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Volume XXXVII– Issue 2 February 2020 Since 1980


QUILT GUILD, INC. Newsletter Editor: Jan Abramson


E-Mail abramsonjan@gmail.com

Web Site : orovillepiecemakers.org Angie Horne webmaster 743-1286 aphorne3@yahoo.com

President’s Message: Hello Piecemakers! One of

the perks of being President in a quilt

show year is being allowed to come

up with the Quilt Show Challenge. I

have based this year’s challenge upon some of

my favorite memories from 2019. Here is what I

challenge you to make:

• Miniature quilt (no more than 24” per


• Base the quilt on a block that starts with

the same letter as your name (first or


• Extra credit if you also use your

President’s favorite block, the Churn


Do you remember our speaker for

November, Kellie Willey? She showed us a lot

of lovely miniature quilts (check out the pictures

in the December newsletter) and talked about

how they are not as scary to make as you might

think. I’ve been wanting to try one, and now is

my chance to talk you into it too! If you are up

for the challenge, use component blocks that are

2" to 4" in size.

You might ask, why do I want you to

pick a quilt block that starts with the same letter

as your name? Well, this *is* supposed to be a

challenge :-) We had fun at the birthday party,

trying to think of as many blocks as possible

that started with the letters OPQG and QUILT.

So why not do the same with our names?

And finally -- I have no idea why, but I

love the Churn Dash block. That is the one I

made when we had the “barn quilt” workshop

with Suzi Parron. It is a simple block with so

much potential! I would so love to see how

YOU incorporate the block into a miniature


You can do this! There are lots of

patterns available -- you can take a favorite

and reduce it down, or you can look online for

something new to try. You can piece it old

school, or you can try paper piecing. You can

challenge yourself to be very precise, or you

can pick a pattern in which you don’t have to

match any seams! We have library books

which contain lists of blocks, and I am happy

to brainstorm with you if you need help or

inspiration. Miniature quilts don’t have to

take a lot of fabric, time, or space -- hopefully

you can put one together in time for the quilt


Happy Quilting!

Angie Horne 743-1286

Moonlighters Chair:

Hello Lady's

Well a new year has come, and I can't

wait to see what’s ahead for this year. We are

working on a speaker for the moonlighters,

that's exciting and the Quilt Show in

November it's going to be a busy year so let's

get to sewing and get those quilts made for the

show. Don't forget your Candy Challenge.

I've already finished my block of the

month they are going to be beautiful all put

together, Also the table runner is going to be

very cute can't. wait to see them. So, see you

next month Happy Sewing!

Susan McMillan, 589-1243

Speakers: Our very own Jeri Huey will be giving a

trunk show at our February 20th General

Meeting. Jeri is a prolific quilter with a wide

assortment of quilts to share with us.

Maggie Knowles, (818)399-4251

Workshops: Well ladies the February 6th workshop

will be here before you know it. Jeri Huey is

excited about showing you how to make the

Travel Iron Tote. If you have not signed up,

there is still space available. Simply bring 2 fat

quarters and you will receive the heat resistant

fabric and directions from Jeri on the day of the


The March 2020 workshop is still a

mystery. As soon as I can get a picture and

supply list from the presenter, the information

will be e-mailed to you. Cost will be $15.00.

The Angels Retreat is scheduled for

April 2-4, 2020. The signup sheet will be at the

next meeting in February.

Nancy Kennedy, 679-2762

Opportunity Quilt: Thank you everyone for purchasing your

membership tickets this month. I wish you luck

for the 2021 Ticket raffle we have going. For

those of you who are new or haven’t heard

about the incentive raffle that is in place, here is

the information. If you purchase your

membership tickets during the membership

period (December-March) you are given a raffle

ticket to enter to win your 2021 membership

tickets (that means no cost, free, paid in full).

Two members from each meeting will have a

chance to win. Good Luck!

There are several events that we will be

participating in besides visiting quilt guilds. I

will be bringing sign-up sheets for these events

throughout the year. I will need everyone’s

help this year. Please bring your personal

calendars to review and Sign Up!

Jeanette Akin, 370-0248

Block of Month: Day Meeting:

Marilla Brereton is th

e lucky recipient of the

thirteen four-patch log cabins

Thanks to all who participated.

We are doing a twelve-inch finished

star block each month this year. This month is

a Pieced Star with a black background and a

solid color – very Amish and very striking.

Since there is a theme and a constant size for

each block, a sampler for yourself from your

own fabrics might be a fun project to make at

the same time you are making a block for the

group. For those wanting a constant

background, the yardage amount needed for

the quilt is 1 7/8 yards (extra is always good).

If you like it scrappy, please contact Nancy

Clayton for the background amount needed for

each block.

In addition, Ann Harvey has a yearlong

project where we can make blocks for a

Christmas Ribbons quilt. If a member signs up

for a block, receives the background and turns

it in; we will receive a ticket for the chance to

win the blocks later in the year. You have the

opportunity to obtain more fabric with the

return of a completed block. Please use the

distributed background when making these


Any questions, please call Ann Harvey

530 589 2098 or Nancy Clayton 530 878 8543

Nancy Clayton, 916-765-2745

Ann Harvey, 589-2098

Moonlighters Meeting: Star of Hope

Remember to bring your finished Star

of Hope block.

For February’s block you will need to bring 2

contrasting fabrics (think peach, rose, pink, or


Fabric #1 – one 5 ½ inch square

Fabric #2 – two 5 ¼ inch squares and eight 2 ½

inch squares

Victoria Johnson, Trunk Show

Here are some fabric pairings I played with:

Marla Vaughn, 990-3115

Community Service: Well we started out with a bang, 24

quilts turned in, WOW. Thanks everyone.

Remember we have lots of fabric for quilts.

Try to get your 2 quilts done before the fall,

since we have our show quilts to finish and

boutique items to create.

Jan Owens, 589-9139

Judy Hohman, 693-4907

Door Prizes:

Day Meeting:

January turned out to be a great month

for the raffle baskets we made $102.

Next month our baskets are going to

contain Batiks. March will probably be pastels,

flowers. When you purchase a raffle ticket you

are helping to pay for the speakers that we

have, so if you really enjoy the speakers please

buy a ticket, even a dollar helps, but of course

the more the merrier.

It is my goal this year to use medium

size baskets and to put as much fabric as

possible in them, so if you have fabric or kits

that you would like to donate, please contact

Betty, Shirley or me. We will also accept

current patterns and/ or sewing notions (i.e.)

needles, rulers, pins, thread, etc. Please donate

other items to mercantile.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

Cheryl Campbell, 533-7724

Betty Drake,

Shirley Reed,

Moonlighters Meeting:

This year the Door Prize Baskets will

be organized by:

Dorothy Moyle-Smith, 966-6814

Virginia Brile, 534-9637

Fat Quarters: Day Meetings:

February- Greens, patterned or

batik March- Light blue, plain or patterned

April- Yellow, florals

May- Pink, patterned

June- Batiks, any color

Beverly Smith, 534-5980

Lorraine Cothern, 534-1705

Moonlighters Meetings:


February- Greens March- Light blue

April- Pink

May- Purple

June- Red or dark Blue

Jeri Huey, 532-0303

Hospitality: We started the year with lots of goodies

for our first meeting on 2020. Thanks to all of

you who contributed. And thanks to all who

signed up for the rest of the year. I will be

calling those who signed up for February the

Friday before the meeting as a reminder.

Linda Pearson, 533-8448

Membership: We have 58 paid members so far this

year including two new people. Please

remember if you want your name in the roster,

your dues must be in by February meeting. If

you want to send me your application and

money, mail to me at 3312 CA-70, Oroville,

CA 95965.

A copy of the application was sent out

by Jan Abramson last month. She will email it

out again if asked. Dues are $15.00 for Jr

members and $30.00 for all others. New

members include D'Aon Lucas and Judith

Hoffman. Welcome ladies.

Ann Harvey, 589-2098

Dorothy Moyle-Smith, 966-6814

Mercantile: Thank you to everyone who helped us

have a great bag sale. We reduced a lot of

fabric that had been offered for a couple

months. Look for new fabric at the February


Mary Kay Haughey, 591-0135

Sunshine: A Thinking of You card was sent to

new member Judy Martinez. Virginia Brile

will be having eye surgery so think about

sending her a “Thinking of You” card!

Virginia Brile, 534-9637

Quilt Show: This is the year of our "Beauty on The

River 2020” and I hope all of our members are

planning on entering something in the show.

We will once again have quilts for sale, either a

quilt that is hanging in the show or one you are

just tired of. As before, the guild will take a

percentage of the sale, more information to

follow. In 2018 we sold 14 quilts, of various

prices, so there is a market for them. We are

also looking for quilt show award

sponsors. What this means is if you know

people in the community who own a business,

we would like them to donate $25 and come in

on Saturday or Sunday to pick out their favorite

quilt, the maker of that quilt will get the $25

and the sponsor will have a plaque on the quilt

that gives all their information.

Sponsors: For the quilt show this

November, we need sponsors that will judge

their favorite quilts and offer $25 awards.

Please ask anyone you can think of in your

network who might be interested in

participating. Your hairdresser, your banker,

doctor, nurse, mail person, siblings, etc. -

Name, Phone, and Email and pass on to

Maggie Knowles. Thank you!

Thank you,

Maggie Knowles, (818)399-4251


This is our quilt show year and one of

the money-making aspects is the Boutique. But

it cannot sell things it doesn’t have. The guild

is asking each of us to make five things. Some

suggestions are small quilts, table runners or

toppers, pillowcases, potholders, aprons for

mommy and or me, snap bags or any kind of

bag, fabric boxes, pin cushions, iron totes and

the list goes on and on. So, if everyone will do

their part then we can sell them and make money

so we can have speakers and classes. Thank you.

Jeri Huey, 532-0303

Quilt Sleeves:

We are once again able to offer pre-made

quilt sleeves by Quilters hang Up at wholesale

prices. they are available in black or muslin.

The price is $8 each, please let me know if you

would like one or more and what color. For

those who are not sure what they are, I will have

one available to see at the next meeting.

Sharon Helton, 743-7465

General Meeting Minutes:

January 16, 2020 At the Palermo Grange

7600 Irwin Ave. Palermo CA

The Meeting called to order at 10 am by Her

Royal Majesty, Angie Horne.

Angie welcomed Holly Miner and Jean Marie

McDonald, representing Pine Tree Quilt Guild, Grass

Valley, with their lovely opportunity quilt.

Dorothy M. Smith reported that 46 members were

present and one new member - the Guild welcomed

Judy Hoffman.

VP Maggie Knowles introduced speaker Victoria

Johnson who shared with us her journey of quilting

and showed us many of the beautiful quilts she has

made. She is a certified Judy Niemeyer instructor

with specialized training in teaching Judy

Neimeyer’s complicated and beautiful paper-pieced


Members shared some of their past months work

during “show and tell” following Victoria’s


The Business Meeting began after a short break.

Approval of Minutes: The November and

December minutes stand approved as distributed in

the Newsletter.

Old Business:

North Quarter/Meet the Teachers first Saturday in

May (5/2) – Dorothy Welton has a committee

Looking for local caterer to serve the luncheon.

Guild members will assist Dorothy in making

“cupcake favors” which consist of one fat quarter

rolled up inside a cup cake paper and topped with an

artificial cherry. These will be worked on at the

February 6th sew day. Three door prizes of fabric

baskets will also be given out, so members are asked

to donate fat quarters. Dorothy reminded members to

send in a personal membership if you plan on going

to the meetings throughout the year. Membership is


Sewing with the Kids Camp participants - Jan

Abramson is still coordinating members who work

Treasurer: Jeanette Akin reported that the

December total beginning balance was $21,659.93

and the total ending balance was $20,755.07

Jeanette asked for three members to participate in the

required annual audit after the February 20th meeting

Mary Kaye Haughey, Kim Deadmore, and Sharon

Helton volunteered.

Opportunity quilt update: Jeanette Akin passed

around sign-up sheets for volunteers to help sell

opportunity tickets at this years’ events. Members

are asked to please participate so the same people do

not end up doing all of these events.


Membership: Dorothy Moyle-Smith and Kim

Deadmore reported that 48 people signed in today

and that 49 members have already payed their dues.

Hospitality: Linda Pearson asked that members sign

up to bring food items at least two times during the

year and a sign-up sheet was passed around.

Community Service and Paradise Fire donations:

Jan Owens reported that 24 blankets were turned in

today. Everyone is asked to donate 2 items per year

and Jan encouraged members to get their donations

in early.

During the past year members turned in 227 quilts

and 14 hats. The Guild donated 211 quilts and 19

hats last year. Jan bought flannel and solids for

backing of community service quilts. She also has a

new roll of batting.

Mercantile Table: Mary Kaye Haughey, Debbie

Rookard brought in $51.75 from sales at the

mercantile table today.

Block of the Month: Ann Harvey and Nancy

Clayton have two different projects for members to

participate in. Each month will be a twelve-inch star

block. Members are encouraged to make an

additional star block for their own quilt.

The second set of blocks each month will be

Christmas blocks They will be turned in each month

and a winner of the blocks will be drawn in

November. Marilla won the blocks from last


Fat Quarter Raffle: Lorraine Cothern and Bev

Smith reported that so many red fat quarter blocks

were turned in that they were able to make 3 bundles

of fat quarters. Winners were Mary Kaye Haughey,

Jaquie Conn, and Maggie Knowles. For February

members are asked to bring in green patterns or


Door Prize Baskets: Cheryl Campbell and Betty

Drake announced that $102 were raised for the raffle

fund. Leslie Taylor (won twice!), Dorothy Welton,

and Claudia Goebl were today’s winners.

Moonlighters update: Claudia Goebl will be asking

for ideas on what Moonlighters want to do this year.

There will also be the annual pup (poor unfinished

with four 6th graders every on the afternoons of sew

days. This spring they will be making a log cabin.

In May members will once again be working in the

4th grade classrooms at Palermo School to introduce

the students to quilting and recruit participants for

this summer’s Kids Quilt Camp.

Quilt Show preparations - Sharon Helton

reported that members can participate in quilt

sales at this year’s quilt show. If you have a

quilt you might want to sell be thinking about

that. Members were asked to ask owners of businesses they know if that would be interested in

making a $25 donation toward a quilt award. The

owners will be able to select their winner on the

Saturday of the quilt show.

Quilt Show Boutique - Jeri Huey reminded

members that they are each responsible for making 5

items that can be sold at the boutique during the

show. Jeri will be teaching us how to make portable

iron caddies during the February 6th sew day. She

also suggested several items members can make

including snap bags, potholders, aprons, tote bags,

table runners, small quilts, and pillowcases (sets of

two for adults, singles for kids). Please share your

ideas for other items that might sell well with Jeri.

New Business:

Shadowbrook Outreach Project - Cheryl Campbell

met with the person in charge. The first date for

working with Shadowbrook residents is Tuesday,

February 11th at 2 pm. The project will last 1 to 1 ½

hours. If you can assist please contact Cheryl. The

group we will work with includes 5 women and 1

man. They will meet monthly.

Scholarship Committee – Scholarship applications

are distributed to the schools and we are awaiting


President’s Quilt Show Challenge –Angie

challenged members to make a miniature quilt. The

rules are that it can be no more than 24” on a side

and you must use a block that starts with the first

letter of your first or last name. A reminder will be

in the newsletter.


1st Vice President Report: Maggie Knowles

reported that Jeri Huey will present a trunk show

next month. The Guild needs speakers for March

19th, June 18, October 15, and November 19. Please

let Maggie know if you have suggestions for those


2nd Vice President Report: Nancy Kennedy

reminded us of the February 6th workshop (iron

caddie). The cost is $10 and includes Insul-Brite. In

March the workshop will be Lucretia’s Journey,

April is a 3-day retreat. Nancy is working on other

workshop possibilities including making mitered

corners for quilt bindings and making pillowcases.

project) challenge, a table runner handout, and time

to get sewing tips for next month’s block of the


Library – Jan reminded members that there are

many books on paper pieced quilts and star blocks in

the library.

Angie’s Guild Challenge – Angie will be presenting

a challenge to Guild members later in the year that

will include the opportunity for all members to

contribute to a single project that will benefit the


Other Issues and Concerns:

Dottie Elliot will no longer be doing her Tuesday

morning group at the church, but the rest of the

group will keep going. Dottie will still collect all

your extra piece of material and fabric scraps if she

is at the guild meeting. Cindy or Sandy can collect

fabric if Dottie is not at the meeting.

Lost and found – two different pairs of scissors have

been found. One pair was claimed.

The Guild received a thank you card from Jerry

Winkler’s husband.

Linda Pearson has a pair of pink crane scissors from

the applique workshop.

Reminder: Classroom space at Ashley’s shop is


Reminder: Get your newsletter articles to Jan A. by


Meeting Adjourned:

After Angie read a poem sent by Marilla’s

sister the meeting was adjourned at 12:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Secretarial Serf,

Marla Vaughn, 534-9848

Moonlighters Minutes: January 16, 2019

We were delighted to welcome D'Aon Lucas at

the Moonlighters meeting.

BOM: Before the meeting got started, Marla

Vaughn gave a demonstration on how to piece

this month's BOM, the Star of Hope. In

addition, she will provide yardage estimates for

the entire year's series of blocks, in case we

want to make an extra block each month (in our

preferred colors) to use in a sampler.

Door Prize winners were Kim Deadmore,

Lynne Pillus, Virginia Brile, Cindy Scofield,

and Marla Vaughn.

Fat Quarters: fourteen red batiks were won by

Laura Filbeck. Next month's fat quarters will be

green batiks.

PUP Challenge: We were delighted to see

Lynne Pillus’ completed PUP challenge from

last year, “Jimmy Buffet Shirts”. The

Moonlighters in attendance helped members

choose their PUP challenge projects for 2020.

Cindy Aldrich will be completing her

"Grandma's Flower Garden." Marla will finally

get going on Kalypso Kaleidoscope.

Claudia will go on a "Sentimental Journey,"

and Jan Abramson will finally finish her "Take

a Chance" challenge quilt from 2018. Lynne

Pillus will put together the "Selvage Blocks"

that she won in last year's BOM program, and

Mary Kaye will be completing her lovely

"Majestic Mountains" quilt top. Millie Top has

a delightful collection of "My Sister's Closet"

appliqued blocks to complete, and Ellen

Manera will be finishing her "Fabric Selvage

Bed Runner." Projects are due at the January

2021 meeting.

Table Runner Class: Claudia shared directions

for the pretty heart-filled table runner that we

will be making next month.

Show-and-tell included work by Mary Kay,

Millie, Dorothy Moyle Smith, Virginia, Ashley

Coffey, Marla, Lynne, and Susan McMillan.

I look forward to this year as the

Moonlighters' Scribe. Please be patient with

me! If you have any questions, please call me.

Cheryl Cox, 282-3252

February Birthdays:

2/6 Terry Catt

2/14 Janie Grohs

2/17 Ellen Manera

2/20 Jan Abramson

2/20 Gwen Boynton

2/20 Cheryl Cox

2/20 Yvonne Ogletree

2/24 Jan Paul

2/27 Ginger Medbery

Oroville Piecemakers Quilt Guild

Newsletter Editor:

Jan Abramson

19 Arts Lane

Oroville CA 95966

February Calendar

6 Workshop by Jeri Huey.

“How to make a small iron


Kids Quilting 2:30 to 5

13 Board Meeting, 9:30 am at the


20 General Meeting- 10am.

Jerri Huey, Trunk Show

11am, business meeting.

20 Moonlighter’s Meeting- doors

open at 4pm: dinner at 6pm

meeting to follow.

March Calendar

5 No Workshop or Sew Day

12 Board Meeting, 9:30 am at the


19 General Meeting- 10am.

Boutique Sew Day!

11am, business meeting.

19 Moonlighter’s Meeting- doors

open at 4pm. dinner at 6pm

meeting to follow.

On February 6th Jeri Huey will be

teaching how to make this handy small

iron tote that also is a small ironing

surface. Call Nancy Kennedy, 679-2762

to sign up.

Coming Events:

February 7, 8, 9: Folsom Quilt and Fiber

Guild 35th Anniversary Show. Folsom

Community Center, 52 Natoma St. Folsom.


February 22-23: Pajaro Valley Quilt Show,

Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, Watsonville,


March 14-15: Yuba-Sutter Valley Quilt Guild,

Yuba-Sutter Fair Grounds, Yuba City.


April 3-4: Foothill Quilters Guild, Parkside

Church & ARD Regional Park, Auburn,


April 24-25: Roseville Quilters Guild Quilt

Show, Roseville Sports Center,


May 2-3: Springtime in the Pines. Pine Tree

Quilt Guild. Nevada Co. Fairgrounds, Grass

Valley. www.PineTreeQuiltGuild.com

May 9: A Quilter’s Garden Tour. 6 Gardens

Adorned with Quilts. ($10) Sun Country

Quilters, Contact: Cathy Warren 530-200-3110

Show and Tell