WARM UP Copy the Terms & Names page 376 (section 1 – The Politics of Reconstruction) into your...

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Transcript of WARM UP Copy the Terms & Names page 376 (section 1 – The Politics of Reconstruction) into your...


Copy the Terms & Names page 376 (section 1 – The Politics of Reconstruction) into your notebooks with definitions or explanations:

Andrew Johnson


Radical Republicans

Thaddeus Stevens

Wade-Davis Bill

Freedmen’s Bureau

Black codes

Fourteenth Amendment


Fifteenth Amendment

• Homework for next classDefine the Following

• Scalawag• Carpetbagger• Hiram Revels• Sharecropping• Tenant Farming

• Read pages 383-392• Section 2 – Reconstructing


Reconstruction and Its Effects

Chapter 12

A New Era

• Andrew Johnson became President after the death of Lincoln. Johnson was from Tennessee.

• As President, Johnson faced two large issues:

1. Punish or pardon former confederate

2. How to bring the defeated Confederate states back to the Union.


• Reconstruction - the period during which the US began to rebuild after the Civil War which lasted from 1865-1877. Also the time in which the Federal Government readmitted the Confederate States.

Lincoln’s Plan

• Lincoln believed that secession was constitutionally impossible and therefore that the Confederate states never left the Union. Lincoln wished to make the South’s return to the Union as quick and easy as possible.

• Ten-Percent Plan - The Government would pardon all Confederates-expect high-ranking Confederate officials and those accused of crimes against prisoners of war - who would swear their allegiance to the Union. After 10% of those on the 1860 voting list took this oath of allegiance, a Confederate state could form a new government and gain representation in Congress.

Radical Republicans

• Wanted to destroy the political power of former slaveholders. They wanted African Americans to be given full citizenship and the right to vote.

• Thaddeus Stevens – a representative of Pennsylvania wanted to destroy the power of former slaveholders.

Wade-David Bill – pushed by the Radicals responding to the Ten-Percent Plan proposed that Congress, not the President, be responsible for Reconstruction. Lincoln used the “pocket veto” to kill the bill.

Johnson’s Plan

• To most individual’s dismay, Johnson continued Lincoln’s polices. The following states, Al, Ga, Fl, Ms, Nc, Sc, and Texas, could rejoin the Union if they meet the following conditions:

– Withdraw its secession– Swear its allegiance to the Union– Annul Confederate war debts, and ratify the 13th

amendment, which abolished slavery


• Johnson supported states right over a strong central government, which the Southern states liked. Although Johnson supported abolition, he did not favor former slaves having the right to vote.

• Johnson believed “ White men alone must mange the south.”

Civil Rights Act of 1866

• Gave African Americans citizenship and forbade states from passing discriminatory laws, know as black codes.

• Black Codes- severely restricted African American lives; Prohibited

• Blacks from carrying weapons, serving on juries, testifying against whites, marring whites.

Major Reconstruction Legislation 1865-1870

Legislation Provisions Freedmen’s Bureau Acts

Offered assistance, such as medical aid and education, to freed slaves and war refugees

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Granted citizenship and equal protection under the law to African Americans

14th Amend Makes all persons “born or naturalized in the US” citizens;

Reconstruction Act 1867

Abolished governments formed in the former Confederate states, divided those states into five military districts, setup

requirements for readmission to the Union.

15th Amend States that no one can be kept from voting because of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Enforcement Act Protected the voting right of African Americans and gave the federal government power to enforce the 15th amendment.

Conditions in the Postwar South

• Since most of the Civil War was fought on the South’s soil, Southern States had a lot to reconstruct.

• Sherman estimated his troops alone destroyed about 100 million dollars of Confederate property.

• Per Capita among white individuals dropped from $18,000-$3,000

• 1/5th of the adult white males died in the war.

Public Works Program

• The Republic government build roads, bridges, and railroads and established orphanages and institutions for the care of the mentally ill and disabled. First public school system

• To raise money for these projects, the federal government had to raise taxes in the southern states.







Short QuizSelect the term or name that best completes the sentence.*black codes *Whigs *Republicans * Civil Rights Act *Democrats *tough *lenient *Tenure of Office Act * Ten Percent Plan1. The House of Representatives impeached President Johnson for his violation of the________________________________.2. The strong showing by ____________________ in the congressional elections of 1866 helped pave the way for Congressional Reconstruction.3. The Fourteenth Amendments provided a constitutional basis for the __________________________________.4. _________________________ were laws that in effect restored many of the restrictions of slavery to African Americans after the Civil War.5. The goal of Abraham Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction was to be as _______________ as possible on the South.


Analyzing Political Cartoons (page 385)

complete “skillbuilder”


1. Schurz is shown in a negative light; he is depicted as a grim and intense intruder. His clenched fist expresses his greed

2. In order to show that the Southerners consider Schurz an unwelcome outsider

Section 2-Reconstructing Society By 1870 all of the former Confederate states

had re-entered the Union. However, the Republicans did not want to end

Reconstruction because they wanted to make economic changes.

Because the majority of fighting had occurred in the South most farms and plantations had been destroyed and the new gov’ts faced the difficult task of rebuilding properties and lives.

Republican gov’ts started massive public works programs to help the Southern people.

Some of the projects included rebuilding roads, bridges, and railroads and setting up orphanages and hospitals.

They also est’d the first public school systems across the South.

These programs were extremely expensive, however.

$$ was scarce in the South. In order to pay for the programs taxes were increased and new ones were created.

A Scalawag was a Democrats term for a white Southerner who joined the Republican Party after the Civil War

Many scalawags believed the Republican Party offered the best chances to improve the South while at the same time helping themselves to become rich

The Democrats also gave the name carpetbagger to Northerners who moved South after the war.

Many believed the carpetbaggers wanted to exploit the South for profit.

Some felt they had a moral duty to help the South, some wanted to buy land or open business, and others were dishonest business people.

During Reconstruction, AfrAmer males gained the right to vote and belonged mainly to the R.party.

AfrAmer had many new decisions to make for themselves and looked forward to new opportunities.

Many ex-slaves moved to the cities looking for work and family members.

Some of the first churches, schools, and universities were started for AfrAmer.

Many also became involved in politics at all levels of gov’t.

Hiram Revels was the 1st AfrAmer Senator in the US.

Many of the black codes had been repealed, but segregation was still common in the North and South.

During the war, General Sherman had promised 40 acres and a mule to any AfrAmer that joined the Union Army.

Many freed slaves settled in areas of GA and SC that had been abandoned.

After the war, however, Pres. Johnson allowed the original owners to re-claim their land.

The Southern Homestead Act of 1866 set aside 44m acres for freed slaves, but most of the land was swampy.

Most homesteaders lacked the resources necessary to farm.

In the system of sharecropping landowners divided their land and gave each worker a few acres, seed, and tools.

After the crops were harvested the owner would receive half.

Tenant farmers were sharecroppers who were able to make some extra $$ to buy their own equipment.

They would rent land until they could eventually buy their own.

Farmers soon realized that cotton was no longer “king” in the South and they had to diversify in order to make $$.

GROUPS1. Write a journal entry from the point of a

Southerner in 18652. Create a voting handbook outline for

new voters3. Write a magazine article on the

meaning of freedom4. Write and perform a short scene from

a play 5. Write a brief report analyzing

Reconstruction Land Reform



Copy the Terms & Names page 393 (section 3 – The Collapse of Reconstruction) into your notebooks with definitions or explanations:Ku Klux Klan (KKK)panic of 1873redemptionRutherford B. hayesSamuel J. TildenCompromise of 1877home rule

The goals of the KKK included:

1. Destroy the R.party

2. Get rid of Reconstruction gov’ts

3. Restore white supremacy

4. Keep AfrAmer from exercising rights (especially politically and economically)

The KKK also attacked some white Southerners because of their pro-AfrAmer views.

During 1870-71 Congress passed the Enforcement Acts to protect Southerners and prevent attacks.

Although legislation was limited, it did lead to decreased KKK activity.

Scandals and Money Crises Hurt Republicans As Southern Republicans tried to maintain

power, political corruption weakened the party.

Pres.Grant’s administration was plagued by scandals and corruption.

Grant himself was not involved, but several of his officials were corrupt and impeached.

In 1872 the R.party split. The Liberal Republicans wanted an “honest gov’t”

Despite the split, corruption continued in Grant’s administration.

Officials were accused of accepting bribes, bribing others, using federal $$ for themselves, etc.

In 1873 one of the largest banking firms in the country went bankrupt, causing the Panic of 1873.

Smaller banks closed and the stock market temporarily collapsed.

The panic triggered a 5 year economic depression across the country.

It also caused a debate over the nation’s currency-gold standard vs. greenbacks

The Supreme Court also passed decisions that undermined the 14th and 15th Amendments.

As the SC rejected Reconstruction policies, Northern voters began to focus more on nat’l issues than events in the South.

R.party also began to back off.

Throughout all of this, Democrats began to regain control in the South and they called this redemption.

During the Election of 1876 the R.party nominated Rutherford B. Hayes and the D.party nominated Samuel Tilden.

Tilden won the popular vote, but Hayes won the Electoral College vote and became the next President.

The Compromise of 1877 brought an official end to Reconstruction in the South. In a series of congressional measures under which the Democrats agreed to accept the Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes as president, even though he lost the popular vote. The measures included a withdrawal of federal troops from Southern states, federal money for improving infrastructure, and the appointment of a conservative Southern cabinet member.

After the election the D.party created home rule where state gov’ts could run without federal intervention.

The Democrat “Redeemers” said they would rescue the South from rule by Northerners, Republicans, and AfrAmer.

The Redeemers undid many of the social programs and public works projects that the R.party had created.

Was Reconstruction a success OR a failure?? You decide.

Look at p.400 Point-Counterpoint