WARM-UP 4/4/14 Teach the Teacher: How was the test on a scale from 1-10 (1 easiest thing ever, 10...

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Transcript of WARM-UP 4/4/14 Teach the Teacher: How was the test on a scale from 1-10 (1 easiest thing ever, 10...

WARM-UP 4/4/14

• Teach the Teacher: How was the test on a scale from 1-10 (1 easiest thing ever, 10 being hardest)

• Review: What is inertia?

WARM-UP 4/6/14

Teach the teacher: Ghosts; possibility or fiction?

Review: When did the skater have kinetic and Potential energy? SKate park




• First Chapter: How do we describe Motion?

• Last Chapter: why do things move the way they do?

• This Chapter: What is energy, and what happens as it get used?

LEARNING TARGETS - Describe a situation in which energy

causes a change.- Describe the relationship between

potential and kinetic energy.- Calculate gravitational potential and

kinetic energy.- Describe how energy is conserved and

changes forms

Define and calculate work and power.


• Every change that occurs requires energy.

• There are different forms of energy, including potential energy and kinetic energy.

• Energy cannot be created or destroyed but only can change from one form to another.

ENERGYEnergy—The ability to cause change and the ability to do

WORKAn object has energy if it is moving, or it can also have

stored energy.

There are many forms of energy:

• Electrical: energy due to the movement of electrons

• Chemical: energy stored in the bonds between atoms

• Thermal: energy from heat

• Radiant – Light: Radiant – Light: energy from the sun & light energy from the sun & light

• Sound: the energy of vibrating sound waves

• Magnetic: energy of magnetism

• Mechanical: Kinetic + Potential Nuclear: potential energy stored in the

nuclei of atoms


• There are two types of nuclear energy• Fission and Fusion • Both forms energy are stored as mass in the atoms

of certain elements. This mass can be changed into energy under the proper conditions according to Albert Einstein's famous equation:

• Fission cartoon • nuclear fission • nuclear fusion


• Fission the 2nd form of nuclear energy

• The exact opposite of fusion.

• In fission atoms are broken apart.

• In fission heavier elements form lighter elements.

• Uses

• Hydrogen Bomb

• Nuclear Energy Plants


• Fusion atoms are "fused" together

• In fusion lighter elements form heavier elements

• Uses• The middle of



• Money• Different forms of

money: dimes, dollars, checks, credit Cards, etc.

• You can save money, spend it, change it into different kinds of money…. But money is money

• Energy• Different forms of

Energy: Chemical, nuclear, etc.

• You can save energy (batteries & potential energy ), you can “spend” energy (kinetic energy), etc.

WARM-UP 3/19/2013

• Teach the Teacher: What is the most annoying sound?

• Review: Which has more inertia, a booger or a big slug?

WARM-UP 3/19/13

• Teach the Teacher: Would you rather watch someone do an awesome jump (skiing, skateboarding, etc.) or someone falling, tripping etc.

• Review: Without air resistance, what will hit the ground first after being thrown off a building: a 2lb. chocolate bunny or a peep?

WARM-UP 3/28/13

• Teach the Teacher: What is the best Saturday morning cartoon?

• Review: If a piece of cheese is dropped from a second story building into my mouth, what will stay the same as it falls.

KINETIC ENERGY• KE is energy of motion. • KE = ½ mv2

• m = mass (kg)

• v = velocity (m/s)

• SI Unit for Energy is Joule• Joule = kg m2/s2





• PE is energy that is stored in an object.

3 types of PE

1. Elastic PE• Energy due to a

stretch or compression

2. Chemical PE • Energy in the bonds

between atoms

3. Gravitational PE• Energy due to an

elevated position

• GPE = mgh• m = mass

g = gravity=9.8 m/s2

• h = height


• Many different situations where energy changes quickly back and forth

• Ex: skateboarder on a ramp, roller coasters, other examples___________

• Mechanical Energy is the total amount of kinetic and potential energy in system

• ME=PE + Ke


A .05 kg apple is 30m in the airGPE=.05kg*9.8m/s/s*30m= 14.7 JWhat is it at 20m? GPE=.05kg*9.8m/s/s*20m=9.8 JWhat is it at 10m?GPE=.05kg*9.8m/s/s*10m= 4.9 J

• All falling objects speed up as they fall (accelerate at 9.8m/s/s), so with KE=.5m*v2 then KE gets larger as the apple falls

• So if PE is

• & KE is

• Then does mechanical energy change?

• NO!

WARM-UP 3/21/13

• Teach the Teacher: What is the best part about spring?

• Review: The fact that when a zebra is pushing off the ground, the ground is pushing back on the zebra is which one of Newton’s Laws?

WARM-UP 3/22/13

• Teach the Teacher: Would you rather go to an amusement park or go to a water park?

• Review: A boulder that is teetering on top of hill..does it have potential energy or kinetic?


• On the Front:

• Gravitational Potential Energy

• On the Back

• GPE, potential energy due to position because of gravity GPE=mhg(9.8)


• Energy can not be created nor destroyed, it just changes form.

• Rollercoaster

• mass and spring

• Challenge: Try and think of a time that energy seems to go away?


• Eat Cheese

• Run to get more cheese

• Feel warm

• Chemical Energy

• Create Kinetic and Thermal energy

• Heat is transferred to air

WARM-UP 3/25/13

• Teach the Teacher: What is one of the worst things you have learned about in history (you could give an example of a war, genocide, natural disaster, etc.)

• Review: Which would have the most potential energy, a puppy on a chair, a puppy on a table, or a puppy running on the floor?


• On the Front:

• Mechanical Energy

• On the Back:

• ME, the kinetic and potential energy

• ME= KE + PE


• On the Front:

• Law of Conservation of Energy

• On the Back:

• LOCOE, energy is neither created nor destroyed it changes forms

WARM-UP 3/26/13

• Teach the Teacher: If you could be in any type of competition what would you want to do?

• Review: What two things equal mechanical energy?

WARM-UP 3/27/13

• Teach the Teacher: If you had to write a thank you card to someone right now who would it be to?

• Review: When a skater goes up a ramp what does it’s kinetic energy change to?

WARM-UP 4/2/13

• Teach the Teacher: What is the best April Fool’s joke you have ever heard of?

• Review: What are all the ways that the sun’s energy is used?

WARM-UP 4/3/13

• Teach the Teacher: Who is the most inspirational person?

• Review: What are the units for energy?