Wafa hozien Motivating Your People

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Transcript of Wafa hozien Motivating Your People

We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

- Aristotle

Dr. Wafa Hozienwhozien@vsu.edu

What is Motivation? the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way. the

state or condition of being motivated. something that motivates; inducement; incentive. the act or an instance of motivating desire to do; interest or drive, incentive or inducement.

Motivation is a very individual thing

Motivation derives from the Latin word MOVERS which means to move forward to satisfying a need.

Basic Needs Food Clothing Shelter

Excellence in all we Do: Integrity First, Service Before Self.

U.S Air Force Core Values



You must be the change you want to

see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Internal/ Intrinsic Motivations Values and Morals Personal Goals Belief’s Survival – To the Right is Shackleton’s Ship

External / Extrinsic Motivations Money Praise Awards

Accomplishment/Achievement People that work for a specific task or completion of a matter to

receive a desired result. See to take personal responsibility and calculated risk, set goals and

solve problems. Achievers need constant and concrete feedback to know that their

contributions have made a impact on the greater whole. Want to know that there influences have made a difference outside of their immediate personal gain.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Recognition These are the type of people that want to be appreciated for what they

do and seek to have the praise of others. Individuals that derive from personal satisfaction from their

involvement. Always want accolades. Self Praisers. Always want positive feedback.

Let another man praise thee and not they own lips. Better a stranger and not thy own mouth.

Proverbs 27:2

Power Many people or organizations are motivated For the need or desire of power. The need or want of power can be an issue and cause problems in a working environment.

People want the opportunity to compete for the responsibility and authority within an organization. They like to influence other directly and tend to manage groups well with out being manipulative.

Motivation for power can be both positive and negative.

Affiliation Affiliators need to feel that they belong and are accepted by the group

members. They like cooperating and being in on things, meeting and/or knowing many people, and enjoy having fun.

Since affiliators need to feel welcome then they must be kept informed at all times. They also care about their feelings and the feelings of others and derive satisfaction for a job well done, especially if it involves serving others.

People find affiliation through teams or joining organization Ex. Sports teams, gangs, sororities or fraternities.

Believe in yourself and love what you do."Shaheryar Shahid

Look up Blood, Toil (Sweat) and Tears by Winston Churchill Read it is short speech: http://

www.winstonchurchill.org/learn/speeches/speeches-of-winston-churchill/92-blood-toil-tears-and-sweat Or Watch it here: (5:12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TlkN-dcDCk

What form of motivation is this speech?

Need to determine individual motivations. This can lead to ones energies and limitless ideas thus maximize the members potential in the organization.

Mangers can give incentives to motivate performance Ex. Financial bonus, extra days off from work.

Mangers must learn how to look beyond a person current abilities and identify any potential needs to developing.

Create environments where members can ask questions. Encourage members to make needs known.

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try”Adventure is just bad Planning. Roald Amundsen

Use people's names often. Make it a point to learn the names and connect the faces of the people in your organization.

Actively Listen and Demonstrate good, open body language. Be courteous/respectful treat others how you want to be treated.

Use ice breakers or team building activities in newly formed Leadership teams or committees To energize the group members and strengthen the organization

Occasionally serve food at your meetings or Have social events outside of work.

Since motivation stems from inner needs, drives and goals; The leader's task in motivating others is to tap into these to supply a

channel for their fulfillment. The individual members must still do the rest.

Provide honest feedback -- praise their successes publicly, and privately give constructive criticism to help them learn from their mistakes.

Describe a problem person you have encountered in your professional experience.

Describe an incident or an encounter with a problem person you have had.

Keep this person in mind as you progress through this powerpoint.

No Matter what you do or suggest they are hard to motivate. Focused on other issues other then task or work assigned.

Distracted by external factors. Can be negative and not willing to work with others.

Mangers can cause an employee's lack of motivation;for some reason, and bring out the worst rather thanthe best in a person they are trying to help.

The Mulberry Bush Chase: Have you been going round and round with someone, having the same fruitless conversations over and over? That's a sure sign of the need for a new approach. Discard your assumptions about the person and start afresh

The Huckster Hazard: Have you been trying to "tell and sell" -that is, convince the person of the reasonableness of your position? Don't be an evangelist. Be a psychologist. The most successful salespeople discover and fulfill people's needs rather than try to change them.

The Ignorance-ls-Bliss Syndrome: Contentedly clueless, neither knowing nor caring much about what makes an employee tick? You have to dig deeper to find out what drives that person -and what may be blocking those drivers.

The Self-Centeredness Trap: Do the words that spring to mind when you think about this person's behavior reflect a blinkered point of view? Ask yourself what words this individual would use to describe those same behaviors. It may give you a fresh insight into the nature of the problem.

The Hanging Judge Tendency: Have you been proudly occupying a moral high ground in your perspective on this person? It won't help to think of your employee as in the wrong while you act out the role of judge or high priest. Decide now whether you realty want to solve the problem or sit in judgment.

The Monochrome Vision :Have you failed to search for any redeeming features in this person? Think hard. Because discovering even one positive characteristic in someone can color your relationship in entirely new ways and create a starting point for you to connect.

The Denial Danger: Have you been dismissing out of hand how someone perceives you? Remember the dictum,“ If something is perceived as real, it is real in its consequences." It is the other person's reality you are goingto have to work with, not just your own.

Inspirations: stimulation for the human mind to creative thought

Or to the making of art divine influence or Action on a person believed to qualify him or her to

receive and communicate sacred revelation. The action or power of moving the intellect or

emotions. The act of influencing or suggesting opinions.

What is Best? What’s difference? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSDhhZtRwFU

This is the definition of Autonomy: the quality or state of being self-governing; especially: The right of self-government self-directing freedom and Especially moral independence a self-governing state. Now that you know the definition: Explain how you have achieved autonomy in your workplace to a partner. Give an example or an incident that explains this achievement of autonomy. Explain out loud to the classroom how your partner has achieved autonomy.

It is more evident in today’s society that autonomy, empowerment, and participation are needed to succeed.

Managers do not easily relinquish their authority and decision making capabilities; however, over time employees earn their manager’s trust and can readily make certain decisions.

Utilizing autonomy in the workplace should make employees feel a greater responsibility for the outcome of their work.

Autonomy on the job is perhaps the central work characteristic in shaping worker attitudes, motivation, and behavior.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc Why are the quotes on this page relevant?

What do Ernest Shackleton, Roald Amundsen and Winston Churchill have in common?

When you think of motivation. What specif ically do you think of in terms of the workplace?

Can you give examples of motivation in your personal l i fe that have increased your productivity in your professional l i fe? e.g. how your l ives have merged to increase your level of motivation.

Give an example that was not presented in this powerpoint of motivation: an individual, an incident, a speech or a quote.

What keeps you motivated? What sustains your motivation?

Holden Leadership Center: University of Oregon, Motivating your MembersAny Given Sunday Speech Al Pacino Pre-Game Speech Retrieved From

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJcRSA- Animated Drive: The Surprising truth about what motivates us Retrieved From

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSDhhZtRwFUNigel Nicholson, (January 2003) Motivating People: How to Motivate your Problem People. Harvard Business Review

Questions or Comments?Wafa Hozien: whozien@vsu.edu