Walk Through 3 Stars of Destiny

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Walk Through 3 Stars of Destiny

Walkthrough for part 1- Mt Zulle and Indinera

1.You will start the game with a cut scene. You will see three stars that look like fairies. This view will fade to see a cut scene with the oracle of the witch. Ozur is a god whose power is fading. The witch in front of him informs him of three stars with huge amounts of power that will meet in Rillia. Energy from the gods themselves. The witch states that Ozur can take the power from them for himself. Ozur then kills the witch to stop her from spreading the news to the other gods. You will then have a choice of easy, normal and hard. For this walkthrough I will be talking about normal mode. You will also get to choose the encounter rate. You will not be able to choose these options again throughout the game so choose wisely.

2. You will now see Random outside his hut. You live with your pet chameleon called Guanidia at the edge of Indinera. A town called Mt Zulle is nearby. Your first quest is to bring some goods to your parents. You will have a choice to do a tutorial. If you have not played RPG style games before I highly recommend doing it.

Quest 1- Bring goods to Random’s Parents (Q1)

(Random encounters Forest wasp [1g, 2 exp, Wasp sting], giant snake [1g, 4exp, Snake hair], wicked bush [3g, 3exp, energy herb], Giant spider [3g, 9exp, Slime])

3. To the left of you is a bunny. This is your standard save point through out the game. Go and save now. The bunny can also offer to fully heal you for half the amount of gold you have in your inventory. This is good if you have very little gold but a rip off when you have quite a decent amount of gold. To the left of the shack, between the wash basin and the stump is a leather armor. Enter into the shack and open the chest to get a wooden shield. The bed beside you can give you the chance to sleep and fully recover. You can also see Guanidia wandering around in the shack. He will refuse if you ask him to come.

4. Exit the shack and head right. Just under the first tree is a big acorn. Go across the bridge and take note of the crystal with the sword in it. Walk into it to get a temporary boost of Strength. To the right are 5x red apples. Pick them all up. Cross the bridge and enter onto the next screen. If you head up

you will see a golden scorpion [35g, 2exp, Gold nugget] walking around. He is relatively easy to beat. Head back down to the chest and open to get 3 gold.

5. Cross the bridge and just above the man is an XP pumpkin. If you go a little to your left and up you will see a tree with a hole in its trunk. Go up and press space. Welcome to your first secret room. No. 3/51. Inside is 5x dynamite, 1x Big acorn, 1x magical acorn and an assault scroll. Leave the secret room and go back down and head right. To the right and a little above the tree with all the orange mushrooms is a birds nest with 4x parrow eggs. If you go down a bit there is a sign that says: Beware Dangerous Yakk. I highly recommend dodging that place until you have some better equipment. If you do go down there dodge the bull and in the bottom left of the screen is a bat skin. Exit and go up to enter the town of Mt Zulle.

6. Go up. The man in front of you sells some items. In front of you is an Inn where you can rest and heal. Go across to the right and you will see a green haired girl standing in front of a door. Talk to her. Random has a few words with her and she disappears telling him to catch her if he can. Go inside and talk to Random’s mum. First quest complete. She will give you 10 gold for your effort.

Quest 2 – Find the elf (Q2)

7. Next quest is to find the elf that annoyed Random. He guesses that she went to the forest to the west of his hut. First while in Mt Zulle head down the path in the middle. Go all the way right. Below where the fire places are go down and walk under the raised bit you will then be able to reach the chest to the right and up. Inside is an attack up Lv2 potion. Go back down and across left and along the way get the wooden shield under the tree. Go

into the Armory a little to the left of that and buy a decent sword. If you talk the the shop keeper a few times they will offer to sell you the earth sword and fire sword. If you cannot afford anything good go out and train a bit. It will help for some of the up coming fights. A good money raiser is the golden scorpion which regenerates each time you enter and exit the town.

8. Head back towards your hut. Save and rest if you need to. Now head down and left. You will see a crystal with a shield in it. Walk into it to get a temporary boost of resistance. Head left and across the bridge. Get the 4x red apples. Go to the left upper path and walk across the log to the north. Here is another golden scorpion. Go up and open the chest to get power gloves. Go back across the log and keep walking left until you see a place with a sign. Go up the right upper path. Open the chest to get a snake blood. Now go into the middle of the waterfall to the left of you and walk up and you will enter secret room 4/51. In there is 2x magical acorn, 2x life apples, 1x explosion scroll and a purple glowing thing that gives all party members +1 HP. At the sign you can throw in a coin for luck. To the left are 4x red apples (one slightly hidden behind a tree). Head down and save at the bunny. Now go down into the heavily forested area.

(Random encounters: Wolf [4g, 4 exp, Wolf pearl], giant snake [1g, 4exp, snake hair], bush [3g, 3exp, energy herb], Giant spider [3g, 9XP, slime])

9. To the right and down a bit is a green ooze. To the left are 3x red apples, 3x big acorns and a nest with 4x parrow eggs. To the right of that are 4x red apples, 2 nests with 4x parrow eggs each, and a magical acorn. Go all the way left until you see a log leading up onto a ledge. Below that is a big acorn. Go up the log and get the 5x red apples and the 1x big acorn. Open the chest to get a nature ring. Head below that chest to get to secret room 8/51. Get the hat of persuasion on the greenery to the left of you. Get the XP pumpkin to the right. Talk to the witch below. She will buy red apples and Parrow eggs. Exit and go back down the log.

10. Go right and talk to the guy standing there. He will mention about some

trials. To the right of him, under a tree are 3x red apples and 1x big acorn. Go up the log beside that tree to the right. On the left side are an Iron shield and 1x big acorn. To the right are 1x big acorn and 1x aged mugworth. Go back down the log and continue going right. Ignore the first path going up and go up the second bit where you can see heaps of apples. Collect the 6x red apples and 1x big acorn. Go up and open the chest to get 55 gold. Head back down and continue right. Get the 2x big acorns that you can see. Go up and talk to the witch you can see. She will ask you if you want to know about a recipe. Say yes. You will need an Indinera spinach, Raflesia berries, sunshine cream and chimera egg. You will find these later in the game. Go up and get the red apple. Then exit this area by going up.

11. Heal yourself and save at the bunny to the right before you talk to the elf. Talk to her and quest complete. They exchange words again and the elf disappears. Random gets sick of her games and decides that he is going to head off to his hut. Then something tells him he is not going anywhere. The spirit of the pond is not impressed that Random interrupted a female elf’s bath. You fight. In the second round the elf jumps in and decides to help Random. It will occasionally summon Indinera crabs to help with the fight. When defeated it will randomly drop a Morning drop. At the end of the fight the elf will vanish again. Go down to the bottom right area where you will see some twinkling things and Walk across to find secret room 2/51. Pick up the XP pumpkin, Al’ Kazayer scroll, 225 gold and thunder beans. In the bottom left corner between the two trees is a magical acorn. Head up and you will see a chest. Open it to get a wooden shield. Now turn up and go up to find secret room 1/51. Pick up the 4x water balls, the two eagle nests with 5x and 6x eagle eggs in them and 408 gold. Open the chest to get the 1/2 claw.

Quest 3- Find and rescue Guanidia

12. Head back around and up to turquoise lake and then back to your hut. You will see that Guanidia is missing. There is a letter beside the table. Inspect it to see that Guanidia is at turquoise lake and that he wants to meet Random there. Random finds this a bit odd. Go back to turquoise lake. Go down to the bottom part of the screen where you went before and you will see Guanidia in the little island part of the lake with a column. You will also see the elf watching you (although Random cannot see her). Save first then talk to Guanidia, he is all numb. You will hear footsteps and see 3 elves above you. They will attack you. Kill them all. The elf Random has been following then jumps out. Random demands a name from her and she names herself as Sarah. Her house is next to Random’s parents in Mt Zulle. She explains that she couldn’t help Random fight the elves as there would have been dramatic consequences for attacking her own kind. She guesses that they were angry at Random because he snuck up on her bathing and they think that he likes her. Random laughs at that idea so Sarah disappears again. Random thinks she is stupid and picks up Guanidia. Head back to the hut.

Quest 4- Meet Sarah in the cave of Fal (Q4)

13. When you reach the hut Guanidia states that he has recovered. Random then says that he is going into town. He wants to check out Sarah’s house. Guanidia wants to come along since Random is no longer on friendly terms with the elves, he does not wish to become bait again. Guanidia joins your party. Guanidia has the unique ability to randomly tongue slap the enemies once or twice before the fight starts. This occasionally ends the fight before it even begins which is good. Works most efficiently on insect like enemies. Head into Mt Zulle. Go into the house beside Random’s parents and talk to Sarah’s father in the top right corner. He says she is usually here or in the woods. In the kitchen sink to the left of the woman is a Yakk milk. Leave the house and head right. You will see Sarah wandering around. Talk to her. Guanidia surprises her by talking. She then says she has to go and Random asks where. She says Cave of Fal and then disappears. Time to find out who Sarah really is. Random wants to find the cave of Fal but has no idea where it is. Leave the town and talk to Norbert the blue haired guy outside. He will tell you that the Cave of Fal is in the elven village. Go back to turquoise lake. This time head to the top left corner and walk over the log. At the top part is a nest with 4x parrow eggs.

14. Cross the bridge and talk to the mushroom thing wandering around. He will sell you an XP pumpkin for 30 gold. Pick up the 3x red apples around the tree. Under the leaves on the right side you can just see a nest with 4x parrow eggs. Enter the hole in the tree to find secret room 7/51. This tree is full of spiders and you will randomly encounter giant spiders (This place is a good leveling up place as the encounter rate is a little bit higher in here). Get the 5x Big acorns and the 1x magical acorn, 1x Ark flare scroll, 1x XP pumpkin, and the Mandragore root. Exit. To the left of the waterfall is a leather coat. Cross the bridge and get the sword crystal that gives a temporary strength boost. There is nothing further along this bridge. Head back to where the tree is and go up the log to the right of it. Welcome to the elven village of Falalia. Go up and next to the inn is an elf by the name of Ionea. She looks like Sarah in Laxius Force and Random admits that he doesn’t normally go for elves but there’s something special about this one. The inn will let you rest for 6 gold. In the house next to the inn is a woman who sells items for your pets. Go up to the top and under the left most column is a pair of stamina shoes. Now head right and down again. Go across the log and go up into the house. Talk to the elder of the village inside to get permission to enter cave of Fal. Now head up and enter into the cave

(Random encounters: Indinera crab [4 gold, 5exp], ooze [0 gold, 4exp, crude sword],

15. Go down the rope ladder and up. Pick the grey mushroom and get the leather clutch. Go left and beside the statue are 3x grey mushrooms. Go up and open the chest to get a power pepper. Inspect the crystal to be ambushed by a spirit of the pond who will randomly drop a morning drop. Head back to the entrance and go up. Take the right path and open the chest to get a

benevolence shower (all). Go back down and take the left path. Take the first left fork and grab the staff crystal to temporarily boost mind. Inspect the tree to get 3x spicy mandrakes. Go back and then continue going up and right.

16. On the next screen go down the first path. Open the chest to get an archer bandana. Go down and head right to pick up the stamina shoes. Now go left and head down until you reach secret room 5/41. Pick up the 3x mellow nectars. Head all the way back up and continue going right. Check the crystal by the water for another spirit of the pond ambush. When dead check behind it to randomly get a blessed oak cane, water bow, ivory shield, crude sword, malachite crown, crystal claws, or the water sword. Continue right. Open the chest to get a healing potion. Head south and next to the two ponds is a mithril dust. Head south first and open the chest to get an iron clutch.

17. Go up and you will be ambushed by a big crab. It will give you a chance to heal up. It is a Kayzer crab. It can pack quite a punch. It is vulnerable to being glued. A few Indinera crabs will occasionally come and attack as well. It will randomly drop a kayser crab scales. Continue walking up onto the next screen. To the right is a magicka tincture. Now take the left path. Check the crystal to be ambushed by a spirit of the pond. Continue all the way to the top. Pick up the water ball. Go left and ignore the path going down for a second and pick up the golden apple. Below it you can just see an elven dew that you can pick up. Now take the path going down. Go behind the

waterfall first to find secret room 6/51. Jump across and get the XP pumpkin and the water ball. Check the mirror three times to smash it and and randomly get an ice sword, fire sword, earth sword, air sword, water sword or thunder sword. Make sure you heal up and equip the ice sword before talking to Sarah. Quest complete. Random isn’t happy that he had to come all this way just to look at a waterfall. He tells Sarah that he is off and to enjoy looking at the waterfall. Sarah thinks he is tasteless and rude. Go to leave and halfway up is an ambush. Sarah comes up and says there is a Dragon around. The Cave dragon is vulnerable to being glued. Sarah’s spells are useless against it. Power strike it with Random. It will randomly drop a dragon wing. Sarah says that she has a habit of saving Random but he blames her for getting them into trouble. She tells him to get lost and disappears. Go and check the water area where Sarah was standing to get a green ooze. Time to head back. Go up then go right this time. When you can go up through a door bit and then go up the stairs. Inspect the tree to get a grey salt. On the way down (about 5 steps) inspect the root of the tree in the water to get another grey salt. Continue going down until you reach the bit that you started at. Now work your way through the cave until you reach the exit.

18. Head back towards your hut. Along the way talk to the mushroom guy again. Buy a magical acorn at 40 gold. Head back to Random’s hut and you will see Leyn standing in front of your door. Talk to him and he says that Random’s parents wish to speak to him. Head into Mt Zulle and go see Random’s parents. Inside Sarah and her family as well as your parents are there. Talk to Random’s father on the right. He mentions the trial of Mt Zulle and he has decided to put you and Sarah in the same group. If you win you will be granted a scholarship for a two year course at the school in Rillia. Sarah joins the party. Go outside and Sarah will say she is unhappy with the turn of events as well.

Quest 5- Get rid of the mushrooms (Q5)

19. While in Mt Zulle go down the middle path and enter the last house. The woman in here is having some troubles with the mushrooms on the side of her house and is asking you to remove them for her. Go outside and inspect the blue arrow. Sarah can remove them. Quest complete. In the next house to the left talk to the man in the right room and he will buy your big acorn for 4 gold each or 7 gold each if wearing the hat of persuasion. Sell them all as they are just useless items.

Quest 6- Find the Rusty Powder. (Q6)

20. Head back up and now go into the last building on the left with the potion sign out the front. This is the guild of Mt Zulle. Talk to Tesul in front of you and he will ask Sarah if she would like to become a member. Say yes. Talk to Tatyana the blue witch like person in the top left corner and she will ask you to bring some rusty powder back to her. To find it go back to the area where the guy was training for the trial. At the start of the screen look left to where the log is. There is some rusty powder lying on the ground there. There is also some up on the ledge above where they guy was standing. Go up the log and near the grave look up to the tree and to the right of it you will see something below the orange mushrooms. Grab it to get the rusty powder. Go back to the guild and give it to Tatyana. Quest complete. She will give you a magic wand as a reward.

Quest 7- Concentrate with Loretta to create a ring (Q7)

21. You can now go through the door that was locked on the right. Go up to the little niche in the middle part of the room and turn to the right. You will be able to get outside and open the chest. In it are 3x mellow nectar, mind up lvl 2 potion, and a knowledge book. Talk to the lady on the bottom. If you can, boost up Sarah MN to 200. She will be able to create a benevolent ring with this lady’s help. The woman above her will sell items. That’s it for this guild. Go back to Random’s hut. Sarah is disgusted with the mess and cleans the hut. Random asks Sarah to give him her money. You will get 24 gold. Now train up and stock up on anything you want. If you go back to the mushroom he will sell you a medicinal herb for 10 gold. When you are ready talk to Random’s father twice to be transported to the trial.

Quest 8- Succeed in the Mt Zulle Trial (Q8)(Random encounter: Spirit [0 gold, 16 exp, holy mirror], Zombie [3 gold, 13

exp], lesser werewolf [10 gold, 7 exp, beast claw], Giant bat [2 gold, 2 exp, Bat hair], Guard[ 9 gold, 14 exp])

22. This year the school has picked the Darkenezeer guard for the place of the trial. It is a place full of ghosts and undeads. Your goal is to reach a pink crystal much to Random’s disgust (He hates pink…a thing that will haunt him for the rest of the game). If more than one group reaches the crystal you will face them in a duel. Now go through the gate if you are ready. Once inside you won’t be able to come back out again. Be sure to equip the wand on Sarah as it makes her holy words spell cost 0 MP. This spell is going to be used a lot in here against the spirits (pink ghosts). Enter and meet the two ghosts. Once this lot of enemies has been defeated a gate will come crashing down behind you. Now this is the point of no return.

23. Walk forward and the witch will ask you to pick a colour. Red gives a temporary strength boost crystal. Green gives a temporary resistance boost crystal. Blue gives a temporary speed boost. Yellow gives a temporary mind boost. Go up into the first room. In the bottom left corner is a mist pebble. In the top chest is a holy mirror. In the chest to the right is a holy mirror. At the cross roads continue right. The first door you see going up open it (does not require unlocking). Inside is a chest with a healing potion. Continue right onto the next screen. In here is a Yakk that will chase you. Kill it. Up the top open the first chest to get thunder beans. Open the second chest to get fire powder. At the end open the third chest to get a holy mirror. Go down and in the room is a sword in the ground. Random’s strength needs to be 340 to pull it out. Random’s power surge spell can help boost strength. It is a platinum sword. Now continue into the middle room where the Yakk was. Get the holy mirror and open the chest to get another holy mirror. Turn the top switch on. The bottom switch just locks you in the room.

24. Exit this area and now walk back to the cross roads. This time go down. Get the XP pumpkin along the way. To the right is a room with a holy mirror and a switch to turn on. To the left is a chest with 25 gold. Now go back to the cross roads and go up. In this room is a man that says nothing useful. Open the chest to get a warrior helmet. Go into the right room and flip the switch. Continue walking along that path and open the chest to get an energy herb. Keep walking up that path and flip the second switch. Open the chest to get a medicinal herb. Pick up the scroll to get an assault scroll. Now head back to the yakk room and head down to the bottom. Open the chest on the left to get a silver staff. Open the chest on the right to get a knight helmet. Now flip the switch.

25. Head back to the room with a man in it. Go up past him and open the chest on the left to get an archer’s main gauche. Open the chest on the right to get an elven hat. Go back down to the man and head left this time. Go down and open the chest to get a healing potion. Go up and check the room with the beds. Open the chest to get a benevolence shower (all) and a Saviour book. Now go around and talk to the flame in your way. It’s a little fire elemental that has a mighty cute way of speaking. An adventurer knocked him from his lamp and now he calls for vengeance. He joins your party. Random decides to call it Spark. Now head onto the next screen. Go left and get the holy mirror. You will see a hole in the wall above you. Send in Guanidia and Spark in to find Secret room 9/51. Go up the right path first and pick up the holy mirror and the explosion scroll. Open the chest below the bed to get a silver shield. Go up the left path now and flip the switch.

Now go up the middle path. Pick up the assault scroll. The chest on the left has a power pepper in it. The second chest has a power pepper and a spirit of heroes in it. The third chest has a power pepper in it. The fourth chest has a power pepper in it.

26. Now head back to Random and Sarah. Head right and open the chest to get an energy herb. Open the next chest to get a healing potion. Open the next chest to get a healing potion. Open the next chest to get an energy herb. Open the last chest to the very right of the room to get a silver sword. The guy just tells you to keep going. Now go left towards the pink flame. In the water directly next to the flame is a mist pebble that can be picked up. On the other side of the lake there is another mist pebble in the water adjacent to the column. Now heal up and talk to the ghost standing in the way to the north of the room. Now you will face the trial guardian. Use the holy words spell on him. If you have it, use Random’s thunder bolt spell, use Guanidia’s kamikaze spell and just physical attack with Spark. Now you can go up and touch the crystal. Quest complete

27. You will be back at Random’s place and you will find out that there was another group that got through. The duel is tomorrow which gives you the chance to train Spark if you wish and to stock up on more items. Make sure to go back and visit the mushroom again as he will sell you an elven dew at 50 gold. When you are ready Talk to Random’s father and he will transport you to the duel. You are fighting Maxime and Gilbert. Use cross cut on them and they will fall to the ground like bowling pins. Attack up with Sarah too if you like. That’s all for part 1. You will not be able to return to Mt Zulle for a while now.

Part 2- Northern Indinera: Escape from the carrier guards

(Random encounter: Forest Lycose [3 gold, 5 exp], Melopee [16 gold, 17 exp, butterfly powder], Wild orc [12 gold, 40exp, purse], Titan wasp [10

gold, 30 exp], Arachnid [3 gold, 9 exp, slime], Lamia [20 gold, 26 exp, river herb], Indinera bush [11 gold, 15 exp, river herb])

28. You will now be standing next to your carrier that plans to take you to Rillia. It's raining and miserable out there. The parents tell Random and Sarah who their hosts are in Rillia. They then leave. Random then has an idea. He wants to go to Rillia on his own and ditch the carriers. He takes off and Sarah has no choice but to follow him. Walk forward and behind the tree in front of you is an 1x XP pumpkin. Across the road to the south of the tree with the hole in it check behind the two logs for a 1x spicy mandrake. Head all the way down.

29. On the next screen the carrier guards catch up. There are three of them that will chase you and you cannot kill them. They will fight you every time they come near you. They have nice exp though if you would like to level up a bit. After the waterfall up the top check beside the trees for a mandragore root. Go down and the first log you see go up it. In front of you is an acrobat mantle. Further up is a 1x mandragore root. Now work your way down to get the 1x Indinera Spinach. This is one of the ingredients for the “great recipe” quest so hold onto this one. Further along you will see Ean from Aveyond. Open the chest to get the Indinera mail. Also pick up the 3x thunder beans and the 2x Mandragore roots. Head back up and down the log. Head down and pick up the 1x Mandragore root. Now walk onto the log. Push the space/enter button to jump across. The guys will follow you. Head down to the bottom right and pick up the 4x Mandragore roots and the 2x thunder beans. Now head back across the log and at the water edge head to the middle point where it goes down a bit. Press space to jump off the water fall.

Quest 9- Find something for Sarah’s leg (Q9)

30. At the bottom Sarah says that her leg hurts. She thinks she may have broken it. Random refuses to go back and he decides to go and look for something to help her leg. They cant find Spark and Random assumes that he has been consumed by the waterfall. From where Random is standing go down. When you go through the narrow bit go immediately left and behind the tree is a 1x Mandragore root. Around the pond to the left of that is a temporary resistance boost crystal. Head down below that and there is a chest with an indinera helmet in it. Now go right a bit and when you see the two little ponds go up. All the way up the top pick up the 1x Mandragore root. To the right open the chest to get a poison bow.

31. Head back down along the creek and pick up the 1x morning drop. When you get back to the two ponds head right and you will see a little entrance by 3 trees. Go down and then into the shack. Guanidia will have a apprehension that you will be attacked by something in the baskets. In the top right corner is a 1x power pepper. Next to it is a 1x grey salt. Check the blanket in the top left and Random will say it is perfect for Sarahs leg. You will get a rope and a towel. The first basket you check is empty. The second basket has 2 tricky imps in it. Head outside and there will be a person standing there. They are not happy that you entered their shack. The witch of the forest will attack you. She is not hard to beat and will randomly drop a 1x mandragore root.

32. Exit this little bit and head down to where the squirrels are playing. Go down a bit further and you will see a chest on your right. Open it to get an ivory shield. Pick up the 1x Mandragore root to the very right. To the left is an 1x elven dew. Continue around to the left and take the little path down. Pick up the 1x morning drop. Walk across to the right and you will see a huge tree. Walk into the trunk of the tree. Its secret room 13/51. Pick up the

1x yveen potion, 1x Heaven elixir, 1x Magicka tincture, 1x life beans, and a 1x flower of aquapunga. Now head back to Sarah. Quest complete. Random fixes Sarahs leg. Sarah then says Spark is around and calls for him. He returns to your party.

33. Now head south until you see an area with Red millipuves flying around. Sarah will point out that if you touch one it will kill you. If one comes close just go still and it will move away. Weave your way through the millipuves and work your way down south. There is a really narrow bit that you have to slowly work your way through. Head to the very right and open the chest to get a counter dagger. Head left and near the little island bit is a mandragore root. To the upper left is a 1x elven dew. Head down through the lower left path.

34. Open the chest a little to the right of you to get a 1x detox shower (all). Get the 1x life apple under the tree to the left of you. Now head right. You will see some dirt pillar like things and check out the middle one near the flower (where the sparkles are). This is secret room 12/51. Pick up the 5x life apples and the 3x golden apples. Exit and to the right of you check out that wash basin to get a Lady Birsina bracelet (relic). Now head down into the area that is surrounded by pillars. Get the power pepper to the left. Talk to the fairy to the right. Her name is Nirae. She is a descendent of the nirumae fairies. The legend of Nirum states that these fairies crafted a complete set of armor and gave it the Nirum name. The person that finds the complete set will also find immense power. She will leave behind the first piece, the Nirum Axe. Go down to the right and open the chest to get an 1x indinera potion.

Quest 10- Save the Millipuf to be set free (Q10)

35. Now head back to the light blue lakes. On the left side is a path to get to the set of stairs. Cross the little bridge and you start to hear tribal music. Sarah is afraid that the music is their way of saying lunch has arrived. Random just laughs her off as usual. Head left and then up. Go left adjacent to the thin stretch of water that looks like it is pointing to it. This is secret room 11/51. Grab the 4x morning drops, 1x pacification scroll, 1x golden apple, 335 gold and the 1x elven dew. Go back to the bridge and go to the right through the trees. At the bottom is a 1x mandragore root. To the very upper right is a 1x river tear. Grab the temporary speed boost crystal and go down to open the chest to get a 1x sunshine herb. Now head back around and down to where the village is. Look to the left to get a 1x mandragore root. Now walk into the village. Random will state that they come as friends. The monsters yell out attack. You will now see a scene where Sarah is in a pot and Random is surrounded. The water in Sarah’s pot starts to boil and hurt her. Random then springs an attack on the lamias, surprising them. He then runs into a hut and finds Guanidia and Spark. They join Random. Check the bottom barrel to get 4x animal food and 2x Salmon. Check the top barrel for an 1x onion soup. Grab the 1x Ark flare scroll. Check the basket for a 1x magicka elixir. Look at the green millipuf and Random has the idea to capture it. Walk back outside. You will face 4 rounds of lamias. After defeating them Random will show them that he has captured their millipuf. They bargain to heal the sick millipuf for their freedom. Sarah will heal it and it turns red again. You have been set free and quest complete. They will tell you that you are on the right road for the marshlands and will give you a token for free passage through the other tribe. In this village you can buy equipments and items. You can also stay at their inn for a cheap price. Leave via the bottom path.

Part 3- Marshlands of Xen

(Random encounter: Swamp Lizard [10 gold, 21 exp, power claws], Swamp firefly [11 gold, 23 exp, firefly nectar], Wild orc [12 gold, 40exp, purse], Titan wasp [10 gold, 30 exp], Melopee [16 gold, 17 exp, butterfly powder], Forest Lycose [3 gold, 5 exp], Indinera bush [River herb, 11 gold, 15 exp], Living rock [16 gold, 22 gold, flower corolla], Swamp piranha [10 gold, 35 exp], Arachnid [3 gold, 9 exp, slime] )

36. Watch the cut scene with Ozur and Azrafine. Ozur is asking how he can bring mortals to the world of gods. She will mention that the hall of madness is his only option and that he needs to get them there. She says that the final eye is the key to dragging them there. The final eye is a bridge between their world and the outer world. After she gives him this information Ozur kills her too.

37. Here you will enter into the poisonous garden. Go right and after you go over the bit that goes up then back down again. Go right until you reach the cross bit and keep going right to the end and you will hit secret room 10/51. Grab the 8x mawaneyl berries. If you are quick and kill the little spiders you get 1x power peppers and 1x grey salt. Exit and keep going to the end. Go down the second last log. Pick up the 2x mawaneyl berries and the 1x paralysis scroll. At the bottom head right then down then left until you reach the little island. Head down first and to the right is a 1x mawaneyl berries. The path to the left is a dead end. Now go back up to the island and go left. Grab the temporary mind boost crystal and then go up. Grab the 1x mawaneyl berries half way up. Walk back towards the start and when you can head down. You will walk under a tree and then head left then up. Grab 1x the mawaneyl berries. Head across to the right now and grab the 1x mawaneyl berries. Go back to the cross bit and now head down onto the land bit. Exit this area from the bottom path

38. Welcome to the marshlands of Xen. This place is a smelly, wet, insect infested swamp. Random learns the egress spell. Head down onto the next screen. Head down the first path a little to the left. Open the chest to get a fire shield. Go over the next bridge and behind the green plant is a 1x river tear. Now head right to where the 4 trees are. Go up and thread your way between the orange flowers to the sparkles to find secret room 20/51. Pick up the 2x XP pumpkins, 2x river stems and the 3x river tears. The plant in the middle indicated by the blue arrow is a punching plant. Punch it as fast as possible to get a reward of various amounts of quick peaches (depending on your score). Exit the room and go into the middle of the four trees to enter secret room number 21/51. Pick up the 1x condition malachite (all), the 2x quick peaches, 1x spirit scroll, and the 1x snake blood. In the chest is a swamp chantefleur. Grab the temporary mind crystal boost. Exit the room. Head down and talk to the thing floating around the swamp. Its Nash the mighty Druk. He is a character that features in the laxius power series. Under the right tree of the four trees is an 1x aged mugworth. Head south and ignore any paths going right for now. Move onto the next screen

39. Open the chest to get 109 gold. Head left across the bridge. Check out the log at the top and you can get a luck ring. Check again to get 500 gold. Pick up the 1x river tear. Continue heading south. All the way to the bottom is a chest with a raflesia coat. Head back up. Move down onto the next screen. Go right first. Open the chest to get the hunter hat. Under the second tree thing is a 1x growth bean. Head back left and go down. Head right and take the upper right path. To the right of the two trees is a 1x aged mugworth. Go up to the grave and you will enter secret room 19/51. Pick up the 469 gold, 531 gold, the 1x aged mugworth, the 1x snake blood, 375 gold, 280 gold, and the 465 gold. Now head back and take the lower right path to the chest. Open it to get the earth sword. Go back left and go down the second bridge you see. To the left is a chest with a 1x magicka tea in it. Move onto the next screen.

40. To the right you will see a chest on a little island. Underneath is a lily pad. Walk across the lily pad to get to the chest. Inside is an 1x ether. Ignore the bridge for now and head down. Grab the 1x river tear to the right. At the very bottom is a man who will buy firefly nectar for 75 gold each (with hat of persuasion it goes up to 100 gold). Now up a little to the right go across the bridge. To the very right is a 1x quick peach. Go down across the bridges and at the end is a blue flower. Remember this one for later. Above it is a 1x river stem. Now head back up to the bridge I said to ignore. Walk all the way to the end to meet Baretta. Don’t talk to her just yet. If you need to make sure you stock up on anything you may need before talking to her. If you leave before completing her quest you will not get to keep Baretta in your party. She is trying to figure out how to enter this tomb. Tombs are her passion because they are so full of everything. She believes there is a great relic in this tomb. This tomb belongs to a dangerous demon whom she believes is dead. Random believes she is going to get herself killed. Offer to help her.

Quest 11- Find the Sceptre for Baretta (Q11)

(Random encounter: Python [30 gold, 58 exp, python skin], Arachnid [3 gold, 9 exp, slime], Underground lycose [3 gold, 13 exp], Tranculus [3 gold, 20 exp], Xen Monstruor [166 gold, 100 exp, monstruor scales], Wild orc [12 gold, 40 exp, purse], Giga scorpion [93 gold, 85 exp, giga scorpion scales]

41. Welcome to the tomb. Head south. Check the wall to the right where the little square is and get the uzair small key. Grab the temporary speed crystal boost in the right corner. Now head back up and around the stairs. In the right room is a chest with 34 gold. Head up to the tomb and inspect. Baretta believes the tomb and crypt are too small. She is going to try and find a way deeper into the crypt. She finds a way in. A door appears behind you. The uzair small key opens the door. Enter into the Uzair catacombs.

42. Now make sure you put Spark in your party and set his fighting strategy to observant (gain this skill at lvl 15). He will soon pick up a bromium which is a quest item for later. Go up first. Take the left path. Go left around and down. The room below you has nothing. Go left. Walk along the upper wall of the corridor and keep following that line when you enter into the room. You should enter secret room 23/51 when you hit the wall. Get the 473 gold, 339 gold, magicka scroll and 2x power peppers. Go back around to the start and head left this time. All the way left and in the room is a chest with an indinera potion in it. Now head to the next room to the right and go down the stairs.

43. Go right first and down the first path. Half way down open the chest to get the Nirium shield. Go a little right and go up the first path. Go into the room. The first upper chest has a 1x revive potion. The second upper chest has a 1x power pepper. The third upper chest has a warrior helmet. The first lower chest has a 1x Pacification scroll. The second lower chest has a 1x power pepper. The third lower chest has 3x germs of demence. The fourth lower chest has 2x explosion scrolls. Head back to the middle room. Head left and go down the second path. Open the chest to get an earth shield. Continue going down and grab the temporary speed crystal boost. Continue down the same path and open the chest to get an 1x oxyfolia. At the end of the path go right and up, then turn the switch to on. Now go all the way left and down. Follow the path all the way to the end and open the chest to get a 1x green ooze. You may notice another lever that does not turn. Ignore it, it’s a teaser. Go back to the middle room and go up. Go down the left path and down. Talk to the guy walking around. Its Indiana jones. Go back up and keep going left to open the chest and get a 1x magicka acid. Continue along and go up the upper left section. You will see 3 spider webs. In the middle of the 2 on the right go up to enter secret room 22/51. Open the chest to get 1x Power pepper, 1x river tear, 1x green ooze and 1x oxyfolia. Exit the room and head all the way across right. Go up the stairs and open the left

chest to get an 1x ark flare scroll and the right chest to get a 1x detox shower (all).

44. Now go back down the stairs and go back to the middle room. Head right again and this time go up. Go right and up the second path. Open the chest to get a shadow glove. Go back down and right. Go up the next path. Open the chest to get a 1x magicka tea and a power rod. Go left and check the statue for a clue. Go and examine the third light from the left where there is a crack underneath. This will lead you to the Uzair true crypt. Go up the stairs and you will be ambushed by a xen monstruor and a python. Kill them. Heal up and save. No go up and confront Uzair. He can be quite tough. He will summon creatures to help him and will inflict poison, frightened and cold statuses on your party. Power strike or double strike with Random. Heal up and increase stats e.g attack/defence up, then summon breeze with Sarah and then Holy words when she runs out of MP. Chrysalid twister with Sarah when he summons the pythons. Use Phagocytosis and then Kamikaze with Guanidia and do what you can with Baretta as shes a bit useless in this fight. He will randomly drop a moonshade orb when dead and a nice sum of gold. You will get the Uzair cane. Quest complete. Baretta will stay in your team. Use Randoms Egress spell to get out.

45. From the tomb go up to where you saw Nash. A little to the south of him

go across the bridge to the right. Open the chest to get the assassin hood. Grab the 2x river tears (one slightly hidden by the tree) Go up and open the chest to get the poison bow. Go right and up. You will see a flower at the end. Remember this one for later. Go down and right onto the next screen. Go down and grab the 1x quick peach. Go straight up and grab the 1x XP pumpkin. Go to your right and down and when you get back onto the main island go a little to your right past the log and immediately go up. You will find secret room 18/51. Grab the 3x quick peaches, 2x growth beans, 632 gold, 1x aged mugworth and the temporary mind crystal boost. Exit the room and go down across from where you entered and go right. Open the chest to get an 1x acid rain (all). Go down the first lower path and open the chest to get a numb bow. Ignore the second path and continue right a little then up. Open the chest to get a 1x magicka potion. To the right you will see a circle of flowers. Remember this for later. Go down and get the green ooze. Go back down and continue right onto the next screen

46. Go up the first path and grab the 1x river tear. Head right when you can and open the chest to get the Nirum helmet. Go back left and head all the way up. Open the chest to get a counter claw. Go right and go into the sparkles in the tree. This is secret room 14/51. Grab the 1x necroleech (all), temporary resistance crystal boost and the 402 gold. Now head up to the top right corner of the room and find secret room 15/51. Get the 481 gold, 2x river tears, the 1x green ooze and the temporary speed crystal boost. On the left side go down to the bottom and inspect to the south to find secret room 16/51. Grab the 4x purple glow things to get 1+ HP for all party members each time. Grab the 1x snake blood, 1x necroleech (all), and the 1x old bottle. Exit the secret rooms and continue going right. Grab the 1x Mandragore root. Open the chest to get a wind bandana. Continue going down and grab the temporary strength crystal boost. Go back up to where the secret rooms were and head down. Grab the 1x quick peach. Go across and ignore the scorpion for now. Go down and also leave the strength boost crystal for when you come back to fight the scorpion. Go all the way to the bottom and go right and open the chest to get a brass fist. Go down and open

the chest to get a 1x health balm. Go back up and go all the way to the right. Go down and at the end is a 1x river stem. There is also a fern like flower in the middle that you need to remember for later. Now head up. Grab the 1x river tear on the way. Up the top get the 1x aged mugworth and the 2x quick peaches. Open the chest to get a seed pendant (Artifact). Go back down and head all the way left onto the next screen.

47. Head across to the larger island bit and go all the way down. Start to go over the bridge and Sarah will complain about being lost for good. She complains about the swamp and the rain and regrets having followed Random. Under the second tree is a 1x Mandragore root. Go right and down to get the 1x river tear. Now go up and grab that 1x river tear as well open the chest to get a water sword. Go back to the two trees and go down onto the next screen. Go right and then up. Open the chest to get an 1x Indinera tincture. Go down then keep going across. Go up the get the temporary resistance crystal boost. Go down to the bottom and find secret room 17/51. Grab the 4x necroleech (all), 1x green ooze, 1x Condition Malachite (all), 1x snake blood, and the temporary strength crystal boost. Go back up and left. First path you see head down and all the way around to get the elemental rod. Head back up to where you see the Lamia wondering around. They will not attack you. They have abandoned the way of their tribe. Go down until you start to see the flags. Go right and go all the way around to get the temporary resistance crystal boost. Go back up and head left. Across the bridge on the little island is a 1x river stem. Down the bottom open the chest to get an elven hat. Go back down to the flags and head down onto the next


48. To the left open the chest to get an iron shield. Go down and head right. Grab the temporary resistance and mind crystal boosts and the 1x aged mugworth. Head back right and down. You will be ambushed by several monsters. The first round is a giga scorpion and a living rock. Then next round are 3 lamias. It will give you a chance to heal up. The next round is a lamia and a giga scorpion. It will give you a chance to heal again. The next round are 4 lamias. The next round is 2 lamias. That is all of them. You will see a sign that will indicate that you are approaching a tribe. Go all the way right and open the chest to get an 1x indinera potion. Go back and head down. You will be ambushed again. This time its the tribe. Sarah asks Random to show the token but he lost it. The lamias take you to a lake and are about to eat you when Guanidia cries out and the lamias notice it. They believe that the god of the marshlands are sending a holy messenger. Random and his team play along. They are set free and you receive another token for the other tribe. You can now explore the tribe.

49. In the lower right corner is a lamia under a funny looking plant. Talk to them and they will tell you about the 6 orbs of elements. They help increase elemental powers and those who possess all 6 orbs acquire a certain aura. They are invisible to the eye but the lamia can sell you an artefact that will allow you to see them once you have equipped it. Buy it for 1000 gold (400 if you have the hat of persuasion). There is another punching plant indicated by the arrow in the top right corner. Go to the very lower right to where the lamia is in front of a boat. Go and talk to it to go to the town of Xen. Xen is a village of wizards. Down the bottom go have a look at the weapons and armors. Make sure you buy a fire sword. This will be used on the scorpion when you return to the swamp with a few quests. Make sure you also buy a few snow coats for when you leave this town. Go up and right across the bridge. Enter into the first house. She is a botanist and she has a passion for flowers. She asks if you will go back into the swamp and collect some rare species of flowers for her. Say yes. She will give you a scroll that will point out the flowers with a blue cursor. Go all the way to the right side of the village and enter the lower right house. In here is Leanda Gorfulthot. She is a magician and she has found an orb of power that allows her to be stronger than herself. This is a character that features in Indinera Laxius power games. Exit her house and go straight up. Enter into the guild of Xen. Talk to the blue robed guy. Any elf with experience in magicka can learn geomancy with his aid. On a crescent shaped isle he has set a weather circle. He wants you to take the mantle he gives you and put it on and go visit this circle. If you do this he will show you how to use the weather to your advantage. Talk to the brown robed guy and he says that if you bring him a bromium and a mithril he will make a powerful ring called basla-mammoth. Talk to the girl in the top left corner. She can teach you one of three types of spells. They are healing damaging and corroding. It costs 1000 gold to use her service. With healing you gain marshlands heal. It heals 120 Hp a turn. Damaging gives you soil typhoon. Power 226 earth/water (small defence from enemy) may shrink, disease and venom. The corroding spell gives you a swamp corrosion spell. May poison, weaken, and cause bleeding, venom and disease (My personal favourite spell out of these three). Sarah and Baretta can learn these. I chose the swamp corrosion for Sarah (as this is a great spell for tough monsters) and the soil typhoon for Baretta (as she has very poor attacking spells).

Quest 12- Find three plants (Q12)

50. Head back to the lamia tribe. In the top left corner talk to the Lamia standing near the boat. They will transport you back to the marshlands. Head up to the next screen. Head up onto the next screen again and walk up until you hit the funny looking plants. Head all the way right, onto the next screen and right again until you can go no further. Go down the bridge and you will see the red fern that I mentioned earlier. Pick it to get the zoizo raflesia. Go back up and head left until you reach a path going up. Head up it and grab the temporary strength crystal boost. Go up until you see the scorpion. Equip the fire sword and make sure you have spark in your party. Heal up and the engage the enemy. This is the raflesia unborn. It is quite a tough enemy but weak to fire. Try and poison it. It will randomly drop the raflesia hat. You will receive the raflesia berries (this is another item of the "great recipe". Go back down and head left. Go past the weird plant again and continue going left. When on the next screen go up. You will then see the pink plant. Pick it up to get the nenula novella. Go back down and continue left. When you reach Nash again go down. Continue walking all the way to the bottom until you reach the man buying firefly nectars. Walk right and then down and you should see the blue flower. Pick it to get the botinacea drulea. Use Randoms egress skill to teleport back to the tribe. Go to the botanist and give her the flowers. Quest complete. She will give you the pearl shield.

Quest 13- Find the circle (Q13)

51. Go back to the Lamia tribe and head into the swamp again. Head back up to the odd looking plant again. Go right a little bit then up and across. You will see the circle. Quest complete. Egress back to the lamia village and then go and visit the wizard. He will give you the power of geomancy. Sarah will now be stronger in areas where there is snow, heavy rain etc. The girl in the bottom left will now sell you items. Talk to the guildmaster in the bottom right corner and they will sell you a spell that increases your chances of success in a fight at a price. Sarah will learn circle of meditation.

Quest 14- Find Guanidia. (Random encounters: Python [30 gold, 58 exp, Python skin], Smuggler [40 gold, 36 exp, Health auquifolium], Xen lamia [31 exp, 39 exp, river herb]

52. Go and stay at the inn now. In the morning you will see that Guanidia is missing yet again. Sarah has the theory that because he is a “god” he may have been abducted to try and sell for big money. Ask around to see if anyone knows where he is. Go all the way to the right and enter the house just below the guild of Xen. The girl in here knows where he is. She saw them outside her window. They will go in a boat across to as island. Enter into the hut. A man standing there will get a surprise as Random asks him where his chameleon is then laughs at him. Kill him. When defeated

Random will ask again where Guanidia is. He says that he is probably still in the warehouse. They were going to sell him to renegade lamias to use as a trump card. In the top left corner check the top right jar to get a life apple. Go down into the room and check the first barrel to get a 1x crystal rain (all). The next barrel has a 1x mist pebble. Head right. Go down the first passage. In the bottom right barrel is a dynamite. The second path down has nothing. The third path leads to another room.

53. The jar beside you to the right has a 1x river tear in it. The second jar on the left has an 1x indinera tea in it. Pick up the 5x life apples and the 2x golden apples. Across to the left open up the chest to get a 1x health balm. Below that check the jar on the table to get a 1x life apple. Beside that table you will see a path. Go down it. Check the top right barrel for a 1x health auquifolium. Check the lower left barrel for a 1x magicka tincture. Go left past all the swamp plants and check the last jar for a 1x dynamite. Now go back and head down the path and weave your way around the walls. Check the chest to get 3x roast beef. Go up and open the chest to get 263 gold. Head up and open the gate and you have found Guanidia. Quest complete.

54. Head back towards the start. Now head down the last path. In the first room up, in the second barrel is a 1x condition stone. On the right side the second barrel has a 1x river tear. In the bottom second room open the chest to get 139 gold. In the top right room the first jar has an 1x indinera tincture. The third jar also has an 1x indinera tincture. Move down onto the next screen. To the left in the first room you come across check the middle lower jar to get a 1x river herb. Check the right jar second from the top to get a 1x medical herb. Check the left jar second from the bottom to get a 1x river herb. Pick up the 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll. In the next room check the second jar to get a 1x river herb. Check the right jar second from the bottom to get a 1x energy herb. Check the next one up for a 1x energy herb. Go back across and down. The creature to the left looks like guanidia but is not. Open the chest in the middle of the room to get an 1x ether. The chest in the bottom corner has a fairy ring. The chest in the top corner has a counter dagger. The jar to the right has a 1x revive potion. Check the hole in the wall with Guanidia in your party to get 1x attack up lvl 3 potion, 1 x weapon up lvl 2 potion, 1x mind up lvl 3 potion, 1x defence up lvl 3 potion, 1x armor up lvl 2 potion, 1x Aura up lvl 2 potion. That’s it for this place. If you like stay and level up a bit as this is a great area to do so. Then leave.

55. Time to pick up some orbs. Go back into the marshland. Go up to the screen past the lone lamia in the marsh. Head left then up to the where secret room 18 was and enter it. You will find the orb of water which adds +30 power to all water based spells. Exit the secret room and go down a bit then left. Go all the way left and up. Work your way up to the lamia tribe then go through its northern exit. Make your way to the area with the heap of millipuves flying around. The Orb of earth can be seen in the middle on the right side of the raised bit. It will add +18 power to all earth based spells. Head back to the town of Xen. Well that’s it for the marshlands and Xen for now. You can leave by going to the left and down.

Part 4 – The Shore, Valley and SankT Leona.

(Random encounters: Coast shark [15 gold, 56 exp, Shark wing])55. On your way out make sure you visit the item shop and buy at least 2

snow coats as it is cold along the valley way (Baretta wont wear the coat so you only need one for Random and Sarah). At the bottom you will get a choice to go along the shore or go down the valley. Choose the shore option first. Go down a bit until you see a small zigzag of water near the edge. At the upper left point beside the zigzag you will find secret room 25/51. In this secret room is a fairy that will increase your levels by 2 and disappear. When you leave the area after inspecting the fairy your party will get +1 lvl and +20 MN. Along the top to the right about halfway is a 1x salmon. At the end is 1x salmon. Head down then left. About halfway is a place where you can go down. Just before you reach the bit of water you will be ambushed by 3 coast sharks and Bruce. Try to put as many statuses on him as possible. He is able to be numbed so try to aim for that one as well. He will randomly drop the Bruce shark scales. You will also get 5x shark meat. Head down onto the next screen. Go down and grab the 1x moon fish. From there go down a tiny bit then right for a bit until you see the 1x moon fish. Go back up and right and grab the 1x salmon. Go down a bit and hidden in the water is a 1x royal trout. Go back up and continue right. From the very top of the cliff go down and around the bits of water you cant walk over. Go up a little bit and you should reach secret room 24/51. Grab the anchor of the seven seas, 2x trout, 3x salmon, 2x royal trout, 3x moon fish, 1x ocean love (all) and 409 gold. Exit the room and head all the way down until you reach the boat. Grab the 1x salmon and inspect the boat from the bottom.

(Random encounters: giga scorpion [93 gold, 85 exp, giga scorpion scales], Swamp Firefly [11 gold, 23 exp, firefly nectar], Python [30 gold, 58 exp, python skin], Coast shark [15 gold, 56 exp, shark wing])56. You will be on a gorgeous beach. Sarah says she is going to enjoy the sun after the swamp. Walk right and pick up the 2x sunshine herbs, 303

gold, and the 1x trout (to the south a bit). Keep going right and grab the 198 gold, and the 2x sunshine herbs. Grab the 1x sunshine herb a little further to the right, and the temporary speed crystal boost. At the very right grab the 3x moon fish. At the very top on the sand is a 1x sunshine herb. Go back down and up the stairs. Grab the 1x sunshine herb. Go down the other set of stairs to the left. Grab the 2x sunshine herbs. Go up the stairs and under the second tree from the left is a 1x spicy mandrake. Go down the stairs and at the very end grab the 225 gold. Now head back to the start of the beach. And go back to the town of Xen.

(Random encounters: Evil bunny[31 gold, 45 exp, bunny fur], Sick bunny [15 gold, 53 exp, bunny claw], Solitaire [241 gold, 156 exp], Snow giant [7 gold, 138 exp, medical herb], Mountain imp [11 gold, 25 exp], Winter flake [0 gold, 44 exp, crystal rain], Morning wraith [0 gold, 62 exp])

Side quest 15- melt the glacier down (Q15)

57. Now this time when you head down choose the down the valley option. Watch the conversation and then head down. Head to the very left first. Go up the set of stairs and then go right. Grab the 1x mellow nectar along the way. At the end open the chest to get the 1x crystal rain (all). Now go back down the stairs and head to the very right and down a bit. You will see a little area with a chest. Open the chest to get a 1x ether and a 1x Yakk milk. Now head to the lower middle of the screen until you see a bit of lava. Go between the lava flows and go down. Head to the left and up the stairs. Go around and down the stairs to open the chest to get a moon dew. Now go to the right side of the screen.

58. A little past the lava bit go up the stairs and in the middle grab the 1x Indinera tincture. Go back down and walk across to the right to see three bunnies in your way. Go to pat them and they will turn feral. Fight them. Move onto the next screen. Here you will hear the crackling of the lava and the screen will be tinged slightly red. Talk to the guy there and he says that the lava is slowly conquering new grounds and the area is becoming crazy. Head to the right of him. Once you reach the large lava area go right a bit and you will see a small plant next to the tree just above the lava. Inspect the tree to get 3x river tears. Inspect the small plant to get a 1x grey salt. Above that is a tree with a 1x river tear in it. Head to the bottom of the screen and go left. You should be in a small area with a log at the bottom and some arms or lava at the top. Inspect the left side of the lava at its lowest point and you will get the lava shield (relic). Leave this lava area.

59. Once you get back to the normal area head right until you see a bridge going down. Follow it. At the bottom left of the dead trees pick up the holy mirror. Go to the right a bit and below the sign check the ice blocking the path. Random says that they need to find a way to melt the area. Go right again and check the lava bit with a blue arrow above it. He needs a shovel to dig the ground with and move the lava arm closer to the frozen area. Go back up and talk to the guy in the noisy lava area. He will give you a shovel. Head back to the lava arm and start digging! Mission accomplished and quest complete!

60. Go down just a bit and then head right. Go up the bit that looks like a path. Pick up the 5x toxic grappa around the lava pond. Head back around and start heading down the path. Grab the 1x holy mirror. Go right past the sign and when you see a three way ignore the upper path. Go right and into the upper right corner. You will find secret room 27/51. Grab the 318 gold, 555 gold, 243 gold, 436 gold, 132 gold, 461 gold, and the 3x moon dew. Head out of the secret room and go down a bit to grab the 1x mellow nectar. Now head down and right. You will now be in a place where someone has built a lot of snowmen. Follow the path right. In the cave you can buy some regenerative items. To the right at the end of the cave is a 1x holy mirror.

61. Exit the cave and head up. On the way up grab the temporary speed crystal boost. On the next screen open the chest to get a 1x crystal rain (all). Go back down again. Take the lower path to the right of the cave and when you can go left. When you see a small log leading up onto the ledge go over it. The bunny hopping around here turns into a sick/evil bunny when you inspect it. Open the chest to get an ice axe. Get off the ledge. There is nothing further to the right except for a bunny that turns into a sick/evil bunny when you inspect it. Leave this area. When you are on the next screen, go down and grab the temporary mind crystal boost. Go back up and follow the path to the sign. Now go down.

62. When you hit another 3 ways again go left. Open the blue chest to get an ivory sword. Go up and Inspect the yellow thing to be ambushed by 3 evil bunnies. You will get the 1x mellow nectar at the end of it. Go back to the three ways. To the right there is nothing except for some bunnies that turn into sick/evil bunnies. Head down onto the next screen. Here you will see another 3 ways. Follow the path to the left. Check the cave and you will be ambushed by two bunnies. Which will quickly turn into multiple bunnies. Do this about 4 times and you will get a nature bow. Keep killing them until you kill them all (it might take a while) and you will get 12x roast beef. Now go down a bit and in the trees to the left you will find an 1x indinera tincture. Go back to the three ways. Go down and left. Go down until you reach a large area. In the top right corner look in the trees and get the 1x heaven elixir. Go across the bridge and around the volcano pit and you will find your first orb. It is the orb of ice. It will add +17 power to all ice based spells. Go back up to the three ways. Go right. Going up leads to a lady that has made lots of snowmen. Going down leads to a temporary resistance crystal boost. Go right.

63. On this next screen you will see a tent. Take the upper path next to the tent. Follow the dirt path up and keep going up and you should hit secret room 26/51. Get the temporary resistance crystal boost, 3x mellow nectars, and the 1x heaven elixir. Exit the secret room and go across the bridge to the right. You will see a lot of tea pots. Third one across has a 1x magicka tea. Fourth one across has a 1x vapourine infusion. Seventh one across has a 1xmagicka tea. Ninth one across has a 1x magicka tea. Tenth one across has an 1x indinera tea. Eleventh one across has a 1x magicka tea. The two at the bottom has an 1x oxyfolium and an 1x indinera tea. Go back left and across the bridge. When you are standing in from of the tent again go right and down.

64. Now you have finally reached SankT Leona. Random states that you cannot stay here long as they will soon realise that you never set foot on that carrier. A young girl is listening in on the conversation and walks over. She introduces herself as Lisa and she is a guardian. Well actually she has three more months to go but she is paid to ensure the security of some carriers. There is one heading for Rillia shortly and they could take place on it. It is on the other side of the district. Lisa then joins your party. To the left of you is a pub with nothing much of interest inside. Below that is an item shop that sells potions. To the right of the entrance, check the barrel beside the house for a 1x magicka potion. Go over the bridge. Where the 5 barrels are check the lowest one for 3x trout. Check the top right one for 5x moon fish. Go into the top right house and in the top right corner is a 1x knowledge book. (In the house on the left dont go in and talk to people if you dont particularly like killing people for no particular reason. Will explain further when the quest comes up). Exit and go back across the bridge and down. Go down the little path in the bottom left corner and you will find the residential quarter.

Quest 16- Find the pink silk ribbon (Q40)

65. In the bottom right house talk to Janet, the woman in a blue dress running around. She asks you to help her. She has lost a ribbon her best friend gave to her before leaving for metrolia. She wants you to help her find it. She will give you 200 gold or 500 gold if you are wearing the hat of persuasion. if you find it. Exit and go up to the top of the town. Enter the house to the right of the entrance inside check the barrel to the top right. Inside is a silk ribbon. Go back and talk to her. Quest complete.

66. Leave the house and enter the bottom left house. This one is a pet shop that you can buy some items for you pets. Leave this house and immediately go down. You will find a hooded guy. He will ask you to help him and he will help you join a secret organisation. Say yes to him. One of his friends is trapped in the fighters guild. Do not confront the fighters guild about this. He wants you to find the cell and free him. Leave this area and go across the bridge to the right. When you can a little past the fountain go down. In the barrel to the right is 86 gold. The guy down the bottom will buy your shark tooth for 45 gold each and for 60 gold each while you are wearing the hat of persuasion. To the right check the barrel for a revive potion. Now go up and to the right. When you get to the bit that opens out go up. You visit the shops and stay at the inn if you like.

Quest 17- Knock out the rogue imp (Q 16)

67. Now go up to the top and enter the fighters guild through the big doors. Talk to Aaron with the red hair. Pay 500 gold to join up. He will give you a mission to find a renegade imp. The only way to know if you have the right one is that it will drop a pendant called Oraklion. Time to go up into the snowy lands and start slaughtering some imps. Go up to the part where you melted the glacier. Just after the purple lakes turn right and go up and around again. In the lava lake you will see a purple frog like creature. This is the rogue imp. Heal up and prepare to fight. He will get you to fight 2 sets of 3x normal imps to begin with. Then he will join the fight with 6x normal imps. Try and knock out the normal imps quick as they put the mad status on your characters at the drop of a hat. The purple imp has less than 350 health so knock him out quick with Guanidias Kamikaze spell and you will be laughing. You will get the Oraklion when the fight is over. Quest complete. Go back to the fighters guild and give it to them. He will let you into the next part of the guild and give you a 1x mithril as a token of his appreciation.

Quest 18- Rescue the prisoner (Q 19)

68. Check the armour to the upper right and you will find a secret path. Here you will encounter swarms of spiders that counter attack. They are weak to fire. In the bottom right is a 1x St Christopher scroll. Work your way up. After some cells go up and left and grab the 1x Pacification scroll. Grab the 1x Mithril in the fire place. Go up and in the first room check the skull for a 1x mithril dust. In the last room is the friend of the hooded guy. Quest complete. Leave the way you came in. Go back to the hooded guy and talk to him. He will give you a clue on how to enter a secret hideout of an organisation.

Quest 19- A bundle for Xen (Q 17)

69. Now go back to the fighters guild and talk to the woman with pink hair. She will ask you to do a service for her. She wants you to take a bundle to a shop keeper in xen. Talk to the guy to the right and he will ask you to slay a powerful creature in the swamp. He gives you a solution to attract it to you. Make your way back to the town of Xen through the snowy lands. Give the package to the botanist. Quest complete. When you return to the fighters guild the pink haired lady will train you to become faster and will give your party varying amounts of speed a shadow cloak. Make sure you have the team members in your team that would benefit most from the speed boost. While in the town of Xen go back to the guild of Magicka and talk to the brown cloaked guy as you should now have the bromium and the mithril. He will give you the Basla-Mammoth ring.

Quest 20- Kill the legendary creature in the swamp (Q18)

70. Now head into the swamp and Random will ask if we should open the solution from the fighters guild. Say yes and a three headed wyrm will

attack. This dragon is tough. Try and use specific spells and items targeted at dragons. Equip weapons that are good at fighting them. Also try to inflict statuses on it such as venom. You will get 3311 gold, 980 exp and the snow dragon claw after defeating it. Quest complete. When you return to the fighters guild talk to the purple haired guy again and he will give you bonuses for certain people. Random: +10 HP, +10 ST, +20 RS or +15RS/+2 Lvl. Sarah: +6 HP, +9 ST, +9 RS, or +4 HP/+3 ST. Lisa: +5 HP, +5 ST, +8 RS or + 4 Lvl. The red haired girl below the pink haired one will teach some members how to cast a spell which will allow counter hits for 250 gold. In the bottom right of the guild talk to the golden chest. This is Jaro the smithy. He will ask for 500 gold and he will make something for you. He will give you a bravery ring (Random), nymph ring (Sarah), guardian cloak (Lisa), serpentaire pendant (Guanidia), Glitter bracelet (Baretta) and a fire gem (Spark) Depends on who you have in your party. That’s it for the fighters guild for now.

Quest 21- Kill Clemence (Q20)

71. Now head towards the entrance to the town and head right across the bridge. You will be able to see a blue arrow pointing to a barrel. You have reached the assassin guild. In the middle of the set of wardrobes is a wind bandana. Talk to Janice the harpy in the middle. She will ask you to kill Clemence a tax collector in the bluestone residence. Go into the residence on the left hand side after you leave the guild. Go up to him and kill him. Quest complete. There is an alternative to this quest. If you don’t talk to Clemence before you accept this quest you will be asked to take his tax reports. Head back into the guild hideout. Talk to Janice again and she will say you can now have a choice to speak to one of her companions. If you pick royal assassin she will teach you how to attack your enemies before the fight has started. Pick Shadow blade and you will be able to reach the enemies weak point with a deadly strike. Random, Sarah and Lisa can learn Shadow blade. Random is the only one who can learn the Royal assassin at this point.

72. Go and talk to Baron, the guy on the left after equipping Sarah with the wind bandana and boost her speed to 498. Buy a speed potion from the items shop if you need to. Talk to him and say that you are ready and he will train Sarah to get +33 ST. Talk to Clovis in the top right corner and he will offer Random some potions. Drink the first one and you shall become a blood thirsty yet stealthy murderer. Drink the second one and your blood shall regain peace again. He will give you a nitro-glycerin solution and a

pamprium solution.

Quest 22- Arrive in Rillia (Q 21)

73. That is all for SankT for now. Train and save a bit of money and buy some equipments until you are ready then go and talk to the guy in the bottom right and get into the carriers. You will be told the rules of the carrier and then the screen will take you to a place about halfway to rillia. To the right check out the red flowers near the water to get a 1x morning drop (You will have to thread through the trees to get this one). Talk to Sarah first then go over the bridge and talk to Guanidia in the bottom left corner (slightly hidden by some trees). Go back across and talk to Sarah. A blue haired guy is talking to her and Random gets jealous and hurries her inside the carrier on the pretence that they are getting ready to go. And welcome to Rillia. Quest complete.

Part 5- Rillia, witch woods and Secret mansion

74. You arrive at Rillia. Walk forward a few steps and they will have a discussion. Lisa and Baretta will stay behind while Random and Sarah will visit Randoms host Pierrick. The scene will change to Pierrick’s house. Pierrick will tell you to visit the school and pick up your books. Time to go and explore. Leave the house. Go into the building next door to the right and you will see that it is a pub. You will meet Coryool. This is a character that features prominently in the Laxius Power games. He is lewd, crude and basically an alcoholic. In the bottom right corner is a 1x assault scroll. Exit the pub and the next house down sells herbs and the like. Go right and the left barrel at the end has a stalker bandana. The last house is Marlons HQ. This place will be familiar to those who have played Laxius Power 1. Buy a helmet off the kid in the back room and go outside for a walk for approximately 1500 steps and return. A fairy will be in his place. Buy the Nirum boots. Leave and go back to the left side of the area. Go down the little path and you will come out into the main part of Rillia.

75. Check the barrel to the left to get 115 gold. Go into the second building to the right and check the cabinet on the left to get an edge axe. Exit this building and go all the way to the right. Go under the row of trees to get the 1x assault scroll. In the top right, the left barrel is a 1x health balm. You will see the bishop under the tent. This is the guy that can remove any cursed equipment that you may pick up and equip. He also sells items that can cure

zombification. Enter into the coliseum and Random will get quite excited. The guy on the left side will sell some nice equipments. Be sure to buy a mithril sword. Exit this area and go to the building on the right (One with a key sign in front of it). This is the school. Enter and talk to the guy standing there. He will tell you that a girl called Luciana has your books. She will be found in the library. Leave the school and go all the way to the left side of the street and go up the stairs. Go up and talk to the pink haired girl in the top left corner. This is Luciana. They will discuss the rumours that there is a weird creature living in the walls of the library. Luciana comments on the weird relationship that Random and Sarah has. Random is quite rude to her and makes fun of her so she leaves. Leave the Library.

76. Sarah has to go and visit her host. Head all the way down and in the first house to the south check the big box on the left side. In it is a brass fist. Exit this area. In the next building up is a weapon and armour shop. Buy whatever you want. Exit the shop and go right. When you go past the line of shrubs check the upper left barrel for 3x roast beef. The house next to those barrels is Sarah’s host. Enter into the house and talk to the guy in the top right corner. His name is Careyns and he is a good friend of her parents. He said that not only will he put a roof over her head but he will educate her as well. Leave this house and go back to the end of the street. Go up one more street and head right. Go down below the tree and two barrels and walk under the house. Grab the steel fist in the lower left barrel. Go back and head right again. Go into the first building above. People will recognise Jezzie from Laxius Power 1. Leave this building. A little to the right is a set of stairs that are darkened that leads to a wall. Inspect the wall to get 647 gold. Above that is the inn if you wish to stay there. To the right you can talk to Lisa and Baretta and grab their equipments that they still have on them if you need it. Below them is an item shop.

Quest 23- Mushroom challenge (Q35)

77. Go back to the school and attend your first lesson. Go up the stairs to the right and enter into the first upper room. The teacher will tell you that your first lesson is a trial. Groups of four will go up into the hills and pick some particular mushrooms. The people with the most mushrooms will win the trial. All the other students disappear into the hills. Random is upset because

he hates loosing and has no idea where to go. Leave the classroom and you will see Luciana beside the stairs. Talk to her. She has no group to go with. Random asks if she wants to come. Luciana will join your party. Go down to where Lisa and Baretta are walking around and leave through this way. Luciana will be startled about Guanidia when he speaks. She will then ask if they can get her cat Herasia to tag along with them. Go up to the library and into Luciana’s room (the one she was standing in front of when you first met her. Go up to the bed and wake Herasia up. He joins your party. Check the cabinet to get 1x knowledge book and 1x saviour book. Now go and leave.

(Random encounters: Bizbil [9 gold, 10 exp], Eden foru fora [65 gold, 74 exp, butterfly powder], Blood firefly [30 gold, 81 exp, Flower of aquapunga], Waterfall hydra [31 gold, 190 exp], Burning bull [20 gold, 122 exp]) 78. You will have set up camp in the valley where you will go and pick mushrooms. Leave the glade to the left. Go across the bridges and then the up. When you start to go back right again press enter/space to get around the overhang. This mushroom you see here is not one of the ones you need to collect. Go up and to the left. At the very end you will see a vine heading down. Go to the very end of the vine and you will find secret room 29/51. Grab the purple ball for +1HP for all party members. Get the 779 gold and the 1x ocean love (all). Leave the secret room and go up. Talk to the lamia called Gabbabili and kill him. Try to inflict many statuses on him. Luciana’s breeze spell works well. Also cast paralysis on him. He will randomly drop the gluey honey.

79. When onto the next screen go to the right and you will see a teddy bear. Random will tease Luciana about it if you go up and inspect it. Go to the right and down. Go over the log. Grab the 1x Mithril dust to the right. Go over the log to the left and go up. Grab the 1x mandragore root. Go back down and across the log. Go to the left. Walk between the grass patch and the edge until you get to the wall underneath the pink flower. Here you will find secret room 28/51. Grab the 5x morning drops and 1x ocean love (all).

Also get the temporary strength crystal boost along the way. Go across the second log and head left. Open the chest to get a witch hat. Now head down to the next screen. Head left first and open the chest to get an earth shield. Now head right and open the chest to get a 1x healing potion. Now walk across the pond via the logs. Go to the right and then up. Open the chest to get a 1x magicka tincture. Go across the log and up to get an epinambeau (relic). Go back down. In the bottom right corner is a temporary speed crystal boost. Now go to the right and you will see a rock. Walk underneath that and you will be able to go down and grab the temporary strength crystal boost then go back up, pass the second rock going down and move onto the next screen.

80. Turn to your right and you will soon find a small hut where a lady offers you a place to rest and some food. Go left and follow the path down. There is a chest on the left hand side with a storm shield in it. Go back up and go all the way right. At the end is a chest with a pink solution in it. Beside it is a log that you can enter from the side and go up. You have found fairy niche. Talk to the nymph up here. She sees Sarah and asks for her help. She was supposed to coordinate a meeting of fairies however the fairies all fell under a curse and she asks if Sarah can help find them. She lists off the names. Head back down, then left. Ignore the path down from where the hut is. Go down the next one on the right. Grab the 1x mandragore root about half way

down. Continue down and open the chest to get a 1x sunshine herb. Move onto the next screen. Quest complete.

81. Now to grab all the mushrooms. There is 5 directly in front of you and 2 to the left. Grab the 1x river stem to the right in the water. While on the right side there are 5 on the top in the niche. Below that are 10 mushrooms. Go up the stairs to the left and grab the one mushroom up here. Below that is a 1x morning drop. Go back down the stairs and go back to the start of the screen then head down. In here there are 11 mushrooms. In total there are 33 mushrooms. Head back to camp (egress on the next screen up if you like). Once you reach the camp they will rush back to school. The Teacher once again belittles Random for being late again. Random gets his own back by showing how many mushrooms they managed to pick. You get an ether for a prize. Class is dismissed. Exit the room and you see that a girl is crying. She tells you about an evil shadow taking her pet. There have been pets that have been abducted all over Rillia in the same manner. She tells that there are rumours that there is a witch in witch woods that has been taking them. Luciana points out that the place is forbidden to Rillians as it is too dangerous for people to go there. Random doesn’t care for this stupid rule as he is not a Rillian. He is going to go and investigate the rumours tonight.

82. Exit the school. Go into the building that is beside the library. Talk to Yolanda the

Fire elemental. She says she may be able to improve the party’s power. She asks you to bring her a sanctum flame of divine power. She hints that these flames are usually found deep within caves. To the right of her is the orb of fire. This adds +20 power to fire based spells. Go and visit the Coliseum and on the right side is Saphora the carmelite, one of the lost fairies. Exit and go and visit Kevin the explorer. He is in the next house up. Ask to go to the port of Rillia. To the left beside the fisherman is a 1x trout. The guy down the bottom sells fish. Towards the right open the chest below the two boats to get 215 gold. On the right side at the bottom of the dock grab the 1x trout. Go to leave and choose the go to other side of the port option. Grab the 1x royal trout a little to the right of you. Also grab the 1x trout to the right of the crates and the 1x royal trout a little below that slightly hidden by the water. On the left side grab the 1x trout near the pig man up the top. To the right is a pathway leading to some graves. Behind the last grave is a parchment. It is a map to the southern shores.

(Random encounter: Pirate [95 gold, 121 exp, salmon], Veteran pirate [160 gold, 155 exp] 83. Go back to the top of the screen and inspect the window to the right. In the top right is a 1x salmon. In the first chest is a 1x onion soup. In the second chest is a 1x health balm. Go right and ignore the first and second paths going up and down. Head up the third path. Open the chest to the left to get a 1x water ball. To the right grab the 1x trout. In the end room go down, left then down one more room. Grab the 1x trout. In the room to the right open the top chest to get 4x dynamite. Open the bottom chest to get 3x onion soup. Go back into the left room and go down. Flick the switch to on. Head up two rooms, right one room, up one room and then head back left and go down. In the next room go right and open the chest to get 4x dynamite. Go down to get a 1x royal trout. Head back up and left one room. Go down. At the bottom get the 1x salmon. To the left grab the 2x trout and open the chest to get the ebony axe. Go right and down. Open the chest to get a minotaur helm. Grab the 1x trout in the corner. Now heal up and go into the left room. Go to open the chest and Balbazak will start to laugh and 4 pirates will attack you, alternately talk to him and he will say that his plan

was to wait before he started killing people but he will start with you. You will get the sailor axe once he is dead. In the chest is 9x onion soup. Exit this area and head back to the other side of the port. Talk to the minotaur to the right and he is happy that you have found this axe. He will join your team and fight for the side of good.

Quest 24: Find the missing pets (Q24)

(Random encounter: Pumpkin head [20 gold, 130 exp], Gloomy ween [106 gold, 100 exp, condition stone], Fog Vampire [183 gold, 151 exp, necrotear], Rotten bush [14 gold, 15 exp], Jacobubutch [104 gold, 278 exp], silver hound [124 gold, 56 exp], Warrior Zombie[35 gold, 205 exp])84. Now go to witch woods by leaving through the exit where Baretta and Lisa are hanging around. You will see Coryool hanging around. Go up and talk to him. They comment on how weird all the lit pumpkins are and the way they are positioned. Coryool offers to tag along. Go up to the first pumpkin. Look inside it and you will get a 1x Magicka tincture. Go left and you should see a Mithril dust down the bottom, slightly hidden by the right upper tree in the lower left corner. There is another 2x mithril dust hidden behind the leaves of the next tree on the left hand side. Now head to the right. Once you go past the first pumpkin that you found the item in, skip the next one and look in the one after that. This one has a 1x quick peach in it. The next one up has a 1x oxyfolium in it. The next one up has nothing. Go up onto the raised bit and open the chest to get a 1x germs of demence. Walk up to the lake and enter secret room 35/51 from the bottom. Grab the 1x saviour book, 277 gold, 305 gold, 1x spirit scroll, 2x totem of evil, 1x holy

mirror, and 3x mithril dust. Exit this secret room and go back to the last pumpkin you checked. Go up to the next one and grab the 1x XP pumpkin. Check the next pumpkin up to grab a 1x slime cream. Next pumpkin has a 1x aged mugworth. The next one has nothing, but the next one up has a 1x spicy mandrake. The next two has nothing but the next one after that has an 1x onion soup. The last one has a 1x health auquifolium. That’s it for this screen. Move onto the next screen to the right from where you are.

85. The first pumpkin has a 1x animal food in it. The next one has nothing but the one after that is an 1x XP pumpkin. The next one down has a 1x healing potion. Go across the bridge. The first pumpkin has a 1x condition stone in it. The next pumpkin comes alive and attacks you. The second one along has a 1x crystal rain (all) in it. Go down to the bottom and in the little area is 4x spicy mandrake. Go back up to the last pumpkin you checked and go up to the next lit pumpkin. In it is a 1x health auquifolium. In the next lit pumpkin is a 1x medical herb. Go to the right and open the chest to get a 1x champilooh. In the last pumpkin across the bridge is a 1x health elixir. Now go down into the bottom right corner and before you move onto the next screen go up to where the two logs are. In the little niche bit you will find secret room 31/51. Grab the 1x green ooze, 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll, 1x thunder beans, 1x holy mirror, 1x spicy mandrake, and 1x XP pumpkin. Talk to the witch and she will say only a witch knows who deserves to be helped. She will give Luciana +18 HP/ +1 Lvl. Leave the secret room and move onto the next screen on the right. On this screen towards the bottom is a fairy. She will bless you by restoring your HP/MP, increasing your level by 1 or give you an enchantment which temporarily gives you an incarnat aura. Go up to the top of the screen now and open the first chest to get 2x thunder beans. Open the second chest next to it to get a 1x health auquifolium. There is a 1x growth bean behind the tree to the right, beside the building. Enter into the creepy house. Grab the 1x Magicka scroll. The chest at the top has 5x holy mirror. The middle chest has a 1x magicka potion. The chest on the right has a 1x magicka tea. The spider will talk to you. Head back onto the

next screen and then move up to where the pumpkin trail ends and move onto the next screen.

86. Check the first glowing pumpkin for an 1x onion soup. The second glowing pumpkin has a 1x animal food. To the left of that is a 1x XP pumpkin. The next glowing pumpkin is a monster. The next glowing pumpkin has a 1x mellow nectar. The next glowing pumpkin has nothing. To the left of it open the chest to get a 1x germs of demence. Go up the stairs and get the 1x river stem. Go left and head down. Check the water where the skull is. You will find secret room 30/51. Grab the 4x purple glowing balls for 1+ HP each for your party members. Also grab the 1x St Christopher scroll, and the 1x river stem. Stand below the lower pumpkin and walk right. Then go up to the top and across left. You should now be up the top. Grab the 1x growth bean, 1x green ooze, 1x aged mugworth, 1x mithril dust, 1x XP pumpkin, 1x spicy mandrake and the 1x river stem. Leave the secret room and go to the bottom of the water via the left side. Grab the 1x mithril dust. Go down the stairs and check the glowing pumpkin to the right near the water to get the 1x river herb. Check the next glowing pumpkin up to get a 1x revive potion. Check the next one up to get a 1x energy herb. Check the next glowing pumpkin up to get a 1x revive potion. To the right of that go above the water and go up where you see the sparkles in the cliff to find secret room 33/51. Grab the 6x XP Pumpkins. On the left side check the second highest jar to get a 1x necroleech (all). On the right side check the second and third jar from the bottom to get 2x morning drop. Grab the temporary strength crystal boost. Grab the 1x river stem, 1x

thunder beans and 1x totem of evil. Go back to the pumpkins. The first glowing pumpkin has nothing, the second glowing pumpkin has a 1x health elixir. Check the pumpkin to the left of the next glowing pumpkin to get a 1x XP pumpkin. The next glowing pumpkin has a 1x aged mugworth. Now head back to the start where the skeleton tree is.

87. Behind the skeleton tree is a 2x aged mugworth. Walk around the lake and past the fairy. About halfway there is a 1x river stem. Keep going up and open the chest to get a 1x health balm. Keep going until you get the 1x river stem. The fairy has nothing special to say if you keep going around to visit her. Go back to below the chest and move onto the next screen. Go across the bridge and towards the south open the chest to get a 1x totem of evil. Behind it is the 1x aged mugworth. When you go up you will see a tree surrounded by pumpkins. Underneath this tree is some gold. This gold is trapped. Be prepared for a tough fight when you go and retrieve it. You will be attacked by a monster called evil roots. He has the ability to revive 500 HP every now and again. Lucianas’ flare spell works really well on him. When defeated you will get 2448 gold and armor of the roots. Ok time to check the pumpkins. Start on the lower left side and work your way around. The third one up has a 1x power pepper. The sixth one up has a 1x power pepper. The next one has a 1x health balm. The second one across has a 1x power pepper. The fourth one has a 1x slime cream. The next one has a 1x necrotear. The second one down has a 1x condition stone. The second one up has a 1x thunder beans. The last one has a 1x magicka tincture. Towards the right of the screen is a 1x river stem. Go towards the upper left and open the chest to get 2x champilooh. The spider web is a trap. It has an eternal widow in it. Lethal dance works well on it. There is nothing up the stairs. Go up the path beside the chest.

88. Start on the right side to work your way left. The first chest has a 1x magicka potion. The second chest has a 1x health auquifolium. In the bottom right corner is a 1x growth bean. The first pumpkin has a monster in it. The next pumpkin has a 1x moon dew. The upper pumpkin to the left has a 1x mist pebble. The pumpkin directly below that has a 1x river tear. The second pumpkin to the left has a 1x ether. The next one has a monster. If you like go up the stairs to the left and look at the beautiful view. Now head back down onto the next screen and then left onto the next screen. Head left and follow the pumpkin trail up.

89. Move onto the next screen. Grab the 1x spicy mandrake to the south and then up north grab another 1x spicy mandrake. To the left beside the second tree grab the 1x XP pumpkin. To the very left is a chest with a 1x health auquifolium. To the right go up and grab the temporary mind crystal boost. Above the water to the right grab the 1x XP pumpkin. Now go left and open the chest to get 1x thunder beans. Open the next chest along to get the dark sword. Now head back left and go up. Now keep following the pumpkins. The first one has a 1x Magicka tincture. After the third glowing pumpkin grab the 1x XP pumpkin. The pumpkin next to it has a 1x condition stone. The next one up has a 1x grey salt. The last glowing pumpkin has a 1x animal food. Go up to the grassy bit and grab the 1x green ooze. To the left is a 1x growth bean. Now go down and follow the pumpkins onto the next screen. Go across the bridge and go up a bit. Grab a 1x mandragore root to the left. Go across the bridge and grab the second 1x Mandragore root. Go up and open the chest to get 2x holy mirror. Also grab the temporary

strength stat boost. Now prepare for a fight. The old woman reassures that she is not the one that is taking the pets. However Luciana is not convinced so the woman threatens to eat them. She turns into the ghost of witch woods. Lethal dance works well on the monster. Use Lucianas fire storm spell to get rid of all the pumpkin heads hanging around to help. Also try to paralyse the ghost. You will gain 100 gold and it will randomly drop a necroleech (all). Luciana notices that the missing pets aren’t there and that there must be something else behind this evil.

90. Go down to the bottom and across the bridge. Now go up and open the chest to get a 1x marshland herb. Also grab the 1x mithril dust above the chest. Now move onto the right onto the next screen. Grab the 1x river stem a little to the right. Go over the bridge and open the chest to get 3x toxic grappa. To the right a little bit is a 1x Mandragore root. Further to the right is a chest with a 1x holy mirror. Go down and right a little bit to get the

temporary resistance crystal boost. Grab the 2x river stems along the water. Go across the bridges in the maze like water area and grab the 1x river stem. Go back across and head left. Grab the 1x green ooze to the left and also grab the 1x river stem. Go down and follow the path down and it will take you back to the top of the screen. Move down onto the next two screens and then follow the pumpkins down. Go across the bridge and open the chest to the north to get a 1x revive potion. Open the next chest up to get a witch shield. Just above that is a 1x aged mugworth. Go up to the very top to open the chest and get the 1x germs of demence. Move onto the next screen and you will get transported to the eye of witchwoods. Head directly down through the trees and open the chest to get a witch shield, 1x necroleech (all), and 955 gold. In the top left corner of this screen is a 1x green ooze. The pumpkin in the middle laughs at you for being lost. In the top right is an 1x aged mugworth.

91. Now turn around and head back left. This will transport you to the start of witch woods. Head left and move onto the next screen. Before you cross the bridge check south to get a 1x XP pumpkin. Check the first pumpkin and get a 1x life beans. Go across the bridge and check the pumpkin to be ambushed by a pumpkin head. Check the next pumpkin for a 1x onion soup. The next pumpkin has a 1x thunder beans. The next pumpkin has a 1x spicy mandrake. If you move onto the next screen you will be transported into the eye of witch woods again. Go back across the bridge and go up. Open the

first chest to get a 1x magicka tincture. Go right and open the chest to get a 1x champilooh. To the right grab the 1x spicy mandrake. Now head left. Go across the little bridge and grab the 1x river stem. Now go up and move onto the next screen.

92. There is a little snake that will slither off when it sees you. Head left straight away and go up to open the chest to get the soul shield. Go back down. On the right side of the screen go up and grab the 1x Mandragore root and open the chest to get a 1x witch bracelet. Now head back left. The first pumpkin has a pumpkin head in it. The next pumpkin has a 1x moon fish. The next pumpkin is booby trapped with a pumpkin head. The next pumpkin has a 1x slime cream in it. The next one has a 1x morning drop. Open the chest to get a 1x purification herb. Move onto the next screen. You will see the snake slither away again. Go down and head left along the lake. Open the chest to get 1x life beans. Go back right then head up and left. In all the trees you will see some sparkles. Walk up into them and you will find secret room 32/51. Grab the 6x spicy mandrake. Exit the secret room and a little to the left is a 1x aged mugworth. Head left and open the chest to get a 1x health elixir. A little above that is a 1x river stem. Go up and a little to the left is a 1x spicy mandrake. Go up and you will see the snake again. Grab the 1x aged mugworth a little to the left of you. Keep going up. When you see it, walk below the rock and grab the 1x river stem to the right. Go up and grab the 1x mithril dust. Go up and you will see the snake in front of a cave. Prepare for a fight. You will have to fight several maneater rats and a skeleton warrior. You will randomly get a misfit tail from the rats. Check the cave to get 205 gold, 4x animal food, and a dead leaves rising. Egress back to the start. Go left then up and then right. You will reach the screen that is familiar. It is the screen that you were on 2 screens just before the witch/ghost. Go up onto the next screen and go across the bridge. Go up and left to move onto the next screen.

93. The third glowing pumpkin has a pumpkin head ambush. The pumpkin to the south has a pumpkin head ambush. The next one up has an 1x oxyfolia. The glowing pumpkin head above that has a pumpkin head monster ambush. From the entrance go up through the trees until you see a bed. Walk up to the bed and you will find secret room 34/51. Grab the 2x purple glowing balls for 1+ hp for your party. Grab the 3x spirit scrolls, 3x totem of evil, and the 416 gold. Go up and grab the 1x green ooze in front of the grave. Walk across and open the chest to get the 3x totem of evil. Go down to where the skeleton under the tree is and get the temporary speed crystal boost. Go up to the door and to the right are 2x XP pumpkin. To the left are 2x XP pumpkins. In the pumpkin to the left of them is a witch key. Open the door.

(Random encounters: Skeleton warrior[48 gold, 240 exp], wraith [0 gold, 166 exp, mithril dust], Flora tarantule [14 gold, 115 exp], Evil Danjana [36 gold, 249 gold], Vampire bat [5 gold, 60 exp]) 94. To the left is a 1x totem of evil. Go into the left door and go up and left into the first room. Check the yellow jar to get 4x venomous solutions. Exit the room and head to the left and in the second niche in the middle check the middle for a 1x moon stone. Check the top right for an 1x XP pumpkin. Now go right and head up. Move to the second lower room to the left. Open the chest to get a salcerium fist. Go up into the last room and grab the 1x spirit scroll on the right. On the left head up towards the spider web and find secret room 36/51. Grab the temporary resistance crystal boost and the 1x magicka scroll, 1x paralysis scroll, and the 1x XP pumpkin. Grab the purple glowing ball for Luciana to learn rise mortals. Go up into the top left corner to find secret room 37/51. Grab the 3x Magicka scrolls, 2x paralysis scrolls, 1x St Christopher scroll, 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll, 2x pacification scroll, 5x spirit scroll, and the temporary mind crystal boost. Exit the secret room and keep going up. Go down into the first room to get the 1x XP pumpkin. Keep going down and open the two chests. The first chest has a 1x magicka tincture. The second chest has a the spirit of all. Go back up and right. Go down into the next room. Grab the 1x XP pumpkin and then go out of the room and head all the way down and back into the room with three doors.

95. Ignore the switch. Go through the door on the right. Go all the way right, into the guest apartments and all the way right again. Open the chest to get a burster (artefact). On the right side check the upper second last barrel for a 1x healing potion. Open the chest to get 3x gluey honey. Grab the 2x holy mirrors on the ground. Exit that room and go up the stairs. To the right are 2x totems of evil. Enter into the room and flip the switch to on. Grab the 1x totem of evil. Go back down the stairs and head down to where the arrow is pointing out and you will find yourself outside. There are 2x purple glowing balls floating out here that you can catch for +1HP for your party members. In the top left corner is a chest slightly hidden by the trees. In it is the Nirium Armour. Go back inside and go into the room across the hall. Grab the temporary mind crystal boost, 1x totem of evil and the 1x holy mirror. Exit this room and go up into the next room on the left. In the barrels on the right side check the middle one on the left side to get an 1x onion soup. Check the bottom one on the right side to get a 1x snake blood. Move back out of the room and exit the apartments.

96. Go up the second set of stairs and half way up enter into the room and grab the 1x trout. Exit this room and keep going up and around. In the middle go down and open the red chest to get the holy sword. Now go up the stairs and at the upper right side of the room is a small room. Prepare for a fight. Inspect the painting to fight a skeleton, Evil danjana and a spirit of the manor. This is a really really tough fight. I highly recommend levelling up to about level 40 or more to be able to tackle it. Use Sarah’s exorcism spell, Luciana’s protection and then breeze spell works well. Make sure you remove any equipments that promotes counter hitting. Once defeated you will get a hero shield (relic). Now exit this little room and try to get through the door to the left. It will tell you that you need authorisation of the elder to get through. Go to the left and go up to the ghost on the left side of the table. Prepare for a fight. Talk to him. You will have to fight a wraith and an elder. Equip the holy sword onto Random. Use Sarahs exorcism spell and Luciana’s breeze spell. Do not hit with Coryool as this will give the monsters health. He will randomly drop a rafferty cheese. You should now be able to go through the door. Before you do, in the bottom right corner of the room is secret room 39/51. Grab the 6x XP pumpkins. Also grab the 1x yveen potion on the table and the temporary mind crystal boost. Open the chest to get 3x magical acorn. Exit the secret room and go up through the top door.

97. Once here go down the first corridor on the left and at the end grab the

1x St Christopher scroll. The ghost here gives a clue as to where you need to go next. Go back and this time go up. Walk underneath the plant to the right. You should find secret room 38/51. Grab the 3x Benitier, 1x St Christopher scroll, 1x Yveen potion, and the 1x moon dew. Open the chest to get 5x necrotear and the 5x necroleech (all). Now exit the secret room and head towards the left. You should see three columns along the wall here. Inspect the middle one with the space/enter option and it should unlock the door further along the corridor. While here go right. In the end room is a 1x benitier. Head back out and go up. To the right is a 1x aged mugworth. Now go up and prepare for a fight. The team insult him and he decides to kill you. You will now face a Daramouss. He doesn’t have much health. When he is dead he will drop the manor key. Open the chest to get the unholy incantation. Leave this area. Exit the party room and go back to the area with three doors.

98. You should now be able to get through the middle door. Walk up and enter the door on the left side. In here is the butcher house. Grab the first pumpkin for a 1x XP pumpkin. Go above the pots and grab the 1x totem of evil. In the pumpkin above that check inside it to get the skull mask. In the middle of the room is a skeleton resting against the wall. Inspect him with the enter/space bar to get the dead key. In the top left corner of that room look into the pit on the right where the skulls are and get the ninja madu. Exit this room and move across onto the other side. Flip the switch and just above that you will be able to see a small crack in the wall.

(Random encounter: Saurus Lycose, Chasm Lycose, bone lycose, 99. Get Coryool to punch it open. You will enter into a spider nest. This part is absolutely painful. There are many many spiders. Put sparks in your team and use fire to your advantage. Sarah’s summon dryads spell is good too. Go across the bridge and go up. Go up the right path to get a 1x XP pumpkin. Go down and head left into the next room (The last room has nothing). Go up the stairs and in the middle is a little niche that hides secret room 40/51. Grab the 3x purple glowing balls that gives +1 HP for people in your party. Also grab the 2x XP pumpkins and the 456 gold. In the oven type thing is an ambush of 5 rounds of monsters. You will get 1667 gold. Go across the bridge and up into the next room. The middle yellow jar has a 1x medical herb. The jar on the left has a 1x medical herb. Go up into the next room. Go across the bridge. Grab the 1x XP pumpkin. Open the door into the next room and grab the Lucrecia key. Exit the room and fight your way back down to the bottom. Exit this room.

100. Now head up. Open the chest along the way to get 2x acid rain (all). At the very end of the corridor open the chest to get a doom helmet. Now go up the stairs and head down. Enter into the first room and open the chest to get the doom shield. Grab the 1x XP pumpkin and the 1x ark flare scroll. Go down to the bottom and the dead key that you got should now be able to open the door. Open the chest to get 1x paralysis scroll and 3x old candles.

Look at the painting with a skeleton and you will find a secret passage to the next area. The Lucrecia key will open up the next area. Now walk forward through the black passage way. If you talk to the skull it will complain that it is too dark. You can turn the lamp on to the left of you. You can now see a secret path through the lava to the outfit. Check it out to get the vampire noble jacket (relic). Go to the right and go down to flick the switch to on. Go onto the left side of the room and go up through the door which just opened. Now go down the bottom to where you first entered and you should be able to get the 6x XP pumpkins. Go back up and then to the right side of the room. flick the switch to on. Now enter the last room on the left and go through the door.

101. Grab the 1x dwarven bread on the table. Grab the 2x XP pumpkins on the tables. Grab the temporary resistance crystal boost and keep going up. Now when up the top the skeleton gives the clue that he is weak to ice. Equip the ice sword on Random and any other ice based attack weapons on other characters. Prepare for a fight and talk to the vampire. Use any ice based spells that you have. Once defeated you will get 1865 gold and the zelyus ring. You will now be able to go through the curtain he was standing in front of. In the room to the left and grab the 2x totems of evil. In the right room open the chest to get 4x roast beef, 4x trout, and 3x medical herbs. Go up through the middle path and you will find the missing pets. Quest complete. In the last lower room to the left is a 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll. That’s it for the secret mansion. Now egress to the start of the mansion. Then egress back to the start of the witch woods and head back to Rillia.

Part 6- The sewers

Quest 25- Find the final eye (Q25)

102. When you reach Rillia it is very late. Luciana offers for them to stay at the library as it is empty at this time of night. Later on Luciana has called Random into a private room and Mr Ramicheal walks in. Marlon and his buddies has alerted them to the fact that Random and his party were out in the witch woods despite there being a ban for the townspeople to go there. He then says that you will now have to be punished but before you are punished you shall have to spend time in the correction house. Your screen will then change to the correction house. In the cabinet to the right is 17 gold. In the desk to the right of the mirror is 15 gold. The bed in the corner will give you an opportunity to rest and heal. Talk to Guanidia and he will say that heard something in the walls. Luciana will comment on the final eye. She says that from her readings that she has discovered that the final eye opens up a road to the outer world. Luciana said that two wizards were inspecting the library previously and suspect that there is a final eye in there somewhere. Random decides to increase his fame to go and find it. Coryool breaks the wall open behind him. Go to leave through the hole and Lisa appears from behind the door. She joins your party and you enter the sewers.

(Random encounters: filthy shark [20 gold, 185 exp, filthy shark wing], blood piranha [13 gold, 175 exp], maneater rat [11gold, 125 exp, misfit tail], Orc Burgler [47 gold, 194 exp, healing potion])

103. Go down the ladder. On the right side of the ladder go up and enter secret room 41/51. In this room there is 1x purple glowing ball giving the team +1 HP, 4x dynamite, 1x refined ether and 383 gold. Go down the first bridge and then right. Open the chest to get 1x dynamite. Go down the end path and then right and up. Open the lower chest to get a 1x bromium phial. Open the upper chest to get a 3x magicka acid. Get the temporary strength crystal boost. The path to the left has nothing. Now go up to where the stairs are. Now head right from the stairs and go down the first set of bridges until you reach a chest. Open it to get a 1x ether. Go back up and then follow the next set of bridges. Sarah will complain about the smell. Open the chest to get a 1x Oxyfolium. Move onto the next screen.

104. Luciana comments that they are behind the walls of the library. Go right and up into the first room. Open the chest to get a 1x Sanity powder. Go down and right until you hit the cross ways. Ignore the right path it has nothing. Go down. Go all the way down until you hit the end. Go right and in the first niche down is secret room 44/52. In here are 4x purple glow balls that gives the party 1+ HP each. One of them is a teaser and floats to the side of the screen and doesn’t come back. Also grab the 136 gold, 108 gold, 185 gold, and 1x ocean love (all). Exit this room. Now head left and go onto the next screen by going down the bridge.

105. Now go down to the frog. Ignore the left and right path and go all the way down. Open the chest to the right to get a 1x acid rain (all) and a 1x gluey honey. Now take the first bridge up and go all the way to the top.

When you get to the top go right and take that bridge up you will find secret room 43/52. In here are 5x ocean love (all). Now head back to the bottom, head left and go back up onto the next screen. Head back up to the cross ways. Now go up. Open the chest to grab a 1x detox shower (all). Go straight ahead to start with and open the chest to get a diamond fist (relic). Now go back and go down the path. Go down the ladder and go down. Go right when you can. Continue right then up. Move onto the next screen. Go down the first path and follow the right path. When you can move down onto the next screen. Walk around and go up the first path to meet Baretta. She is exploring for more treasures and is happy to rejoin your party. Move to the end of the tunnel and open the chest on the right to get a 1x condition stone. Open the chest on the left to get a 1x health balm.

106. Move back up onto the next screen. Head to the right and open the first chest to get a 1x acid rain (all). Walk right and go past the guy in the room by himself. There is nothing in that room. Go around the corner and in the first niche to the left go there and find secret room 42/51. In here grab the 2x purple glow balls for your party to get 1+ HP for your party members for each. Also get the 266 gold, 238 gold, 314 gold, 198 gold, 255 gold, and 229 gold. Exit this room and go up and around. Go down into the middle room. In the middle is a blue switch that wont move. Don’t worry about that one. In the top right corner is another switch that you can flick to on. Exit the middle room and then go left. Move onto the next screen.

107. Go down and grab the temporary speed boost crystal and then head left, up, then left again until you get to a bridge. Go over the bridge and open the chest to get a purification shower (all). Go down the ladder and when you see the blue arrows and jump across to the right. Open the chest to get the 2x pink solutions. Go right again and go down the ladders. Go into the niche and you will enter into a room of the library with the chest in it. Open the chest to get 11767 gold. Go back up through the hole and back up the ladders. Go left and jump back across to the next ladder by pressing enter/space. Now head down to the bottom of the ladder. Go down across the bridge. The first room has nothing. Go into the second room on the right. Now flip the switch here. Go back up across the bridge and head right from here. If you like go back to the start and sleep in the bed to heal up. Go right and go up through the door and into the catacombs. Walk up to the top. You have now found the final eye. Quest complete. Watch the cut scene. Luciana informs them that touching this final eye will send them to the outer world. They debate whether or not to touch it. When you are ready walk into the flame and choose the touch option.

Part 7- Outer world, Hall of madness

(Random encounter: Eye of the outer world [0 gold, 237exp], scriboid [11 gold, 143 exp], Doom messenger [20 gold, 308 exp], Tiamat [179 gold, 446 exp])

108. You are now in a room called the gate. Inspect the piano and the piano will start playing on its own. This will reveal a doorway. Go through it and you will now be transported to a white room with a skeleton. The skeleton wont talk to you. In the top left corner walk 3 steps right and press enter/space to move onto the next bit. If you want to restore your health just step back into the room and it will give you that option. Welcome to the outer world. First up go left. Follow the path left until you can take a path going down. Go to the end of the path and then flip the switch to on. Go back and you should be able to see a path up the top leading to the chest now. Open the chest to get an outer world shield. Head back up. Now go left onto the next screen and go all the way to the end and inspect to see what happens. Now head up, then right. You will now be on the first screen. Go up and then right again when you can. Now head up. Inspect the piano and then go left. Inspect the doors here and you will find that you cannot go through them. Head back down to the bit of floor with a white hole in it. Go right and move onto the next screen. Go all the way right and you should meet a creature. If it is not there make sure you visit every part of the outerworld. It will teleport you to an unknown area. Walk around to the crystal and inspect it. You will be teleported to Yveen the goddess of light. She warns that you shouldn’t have touched the eye and that now you are trapped here. The only way back is through the hall of madness. She will teleport you to the hall. When there you need to look for the stairs of Nevenmore. She also warns you that while you are on the stairs never stop or change direction.

(Random encounters: Spirit of fractal earth [0 gold, 395 exp], Spirit of the watercolours [0 gold, 321 exp, waterball], Spirit of the eternal flames [0 gold, 340 exp, fire powder], Spirit of the black hole [0 gold, 390 exp], Goyundoo [2 gold, 801 exp, purse],

109. Welcome to the hall of madness. You will see a save rabbit running around like crazy. The girl below you is serving out a punishment of standing still for 20,000 years for stealing some candy. Talk to the guard down the next path. He is called Useless and he knows where the stairs of Nevenmore is. He tells you to look for the experimental complex. Go down and you will see some chess piece knights that appear to be having a duel. Go right and you will see two cats guarding a doorway. Enter this door and

you will find that you are in the village of cats and rats.

Quest 26- Heal the flame (Q 39)

110. These cats and rats can talk and they have been warring between each other for years. The cat to the left sells items. Go across the logs to go up and the cat on the left can forge a cat claw but he needs two rare ores a shrakem and a zombie dust. Go up into the top left corner and from there you can go down. The poor dog to the left is an outcast. The cats do not accept him. Below him is a 1x royal trout. In the middle underwater pit is a 1x health auquifolium. Go back up and across to the right. Go and talk to the cat to the left of the kingcat. The flame is sick and they will give a reward to fix it. Talk to the cat with Luciana and Spark in the party. Luciana will fix the flame. Quest complete. She took on a lot of energy while curing the flame and will ask do you want to transfer it to her own body or Sparks. Luciana will gain +5HP/+10MN. Spark on the other hand will get +16HP. The cat will give you a cat mask as a reward.

111. Go down and then right into the rat side of the village. In the middle where the water is grab the 1x salmon, and 1x royal trout. In the top left the rat sells some food. Under the tree is a 1x quick peach. Go down the steps to the south and on the left side grab the 1x salmon, and 1x trout. Open the chest to get a epping war rod. On the right side is an inn you can stay at. You can also get Random to pull out the sword to get an obsidian sword. Exit the village of cats and rats and then go to the right. Go all the way around. When

you head down go left. Go down the first room and left. Open the blue chest to get the Iradias (Artefact). Go up into the first room and open the chest to get the explosion bow (Artefact). Dr Dyper is busy so he wont see you right now. Go up the second path and you will find a room of weapons for your amusement. Talk to them all. Go down the second path and head left. Go up into the room and you will see waterfall walls and a plant. The third tile from the right go up and inspect to get a 1x ocean love (all). Head back to the corridor going down. On the right side is nothing of importance. Talk to the people there if you like. Go down until you find some more corridors going left and right. To the right is a guy that has found the answer to eternal youth. The left side just ignore for now. Go down the stairs.

Quest 27- Find a solution to the knights sneezing problem (Q 38)

112. Now enter the first room below you. Here is the manor of fools. The guy down the bottom left has a problem with sneezing. He will give you his second best weapon if you bring him enough tissues. To the right is a bishop that will remove any cursed items and cure zombification for you. Grab the bards hat in the middle of that room. On the right side of the room look to the bottom and there is a girl selling items. Up the top to the left is a man selling helmets. To the right below the woman is a man that will train you for 2000 gold. Random can get a choice of+15HP, +20ST, +30 RS, or +30 SP. Sarah can get a choice of +15HP, or +35ST. Coryool can get a choice of +25 HP, +20 ST, or +4 Lvl. The lady down the bottom offers inn services for 10 gold. Exit this area and go right. Now go down and enter the first room on the right. Inspect the big boat and grab the beautiful sails. Return to the guy with the sneezing problems and give it to him. Quest complete. You will receive the shatterer.

Quest 28- Find the stairs of Nevenmore (Q26)

113. Exit this room again and go right. You will see a set of crazy doors and two fairys. Both dont have any importance. Keep going right and when you enter the pink apartment area go into the first room going up. Talk to the guy here and buy an apartment for 1000 gold. Go into the end lower room to find your apartment. Talk to the guy and you will find that your house has already generated revenue. He will give you your gold and disappear. Exit this room and continue heading right. Now you are in the experimental complex. In the bottom room is a temporary resistance boost crystal. Continue going right. To the right of the upper tree is a 1x Spicy Mandrake. Continue right to the second garden. In here is a temporary strength crystal boost. Above the guy standing there is a 1x health auquifolium. Go to the right and go into the lower room. Open the chest to get a Mantalis (relic). You will see the stairs of Nevenmore above you. Quest complete. It is locked. Try to open it and you will find its no use. They decide to visit merlin, the guy who proclaims to fix everything.

Quest 29- Find the key to the stairs of Nevenmore (Q27)

114. First go right and into the next room. In the top right corner is a 1x spicy mandrake. Go past the trees and up the first path. Open the lower chest to get a bio-tron helmet. Open the upper chest to get storm fists. Now continue going right across the stone platforms. Go up and check the upper

wall for an aldorlea ring. Now go back all the way left. When you meet the guy just before you reach the stairs talk to him and he will offer to take you back to your world. He will disappear and let you go through to the area behind him. Take the path and you will see that you are in a glade similar to where you went to pick mushrooms. Grab the temporary speed crystal boost and go through the exit to the left. You will find that you are now back in the apartment area. Check back in your apartment to get some more gold and then head left. At the end of the corridor head up and go all the way to the top. When you reach the looped area you have to go around enter the door on the left side. Talk to the clown character called merlin. He will tell you that the council of administration locked it due to the problems caused by people getting stuck on the stairs. They gave the set of keys to the cat king. The only way to get him to hand them over is to give him a 2cats token. Merlin will give it to you. So now go and visit the cat king to the left. Give him the token and he will give you the key. Quest complete.

115. Go to visit the stairs again. When you reach the apartments you will find two guys standing in the way. The area has been quarantined due to an experiment going wrong. You will need to see Dr Dyper to get authorisation to enter the area. Go into your apartment and collect revenue. In here is a dwarf wandering around. He would like to rent the apartment. He will give you 100 gold to start with. Head left and then go up the stairs. Go up to the second set of corridors and go left. You will find Dr Dypers rooms here. Enter them and try to go in to see him. He is not willing to see you. In fact he is downright rude to you. Leave his room and head right. You will see a dwarf in the upper right corner. Talk to him and he will offer to give you some information for 2500 gold. Give him the gold and he will tell you that Colonel Trautman is a good friend and will help you bypass the queue. He will tell you that Colonel can be found in the hotel cosmopolitan however it is dangerous to go and visit him there. You can reach the hotel via the Metro.

116. From where the dwarf is go down until you reach the next set of corridors and go left. Walk across the black area. Go to the very left of that room and talk to the guy with lots of hair (next to the guy that is bald). He will unlock the gates to the metro for you. He will ask you to let him know when you have finished with the station as it is dangerous to leave it open because of the “freaks”. To the left of him is a machine with a blue arrow above it. Make sure you buy several metro tickets. Go down to the next room and you will find the metro. To the right check the pot to get the 1x

metro ticket. First up go to the south district. You can then choose the hotel cosmopolitan.

(Random encounter: Cubul [111 gold, 295 exp], Ramus [71 gold, 283 exp, purse], Carnicorat [20 gold, 229 exp], Lamond [15 gold, 243 exp], Cubulus [50 gold, 250 exp, trout]) 117. Check the first room on the left and check the bar window for an iron key. Go up the stairs and enter the first room on the left. Get the temporary strength boost crystal. Grab the zombie dust (quest item) in the top left corner. Also grab the 1x rafferty cheese in the top right corner. Make sure you heal up and then go to leave the room. There is something on the ceiling that drops down to attack you. It is the Teszrandus and a few Bone Lycose that has come to help it. Try to attack it with fire. Random has good attack points towards it so if you can get Sarah to use striker skill on it to get Random to attack. It will drop the Teszrandus claw. Exit this room and go up the stairs on the right. Open the chest to the right to get a 1x Shrakem (Quest item). Go into the room on the left. You will get ambushed by some carnicorats. There is nothing else in this room. Go into the room on the right. In the top right corner check the left jar for a 1x necrotear. Heal up and talk to the woman. You will be ambushed by a hyper stagnation. This is a really tough fight. This one counter hits and multiple hits. It also inflicts bleeding, fear and entangled status on you. Lucianas Freeze/ mega freeze spell works well. Randoms lethal dance is an important spell. Use Coryool to punch him. He will drop a condition malachite (all). You will also get a fibre-factory claw (artefact). Exit this room and go up the stairs. On the right open the chest to get the garo fists. Head back all the way down the sets of stairs.

Quest 30- Find Colonel Trautman (Q28)

118. In the second room, on the right grab the 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll. Check the chest in the top right corner and open it to get a soul guard. Talk to the guy in the middle upper of the room and he will sell you some helmets. Open the door in the top right with the iron key. You will now be outside in Perkins street. Head up to the top and in the top left is a chest with a Torkugol (artefact). Grab the temporary resistance crystal boost in the lower right. Go up the stairs and you will be ambushed by a Lamond and a cubulus. Go into the room on the right and open the blue chest to get a liberateTuTeMe (Relic). Check the second jar to get a 1x necrotear. Check the fifth jar to get a 1x health balm. Exit this room and heal up and try to go up the stairs. You will be ambushed by a failed mutation. This thing has a huge amount of HP but is weak to physical attack. He is easy to fight but just takes a bit of time to go down. He will randomly drop a necroleech (all). You will then enter into the warehouse. Open the chest to the right to get the clock of doom. Grab the 1x necrotear above that. Grab the 2x zombie dust up the stairs. Now talk to the guy standing there and quest complete. We are the first people to meet him in 6 months. The project of the hotel cosmopolitan has collapsed. He does not see the need to help Random and his team. They convince him that because they visited him, the first in 6 months, they deserved some help for their will power and determination. He will give you a Mathusallerst XV to give to Dr Dyper.

(Random encounters- Bunny-Croc[18 gold, 316 exp], Twilight witch [51 gold, 250 exp, magicka potion]) 119. Exit this area and head back to the station. Go back to the hall of madness and then go back on the metro. Choose the south district and then the Twilight station. Grab the temporary mind crystal boost. The button on the left sells items. Go into the middle room via the bottom and get the 2x XP pumpkins. Open the chest to get a soul guard. Head up towards the picture and you will find secret room 45/51. Grab the 15x XP pumpkins. Also grab the 1x heaven elixir. Exit this room and then go down onto the next screen. Go down the right path and grab the Katie cake. Go back left and head down. At the bottom turn right and open the chest along the way to get a Agbon-Baho. Also grab the 1x Katie cake. Go back up to the top and take the metro back. Catch the metro again this time to the west district. Choose the urban district. Go down and take the first path to the right. Grab the 1x XP pumpkin along the way. Go back left and head down. At the bottom go right and talk to the little green monster. He will sell an ok set of armor at a huge price. That’s it for this area. Go back up to the metro. Catch the train again and go to the west district. Worm hole station is empty. Go to the last station and you will be ambushed by several bunny-croc’s. Go up the big path first. Take the 5x Rafferty cheese. Down the bottom grab the temporary strength crystal boost. Catch the metro back. Choose the west district and the last station several times and you should eventually be sent to random destinations. On one of them you will see a black and white checkered floor and you will be ambushed by 3 twilight witches. Down again you will be ambushed by a twilight witch and 2 bunny-crocs. To the left is a palacia hat (artefact). To the right is a 1x katie cake. The third destination you can go up and open the blue chest to get a Formulhaut cane. To the right of that is a 1x katie cake. That’s it for the metro. Head back to the hall of madness.

Quest 31- Find ingredients to make cat claw (Q43)

120. Now go back and visit the cats. Talk to the cat on the platform to the left of the one before the catking. Give him the shrakrem and the zombie dust. Quest complete. He will make you the demoniod claw for free. Now head back to Dr Dypers rooms and talk to him. He will let you in after you mention Trautman. You will be in a white room with a skeleton hanging on the wall. Talk to the skeleton and you will realise that it is Dr Dyper. Tell

him that you don’t want to go to school. Talk to him again and tell him you dont want to go to school again. He has decided that he will give you a fake flu certificate. Leave now and head down to the next area. Below the crazy doors head down and move onto the next screen.

Quest 32- Clean out the path of blood (Q 41)

121. Talk to the guy on the right and he will tell you that he needs someone to help clean out the path of blood as soon as possible. Offer him your services. Heal up and start to head down the path. The first flame is a blood jar. This jar has huge amounts of HP and takes a fair while to go down. It will also inflict many many statuses on you. Try to inflict bleeding on it. Don’t use your totems of evil on it as it is important to save them for Ozur. Once you inflict bleeding it will knock off huge chunks of its health. Just concentrate on staying alive and hit it when you are able to. He will drop an oxyfolia. Move onto the next flame after healing and saving. The next flame is Kayzer crab. He is not too hard. He will also drop the kayzer crab outer scales. The next flame is Uzair. He is also not so hard second time around. He will drop a necrotear. The next flame is a blood guardian. He is very weak had does not have much HP. He will drop a magicka acid. The next flame down is Teszrandus. This one is a bit tougher. First try swamp corrosion on him then lethal dance attack it and Mega flare with Luciana. When it is diseased it is more susceptible to your attacks. He will drop the Teszrandus outer claw. Quest complete. The crystal at the end will heal you. In the chest is a shatterer. Flip the switch to on. Now exit this area.

Quest 33- Kill the dangerous spirit. (Q37)

122. Go back into the Manor of fools by going up to the crazy doors, left and then down. In the bottom right corner you can now go into that room and enter the room of darkness. Open the chest to get the black hole sword

(Relic). Talk to the guy on the left and he will ask you to annihilate a tricky spirit that is in the hall. It is located in the path of blood. Talk to the guy on the right and you will notice that it is Bokden, a character that features in many of Indineras games. He is completely lost as usual and quickly disappears after talking to him. Now go back to the path of blood and go to destroy the spirit. You will find that things have gone a bit crazy since you last visited. Talk to the guy and he will tell you that he feels a bit strange. He then lets out a crazy laugh. Ignore the blue crab that has gone crazy. Walk down to the crystal and inspect it. You will be ambushed by the spirit. He will inflict several statuses on you. Try to use Sarahs Swamp corrosion spell. Try to inflict as many statuses as you can. When he has some statuses on him physical attack with Random and it will knock some impressive amounts of health off him. Quest complete.

Quest 34- Pass the quarantine brigade (Q29)

123. Now head up to the apartments. Make sure you collect your revenue. Now talk to the guys blocking your way. Random and his friends will pretend that they are ill. Quest complete. Go to the gate and open it up. Walk forward. Before opening the gate check the top left corner and open the chest to get the cozca (Relic).

Quest 35- Find the gate of Nevenmore (Q32)

124. Walk up to the gate after saving and healing. Inspect the gate and then they will celebrate a bit prematurely. Random asks if Coryool will help him push open the gate and Ozur will offer a hand. He comments on how long it took to find them. He then attacks. He will explain that Random, Sarah and Luciana are three stars and that he wants to take their energy for himself. Random swears that he will not let him hurt Sarah or Luciana. Try to inflict several statuses on him. Also try to paralyse him. That is the key to winning against him. It may take a few goes but be persistent. Don’t use the totems of evil just yet. You will defeat him after a time. Ozur is quite angry that you managed to defeat him and destroys the gates. They all become upset and start pointing fingers at Random to blame him. He says that he did it all because of Sarah. To try and make an impression on her. Sarah and Luciana don’t understand what he means. He then confesses that he is in love with Sarah. They decide to go back to Merlin and ask him for help. Stock up on anything that you may need. Level up as much as you want. And then go and talk to Merlin.

Walkthrough for part 8- Malufus maze and stairs of nevenmore

(Random encounters: Malufus reject [20 gold, 160exp], Malufus remnant [0 gold, 366 exp], Xbaldos [75 gold, 450exp, Xabaldos wings], Xabaldarus [488 gold, 623 exp, Xabaldarus mask], Black hole eye [0 gold, 500exp])125. Merlin will tell you that you can get to the stairs of Nevenmore through the old machinery station. Before the warp gates became popular there was a traditional road to the stairs. He will tell you that there is a gate blocking the way. He will walk you to the area. This place is in the room next to his. He will show you the gate and then head back to his office. He will explain that you need to enter the maze of Malufus behind him to open the gate. You must reach 3 activators and press them at the same time to be able to open the gate for a short time. Merlin will move out of the way and you can move forward. Random, Sarah and Luciana will form the leaders of the separate parties. Choose Luciana’s party. Make sure you put the most powerful people in Lucianas party as her section is the hardest.

Quest 36– Maze of Malufus (Q31)

Luciana- Blue maze126. To the right is an arrow that will lead you back if you decide that your party is not going to work and need to change. Below you is a question mark hint that explains the properties of platform jumping. You will be doing a lot of this in the maze. It will show you how to jump onto the next platform. Go up the next couple of platforms. The path going up leads to nothing but a dead end. Go right and follow the blue arrow and jump up the platforms. Take the left path. At the end is a chest. Heal up before you open it. You will be confronted by the malufus oracle. This is a relatively tough fight and the reason why I said to choose a good team. Paralyse him first with Luciana and then knock out his side kicks. Luciana’s overbolt spell is the only one that will hurt him. He is mainly weak to physical attacks. It may take a little while but he will eventually die. He will randomly drop the necroleech (all). In the chest is a KR28 shield (artefact). If you have trouble defeating him you can go back to the start and add an extra person in your party and then return to the oracle and try again. When done return to the start and remove that person from your team. Now head right and jump across to the right side. Go behind the cliff and then open the chest to get the Laxius armor (artefact). Now take the right path.

127. Follow the path until you have to jump onto the two circle bits. Grab the temporary speed crystal boost and then on the second circle look up and walk into secret room 46/51. Grab the Temporary speed, mind and strength crystal boosts. Open the chest to get a 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll, 1x moon stone, 10x dynamite, and 18676 gold. Exit the secret room and continue going right. Go up and work your way around and around until you reach the chest. Open it to get a Laxius armor (Artefact). Work your way back around to the start. On the next screen go down until you reach the next screen. Go down past the diagonal bit with a hole in it. If you go down the left path all that’s down there is a temporary mind crystal boost. Go right and you will see some round platforms to jump up onto. Go a little to the right and above you, you can see some multiple platforms that you can jump up. At the top there are some translucent tiles that you can jump across to the right. At the end of them jump across the circular platforms and then work your way down to the bottom. Save and heal up before moving onto the next screen. You will see the activator switch however a huge thing floats above you and you will be forced to right it. This is the outer whale. Just concentrate on staying alive for a few rounds and then the thing will swallow you.

Quest 37- Find a way out of the outer whale (Q30)

(Random encounters: Parasite devourer[0 gold, 165 exp], Phosphorea bulb [0 gold, 123exp])128. Luciana has a bit of a freak out because it swallows your team. Walk forward and enter the cave a little to the left. Inside grab the 1x flesh catalyst. To the right of that in the first corner look down and walk into secret room 48/51. Grab the 3x flesh catalyst and the 1x Ademia globulus. Exit the secret room and continue going up. Take the left path and grab the 2x flesh catalyst on the way up. Once outside grab the 2x mineral salt and the 4x stones that gives all party members +1 Hp. Go back inside. The other set of stairs going up leads to nothing. Exit the cave down the bottom. Go right. The end path has nothing. Go up the middle path until you see a funny looking yellow thing. Go right of this and cross the bridge to the next screen.

129. Grab the 1x mineral salt on the little island. First go up. You may have to press space/enter to jump across. Go up and to the right is a 1x old bottle. Go left and grab the 2x mineral salts. Now head back to the island and head right. Once across the bridge grab the 1x Ademia globulus. Head back to the island and this time head down. Grab the 1x mineral salt. Head down to the bottom and to the left is a 1x 100TNT dynamite. Go back to the island and

go left. Head back to the entrance area. Now go right. Walk across the bridge and up. Take the left path first and go up onto the ledge. Go down and open the chest to get a Bio-Globulus Melanine. Get off the ledge and head up a little bit. Go across the bridge to the left. Go up the first path. Grab the 1x Ademis Globulus. Continue heading left and grab the 1x mineral salt at the end. Head back to the start of that area and this time go straight ahead. Go up the first path and grab the 1x old bottle. Head back right and this time go down. Luciana will comment that the area is quite dangerous. Go up the second path. Grab the 2x old bottles. Also grab the 1x mineral salt. Go back down and continue heading left. Grab the 1x flesh catalyst. Go back to the right and cross back over the bridge.

130. Once across the bridge go up. Grab the 1x Ademis Globulus. To the left of that go up and you will see a bridge partially obscured by a cliff. Go up it. At the end of it you will find secret room 47/51. Walk forward and grab the 8x mineral salt, 4x Ademia Globulus and the 1x old bottle. Exit the secret room and head right. You will see a green tentacle thing. Inspect it and you will use the dynamite that you found earlier to blow it up. Walk forward and heal up before you move onto the next screen. When you step forward you will be confronted by a Vermine. It will randomly drop the verminator. Go up to the top and heal up. You will be confronted by the Space whale’s heart. Luciana has the theory that if you hit it hard enough it will expel them out. Use Luciana’s mega freeze spell to make it bleed. Now just concentrate on staying alive. It should go down after a time. It will randomly drop a

Ademia Globulus. Quest complete. Now heal up before you touch the activator crystal. You will be confronted by several monsters. The spirit of the artifact is the one that you need to be most concerned about. Dark based spells are generally effective against this foe. Also try to equip dark based equipments. Quest complete.

Sarah- Yellow maze131. Go right. There is nothing around to the left. When you reach the bottom, go up and around the blue squares. Go left and then go up. Open the chest to get an ocean love (all). Now head down. When you reach the bit that divides keep going down and you will find secret room 49/51. Grab the 2x Malufus eyes, the temporary strength crystal boost and the 3 yellow glow balls to give your party +1 HP each. Exit this room and go around to keep going down. Go down and grab the temporary resistance boost at the bottom. Go up the next path. At the top go right. Grab the temporary mind resistance. Go down the last path and on the second square down turn left. You will find secret room 51/51. Grab the temporary speed boost. Talk to the dwarf to be able to buy a bateleur (artefact). Exit this room and go down the next path to the left. At the end turn right and go behind the cliffs. Flick the switch to on. Go back around and head down the path to the left. First head right and open the chest to get a granite helmet. If you take the right path you will find a temporary mind crystal boost. Take the path down. At the end open the chest to get 4x mithril dust. Heal up before the next screen. Go and inspect the activator crystal. You will face the same fight as Luciana. Use Sarah’s lethal dance on it. It will eventually go down. Quest complete

Random- Pink maze132. First up go down. Open the first red chest to get a 1x necrotear. Open the second chest to get a Malufus shield. Head back up to the top and go right. Open the blue chest to get a 1x oxyfolium. Go straight ahead. On the next screen Go all the way right and down. Go down the first left path when you can. At the end grab the temporary strength and resistance crystal boosts. Open the red chest to get 3x Yveen potions. Head back right and then go down and left. You will end up on the previous screen again. Head down. You will now find yourself in a circular platform maze. There are no secret items in this area except for temporary crystal boosts which I will not point out and a secret room. First up head right 2 platforms, down 1 platform, right 3 platforms, up one platform, then head right and down. Turn right and you will find Secret room N/C. Open the chest to get a malufus shield. Grab the 1x Malufus gem. The lizard is Malufus himself! Now head back by going up and left, down 1 platform, left 3 platforms, up 1 platform, left 1 platform.

133. Now you should be back at the start. The way you need to go now is right 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 1 platform, down 3 platforms, right 1 platform, up 2 platforms, right 2 platforms, down 1 platform, right 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 1 platform, down 1 platform, left 2 platforms, down 2 platforms, right 2 platforms, and down. Now head right. You should now be at a diagonal with holes blocking your path. You can jump across the holes. At the top move onto the next screen and go all the way right. Open the chest to get the cat shield. Go left and head down the first path. Go down. When you get to the part when you see some diagonal path areas on the left. In the top right corner to the left is secret room 50/51. Grab the 4x moon stones, 1x Malufus gem. Also grab the temporary mind crystal boost. Exit the secret room. Go down and at the bottom head left. You have now reached the crystal. Heal up for the fight. Now inspect the crystal. Fight the monsters there again and quest complete.

(Random encounter: Droid tricker [101 gold, 324 exp], Laser tron [182 gold, 588 exp], Robotank [320 gold, 820exp])

134. You will now find yourself back at Merlin. You will move onto the next screen. In the first room down grab the 2x zorb. In the second room down grab the 1x zorb. In the first room up, in the top left hand corner is a 1x karmitron. Exit this room and keep going right. Talk to the woman a few times to be able to buy some items. Head up the path to the left of her and grab the temporary mind and speed crystal boosts. Exit this room and enter in the one to the right and down. Grab the 1x Dynamite. Go past the locked area and then go up into the next room. Straight ahead is a temporary resistance crystal boost. Exit this room and walk past the next locked area and down into the next room. Behind the tree up the top is a hidden 1x XP pumpkin. Exit this room and keep going right then down. At the bottom in the first niche is a 1x zorb. Walk down and around. In the first niche is a 1x dynamite. In the first room down below is a 1x zorb. Keep going right and after you walk around the wall in the way and past the little green thing that looks like a save frog, the blue switch sells items. Stock up if you need to. Talk to the crazy man a few times for him to offer some nice but expensive equipments. Grab the temporary speed and resistance crystal boost.

Quest 38- Destroy Ozur (Q33)

135. Now turn on ALL of the switches. Now go back to the area with the gated paths. Go into the one to the right of the crazy lady first. Grab the 1x dynamite, 1x XP pumpkin and the 2x zorb. Now exit this room and head past the floor that looks like the moon and enter into the area above that. You will enter into a red room where you will hear some creepy music. The sign will say that the road to nevenmore is shut down and is too dangerous. Hit the switch and an alarm will sound. Walk forward onto the black area and keep walking forward. You will reach another room. Heal up. Now walk forward and when you get one step past the flags you will step on a trigger that will sound another siren. You will then have to fight the perfect enemy. I found physical attack with Coryool worked best. Just physical attack it and it will go down pretty easy. Now heal up and save. Make sure you remove any counter hitting items from Random, Luciana and Sarah (To find out if they are counter hitting equipments just check their description and it usually says somewhere if it is or not). Walk into the next room and you will come across Ozur once again. He will say that he underestimated you the first time and this time he wont make that same mistake. He is not going to fight anyone else that are undeserving so he throws you into a space where it is only Random, Sarah and Luciana against him. Now this is where all those nice totems of evil will come in. You should have 25. Get Luciana to

paralyse him and then go for it. After a few rounds something will change. The three stars will develop the laxius power. It is at the pinnacle of its intensity. When he starts to yell at you that is when he is starting to weaken. He will say as follows: 1. “I am fed up with you!” 2. “I can’t believe you are still standing! Take this if you can!!” 3. “Surprise!” 4. “I cannot fail! Whatever happens, I have to kill them all!” (+heroism) 5. “My skin is so strong your attacks are like caresses to me!” (+defence up lvl 2) 6. “…why. WHY? Why can’t I destroy KIDS???!” He should go down after using most of the totems of evil. You will get HEAPS of exp and will be given the opportunity to save. Ozur dies and you will be teleported to the antechamber to the stairs of Nevenmore again.

Q 39-Pass the trial of the stairs of Nevenmore (Q34)

136. The others who watched the whole battle said that they glowed pink and when they returned to normal the color diffused into the room. Sarah and Random finally kiss. The scene will cut to Yveen and Iota. They noticed the burst of energy. They comment on how the burst of energy matured their bodies drastically. She thinks that the difference between their mortal bodies and the ones that they have improved here may be lethal. Yveen thinks that she needs to cancel their memories of the event to help them survive. Random and his team will forget everything that occurred while here including Random’s confession of his love for Sarah. Yveen thinks that he will discover it soon on his own again anyway. The scene will cut back to Random. Random will say that they are off. Quest complete. Now head right and you will see a path. Walk across and you will find you are on the other side of the gates that Ozur destroyed earlier. Now save. When running up the stairs always hold up. At the start when Random starts talking wait until he says up up up and press the up buttom during this text and then keep holding up until you reach the top. The whole thing should only take 1 minute and 30 seconds. Quest complete. THE END.

137. You should now be transported to sunset beach. Random feels that he must have been asleep for a very long time. The blue fish will unlock some goodies. The time goodie will give you points of HP for however many hours that you played for a price. The secret room goodie will convert the amount of secret rooms you found to HP for a character for a price. The relic/ Artefact goodie will allow you to convert the amount of relics/artefacts to HP for one character for a price. If you like you can wait until you have all the artefacts/relics or more hours of playing time. You can always come

back. You can leave the island by talking to the blue phoenix at the bottom of the screen. You can get teleported to Rillia, SankT Leona or Mt Zulle. Time to complete all the unfinished quests.

Part 9- The final quests

Quest 41- Our House (Q36)

138. Go back to Rillia and to the left of you is a man under a tree. Talk to him and he offers to sell you a house. He will sell you a house for 60000 gold (45000 gold with the hat of persuasion). Quest complete. You have just purchased a house in Gyar Avenue. This house is basically just below where that guy was standing.

Quest 42- Find the Nirium set (Q48)

139. Put Lisa in your party and equip all of the Nirium items. Quest complete.

To recollect where all the items are here is the list.- Nirium Axe: Given by the fairy who gives the quest

- Nirium shield: In the tomb of Uzair

- Nirium Helmet: In the swamp

- Nirium Armor: In the secret mansion in an outside room

- Nirium Boots: In Marlon’s warehouse buy it from the boy/fairy

140. Go to Kevin the explorer and ask him to take you to the peak of heroes. He will ask for 1000 gold for him to take you. There are 55 levels to go up. Fight your way up. The glow balls do not give you anything. On the 17th

level make sure you equip the wonder eye and you should be able to get the orb of air. This will add +30 power to all air based spells. At the 55th level you will come across the noble guardian. Just inflict as many statues as you can. In particular use the swamp corrosion spell. He should go down pretty easy after that. You should now be at the top. Heal up before you go over the bridge. When you walk across the bridge you will be confronted by the destroyer. Ark Flare with Luciana works really well. Once defeated he will randomly drop a frozen flake. Walk forward and you should find fairy Ode the drodoid. Walk forward and talk to the fairy/woman up the top. She says that she had been trapped there for many years and since you, a hero that has come to free her, she will give you a reward. You can choose equipment, magic or enchantment. If you choose equipment you will get sword (Hero sword (Relic) ), armor (Silver mist (relic) ), or staff (obsidian cane). If you choose magic you will get Spell for Luciana (Ground of Baht-Matah (Pw 415, Earth/Holy, May cold, frighten, and put to sleep) ), infinite Luxury (+ 999999 gold and now be forever rich) or initiate (Have a chance to hit your enemies before they even move, and the more healthy, the better the chance). If you choose enchantment you will get aura inside (Full HP healing before each fight), blessed touch (all party members: Blessed touch state, never be affected by a status Ailment again!), or hero tales (all party members: hero tales state, benefit forever of a powerful enchantment). Head back down to exit.

141. Head back up to the top again and you should see a mirror. Prepare for a tough fight. You will now face Neyin. Now if you are having trouble, as this thing has a lot of HP and is a tough fight, try teaching Luciana the dark blast spell from the unholy incantation book. Also teach her the army of the dead spell from the dead leaves rising book. These two spells will help significantly. Zombifie everyone in your team besides Luciana. Heal up and initiate the fight. Paralyse it when you can with Luciana. Also try to inflict defense down (lord of the dance spell from the Al’ Kazayer scroll does this). You can also inflict disease status. Whack away and use Lucianas dark blast spell and paralyse him when needed. It may take a while but this should work after a loooong fight. It should drop a Neyn ring and 320405 gold. The mirror will break and you can then inspect it to get 16x golden apples. Put Baretta in your team and use her perception skill. You should see 9x blue glow balls that gives +1 HP. This peak is a great place to level up if you ever need to level up. I suggest you do for the next parts.

Quest 43- Become the winner at the colyseum (Q23)

142. Go to the colyseum and start tournamenting. Go one vs one you need to fight with everyone in your party. Start with Random to finish the quest. You will first vs Paican the bull. The second round is Brutus the warrior orc. The third round is Armaggedon. The fourth round is Sanguin. The last round is none other than Wendala. You will get a Hero drink for winning each round with a different character. Quest complete. Continue the same with the others. With Spark be sure to set him to observant and he will find the chimera egg. There is currently a bug that does not show any chimera eggs in your inventory of you pick them up during the solo fights. Pick one up during the team fight and it should show in your inventory. The man to the side will reward you at 3, 6, and 9 wins. At 3 wins you will get silver plate armor, Archers royal and 3x saviour book. At 6 wins you will get Mithril-Om sword, 3x aged mugworth, and 3x saviour books. At 9 wins you will get royal armor, 10x aged mugworth, and 9x hero drink. Do the team fight and the first round will be the atlas hound and 4 anacondas (Random drop Anaconda skin). The second round is 2 atlas hounds and a salcerium breek (Random drop Condition stone). The third round is 3 salceruim breeks. The fourth round is a armaggedon and a sanguin. The fifth and last round is Wendala, paican and brutus. You will randomly receive one of Ocean love (all) , St Christopher Scroll, Refined ether, Health Elixir, Moon stone, or Yveen potion at the end. Do the theme fight. With the adults fight you will have Lisa, Coryool and batabog. It consists of the same fights as the team fights. At the end all party members will receive +30 HP. With the girl power theme fight you will have Sarah, Luciana, Lisa and Baretta. At the end all party members will gain +20HP/40MP. Do the pet themed fight and you will get Guanidia, Herasia and spark. At the end all members will get +50 MN. Theme fight a master and his pet is Random and Guanidia. At the end you will get +100 ST for both. Theme fight a mistress and her pet is Luciana and Herasia. The reward is +100 RS for both. Theme fight big muscles is Coryool and Batabog. The reward is +100 ST for both. That’s all for the Colyseum.

143. Go into the Library and you can now enter the locked gate area to be able to get into the catacombs again. Heal up and put Baretta in your team. Use her perception skill and you should be able to see a ghost floating around the bottom. It laughs at you and asks who dares disturb him. Uwe Becker will attack you. He will heal +250HP every round. Use Sarah’s exorcism spell. Physical attack works best on him. He will drop a ninja madu. Head back to the house you brought and heal and save.

144. Now head left and up one street. To the left you should see a ghost behind a table above the blue haired guy. Talk to the ghost. He is surprised that you can see him as only people from the outer world can see him. He will ask if you are interested in a quest. Say yes and he will tell you that he used to be a leader of a great party of heroes. He wants you to go around all the depot and tell his dead companions how much they mean to him. He used to be called Phileas the grand. He will give you a scroll with each of the names and a bottle of liquid that you must drop onto each tomb. First up warp to Mt Zulle. To the left of you is a fairy. This is Drydine the sylph. Now exit the town and head down to area just before where you found Sarah bathing. When you can go up the log to the right and inspect the grave. This is Doguradu “Mighty Orc of all.” Make sure Sarah is not in your party and then pour some drops on the grave and he will awake and give you a 1x old bottle. Go back to the mushroom guy that sold things and you will find that his business has developed. Buy whatever he has. Head back to Mt Zulle. Go back to the phoenix and warp to SankT Leona.

145. Head up to the Marshlands. Walk straight up to the funny looking plant and you will see a fairy underneath. This is Francine the noxodox. Now head left and you should stumble across the egg of numbu-numbu-nuum (relic) . Keep heading left and then go up towards the Lamia tribe. Along the way up you should see a grave on your right. This is the grave of Meena d’Avoralis. She will give you a 1x green ooze. Move up to the screen past the lamia tribe. Go up and before the bridge turn right. Walk past the trees and on the very right is Alexi the Nereid. That’s all for this area for now. Head back to the town of Xen.

Quest 44- 6 Relics (Q42)

146. Now go along the shores and go back to the gorgeous beach. Go back to the crystal with the weapon in it up the top. Put Luciana in your party by pressing A. Luciana can break it with the power of the mind. You will get the glass rod of Nial. Now head back to the town of Xen. This time go along the valley and head back to the town of SankT Leona. Go into the fighter guild. If you haven’t already buy the X-bow (artefact) off Aaron the red haired guy. Talk to the guild master in the top left corner. He needs you to hunt and destroy 3 dragons. Choose the show interest option. He will give you the “Dragon song” music box. There is a swamp dragon, snow dragon and king dragon. Talk to the grey haired man on the right side and show him

at least 6 relics. Quest complete. He gives you 10000 gold.

Quest 45- Three dragons (Q50)

147. Go to the valley and head to the area outside the cave with all the snowmen. Prepare for a fight by equipping your strongest team and healing up. Use the dragon song music box and the frost dragon will swoop. Use Sarah’s Dragon blitz spell and Luciana’s Arc Flare spell. Random’s lethal dance spell also works well. He will Randomly drop a Crystal rain (all) . You will also get a Snow dragon claw. Go into the swamp. Go to the screen past the lone lamia. You will see two dead trees in front of you. Use the music box under them. The mud dragon will swoop across you. Use the same techniques as the frost dragon except mega freeze with Luciana. He will randomly drop Naja Cazul (relic). He will also drop the swamp dragon eye. Go back to SankT Leona and then go back to Rillia via the phoenix.

148. Go and visit Kevin the explorer. Ask to go to the Atlas cave. He will only let you go if you have good equipment on. You may have to fiddle with the equipment a bit but by this stage you should have the good equipment to get you in. Make sure you equip the Hero sword on Random. At the start of the cave use the dragon song music box. The king dragon will drop down on you. Physical attack with Random, Dragon blitz with Sarah and Arc flare, St Christopher or fire comet with Luciana. Coryool is a good tank for this fight. The god dragon has a habit of casting a spell that can knock out your whole party. You can use Coryool to revive them when the dragon casts this spell. If you are having trouble you can use the remaining totems of evil to help. If you are loosing patience try using the clock of doom item. This will kill the king dragon outright in 3 goes. When dead he will randomly drop the king dragon horns. You will also get 2x saviour books. Quest complete. Warp back to SankT Leona and inform the fighter guild head. He will give you 100000 gold and 1x hero drink.

(Random encounters: Anaconda [40 gold, 235 exp, anaconda skin], Atlas hound [181 gold, 270exp], Sting’o-Matic [35 gold, 142exp], Salcerium breek [ 915 gold, 980 exp, Condition stone], Lionhair Taurus[414 gold, 565 exp], Giagor [120 gold, 339exp], Croc-Mort [21 gold, 160 exp, magicka acid] )

149. While in the atlas cave continue forward. You will see a chest ahead of you. You will be asked if you would like to wait or attack. Choose attack

and you will be confronted by a spirit of atlas. It shouldn’t be too hard. Use Luci’s Dark blast for good effect. First up go right and open the chest to get a 1x healing potion. Keep walking around to get a 1x magicka tea. Go up into the top right exit. Ignore the first path going down. Go up the first path going up and open the chest to get a 1x magicka tincture. Go down into the middle of that room and take the lower right path. Go straight and then up and open the chest to get a 1x moon dew. Go back down and ignore the little room to the bottom and go down the next path. When you get a chance go down and follow that path until you get to a chest with a 1x refined ether. Head back into the first room. This time take the top left exit. Walk straight up to open the chest and get a crusader helmet. Go down and walk all the way around to the left. When you get a chance choose the left path. Follow this path and open the chest to get a 1x ether. Go back and take the right path. Go up the stairs.

150. First off go left. You will now be in a room where there is a circular path around a middle room. There is nothing in the path. In the little room grab the 1x explosion scroll. Open the chest to get an atlas bracelet (Artifact) . Head back to the previous room. When you get back to the hole in the ground head down. At the end open the chest to get the nature rod. Go back to the hole in the ground and then go right. Go down the first path into a room. Open the chest to get a color=#FF0000]flame axe[/color]. Now exit this bit and keep going right then up. Ignore any paths leading off. You will come across a chest with a flower of aquapanga in it. Now go back down a little way and follow the path going right and go up to open the chest and get St Christopher’s trips (book). Go back down and keep going right. About half way down you will see a lightened area on the ground. You can go right into a somewhat hidden area. Walk around and you will find a 1x aged mugworth. Keep going around and inspect the grave. You will find that it is Halberd’s grave. Pour some drops of Phileas tears on it. He will give you a 1x hero drink. Keep walking around and open the chest to get a 1x refined ether. Head back into the next room and go down. When you get to the split ways go up and open the chest to get the atlas helmet. Now continue going down and open the chest when you see it. You will get a golden cestus (Relic) . Now go up and around and go up the stairs.

Quest 46- Find Sanctum flames (Q22)

151. Follow the path to the left and then up. Ignore any paths going in a different direction. Open the chest at the end to get a Yveen bracelet. Go back down and take the first path up and go right straight away. Open the chest to get a 1x health auquifolium. Now continue going up. You will see a chest. Open it to get a 1x revive potion. Keep following the path and go down the last path. Halfway down is a chest with a 1x magicka tea in it. Go down the bottom and then open the chest to get the atlas axe. Go back up and go left go down the next path. Go all the way down then left and then up the first path. You should see some green flames. Pick them up to find the sanctum flames. When you go back to Yolanda in the fire guild Random will receive + 68MP, Sarah +56MP, Luciana +64MP, Coryool +108MP, Baretta +46MP, Guanidia +39MP, Herasia +38 MP, Batabog +91MP, Lisa +77MP, and Spark +35MP. This is only limited to your party though. Now go up the stairs.

152. First go down the first path and at the end open the chest to get the Elven grand bow. Now go up. Open the chest to get a 1x pink solution. Continue right. Go down into the first room and grab the 1x Al’ Kazayer scroll. Open the chest to get a Oom (artefact) . Exit that room and continue to go right. Open the next chest to get a 1x flower of Aquapanga. Start to go down. Ignore the room on the left. Go down the right path. At the bottom you will see a room going up. Open the chest to get a 1x ether. Exit that little room and continue going left and up. Go up the stairs.

153. First up go down and left. At the end open the chest to get a grandiose axe (Relic) . Go back down and go right. Before you go over the bridge open the chest to get a 1x ocean love (all) . Go over the bridge and get a 1x

condition malachite (all) . Keep going right and up. Open the chest to get a 1x Yveen potion. Go left and open the chest to get a madness bow. Continue up to the very top and open the chest to get a Eri Shuriken (Artefact) . Head back to the bottom to where the hole in the ground is and then go up. Go over the bridge and go left and open the chest to get the atlas shield (Artefact) . Go back right and go up the little bridges. When you reach the rock go left and walk across the lily pads. At the end is a glow ball that gives 5x Vaporine infusion. Go back down and head right and up. Go all the way up until you see a watery area. You will see a heap of save bunnies jumping around here. There is also 2x saint water up the top. Don’t use them as you will need them for later on. Put Baretta into your team and then go to open the chest. You will get a Red mirror of leganov, 3x Al’ Kazayer scroll, and 21554 gold. Now Egress and head back to town.

154. Go and visit Kevin again and go to the port of Rillia. Go and duck around to the other side and visit the graves to the right. Visit the middle upper one and you will see that it is Clark Peddigraddi. She will give you a 1x anchor of the seven seas for your trouble. Exit the port.

(Random encounters: Flying shark[35 gold, 165 exp, flying shark wing], Tinee Tikoun [303 gold, 2999 exp, Condition malachite (all) ], Clawbone [70 gold, 144 exp], Desert Nomad [129 gold, 106 exp, color=#FFBF00]purse[/color]], Warrior Zombie[35 gold, 205 exp])

155. Now use the map that you got from the port. Check the inventory for the southern shores map. You should now be at the southern shores. The place is a nice beach and quite warm so Sarah gets into her bikini. She will also gain the burnt condition. Go to the right and you should see a yellow fairy in the water. She is the fairy of the desert. She is not one of the fairies that we are looking for. Below her is a ladder leading into the water. You can’t go there. Go to the very right where you will see a little blue guy. Talk

to him and he offers to take you to the desert of ultai. Go there. Go right to begin with and you will see a witch selling her wares. She will sell you some sunshine cream (One of the items for your great recipe). A little to the right of the witch walk until you see a bit of the cliff going down a bit. Put Baretta into your team and use the perception skill. You will see what looks like a pile of gold. Pick it up to get 3x golden pyramid and 92001 gold. Continue right and pick up the 1x flower of aquapanga. Keep going right and open the chest to get 2315 gold. Keep going right to the end and grab the 5x moon fish. Go down a bit and start to walk back towards the left. You will find 8x mellow nectars. Continue along that line and you will see a little tree with a 1x golden apple under it. Keep going left and you should now find a path. Follow this path down then leave it to continue to the bottom. You should see a path leading down. Follow this one. About halfway around you will see 2x golden pyramid replicas. Grab the 1x ocean love (all) that is sitting there as well. Keep going around and you will see a grave. This is the tomb of Doriane Tussa. Put some of Phileas drops on the grave and she gives you an ocean love (all) for your trouble. Above that to the right you will see a 1x anchor of the seven seas. Keep going around and you will end up at a place surrounded by friendly scorpions. Grab the 3x salmon. Talk to the guy there and he sells some nice stuff. In particular the Dajair armor (Relic).

Quest 46- Find the orbs of power (Q47)

156. Now walk back across to the left and find where you left the path. Now follow it to the right again. You will see a fairy flying around madly here. Try and catch her. She is nymphette the dryad, one of the lost fairies. Keep following the path. You will come across a grave. Grab the 1x Al Kazayer scroll here. Continue to follow the path. At the end of the path you will be

transported to the cape of ultai. On the left grab the map to holiday island. On the right head down the little bit and grab the orb of thunder. It will add +20 power to all thunder based spells. Quest complete. You have just found all of the Orbs of power. To Recap here is where they can all be found.

- Orb of Earth- Millipuf area before first lamia village

- Orb of Fire- Fire elementals house, Rillia

- Orb of Air- Level 17, Peak of heros

- Orb of Ice- The Valley (Snowy lands)

- Orb of Water- Secret room 18, Marshlands

- Orb of Thunder- Cape of ultai

157. Use the holiday island map and walk across. Towards the upper right is a staff in a rock. Luciana needs a resistance of 600 to be able to grab it. You will get a glass rod of Sari. In the water a little to the south is a 1x vaporine infusion. There is another 1x vaporine infusion a little to the north and left of the rock, hidden in the water. Go back to the cape of ultai. Now go down and talk to the people here. The first one on the left gives a reward for a golden pyramid. Each person in your team can get +10HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. The second one on the left will give you a reward if luck is on your side. Wear the luck ring and say yes and he will give everyone in your current party a choice of: +10 HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. Talk to the next guy and he will tell you that they look to the south to salute the sun as she rises and then asks

where would they look as she sets. The answer is NORTH. He will give in your current party a choice of: +10 HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. The next guy needs a phial of saint water to help his throat. Give it to him and each person in your team can get +10HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. The next guy needs the group attack to be above 2000 and speed to be above 2400. Your reward will be that each person in your team can get +10HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. The next one will help you once you help the guy with the sore thoat. Your reward will be that each person in your team can get +10HP, +10MP or +5 Lvl. Go back to the blue fish. Walk back across and go back to Rillia.

Quest 47- find Phileas tombs (Q49)

158. Go back to Phileas and talk to him. Quest complete. You have freed him from his sadness. He says that this is reward enough. Choose the goodbye option and you will get Phileas Aura (HP126%MP118%MN115%). To recap here are the locations of the tombs:

- Indinera Forest- Dogurado the orc (Cannot have Sarah in your party)

- Island of Ultai- Doriane Tussa

- Marshlands- Meena d’Avoralis

- Atlas cave- Halbard

- Port of Rillia- Clark Peddigraddi

Quest 48- A great recipe (Q46)

159. Warp to Mt Zulle and go back down to the area where you found doguradu’s tomb. Go and talk to the witch to the right of there and give her the ingredients to the recipe. You will get a 1x purpurine. Quest complete

Quest 49- Find the missing Fairies (Q44)

160. Warp back to Rillia. Now go to leave the town on the eastern side. Choose to go to mushroom valley. Now go back to see the fairy (Go down to the hut and go right until you see the log going up). You will see all the

fairies in the niche. Talk to Nancy, the fairy that gave you the quest and she will give Sarah +110 MN and Luciana +30MN. Quest complete. To recap, here are all the locations of the fairies:

- Town of Mt Zulle - Drydine the sylph

- Island of Ultai- Nymphette the Dryad

- Screen before the first Lamia camp - Alexi the Nereid

- Marshlands - Francine the noxodox

- Top of the summit of heroes - Ode the Drodoid

- In the Coliseum- Saphora the Carmelite

Quest 50- Find the rare monsters to win the bet (Q45)

161. Go back to Rillia. Go and visit the pub (Next to Random’s hosts’ place). There is a guy standing to the right of the bar. He is in trouble because he made a bet that he could be a better bounty hunter and is now stuck with having to find four creatures he has never heard of. Random offers to go and find them for you. Chamarlen writes the monsters in your quest book and gives you a rare monster music box to attract them. Witch woods- Go to the area where you can see the tired zombie (To the right of where you had to fight the ghost of witch woods). You do not need to play the music box. You should see him walking around in the bottom

right corner. You will be confronted by the Hidder Hii. It is very weak. You will get a 1x dwarven bread when it dies.

Southern Shores- Use the southern shores map in Rillia. You will see this one wandering just past the fairy in the water. You will be confronted with the Ante-werewolf. It has a powerful attack but just Ark Flare it with Luciana and it will kill it pretty easily. You will get a 1x saviour book when it is dead.

Western Shores- Warp to SankT Leona and then walk up to the village of Xen. Now go down and choose to go to the shores. Go to the second area and in the bottom right corner you will see the rare monster floating around the bottom. Walk up to it to be confronted by the shark collector. Use Randoms Lethal dance spell and it will go down. You will get 3x Mawaneyl berries.

Indinera woods- Go back to Xen and make your way to the Lamia Village. Go all the way through the swamp, through the first lamia village and then up to where you landed after jumping off the waterfall. Go to the right and you should see a spider thing walking around. Walk up to it to be confronted by a bat spider. Once it dies you will get 3x Spicy mandrake. Quest complete.

Go back to Rillia and talk to Chamarlen to get your reward. He will give you a Magicka elixir. You have now completed all 50 quests for the game!

162. Now for a bit of a challenge warp to SankT Leona. Save there and a huge dragon will be seen flying towards the snowy lands. It is not happy that you killed its 3 friends. Go into the snowy lands. Go up to the bit where there is a bit of decoration and go right. There is a little area you can climb up and you will see the dragon there. Walk up to him to confront the Dragon god. Overstrike with Random, Dragon Blitz with Sarah and Paralysis then Dark blast with Luciana. You will get over 15000 exp for winning the battle. You will also get a dragon god scale. You can now challenge him again to a duel or a group fight.