VOLUME DECEMBER r s ISSUE - WordPress.com · 2016-12-01 · The Rock The newsletter from Beth Eden...

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Transcript of VOLUME DECEMBER r s ISSUE - WordPress.com · 2016-12-01 · The Rock The newsletter from Beth Eden...

The Rock The newsletter from Beth Eden United Methodist Church

“A Christian Community, Open and Loving”



3201 Huffman Blvd. - Rockford, IL

815.877.9237 ~ bethedenumc@gmail.com www.bethedenumcrockford.org

“This is a good place to visit, to come frequently, and to remain”

LET JOY RUN, LIKE A RIVER! (Luke 1: 26 – 38) From the very first Sunday in Advent I want to invite you all to

enjoy this Christmas’ time. I think refusing joy during this season is nothing less than a form of irreverence. The truth is: you have to enjoy this season; you can eat right, drink your bottled water, take your vitamins, and get plenty of sleep. So go ahead, relax - enjoy the holiday season. God has created a delicious world for us, and he wants us to experience joy!

It's not "Stress to the world, the Lord has come." It's not like the archangel burst upon the shepherds and said, "Fear not, for today I bring you tidings of great stress - which shall be to all people." That's usually the way it works: When we're stressed, we bring our stress to all people - husband, wife, children, the family pet, friends, and co-workers. Instead, the good news was: "I bring you tidings of great joy that will be for all peo-ple."

Let's go back to the beginning of this story. Luke tells us that the an-gel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin named Mary, engaged to a man whose name was Joseph. In today's passage, the angel comes to her and says, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you" (1:26-28). "Do not be afraid, Mary," says the angel, "for you have found favor with God." He goes on to predict that she will bear a son named Jesus - one who will be great, the Son of the Most High, the heir of David and the ruler of an everlasting kingdom. The child will be conceived by the Holy Spirit, explains Gabriel, and he will be born a holy child, nothing less than the one and only Son of God. Since Mary's relative Elizabeth has already conceived in her old age, it is suddenly quite clear that nothing is impossible with God (vv. 36-37).

What an offer! What an opportunity! What a stressful situation! The angel is giving Mary a shot at incredible joy: the chance to be the

mother of Jesus, the Son Of God. How big is that?! And yet, this opportunity

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brings with it the frightening thought that Mary will soon be visibly preg-nant. But this opportunity brings also the damage to her reputation - what will people say about a young woman becoming pregnant before her wed-ding day? According to the law, she could be executed for becoming preg-nant by anyone but Joseph, or punished in a severe and humiliating way. It is anything but easy for Mary to agree to this offer presented by the angel Gabriel.

But she says yes. "Here am I, the servant of the Lord," proclaims Mary; "let it be with me according to your word" (v. 38). Her declaration "Here am I" is a Hebraism that expresses an unhesitating willingness to serve or listen. Mary then describes herself in this context as "the servant of the Lord." However, Catholic and Protestant Christian traditions tend to view Mary's presence in Luke's annunciation story with different lenses:

Catholic tradition has focused on the favor Mary had found in God's eyes and her unique role in Jesus' birth and life.

Protestant theology, on the other hand, has often seemed to look forward through these passages to focus instead on the end result of Mary's visitation and obedience - the human birth of the Son of God, the arrival of Jesus Christ on Earth.

Her miraculous conception through the power of the Holy Spirit, her obedience to the divine will and her attentiveness to the divine message she receives, essentially makes Mary the first disciple. In fact, Mary's response to all she hears makes her an example for all future disciples to follow.

Anyway, she accepts the angel's offer, takes a big bite of the oppor-tunity put before her, and does not fall into the trap of stressing out and re-fusing joy. And yet, she says, "Here am I ... let it be." In spite of all the seem-ingly solid reasons to show self-control and say no, she doesn't want to be guilty of refusing joy.

Refusing joy? What a great phrase! We're so stressed by trying to live right, eat right, think right, act right, speak right, parent right, exercise right, look right ... that we've forgot-ten the joy of Jesus. Think of the many solid reasons that Mary could give for saying no to the angel Gabriel: not the right time, not the right place, not the right partner, not the right family system, not the right plan for the fu-ture.

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How about us? Have we left the joy behind as we observe the birth of Christ? Do we feel pressured to practice massive self-denial as we face the dessert table at a holiday party? Are we sensing that there is something not right about loosening up and simply having a good time, eating some really delicious food?

Come on, now, it's Christmas! Eat! Enjoy! January’s diet will come soon enough.

But, Christmas is more than an opportunity to eat and celebrate, you see. It's also a chance to approach Jesus with a desire to be filled, and with an expectation of fulfillment. In a sense, we should come to Christ in the same way that children come to the dinner table. They come because they are hungry, not because they feel a social obligation. They come with antici-pation, expecting something good to be waiting for them. They come with trust, believing that the food will be nutritious. They come without worries about calories, additives and food-borne illnesses. They come expecting to be filled, to be strengthened, to be satisfied, and to be nourished for growth.

We ought to approach Jesus in the very same way. Any other path could leave the joy behind.

In the middle of our stressful lives, God wants us to experience joy. He wants us to know that he favors us, that he treasures us, and that he will not fail us. He sends Jesus to remind us that he is with us, always, in the very center of the pains and problems of human life.

May we accept this gift from God, as Mary did. It's a joy that should never be refused.



In His name, Pastor Mario!

CHILE MISSION TRIP January is quickly approaching. We have a TEAM of 21 peo-ple that will be going on the Chile Mission trip from January 2 to January 13, 2017. The team is formed by 8 people from Beth Eden, 7 from Centennial, 1 from Wisconsin, 1 from

Streamwood, plus Pastors Mario and Fabiola Pedro, and Paulina. We are so excited to have this opportunity to go in mission to Loncoche, Chile.

The main areas of work will be: Construction of Sunday School rooms Painting Vacation Bible School Clinic Days Revival Worships

We need your prayers and support. If you want to sponsor someone or help to finance the project, please talk to Pastor Mario.

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Pastor Mario, Pastor Fabiola, Pedro, and Paulina will be gone from January 2 to February 14, 2017. The first two weeks they will be on the mission trip and the remaining 4 weeks they will be on vacation.

If during this time you need anything at all, please call the office. If Sherry is not in the office leave a message as she will be checking the machine often! We have two pastors that will be on call and will be happy to assist in any way they can.

As a reminder from the Memorial Committee, memorials remain open for 6 months after an individuals passing. There is a memorial box with cards & envelopes in the Nar-thex.

Memorials are currently being accepted for:

Gloria Jacobs (5/05/16) Donald Walker (6/18/16) Jim Petersen (7/15/16) Ken Damon (9/26/16) Jean Block (10/19/16)

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As of November 26, 2016:

2016 Total—General Budget $208,431.00

Weekly receipts needed for 2016 General Budget 4,008.29

Actual weekly average receipts 3,750.24

Total receipts needed YTD for General Budget 172,356.40

Actual receipts YTD for 2016 General Budget 161,260.12

Estimated Average weekly receipts needed to meet all year-end obligations


CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION 2016 We want to invite you, your family and friends to

come and celebrate the BIRTH of OUR Savior Jesus Christ


SANTA SHOPPE and COOKIE WALK Saturday, December 10 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m.—Choir Cantata “Music of Christmas” 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School Program


4:00 p.m.


6:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. –Traditional Service No Sunday School

10:50 a.m.—Modern Service

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Pastor Mario is continuing to lead a Bible Study on Wednesday’s. The last two will be on December 7 and December 14 at 6:00 p.m. The study will be an Advent Study. Everyone is invited to at-tend the Bible Study.

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Ben Alloway

Brenda Blair (Sister of Amy & Blake Smith)

David Boeselager

Judy Branson

Angela Collins (Friend of Anita Collingwood)

Doris Collman

Curt Emerick

John Fritz (Brother of Karen Andrus)

Malachi Hill (Grandson of Sieg & Betty Schwirblat)

Anna Lake

Joanne Larkin

Wayne Loury (God-Nephew of Tony Bradford)

Marge McCraney (Mother of Betty Schwirblat)

Mason Manning (Grandson of Teri Zimmerman)

Mike Pastuska (Son-in-Law of Ginny Pearson)

Elizabeth Powers (Friend of Anita Collingwood)

Dottie Roberts

Frank Schou

Carl & Mae Schumacher

Nancy Shervey (Mother of Beth Barrett)

Arlene Standring

Brenda Swindle (Sister-in-law of Ann Ingram)

Natalie Todora

Jean Waeffler

Charles Yates (Father of Elaine McDuell)

To have a card sent to someone to let them know we are praying for them,

please give their name and address to Dorothy Van Matre at 815.637.1580.

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Liturgist for the month of December is: Sherry Block, Sieg Schwirblat, Dianne Young, and Scott Hoffman

December 4 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 8:30 am Wilma Kuhlmeyer Jerry Lamb Patti Luevano 10:50 am Robin Smith Tom Paine Blake Smith

Ushers: 8:30 am 10:50 am Anita Collingwood & Mike Peacock

Communion Servers: 8:30 am Karen Andrus, Ginny Pearson, & Ken Sanders 10:50 am Anita Collingwood, Ann Ingram, & Blake Smith

December 11 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 8:30 am Helen Peterson Ginny Pearson Gary Holmes 10:50 am Sue Viel Tim Kast Gary Holmes

Ushers: 8:30 am 10:50 am Dennis & Carol Klinkhammer

December 18 Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 8:30 am Helen Roser Gary Rieken 10:50 am Ann Ingram Tony Bradford Jesse McDuell

Ushers: 8:30 am 10:50 am Blake Smith & Dan Todora

December 25 ~ Christmas Day Greeters: Main Door Welcome Center North Door 8:30 am Audrey Seebach Barb Stenger Bonnie Powless 10:50 am Mike Peacock Mike Rundberg Blake Smith

Ushers: 8:30 am 10:50 am Blake Smith & Dan Todora

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Bible Readings for the Month of December

December 4 ~ 2nd Sunday of Advent Scripture: Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Matthew 3:1-12 Sermon Title: “Prepare the Way for the Lord”

December 11 ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent Scripture: Matthew 11:2-11 Sermon Title: “Happy are Those Who Do Not Stumble and Fall Because of Me”

December 18 ~ 4th Sunday of Advent Scripture: Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Matthew 1:18-25 Sermon Title: “Therefore, the Lord Will Give You a Sign”

December 24 ~ Christmas Eve Scripture: Isaiah 9:2-7; Luke 2:1-20 Sermon Title: “This is a Sign for You. . .”

December 25 ~ Christmas Day Scripture: Psalm; Matthew Sermon Title: “Once Again, We Have Seen His Glory”

If your Birthday or Anniversary is listed wrong or missing, please notify the Church Office so we can correct it.

Thank you!

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3 Karen Parr

4 Beau Carlock

7 Wayne Young

Kathy Hopkins

8 Richie Sutliff

9 Carl Rizzo

11 Elaine McDuell

Patti Luevano

12 Kayla Paine

13 Julie Tudor

14 Nicholas Rosello

15 Michael Pastuska

16 Barbara Fisher-Livingston

17 Kristine Schach

Casey Damon

19 Amanda Andrus

Nicole Schandelmeier

20 Ty Scott

22 Raymond Corl

Kathy Berschneider

24 Mike Parr

Becky Quirk

Pat Abrahamson

25 Norma Kitchen

Christian Klinkhammer

27 Mason Manning

29 Dennis Johnson

Arlene Standring

Connor Scott

30 Terry Smith

5 Kevin & Amy Seyller

8 Herb & Lois Johnson

30 Terry & Robin Smith

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 World AIDS Day No Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir



4 2nd Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday 1:00-4:00 pm-Bethlehem Market Place

5 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

6 9:30 am-Congregation Care Ministry Team 6:00 pm-Staff Parish Meeting 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

7 Pearl Harbor Day 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 6:00 pm-Bible Study

8 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 11:00 pm-Edenettes Circle @ Wesley Willows Town Center 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir

9 1:00 pm-UMWomen Leadership Team Meeting

10 10:00 am-2:00 pm Santa Shoppe & Cookie Walk

11 3rd Sunday of Advent Wear Gold, Green or Red 9:45 am-United Methodist Men Meeting 5:00-7:00 pm-Youth Group

12 6:30 pm-Young Adult Encounter 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

13 2nd Koeze Nut Order Due 5:00 pm-Memorial Committee 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

14 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Wesley Willows Luncheon 6:00 pm-Bible Study 6:30 pm-Girl Scout Leader’s Mtg

15 ROCK DEADLINE 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir



18 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas Cookies in Eden Café 8:30 am-Choir Cantata 10:50 am-Sunday School Program 4:00 pm-Blue Christmas Service 5:00-7:00 pm-Youth Group

19 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

20 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM 6:30 pm-Glory B’s @ Delores Bartlett’s 7:00 pm-Boy Scouts #6 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

21 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM Winter Begins 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Jolly Beth Eden Seniors

22 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers


24 Christmas Eve 6:30 pm-Candlelight Service

25 Christmas Day 8:30 am-Traditional Service No Sunday School 10:50 a.m.-Modern Service

26 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

27 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

28 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 6:00 pm-Fishes & Loaves Community Dinner

29 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers

30 9:00 am-Stuffers & Stickers

31 New Years Eve

Worship Schedule 8:30 a.m.— Traditional Worship Service 9:40 a.m.— Sunday School for all ages 10:50 a.m.—Modern Worship Service

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 World AIDS Day No Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir



4 2nd Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday 1:00-4:00 pm-Bethlehem Market Place

5 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

6 9:30 am-Congregation Care Ministry Team 6:00 pm-Staff Parish Meeting 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

7 Pearl Harbor Day 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 6:00 pm-Bible Study

8 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 11:00 pm-Edenettes Circle @ Wesley Willows Town Center 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir

9 1:00 pm-UMWomen Leadership Team Meeting

10 10:00 am-2:00 pm Santa Shoppe & Cookie Walk

11 3rd Sunday of Advent Wear Gold, Green or Red 9:45 am-United Methodist Men Meeting 5:00-7:00 pm-Youth Group

12 6:30 pm-Young Adult Encounter 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

13 2nd Koeze Nut Order Due 5:00 pm-Memorial Committee 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

14 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Wesley Willows Luncheon 6:00 pm-Bible Study 6:30 pm-Girl Scout Leader’s Mtg

15 ROCK DEADLINE 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers 7:00 pm-Chancel Choir



18 4th Sunday of Advent Christmas Cookies in Eden Café 8:30 am-Choir Cantata 10:50 am-Sunday School Program 4:00 pm-Blue Christmas Service 5:00-7:00 pm-Youth Group

19 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

20 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM 6:30 pm-Glory B’s @ Delores Bartlett’s 7:00 pm-Boy Scouts #6 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

21 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM Winter Begins 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 11:30 am-Jolly Beth Eden Seniors

22 OFFICE OPEN 9:00 AM– 2:00 PM 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers


24 Christmas Eve 6:30 pm-Candlelight Service

25 Christmas Day 8:30 am-Traditional Service No Sunday School 10:50 a.m.-Modern Service

26 6:30 pm-Cub Scouts #389 7:00 pm-BS #2

27 7:30 pm-Men’s Bible Study

28 7:30 am-Men’s Breakfast @ Spring Garden 6:00 pm-Fishes & Loaves Community Dinner

29 9:00 am–Upper Room Prayer Circle 6:30 pm-Weight Watchers

30 9:00 am-Stuffers & Stickers

31 New Years Eve

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EDENETTES CIRCLE The setting for the Edenettes Dinner on Thursday, December 8, 2015 will be in the Executive Room at the Wesley Willows Town Center. The room is reserved from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

We plan to eat at 11:30 a.m. A sign-up sheet will be available listing the menu and cost, plus the deadline date for reservations. Items for pantries are always welcome as well as a $1.00 donation for the Carrie Lynn Children’s Center each month.

HOLIDAY COLORS FOR DECEMBER!!! The United Methodist Women are choosing to lift up the BEST MEDICINE— JOY and LAUGHTER! On Sunday, December 11,

everyone is invited to wear something gold, red, or green—or any combina-tion thereof! May we all enjoy the Holiday Season and rejoice in God’s greatest gift to us, our Savior Jesus Christ Purpose: To honor God’s gift of our bodies and to practice good steward-ship of them, “If anyone then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” James 4: 17

DECEMBER SPECIAL FOR EDEN CAFÉ The food theme for the third Sunday, December 18, will be Christmas Cookies - naturally!! Your donations will be wel-

comed. A big THANK YOU is expressed to all who provided the delicious homemade pies in November.

KOEZE NUT SALES The second order is due by December 13 and will be in before Christmas. See Mike Scott to order or to get a booklet.

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GLORY B’S The Glory B’s will meet Tuesday, December 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Delores Bartlett’s home.


The next meeting of the Jolly Beth Eden Seniors will be Wednesday, December 28 from 11:30 am-1:30 pm for a pot-luck meal. As always, all are welcome to attend.


The next Community Dinner will be on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. All are invited to

join us!


The next Young Adults Encounter group will meet on Monday. December 12, 2016

We will meet for one hour from 6:30-7:30 p.m. We will be playing games, having snacks, and other activities. Anyone between the ages of 18-30 are invited to join us. There will be free child care for anyone who needs it.

If you have any questions see Kim Emery or Nicole Block.

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Thank You!

The Library Committee wishes to give a special thanks to the anonymous donor of some Christmas books. What a great way to get the season started! Library News

We have some great, recently donated Christmas books: Christmas in Harmony by Phillip Gulley Christmas in my Heart by Joe L. Wheeler Christmas in Plains by Jimmy Carter

Please keep donating books.

There is a donation box located on the floor by the Welcome Center.

Merry Christmas to all!

Many, Many, Thanks!! Grateful appreciation is expressed to all the wiling hearts and hands who helped to clear Eden Hall for election day and also continued on to set up for our Election Day Cafe where we had a record number of guests - 365!! There were many expressions of gratitude for the refreshments which were so generously and graciously provided by our members. A very big Thank You goes also to those who hosted the cafe through the day: Mike and Darlene Scott, Steve Moburg, Spencer and Mary Jo Lafferty, Helen Roser, Norma Hurless, Karen Weiss, Helen Emerick, Ruth Plock, Ann In-gram, Betty Schwirblat, and Kim Paine.

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“GOD’S” CREATION CLENDARS ARE HERE Calendars are now available at very reasonable prices:

Wall Calendars ~ $7.00 Greeting Cards ~ $6.00

Notepads ~ $2.00 They make great Christmas gifts!

Each month of the Wall Calendar provides a richly colored scene from na-ture, a Scripture verse to guide you each week, plus plenty of room to fill in all of your daily appointments.

The Greeting Cards have scriptures in KJV and beautiful photographs. There are 12 different cards (5” x 7”) with envelopes. Printed on heavyweight card stock, full-color accent inside each card and blank inside for a personal mes-sage.

Get your Calendars/Cards at the Welcome Center or call the Beth Eden of-fice (Wed.-Fri. ~ 9am-2 pm) at 815.877.9237.

The 15th Annual “Santa Shoppe” Saturday, December 10, 2016

from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

The Santa Shoppe will be held on the lower level in the Fellowship Hall.

We are in need of items for children and adults, in good condition, that can be sold at the Santa Shoppe. You can bring them to the Beth Eden

office or leave them under the mailboxes behind the coat racks.

We need gift boxes of all sizes, tissue paper, gift bags of all sizes, and large shopping bags and/or paper grocery sacks.

We will also need lots of volunteers to help with the Santa Shoppe. We need volunteers to help the kids shop, volunteers to wrap the gifts, and vol-

unteers to help with set-up and tear-down. See the sign-up in Eden Hall.

If you have any questions about the “Santa Shoppe” please contact Diana Gorrell or the Church Office.


We know you’ve seen the Market Place before, but come this year and see all the changes that have been made! The Market Place will be on Sunday, December 4 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. We are “inn” need of some help. Construction is now underway! We will need help in all areas of production including construction, decorating, ac-tors/actresses, publicizing, and general areas. Everyone has talents they can give to this event. We are asking everyone to dig deep and think of anything you can do to help us this year. Our team will be asking many of you for your time and effort, however, you don’t have to wait for us to ask you. “Jump out of the boat “ and ask us what you can do to contribute! Please think back to when we first began this ministry with Pastor Rod. Why was this so important to so many of us? Outreach Ministry! There are so many people in our immediate community who don’t know the salvation and grace that we know. This is our chance to share the Gospel message with everyone around us. This is our time to show others they are loved. This is our time to proclaim the true meaning of Christmas. (You do know what it is, right?) This is our chance to give our very personal Christmas Card back to the community. Make sure your signature is on it! In Christ’s Love, Bethlehem Marketplace Team

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Have you thought about taking this Spiritual Journey? Plan ahead!

Men’s Spring Walk #148 is April 20-23, 2017 Women’s Spring Walk #149 is April 27-30, 2017

Spring Walks are at Bishop Lane in Rockford, IL

If you are interested in learning more about the Walk to Emmaus you can go to their website at www.nil-emmaus.org or see anyone who has

been on the walk. It’s an experience you don’t want to miss!


UPCOMING EVENTS Rockford District Leadership Training Saturday, January 28, 2017 At Freeport Faith UMC 8:00 am-12:30 pm Workshops: SPRC, Trustees, The Way of Christ, Best Financial Practices, Church Presence in the Neighborhood, and Alternate Leadership Structure. Please mark your calendars and be watching for more information!

For more information on Conference Events go to www.umcnic.org.


1.What is the name of Rudolph's dad? a. Vixon b. Dixon c. Dasher d. Donner

2. Who wrote "The Nightmare Before Christmas"? a. Alfred Hitchcock b. Martin Scorsese c. Steven Spielberg d. Tim Burton

3. The rabbit in the magic hat in "Frosty the Snowman" is named: a. Scut Farkus b. Little Grinch c. Hocus Pocus d. Rabbit Claus

4. What is the guardian angel of George Bailey named in "It's a Wonderful Life"? a. Mike b. Clarence c. Robert d.Jim

5. What did Ralphie want for Christmas in "A Christmas Story"? a. A Remote Controlled Car b. A BB Gun c. A Bow and Arrow d. A PlayStation

6. What is the Scrooge's first name? a. Maxwell b. Ebenezer c. Bruce d. Martin

7. Why was the Grinch so nasty? Because he had a: a. Broken Leg b. Small Brain c. Small Heart d. Crooked Knee

8. What city did "Miracle on 34th Street" take place in? a. New Jersey b. New Orleans c. New York d. Boston

9. What did Clarence get for accomplishing his mission in "It's a Wonderful Life"? a. A Trumpet b. Wings c. A Halo d. A Crown

10. Two men broke into a house and had a LOT of trouble in which movie? a. The Break In b. Christmas Trouble c. Home Alone d. Two Men in a Santa Suit

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Question 1: Donner Question 2: Tim Burton. Question 3: Hocus Pocus Question 4: Clarence Question 5: A BB Gun Question 6: Ebenezer Question 7: Small Heart Question 8: New York Question 9: Wings Question 10: Home Alone

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BETH EDEN UMC—STAFF Rev. Mario Mayer, Pastor

Email: mariosmayer@gmail.com Cell 618.553.7191

Secretary Sherry Severing

Email: bethedenumc@gmail.com Office: 815.877.9237

Office Hours: Wed-Fri 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Worship Musician & Choir Director Barbara Fisher-Livingston

Nursery Care Givers Ashley Collins, Megan Emery,

& Maggie Orlando

Custodian Anthony Bradford

December 15 So we can get the Rock out before Thanksgiving!

Contributors Pastor Mario Sherry Severing Norma Shipton Kim Emery Anita Collingwood Mike Scott

Production & Mailing “Royal Order of The Stuffers & Stickers” Published monthly at

Beth Eden UMC 3201 Huffman Blvd.,

Rockford, IL 61103-2941

Postage/fees are paid in Rockford, IL


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