appearance of leaders wanting to consolidate

their power through battles. The exhumation of skeletons pierced with arrows, dating from

13,000-14,000 BC, marks perhaps the first proven record of conflict. There are more definite

traces of conflict around 10.000 BC.2

In any case, war can be defined as the confrontation of two antagonistic forces, state or

non-state, aiming at achieving their goals of various kinds, or to defend themselves against the

ambitions of others. The theorist Carl von Clausewitz thus says that "war is an act of violence

whose objective is to compel the adversary to execute our will".3 The often political

dimension of conflict is emphasized by Clausewitz: "War is the extension of politics by other

means".4 It follows that war is frequently anchored in the imperialist will of a belligerent. It

can also have as its purpose to weld a community together against a common enemy; this

objective is particularly emphasized by authoritarian regimes that use this argument justify

1. Ibn Khaldoun A., Kitab al-Mukaddima, Dar al-Kutub al-ilmiyya, Liban, 1992, p. 285. 2. WAR Douglas, Peace and human nature, Oxford University Press, 2013. 3. VON CLAUSEWITZ Carl, De la guerre, 1832-1835. 4. Ibid.


strict control of citizens and covering themselves with glory to make people forget this

imposed control. For fascism, war is a rule of life and a window into human nature. In a

speech dated August 24, 1924, Mussolini states:

"To live dangerously: I want this to be the overall slogan of Italian fascism. To live dangerously means to be ready for anything, for any sacrifice, for any possible danger, for any action whatsoever when it comes to defending the fatherland (...). The creed of fascism is heroism.


Armed conflicts can be classified into various categories, with the understanding that

many of them overlap.

Depending on the geographic extent, there are world wars involving many participants

from all over the world as well as smaller regional wars.

With regard to objectives, imperialist wars constitute a large category.5 These are

based on the hope of conquering independent territories, sometimes not attached to strong

central governments, or regions belonging to rival powers. For the Marxists, imperialist wars

correspond to a stage of development of capitalism which would seek above all economic

expansion based on the exploitation of conquered territories. Lenin observes that "in a

capitalist regime, and particularly at its imperialist stage, wars are inevitable".6 Hannah

Arendt points out that this type of expansion leads to totalitarianism. On the other hand,

Joseph Schumpeter contests the economist analysis of Marxists and thinks that imperialist

wars mainly reflect the warlike and militaristic will of those who trigger them.

Within the category of imperialist clashes, colonial wars have a special place: they can

be understood as the takeover of territories by a metropolis that expects to occupy strategic

support points, exploit natural resources or make use of an available workforce, even impose

a culture. These colonial objectives are sometimes hidden by the conqueror who claims to be

engaging in a civilizing mission. The dominant power imposes various statuses on the subject

regions--occupation, annexation, protectorate ...; it can encourage the emigration of its

nationals to the colony or be content to send military forces and some civilian cadres.7

Among the objectives are individualized revolutionary wars or wars of liberation wars

that seek to abolish colonial domination or foreign occupation. According to the Marxists,

independence can only be achieved by a revolutionary armed struggle supported by avant-

garde political-ideological choices. In this type of conflict, belligerents pay particular

attention to controlling civilian populations. Lenin strongly emphasizes the positive nature of

these wars:

"The Social-Democrats can not deny the positive value of revolutionary wars, that is to say, non-imperialist wars ... or possible wars aimed at safeguarding the conquests of a victorious proletariat in its struggle against the bourgeoisie.".


Within the goal-based analysis grid, there are religious wars, sometimes called holy

wars. These are conflicts that oppose followers of different religions. Belligerents think they

act in the name of higher or divine principles, often feel invested with a sacred mission, and

want to impose a faith, convert or eliminate their religious opponents.9

5. ZORGBIBE Charles, L’Impérialisme, PUF, Paris, 1996. 6. LENINE, Conférence des sections à l’étranger du POSDR, 9 mars 1915, Œuvres complètes, tome 21, Ed. du Progrès, 1976. 7. FERRO Marc, Le Livre noir du colonialisme, XVI°-XX° siècles, Laffont, Paris, 2003. 8. LENINE, Conférence des sections, op. cit. 9. FLORI Jean, Guerre sainte, jihad, croisade. Violence et religion dans le christianisme et l’islam, le Seuil, Paris, 2002.


Within the analysis grid Genocide aims at the total or partial elimination of a national,

ethnic or religious community. This confrontation often takes the form of a programmed,

more or less systematic, collective murder committed against people considered to be inferior

or undesirable.

Conflicts can also be classified according to the nature of the belligerents. Civil wars

taking place within a state go beyond riot, revolt or occasional insurrection, as shown in the

fifteenth century the Quarrel between the Armagnacs and Burgundians in France and the War

of the Roses in England. The origins of these clashes can be dynastic, ideological-political,

ethnic, community, or religious. These may be tribal wars. Their non-international character

does not prevent the intervention of foreign states, as was the case in Spain (1936-1939), in

Greece (1946-1949), and in various African countries and in the Middle East.

The means used by the adversaries make it possible to individualize other conflicts.

Economic war is embodied in various ways. Initially, these are clashes between competing

economies on a global scale. The exacerbation of ambitions leads on some occasions to

military action. In wartime one of the belligerents may seek to stifle his enemy by blockade.

Psychological warfare or war of the nerves consists in fighting the enemy on the

grounds of ideas, propaganda, persuasion. It is necessary to convince the opposing camp that

it is in a process of defeat, to scare it, to demoralize it, even to terrorize it. This type of

struggle sometimes involves the war of the air waves which mobilizes radio and television to

galvanize one camp and to lessen the capacity of resistance of the other.10

Cold War is strictly speaking the confrontation between the Western camp and the

Soviet bloc from 1947 to 1989-1991. The term is sometimes used to describe a conflict that

recalls the struggle of these two blocks separated by the Iron Curtain. This war, based on

ideological and political differences, led to the conventional and nuclear arms race.

Opponents avoid coming to a direct confrontation because it would have ncalculable

consequences, but they confront each other indirectly during international crises (Berlin,

Cuba, Suez ...) and localized wars (Korea, Indochina, Vietnam, Afghanistan ...).11

Electronic warfare refers to the means by which one party seeks to protect its

telecommunications network and to hinder the enemy's transmissions: eavesdropping,

jamming and anti-jamming, sending false instructions on enemy wavelengths, propaganda

broadcasts, etc.

ABC war (Atomic, Biological, Chemical) defines a form of confrontation based on the

use of weapons of mass destruction.

Total war, theorized by Clausewitz (Absoluter Krieg), adopted by the Pan-Germans of

the nineteenth century and by the Nazis in the twentieth century, consists in mobilizing all the

resources of belligerents, men and equipment, to control society, to impose a centralized and

authoritarian control, censorship, and stuffing people’s heads with propaganda, leading to the

annihilation of the enemy.

Asymmetrical wars oppose a state or a group of states with small but generally very

strong enemies. The latter then develop strong propaganda to compensate for their weakness

and to win the support of public opinion. They resort to terrorism, such as the ancient

opponents of the Roman occupation, the sect of the assassins at the end of the eleventh

10. CHALIAND Gérard, La Persuasion de masse. Guerre psychologique/guerre médiatique, Laffont, Paris, 1992. 11. ARON Raymond, Paix impossible, guerre improbable. Une histoire du XX° siècle, Plon, Paris, 1996. FONTAINE André, La Guerre froide, 1917-1991, le Seuil, Paris, 2004. SOUTOU Georges-Henri, La Guerre froide, 1943-1990, Fayard, Paris, 2010.


century, the anarchists after 1880, the nationalists fighting against the colonial powers,

contemporary groups wanting to defend their identity or impose their religious views.

Minorities can organize themselves and move to the guerrilla stage led by partisans and

snipers who act by targeted blows, ambushes, attacks on state forces. The Vendeans in France

under the Revolution, the Castroites in Cuba, the anticolonialist armed groups offer good

examples of guerrilla warfare. The actions of clandestine organizations are often referred to as

subversive warfare.12

New forms of war appear. Under international mandate (UN, African Union, Arab

League ...) countries or groups of countries intervene in third countries to restore order,

separate rival factions, or to chase terrorists as France does in sub-Saharan Africa, in assisting

regular troops, special forces, targeted strikes by airplanes or armed drones, or supplying

military equipment.

The conduct of the war conditions the results of the clashes. Some hope to achieve a

state of force discouraging potential attackers. The Latins said: "If vis pacem, para bellum" (If

you want peace, prepare the war). It is in this spirit that France calls its nuclear weapon a

"deterrent". Another method is Divisare ut imperare (Divide and conquer). This is a method

also recommended by the Jean de La Fontaine in his fables:

"Always keep the bad guys divided The safety of the rest of the earth

Depends on. Sow war between them Or you will have no peace with them".


The strategy is to coordinate the general action of the armies to achieve the defensive

or offensive goals defined by political power. Napoleon I, Clausewitz and the German

generals, and also Foch set general principles, but these are challenged by the appearance of

weapons of mass destruction and new forms of war.14

The tactic is the implementation of the

previously set strategic goals; it consists largely of the art of directing armies on a specific


The conduct of the war depends partly on the armaments placed at the disposal of the

combatants: light weapons, different kinds of firearms, light or heavy artillery, naval and air

fleets, atomic bombs ... In his appeal of June 18, 1940, General de Gaulle emphasized the

importance of equipment: "Today we are being attacked by a mechanized force, and we will

be able to overcome it in the future by a superior mechanized force. The fate of the world

depends on it ". Fortifications once held an important role in the conduct of fighting. New

technologies and modern equipment have made old fortifications obsolete.

The life of combatants is attracting more and more attention from researchers. The

time spent in the barracks, camps, trenches has an influence on the preparation of men for

combat, their efficiency, their morale, their hopes. The relations between officers and simple

soldiers is important. It is necessary to study the character of military training, whether the

soldier fully consents or is merely resigned, and mutinies such as those that took place in the

French army in 1917, the quality of the food distributed at the front, the system of the

furloughs and leaves, leisure, the relations with the civilians or among the various contingents

fighting under the same flag. The rate of human loss and its demographic impact can weigh

heavily on the destiny of nations.

12. BAUD Jacques, Les Guerres asymétriques ou la défaite du vainqueur, Ed. du Rocher, Monte-Carlo, 2003. DELGA Jacques, Penser er repenser le terrorisme, MA-ESKA, 2016. 13. LA FONTAINE, Fables, livre VII, n° 8, Les Vautours et les pigeons, 1678. 14. BEAUFRE général André, Introduction à la stratégie, Fayard, Paris, 2012.


The rules for the conduct of war are very old, originally customary rather than written,

designed to define the modalities of war that were considered just—regarding the atatus of

wounded soldiers, prisoners, hostages, civilians in occupation zones, etc. The first written

code regarding war may have been the Code of Hammurabi, who has King of Babylon around

2000 BC. The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and the philosopher Grotius in the

sixteenth century are examples of the doctrine of the "just war". Jurists became active in this

domain in the nineteenth century. International humanitarian laws were established by the

Conventions of Geneva (1864, 1949, 1977, 2005) and the Hague (1899 and 1907). The Red

Cross, called Red Crescent in Muslim countries, was founded in 1863 by the Swiss Henri

Dunant, who was struck by how the wounded were abandoned after the battle of Solferino

(1859); this humanitarian organization today provides care to victims without distinction of



For centuries there was a clear distinction between a combat zone and a rear area more

or less distant from the conflict. Of course, the movement of battle lines could constantly

transform a sector from the rear into a war zone. Today, with very rapid means of transport,

advancements in armaments, the growth of terrorism and guerrillas, there are few places in

the world that are spared.

Nevertheless, civilians have their own experiences of war. In the political arena,

governments try to control people in the rear so that they remain confident and united behind

their leaders. Censorship, brainwashing through insistent propaganda, supervision of youth,

police surveillance, spying and sabotage are the usual means used by officials. They

sometimes use the lever of identity, based on patriotism and nationalism, to strengthen

national cohesion. In this game of influencing minds, the press and other media have a major

role. The formation of a “Sacred Union,” an expression coined by Raymond Poincaré,

President of the French Republic in 1914, is the ideal goal. However, in a democracy like

France at the beginning of the Great War, the Sacred Union did not mean a fusion of parties,

but only a temporary truce in partisan struggles.

In wartime, civilians are usually faced with more or less serious difficulties. Barriers

to travel disrupt family unity and subsistence of the family. The requisitioning of means of

transport, harvests, herds and their redirection to provide for armies reduces the supplies of all

kinds, often leading to rationing, especially in regions that produce little. It becomes difficult

to get enough to eat and to keep warm. Prices increase. The worsening of poverty makes

living conditions precarious, despite the provision of various kinds of aid and the action of

humanitarian organizations. Workers demand increases in their incomes and, in democracies,

they can go on strike if they do not obtain satisfaction. Crimes related to poverty increase--

burglaries, especially in the unoccupied housing of those who have left for the front or in the

second homes of absent tourists, scams under the guise of charitable works, prostitution.

Juvenile delinquency increases due to the loosening of family ties, the absence of the father

who has gone to battle, the worries that assault the mother who has to work harder than in the

past, and the decline in public education.16

Despite the remoteness of the front, the inhabitants of the rear feel the realities of the

war. The contact is indirect--the sight of the wounded being cared for far away from the

15. ARON Raymond, Paix et guerre entre les nations, Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1984. AUDOIN-ROUZEAU Stéphane, Combattre. Une anthropologie de la guerre moderne, le Seuil, Paris, 2008. CABANES Bruno, Une histoire de la guerre du XIX° siècle à nos jours, le Seuil, 2018. 16. SCHOR Ralph, Un département de l’arrière. Les Alpes-Maritimes durant la Grande Guerre, 1914-1918, Serre, Nice, 2018.


combat zones, refugees and displaced persons coming from the front or the regions occupied

by the enemy, prisoners put at the disposal of employers. The contact obviously becomes

direct when clashes come to a sector hitherto spared. Ground war and bombing lead to death

and material destruction. If the enemy remains on the spot, he can occupy or annex the

territory, commit violence, take hostages, commit rapes, massacres ... These acts of violence

can provoke in the inhabitants a patriotic reaction of resistance.

The state of mind and the maintenance of trust--in other words, hope--are important

issues. But civilians are beset by many fears: the future course of the war and the future of the

fatherland, the fate of family members risking their lives at the front or being held in prison

camps, famine and sometimes starvation. Hatred of the enemy and indignation against

traitors and profiteers swell, criticisms against political and military leaders unable to bring a

quick victory coalesce. During the First World War, in France, trust fell in 1917 and rose up

again at the end of the year when an energetic leader, Georges Clemenceau, took the direction

of the government and even defined major strategic orientations; he declared on November

20, 1917, the following: "War is a thing too serious to be entrusted to the military". General

de Gaulle, in a less sarcastic tone, expounded the same idea in his book Discord in the Enemy


Religion maintains hope, serves as a remedy and a consolation. Indeed, religious

practice generally increases because the individuals invoke God to obtain victory and the

return of the relative gone to the front. If the latter is killed or injured, prayer can bring some



War, even when it is brief, requires the mobilization of important material resources.

Funding is a primary necessity. Therefore, gold reserves and inventories are generally used,

asset holdings increased, taxes increased if the situation permits, borrowing on domestic and

foreign markets, and disbursing loans. After the conflict, some countries find themselves

drained, heavily indebted, confronted with inflation, while others, neutral or far from the

battlefield, bankers of the belligerents, are enriched.

Agricultural and industrial production is often reduced because of requisitions and

mobilizations that send workers to the front. Deficits in energy, food and manufactured goods

must be met by expensive imports. The lack of arms leads to the use of a replacement

workforce: women, children, old people, immigrants, prisoners of war. Some soldiers, who

are given special assignments, are sometimes returned to the rear when they have a

professional specialty that is rare or useful for national defense. These specialists are

particularly used in converted factories for the supply of weapons and ammunition.

Trade undergoes various disturbances: difficulty of supply, shortages causing price

increases, rationing, bad mood of the consumers. Some traders take advantage of the situation

and are guilty of misdemeanors: speculation and excessive price increases, black market,

fraud regarding product quality. In Menton, in September 1917, two creameries were

sentenced for selling milk containing 76% water. The public authorities increase controls,

creating technical commissions and regulatory bodies. But they cannot prevent all crimes,

small and large scams, charity requests that are made for private gain ... Trafficking of any

kind promotes the enrichment of unscrupulous individuals and shady intermediaries. Armed

forces suppliers often make considerable profits.

The owners at all levels, savers are affected by various measures adopted by the

governments: reduction of the rate of interest on loans, moratoriums on rents, control of the

currency exchange, suspension of the convertibility of gold ... Thus the incomes stagnate or


collapse at a time when prices are rising. Tourism, an activity considered futile in time of war,

and luxury products suffer considerable losses: customers, fearful or distant from the

countries at war, become rare; leisure deemed offensive, gambling, ostentatious holidays, and

some sports competitions, are prohibited. Show organizers must justify themselves by

organizing charity galas. Hotels built with heavy investments remain empty. Countries and

regions whose economies are largely based on tourism fear for the future.

Special difficulties arise in the occupied or annexed regions. The winner, not caring to

spare the inhabitants, imposes requisitions of all kinds, special taxes and property transfers.

The occupiers, controlling the borders, reduce or prohibit the movement of people and goods

toward the enemy, which prevents the reunion of families, cuts the traditional commercial

circuits, and makes everyday life very complicated. The occupying power sometimes forces

the inhabitants into its own military units. If resistance is formed, the repression is extremely



The outcomes of war, from the demographic, economic, social, political and

diplomatic points of view, are very active subject of study today.17

The cost of war in human and material terms often appears dramatic. Soldiers who

died in combat or, later, as a result of their wounds, belong to the younger age groups, which

deprives the country of men who are able to produce and procreate. The problem of

decimated generations can have a lasting effect on the future of nations. Some survivors who

have been seriously injured cannot re-enter the economy. The demographic liability also

includes the birth deficit due to the absence of men at the front. The balance sheet must assess

the losses by socio-professional category, by region of origin, countryside and city, metropolis

and colonies, main belligerents and distant allies. It should be noted that in modern wars the

number of civilian casualties is much greater than in the past due to the geographic spread of

fighting and the development of weapons of mass destruction.

Economic and financial consequences undermine the fate of the countries that fought:

indebtedness, inflation, loss of gold supply, destruction due to fighting, bombing, spoliation,

decline in agricultural and industrial production, damage to basic infrastructure and arable

land, factories, buildings, roads, bridges, ports, canals ... In the aftermath of the Great War,

France lost 3 million hectares of arable land, 300,000 buildings, 62,000 kilometers of roads.

Some communes on the front have never been rebuilt. On the other hand, the third countries

which sold their production to the belligerents and advanced credit to them gain significant

profits: the Great War allowed a large economic takeoff in the United States and Japan

Former belligerents or the winners of the war come together to negotiate the terms of

peace and try to accomplish the hopes they have built up during the fight. The nature of peace

varies according to the balance of power and competing ambitions, the respective power of

the countries concerned, the free or occupied territories at the time of the negotiations. The

17. Pour illustrer cette richesse et en se limitant à la Grande Guerre, on peut citer quelques études récentes de qualité. AUDOIN-ROUZEAU S. et PROCHASSON C. (dir), Sortir de la Grande Guerre : le monde et l’après 1918, Tallandier, Paris, 2008. CABANES B. et PICKETTY G. (dir), Retour à l’intime au sortir de la guerre, Tallandier, Paris, 2009. CLAISSE S. et LEMOINE T. (dir), Comment sortir de la Grande Guerre. Regards sur quelques pays vainqueurs, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2005. FARON O., Les Enfants du deuil. Orphelins et pupilles de la nation, La Découverte, Paris, 2001. FOUCHARD D., Le Poids de la guerre. Les poilus et leurs familles après 1918, Presse universitaires de Rennes, 2013. JULIEN E., Paris, Berlin : la mémoire de la guerre, 1914-1933, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2010. MOSSE G., Fallen soldiers, Oxford University Press, 1990. PETIT S., Les Veuves de la Grande Guerre, Ed. du Cygne, 2007. TISON S., Comment sortir de la guerre ? Deuil, mémoire et traumatisme (1870-1940), Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011.


various treaties and agreements reflect this complex situation. Also territorial changes, the

number of displaced persons, the amount of possible reparations, and the court judgments of

war criminals take different forms. Territorial divisions resulting from wars can lead to the

creation of multinational states containing minorities hostile to the central power. Thus, peace

sometimes generates motives for later wars. Poland, wiped off the map in the eighteenth

century, once again becomes a state in 1919.

At the psychological level, war leaves many wounds, even reasons for deep despair.

The wounded survivors, veterans, widows and orphans bear the physical and moral traces of

their sufferings. Historian George L. Mosse presented the widely discussed concept of

"brutalization": during the war, the trivialization of violence, the exacerbation of nationalism,

the valorization of virility and camaraderie among soldiers, the construction of heroic

memorial myth is at the origin of mass movements such as fascism.18

Although this theory

may apply to the German far right after 1919, it does not seem to capture all situations in time

and space. While the former soldiers of Napoleon's Grande Armée helped to build the legend

of the emperor in the nineteenth century, it was rather a nostalgia for greatness, not an

organized, massive and aggressive movement.19

In fact, peace, militant pacifism, the hope of

building a society insensitive to bellicose training, have long been celebrated. Thus, in 1511,

the humanist Erasmus, in his Eloge de la Folie, considers that it is "crazy" to engage in a war

"from which it there results, for both parties, more harm than good ". Fenelon, in his

Dialogues des morts (1712), observes: "War is an evil that dishonors the human race". Victor

Hugo dedicates some verses of his Songs of Streets and Woods (1865) to an opposition

between conflicts and the wonders of creation:

"For six thousand years, war Has brought pleasure to quarrelsome people, And God is wasting his time creating Stars and flowers.”

Albert Einstein, in How I See the World (1949), hopes that people will reach "a new

level from which war will appear to us as an incomprehensible mistake of our ancestors". At

all times, many former soldiers, traumatized by war, hope that their sacrifices will establish a

lasting peace.

In the intellectual field, war often brings about great changes. It offers an immense

subject of reflection to philosophers and moralists. It promotes contacts and exchange of ideas

between fighters of different cultures. In ancient times, Rome conquered Greece, after which

it was penetrated by Hellenism--the language, art and values of the country it had defeated,

which the poet Horace summed up in these terms: "Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit

"(Defeated Greece defeated its fierce conqueror). The armies of the French Revolution spread

republican ideas and the principle of human rights throughout Europe. It was Black American

fighters who introduced jazz to Europe during the First World War. The tragedies of the Great

War caused a profound shaking of world views, a weariness that some tried to escape by

launching into a life of pleasure and enjoyment, a loss of confidence in rationalism and

progress that had not stopped the horrors and the hecatomb, a feeling of the absurd leading to

surrealism, communist revolt, with priority given to the search for material happiness.

In certain well-defined areas, war can bring positive change. Thus, medicine makes

progress on the battlefields, particularly in surgery, orthopedics, microbiology. In the 16th

century, Ambroise Paré, a military surgeon, improved the disinfection of wounds and

developed ligation of the arteries during amputations. Larrey during the Napoleonic

18. MOSSE George, La Brutalisation des sociétés européennes, Hachette, Paris, 2000. 19. TULARD Jean, Le Mythe de Napoléon, Colin, Paris, 1971.


campaigns, Letterman during the American Civil War, and Marie Curie who invented the

radiological ambulances during the Great War are at the root of other advances. War also

stimulates progress in military industrial techniques whose inventions can be reused for

production in time of peace, the improvement of organization of work, standardization,

Taylorism. During fighting, on the battlefields and in the trenches, men from different social

and cultural backgrounds get to know each other. Back behind the front, women, exercising

new responsibilities, emancipate themselves.

War stimulates artistic creation. In literature, many major works have been inspired by

fighting; Homer narrates the Trojan War in the Iliad, Julius Caesar recounts his battles in The

War of the Gauls, the anonymous author of the Song of Roland, in the eleventh century,

evokes the fighting three centuries earlier, between the troops of Charlemagne and the

Vascons. The great novel War and Peace (1864-1869) of Tolstoy takes place during the

Russian campaign of 1812.20

Painting is not to be outdone: Rubens painted The Horrors of the

war (1637), Goya painted the events of May 3, 1808 in Madrid (1814), Delacroix The

massacres of Scio (1824), Otto Dix (1929-1932), Picasso’s Guernica (1937) In sculpture,

effigies of warrior heroes dot the avenues and squares; war memorials of 1914-1918 and

1939-1945 are present on the territory of all the belligerents and particularly in each of the 36

000 communes of France21

. Marches and hymns embody the military dimension of music.

Beethoven composed his third (so-called) Heroic Symphony (1805) in honor of Napoleon

Bonaparte, who seemed to him to be spreading the ideas of the Revolution in Europe; furious

to learn that this great man proclaimed himself emperor, he suppresses his dedication and

replaces it with the funeral formula: "In memory of a great man". It is also in tribute to

Napoleon that Berlioz wrote his great Te Deum (1849). Tchaikovsky, in his Overture 1812

(1880), commemorates the Russian victory over Napoleon. The French anthem, La

Marseillaise (1792), is originally a war song; the Song of the partisans (1943) celebrates the

resistance, but the Song of Craonne (1917) expresses a pacifist sensibility, as well as The

Deserter (1954) by Boris Vian, composed at the end of the Indochina War. Popular songs are

often inspired by military episodes. War photography is illustrated by great artists such as

Robert Capa, David Duncan, Marc Flament War is represented in hundreds of films, some of

which are classic works, such as Abel Gance's J’Accuse (1919), La Grande Illusion of Jean

Renoir (1937) which totaled 13 million admissions despite the censorship imposed by the

Nazi regime, Night and Fog by Alain Resnais (1956), Trails of Glory by Stanley Kubrick, The

Battle of Algiers by Gillo Pontecorvo (1966), Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now (1979),

and Steven Speilberg's Schindler's List (1994) 22

For centuries, war has been a sinister punctuation to the march of history. War gives

rise to an accumulation of dead and ruins. At the end of the Great War, Paul Valéry sadly

concluded: "We, civilizations, we now know that we are mortal".23

The theme "Wars, Hope, Despair and Peace in History" can be approached along

the following lines:

1. Making war

- War and ideology

- The concept of war, the origin of the phenomenon, the art of war

- World Wars and regional wars

20. TONNET-LACROIX Eliane, La Littérature française de l’entre-deux-guerres, Nathan, Paris, 1993. SAPIRO Gisèle, La Guerre des écrivains, 1940-1953, Fayard, Paris, 1993. 21. BECKER Annette, Les monuments aux morts. Mémoire de la Grande Guerre, Errance, Paris, 1988. 22. ANDREVON Jean-Pierre, Encyclopédie de la guerre au cinéma et à la télévision, Vendémiaire, Paris, 2018. 23. VALERY Paul, La Crise de l’esprit, première lettre, 1919.


- Imperialist wars

- Colonial Wars

- Revolutionary wars, liberation wars

- Religious wars, holy wars

- Civil wars, interethnic wars, tribal wars

- Psychological Wars

- Cold War

- Electronic warfare

- ABC war

- Total war

- Asymmetric wars, terrorism, guerrilla warfare, subversive wars


- New forms of war: proxy wars (eg in Syria), punctual operations, commandos, targeted air

strikes ...,

- Conduct of war, strategy, tactics, spying

- Goals of war, expectations of states and societies

- Life and death of fighters

- Laws of war, law of war, humanitarian action

2. Civil society and war

- Rear control by governments

- Censorship, propaganda, press and media, police surveillance

- Hunting for spies, saboteurs, traitors

- State of mind, trust or despair

- National Identity, Sacred Union, Patriotism, Nationalism

- Shortages, rationing, difficulties of daily life

- Poverty, charity, mutual aid, social action

- Common law crime in wartime

- Injured, refugees, displaced, forward- and rear-facing

- Irruption of fighting in the rear, occupied areas, annexations, violence, hostage-taking, rape

- Resistance, collaboration, wait-and-seeism

- Religious and intellectual life

- Art in the face of war: art at the service of war, art that denounces war

- The media and the war: photos and articles on the war, working conditions of the


3. The economy in time of war

- Financing of war, taxation, loans, exchange controls, moratoria

- Transportation, railways, roads, air and sea, ports, submarine warfare

- Energy supply

- Agricultural and industrial production

- Replacement labor, women, immigrants, prisoners of war

- Trade, shortages, price increases

- Fraud, black market, alteration of product quality, speculation, scams

- Adventurers and new rich

- Difficulties of owners, savers

- Social unrest, strikes

- Tourism, luxury productions

- The case of occupied or annexed regions, requisitions, impositions, reduction of

displacements, forced enlistment, resistance, repression


4. After the war

- War Prices

- Demographic balance sheet, loss of life, injured, disabled, birth deficit

- Losses by socio-professional category and region of origin

- Economic and financial balance, destruction, decline in production, indebtedness, inflation

- Peace negotiations, treaties, territorial changes, displaced persons, reparations, trials of war


- Psychological assessment

- Brutalization, mass movements, pacifism, fascism, spirit of revolt

- Philosophical and moral reflection, new hopes, despair, decline of rationalism, feelings of

the absurdity of the world

- Progress in techniques, organization of work, medicine

- Emancipation of women (or not)

- War and literature, cartoons

- War and visual arts, painting, engraving, sculpture, war memorials, photography

- Music in War: Military Music, Classical Music, Songs

- War, cinema and television

- Return to the ruins (towns and villages): return or not of the inhabitants, living conditions,

restoration of administrative life

- Reconstruction: its financing, its terms

- Commemorations: ceremonies and monuments

- War tourism in the immediate post-war period (visit of graves and battlefields).


Important dates - June 30, 2019: Deadline for submissions to the following address:

tunisian.mediterranean.associ@gmail.com - July 10, 2019: The selection of papers by the scientific committee will be made public + information on conference registration fees. - November 15, 2019: Deadline for sending the Final Text - 25, 26, and 27 November 2019: 12th International Symposium in Béja - TUNISIA. Terms of submission • Individual proposal: a new subject that has not already been published or presented in a scientific symposium. • Detailed summary: one page at a minimum (Font: Times New Roman 12; Page: 2.5 cm margin; line spacing: single), with updated scientific C.V. • Proposals for papers may be submitted in Arabic, English, French or Spanish. • For French or Spanish abstracts, a detailed English translation is required (at least one page: Font: Times New Roman 12, Page: Margins 2.5 cm, Line spacing: simple).