Waldseemüller Map, 1507, Nuremburg 1507-1513 In 1507 Martin Waldseemüller, a German mapmaker, was...

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Transcript of Waldseemüller Map, 1507, Nuremburg 1507-1513 In 1507 Martin Waldseemüller, a German mapmaker, was...

Unit 1: Exploration through French and Indian War, PART TWO (1500-


Waldseemüller Map, 1507, Nuremburg 1507-1513In 1507 Martin Waldseemüller, a German mapmaker, was the first person to designate the newly discovered southern continent as "America." He named the continent after Amerigo

Vespucci, who lied about beating Columbus to the New World in 1497.

Waldseemüller Map, 1507, Orbis Typus Universalis, Nuremburg 1507-1513


Ralph Waldo Emerson on Vespucci:“Americo Vespucci, the pickle dealer at Seville who…managed in this lying world to suppress Columbus and baptize half the world with his own dishonest name.

Samuel Eliot Morrison:“So here’s to you, Amerigo. Liar though you were, you made three long transatlantic voyages, wrote entertainingly about them, and played your cards so cleverly as to be elected to the exclusive club of the immortals. Without you, the history of American discovery would be infinitely poorer.”

Fibby McLiarFace Himself



• Dominates the 16th century with conquistadores (Cortes, Pizarro, de Soto)

• Encomienda system: conquistadores granted trusteeship over lands they conquered, exploit native labor

• Empire ultimately too big to administer effectively

Bartolomeo de las Casas: priest, main critic

of Spanish colonial policy

Spanish Ickiness


A letter from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to the governor of Hispaniola, 1503:

“Our desire is that the Christians not lack people to work their holdings and to take out what gold there is. It also is our desire that the Indians live in community with the Christians, because they then will help each other cultivate and settle the island, take out the gold, and bring profit to Spain. Therefore, we command you, our governor, to compel the Indians to associate with the Christians. The Indians should work on the Christians’ building, mine the gold, till the fields, and produce food for the Christians. This the Indians shall perform as free people, which they are, and not as slaves. Also, see to it that the Indians are well treated, with those who become Christians better treated than the others. Do not consent or allow any person to do them any harm or oppress them.”

Why did Ferdinand and Isabella want Native Americans and Christians to live together? Do you think the governor of Hispaniola followed the monarchs’ instructions fully? Why or why


Golden Ticket!!



1st English colony: Roanoke (“The Lost Colony”), 1587

Next try: Jamestown, 1607

This is what you can find when you search for “Roanoke colony…”

This is ALSO what you get when you search for Roanoke Island…

courtesy of Mr. Coney’s 5th grade

class, Room 34 at Tovashal

Elementary School,

Murrieta, CA

•1607: 144 colonists arrive, looking for wealth•Little to no agricultural experience; after 1st winter, only 38 still alive•Capt. John Smith placed in military command, 1608•Smith works out alliance with local tribe (Powhatan)•1609-”Starving Time”: 500 colonists down to around 60

The REAL Pokey-Pokey…NOT a supermodel

George Percy, “A True Relation of the Proceedings and Occurrents of Moment which Have Hap’ned in Virginia ”

Now all of us at James Town, beginning to feel that sharp prick of hunger, which no man [can] truly describe but he which hath tasted the bitterness thereof. A world of miseries ensued . . . [and] some, to satisfy their hunger, have robbed the store, for the which I caused them to be executed. Then having fed upon horses and other

beasts as long as they lasted, we were glad to make shift with vermin, as dogs, cats, rats, and mice. All was fish that came to net to satisfy cruel hunger, as to eat boots,

shoes, or any other leather some could come by. And those being spent and devoured, some were enforced to search the woods and to feed upon serpents and

snakes and to dig the earth for wild and unknown roots, where many of our men were cut off and slain by the [Indians]. And now famine beginning to look ghastly

and pale in every face that nothing was spared to maintain life and to do those things which seem incredible . . .”

Golden Ticket!!

What Would You Eat? Pick SIX of the “foods” below that you would be willing to eat. Rank

them in order of preference.

Now rank them again, in order of how easy they would be to procure.

Why did the Jamestown colony survive, when other colonies did not?

A. A strong Indian alliance protected them from attack by other hostile tribes.(If you believe THIS, move to the front right corner of the room!)

B. The emergence of profitable crops made the colony worth supporting.(If you believe THIS, move to the back right corner of the room!)

C. The arrival of a strong support fleet and additional colonists, after the hard winter of 1619-1620.

(If you believe THIS, move to the front left corner of the room!)

D. None of the above(If you believe THIS, move to the back left corner of the room!)


Tobacco…the reason Jamestown survived

Ah, the fresh taste of cancer…















Here Come the Pilgrims!

Plymouth Rock: Where the Pilgrims

“landed” (HA!)

The “First” Thanksgiving, Massachusetts

The REAL first Thanksgiving!

Pedro Menendez de Aviles, Sept.

8, 1565

"cocido" (a rich Spanish stew made with pork, garbanzo beans and onions)Lima beansSalt pork/hamshellfishgopher tortoiseShark

Mulletsea catfish maize (corn)BeansSquashnuts and fruit


Dr. Michael Gannon: The


Golden Ticket!!

Why have the Pilgrim myths (Thanksgiving, Plymouth Rock) endured so long?

• New England– Massachusetts 1620– Connecticut 1635– Rhode Island 1636 (WE’RE


• Middle– Virginia 1607 – New York 1624 (Whaddya

lookin’ at?)– Delaware 1638 (YAWN)– Pennsylvania 1682

• Southern– Maryland 1632– Carolinas (Restoration

colonies 1670)– Georgia (1733—losers)

The Colonies…

And How Did Native Americans React to All This?

NEW ENGLAND•1629: Massachusetts Bay founded, a “City on a Hill”•The “Great Migration”—European Puritans head for New World•As colony grows, religious fervor slows, material desires grow•Solution: Halfway Covenant

• partial church membership for the children and grandchildren of church members.

• Baptism gets you in; couldn’t vote on church issues, but kept you in the church

John Winthrop: my “City on the Hill” requires
