Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Reports ... · PLEASANT LAKE - VEASEY PARK BEACH...

Post on 30-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Reports ... · PLEASANT LAKE - VEASEY PARK BEACH...


Flushing Rate (yr¹)








0.4Max. Depth (m):

Mean Depth (m):

Volume (m³):

Watershed Area (Ac.):

Shore Length (m):



Year Trophic class

Surface Area (Ac.): 493

Elevation (ft): 578

P Retention Coef: 0.78

The Waterbody Report Card tables are generated from the DRAFT 2016 305(b) report on the status of N.H. waters, and are based on data collected from 2006-

2015. Detailed waterbody assessment and report card information can be found at www.des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/wmb/swqa/index.htm

Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Reports


Designated Use Parameter Category Comments

Phosphorus (Total) GoodAquatic Life Sampling data is better than the water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter.

pH Slightly Bad Data periodically exceed water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter by a small margin.

Oxygen, Dissolved Bad Data periodically exceed water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter by a large margin.

Dissolved oxygen satura Slightly Bad Data periodically exceed water quality standards or thresholds for a given parameter by a small margin.

Chlorophyll-a Good Sampling data is better than the water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter.

Escherichia coli Very GoodPrimary Contact Recreation All sampling data meet water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter.

Chlorophyll-a Very Good All sampling data meet water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter.



Fry, J., Xian, G., Jin, S., Dewitz, J., Homer, C., Yang, L., Barnes, C., Herold, N., and Wickham, J., 2011. Completion of the 2006 National Land Cover Database

for the Conterminous United States, PERS, Vol. 77(9):858-864. For larger image contact NHDES.

Escherichia coli Good Sampling data commonly meet water quality standards or thresholds for this parameter.PLEASANT LAKE - VEASEY PARK BEACH

Land Cover Category % Cover Land Cover Category % Cover Land Cover Category % Cover

Open Water 20.9

Developed-Open Space 5.72

Developed-Low Intensity 0.73

Developed-Medium Intensity 0.05

Developed-High Intensity 0

Barren Land 0

Deciduous Forest 9.74

Evergreen Forest 14.84

Mixed Forest 40.54

Shrub-Scrub 1.86

Grassland/Herbaceous 0

Pasture Hay 3.79

Cultivated Crops 0

Woody Wetlands 1.49

Emergent Wetlands 0.06

This epo t as ge e ated the NH DES Volu tee Lake Assess e t P og a VLAP . Fo o e i fo aio o ta t VLAP at - o sa a.stei e @des. h.go

Observations Refer to Ta le 1 and Histori al Deep Spot Data Graphi s) Chlorophyll-a: Chlo oph ll le els e e e lo i Ma , i eased to ele ated le els i Ju e, the de eased to lo le els i Jul a d Septe e . A e age hlo oph ll i eased slightl f o ut e ai ed less tha the state edia a d th eshold fo oligot ophi lakes. Histo i al t e d a al sis i di ates highl a ia le hlo oph ll le els si e o ito i g ega . Conductivity/Chloride: Epili ei uppe ate la e , Metali ei iddle ate la e , H poli ei lo e ate la e , A ose St., Da Outlet, Loo Co e, Rt. I let, a d Wilso s Bk. o du i it a d hlo ide le els e ai ed slightl g eate tha the state edia s a d epili ei o du i it as the highest easu ed si e o ito i g ega . Histo i al t e d a al sis i di ates sig ii a tl i easi g o se i g epili ei o du i it le els si e o ito i g ega . Athe to a d B a h Bk. o du i it a d hlo ide le els e e ele ated ho e e hlo ide le els e ai ed elo the h o i hlo ide sta da d. Fa ell

a d Vease Bk. o du i it a d hlo ide le els e e g eatl ele ated a d Fa ell Bk. hlo ide le els e eeded the state h o i hlo ide sta da d i Ma . Cla ks a d Phil i k Bk. o du i it a d hlo ide le els e ai ed lo . Color: Appa e t olo as easu ed i the epili io a d i di ates the lake ate is lea ith e litle i pa t f o dissol ed

o ga i a ids that i pa t a tea olo to the ate . Total Phosphorus: Epili ei phospho us le els e e sta le a d lo f o Ma to Jul a d de eased slightl i Septe e . A e age epili ei phospho us i eased f o ut e ai ed less tha the state edia a d th eshold fo oligot ophi lakes. Histo i al t e d a al sis i di ates sig ii a tl de easi g i p o i g epili ei phospho us le els si e o ito i g

ega . Metali ei phospho us le els e e slightl ele ated i Jul a d Septe e , a d H poli ei phospho us le els e e lo f o Ma th ough Jul a d i eased to slightl ele ated le els i Septe e he dissol ed o ge le els e e depleted. T i uta phospho us le els e e ge e all ithi lo to ode ate a ges i Ma a d the i eased to slightl ele ated le els i Ju e. Fa ell Bk. phospho us le els e e ele ated i Ma a d de eased to a lo le el i Ju e. Transparency: T a spa e easu ed ithout the ie s ope NVS as ithi a a e age a ge fo the lake i Ma , i eased i p o ed to a o e a e age le el i Ju e, a d the de eased a d e ai ed sta le th ough Septe e . A e age NVS

t a spa e i eased i p o ed f o a d as u h highe ete tha the state edia . Histo i al t e d a al sis i di ates sta le t a spa e si e o ito i g ega . Vie s ope t a spa e VS as ge e all u h highe ete tha NVS t a spa e a d likel a ete easu e of a tual o diio s. Turbidity: Epili ei tu idit e ai ed sta le a d lo . Metali ei tu idit i eased to slightl ele ated le els i Jul a d Septe e , a d H poli ei tu idit as also slightl ele ated i Septe e . Athe to , Cla ks, Fa ell , a d Phil i k Bk. tu idit le els e e ele ated i Ma du i g ode ate lo s. All othe t i uta staio s e pe ie ed lo tu idit le els. pH: Epili ei pH as ithi the desi a le a ge . - . u its a d as the est easu ed si e o ito i g ega . Histo i al t e d a al sis i di ates sig ii a tl i easi g i p o i g epili ei pH le els si e o ito i g ega . pH le els at all othe staio s i di ate slightl to ode atel a idi o diio s that a e pote iall ii al to a uai life.

Volunteer Lake Assessment Program Individual Lake Reports

Pleasant Lake, Deerfield

7 Data Summary

NH Media Values: Media alues fo spe ii pa a e-te s ge e ated f o histo i lake o ito i g data. Alkali it : . g/L

Chloroph ll-a: . g/

Co du ivit : . uS/

Chloride: g/L

Total Phosphorus: ug/L

Tra spare : .

pH: .

NH Water Qualit Sta dards: Nu e i ite ia fo spe ii pa a ete s. Results e eedi g

ite ia a e o side ed a ate ualit iola-io . Chloride: > g/L h o i

E. oli: > ts/ L – pu li ea h

E. oli: > ts/ L – su fa e ate s

Tur idit : > NTU a o e atu al le el pH: et ee . - . u less atu all o u -i g

Para eter Tre d E pla aio E pla aio Tre d Para eter

Chlo oph ll-a Sta le T e d ot sig ii a t; data highl a ia le. Data sig ii a tl i easi g. Wo se i g Co du i it

T a spa e Sta le T e d ot sig ii a t; data sho lo a ia ilit . Data sig ii a tl i easi g. I p o i g pH epili io

Phospho us epili io I p o i g Data sig ii a tl de easi g.

Historical Water Quality Trend Analysis

Recommended Actions: The i p o i g pH le el i epili ei ate s is a g eat sig a d e hope to see si ila e o e i i othe a eas of the ate shed i futu e ea s. Lake

ualit is ep ese tai e of oligot ophi o high ualit o diio s a d e hope to see this o i ue. Co i ue to o du t o thl o ito i g a d dissol ed o ge a d

te pe atu e p oiles to ete u de sta d seaso al a d a ual a ia ilit ithi the data set. If possi le, t to add ess the i easi g o du i it le els i the lake a d e tai

t i uta ies, pa i ula l Athe to , Vease a d Fa ell B ooks. Co du i it le els i Athe to Bk. ha e t ipled si e the late ’s. E ou age lo al oad age ts a d p i ate

ai te a e o pa ies to o tai NH Volu ta Salt Appli ato Li e ses th ough UNH Te h olog T a sfe Ce te ’s G ee S o P o Ce ii aio P og a . Keep up the g eat o k!

Staio Na e Ta le . A e age Wate Qualit Data fo PLEASANT LAKE-DEERFIELD

Alk. Chlo -a Chlo ide Co d. Total P T a s. Tu . pH Colo

g/l ug/l g/l uS/ ug/l tu PCU


Epili io . . . . . . .

Metali io . . .

H poli io . . .

A ose St ea . . .

Athe to B ook . . .

B a h B ook . . .

Cla ks B ook . . .

Da Outlet . . .

Fa ell B ook . . .

Loo Co e . . .

Phil i k B ook . . .

Route I let . . .

Vease B ook . . .

Wilso s B ook . . .