Wade & Gatton Nurseries 1 Malus The Flowering...

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Transcript of Wade & Gatton Nurseries 1 Malus The Flowering...

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 1

Wade & Gatton Nurseries

1288 Gatton Rocks Road

Bellville, Ohio 44813

(1928 - 2014)

Our 86th Year

Telephone: 419-883-3191

Fax: 419-883-3677 (24 Hour)

Email: wadeandgatton@yahoo.com

Website: wadeandgattonnurseries.com

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday thru Saturday

(Closed Sundays & Holidays)



Flowering Crabapple


Wade & Gatton Nurseries 2

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 3

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 4

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Malus ‘Sugar Tyme’

Malus ‘Strawberry Parfait’

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 5


The most important flowering and ornamental tree of the late

1990’s. No other flowering tree can equal the Flowering Crabapple

in hardiness, profusion of bloom, variations in growth habits, foliage

colorations, and size and color ranges of its fruits. They are

unequaled in providing natural foods for wildlife.

Many interesting varieties exist that provide for very narrow

growth, or dwarf, weeping, tall, and erect varieties, shade tree

variations, and varieties that provide gently spreading heads or

stately formal growth patterns.

They excel in variations of fragrance, in color, form, and fruitful-

ness. Many are blight or disease and insect resistant.

Flowering Crabapples readily lend themselves for plantings onthe home grounds, as well as for plantings in the largest cities, ourhospitals, our parks, for highway plantings, or industrial plantings. We sell thousands annually and devote about sixty-five acres tothis very lovely ornamental tree — over 70 varieties.


Each and every Flowering Crabapple we grow is given special attention. Every treeis either budded or grafted on the very best understock suited for that particularspecies.

All plants over 1/4" caliper are all planted with an 8' by 8' cross-checks. This spacingallows maximum head and branch development.

Wade’s transplanted Flowering Crabapples are individually planted with its owncircular drilled hole. Each tree goes into its final stage of development as a nicely

branched, twice transplanted tree. Its root system is carefully pruned as it is planted

in its own special hole. Extra precautions are given to the depth of the tree in its hole,and in particular, the distribution of the root system. The root system is planted in asymmetrical fashion with the main trunk being in the middle.

Our trees have balanced root systems. They are correctly planted individually, atthe right depth, to assure you of a perfect tree. Root systems of our trees are not drug

to one side or one-sided. It is quite common in the trade to see these one-sided plants,as it is much more economical to mass plant behind a furrow with a mechanical planter,

which is the common practice at many commercial nurseries.

Survival of our trees is unexcelled.! If given proper care, our trees will grow into

perfect specimen trees, typical of the species it represents.

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 6

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

We are very pleased and thankful for your continued support and purchases

of the many fine plants including the Flowering Crabapples in past years. It is

our purpose to continue growing Flowering Crabapples and to help develop new

and better trees for the future. The Wade Families here are devoting much time

and effort in the assembly and collection of our present list of Flowering and

Ornamental Crabapples. If you have not yet tried our Flowering Ornamental

Crabapples, we invite you to at this time. We are sure you will be quite pleased!


Most varieties have heavily branched tops. Since they were transplanted

when 6 to 7' tall, and being nearly 1" in caliper, a nice, clean, straight trunk

(depending upon species) is evident. Each year the tops are individuallytrimmed to represent the species. Narrow species were trained narrow; widespreading varieties are trained wide; semi-erect strains are trained and kept togrow just that way. An average 2 to 21/2" caliper Flowering Crabapple, here atWade & Gatton Nurseries, has had its top pruned and shaped at least three times.

Our continuous research for improved and best varieties has resulted in ourpresent leadership in the field of transplanted, field grown, and larger B&B trees.Wade’s superior root systems assured you of reliable transplanting success,year after year.

Our field grown Flowering Crabapples are spaced 8' x 8', are cross-checkedin field rows. This spacing (64 square feet of growing space per tree) allows formaximum branching patterns and well shaped plants.

Individual selections and tagging is permitted, as is quite often the practiceof many landscape architects, landscape contractors, and home owners. We

welcome your visit here to view first hand our fine selection of quality trees!

As street trees, the Crabapple bear special significance. Limbing up whererequired does not pose a problem and overhead wires can seldom be entangled

with Crabapple limbs.

Many communities have now lined their streets with many Crabapplespecies, cultivars and hybrids. These not only add interest during the flowering

periods, but also during all seasons, on a year round basis. Maintenance costs

are reduced on the Flowering Crabapples, as compared to larger shade trees.Such communities are greatly benefited by the tree lined streets, as community

pride, and community respect start and begin to get people involved in thebeauty of the plants and trees.

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 7


(20' tall x20' wide in 20 years)

Clear red flowers; red fruit (5/8") is persistent; green foliage with a reddish tint;rounded overall form; disease resistant foliage.

Flower buds appear in clusters with deep pink coloring, opening into clear pink

flowers (5 petals), expanding to 11/2" in diameter.

Red apples are 5/8" in diameter, and begin to show color in early July. Fruit is

persistent and holds well until early Spring. Fruits dependably every year.

Leaves are 2 to 3" long, light green with a slight reddish tinge on new, young leaves.

This cultivar is highly resistant to scab, cedar apple rust and fire blight.

Adams Crabapple establishes a dense, rounded head, growing nearly as wide as it

does tall.

The Adams Crabapple originated and was named in about 1947, at the West

Springfield residence of the late Walter Adams, past president of Adams Nursery, Inc.of Westfield, Massachusetts. Culture: Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun. Zone 4. Note: We have been growing Adams Crabapple since 1985. Quite frankly, they area greatly overlook, strong, sturdy, disease resistant, red flowering Crabapple. Our treesare extra nice, full, bushy trees spaced on 8’ x 8’ centers and are of specimen quality!



74- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 245.00 95- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 295.00 55- 4.00-4.50” (42-45” B&B&R&W) 345.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 8

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(25’ tall x 18-20’ spread)

The flowers of this crabapple hold their brilliant red from the first tight buds of

spring until the last petals fall. Summer brings midnight-maroon foliage that is comple-

mented by unique pumpkin-orange fruit in autumn. The fruit persists in its display well

into the winter months. Pyramidal growth form. Zones 5-7.

0- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 245.00

5- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 295.00

10- 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00


(20-25' tall x 15-20' spread)Light pink buds opening to pure white flowers. Rounded growth habit. Fruit is 1"

and red in color. Very colorful red fruits are the showiest and largest fruiting Crabapplewe grow! Zone 5.

0- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00 5- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00 12- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 225.00 10- 3.50-4.00” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 325.00 4- 4.00-4.50” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 380.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 9

Malus ‘Candymint’, CANDYMINT FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (10’ tall x 15’ spread)

(P. P. #6606). Irregularly spreading branches of this diminutive tree are smothered

in spring with excellent, bright pink flowers. Dwarf character and abundant crop of

bright red, persistent fruits hint at its origin as a Sargent seedling. Low, spreading

growth habit. Foliage is purple becoming bronze-green. Fruit is 3/8” in diameter and

red. Zone 4.

1- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 325.00

5- 3.50-4.00” (36-40” B&B&R&W) 380.00

5- 4.00-4.50” (40-42” B&B&R&W) 435.00

5- 4.50-5.00” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 10

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


Also known as Malus ‘Centzam’. Red flower buds open to a rose-red, five-petaledblossoms. Good, glossy, dark green foliage. Cherry-red fruit is small, 5/8" diameter,

glossy, and remains effective for two months in Autumn. Excellent for street tree

purposes because of its upright, vigorous, columnar growth habit. Useful in residential

or commercial plantings, as it can add that elegant touch so necessary. A very disease

resistant variety. Originated and registered with the U. S. Patent office by Robert C.

Simpson. Named by Lake County Nursery Exchange in 1978. It was originally named

and marketed by Robert C. Simpson in 1979. Culture: Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.5

to 7.0. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

1- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 295.00

2- 3.50-4.00” (36-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00

5- 4.00-4.50” (40-42” B&B&R&W) 395.00

6- 4.50-5.00” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 440.00 3- 5.00-5.50” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Malus ‘Cinzam’, CINDERELLA FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (8' tall x 5' spread)

The smallest Dwarf Crabapple of the Round Table Series, Cinderella is a petiteselection with an extremely compact and upright habit. Cinderella is an all season tree,displaying tiny red buds in the Spring,; opening to snow-white flowers; attractive deeplylobed foliage and an abundant display of small gold fruit lasting into late Autumn.Disease resistant. Zone 4. Trees are top grafted atop a single stem, tree form. Compact,globe shaped. Trees are field grown, transplanted trees on 36” and 42” standards.

4- 15-18” Head (16 Yr. Old-On Standard) 195.00 4- 18-24” Head (16 Yr. Old-On Standard) 225.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 11


Also known as Malus ‘Coralcole’. Plant patent #2983. Coral-pink flower buds

open to five-petaled, semi-double, rose-pink flowers. Fruit is borne sparingly and is

bronze-colored and less than 1/2" in diameter. Leaves are very small, dark green and

are closely spaced on the stems. This variety is double top budded onto a 30" to 36"

stem to produce a small, flowering tree. It is a novelty type tree that was introduced by

the American Garden Cole, Inc. of Circleville, Ohio (now closed). The top of the tree is

rounded and globular in shape, is slow growing, dainty, and almost miniature. It

features a dwarf habit with attractive flowers. Use as a small specimen tree, as a

conversation piece or use as a small pink flowering tree. Culture: Prefers good fertile

soil, but well drained. pH 6.5 to 7.0. Sun. Zone 4.

15- 24” Wide Head 1.25-1.50” (20-22” B&B&R&W) 125.00

75- 30” Wide Head 1.50-1.75” (22-24” B&B&R&W) 145.00

110- 34-38” Wide Head 1.75-2.00” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 175.00 75- 38-42” Wide Head 2.00-2.50” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 195.00115- 42-48” Wide Head 2.50-3.00” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 225.00 70- 48-52” Wide Head 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 245.00110- 52-60” Wide Head 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 295.00 90- 60-72” Wide Head 3.50-4.00” (36-42” B&B&R&W) 395.00 65- 6’ Plus Wide Head 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 440.00 35- 6’ Plus Wide Head 4.50-4.50” (44-48” B&B&R&W 495.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 12

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(35-40' tall x 35-40' wide in 20 years)

Expanding flower buds are pink, open to white, single flowers (5 petals), which are

13/4" across. Flowers annually. It produces a heavy crop of 3/8" bright red fruit. Dark

green foliage all summer which is resistant to scab, cedar apple rust, fire blight, and is

only moderately susceptible to powdery mildew. Fruit is retained well into the winter

months where it is a good source of food for winter birds. A compact, rounded overall

shapely tree. Requires very little pruning. Original plant was first found as a seedling

at the Arnold Arboretum, in the late 1940’s. It was named for Dr. Donald Wyman, a

retired staff member of the Arboretum and a well known writer on gardening. Culture:

Prefers a well drained clay loam soil. pH 6.0 to 7.0. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

Note: A very highly rated Flowering Crabapple, disease resistant, with lovely,

relatively small red fruit in Autumn.

22- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 295.00 26- 3.00-3.50” Hi Head (32-36” B&B&R&W) 195.00 24- 3.50-4.00” (36-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 13

2- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 245.00

20- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&&R&W) 295.00

10- 3.50-4.00” (36-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00

5- 4.00-4.50” (40-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Malus ‘Doubloons’, DOUBLOONS FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (18’ tall x 16’ spread)

(P. P. #7216). The first double flowering white crabapple with disease resistance.

Dense, upright spreading growth form. Deep green foliage. Yellow, 3/8”, persistent

fruit in fall. Zone 4.

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 14

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(12-15' tall x 10-12' wide in 15 years)

Many connoisseurs of Flowering Crabapples frequently admit this is one of their

favorites. Colorful, dainty flower buds are deep pink caped with bright red flower petals

that show excellent color a full two weeks before opening into a delicate pink mass of

flowers which seemingly cover the entire tree. Flowers open in mid-season for

Crabapples, and are fragrant, single (5 petals), are about 11/4" in diameter, are pink at

first and rapidly change to a sparkling, near pure white. Floribunda flowers heavily,

regularly, and every year without fail. Our transplanted trees start flowering at 5 to 6' in


Fruit is small (3/8" in diameter), red to yellowish-red in color, and are very attractive

from late August to mid-October. Fruit is persistent, but seldom lasts into Winter

because they are heartily relished by robins and cedar waxwings, which swallow the

fruit whole in below freezing temperatures, when other food is snow covered or

unavailable. Leaves are 2" to 3" long, are dark green with good fertility, and are resistant to applescab and black spot. Floribunda has a broadly rounded top and is densely branched, unlike any otherspecies. One large old specimen tree I know is 25' tall and 20' wide and is 30 years old.Its branches are irregular horizontally inclined, and is frequented by many birds of allkinds year round. Its inner branches have been thinned out, and looking up into the treeis very interesting, and truly makes a very nice ornamental flowering and shade tree. This Japanese Flowering Crabapple did come from Japan and was introduced intothe U.S.A. in 1862, making it the oldest specimen Crabapple in the horticultural tradetoday, and is a parent plant of many improved cultivars. Culture: It is very hardy, tolerating sub-zero temperatures readily. Tolerates a widevariety of soil conditions, but prefers fertile, clay loam, well drained soils, but will toleratea slight to moderate amount of wetness. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

10- 1.75-2.00” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 154.00

15- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00 24- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00 52- 3.00-3.50” (34-36” B&B&R&W) 295.00

19- 3.50-4.00” (37-38” B&B&R&W) 345.00

8- 4.00-4.50” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 15

Malus transitoria ‘Schmidtcutleaf’, GOLDEN RAINDROPS CRABAPPLE

(20' tall x 15' spread)

The most unusual crabapple we grow, and perhaps the only one that could be

described as having a delicate appearance. The fine textured foliage is deeply cut.

The form is elegant, with slender limbs spreading horizontally from upright branches

and the golden yellow fruit is truly tiny, 1/4". White flowers in Spring. Zone 4.

15- 3.50-4.00” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 345.00

25- 4.00-4.50” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 395.00

18- 4.50-5.00” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 440.00

20- 5.00-5.50” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 495.00

15- 5.50-6.00” (48-52” B&B&R&W) 540.00

10- 6.00-6.50” (52-55” B&B&R&W) 595.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 16

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Malus ‘Guinzam’, GUINEVERE FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (10' tall x 10' spread)

A nostalgic Dwarf flowering Crabapple, Guinevere has mauve and white flowers

simultaneously blooming throughout the spring season. The extremely dark, lustrous

midnight green foliage has a distinctive deep wine frost. The persistent fall fruit is bright

red. Rounded growth habit. A disease resistant tree. Zone 4.

Note: A distinctive growth habit! Trees are wide, short, artistically branched. A

4” caliper tree is only 8-9’ tall x 6-7’ wide!

5- 4.50-5.00” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 440.00

3- 5.00-5.50” (45-50” B&B&R&W) 495.00

Malus ‘Hamzam’, HAMLET FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (10' tall x 10' spread)

In Spring Hamlet is a mass of deep scarlet buds opening to a bold display offragrant rosy-pink flowers. The foliage has a unique light wine-red color. The abundantdeep red fruit remains long into the fall season. Rounded growth habit. Zone 4. Our treesare top grafted on 3-4’ standards. Trees form a very compact, dwarf, globose top. Treeshave a very small head in relationship to caliper size.

3- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 224.00 2- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 240.00 2- 3.00-3.50” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 290.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 17


(20' in 15 years)

Registered with the U. S. Patent office. Rich golden fruit is small (3/8" in diameter),

is borne in abundance and simply covers the entire tree in a veil of gold in Autumn,

remaining effective into late December. Harvest Gold is a vigorous, upright grower

suitable for street tree use or individual specimen landscape use. Leaves have a good

green color and show excellent disease resistance. Flower buds show a tinge of pink,

but open into single (5 petals) white flowers of notable significance. Culture: Prefers

well drained soils. pH 6.5 to 7.0. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

Note: The small upright growing form of the tree of the tree requires little to no

pruning to maintain its form. It has proven to be salt tolerant and highly resistant to

disease and urban pollution.

20- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00

44- 2.50-3.00” (28-34” B&B&R&W) 195.00 55- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 90- 3.50-4.00” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00 54- 4.00-4.50” (40-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00 16- 4.50-5.00” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 440.00 12- 5.00-5.50” (48-52” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 18

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(15-18' tall x 14-15' wide in 15 years)

Showy and colorful red flower buds open to attractive rose-red to pink, five petaled

blossoms, 11/2" in diameter. Blossoms literally cover the entire tree. After full color of

pink for about one week, the flowers change to white, at which time they slowly flitter

away in the gentle breezes. Shaded flowers hold their petals till last.

Indian Magic’s fruitfulness is unequalled! Almost every flower, dependably every

year, produces small (9/20th to 1/2" in diameter) glossy red apples. The apples become

attractively noticeable in August and provide an outstanding display of red until frost

and leaf drop, at which time the fruit changes to a golden-orange then to a glossy brown

in December and through Winter. Fruits are elongated and noticeably long. Its inner

flesh is noticeably dark red. Its fruits are persistent, and hold all winter, and it is not

unusual to find some fruit still holding tightly when the tree comes into flower in April.

5- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00 20- 2.50-3.00” (28-34” B&B&R&W) 195.00

20- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 10- 3.50-4.00” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00 5- 4.00-4.50” (40-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00 5- 4.50-5.00” (45-50” B&B&R&W) 440.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 19


(18' tall x 20' spread)

Flowers are rose-red. Fruits are bright red, 5/8" in diameter and persist well intowinter. Fruits are unexcelled for late summer attractiveness. Foliage is bronze-greenwith good apple scab resistance and excellent resistance to cedar apple rust, mildew

and fire blight. Culture: Prefers well drained, almost any soil type. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sunor semi-shade. Zone 4.

12- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00

12- 2.50-3.00” (28-34” B&B&R&W) 195.00 15- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

15- 3.50-4.00” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 345.00

Beautiful small red fruit on

Malus ‘Indian Magic’

Beautiful pink flower

buds and flowers on

Malus ‘Indian Magic’

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 20

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(8-10’ tall x 8’ spread)

A Genetic Dwarf Flowering Crabapple. Plant patent #8056. Lancelot is a compact,

genetic dwarf. Spring brings abundant brilliant red flower buds that open into snow

white blossoms. The compact, upright dwarf, dense canopy of attractive crisp green

summer foliage is a joy to see. Fall brings a show of elegant golden foliage with lumi-

nous golden fruit only 3/8” in diameter which holds well into January. Our trees are all

top grafted on to a single stem - 3-3.5’ standard. Each is a specimen!

4- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 395.00

5- 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 420.00

8- 4.50-5.00” (44-50” B&B&R&W) 440.00

5- 5.00-5.50” (50-52” B&B&R&W) 510.00 4- 5.50-6.00” (52-55” B&B&R&W) 545.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 21

Malus ‘Lollizam’, LOLLIPOP FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (10' tall x 10' spread)

Top grafted atop a 4’ standard. Tree grows into a neat, tidy, compact head. It

resembles a tightly trimmed globe, ball or lollipop (hence its name).

This distinct new cultivar is very prolific bloomer with pink single flower buds that

open into pure white blossoms. Disease resistant foliage that requires little or no

pruning to maintain its form. Foliage is an attractive, crisp green color all summer. Fruit

is small, 3/8” in diameter, reddish-amber in color, not very plentiful, but relished by birds

and no problem. Culture: Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun. Zone 4.

9- 30-36” W. Head 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00

8- 36-40” W. Head 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 345.00

8- 40-48” W. Head 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 395.00

5- 54-60” W. Head 4.00-4.50” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 420.00 3- 54-60” W. Head 4.50-5.00” (48-52” B&B&R&W) 440.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 22

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Malus ‘Louisa’, LOUISA FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (15' tall)

Glossy dark green foliage on tree with broadly weeping habit. Pink flowers in May

are followed by persistent 3/8" yellow fruit in Fall. Zone 4.Our trees are very short with a wide head. Trees that are 7-8’ wide seem only to

get 6-7’ tall with no apical dominance, which makes them distinctively different! Makes

a distinctly different specimen weeping tree!

1- 2.50-3.00” 5.5-6’ x 3-4’ W (28-32” B&B&R&W) 220.00 1- 3.00-3.50” 5.5-7’ x 6-8’ W (32-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

1- 3.50-4.00” 5-8’ x 6-8’ W (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00

1- 4.00-4.50” 5-8’ x 7-9’ W (42-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00 1- 4.50-5.00” 5-8’ x 7-9’ W (44-48” B&B&R&W) 440.00

1- 5.00-5.50” 6-8’ x 9’+ W (45-50” B&B&R&W) 490.00 1- 5.50-6.00” 6-9’ x 9’+ W (50-55” B&B&R&W) 595.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 23

Malus ‘Madonna’, MADONNA FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (18' tall x 10’ wide)

Compact, upright tree requiring no pruning or trimming to maintain its naturally

symmetrical form. Madonna, with its wonderfully fragrant double white flowers, is among

the first of the crabapple varieties to show color in the spring and outlasts most other

varieties. Golden red, cherry size fruit in fall. Deciduous. Zone 4.

2- 5.50-6.00” (48” B&B&R&W) 745.00

2- 6.00-6.50” (50” B&B&R&W) 890.00

4- 6.50-7.00” (52” B&B&R&W) 990.00

3 7.00-7.50” (54” B&B&R&W) 1,090.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 24

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(8-10' tall x 8-10' wide in 15 years)

Rose colored buds open pink and turn white, are large, single, insignificant, yellowfruit; heavy textured green leaves; broad, spreading vase-shaped growth. Spur-type


Pink flower buds open into pure white, single, five-petaled, 1" diameter flowers. Very

similar to Malus sargenti. A cross between Malus sargenti rosea and Malus

atrosanguinea, originating at Arnold Arboretum in 1939. The pure white flowers are

produced in great profusion and provide a dramatic display of color. The distinct habit

of growth of this cultivar provides the landscape architects with considerable variety.Leaves appear after flowering, are dark green and stay green all summer. A strong

grower that is broad topped and grows shrub-like or becomes a rounded small tree.

Foliage is apple scab resistant and resembles the foliage of Malus sargenti. Fall fruits

are small, red, 1/2" in diameter. Culture: Prefers good soil drainage, sandy or silt clayloam. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

10- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00 35- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 40- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 18- 4.00-4.50” (42-48” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 25

Malus ‘Molazam’, MOLTEN LAVA FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (14’ tall x 20’ spread)

A wide spreading weeper, its name is descriptive of its autumn appearance, when

it seems to flow with bright red, 1/2” fruit. White flowers. Zone 4.

4- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00

5- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 345.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 26

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(12-15' tall x 7-8' wide in 15 years)

Deep pink flowers; near deep green summer leaves; copper colored fall color;purplish-red fruit; inconspicuous; narrow, upright spreading form; disease resistant


Bright carmine-red flower buds unfold to deep true pink flowers (5 petals). The

flowers are medium sized, fragrant, and are borne in profusion. Flower color carries for

a long distance. Color is near a “Betty Prior Rose” pink. Buds are carmine-red and turn

slightly lighter, holding the pink color for many days.

Leaves are slightly bronze colored as they unfold, and the flower color contrasts well

against the foliage color, attributing to the floriferousness of this tree. The leaves soon

turn a deep bronzy-green and hold color well, only to again turn a very lovely copper fall

color as frosts appear.

Fruit is medium sized, purplish-red and is not borne in profusion, therefore it isseldom noticed. Pink Spires has medium sized branches that ascend into a moderately narrow, yetupright spreading in overall form. We have found this variety to possess the best overall disease resistance for thosewho wish a nice, neat, small, fairly narrow, pink Flowering Crabapple. Culture: Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4. Note: We consider this to be one of our best Pink Flowering Crabapples to date.

84- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 65- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 15- 4.00-4.50” (42-45” B&B&R&W) 395.00 10- 4.50-5.00” (45-48” B&B&R&W) 440.00 3- 5.00-5.50” (48-52” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 27

Malus ‘Prairiefire’, PRAIRIEFIRE FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (20' tall x 20' spread)

Upright, spreading, rounded growth habit. Purple foliage becomes reddish-green

with maturity. Bright pinkish-red flowers in Spring. Dark red, 3/8" - 1/2" fruit in Autumn.

Excellent scab, rust, mildew and fire blight resistance. Zone 4. Note: This relatively

new Crabapple is one of our best, pinkish-red Flowering Crabapples.


54- 1.75-2.00” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 150.00

110- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00

180- 2.50-3.00” (28-34” B&B&R&W) 195.00

135- 3.00-3.50” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

89- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 325.00

21- 4.00-4.50” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Malus ‘Prairie Fire’ in mid-October. Trees are 2.00” caliper.


2- 4 - 5’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 114.00 3- 5 - 6’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 134.00 5- 6 - 7’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 154.00 8- 7 - 8’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 160.00 5- 8 - 9’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 245.00 5- 9 -10’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 265.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 28

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(20' tall x 20' spread)

PP #8478. An outstanding rosy bloom crabapple. The purple bronze foliage and

bright flowers rival Liset, but Purple Prince does not suffer from stem splitting and is

faster growing. Rounded growth habit. Maroon, 3/8" fruit. Very disease resistant.

Probably our newest and best deep red Flowering Crabapple. Summer foliage is a

bronzy-green. Fruit is not messy, as it holds on all winter and dries up. Zone 4.

6- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

12- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 325.00

9- 4.00-4.50” (42-45” B&B&R&W) 395.00


(18' tall x 8' wide)

Our best narrow, columnar, purplish foliaged ornamental Flowering Crabapple.

Flowers are very dark red amid purplish leaves in early Spring. Good resistance to mostCrabapple problems. Excellent resistance to mildews. Dark red fruit in Autumn is small,

1/2” in diameter. Not a heavy fruiting variety. Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.5. to 7.0.Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

15- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00

45- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 32- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00

20- 4.00-4.50” (42-45” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 29


Plant Patent #1497. Introduced to us by the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens of New York

in 1953. In my opinion, this is the best of the Weeping Crabapples. Red Jade is the only

green leaved Weeping Crabapple of significance today, and as most green leaved

Crabapples do, it blends well into landscape designs better than most red or reddish

leaved varieties.

In early Spring, deep pink flower buds are evident a full two weeks before opening.

As the buds open, the five petaled flower takes on an even deeper pink, then fades to a

pink blush, then to a pure white in two to four days. Outside petals are the most colorful.

Flowers appear individually, alternately, and are 13/4" in diameter. Flowers are delight-fully fragrant and appear on long stems. Flowers are self-pollinating.

Fruits are green in early summer and turn jade red in late summer. Fruits are smaller

than most other Weeping Crabapples, are egg-shaped, 1/2" in diameter, cherry-like, and

droop noticeably and attractively on long stems (11/2-2" long). Fruit is exceptionally

attractive all through October, November and December. Fruits hold tight, are verypersistent, and will hold until Spring or until eaten by winter birds. The winter birdsrelish these small fruits by eating them whole, as opposed to larger apples they simplytear apart and eat the seeds within. Red Jade’s leaves are green from the first small leaves until late Fall. Branches areslender and weep gracefully, taking on rather artistic, picturesque branch patterns asit ages. Very useful as an individual specimen tree, faced down with Taxus ‘Wardi’ or usedwith bark, gravel mulches, or boulders in small garden areas. Its attractive green foliageand white flowers are neutral and blend well with most backgrounds. Culture: Prefers well drained soils of silt clay, or sandy silt clay loam. Colors a darkergreen with good fertility. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

2- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 3- 4.00-4.50” (42-45” B&B&R&W) 390.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 30

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Malus ‘Royal Raindrops’, ROYAL RAINDROPS FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (20’ tall x 15’ spread)

Bright pinkish red flowers combine with deep purple cutleaf foliage to present

one of the most exciting crabapples we have seen in years. Deeply lobed leaves andupright form with good branching and density are inherited from its Golden Raindrops

parent. Nursery growth is excellent and its displays good to excellent resistance to thecommon diseases including fire blight. Fruit is 1/4”, red and persistent. Zone 4.

10- 1.25-1.50” (22” B&B&R&W) 124.00 10- 1.50-1.75” (24” B&B&R&W) 150.00

10- 1.75-2.00” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 175.00 15- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 195.00

20- 2.50-3.00” (28-30” B&B&R&W) 240.00

15- 3.00-3.50” (30-32” B&B&R&W) 265.00 5- 3.50-4.00” (32-36” B&B&R&W) 295.00

5- 4.00-4.50” (36-40” B&B&R&W) 395.00

2- 12-15” Head (24-26” B&B&R&W) 150.00 8- 15-18” Head (26-28” B&B&R&W) 195.00 6- 18-24” Head (28-30” B&B&R&W) 240.00 4- 24-30” Head (30-36” B&B&R&W) 290.00

Malus ‘Royal Gem’, ROYAL GEM FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (5-8' tall x 5-8' spread)

A top grafted tree on a 3’ standard. Very dwarf and compact grower. Our mostdwarf Flowering Crabapple! Growth is only a few inches per year. Twelve to fifteenyear old trees have only a 15-18” globose head. New leaves are a crimson red in earlyspring and turn to a dark green by mid summer. Flowers in spring are single, and rose-red in color. Sparse dark red fruit in Autumn. Yellow fall foliage color. Prefers welldrained soils. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun. Zone 4. Plant as a miniature specimen tree in a smallplanting area. A rarely found ornamental Flowering Crabapple!

Malus ‘Huber’, ROYAL FOUNTAIN CRABAPPLE (15' tall x 15' spread)

Weeping tree with purple foliage becoming bronze-green with age. Rose flowers

in Spring followed by deep red fruit in fall. Zone 4.

8- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00

5- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

4- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 325.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 31

Malus sargentii, SARGENT FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (6-8' tall x 6-7' wide)

Pure white, fragrant flowers; small glossy red fruit; green summer leaves; orangish

fall color; dwarf, spreading tree; disease resistant foliage.

Small red flower buds open into pure white, small, 1/2" in diameter flowers. The

flowers are single, five petaled, fragrant, appear annually and are borne quite heavily.Fruits appear in great masses in late August, are 1/4" in diameter, persist into Winter,

but are usually eaten by Cedar Waxwings and Robins in late Fall.

Leaves are dark green, frequently three lobed, are healthy, disease resistant to

black spot, downy mildew, powdery mildew and apple scab. The red fruits in September

are accented well against the dark green leaves. Leaves often have a rather good

yellow-orange Fall color. This coloring often is quite attractive and not usually a

noticeable characteristic of the family of Flowering Crabapples. Branches are often


With moderate trimming, this dwarf, ornamental tree can become a most interest-ing and picturesque tree. By bud pruning and shaping, a truly interesting, crooked,weeping, or horizontal branches can easily be shaped into the plant. Birds like to seton these horizontal branches as they find them a useful perching place near a birdfeeder. Sargent Crabapple was first grown by seed from Japan in 1892 by C. S. Sargent,former director of the Arnold Arboretum. Sargent Crabapple may be used very effectively as a specimen tree in small homelandscape settings or confined plant beds and garden areas. Also use in groups of 3,5 or 7, on large estates, parks, commercial or bank plantings. Very useful for dwarfscreens. Culture: Prefers adequate moisture, but must have good drainage of soil. Prefersa sandy or silt clay loam, but will tolerate gravely or stoney soils well. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sunor partial shade. Zone 4.

10- 1.75-2.00” (24-26” B&B&R&W) 118.00 8- 2.00-2.50” (26-28” B&B&R&W) 175.00 15- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00

8- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 224.00

2- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 250.00 1- 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 390.00


8- 4 - 5’ Clump (24-26” B&B&R&W) 110.00 10- 5 - 6’ Clump (26-28” B&B&R&W) 120.00

18- 6 - 7’ Clump (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00 10- 7 - 8’ Clump (34-38” B&B&R&W) 224.00

12- 8 - 9’ Clump (40-44” B&B&R&W) 250.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 32

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


A newer concept for this very dwarf Flowering Crabapple. Grafted atop a 3' singlestem. Yes, a 3' on standard dwarf. Just right for that small garden area, and room for

a nice bed of perennials beneath. Flowers are fragrant, white, with a slight pink to

reddish blush on the flower buds. Fruits are small, glossy red, 1/4" in diameter, persist

into Winter. Excellent disease resistance. Refer to Malus sargentii as it is almost

identical in every way except that its just a slightly smaller tree on a standard.

Note: The most unique, true genetic dwarf ornamental flowering Crabapple today!

Fragrant white flowers. Disease resistant!

75- 24-30” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 1.75-2.00” 164.00

110- 30-36” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 1.75-2.00” 175.00

124- 36-42” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 2.00-2.50” 195.00

114- 42-48” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 2.50-3.00” 210.00110- 48-52” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 2.50-3.00” 245.00 90- 52-60” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 3.00-3.50” 275.00 75- 60-72” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 3.00-3.50” 295.00 64- 60-68” W.Head 5-6’ Tall 3.50-4.00” 324.00 32- 5.5’ W. Heads 5-6’ Tall 4.00-4.50” 395.00

Note: Caliper and top size is approximately, as each tree differs somewhat. Butabove guidelines are very close. We have been growing ‘Sargent Tina’ since 1987, andit is one of our better selling very dwarf Flowering Crabapples.

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 33


(15-20' tall x 12' wide in 20 years)

White flowers in mid season (11/2" in diameter); 3/8" orange-red fruits; lustrous

medium green leaves; upright spreading, but oval shape.A White Flowering Crabapple, developed and promoted by the Cole Nursery.

Usually heavily borne, white flowers are proceeded by lovely pink flower buds. Fruit

is 3/8" in diameter, and has glossy orange-red color, holds well into the winter months.Foliage is a good clean green throughout the growing season. Mature trees are semi-

erect, and broadly oval in stature. This variety is very similar to Malus zumi calocarpa.

Not susceptible to most leaf problems prevalent to some variety of Flowering Crabapples.

Excellent and heavily recommended for street tree use. Very hardy and vigorous

growing. Culture: Prefers sandy or gravely silt clay loam, but will grow almost

anywhere. Prefers good drainage, as do most Flowering Crabapples. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Sun

or partial shade. Zone 3. Trees are grown on MM-111 Rootstock, a non-suckeringrootstock.

Note: Our most popular Crabapple - Snowdrift sets the standard as to howmost other Crabapples are judged.

Disease Resistance: Scab-good; cedar apple rust-excellent; mildew-excel-lent; fire blight-poor. Although we have not observed much fire blight. In mostlandscape designs it remains one of the best.

10- 2.50-3.00” (28-32” B&B&R&W) 195.00 84- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 75- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 34- 4.00-4.50” (40-44” B&B&R&W) 360.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 34

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(20' tall x 15' wide in 20 years)

Pure white flowers; no fruit; bright green foliage; compact rounded head. Diseaseresistant foliage. U. S. Plant Patent #2667.

Very beautiful pure white flowers. Produces no fruit. Leaves are bright green.

Develops an upright, rounded overall form. Has good resistant to heat. Produces

flowers every year. Good disease resistance. Same cultural conditions as that of other

Flowering Crabapples. Zone 4.

75- 3.00-3.50” (34-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00

75- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00

40- 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 360.00

24- 4.50-5.00” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 390.00 5- 5.00-5.50” (45-50” B&B&R&W) 489.00 4- 5.50-6.00” (50-52” B&B&R&W) 545.00 4- 6.00-6.50” (52-54” B&B&R&W) 589.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 35


(20' tall x 15' wide in 20 years)

45- 14-16’ Multi-Stemmed Clumps 495.00

Note: We have trimmed these into higher headed, almost tree form, with lower,

smaller limbs trimmed off. Also note that they are growing rather narrow. Good for a

narrow screen, for golf courses or as an individual specimen tree. Absolutely

fruitless....heaviest flowering of all ornamental Flowering Crabapples.....pure white flow-


Wade & Gatton Nurseries 36

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Malus ‘Strawberry Parfait’,


(18' tall x 20' wide)

Plant Patent #4632. A hybrid cross between Malus huphensis and Malus

atrosanguinea. Red flower buds open to a nice pink. Flowers: Are large, generally light

pink with a deeper pink margin. Foliage is thick and leathery, reddish in Spring,

becoming deep dark green in Summer. Leaves are resistant to scab and mildew. Grows

irregular and upright, like its fruiting parent, Malus huphensis. Fruit is small, 3/8" in

diameter, is yellow with a red blush. Zone 4.

35- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00

16- 4.00-4.50” (42-48” B&B&R&W) 360.00

5- 4.50-5.00” (48-52” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 37

Malus ‘Sugar Tyme’ (Sutyzam), SUGAR TYME FLOWERING CRABAPPLE (18')

Plant patent #7062.. A new and exciting Flowering Crabapple! Buds are pale pink and

flowers are snow white completely covering the tree. Crisp green, disease resistant

foliage. Masses of rock red, 1/2", persistent fruits become effective in mid October,

remaining colorful into January and still has reddish color in Spring when eaten by birds.

Vigorous, upright growth habit. A creation of Professor Emeritus Milton Baron of

Michigan State University. Zone 4.

Note: Sugar Tyme Crabapples grow into well balance, strongly branched trees,

growing into vigorous upright oval form. Flowers are a sugary-white and fragrant, and

literally cover the tree when in bloom. Fruit is formed in masses of vivid red and is most

effective in mid-September and remains effective and colorful through January, which

then are usually eaten by songbirds throughout the winter. Sugar Tyme is considered

a maintenance free tree, as it requires little to no maintenance to maintain its beauty and


15- 2.50-3.00” (28-34” B&B&R&W) 195.00 85- 3.00-3.50” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 95- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 55- 4.00-4.50” (42-46” B&B&R&W) 395.00 12- 4.50-5.00” (46-48” B&B&R&W) 440.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 38

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(15-18’ tall x 6’ wide in 15 years)

Extra lovely, double rose-pink flowers; yellow with red cheek fruit; green leaves;

narrow, columnar, upright ascending, nearly vertical growth habit.

Extra ordinary very lovely, double (13-19 petals) rose-pink flowers. These are borne

dependably every year in great masses that appear to cloak the entire length of nearly

all the branches all over the tree. Flower buds are attractive as they expand, are deep

rose-red, slowly lightening to rose-pink and opening to a colorful rose-pink, then slowly

lightens in color, but holding the pink color for a long time before becoming near white.

Each flower is itself a true art to behold. Each is attached to a long downward weeping

stem, each a full 2” in diameter with lovely, long, closely seated petals. As the flowers

age, they slowly flitter away in gentle breezes, sometimes nearly lightly carpeting the

ground beneath, resembling a light coating of snow.

Fruits are basically dull yellow, but have a brown or light carmine cheek on the sunnyside. Fruits are borne more heavily every other year, are 5/8” to 3/4” in diameter, are veryattractive because they also hang downward on a long stem. The fruits turn a lovelybrown in the Fall, and the few remaining fruits that are missed by the birds, persist evenafter flowering. Leaves are a glossy green, have a slight reddish overcast. Flowers contrast extrawell against the leaves, contributing to and helping to accent the lovely flowers. Branches ascend nearly vertical into a very narrow, columnar, not quite vase shapedtree. Branches are strong, sturdy, wind and ice damage resistant. Tree is basically slowgrowing. Makes an excellent street tree. Culture: Prefers well drained soils. pH 6.0 to7.5. Very hardy. Sun or partial shade. Zone 4.

1- 7.00-7.50” (60-65” B&B&R&W) 1,090.00 1- 7.50-8.00” (65-70” B&B&R&W) 1,190.00 1- 8.00-8.50” (70-80” B&B&R&W) 1,245.00 1- 8.50-9.00” (80-90” B&B&R&W) 1,490.00

1- 9.00-10.00” (80-90” B&B&R&W) 1,620.00 1- 10.00-11.00” (80-90” B&B&R&W) 1,790.00

Note: Large Specimen Flowering Crabapples such as these 7” caliper

and over can be moved with a large 65”, 80” or 90” Tree Spade.Special prices can be provided upon request.

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 39

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 40

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(15-18' x 12-14' wide in 15 years)

Plant patent #4758. Deep pink flowers; sparse reddish fruit; purple foliage; compact,

tightly upright narrow form.

Deep pink flowers. Sparse reddish, 1/2" fruit. Purple foliage. Tight, well balanced,

upright, narrow growth habit. Branches ascend well to form a tight bush or tree, very

suitable as a hedge plant or narrow screen, if planted in a row. Makes an ideal red leaved

tree in any small garden or planting area. Culture: Sun or partial shade. pH 6.0 to 7.5.

Zone 4.

Note: Velvet Pillar is a relatively maintenance free tree. It grows into a nicely formed,

compact, narrowly upright tree without hardly any pruning or maintenance. Our trees

are budded on an MM-111 rootstock, so no suckers need to be trimmed. This appears

to be one of the better Crabapples we grow. Not much fruit, as it is seldom ever seen.

65- 3.00-3.50” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 295.00 89- 3.50-4.00” (38-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 8- 4.00-4.50” (42-44” B&B&R&W) 395.00 5- 4.50-5.00” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 440.00 5- 5.00-5.50” (45-50” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 41


(12-14' tall x 8-10' wide in 15 years)

White flowers; late, yellow fruits; green leaves; rounded overall form.

Deep, carmine flower buds open white (5 petals) are 11/4" in diameter. Fruits are

yellow with an orange to pink blush, are abundant and spectacular, are 3/8" to 1/2" in

diameter, late ripening and persistent. Retain color a long time if planted in a protected

area. Has medium green leaves, 2" long, and are disease resistant. Tree is round

headed. A 1947 selection from the Department of Parks in the Netherlands. Thought to

have Malus sieboldi zumi as one of its parents. Will ultimately grow to 20'. Culture:

Prefers good drainage. Sun or partial shade. pH 6.0 to 7.5. Zone 4.

65- 3.50-4.00” (38-40” B&B&R&W) 295.00

29- 4.00-4.50” (40-42” B&B&R&W) 345.00 20- 4.50-5.00” (44-48” B&B&R&W) 395.00 15- 5.00-5.50” (52-55” B&B&R&W) 440.00 5- 5.50-6.00” (55-58” B&B&R&W) 490.00

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 42

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014


(15' tall x 10-12' wide in 15 years)

Bright red flower buds; pure white flowers; dark green leaves with orange-red fall

color; red fruit.

Bright red flower buds open into fragrant, pure white flowers with five petals and are

1" in diameter. Flowers are produced in great abundance every year, regardless of cold

freezes, frosts or severe cold. Flower buds are absolutely hardy. Bears fruit heavily

every year. Fruit is 1/4" to 3/8" in diameter, is a very showy bright red and is persistent

until Spring. The heavy crop of fruit is usually harvested in mid January by cedar

waxwings and robins as they routinely fly from tree to tree. They usually swallow these

fruits whole, because of their small size, during below freezing temperatures with snow

covering all about.

Leaves are 2 to 3" long, medium green with a slight gloss. A few leaves have slight

two lower lobes showing. Good orange-red fall foliage color. Normally growingrounded, is somewhat dwarf in nature. Trees can be trained to have very interestingbranch characteristics with some inner pruning. Red Bud Fl. Crabapples is one of the very finest Flowering Crabapples for allseasons, with outstanding flowers, fruits, foliage, fall color, and interesting branchcharacteristics. Plant as a specimen tree to attract winter birds, as a street tree, or ingroups for screening out unsightly views, use as a dust shield or as a sound barrier. When used as a street tree, limbed up, will create a snowfall of flower petals as theyflitter away in gentle breezes. They will actually cover the sidewalks or ground beneath

44- 2.50-3.00” (28-30” B&B&R&W) 195.00 34- 3.00-3.50” (30-32” B&B&R&W) 245.00 40- 3.50-4.00” (32-34” B&B&R&W) 295.00 15- 4.00-4.50” (34-36” B&B&R&W) 345.00 5- 4.50-5.00” (36-38” B&B&R&W) 395.00

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 43

Wade & Gatton Nurseries 44

Bellville, Ohio 44813 (419-883-3191) R-2014