W. E. Ardrey Diary Transcription, 1863

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William Erskine Ardrey, Davidson College alumnus (class of 1862), Civil War veteran, and resident of the Davidson area.

Transcript of W. E. Ardrey Diary Transcription, 1863

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J"an. 1st) ,LUG;). 'l.'lmrsduy. At llo;,'~e 111lving a nice tiele \.'itn the

dear old l10me i'oll~S; ___ OTC:; 8,t:, Gracci ve 'CLan ever' uel'ol'e.

FriClay. -,ienc to lioOllS in t;lle 1l1orning. Brother .Jilll..ll!ie and lay-

?urlcs ',jere pl.'eSell [;. ?,:is::; .Julia DD.vis and 1.:1'. H. Hill, syent '~he night

with us at Fors~ Home.

Saturday 0.l'u'. 1.:r. Hill \ii tl1 Bl'otller .Jir:l:;:ie and 1',:i88 J"ulia Davis

and. Sister h:ac s,pent tne auy at Pleusant Valley. I went to see a

young lnay, Vo'ClG ,!\'II'tllly aisnpp01ntea, she \'io.S not at 11Ome; Anticipating

very nigh in c~(peCt;u l.o Ion 01' sceing ner.

SUllday ·1tn. At home enjoying 'cne pleusures und luxuries of a

deur nome.

''"' Mond.ai otll. ! J<:h'TI8S '.','al'wick, Dr. Gribl11e und 111ysel1' visiJGea. I,'lr.'

Weddington 'di'[;f1 801:18 young ludies. Spent the nie;llt at Mr. W. T. Stitts,.

The visit \i!:!S no l.. cL, ",Jle0.SCtllt 8.S 8xpecteu..

Tuesuay 0 [;il. I-Iirine 01' negroe,sat our house, J.·einea very harC!.,

negroes Jlirea v6ry nIgh. Had quite a movine t~me with Jim TIarwlck, I I, preparine 'Go leO,ve nome lor Vire;il1ia, saa inaeeC!. to part Vii tn tHose t'

we love so aearly.

Wednesday 'iLL, Lert nome ve~y reluctal~cly Gnd with a verJ saa

ili if • T.' 1.10rrls

and W. H. rtobinso.l. l\:rs • .Jolm R • .I".orris wi'(;n tecH'S 111 ner eJes and

asked ille to t~ke Gooa care or her l~st ena onll son.

Thyrsaay stu. Travelea. rrOill Raleigh to Petersburg, met with

Mr. Gr11'i'1tl1 una Le. 1,:o.x,'IeLL, hi..1.a 0. mer:cy t11Jle.

)~ Friday 9tll. Heavy snm! on the e;roulJ,d., a 1'1'1 vea in RiclL,;ona,

vi::3i Lou L't. Grey,!. t; C1W Eospi tal Wlu I.l.ltio TIus8mll und Frii'l'ith.

Typewritten Text
W. E. Ardrey Diary, 1863
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

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Satur'uay 10 ~.i:... Spent; '~.i.1e ut;;.J in -tHe ci'~y 01' '(;ne South. Morris

anC1. Robinson got V81'JlI1:CUQ 01" RicIL;lona..

Sund.ay 11 til J 100;). ,Le1"t RichllOnd. ear.ly in "the llorning ana.

arrivea in Camp at l~ M. 1"ound tneReg. cOll1'ortably iiXt:u up. Corpl;\f

J. S. Black aieu Irom tHe tHJ.ul.l pox, l;)'~n of Jan. 1803. Jill order

granting furloughs 011 'tile .l~)th. Sam Boyce, J'. M. Rea and Capt. With-

erspoon sto.rtea nome. Camped near Hamilton's Crossing, ten men a.e-

sertea I'rom Co. 1. 8ergt. 'Noli'e went "(;0 tHe Hospital. Rations very

scarce. Capt. Wicker wen"(; "(;0 Charleston.

~?th. 16 men aeserteu fron tIle TIeg. Thanksgiving a.ay appointed

by Pres. Davis.

G8th. Called on Gen. Ramseur, 11kea. niili very mucn. J. A. Lee 01' -

\ -i Co. K. died. Wrote <l lel:; Ger liO Sister Mag and to brother Jimmie. B.

'-' G. Nichols and 30nnson senot to tne Hospital. I am reaa.lng 1.ne "Rape


of Lucrece" by Sllul<:8speare.

March 31. Hacilton Crossing Va. Snow on tne grouna. raining and

sleetlng hard. Sergt. T. Dr. Yiolfe Cliea in TIicl1..ilond, he was a wnrm

friend 01' mine:;, v~e bOys o,;ere raiscCl togo,tner, he aieu in rull 18.i th

01' a bet'Cer nome.

April 1. Dr. Gre~orJ 1001ea us, substitutea. aLcohoL ror wniskey.

April 3. Very COia. Dr. 8;:li tn ana Lnwrence returnea. to camp

ana as Drought us some 116WS ITom l)rother 3immie.

April 4, lb6~. L'ts. On.', DO'NUS ana. Dr. Orr, Sergt. Lee ana. Tom

Alexander L'eturnea. 1"1'0111 HOllie G.nu. brought some nic e boxes anCl news

I'rom nome vmicn we el1Joyeu very much.

)) oth. &. 6th. Cold. ana snowing.

April 'I. Receivea a wYS\il;lrlOUS le,(;"\ier, on8 ,,(;llUt gave me :Euoh

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/j~3j; trOUble, "Love dOcs .iO ~ ul'.-iays run SH100 GIl" • . )


April 10, Id6~. Visited by Jol~ O. Alexnl1aer.

11th. Col. F. M. Parker re~urned to the cOlilluBnd, we ~ere greatly

rejoic eO. to see nilll and. serel1dUed nira wi th ~he 4th Ree. band, he gave

us a nice 11 tC.Le auuress ana ;NUS r'esponueC1 to by Capt. D. C. Allen 0:1'

Co. M. Oates, Jonn D. Brovlll, Lts. Billie ElLIS and Cousin Lawan Potts

and other ~rienas in tne ~~tn. N. C. Reg. had snad lor dine~ and B~.

B brought four to tnke to our Co.

16th. A beautiful spring day, Dr. Briggs appointed surgeon of our

Command,. Received an April fool v-viUl Sallie nice paper &no. envelopes

in 1 t and unael's'~oOCl YiliO It';i15 1 ::COlIL. A. L. Dear.'kona appoin'ted. Seargt.

~lst. Drew rations or shud.

~23rd. receiveu oruers to be ready to march at a ~o~ents warning,

the order stated tha t ~lihe enelUY I'iere crossing tlle Rapahannock River.

G4th. On picket bel;:YI/ Fredrich:s burg oll~lle R:1pallQ.llnoc~. Col.

Ptirker in co:urrllana 01' t1le 01'igaae, tlle 1<..l1d8 'lery rich unu greatly .dIm-

proveu. The scenery around is &;1:'an(1 and. magni1'lcent. Visited the

grave 01' an ola Revolutionary Col. We occupieci the nome 01" a rel'ugee

dl'i ven l"rom nis Home '0y .;::..n 111VtiG,1nG l'oe, en Joyea ourselves 1'1 sning on

i : the River, tne bOyS caugll t a ground. nog and a young l'ed. I·OX.

April G6, ~7, Gd, & 29. The enemy moving and. ~hreatened. ~o cross

tne River. The weatner was oaa, ruining ana very (1isagreeable.

30th. Fred.ericks0urg Va., Lay in .Line or Ca~~~e all uay In our ~----------------------~------------

intrenCIllucnts, cOlwiaerClble shelling td.l uay rrOl~l the enemy o.n<1 our

batteries aia not replY much. Gen. Jackson roae along tne 11ne and

~apt. Cherry was killed.

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~ l .• 1803 .. about ten ~les near Chanoellor-

T1l1e naltea ana res.ea a wn11e at l~ O'OlOOK. Saw Gen. Stonewall

1ao~son, A. P. Hill, He 1. E. B. stewart, R1ght ana Rhodes. Tne SUD

"as "a= and oppress1ve, the oounl;ry 1s poor :ma 1s ooverea .. lth den ••

forest. The battle or Chanoellorsv1l~e cegan auout 3 o'oloo~ pm. Rhode.

d1v1s10n 1n 11ne on the plank roaa rrom Orange Court House to Fredreloks-

burl. Gen. MoLa\i8 ana ~at;rson <il vls10n urove tne ene;:JY '!airee .::1.Les ;;1 th , ,

great s.Laugnter, cap.urlng a large number 01 prisoners" as tue l1rlng

~as heavy ana terrlr1c, a part 01 our brlgaue waS engaged late 1n the

evelling, we occupiea ~he lront 11ne all nl£;n ••

May ~, Gen. Ramseour's Drlo;aae wss rel1 ved ·u'J Gen. Ivezsons. Gen.

JaOlCson's oorps Hoved arO'lIla bna atta~Kea .ne eneJilY 1n 1 ts rea::-, oomp-

letely routlng toem, capturlng a large quanlty or prlsoners ana artillery.

So 1'ar our loss WaS 00J,jpal'tiJ;e1vely ~lght. Gan. Stone';.e.ll JaO;.80n ,:;as

\.iounClsa 1D the arm I)Y our o,m 8Y.lrI~lsnera 1n the 1I1gh,; our .roop/! •• er.

on our arms all nlgDt lD the oattle r1ela.

May 3. Gre~t ba~tle of Chancellorsvl11e Va. The battle comuencea

very eurly 1n tDe mor1nlg. Gen. A. P. Hl11 ln oommana of Jaokson's corps,

but he ,..as soon wounaea ana tile oo=o.nd I·e11 upon Gen. J. E. B. Stewart.

Soon Gen. Ramsouer ordered hls origace to forwara ana we oharged over

the ola Stone\1al~ origaae arove the eneLlY from i ts bre;,st~ork:s and

repuls"c them w1th heavy slaughter. ~e charged the batter1es at the

Chanoellorsvll1e liot.el, that 'itiS stoong1y Dupportea by the1r 1nfant17.

They shelled us ~1th graBec can1sterK and our men rell thick CDa rast·

but ala not la~ter unc Boon the enemy holsterea the white r~ag.

Lee rode along \he ~1ne in the m1cst of loua and entnusiast10 applause.

Cur Reg. rescued a great many of the wounded ot both arm1es. rrom tbe

tortur1ng rlameIJ or the burn1ng wooas that the enemy had r1red, an4

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many were burnec1tod.eath; the hotel .7.as set on rlre by our slloOtlng'

and batteries, the Federals ~.ere oorupletely routed ana .oo~ shelter under

,their gun boat~ The fields were literally ooverea with the aeba and

dying, the torces of the enemy Rere n~berea at a nunared ana rlfty tnou-

sana ana tne ConfederaLes at seveuty tnuusana. The loss ot tne ~Otll.

Reg. was G7 k111ed ana ~O wounaed. Casualties ot Co. K., 30 Reg. kl1led.

James ~. Rea, W. L. Hartls, R. C. Barnett, M. J. Wltherspoon. Wounded,

D. C. Glover, J. A. Younts, Lewis Thonpson, S. A. Johnston, J. H. Johnson,

N. G. Barefoot, James G. Ball~s, A. E. Griftith, Capt. MoUlllonj Lt. Ellot,

Lt. Bennett, Lt. Wil11fol'a ana Perry ~ere wounded of the Reg. In the n1ght

Col. Bennett of the ~()tn. Reg. lespea ~pon the t>reestnol'ks and wlth his

gigant1c vo1oe Yelled out RGo, you rlop eareu pupples.-

Me::S. Bat.le or Chancellorsv11.l.e: lay 1n our 1n'(;rencrunents all u.ay.

art111ery riring ana sk1no1snlng a.l.l aay; al.l.eviating tne sutfer1ng or

the wounaea and mak1ng In'(;renchcenta. ~hile lying in line ot ba'(;tle .he

sola1ers ooumenced yel11ng and snouting ana some aroll ~ rellow askea 1t

Jaokson ;JaB cowming or ir he ~'f}BtY a rubbi t. Received a letter trom Toad,

Crack, ~ollie aud Ur. Wolfe.

Tuesday Gth, lay in our intrenol~enis all day, very qu1et, oould

hear the ene;ay fortifying; rainea very hura. That night the eneL.y re-

cr08sea the river.

lied. 7tn. RainiLg very hard. Heavy art1l1ery l·iring on .ne river,

the ene~y in rull retreat. Gens. Stewart and Rhodes rode along the lines

in tne miast ot oheers ana applause. Took up a 11ne or march ror our

oamp at Hamilton Crossing, the ht:.raest march I ever exper1enoea, .Ie vier.

1n cud and m.ter !:nee aeep. Arrivea at camp entirely exhausted.

Tnur. 8th. Perl'eot silence reigned througnout tne oamp, cveryboq

rest1ng, sleep1ng and seemingly mourn1ns toe loss or tneir aead comraQes.

Put up our tents. sh1pping tne woundea to R1chmond. Our old friend Ed h

:. _,. ~ McAuley spent the nlght with ua. ~. ---. -----~"; .-:.-.-.. --'.


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!laT"'. 1863. Not much rel'erBheQ. very quiet In oamp;· vlsited by

Gen. Young or Chtt.dotte. N. O. Wrote to Sicks. Craole and }.!ag.

Sat. lOth. John Squires ana Uclane verT siek, Bl111e Russell

returned rrOD nome. !laking out PST rolls.

Sunaay, 11th. Gen. Jaokson, the hero or the South. dled. We

deeply mourn his loss. while he reel that lt ~as tne wlse aispensat10D

or the Almighty God. He hope that ft. t~et tAere are other ;aoksona in

the South and that God will continue to bless our glorious cauae.

Monday 12th or May. Hamiltona CroBBing, Va. Heard that the en~

· .. ,ere lanaing rorceB ut Tapahannock. VerT quiet in camp. every bOdy soems

to be lonely. Col. Parker in command or the brlgaae.

TueSday, Uay 13th, very pleasant weatner. Wrote a letter to Toad.

14th. llr. Squires vis1teQ ua 1n camp round John verT slok. He haa

a supply or boxes for Go. K. I \,as orficer fcuara~ Capt. D. C. Allen

orfioer that cay, verT hBra ra1n 1n the even1ng our tent leaked bedly

the ooldest nignt I ever e~per1enced. 1n }Jay.

MaT 10. Mr. Squ1res returnea to Riohmond for our boxes.

May 16. II VerT stale in oamp ana very \;.:.rm. Received a letter

rrom Sicks. Ur. Squires returneQ "ith 14 lurse boxes ror Co. K.; reast-

lng nignly on hams. butter. rruit eto. W1111am Rea came to ceump for h1.

brother's remains. Reoeivea our monthly pay; Grand review or the a1Tls1on

by Gen. Rlloaes.

}Jay 18. Rea 1e1"t ror none with the renains or J. !l. Rea and LI. :1.

Wltherspoon kl1leQ at Chancellorsv1lle. Wrote a letter toSlster }Jolll ••

MaT 19. Gen. R~eur returned and took oommand of hla brlgaae.

MaT 20. Great aeel or exoltement about our brlgaQe golng.to the




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Brlgade attrlbutedlt to Gen. R8lIl8eur'saotlons.

petltlonea to Gen. Hlll to cal! lor ua.

The Cols. or the brlgade'

May 21, !~63. Vlslted by Mr. Younts from hoae, Drought me a preoious

Ounale 1'rom ___ , with two long sweet letters; gave us all the news from

home. We were very muoh gratlf1ed to sec hlm. Co. K. deolded tnat Prlvt.

E. M. Balles l',u8 enti t!ea to the meaal tor Ora very ln our prev10us' battles.

May ~2. Wrote a letter to Slcks and one to ~ag. The Rev. Mr. Hogan

from RiohDond dedlcuted our New Churoh Oarollna and preaohed a very tlne

sermon for 118.

Uay 23, 1863. Haml1tons Crossings Va. Mr. Younts lett for home.

I eent tlfteen aollars with nim. All the boys haa a gooa joke on me about

rolling my letters up to keep tham% trom seeing them and when I handed

tnem to Mr. Younts he un1'olaea them ana read out the names Ardrey an4

Roblnson. I wae oompletely sola. Great aeal of exoitement and anxlety

oonoerning the laots or the rate or wne far ramea Vioksburg.

Sunday May 24. Crossing Va. preacning OJ" Parsons Betts severa!

men inncrsed. Ur. Squlres filth Ser,'t. Blaok ana Rufus ?:eeks "'ent up to

the Oattle tlela tor the rema1ns 01' R. C. Barnett. John Squlres received

hls Furlough or W Gays.

l!onday. ~:J. John Squlres le1't on sick 1'urlow for hOwe, he startea

home with tlle rema1na 01' Mr. Barnett. Wrote to Craok. Good ne.:s from

Vicks-ourg the enswy repu1ssa three times with neavy losses. Lt. Down.

and lIlYsell' reported to the Capt. 1'or ;:;issing arill. Drew a new tent and.

made a nice Dunk. Privates E. M. Bailes ana W. D. RusDell appoin,ea

rJ Corpls. I WaS otrioer, the guara. The 031'0., Reg. or N. C. or tile Daniela ~. ;1' ~ . .' ) Drlgaae passed our Co. \'Ie saw a great many ola tr1enas at Capt. 1I11ite' 5 Co • . . t

:~: " ~' .. .

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~a7 26, 1~63. Visited tne o3ra Reg. Sa. Lts. Belki Mathews, Aleaander,

Frenoh or the 2~ra. and. Capt. 'Seith or the 6th. Dlok Springs and ~any at

mT old rr1ends and we had a ~ big spree and a gay old tlme or it. The

plelisure of lIIee1.illg our preDlous frienaa 1s lntlesor1t;aDle. :'lso met Col.




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Owe I na ana Capt. Billie Hill e~o.

May "'I, ltit)3. Went on pioke~ on the Rapanennoo~ ln resel've. The

Ceptlan 18 SiCK. Good nel18 I'rom Vicksburg. tne ene:..Jy repuleea alx tlmes I

Wltl h greatalaugnter.

Thursaay ,tithe On plcket ln a aeep ra"ilne on the oankS or a beaut­

lfUl little rivulet and tne purest springs 1n the world.

I Friaay ~':I. ltit>3. Ploke~ linea on the Repehannock. Grana Revlew ot

Gen Rnodes Dlvlaloll oy our oomcanaer-ln-Ghlef, Gen. R. E. Lee aooompanied I

OyiLt. Gen. Longstreet ena Ewell ana attenaed by e gooa ~1 laaies, their

preeenoe l1aaoa very mucb to tne occuBlon. Gen. Danlels or ~he N. C. I

Drlgaae, ;'/U8 present. Stlll vlc~orious at Vlcksourg. Eeera or tne sad I

acolden~ or tne Powder 1:i11.8 ncer Cherlotte, N. C., Blowing liP • k1l11ng

to~r ll!en, one or iln04l \,;2.8 Hohn N. Lee. Lt. A. D. Orr's ress1gnatlon re-I turnea alaaepprovea, ne was very muob a1sappointeCl as he >,as enxious to I

quit tbe servioe.

I June 3, 11:163. Received oraers to prepare l'or e long ll!Srcn anCl

Company Co=enuers to lIltIke requsl t10ns l'or lOur ;.ontns: eupply or olothing T

"[ ';~: ::mp

:::::, .. 3 o'""k 1. tho no,,'.g. Copt. "lth",,ooo. Lt •.

Orr, Privatas Pierce. Young, T. AlexanCler ana Corpl. ~th sent to the I Hospital, set out at 4 o'olook a. m. I tne Clay. but oonClucted 1t 1n a manner that d1splayeCl beneralsn1p. ~aroned

Had a very '"al'J:l t1reso.r::e marob auring

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,I 10 m1les ou~ or Spotsylvania into Orance County tnrougb a poor llarren countl'7. I

:une b. Very "lirm ana notnlng to lnterest tbe weury solCllera aa tne1

performeCl 'B~e the1r tiresome Clutlee.

June 6. Passed rrom Orange lnto Culpepper Counties.

June 7. Arrlvea at Culpep~er. a oenu~irUl. little vli1ete. but marked

by many outrages perpetrated by our unprinolplea toe.

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,une 6, 1663. In oamp near town.

June V. Orderea to Brandy Statlon 00 tne Orange and Alexanarla R. R.

to parta~e ln ~he great oavalry O&ttle or tne ~er. out When ~o. RhOde. I

!ill vision erri v&<l Gen. Stewart heCl recovel'ea from nls surpr1se ana hea I

dr1ven the enemy eoross much grouna wlth great slaughter.x They drove ! tn~ eorossthe Rapahanuook.

June lU, llj63. Culpepper Cour~ House, Va. Set out early in ~he I

~rnlng on ~he Culpepper ana Wlnohester turnpike, maroned 10 cl1es;

J::-rlved at Flln~ Hlll, a villaLe 1n the mountains; stl11 a very ratlgue­I

lng and monotonous march.

I June 12. Fasse4 tnrough Fron~ Royal in the Shenonaoah VallOT. enth­I

w,lastl0 snouts of applause 'lent up rrom the 01 tlzena ana tne wavlng of I

~~lte hanakeron1era eApressea the ~otiona of Joy experlenoed oy the i y;oung laCl1es wnl1e tney "ere handing out rerreahemnta to the wearleCl

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I " 901diers.

June 13. It:lb,3. 1.:111 .. 00Cl ana BerryVllle Va. In persu1t of tne ene!ll7 ,I

in smell foroe. Rhodes Dlvision maronea up oy B~ J.:l11.ooa to Berryvl11e

Joere he I \'Iere Clrii'"n up 1n 11ne or bettle expectlng to meet tliO Regta. of

lnrantry. one 01 cav~lry ana a few plscea ot Lrtl11ery. ~e surrounuea I

~ne pl.ace ana rouna that; tney naa. yacu~ea. It. 'they lert 2UU siok. All i

tileir tents quarter-mcsters supp11es ana. stores, ','11tn dl .. ners on the rlre I

~ney len in tne U1;!:.lOst oonruSlon. Great reJoloing oy tne olt1zwns to

~e l'elieved rrom tue l'ialou.l.e and lnsults of our en6lll7.

June 14, It)t)3. Sl:lltllrlela. Bwlkern1l1, Darksvl11e. The lSCliea

Jere so reJoiced in Smltllrlela tnat tlley oro'llCleci the streets vitn water I

~a. all klnds or eataoles, and any q'~WlUt.y of boquets etc.



June Itl. Crossed the Potemaok tnrough very reluotantly. Ramaeour'.

~rigade Wl:.S tne van-guara of Leds An:ly lnto Martland, 'lone wlsh or all

Jas tllut tney woUld oe spareu to recross tile rlver. ~ussed tArougn I


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Williamsport, some ae;:Jo,"stratlons or Jo;y ,xpressea at our presenoe. 1

1 June 10, & l7, 1~6~. I

Encampea at W1l11amsport, l·eE-pea. the oenen ta

orltoe plaoe in tne WbY or ~uxurles. Drew r&tlons or Whiskey, bought I

boots, suoe6, hatS ana. a great many artlo1es at ala prloes. Movea to I

Ee£erstown, slx ~lles in tne evenlngi we rouna tnere • man;y sympatnera

or I, 1IJ":..patnlsera wl tn tne South. ~h1te nan<1keronlerll floating from eVE17 I

wlnao~; Hagerstown is noted

i June .lti. I

for 1ts pr&tty lealee.

Vlslte" town ana naa. a nlce tllle. Gen. RMlBeUl' haa hl.

n~4a quarters in tne TeID&le semlnary. Drew ratlons of mOlasses, but.er I

un~ wn16~ey eto. Our o~p was vlsltea oy lIome laales. 1


June .lg, ~o, &: ~l.. Eager"town Md. In oamp, vlsl.ea by Ltll. Ed Stltt, I anq. .A..1exsnder 01 tne 4~ra. Reg. ana Lt. l.:clJathe"s ana llexena.er or :>~l'a.

ReJ. Lad a gay ola. t~e, plenty to eat ana arlnk. Gen Jenkln~ oavalr,y I

brigaae or1nglng ln .large droves OT norses ana oattle from Pe. !

I SWlasy ~2nai Lt. Ed Stltt ana 1;).yselr lIent out ana got a tine dinl1er

and a meS6 or Oherrles ·"lth a Dutcn Hillllly. !

~on. ~3rd. Took up l!l8rcn l·or

~rtlvea at Green Castle (l~ mlles)

Penn. Passed thrOugh Mlaleburg and

ln the evenlng.

i June ,4, ltib~. Green Castle Penn. The o1t1zens ala no. seem ae-

li Jutea ~ at our pr&ser.oe. All private property ;;&11 respeol;ea uy us exeept

suJn G.S ·,;<l.S l'e'::"ll;r nece"sary to our cause. lll. governuent property we..

c1sstroyea. S'01.1l. 1·ar1ng slOpt10usl,y.

I June ~~. ~roheQ tnrough Cnaobersv1lle.( 10 m1.1es). The Fe"eral I

Trqops hba vaoatea the p.lece. All. tne olt1zens lookea ~pon us with SOOrD

1 ana oont~vt, lt 13 strlotly a Un10n hOle. I I June 26. Enoamped near Chambe:·sT1l1e restlng anci proouring ratlone.

I June 27. Cnambersburg Pa. Ra1ned ver;y ha.rd. Passed through the

l1Jtle village of Leesburg, Jaokson, Hookensvill, through nothlng ot !

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~ntereat to at~aot our attention but the rear and stittness 01' th~ I '

~lt1zenll. Arrived in Carllsh in tne eKening l~ miles rrom Chambersburs. I I Juue 28, 1853. Encamped ln the Unlted Statell farrll10n at Carllsl.

i enn • It 111 vell ~provea and a beaut1rul and wealthy town, naa been

100UPled by two thousand Federal soldlers WHO left upon our approaoh.

,e had plenty at good thlngs to eat and letters rrom home.

I June 29, 1863. H01sted the ConfederaLe rlag upon the lllast pole ot I

t!he Uni ted States garrison, where tne stars and stripes nad rloated on);T

al rew days preViOUS, speaches were lllade -uy Gen<:ral,s TrUlIlbell, Rhodes

a,nd Danlels; they oocpl1mented the ~;orth Carolina trooplI tnat they had I

r~lsea tne Confederate rlag 1n a greater lad1tude than any other SouthEcrJl I troops. I

I June 30. ~arohed from Carlisle to Papertown.

I July 1. Battle of Gettysburg. Penn. We arrived at 1 o'olook p.m. I

Gen. A. P. Hlll's oorps had engaged the enemy. Ge4. Rhodes diTision !

~ttaoKed them on the1r right rlank. Gen. Ramseurs br1gade atter a toroeu I IIl!ireh attaoked and ooupletely routed tne enemy, S. ar1ving them through !

the town. !

The fieldS ~ere liLerally strewn with their dead and dying.

We oaptured about flve thousand.prisoners. Gol. F. M. Parker 01' the 30 I

Reg. was wounaed In the raoe wh1le gallantly leading h1s Reg. In the oharge. I ' ' I • ~ot wlthstanding the snOCK or his woc;nd he ordered his Reg. to reform

and go ahead in the oharge. Corpl. E. M. Ba1les Co. K. was wounded. Tbe

~oss in the Brigade was oomparatively small; we capitured several pieoes

It artll1ery'and several stands of colors.


July 12, 1803. Left our entrenohments and ;.:oved in the d1reot1on ot

W:lll1amaport, Md. Arrived about dark, rainlng very hard. 10he PotOIIl!iO T8r7 ,

muoh awolen. 10he ermy or Northern Vee comm"noed recrossing the river at I

lO o'olook In 1;he night; it was nec~ deep to a low IIIan. ~e waded With our I


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o~othes onj oraer to slf1ng our oartage coxes arounct our neolta; the rain I

1r~S rall1ne 1noessantly anct the l!lud ilas nearly knee e1eep. Marohed the 'I "

e~t1re n1ght ana never rested a slngle tl_e. The enacy,pursulng slowly

ada a sharp engagement ensue~ at Fal11ng ~aters, ln whioh toe gallant I

0~r10erSj Major General Pender was mortally wounded and Br1g. General

Petigrew was kl11eu. Arr1ved at Darksvllle 1n the Iaorllin o' and reetea I .

there ror two wesAS.

I July ltl. I \-IdS taken sick: ana sent to tne hospital at Wlncheeter,

V~. there I meet Cousin Tom Cureton. Set out ln the etage ror Staunton,

v~. Traveled over a ceautiful oount17 and the best pike road I have I,

e~er seen ln all r:.y trdve!a. In evert towo find vll!s£e the ladl.es sup-

p~led the sick with an aoundance or dellcacles and good things to eat. I

I :epent the night 1n i7oodstook, Va. Travelea over a dlstanoe or 100

m~les to Staunton Va. a bedutirul litt;!e olty. I

i July 20. Startea ror Riollllona where I arrived at 4 O'OlOOK p.m. I and registered at Hospital, No.4 with Lleutenants Cureton and Auetin. I

George Phlfer and Draughn.

adXloU8 to get nome.

Had a nlce tiwe eatlng ice cream. Verr


I July 20. Appliea ror a rurlough ana »da rejeoted, naa toe blues


b~aly, the secona eliort ral!ea. ~et Lieut. William Howard, Jim Stltt,

add Bob Eowie; attendea the theater, eTert nlght. I


July 26. Transferrea to lOne nospita! c.t Danville, Va., very aes-

pdnaellt, a siok so!aler ln a atrbnbe lana. An ola lOOKing oity on the

b~IlKS 01' _he Dan river. lIet Dootors, Dalton ana W1lliamson and Lt. Luokey. I

Aug. 4. Lett Danv1lle on .1ea',·e or absenoe l'or 20 aaysj pa:;se' tnrough

Yanoeyv1lle, N. C. 1n the stage. Arrivea at tne oorupany ShOPS 1n the even-1

1ng and boarded toe oara for Charlottej travslea all night anct arr1ved a~ I

~ 10'OlOOk ln _he ~ornlng in flne splr1ts at tne l~ea of ga_t1ng nome, bu'

.ds very s1ck. Meet many of ~ 010 rrlen~s Ur. Marks Wallace, Dr. ,

t I"






I' I



Gre~ory, Lt, Wyley anQ otnerl.

Aug. 5, 1863. Lett Charlot.e tor Plnevl11e and there meet bro1;her

John W. Artlrey, John Potts, Mr. Davis and other rr1ends. Arrived at thl

dear old home at 12 o'olook and Sister Mag ~as at Col. James T. Kells.

All ep were well and now glad I was to get home aga1n.

Aug. 6. I apent the day at Pleasant Valley with U1ss Lila and Mag

Ross and M1ss Julia Davis. Had a grand time of it, they ~ere all 1n

good. spirits ana we enjoyed. ourselves very muoh.

Aug. 7. Feastlng on the good. things and rrults ot the summer, hoy A

oan tell. started. to see my aear Uaggie and was di~app01nted, oow sad < I was, all mt oright antioipations blasted. One ot my d1sapp01ntments

in lire that will be long remembered. The course ot true love Qoes

not always run amooth. R6turned OOllie wlth the blues, ana tounQ Lluet.

Diok Orr and Siater Mollie there.

Aug~. I reoeived a~ a long letter rrom UaS inoreas1ng my troulles,

replied to the mysteriOUS epistle and sent it by George the trusty Slave.

The reply was gooa news, a aootn1"g baLl to an aoning heart, all troubles

ended and as arreotionate aa ever.

Aug. 11. Visited by A. B. Downa and M. L. Davia, glad to see them.

Aug. 12. Attenaed ur. Robert Cunninghan's sale, meet many of my

old rr1ends and acquaintanoes. Only attendeQ by the aged and 1nrirm aa

all tne young men are 1n the army. I visited my sweetheart that night

and haQ a grana ola ttwe or it, all or my br1ght antiolpatiens rully


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Aug. 13. It WtlS wnen tne starry rolas or an August night, by sult1'1 :.' i.

windS were rurled, as they hung in uraperies vast ana deep, round. the

oouoh or a s~umDerlng wor~u. . , ....

Aug 14. A party or young people to visit toe Rook Island Faotory ~n

,' __ J

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The part1 wall cO/Ilposed of Mr •. .l. Bit Downll. 1.:11511 J. J. Dav1e. Mr. 1&. L.

Davia. 1.:11115 Sue cotrey. L1eut. John Potte. Sleter !Lag. Toad, L!isa Sue

DaTill, Will W1l1iamson, Uillll Boyce, ~selr and ~illa !.:ag Rob1nson. but

IIhe was sutrer1ng trom neuralgia and we were d.isappo1nted, but nad •

nloe time at iler ilo_,e reallting on Indian peacnes ana stDol~lng arouna

oro hard and gathering rlor/ers.


Aug. l~, ~t:lt)3. At Harr1son churoh, Preaohing by Mr. Steele. tile COil

e;regatlon very 8IIIO.~l, it lOOlCS as il ev~rJ oodl 111 1n the army.

Aug. 10. Hav1ng a Erand old t1me w1tn my s"eerheart and lady

!rlenas, spent tne n1ght wlth her, nBU a gocu olu t1_;e and Old her fare­

well 1n tne DJornlng. Such rarew/Hle wl11 be long remembered. as they

are sadenea by the thought that perhaps ,;e w111 never m&et again. Vls1ted

1!ills Julia and Sue DaViS, 111 good lrienas, 1.:iaa Sue Coffee >ius y;ith them.

had a nloe tiJJle \IHh tnem, MoDavls, To~,d and eysel! went to Mr Creinllhawa

to eat n:.elons. Toad acoo~pan16u me to Pineville, and then John Potts. to

Charlotte. On the way ;::eet an oll! rriend, received a aV/eet rarewell

letter whioh saaened my heart, but strengthenea my hopes l'or the tuture.

Why now young ae man, do you infliot suoh great ~unishment upon yourselt

tor suoh honors.

Aug. 17. I left our detir ola nome l'or tne ;"rmy of Northern Va.

Very reluotBntly in<ieed. (how aad to part wHh triose ... e love ao dearly)

aooompanied by t:rs. Eliser Stewart, Unole Jimerson rt"..,1te and Lieut. Potta.

Re.;e1ved a long and an'eotionate lct.ter rrO:ll Iil:J dear lovea one. Lett

Charlotte in the tiorning I'or the company shops wepe a where I arrlved

the next morning at ~unrlse.

Aug. 19. From oompany shops to Danville 1n the stage w1th a 1841

vlsit1ng her sick son in the army. She had a nice baske. at good tn1nga

tor n1Ill. ana the ur1ver was drunk ana run 1n a guller anu upset the atefe.

I was greatly al&l~ea ror ner sarty, but the f1rst th1ng she sa1d when

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ahe arose ,las, '"Where 1s my blisket.- wh10h 8hollea to It.e a mo;;ners aevo-I:;

t10n to her onlY' boy. She 1IS8 a :poor woman and haa ~'le many saor1f10e. ")

to see her dear boy.

Aug. 20, 1\:)63. From Danv1lle to R10h:.:ond, Where I arr1ved 1n the even1ng.

Aug. 21. From R1obnond to Orange Court House, where I found the arm7

in oamp, and reJo1nea .he oompany K. 30th. N. C. T. Found thea 1n good

oond1t10n and al~ 1n good spir1ts, ana glad to see ~e. Andy Coffee and

our oook, Henery. haa gone home on rrulough and ,liken Of ~a11se and all

Of 010th1ng. The o=pany had Deen reol'ui tea DY 1;) oonfJor1pts and now ue

have a large oo~pany 1n numbers.

Aug. 23. Spent the day 1n ansl/er1ng quest10ns and .el11ng ,he news

rrcm nome and about tne home l'olk8, I presented L1eut. Col. T. J •• Kell'.

and L1eut. N. D. Orr's res1gntt1ons ~pon oertificstes or disabi11ty. Both

of whiCh .. ere approved.

Aug. 24. Billie Riollardeon and Sam Lee Ilent to the mountli1ns tor


Aug. 25. Orange Court House, Va. Wrote letters to the loved onel

at nome.

Aug. 26. Grand rev1ew or the seDona army oorps oy the oommander-

Cen. Ewell.

Aug. 27. Captains D. C. Allen, W. M. B. ~oore, Lieut. MoNeal ot

the ~Oth. Reg. granted leave o! absenoe tor 18 aB7s.

A Aug. 30. Mr. E. A. McKee visited us, he ana I ,dinned at Ur8. ~oore'.

and had an e11gant dinner and the Old lady asked the Major it he was

viliting hia Ion 1n the army. It was a good Joke on the old bachelor.

I enjoyed 1t very muoh, ~1ss. Henr1etta prepared the a1nner and maae

herself very agreeable. Major McKee started nome w •• ~ w1th Colonel

Kell's horse.



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September ~. Grand review of the seoond army corps by Gen. R. E. Lee, r

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oommander-1n-oh1ef. The three div1sions arrived on the field about

9 o'olook and were formed 1n order accourding to the rank of the Lieut.

Generals, Gen. ~arlY'e div1slon in tront, Gen Johnston's 1n rear, and

Gen Rnodes' 1n the oenter. Each line 'I5.S /l.Dout three miles long. \Ie

opened ranks, presented tlrms. The d::'U!!s were beating, the Lands play1ng

wh1le Gen. Lee and his stott passed up and down the lines. Then he took

his position in front and the three divisions passed in revlew. It was

one of the grandest sights that vie had ever witnessed in our lives. The

army was in tine condlt10n and mnde a tine appearance. ~e felt proud of

ourselves and our country.

Septemi)er 2, Itl63. Review of Gen. D. R. l~lll's corps by Gen. Lee.

~e meet many of our old friends and a p,r~at ~any ladies are present,

Which is vary f1ne and a treat to the Soldiers to be honored by their

presence. At Oran~e court House Va. ~e are having a grent religious

'revival in the camp noll', under the preaching of Rev. Powel) Chaplain ot

the l4tll. p.e~. N. C. T. and a menber of t!le South Carolina l,~. E. Church

South. OVcr two hundred peni tents every .. ieht, pre:-,chlng every day ond

nip;ht under n lar~e brush R arbor made ':..y the soldiers, surrounded by --~----~--------------------'---torch lights at niR:lit. It is a grand siellt to see auout tl107thousand

soldiers Dt~ending every service ~nd not a sinele lady in the congre­

satlon. I never have witness a such splr1tusl 1nterest oefore"severel

hundred have conneoted tnemselves with the church. Rev. James Peoples

of Providenoe Township, !,:ecklenburg County, ~. C. and an old sohool

mate of ours, v1sited us and preuohed tor us a splend1d sermon.

septe::lber 3 to 12. We are havlne a pulet ~ t1r.le in camp, dri1l1118

and prepor1ne for action.

Sept. 13. Reoe1ved orders to be re3dy to move at a ruomen1's not1oe

us the Y~nkees were cross1ng the r1ver at Raccoon Ford 1n p;rectt numbers.

Sept. 14. ':'fe !!larohed to !.:orton'& Ford and went on Pioket duty.

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Sept. 15 & 16. 1~63. Building fortificat10ns an4 constently expeoting

the enemy to cross the Rapehanock river.

Sept. 17. ';Ie went into o·:.mp st !.Corton's l"ord.

sept. 23. Heard of the sreut v1ctory in the west, 3reg over nos en­

cre-nts et Chatenooga, Tenn. l,~aj. Siellers returned from ho::-.e. Received

a long ond good letter t'rom .John Potts, g1ving us all the news from horle.

Daily expecting the eneny to cross the r1ver to attack UB.

sept. 28. Lieut. ~!. D. Orr vis1ted us, he ·:iflS directly from home,

he 1'ound us all 1n ued. 71e were surprised and gle.d to see hi:n.

Oc t. 3. l:ortons Ford Va. .John Esl1 le1' t for hune on slck furlough

for 30 days, Co. K. was reinforced by nlne new conscrlpts, T. P. Duok-

t' 'n bel_,. 7'

" ....

,J ,!

, j

worth, .J. C. Burton, .J. C. Gamble, .James ~:iller, D. J:. potts, .J. R. Savllle.

E. S1=ons, snd J. l~. A.ex:inder.

Oct. 4. Capt • .John G. '.'Ti therspoon returned after an abseilce of tour

months. Rev. Dr. Eoyoe of the A. R. P. Church 01' south ~~rolina, returned

with the Captain snd he ~ preuched us so~e fine sermons, while in oamp.

t:aj. Sellers promoted to Lieut. Col. of the 30th. Reg. N. C. T. Gen.

SWell attended our dre3s parade 1n the even1ng.

Oot. 11. Rece1ved orders to be ready to move at a mo~ent's notioe.

Ramseurs Prieade releived Rhodes diVision on the p10ket lines. I was

off1er of the guard that day.

Oct. 13. ~le merohed to l:adison Court House, Ii warm and tiresome

maroh and oamped on the north b'lnk of the river. R. B. 'leeks, Burton

and .\dams sent to the hospital, slok.

oot. 14. "Te drove in the eneey's pickets near Culpepper court

House. They returned to Prendy statlon and there theT had a conslde~-

able engagement nth Gen. C; F1't$aHugh. Lee's oavalry. Rev.' Dr. Boyce

oroke down on the merch and returned to Culpepper. ',7e crossed Haxel river.

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or.ers to strip off our clothes e~d w2de the river; it was very cold.

l~eet the eaemy in Br.tall forces at '"7al":-e:.ton Springs. Had a consi4eruGle

skircish on the banks of the Jap~hannock rlver. Private ~ebb of Co. F.

a wes killed, rep.llsed the ene:~y and c,,-=ped e t 'Jerren ton Spr1ng!!, Vii.

g. Oct. 15, lt363. · .. :e repulsed the e:;e::y and canped at the apr1ngs that

n1gilt, ! \7as 8 essigned to the oo!:'.!Cend of Co. :So of tile Reg. "'e were

m:Hchl.£ leisurely elong 1n the rr.ornin" end the enenY's pic}:ets fired into

the front of our col\L'r.n. Gen "anseur "£os in front. Soon '::e "ere fOT'.aed

in to l1~e of De. tele '~nd :-epulsed t2e 9;,-.-.9 eneny, s;:i=ishL1('; Vii th -nem

ell cey. !~f!rched to Brisww 3t;ltio:1, ~eeyy cennonine wl. in our front.

:.rri7ec. after night and found Gens. c;oc?s and l:iri:len<1s origc:des badly

cut up Bnd disorganized.

cct. 16. I received a nota :'ro:;; ::;y old fr1end George ','1 ... Eow1e,

of Union County, usking me to CODe to see hL:. ~o\u1d hiD badly wounded

and very nuch alarned "bout llirr,self.

Co t. 17. The amy I':&S sent out to teer up the Crun,<ce and :.lexandria

Railro!';d. It is vAry hard tind le[)orious work. I:eet D. D. !:ea, He !,ave

us ell the news fro:n the calvery oor:r.:a.nd!!.

Oct. 18. 7e oerched to ~arrenton ~nd rettin~ l along f1ne. I

mercr.ed to the ::apoh3nnock r1ver', ra1n~n,,!: in perfect torrents. '7e started

out 1~ the morninc in :he rain. set out fit 4 o'clock e. m. crossed the

river on Pontoon :ridl"eOl ne[lr tl,e R. R. crosstng. ~:e cDlllped in the

Kellys :'ord, had e i)er!utiful c=p l,rra~;::ed by Gen. Rhode~ in rerfect order.

~e conr~enced bu11ding vlinter quert<:rs or lo~ ae cebins to sleop in, we

h8ve a be~utifu1 CDlllpJ

Oct. 22 ~ 23. Gen. Lee issued an order ~8B ~ranting furlougha, one

for every one h'.llluredth man, end one officer froo eech COripo.ny, where

three Officers ~ere present. Lieut. Downs gave ~W8y to me and I applied

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en~ received enother 30 ~ay ~~rlough. ~sy ~aklng out pay rolls tor July

end l.ugus t.

Oct. 27 t: 28. 7:e rece1ved e supply ot clothine tro::. the quarter-

:::.ss:e::- for the regl~:ent. S. A. Johnston returned to .c=p.

Cet. 29. Drew our ::.onthly pay. Cept. ':';1cker, Lieut. !:arrell,

Eill "ood and! st3r".:ed ho::e on le3.ve, le;'t cnnp at :3 o'clock in the

::.::>rn~;,g rend s~erted fro::.. ?rendy station at 7 o'clock e.:::.. :Jl EU!lus1ng

incident occurred TIhile ~e ~~re rettin~ our tr nsportet1on or tickets,

t",,::-lou~hs exchar.sed. 7:-.e cers pulled out le[!vinc the ,\.l3bp~~ian but he

~ ,s cete=ined not to be le:'t so he rEn to e Culpepper, six ~,' les, end

ove::-to::>k the train, (!ot ~:oerd. tound the ~~orth Carolinian, chanced t'ur-

loughs and TIente on his ·,:flY ::-ejoicing. Ee w[.s conpletely rundonn but he

TIes the happiest nan I ever sau,(our railroads were in such cond1tions

that t[,ey could not run =.:)re t:-:en eir,lrt: or ten niles en hour,) arrived

in ?ic:-:.:~ond at 7 o'clock p. 1::. :md stoped Bt the nerican ::o:.el for supper.

~e had beef steak, loaf :read, butter, Bnd coffee.

cct. 30. ~t 3 o'clock TIe left Sich~ond for Petersburg, ot e o'clook

e. n. we ~~d ~reBkf~st at the a~rrett Eouse, left there et 1 o'clock for

~eldon, X. C., where 17e orrived ·.:t .. o'clock Jll~. and stopped over to

visit the 49th. Ree. ". C. ':'roops, to see ny dear brother Ja::les P. !.rdrey

and ~1 host of friends ond L1eut. Col. J. T. ~ovis. Fo~d them fcre1ng

11ke ho~e-rolks coopared to our scanty rat10ns in the Valley of Va. Col •

DflV18 "as jud"e of the court nert1el et :'eldon.

Oot. 31. Brother Ji:J:.-:<1e, Copt1an ot COTipany F. 49th. Reg., mak1ng

out his ::onthly pay rolls, Lieut. John Grier dr1ll1ng oonsor1pts. I

l:eet Col. !~oAfee, Capt. Taylor, J.~oIver end m:my of myoid fr1end8 and

eO::lpan10ns of former days. Enjoyed the v1s1 t 80 mUCh, brother J1::;m1e

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Qub./lt17f! ,) ~ and I sit up nearly tne wllole night d~eH- aiscussing the sale or our

~He and Capt. Robinson exocuoors or ruther's eata,e. Had adver-

i' ~ L,,/ f'r-" Z tlsea the lana for sale ror CBsn in Conleucra;;e money, witn a view of

1nvestlng 1t 1n Confeaerate bonas, but my Slsters and myselr Objected

to parting with tne aear ola ~omestead, !:Ind prbvailed on them to with-

draw tne ao.ver"tisement ana stop the sb.le ana they finally agreea to

~,.,,/ L tuM ",,1,1 /It-vt I r w / 111.&1

our request, whicn saveu our liouse 1'01' us. It was un eviaenceor the great !'lll' tf}Mj. &; Weyi~#~/~ :ftlith they hud in the Conl'ea<,r8cy, Dut WOU.La heve ruineQ [;!lO F=ily

rinanoea.Lly. I remainea ·,.1 tn \;;;CJ;l UDtll tne evenlng 01 tr.o ~Utn. When

they recelvea oraers to wove to Kinston, F. C. 'llhere the ene;;]y vlere

aavancing. Atter arranging our ous1ness ana tak1!lg e. 1"8re\·lell ctrink

w1 th Davil!, Ardrey, Taylor, Grler and others, I bld tnem i·are,ie.Ll and

~Vlk-C l(~~ Ib MIcI ~!I~ ./ft-t ;~1

/ttlF-/ {!pM Kit/I h 1/4/ 1/1~/4$~

startea l·or nome, at ~ o'clock p. m. ror Raleigh whel'e I al'r1vea at L.::.. ' ·l~ o'clock. Lel·t Raleigh at 1 o'cloc~ lor Charlotte ana arrivea at /1,,> I1u 4/~~ J 7.p. mI'. I got sOme[;hing gooo. to ea\; ana arlllk ana set out ror Pineville. fcv,,,,, I'v1 ~t /OY?t!/ There! met Dr. Williamson, tiro Younts ana borrOVlea a horse l'rom tne

Dr. snaset out for mo aear ola JleLle. Never ,.lOi'e rejoiceQ in my lire

to get nOi:le. Founa Mr. D. C. Woll·e at Horue alone.

:rovemoer ~,ltlo~. Sisters, 1:af and Emma came home 1'rom Mr. Ross'a

and gave me a coraial reoeption.

Nov.~. Brotner R. C. Bell c...lIle up Jl0f;ie n'o.;. Sue;aw Creek ana I

went nome wi tn hln to see Sls Ler 1,:0111e ana the onilal'en. Callea on

B11l1e Miller' 8 ra..iily anct tne ~lsses Ross.

Nov. 4. A.t nome enjoying tne luxuries tina ooral"orts 01' a dear old

nome, but a.ltls tne 1'8lllily is oaa.ly soaHerea, Father and ::other are

aeaa, brotners in tne arwy anu Sisters at nOwe a.lone.

Nov. 6. Vls1tea Capt. W. Stlt"t wltn 1a.ss t:ollie !llathews an<11:1ss

Mag RObinson, naa a gooa time.

Nov. 7. Bat\;le or Kelly's FOl'a. Lieu\;. Col. Sel16s5, ':'iorta.lly

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wounaea. IJro.\ e f500a clin alla alea on tne ':Ith. at Goraell.l.1.le. I spent

the aay at tir. JOhn Ross.

Nov. tit 1l::lb3 • .A.ttenaed,churchat Harriao!'\. tUe ,congreGatlon

compasedele aL,ost en1;1re.1.y ,01' young ,lacues lind o.1.a lUen, all. the

young lllen 1n t;i.e army, LLu.:l tl. deligutrul t;iLe. Mr. Warwick and 'lss

Mag RODlnson .... ent l!vlue witaus tina ''-.-eo naa tl. pleuslilH tilue.

Nov. 9. 7iar',rlcic ana I visii;eu tne ~;lsses Ross, ::lsa L:oll1e EOhurd,

Mlases Sue Davls ana Con'ee. Meet Liuet. Potts ana .\nay Dunn at; llr.

C01'1"ey' a. i'roill tlHJre to ;'v o.1.a 1'1'lena Jonr.ie P. r.:orrls, there 4ieet Lum.

and Tl1ero 1.10rr13, hua a gay tlwe 01' It.

Nov. 10. ,The Mlsses Ross, Sue Davls, Lleut. Potts, Dr. Cr1Dble,

Lum r.1orrla, ana J1::I ':iarwick, spent the day with us at Forest Home.

Nov. 11. G!and p~{1\ Papa 'ifalkup, Dr. Kell and 11r. Coffey wlth ,

me at nome, went to see my angel, broke the buggy on the TIay which made

me very late, but had a delightful ti:~e of 1 t. 01 what bliss there ls

in mutual affeotion, bid her i'arewell. it Vias a scene to be, .long remem-


Nov. 12 •• Vlsited I.:iS3 Sue and Jull.a DaViS, .wha.tuear freiends

they are. and how Vie love to be w:!:ththem. Capt. De. IToll[ and Mr.

Hood from Tenn. i11th them \ie all had a good time of it.

Nov. 13. I bld an adieu to home and loved ones how sad lnaeed

are the tears of afl'ectlonate sisters when ~lngled wlth the uncertalnty

or never meeCing agaln. Acoomp~!ied to Charlotte by E. ~. Balles and

Bill Hood. !.Ieet A. B. Downs with a box 1'01' Lleut. John T. Downs and

a peet 111. tle bundle for m.y:; C 11' rrom my darling one. prozed 1 t 60

;:-.uoh on her aoco\Ul'I;.

Nov. 14. Lett Charlotte l'or Ralelgh, meet on tile cars Gen: Ram­

seur and JOhn P. ~orris and wlfe, and ~. T. A. Squlres. Arrived at

12 o'clook U. and' then le1't 1om.caiatly l'or Weldon, there I meet Col.

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J"ames T. Do.vis and heard frol;]' orother .Jim:llie and all the ~oys, arrived

at Petersburs, Va. at 10 p. m. ho.o. some "rouble "\'lith our boxes.

Nov. 15, 1803. Arl"ived in Riohnond, there visited t,lle Federul

prison, meot Liout. Harrell and l,e'llton of our Regt. on tileir l"eturn

from .wme. Rich.,louLl ls a true Southern city and I lilw;,ys enjoy n;:y

visits there.

Nov. 16. ill aboaro. ror CalnP at Oran~e Court House Va., where ,;e

arrived at 4 o'clock in the eve21ng. The 30th. Reg. was down at hlorton's

Ford. on the Rapohannock, a walk ot" 16 ",lles for us. 'lIe layout all night

on the 0010. LroUlla, reucnec1 camp early in ~he ",orning, found the company

and Regiment in low spiri ts, had not • ecovered 1'rom the out ~le of Kelly' 8

Ford. Capt. J". C. UcUlllen ' .. us in oO_illland ofGhe ~,eg. it had. been re-

arrangell, all <trills .. ,ere suspended, and the men were building 'Iinter

quarters. Lieut. Harrel lic:.S detailed. as quarter mastel.' 01' the Reg.

Nov. 20 & 21. Mr. Thos. Squires visited our company.

Nov. 22. Preaching by Cnaplail.l Jetts. I I,ent on picket duty at

I.:orton's Ford.

Nov. 23. The enemy making some, de~onstration. Snow and bitter

oold in oamp. On the river, our troops \'/ere culled. out in the entrenoh-

ments, the ene.my orossed Ghe rive::, Vrlth their entire I'orce at Ger:nania


Nov. <::4. Our ari:!y move.:! d.own the river to !.:ine Run, near Locus

Grove very ilurll anu ,rupia march, tt oonsideraule conllonading and. skir-

msning going on. ;',e formed in line ana fortil'ied the sharpshooters.

The artilery uas actively engogea.

Nov. 25. ~ne Run, Va. Gen ft8 .Johnston's division engaged the

ene~ and drove tham buok some distance. He oocupied ~he left. Gen.

Early the right and GOll. RhoJes t.he oenCer. Fortified strongly and

sk111l11su",a all day. Dr. Van Orr .IIiS de;ailed as ~ul'ceon in the Reg.

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The weather,;"s very cola ana 'lie lyinG in our fortifications.

Nov. 26. 1863. In l·ine of battle all dny anl1 cons~antly e:·:-pect-

1ng the enemy to attaok,rained very hurd. S. D. Alexander and W. Adams

returneil !'ron tne nospi ~al.

Nov. 27. All quiet but ·ex.:>ect;illt; !:In attac": evej.'y llloment.

Nov. 29. A Southern ne,,·ro , ... ho h",a Jeen c1:1p;;urel1 uythe enemy,

esoaped and returned to his Ga. Reg. and brought the ne.;s that the enemy

was reorossing the river. ~;e were so much rejoiced, we pursued t.\lem

and gatherel1 up SOllle s"rugglill,. prisoners ana. retl4rned to our CWllp at

Looua Grove. Meet some of OUt· i'rienl1s in the 1st. N. C. Calvary.

Nov. 30. Returned to c~~p at ~ortons Ford. All Quiet on the ~ines.

Downs aoting al1jutant 01' the Reg.

Dec. 1. to ~U. Uortons Ford, Va. 1n cuwp dri111nb, naving lB8pect-

10ns ana Capt. J. C. 1:c:':el10;1 culll!ll8llding the :aeg. Prlvate Plgram elected

Lieut. 1n Co. B. He treated .. he Co to a burrel of tipples and lnvitea me

over to enJoJ· thew ·;;1 tn the cOI"pany. They had been unaer .;y oommand

during the time they hda no offioer.

Dec. 11. James Thompson or Co. K. died in the hospital, leaving a

'.Ilre ana th~ee 1.1 t L1e chi1aren. 0 t the ,sadness 1 t is to hear i'roil! the

homes ¥ or this cruel \il.!r. !Ie was buried .in the field neclr the c ,up

and I wrote to his '(/il'e comnunoiatlng the sad intel11gence. It was a

sad duty to perform.

Dec. 13. I was exan.ine i to 1'111 the vacancy caused by the re-

aignat10u of our 1st. Lieut. N. D. Orr and Lieut. Downs to f111 ~

plaoe. The exwaj ning oo=i ttee cO • .;.posed of Capts. Gorman 2nd. neg.;

Capt. ~ask Uoore of the 30th 'and :':aj. Lamburt of the 14th. Reg. They . oomp11mented. us ver"J highly by saying ',ie ',jere the best prepal'eu candidates

that bad eVer Deen oero:.:e tUe board. 7.e moved near Orange Court House


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on the 20th. and went into camp. ~etween the plank and pike roads.

The Reg. was .l:earranged according to the runk of the c,-,ptions. Build­

ing winter quu.l:ters and pl'epariug ror winter.

Deo. 24, 1863. Received a letter from Slster t:ag teillng me that

ahe and Lleut Potts ;".ere soon to be. marrled. He. had be.en wounded and

disoharged l"rOm the arlilY and "us then at rio_.e. I ,",as reJoicea to hear of 1t.

Deo. 25. OrranGe Court ~ouse, Va. Chritit~as day, my first in

Otllllp and God grant 1 t will De my .Last. fie oan not llelpbut think of

the good t1mes we hud spent at home on Chrlstman 1n former days. Sergtal

Taylor Lee and John Black went out in the countT,1 ana bought us aome

brandy, ap»les. oukes and other luxuries 111.l(l.ie .uaa a olg t1Jne of 1 t.

Many of our olear friends, 50luier DOyS hac! dled auring the year and our

dear ones at nome had been subjected to many haraships, but we all bore

1t heroically l'or our country's ca'use. The true history or the past

year can never be.-iiritten. THousands of our or .. ve solaiers haye poured

out thelr lire's blood and "lleir bones tObleaoh and moula on the battle

tields, and tlleir names IV 111 Pass int.o obll v lon, only tiS the poor w.ldowed

Mothers wl11 1n af~er years) ~ound tne neurth stones or the dear old

homes tell the sud s Lory eto the or"pilan ohildren. \7e trust that the

waroloud will soon pass off ana peace wl1l soon be restored, and we all

oan return to o~· Clear names and our love~ ones, never to hear of war

or rWllors of i,ars 6.~aiu in our Ilel:lr South lana. Durlng t:!1s year cany

aeur homes llave oeen dtsolated, Dany wlves maae wldows, ana thousands ot

ohlldren made orphans. All for tht nope of our Llberty and the lndepdn­

aenoe of the South but lt will be aearly bougnt lf ever achlevea. Time. -,

can never res tore our los t manhood n"r pay tlle prices 1'or the grea"\;

Saor1f10e that we have ~de.

Dec. ~6. Union hole. Enoamped ne:~r Chamber8ville~restlng.and

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