Volume 7. Manufactures, Part 1 – United States by …...CENSUS REPORTS VOLUME VII + ~: • 1 ·J·...

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Transcript of Volume 7. Manufactures, Part 1 – United States by …...CENSUS REPORTS VOLUME VII + ~: • 1 ·J·...

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Bttre::u o( tbe Census ./


REPRINT, JUNE 1, 1903,


. 118652



Pnge. Letter of transmittal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•...•.•.•.•.••.•••.••••••••••••• ~.... •• • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • xiii



I. The requirements of the census act .•••..•••••••..••••.••••••.•••••••..••....•.•.•••••••...•.......... _ •..••.••..••• 1. Time limit ..•••.•.••....•.... · •••..•.••..•.•••••••••••..•..•...•..••••••••.•.••..••......•..•.•..•••..•..•.. 2. Plan and scope ........•.........•.....•.•.•••..•••...••..•••.•.••••..••••••••.•...•..........••.••......•..•

II. Improvements in the presentation of statistics at the Twelfth Census .•••.••...•••••••.• "" •.•••.••..•....•.•• _ .....••• III. Schedules •••.......•••.•..••.•..•....•••.••••.•.•••....•...••.•••....•...••.••••••.•••.•••... __ ._ ........•.•••.••

1. The general schedule •......•••........•.••....••••.••••.•.•....••..•••••••••.••.•.••..••......•.•..••..•••. 2. Special schedules ••••......••••••..•.•••..••.••••.•••..••••...•••..•.•.••••••••....••....•..•..••••..•..•••.

IV. Expert special agents ....•••••••.•....••••••.•.•.•.•••.••...••••...••.••••••.•••.•.••.....•....•..•.••.•.......••.

vi: ~r:i~l~~~~~~l-i~:~~l:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1. Local special agenta •••..•.•..••••.•••.••..•.•.••••.••••.•...••••••.••......•••.•..•••...•••...•.••.•••••••• 2. Localities canvassed by local special agenta ...•••••••••••.•.•.••...•..•.......•• ~ ........................... . 3. Grouping contiguous localities .•.....•••••••..•••••••...••.•.•..••.•.•.•....................••••.••.•••...•• 4. Time required for the canvass ..•••••.•••••••••.•..•.•••••..•.•••••••••.....••.•.•.••••.•.•...•.....••.•••••• 5. Supervisors as local special agents •..••••••••....•••.•.••••.••••••••..••. _ ...•..•..••••........••.•••.••••••• 6. State special agenta ••..••.....••••••••.•.•.•••••••.••••.••••••••••........•.•.....••...........•.••.•.•••••. 7. Inspecting special agents •.•.•••••.••.•.••••.•••..•.••......•••......•••............••........••.••.•.•..... 8. Returns from local special agents .•.••......•.•••.•••••••.•.•..•.....••.•...... _. _ ..• .' •...••••.•.......•••••• 9. Returns fr01n enu1nerators •••••.••••••••••••.....•....•.•..•••••••••...............••.•••..•...... _ ......••••

10. Smnple schedules ••••••••••••••••....•.••••.•...••••••••••••••....................•.•......•.•.••.•.••••••• Office work ••••.•.••••••.•••••.•••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••••••••. __ ..........•.... _ .. ____ .........••••.•••••••

1. Oard catalogues ••••••••••••.•••..••.......•....•••••••......•.•....•....•••........•.....•.••.............. 2. Preliminary examination of schedules .••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••..•.•...............•.••.•.••.. _._ ..•.••••

~I. Classification of industries .•••••..••......••••••..•••..•.•.•••.•••••••••.••.•....•....•...•••.........•.•....•.•••• 1. Changes of classification since 1890 •••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••..•...••••.••••.•.•••...••..•.••.••••.•••••• 2. Basis of classification •••••••.••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••.•....•......•.•..•••.........•...•.•....••.•••.

IX. Handling of schedules •••..•.•...•.•••••••••••.••.•..•••••••••••••••....•......•..............•••.....•....•••••.. l. Examination and correction •••••••...•.••••.••••••••••.•.••••.•.••....... - ....•...•.•....••...••.•...•...••. 2. Tabulation ••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••..•.•••••.•••••••••.••••••. : •..........••..........•........•.••••••.

X. Cost of the census of manufactures .•••••..••.••••••••.•.•...•••••••.••.....•......•....................•....••••••. XI. The compulsory feature of the inquiries ••••••••••....•..••••••••••••••.............•................•..•..•.•.•....

l. Defects in the census act of 1889 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••• · ••••••.•••...••.••••••••••.•..•.••••• 2. Constitutionality of the act ••••....•• ~--· ..•.•••••••••••••••.•••••....••.•..........••••..•.....•....•..•••. 3. Refusals to answer at the Twelfth Census •••••••..••••.•.••••••.•••..•......•..•.....•••......••..•..••.••.••

XII. The scope of the census of manufactures ........................................................................... . l. Relation of manufacturing to agriculture •••.•.••.••.••.••••...•••........••••..•.•...•...•.•..••.•..•.•.••.•. 2. Relation of manufacturing to mining .••••...•••••••••••........•......•.••.•....•...•.•..•..•.•..•..••.•..•• 3. Distinction between manufactures and hand trades ........................................................... . 4. Meaning of the word "manufactures" ••••..•••••.•••..•.••...• -~ ..•........•...••..•••.•........••...••••••. 5. Standardization the true test ....................... " •.•.•••..•••........•.....•• ~ .•...•..... ~ •.••.••••.••••. 6. The hand traf]es •••••••••...••••••••••.••..•..•••••••.••••.•. -.... --• -. -•••••..•• -••• ---. - • -.••••• ---• - - - --· 7. Cost of the hand-trade canvass ••••..•...•.•. · .• : ••••• · ....................................................... . 8. The difficulties of a hand-trade canvass .••••••.•.••.••••••..•.•••.••.••...•........••••••••....••.•..••.•.••• 9. Conclusions regarding a hand-trade canvass •..•••.•••.•..•.•.••.•..•......•.•..•..••.•••.••.......•.•••.•.•••

XIII. The importance of cooperation between the Federal Census Office and state statistical offices, by Hon. Carroll D. Wright. 1. Federal statistical offices .••..•••....•••..•..•....•.••.•.•.•.•.••..•.•.••.••..•••...•..•.••.••.•.••.••...•••. 2. State statistical offices .•••.•.•....•.•....••••..•.•.••.•... ~ ....••••••.•...•..•..•.••....••..•.•.•••••..••••• 3. Conflicting statistics .•••.•.....•.•.•••..•.•••......•••.••.•.••.•••.•.•..•••••.•....•••••.•.•....••.•••..••.•• 4. Advantages of cooperation ................................................................................. .


xvii xvii

xviii :xviii

xix xix :xix xix :xxi xxi xxi

:xxii xxiv xxiy xxiy :xxi·v xxiv xxv :xxv xxv xxv xxv xx vi xx vi xx vi

xxviii xx viii xx viii :xx viii

xxix xx ix xxix :xxx

xx xi xx:idi xx xii xxxiv xxxiv xxxv

xxxvi xxxvii xxxvii

xx xviii xx xix

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xlii xliii xiv




I. General review ...•.••••.. - . -.......... _ ......••.•.•...• _ •.....•...•.•••.... __ ....•....•.••..•..•.••.••••.••.•. _. 1. Comparison with former censuses ...•••..•• __ ._ ...•...••.....••... _ .... _ .. _ ..•..•..••....•••. _ ..•••••.....•. 2. All establishments, 1900 ••••••••••••.•• -.•.•••••••• _ •••.• __ .••.••••••••.... __ ••••••••.••...••.•...•.••.••••.

II. Industrial conditions at the opening of the century ..•••.•••.. _. _ ............ - ......•..•..•.. __ ....••••.•.••...•••• 1. Hamilton's "Report on manufactures" ...••.•.•..•......•...•...•. __ ........•.. __ .....•...•.•.....••...•••• 2. Subsequent growth ....... _ .. : ............••.... __ ........ - .. - .. - _ ..•......... _ ......•....•. -- ... _ ...•••...

III. The development of the factory system ..........•.......•.•.••.... _ .......•.................••... _ ....•........... IV. :Manufactures antl agriculture ...... - _ ........... __ ...•.......... - ........... - ... _ ....•... _ .... - _ ......•...... ___ •. Y. Rank of the United States as a manufacturing nation ....•.. __ •...•.•........... _ .......•..... __ ............. __ .... .

VI. l\Ianufacturing advantages of the Unitetl States ........... _ ................. __ .. _ ....... _ .. __ ...... _ .•......•..••.•. 1. Agricultural resources ..••....... - ..•............•.........•..... - ..........• - . - ............. - -..• - ••.•••.. 2. l\11ineral resources ...•....•.. _ .......••.... _ ...•.......... - ........•... _ ....•.•..............•....••.... , .. 3. Transportation facilities •...•.........•.. _ ....•.••................•.•... - - ..•............ - - ......•.••....•. 4. Freedom of interstate commerce ..•.•...••..•••.....••.........•••... - - - .......•••.........•.•••••.•..•..•• 5. Progressive ideas .... __ ...•...•.. - ...•.....•..........•.• , .. , .... ___ ............... __ ..............•...•••.

VII. Industrial conditions in 1890 and 1900 .....•••.••• ! ...• _ ...••••.•.••... _ .• _ .•••••.••• , .......•...•.•...... _ .•.••.•..

VIII. Comparisons with previous censuses . _ .· ....•.....•.....••...•..... _ ....• _ .•.....••.. __ ......•.......•.....•..•.... 1. Capital •............... ,._ .... , ......•.....•.•......•.. _ ..........•....•• __ ....•..•••...•.••...•..•..... __ 2. Saladed officials •........... , .••.... _ ...•......... , . - .. , , •............. __ .......••..• - . - ...•....•..•. - ..... 3, Employees and wages ......• , .......•......... - . - - ..•.•..................•...•..... - ............. - -•...•.•. 4. J'.vliscellaneous expenses ..... , •. _ ......•.••....... , .............. - .....•••••..... - ....•..•. ~. - . -....•..•.... 5. l\olaterials •.....•....•.... _ ...... , ....... __ .. , , ............. __ .....••.•••... _ ............. _ ..••.••••.... _ .. 6. Products ..••...•....•......•........• ,,, ......•.•..... , .....•....••... ___ ...••..........••..•.•••••....••.

IX. The establislunent as a unit , . _ •.....••... _ ....•......•.. __ ...... , •.... , .. , _ .....••...........••.••.......•.•••••• 1. Definition •.........•.............•.................•...............•.••••••........•...••..•..••.•.•••••• 2. Examples .....•.•.... -------- ....•....... ------, .. ,., ..............•...•...•.••....••.......•.•••••••..• 3. Consolidation of schedules at Twelfth Census ........•.................... __ .....•..•.... ___ ......•......... 4. Subdivision of schedules at Ninth Census, and creation of fictitious establishments .•.. __ ..............•. __ .••• 5, Comparison of establishments ..•... _ .. ,, .....•...•.. , •.• , ....... , .. , .•.•.•. ··-----· ............ -- - ...•••.•• 6. Deductions from statistics Qf establishments .. , ... , ..•••.. , .. ,., .• ,., ...• .- .••.•..••.•..•..... - .....••...••.•.

X. Date of establishment-stability of manufacturing enterprise ... - - - .•....•....•..... - ....••....•............ - •..... - . XI. Character of organization ........•.••.•.•..... _ ..... , . .- - .................... - - ....•..••••... - ....•.•...•...•. - .... .

1. Individual ownership •........... , .. __ ,,, •... ,,,. __ .. , ..........•..•...•.•..••.... _ ........•••.. -- .•...••.. 2. Partnership ...•....•.......... .- ......... , . , , . , _ ..•.• .- ..•.•... ___ ...•.••.•...•. .- .· ..•.•.. _ •...• _ ........... .

. 3. The corporation ...........•........ .- .. , , : ....•.. .- , . , .- .. · , ... .- ........... - ....••.••.•••... - - .....•.•...... - -4. I\Iiscellaneous ownership ...................... .- ...... - ..........•...• - _ ....•..••••.........•...............

XII. Manufacturing in governmental establishments ..•• ,, .• _., ..• _ ....•. , ........•.••..•.•..•.••..............••..•.... XIII. Manufacturing in educational, eleemosynm·y, and penal institutions ............•••.•. ___ ...•. ~ •........ __ ...•.•..•.. XIV. The tendency toward concentration into large establishments .• ,.,, ......•...•..............••...................... XV. Establishments, classified by number of employees ....•. ·.·· _ ---· ................•...••.••.... ----- .......... - .... .

XVI. EHtablishments using power .••....•... _ ....•..•. · ...... , .- , .. , , ..... .- ..... __ ....••......... _ . .- ..•.•..••.. - - - __ ..••.• XVII. Industrial combinations ...••••....•.....•..... ,.---.-_,, ......•..............••.........•.•..................•....

1. Definition ..•....•.•... _ .•.......•... · .. - ...... - ..... · •.. _ ................ ·.- ..........••..•.. __ .••... , . _ ..... . 2. Classes excluded.----- .....•••••... ·.- .. -.-.-.-.-.-.· .... -.-·.- ............ --.· ___ .•.•...••.................... - - .. 3. Constituent companies ....•.............. ·.-. ·.· .. _ ... ·.· _ ..... _ ..... ___ .......•••.........•. _ ...•.... - ___ ..... 4. Difficulties in way of securing statistics . -.- ... _ -.· ·.·. _ .. ·.· ..•... __ ..... _ ...••..........•...•.................... 5. Idle plants ...•....• _ ...•........... , .... _.,., .- .•......... __ ............... __ .....•.•.••... __ ............ . 6. Capitalization .. -.- ..•.......•.....• -.- •......... -.--., .. --.- __ .. _ .......... --·- .....•••..............•.... ___ .. 7. General. statif;tics ...•.•........... _ ...... · .......... ---- .- ..... -.- ...... : ......•..•.... ___ ............ _ ...... .

Page. xlvii xlvii

xlviii xlviii xlviii

xlix Iii !iv lv

lvi lvi lvi

lviii lviii !viii

lix lxi lxi Ixi lxi

!xii lxii lxii lxii 1xii lxii

!xiii lxiii !xiii !xiv lxv lxv

lxvi lxvi lxvi

lxviii lxviii I xix

lxxii lxxiii lxxiv Ixxv lxxv lxxvi lxxvi ·· lx~vii

lxxviii lxxviii

lxxix XViII. Idle establishments .......•....... , ... , .•.......... _ ............. ,.-.- __ ............•.. ---- •..•...... ___ .......... xcii

1. Scope of statisties of idle establishments ........... _ ......... _ ...........•.. _. _.............................. xcii 2. Comparison 'vi th statistics for active establishmen_ts .. , .. : .................. _ .........•...• ___ .••.....•... _... xcv· 3. Distribution hy industries ..•......•.................. _._ ................ _ ..••...•............•..........• __ xc\'i

XIX. Capital invested in manufactures ........•.••.......... -.- ......... -.- .. ,. . -.- -.- ........•...... _ ..••.......... _....... xcvi 1. Definition _. _ .•.••... _ ... _ ....... _ ........ _ ........•..•..... : .............•... _. _ .....••...... __ .......••. xcvi 2. Form of inquiry ..... _ ...........•..•... __ .. , ... ~ .... ~ .... .- .- ................ _ .... _ ..•.•. , ... __ ........••.. 3. Defects of the capital inquiry ...•..... _ ........ -.· -.· ... - . _. _ ........•...... _ .........•••... _ ..•..•.•.•.... _ ..

4. Land ...•... _ ...........•..... - . - - .. - - - - • - - . - - - - - - - - . - - - · . - · - · - - - - - - - - · · · - - • • - · · - · - · - • · · - - - • · · - • • · - - - - · • • · 5. Buildings and machinery ........ _ ......•......... _ ............... ___ ......•.•..........................•.• 6. Investments outside of manufacturing proper .. _._ ...... ·.· ........ _ .....•.......•.........••... __ ..•.•...••.. 7. Rented property ...... _ .. -.· .. , ........... _ .........•..•..........•...•.......•.....•..•...•.........••. - - - - - -8. Good will, trade-marks, patents, etc ...................... ·-·······------------·--·······-············-······· 9. Live capital. .... , ..... ·.·· .... ··.--- .. ·.· ........... -.- ..... -.-.-.·.-.- ....... - ....•••...•.. --- -- ......•• -- •• - - •••.

10. Credit capital, and its duplications ..........................................•.••.... __ .....••.•......•••••.•

xcvii xcvii xcix :xcix :xcix xcix

c c c


XIX. Capital invested in manufactures-Continued. 11. Further duplication-unsettled ledger accounts. ____________ . ___ ._. __ ._._ ••• __ •• _ •.••••..•••••. - - • - - - - • - . 12. Computations bagecl upon. capital statistics ___ • ______ ...•...• __ •.• _. _. ___ •.••.•••• - - • - •• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -13, Capital stock.of corporations ______________________ . ______________ • ______ •.••.... _._. ___ .. _ •.•.. -- .••• --

XX. Persons employ.eel _ •••• __ ••••. __ .. __ . _ .. _. _ ... __ ...••••...•. ______________ . _. _ • _____ •. ___ • ____ . ___ .• __ • ______ _ 1. . Form of. inqufry. ___ . __ •• _ ••• ________________ . __________ •. _______________ .. __ • ________ - .•• - . _ •. - .. - - - •• 2 .. Persons .employed,. classes ___ .• ___ .. __ •. _ ...• __ .. __ .. __ .... _ . ___ • ____ • _. __ . __ • ____ •.• _ ...... _ •• _. _ ...••• 3 .. Changes in fo.r1n.of inquiry. __________________ --·--·--· •. ·-· ••...•....• __ ••. _ •....•. _ •. --- -----. __ --- ••.

. 4 .. Salaried officials, etc _ .. _____________ . __ . ___ .• _ ••. ___ .. ___ . _____ .•• ____ .•• ___ • _ . __ .. __ . ___ . _______ - • _ •• _ 5 .. Average number of wage,ea:cners _____________________ . _______ • __ .... _______ •.• _ .• _ •. _. _ .. - •• _ .•••.••••.•

XXI. '\Vages .. -- • - - - - - . - - •. - • - - . -•.... - - - - _. - - __ - . .'. - •. _ - . - - -. - - - - - - - -_ .•••• - • -• - .•• - •.. - . - • - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1. Difficulties of wnge statistics. __ .• _. _____________ •. ______ ._ ... _ •. __ • _ .• _. __ .•••••• - • _. - - - - . - •. - - - - - - - - - - -

.. 2 .. '\Vages B.B. classified.in 1890. __________ • ______________ •.•• _. __ •• _. _. __ •• ________________ . _ .•• ________ - ••••

3. Comparisons 1890 and 1900. ___ •... __ ••••.... ·. _ .• _ •••. _. _ •. _ •. _. _. __ ... _. _ .• __________ . __ . _. ______ ••.•••

4. Deductions.from retm:ns of Twelfth Census .. ___ ••..•.. ·--- ___ .. ____ . _____ •. __ . ___ •.••. - - - - - -- - - -- -- - -- -5. Average annual earnings,. by. states. ___ •. __ •• ___ .•..•...•••.• __ ....••.•.••• _ •..•••.•• -- - : .. -- - - . --- - - - -- • 6 .. Average. annual earnings,. by industries .••. _ ... _ ... __ .•.• _ •••. _ .•••.•...•.•.•• _. - • - ... -... - .•• - . - . - - - - - -7. Labor as affected b.y machinery· ••• _ •.••••••. _. __ .. _ ...... _ ••••.• _ •.. __ ._ .• _ ...••....•... _ ••••.• - . -•••..

. 8 .. Special. wages inquiry •. _._ .• _._ •. _ •• _ •.••.•.... _ .•••.•..••• __ . _ •. _____ .• _ •. ___ . __ . __ . __ . __ . _. _. __ • ___ .• XXII. The employment of. women and children in manufacturing ..•• _ •••• __ •.• ___ .. _ •.• _. _. _ •. __ . ___ •..••. ___ •.•...•.•

1. Difficulty of comparison. __ .. _ • _ • ______ • _. ____ ........... _ . __ .. _ ••••. _ . __ • __ .. ___ . ___ • _ . _ : • _ . _ ... _ ... _ .•• 2. Comparison by selected industries ___ •. _._ ••• _ ..•.. ~ __ •. ____ ..••••.•••..• _._._._ .. ___ . ____ •.••..•..• _ •.• 3. Comparison by geographic divisions-·-_. ___ .. ··---·-·---·---· ..•.••. · ..•• __ .••••. __ •••. ----· __ .--·-- .. _. 4. Co1nparison by states • __ • _____________ . _____ • __ •.. __ ..• _ •••••.. _______ • ___ . _ .••..• _. ___ .•.•• __ •• __ ..•.. 5. Conclusions __ • _____________ .. ______________ .•. _ •. _ ..• _ •• _ •. _. __ .• _ .. __ •.•• __ • _________ .•.. __ • ___ .. __ . _

XXIII. 1\1onths in operation.-----_----- ....•• ___ ... ___ ·,-·. ____ ••••. __ .·-·-- .. _._""_. ___ . __ • ____ ._._ •.•• _ •• __ .--· •..•. _ XXI"V. Miscellaneous expenses .. ____ . _ . __ ..• __ .. __ . _____ .. _ . __ ... __ . _ . _ ... _ . __ . __ ... ___ ••••. __ .•...•..••••• ___ •• - - - .•• -XXV. 1\1aterials ---------------- ----·--------· .•. ___ .•.•.. ------ _ ...•. ·--- .... ·----· __ ••. _ ..•.•. __ .•••• ___ .••••• _ •• _

1. Three classes ___ .• __ .. __________ . __ . _ .. _. _____ •• __ ....•... __ .....• _. __ . _. _. ___ • _ . __ • _________ . __ .••. __ _

2. Sources of .raw. materials ..•.• _ •..• __ . ____ . ___ .. __ .... ___ •. ___ ._._ .• _. ____ •. _ ••••.••• -•••.... - ... - - - . - - - . - -3. Partially manufactured materials .• __ . ____ . ___ ....•••....• _ ... ___ .. __ .. __ . _ •. _________ .••.••.• _ • _ .• _. _ •. 4. Relation of materials to products ... ___ .. __ .. _ ••.. ____ ... _ .. ____ . __ ... _. __ . ___ . _. _. _. _ .. ______ •. _____ . __ .

XXVI. The standard of measurement_. ___ ••• ___ .• _._ .. _. ______ • _ ••• _. _ •. _. __ . _ .• __ .. __ • _ ... __ ..• __ •••.•.... _ .••.. __ .. 1. Changes in the unit of value . ____ ... __ · •.. _ .. _. _ . __ ... _. __ . _. _. __ . ______ . ___ . _. _ . ____ . __ .; ___ . ___ .•. __ . _

2. Changes in prices ..•••.. ----·---· •.•. --·-_··-··-··---·-·-·------ ... _---· ... --- •.• -- .• _ .. _ --·-- .••••. -- • -XX VII. "Gross" and." net" value of products. _____ . __ .....• _ ... __ • __ .. __ . ______ . ____ ._ .• ____ . __ ._. ____ .. _._ •..•. __ ._

1. Gross value of products ...••.•.. _., ......•...••••. _ .... ----·-·-·--·-----· ______ ---·-_ •.•.. __ ••. _____ . ___ _ 2. Duplications . _______ .. __ .. _. _. _____ ..• __ .•. ___ ...... _. _. _ .. _______ . _ .•. ___ .. _. _. _. __ .•.••.• __ . _____ . __ _ 3 .. Net value of products, 1870, 1880, and 1800. ___ • _ . _. __ .. _. _______ .. _ ..• ____ . __ . _. _____ . __ • __ • _ .. _ .. ____ •• 4 .. Net value of products, 1900 .. ____ . ____ . __ ......••• _ •.. _ ••• ___ •••. ____ . _. __ • __ • _ . __ • _ •• __ • __ • _. ____ . __ . _. 5. Defects in the method of finding net. value of products ____ •.• _ •. _. __ . _ .. ______ . ____ . _. _. ___ .• _ .. _ ...•••• _ 6. Net value of products for separate industries. ____ • ____ . __ .. _. _____ ._. _______ • ____________ . _ .•• _ . _ ••• ___ . _ 7. Net value of products for separate states, territories, or cities _ ..• ______ . ___ •. _. _. ________ . __ .•• _ • _ . __ . _. _.

XX VIII. The :fifteen groups of industries •.•..• __ ..•••.. _ • _ • _ •• ___ . ____ •••. __ ... ___ . ___ • ____ . ____ . ___ . __ •.. __ . _ •. ______ _ Group 1.-Food ancl kindred products .. ----------·-·----·-_·---· ....•. ·---. __ . __ --· __ ••.• ________________ _ Group 2.-Te:x:tiles ...•. ------ ·----- ------ ---- ____ ----··-···-- .•.. ------- ____ .•. ____ .. _ .•. ______ . _ .... __ . _

Cotton ginning •.•.•...•.• ___ ..••••• ___ ••••..• __ • ___ .• _ . _ •••..•••.•.•••• ___ . _ •. _ • _ ••.•. __ . _ Group 3.-Iron and steel. .. ___ ------ .• _----------·--_------- _____ .. ---·_ .•••• ____ .. __ . ___ •.. _. __ • __ . __ . __ Group 4.-Lumber and its l'emanufactures. ------ -------·-·------ ..•••.•. ___ . __ •...•••. _ ...•• ___ •• _ ...•..•. Group 5.-Leather and its finished products •.•• ____ .• _ .. _ •.. __ .. __ . ___ .. ___ .. ____ ..•• _ .••.•.. _ .. _ .. __ . ___ _ Group 6.-Paper and printing. ____ ------·--- •••••. _ •..... ·---.--·---- _____ .••. _. ____ • __ . __ . ___ •.•.. __ ._. __ _ Group 7.-Liqnor and beverages ..•.••. _----·- .•.•.. ------_-·--· .••••.•.••••• ___ .. __ .• _____ . ___ ••..•.••.•• Group 8 . .....,-CJiemicals and allied products •••.•.. __ .•. __ ... _ ... __ •...•••.•.•.•.• __ • _ .•. _. _ .. _ •..•. _ •..•••.•• Group 0.-Clay, glass, and stone products ______________________ ~----····---------···--·--···--·--·--·--·--Group 10,.....,-Metal and metal products, other than iron and steel.. ___ . __ • ___ . __ • ___ .••. __ • ____ .• ____ . _. _. ___ • Group ll.-Tobacco ..•••..•. -- ..... _ •.......... _ ..• __ •...• ____ •..•.. __ .. _ •••• __ . __ .•••• _. __ . _ ... __ . _____ _ Grau p 12.-Vehicles for Janel transportation •... _ ..• _. _ . ______ • _______ ... ____ •• _ •.. _ .• ___ •... ___ . _. _. __ • _. _ Group 13.-Shipbuilding -----·- ...... ----- .. _ .. __ •. _ ------ ·--- ..•....•....• ____ . ___ .. ___ . ____ ..• ___ . __ .•• Group 14 . .,..-Miscellaneous industries.----- ____ ---·- .•. ----· ...•.. -··--·-·-._-"-_. _________ .. _ •. ___ ...• __ .• _

XXIX .. Dec~:~~~!1 i~in~~:~~~~~-~~l~~::::: :::~:: :: : : : : : : :: : : :: : : : : : ::::: :: : :: : : :: : :;: : : ~: :: : :: : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :: :: : 1. Artificial .feathers and flowers .• _._ ...•. _ .••..••• _. ____ ._. ________ . __ .. _ . _ ...•.. _ .•.. _ ..• ___ . _ .. _____ .. _ 2. Artists' materials. ___ . _____ .•• _ .. - - . _ .. _ •.•.•. _. _________ ... _. _. _ .... _ .•....•.. _ .. _. _ .. ___ .. ___ .• ___ . __ 3. Bags, other than paper . _ .••••.• _. _. -.. _. _ ...••. ________ . ____ . _ .• _. _ ... _ .• ___ .. _______ .. __________ • ___ _ 4. Belting and hose, linin _. __ .. - _. _ .. -.- . - . _. _. _ ... ___ • _ •. _ . __ .•.. ___ . __ . _ • __ . _ ... _. _______ •.. ____ . _. __ • _. _ 5. Bone, ivory, and lampblack .••...•...•. _ ....•.... ___ ._. __ ... __ . ___ .. _____ • _________ . __ ._. ____ •.• _ •• _. __ 6. Boot and shoe uppers •... --- --·- - ·---- ·--- ..••• ·---·- ..••.. __ . ----·· .•.• ______ •• _____ ..• _ •. ______ .•• __ _ 'T. Bpots and shoes, custom work and repairing .• __ . _. __ . _. _ .... _ ... __ .... __ .. _. __ . _. __ .. _ .. __ •. ________ . _.


Page. c

ci cii

ciii ciii ciii ciii dv cvi cxi (!:X:i

c:x:ii ex iii cxiv c:x:v

ex vii cxxiii cxxv cxxv !\XXV

e:x::x:vi cx:x:viii

cxxix ex xx iii cxxxiii cx:x::x:iv cxx:x:v cx:x:xv exxxv

cxxxvi exxxvi

cxxxviii cxxxviii cxx:x:viii cxxxix cx:x:xi:x: cxxxix

exl c:x:l

cxli cxli

cxlii nxliii cxlv

exlvi c.xlviii

c:x:lix cl cl

eli clii elii clii

cliii cliii cliii cliii cliv ciiv clv

cl vi cl vi cl vi cl vi clvi cl vi cl vi


XXIX. Decreases in industries-Contiriued. 8. Brass _. _ ••• ___ • _ .•..••.....••.••••. ___ ••..••....•...•..............••••..• - ...• - ••••.•...••... -••.• - - • 9. Brick and tile •••••....•..•.••.•••....••••.....••...............•••••••••...•••••..••.•..•...••..•••..•

10. China decorating ••..•.•.•••••••.••.••••• ·- __ •••.••..•...•..•.•.•••••.•••••••••• _ .••••••••••••.••.•.•••

11. Clothing, horse.·-···········································································-········· 12. Clothing, women's, dressmaking •.•.••••..•..•••••.•..•....•.••..•••..•••••••.••••••••••••.•.•••••.••••• 13. Coffee and spice, roasting and grinding ••••••••••••....•..•.•........•••.•• _ • _ ••••••••••••••.••••••.••••• 14. Dyestuffs and extracts ••••••••••.•••.••.•••••.•.....••.•..•.• .' •...••••••• _ •••.•.•••••••..••••••••. __ ••• 15. Engraving and diesinking •..•.•.••.•••••••• _ ••.•.••..•...•......•.•••••••.•••.••••••.• , •.•••••••• _ •.•••• 16. Engraving, wood •...•••.••••.••••••••• -- •• -- •••••..•.•.•..•••••••••• -- •••••..••••••.•••••••• -- - . - - - ••• 17. Flax, dressed .. ·-····················-··-·········--············--··························•-········· 18. Galvanizing •.•••••••.•••.•••..•••.•.. _ .•••...••..•..•.••••••...••. _ •••••••••••••..•••••••...•••••••••• 19. Gold and silver leaf and foil. •••..••.......••...•.•.•.••••.••..•....•••••.•••.••.•..••..••••..•••••••••• 20. Gold and silver, reducing and refining, not from the ore •••. __ •.•••••••• __ ••••.••••••••.• _ ••••••••••••••. 21. Smelting and refining, not from the ore ....•••.•.•••.•...•..•.••••••••••••••••••••••. _ .•••.••••••••.••.• 22. lfair•work ·······································································-·········--·--······ 23. lfooks and eyes ..••...•.••.•.••••.••••.•.••••••••..•.•.•.•••.••••••••••••••••. _ •••••••••••• _ ...••••••• 24. Iron and steel, nails and spikes, cut and wrought, including wire nails ••••••• · •••••••••••••••..•..••• ~ ..•• 25. Iron and steel pipe, wrqught •••••••• ·-·····················-··························-···········--·-· 26. Ivory and bone work .........••..•••••. __ ..•.•.•.•••.•...•.•.••..•••• _. _ .••••••••••• _ •..••••••.•••••••

27. Japanning··························--··············-·····························-··················· 28. Jewelry and instrument cases .••••• __ ._ -- _ ••••• _. _ ...•.••.••••.• ---- ___ •••••••• ·- •. __ ••••••••••• _ •.••••• 29. Kindling wood-··--- ..••.•...• ·----········- ....•.••.••••.•. ___ ...•••••• -· __ •.•• ······-·-·-- •••••• -·-· 30. Lard, refined •••.....•••••••. ···-·······- ____ .··-···-·--· ________ -··· •• __ ----····------·· ••••.••....••• 31. Leather board .•.••.••.•. _ ..••••••.•. _ •.•••...•••••..••.....•••••••.••.•..•••••••••••••••••••....••.... 32. Liquors, distilled ••••... _ .....•••.••. _ •..•••••••••..•.......••••......••.••••••••••••••.••••.......•.••. 33. Lumber, planing mill products, including sash, doors, and blinds. __ ...•••••••• _._._ •••• _____ ..••.. ____ • __

34. J\'Ialt ..••...• -·-··----·--···--··--------··----·-····--------······-··--·-·-·-·····---·-··-···-······-·-35. Mantels, slate, marble, and marbleized •..•.. _ .... __ .•••• _ .•.•........•.. ___ •.•• __ •.•.. _ .....••• _._. ___ ..

36. Masonry, brick and stone·--····--····-···-·-························-·········-···············--·-··--37. Musical instruments, organs and materials .. ___ .•. _ ........... ___ ._ ... ___ • __ • ___ .••. __ . __ ..•. _ ..... _. ___ _ 38. Oil, castor ___ .·-·-·-·-·---····-·-· ____ ·--··--- ____ .. ___ ..•.. ________ .. ··-. __ .. -·- ____ •.. ·._ .••. _-···. ___ .. 39. Ordnance and ordnance stores ..... ·--·---··---· ....... --· ......... ···-· •. _. _____ .... _ .. --·-_.---·.----· 40. Pulp, from fiber other than wood ____ ---·----·-·--·.·--·-.·---· .... ·-···· .. ____ ._ .. __ ... ____ ---- ___ . ___ _ 41. Pumps, not including steam pumps·------··-···---·--.·---··.·-·-··-·_ .. ______________ ... __ .. _____ ..• __ 42. Regalia and society banners and emblems_ •• ____ ._ ••• ___ .. _. ____ ... ___ ._ •.•• __ .. _._ .. ___ •. _._ ••. __ ••• __ . 43. Registers, car fare _ ..... _ ..... _ .. _ ...• _. _ ... _. _ .....••• __ ...• _ .... _ .... _ •. _ ..•.. ____ .. _. __ ... _. __ • _. __ _ 44. Sand and emery paper and cloth._ .. ___ .·---.-----·--··- •. __ .•.. --·--··· ____ ------ ____ --··-··-··--·-----45. ShoddY--·········--·-·-·······-·-·-·--·····----···-··-···-····-·--·--···--·-·············-·----------46. Show cases_ ...•. _._ ................. _ ... _ .•••. ___ ... ___ ....•.. .' .. ___ ..• _.. . .. _ ...• _ ••• _. __ . _ ... _ .•• __ 47. Stationery goods, not elsewhere specified.-····---· ___ ........ _____ .··- .. ___ ··-···- .• ··---····- ___ .•. ----48. Steam fittings and heating apparatus .• _ ... ___ .. _ ...... _._._ ... __ .... _._ .•. _____ ._ ........ __ • _ ...•... __ .. 49. Type founding.-· ..•. ·-·--····-·----·-·-··-.·--· ____ •... ___ ... ___ .•. _ •.... __ -··. ___ . ____ .•. _ .. ____ ....•• 50. Vault lights and ventilators •. _ •..•. _. _. __ . _. _ .. _ ............. _ ••.. __ • _. __ • _ ~. _. _ .. __ . __ . _ •.. _. . .•..•. _ 51. Vinegar ancl cider ....... _. _ .•. ____ •.• ___ • __ .. _. _ ........... _ ..........• _ ...... _ ........ _ .•.. _ •.••. _. __ 52. Watch and clock materials._ ..•• _ ... ___ .. _ .. _._ .... _ .. _ ..• __ .... _ .• ___ . _. _. _. _ ....• ____ .. _ .••.. __ .. ___ . 53. Watch cases .. __ . _. _ .••. _ .. _. _ .... __ . _ ..... _ ......•.. _ •.......• _ ....•... _ .... _ . _ ..• __ .. _ .. _ .. __ ..... _ .. 54. '\Vhale bone and rattan .•. _ .......•.•. _ •........•.•.•.......•..•... _. _ ..•..... _ .... __ ......... _ ...•. _ . _. 55. '\Vheelbarrows .. _., .. _ ......••••.. _. _ .. _ •... ___ ... _ .......... _ ................. _ •.. _ .. _. __ ...• _ ..... _. 56. Wire .•. _ •. _ .... _ ...... _. __ . _. __ . ___ .•.•. __ .... _ .••..•............•.. __ .. _ .... _ .. _ .. _ .... _ ...• _. __ . __ _ 57. Woolen goods .... ·-·· .•... ___ .. --·-·_ .. __ . ____ ...... ·-·. __ ........... -··_ ... -··- ___ ..• __ .. __ . __ ... _ .. . 58. Wool hats ...•.....•... __ ..... _ .•• _ •. _._ ................. _. _. _. _ ..... _ ...... _. ___ •.• _. _ •.. ____ . _ •. __ • _.

XXX. The rank of industries_.~ __ .. -·· ....• ··-··--- .......... _ ... ___ ..•.. __ .... ·- ..•. ···-·-···· •• _.---·-'.--·-· ___ •.. XXXI. Exports and imports of manufactures--··-·-···-·-···························-·-·--·--·-·-------··------··-·-·-

1. Foreign trade .. _._ •.... _ .... ____ •. _._ ....•.... _ .•.•.....• _ ........ ___ • ____ . ___ . __ •.. _._ .• __ • ___ . ____ ._. 2. Exports._ ... _ .. _ •..• _ .. ~ .... _ .••. _ .....••••• _._._._._ ......... __ . __ ...• ___ .. _ •.. __ •. ___ ._.~ __ ._._ ••• _. 3. Differences in classification .... ·-. ____ -·- ••• --· .. __ .. ___ .• ·-------- ..••. ______ ····-- __ .. ____ . __________ _

4. Relation of exports to production .... --··-----·-··-···-·-·---··--···-····----··--·-·-·-···-·····---·-··· 5. Competition with foreign manufacturers ... ···-·.---·· .. ·-··--·-· •. _._ ... _.----------·-··.----- _____ ----· 6. Imports ---···--·······-···--·-····-··-···-·-·-···---···-··--····--···-·-·-·-----·-···-·-····---·-·--·

XXXII. Consumption of manufactures ...•• -· ....... ·-·-· ...• ---· ... ····-··.··-.--·---·· •. _.---· ... _·-·-·- ___ .----·--·--XXXIII. Density of manufactures. - - • _. _ •.• __ ... ____ . _. _ ••. _. _. _. _. _ ... , •.. __ •... _. _ •.•• _ •... __ ••. __ . _ .•.• _ •• ____ •. _. _. XXXIV. The center of manufactures • ··-·· •.....•..• ·-· .....•......... -··. ___ .. -·· •. ··-·· _ --·-· ·- ____ .. ____ .• -·-·. -·--· XXXV. Manufactures by geogi-aphic groups of states _ ...•..•........•• _ .•... ·- __ . ___ . _______ • __ •.. _ ..• ____ . ____ -- _. _. __

1. The Middle states ... _ ......................•.. _ ~ .. _ ................ ___ . __ • _ ... _. _. __ •••• _ .. _ •• _. _ •• _ •. 2. The New England states ...................•. _ ..... _ ........... _ ... _ .. ____ ••. ___ . _ .• _ •. _. _ .• __ • ______ . _ 3. The Central statps ........•...........••....•. _ .. _ •....••.. _ ... __ .. __ .•• __ ...•....... _ '. _. _______ . __ •• __ 4. The Southern states .•...... __ ............. _____ ·-· ... ____ .. __ .... __ .. ---·- ....•... __ _._·-·- •. _ .. ··-_ .••• 5. The '\Vestern states .•.............•.. __ -·.-···· •..•.. __ .•.•...... ____ .. __ .......... _ .•... _ ..... ···-----6. The Pacific states .. _ ............. _ ....•... __ •••. _______ .... _ ••.. _. _ ••. _ .•.•. _. ____ . _ .. _ . _ .. _____ • __ . __ ..

Page. cl vi cl vi cl vi

cl vii cl vii cl vii cl vii cl vii cl vii cl vii clvii cl vii cl vii cl vii

cl viii cl viii cl viii cl viii clviii cl viii cl viii cl viii cl viii

clix clix clix clix clix clix clix clix clix clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clx clxi cl xi clxi cl xi cl xi cl xi

cbdi clxiv clxiv clxiv clxv

cl xvi clxvii

clxviii clxix clue

cb:xi clxxi

clxxvi clxxvi clxxvi clxxvi

clxxviii clxxviii


XXX VI. Relative rank of states and territories in population, agriculture, and manufacture .••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• XXXVII. Rank of states and territories in manufactures ••••••••••••••.•••..•.•....••••••.••...••••..•...••••••••••••••

XXXVIII. Rank of states and territories in specified industries •.••••.•••.••••••••.•••••.••..••••••••.....•....•••••.•••• New York •..•...•.•••••.•..••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•.••••••.•..•.•.••••.•......•..••...•... Pennsylvania .•.....••..•......••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.•••...•.•.•.••••••••..•...•....••.••..•. l\1assachusetts ..••.•••.••.•..•..•..•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••...•.•.••••.••••••••••••••••••..•••••••••

Illinois ••...•• · ••••.•••.•...•.•.•• -•.. - - • · - • - • • ••• - • • •• - - • - • •• - -• • · · • • • • - · - • · • - -• • · · • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • - • • • Ohio •••...••••..•••••.•..••••.••......•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••.•.•••.....••••••••••••••••••. Connecticut .•...•.•••.•••••••.•..••.•.••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••..•••••••.••••••••••••••••• :N"ewJersey •••..•••.••••.•..•.....•...•••••.•••••••••••••••••••.••.•••.•.•••.•••.•.•••••••••••••••••.• California ............................................................................................ . Indiana ••••••.••••..•.••.•.••...•.•...••.•••.••••••••.•••••.•••••••••.•••••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••• Michigan .....••••....•....••••..•••.••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.••.••••••••..••.•..•••••••••••••••••••• Rhode Island ......••..•.•.••..••.•.•.•••••••••••••.••••••.••••••••••.••.•..•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Maryland .•••••••••...•••••.•....••..••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "\Visconsin •.•••.•••.•••.........•.•••.••••••••.••.•.••••••••••••.•.••..•.••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••. Missouri •••.•.••••••• .' •..•.....•••••. : •..•••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Louisiana ••.•••••••...•....•..•••.•....••••.••••••••••.•••..••.••••••.••••••••..•.•••••••••••••••••••. Virginia •••••••.•.•.....••••..........••......••••.••.•..•.•••.••.••••••.••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• Minnesota ••••••••••••••.••••...•...•.••••••••••.•....•.•.•..••.•.•..••••••.••..•••••••••••.•••••••••• Maine •.••• ~ ••••••••.•••••.......•....••..••....••...••..••••••...•.••..••••••••••..••••••••••••••••••

Texaa ....••••••...•••.• - . - - ... · • • ·. · • • · · • • • · · · - • - · · · • - • · • • · · • • · · - · - · • • • - · • • • • • · • • • • · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ICentucky ....•••••••.••.•...••..••••...•••...•..••.•••••...•.••.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IC~nsas ........................................... , ..•.•••..•....•••••••..•..••.. -··· •••••••••• •••• ••• -.Alaba1na ..•.•.......••••.••••...•..............•••..••••••.•.•••••••••••••...••••••••••••••••••••••••• Iowa ..•..•.....••••.•••••....•••....•.••..•••••.•.••......••••••..•••.•••...•••••••.••••••••••••••••. Colorado .••••...•••••••.. _ ............................................................................ . Florida ...•.••••••..••••.•..•.•.••...••.......•••••..••••••..••••..•••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••. New Hampshire ••••...•..••••...••.•........•...•...••••..••••...•••••••.••.••.••••••••••••••••..••.•.

Georgia .••••• ·-···-·········································"················-························ Montana ..••••••••••...••••••••.••••••••••..•.••.....•••••.•.•.•••••••.•••••...•••••.•••••••.••••••••• South Carolina •.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••...••. ~ •••...•.••••••.....•••••..•••••••..••••••••••••.. Vermont ..•••••.••••••••••••••...•..••••••.••.••••.••••.••••••.........•••••.•••••••.•...•••••••••...• Washington ...•••••.....•...•.••••..••...••..•••••.•.•..••.•.••.•.......••••...•..•.•••••••••••••••... North Carolina ..•.•...••.•......••.....•••.•..••.•..•.••.•..........••.•••.•......•.•••••••..••..•.•.. "\Vest Virginia .....•..........••.••...••... .' .•.••••.•..•.........•...••.........•...••••••.••.•..•..•.• Arkansas ••••.•.•••••••••••...............••••••••.•.......•.•.•..••••.•.•••...•••••. - - -•••.• • • . • - · - • · Utah ................................................................................................ . .Alaska ........•....••........•...........••••........•....••••...•.•.•...••••.•• - ••.•••••.••••.. - - - - .• Mississippi ...•••...•.•.•.•.•...•.••••.•..•.•.••••....•••••••••.•••.••..•.•••..•••.•••••••••.••..•.•..• .Arizona ...•................••.•..•.... - -....•• - . - • - ••• • · •• -- - • · - · · - · · · • • • • • • - · • • • • • •• • • · • • • • • · · • · · · · · • Oregon .............................................................................................. .

XXXIX. The localization of industries .....•.............•.•••••.••••••••••...•.•....•.....••..•••.•.••..........•••••• 1. Agricultural implements ...........•...••.......••.•••..•••••.•......•...••••••••..•.......••.••••... 2. Boots and shoes, factory product. .....•••.•.••••.•...••••••.••..•......•••••.••..•..•...•••••.•....•• 3, Collars and cuffs ..•..•.•.••••••..•........•••.•••••........•.•..•.•.•..•••••••••..•••••••.•.....•••• 4. Cotton goods, including cotton small wares ...•..•.••.•.•..•...••••.•••..••.••..•.•.•••..•....•.•.•..• 5. Fur hats ...•••••••••••••.•..•.•.••..•..•.••••••...•••.......••••••••..•••••.••.••.•.......•.•..••.•• 6. Glass ...•...••.••.•...•••..•...•...•••.•.•.••••••.......•••••.....••...•••••••....•....•..•....•.... 7. Hosiery and knit goods ....•.•.•••••...••••••.••..••.•.••...••...•••...••••••••..•......•...•..••..•. 8. Iron and steel .••......••••••••..••.••.•....•••.•.••••..•.••.••..•••••.••••...•.•••....••.........•• 9. Jewelry .•••.•....•.••••.••••.•.........••.•.••• : •....••...•••..••••...•••......•..•...•..••••.•••••

10. Leath\')r gloves and mittens .•.....•.••...•••••••.•.....•....••••••.•••..••.•.••••....•.....•....••..• 11. Leather, tanned, curried, and finished ••••••.......•......••••••..•.•.••.••••••••...•.....•••.......•• 12. Paper and wood pulp .............•..•.•..•....•..•.•••.•..••..•••.•••...••.••••.•.....•.•.•.....••.. 13. Pottery, terra-cotta and fire-clay products ....•.••.•.•.•.•.•.•••..•...••..•••..••....•.•..••••...••..•• 14. Silk and silk goods ....••.•..•••.•.....•.• ~ .••.••.•.........••••..•••••......•....••••..•..•••.•••••• 15. Slaughtering and meat packing, w hole~ale ••••.••..•.•.•.•...•.•••••• M •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

16. Summary of localized industries .•••••••••••••.•......•..••••..•.•.•..•.••••..••..•..•.....••....•..•. 17. Summary of specialized centers ••••••••••••....•.•••...•...••..•..••.•.•••••.••.....•...•....•..•..•• 18. The universal character of the localization of industries ...••.•••..•.••..••.••..•.....•.•.....•....••.•. 19. The localization of business houses in cities •.•.•..••.•.........•••••..•.•..•..•..••.•...••.••....•..•• 20. The causes of localization ........................................................................... . 21. Nearness to materials .....••....•..•••••••...........•.••.........••...•...........•...••••..•..••••. 22. Nearness to markets ....•....••••••••••...•.••...••.••.••..••......•.•.•••...••....•••••••.••..•••.•• 23. vVaterpower ....................................................................................... . 24. .A favorable climate .•.•...•.•......•.•...••••..........•...•••........•...•..•.........•.•.......•.. 25. .A supply of labor •.••.•.•......•...•••.••.••..•....••....•.......•..........•••..•.••.•.. - • • · · • • · • · ·


Page. ch: xviii

clxxxi clxxxii

clxxxviii clxxxviii clxxxviii clxxxviii clxxxviii clxxxviii clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix: clxxxix: clxxxix: clxxxix: clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix: clxxxix chcxxix clxxxix clxxxix: clxxxix: clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix: clxxxix: clxxxix cbcxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix cb::xxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix clxxxix

cxc cxc

cxci cxciii cxciv cxcv

cxcvi cxcvii

cxcviii cc

cci cc ii

cc iii cciv CCV

cc vii cc viii ccix cc ix CCX




cc xi cc xi ccxi


XXXIX. The localization of industries-Continued. 26. A ·supply of capital; .•............•....................•.•.•....•.• -- . ~ •• - · ..•.•••. ~ • • • • ••• •. ~ .•• - - -•. 27. ·The momentum of an early start .•................• ; ....................•....•.....•..........•......• 28. The habit of industrial imitation ........ · ....•................ c ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• · •••

29. Economic advantages of specialized centers .•... ; . ; . ; ......... ; ; ...•.•.........••. c ••.•••••••••••••••••

30. Conclusion .•.........•.•..............•.....................••.........•...........•..•....••..•••.•. XL. 'Limitations upon the use of census statistics ...••....... ; ..............................•.....•.•..•..•.... - -...

· 1. Profits of manufacturing .••.....• ; .............•. · ..... ~ ................•..•...•......•..............•. 2. Percentage of interest earned upon capital .....• _. ...•.............•......• ; •...•••...•.......•.... ~ ..•. 3. Average earnings of wage-workers ...•.•.•.. ; ..... ; ..•.......•...•....•••.... ; •............•.. ; ..••••. 4. Distribution of manufacturing values between capital and labor ..•..••..•.•.........•.....•••...•••.•.•• 5. The "labor cost" of production ...•..•......... ; ...•..•...•..•........••...•..•....•.•.••••.•..••••••. 6. Conclusion · .•..............•...•.............•..•..•...........••...••••••••••••••••.•.•. · •••.••••• • •.



! .. The proportion of manufactures in cities ................•.....•.....•....•....•..•••••.•••••.•••••.••••..••..•.••• 1. Number of cities treated at the different censuses ...•....•......••....•...•••••••••••.•••.••••.•...•..•••••• 2. One hundred principal cities ..••....•••.•.•..•..•...•.........•••..•••••..••••...•...•••..•••.•••••..••••• 3. One hundred and sixty-four principal cities •.............•........••...•.•..••.....•...••••••.•••...••••••• 4. One thousand three hundred and forty principal cities and towns ........•••.•..••.•••••••••.•••........•••• 5. Size of average establishment .•.•.......•.......•.•.•....... , .•......••.........•••.•••...............•••• 6. Geographic divisions ••••..............................•........•....••.•.••••..•••.....•.....•....••••••• 7. "\V age-earners .•••••..•...•. · ......................•.........•.••.•..•.•...•••••.•••......•••.••.•••••••••• 8. Selected industries ...................................................................................... . 9. Rank of cities ............................................. -...•.......•.........•.•...•••••••••.•..•••••••

10. Cities and states compared ............................................................................... . 11. Leading industries in principal cities .........•........•............••... ~ .•.......•....•.•.••..•.•......••

II. Hand and building trades ...•..•..••.•.•.......•...•...............•...••....••..•.•...•••..........••••.•••••••• 1. Hand trades .............•.•......•..•.....•.....•.•••••••••.••.•.•...•..............•••.••••••••.••••••• 2. Building trades ........•.........................•....•.......................••.....•.•.••....•.......•.

III. Development of industrial centers .••.......•.........•.•.•••.......•••..•....•.••.•................•.•........•.•. 1. Suburban establishments ...•....•......•...................•.•.•••••••••••••..••••........•..•...•••••••• 2. One hundred counties by geographic divisions ............•••...•.••••.............•••..•••.•.•.••.••••..•• 3. States showing greatest concentration ...................................................................... .

IV. Development of large cities •.........•.•.................•.••...........•.....•.•••..•••.••••.••••.•••..••••..•••• 1. New York city ..••.......•...•.................•...•...........•......• ;_ •••••..•......••..••.•..•••.•••• 2. Philadelphia •••••.•.....•.......................... "" ........••.•••••••••••••.•••..•.•.....•••..•••••••.•• 3. Chicago •.....•.....•.•.........•...........•..............•.•.•••..•...•..•••.••...•••. ; .••••••••••••••• 4. Boston ................................................................................................. .

V. Urban manufactures, by states ..•.•••••........................•.•....•.•.....••..•.•..•••••.•.••..•.......••••••• 1. Increases and decreases in cities ................•.. : ........•....••.•.•••••••...••....•••.•.•.....•.•••.••• 2. Establishments ...•..........................••...............•.••••.••....••..•.......•••.••••••••••••••• 3. Items presented ..........•.•..........................•••...••••....•......•....•..•••••••••••..•••••.••• 4. Alaba1na ..•...............•.......................•••..•••...••.•...•••••...•••••.•••••.••.•.... _ ••..••• 5. Arkansas ............................................................................ __ .••.•.•....•.••••• 6. California ..•••.............................• ~ ••....•....•.•.••••..•••...••...•...•••.....•••••••••••••••• 7. Colorado ..............•...................•........•..••....•.•.....•....•••....••••..•.•••••••.•••••••• 8. Connecticut. ..............••.............•...•..•....•....•••..•.•.•......••.••••••••••...•• _ ••.•••.••••• 9. Delaware ....•..•........•...............•.•....•..............••.•••.•••••...••..•.•••... _ ~ ••••••••.••••

10. Florida ..••.............................................•....••.....•....•...••••.. ~ ••.•.••••.•••••.••••. 11. G·eorgia ..•............•.......•....................•..•...•••..... ·_ .•...•••..••••••.•••.•..•••.•......••• 12. Illinois ..................•...................•.....•.•.......•........•...•.••.•••... · .••... ~ .•.••......•• 13. Indiana ••...........................•.....•••...•.........••..•...•.......•............•.....••.•••.••... 14. Iowa ..••.•......................•.•........... : ......•......•.•.............•.•...•..•..•.•••••••••.•.•• 15. Kansas ..•...............•..........•........•....•....•...................•••...•••.••••••••..•••.....•• 16. Kentucky ............................................................................................... . 17. Louisiana ••.••....................................... ~ .......................•.•..••......•...•.••••••.•• 18. i\1:aine .•.•••.............•................................................••.•• _ ••••.••..••••.•.••••••••• 19. M:aryland •..••...........•......................•.•..•............ _ .....•..••.•••••••••.••.••••.•••..• _ •• 20. i\iassach usetts •.•..............•.......•••.•..••...•......................••..•••••••••• _ . _ •••.•••••.•••..

;~: ~~~~!:1a·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 23. i\iississippi •••••....••••..••••......••....•••••••••.••.•............••••..•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••


cc xi cc xii ccxii ·

ccxiii ccxiv ccxiv ccxiv CCXV


ccxvi ccxvi


ccxviii ccxviii ccxviii



ccxxii ccxxiii ccxxiv CCXXV




ccxl ccxl

ccxlvi cdvi cclvi cclx

cclxii cclxiv cclxiv cclxiv cclxv

cclxvi cclxvi cclxvi

cclxviii cclxviii

cclxix cclxix cclxx

cclxxii cclxxii

cclxxiii cclxxiii cclxxiv cclxxiv cclxxvi

cclxxvii cclxxix cclxxx

cclxxxi cclxxxii

cclxxxiii cclxxxiv

cclxxxvii cclxxxix cclxxxix


V. Urban manufactures, by states-Continued. · 24. i\fissouri. ...... ___ •• _ ..... - __ ..•...•.. '. - . - .•.•....•• - .•.•..•.•.... --•• - • -• -• -...••••••••••••••••••.••••••

25. lVIontana · .. ____ ..• ____ . _ .. __ •.....•...• -• - -• - -•• - • - . -.•.• : . : - . : - -- --_ ------ -• -- "" -..•••.. _ .•.. _ ..••••..• 26. Nebraska .•. ___ • - ___ .• _ •.... - -- - . - - -- -- --- -·- .. - .• -.•. - -- - . - . - - . - . - - . - . - ... - ••. - . -.•.. - •.•. -••.•• _ ...•••• 27. Nevada . _. _ . ___ • _ •...••..• ___ . _ ....... _ .•..•• , . __ •. _ . _ ...... _ ....... : ....... _ ... ____ ... _ . _. ___ . _ ..• ____ _ 28. New Hampshh'e .•••... _ - ......... _ .. _ .... - . : _ - .... _ ... _ .. - . _ ... -....... _. _. ___ .... __ . __ ... __ . ___ . __ .. _. 29. Ne'w ·.rer·sey __ --·- _____ . __ : _.: .:. : . . : -~ . ..• :. ______ . ----·: : ..... : ..... -----· _______ . __ ... _. ·-- __ .•.. ------30. New i\1exico ...•. - __ . - - - . ~: -.. -- . - - ... - ..• --•..... - •.. -• - -- . - . - .. - -• - -- . _ -- . _. _ ..•... _ •................• 31. New York: .••....• : ... :: ....... ::: .......•.•........ _. ____ ......... : ....................... ---· ....... . 32. North Carolina .......................... -• ; ....... -.. _ .............. _ ................... _. _. _. _ •... _. _. _ 33. North Dakota .••••..... _ .....••...•.......•... _ . . . . .....• _ . _ .•. _ ........ ___ .. __ . _. ___ • _ .......•. _ •... __ 34. Ohio •. - -..•••...• - -- --- - - -.. - - .... --- -- -- .-. - - - -- .. ~. --- . - . - .. -- . - - - . - .. - . -..... - ..........•••. _. _ ...•.. 35. Oklahoma . ____ ... _ •.....•.... _. ____ ..... _. __ .... _ ...... ____ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... _ .......•. _ ...•...•. _ ..•....•.• _ 36. Oregon .... - - .........•.................. _ ....•. _ ..•.... _ . __ • _ ......•••.............. __ ... _ ••... _ .•.. __ • 37. Pennsylvania .· ..•••........••. _., _. __ ..•.....•....... -·-· _ ......•...•...• __ ... _ ........ __ .... -·---- .. -----38. Rhode Island . -•••.. ____ .. __ .... -_. .... _ .•. _ •. , ______ •.... ___ . _ .. _ . __ • ____ . __ . __ . _ ... __ . ____ : .•..••. ____ •. 39. South Carolina. -.. __ .•. _ .... _ .. : _.. __ . _. _ .•• ___ .. _ ....•........ _ .. _ .• ___ . _. _ .. _. _ ... _ ....... _ •• _ •.•••...• 40. South Dakota ___ .•....... _ ..... _. _. _ .. __ . _. ........... _ ... _ .. _, _. _ .. __ ... __ ............•.•.•..••.••..•..••• 41. Tennessee · .......•....• _ .... _ ......... _ ...•.......... _ .... _ .. _ .....•....•.• _ .......... _ ..... _. __ ... _. _. _ 42. Texas • - -- ..•......• -- . - -- . - - -.... - .. - -• - - .... - .... - .. - - -... - ... - . -....... - -.... - ..... - ... - .•.. - . - - - . -- . 43. Utah •••••..•. - •.•.. ___ ... ___ .•.....•..•.. ___ ... ___ . _____ ..... _. __ . ___ .. _ .. __ . __ . ________ .. _. _ .•.. __ .. _. 44. Vermont .••••... __ , _. ____ . _ ... __ .•.. __ . ____ ... ____ . ___ .. _ .. _ .. _ ....... __ .. ___ ...... _ .. _ ..•..•. __ •..••••• 45. Virginia ..•.•.....................•... ___ .......... _ ...... _ ....... _ • _. _ .... _ ..... _ ....••.. _ . __ .• _ .. _ • ___ _ 46. '\Vashington. ____ • ____ .. __ ..... _ .... _____ ...........•. _ . __ .. __ . __ . _ . ___ .. _ . _ ..• _ . _ .... ___ ...•• __ .•. __ . __ _ 47. '\Vest Virginia ....•.•• -- .. ___ . _ .. ___ .. __ .... _. __ . _ .... __ . _____ ......................... ···-- ___ ........ .. 48. '\Visconsin ..•.•..•. _ .. _ •. _ .. _ . __ .. _ • ___ . _ . _ ... ____________ .. ___ .• ___ ..•. _ . _ .. __ . __ •. ___ . ____ • ___ ..• __ • __ 49. Wyoming •.•••.••.• _ •.•••..•••••••.. ___ . _ .. __ .. _ .... _. _ ..•.. _ .. ___ .• _. __ . _ ••. _ ..•••..•••..•••.• : •••••.•



I. General summary ....••••.•••...•. _. _____ . ______ ••.•...... _ ••. __ . _ .•..• __ . __ . _. _. _ .. _. ___ .••. _ ••••••••••••••• II. Comparative statistics - .•...• _ •••... _ ..• _. ______ •. _. ____ • _ ...... ___ ... __ ... __ ...... _ .. _ .....• _ •.• : •••••••• .•••

III. Steain power .• _ ..... - •••.• - - - - . - - - --- -- . -... -•....•. - •.•.. -.. -.... _ .... _ . _ ....... __ ....... _ ....••• _ •.• ___ .. _ IV, Gas power .•... -••.•.•.•• -- . - -•. -••....• - -... --•. - - - -- -- - . - - - - . - . - -- --.... -- . - . -... -- .. -- . - - - . - - -•. - - - .. --• -• V. Waterpower _ ---- •.•. -- --- .. -· .•.. - -.... - . --- . ------ .... -- ............ _ -- ...... _ -- ......... ----- _ ...•..••....

VI. Electric power ••••.... _ . _ •. - . -•.•... -- -...• -..... _ . ___ ..•.••.•.•.•...... __ . _ . _ ... __ . _ . __ ... __ ...••.. __ .••.•• _ 1. Power transn1iAsion •••• - •.•...•. _ ... _ .. _. _ ...•...• _ .•.•.........•. ·.· __ ..• _ •...•.. _ .......• _ •.•.•..•.... 2. Niagara Falls ...•..... --·--------- ........••...•.•....•...................•.•.......•.......... __ . ____ _ 3. The Pacific coast . _ .. _. _. _ ..•.•... _ .. _. _. ________ . ____ . __ .. _______ . ____ ..••.•. _ .. __ .•... __________ • ___ _ 4. Sault St. JYJ:arie . __ ••. _. ______ . ____ ..• _. ____ . ________ . ___ . _. _ ..... _. ____ ...•..... _____ . _. _____ .•• _. ____ _ 5. Electric power in cotton manufactures _ ....... ___ . _ .... __ .. _ •.............. _ ...... _. _ •........•. _ .....•. 6. Government Printing Office ...... __ .... _ ••. __ . _ .... _ ••...... _. _ _ ... _ . __ . ___ .. ___ .. _ •....••.•••• _ •.•.• _ 7. Economies of electric power ____ .. __ ... __ . _ ..... _ .. _____ . _ • ____ . _ . _ ...... __ .... _ ..•.. _ •.•.•••..•• _ ••• __ .

VII. Statistics of power in selected industries._._ ...•.•.. __ •... _ ....... _._._ .. _. ____ . __ ... _ .. __ .... "' .. _ .....• _ •...•. VIII. Statistics of power by states and territories ••..•. _. _ .•.• _ . __ . __ .. ___ . __ . __ ... _ •••..•. _ .•......• ___ • ___ .•• _. _ •.•.

IX. Statistics of power by geographic divisions ... -•. - .... --•.... _. _ ..•.......• _ .. -.......•...... __ .•.. _ .... __ .•• __ • X. Rented power •.•.... -........••..... --- ...... -.•. _ .• _ •..•••....•.. _ ............... _. ___ . _. _ . ~ ..••..•••.••• _ ••

XI. Comparative statistics, 1870 to 1900 .. ___ ........ ~ ....•.•••... _ •..•..... ___ . __ .... _ ...••••.•••...•••..••••••••••



1.-Comparative summary, by specified industries: 1880, 1890, and 1900 ······-·----·-·-························ 2.-United States, by specified industries and groups of industries: 1900 ... _ •• _ ....•...•••.•••. _ ..... _. _ ..•••..• 3.-Manufactures, by states and territories ............... _ .••••. _ •• __ . __ •...•.....•...... __ ._. __ ._._. __ •.•••...


Page. CCXC

ccxci ccxci

ccxcii ccxciii ccxciii ccxciv CCXCV

ccxcviii ccxcviii ccxcix

ccci ccci

cccii ccciv CCCV

cccvi cccvi ·

cccvii cccix cccix CCCX

cccxi cccxii

cccxiii cccxiv


cccxvi cccxvii cccxix CCCXX

cccxxii cccxxii

cccxxiii cccxxiv CCCXXV

cccxxvi cccxxvi cccxxvi cccxxvii cccxxxi

cccxxxiii cccxxxiv CCCXXXV

cccxxxix-3 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table

4.-Specified industries by states and territories: 1900 .. _ ..••• ____ •...••..• _ .•.•••. _ ....•. _ .•.•.•....••••••••••.•

cccxxxix-20 cccxli-58 cccxli-66

cccxli-469 cccxli-484 cccxli-503

5.-Groups of industries, by states and territories: 1900 ..•..••••...•...• _. ______ .. --- ...••..• _ •...•.•..••.•••.•• 6.-States and territories, by groups of industries: 1900 •.•.•.••..•.•.•.• __ . __ •• _. _ •....•• -••••. · ..•.• _ ••••••• _ .. 7.-Establishments and products, arranged by character of organization, United States, by states: 1900 .•.•••••••••


l'age. Table 8.-Establishments and products, arranged by character of organization, United States, by specified industries and

- groups of industries: 1900 --······-····-·························--··-----·--·-·-·---··--······-········· cccxli-504 Table 9.-Establishments arranged by character of organization, specified industries, by states and territories: 1900 •.•••• cccxli-511 Table 10.-Comparison of products, motive power, and classification by number of employees, by states and territories: 1900. cccxlii-582 Table IL-Comparison of products, motive power, and olassification by number. of employees, United States, by specified

industries and groups of industries: 1900 -..... --.................................... ~....... • • .. • • • • • • • • cccxlii-584 Table 12.-Comparison of products, motive power, and classification by number of e!llployees, for industries showing

50,000 horsepower and over, by states and territories: 1900 ................................................ cccxlii-596


AppendixA.-Schedules.................................................................................................. 635 Appendix B.-Cities and towns canvassed by special agents.................................................................. 678 Appendix 0.-Instmctions to special agents--·--·-·-----·-----·····--·-·······--···················-······················· 686 Appendix D.-Instructions for editing the schedules of manufactures .••.....••.••••••••••••.•••••••••...••••.•.•••••.••••••• _ 690 Appendix E.-Clw:si:fication of industries ............................... -• • • • • ••• • ••••••••••••••• ••• •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 698


MAPS AND CHARTS. Opposite p11ge.

Capital invested at each census .•.•••.•.••••• ---·.......................................................................... xvi Average number of wage-earners employed in manufactures at each census ............••...•.•• ~.... • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • . . . • . • • xvi Value of products at each census ..................................................................................... ~ • • • • xvi Proportion of average number of wage-earners employed in manufactures to population at each census........................ xvi Capital invested in each state and territory: 1900.......................................................................... xcvi Average number of wage-earners employed in manufactures in each state and territory: 1900. .... •...• ••••• •••• ••••. ••••• •• •. cvi Proportion of average number of wage-earners employed in manufactures to total population: 1900.... ••••. .••• •••• •• .•. • • . •• cvi Value of products for groups of industries: 1890 and 1900 . . . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . • . . .• .. • . . . . . . ... • .. • . .•• • • • •• • • • • • cxlvi Value of all manufactured products and proportional value of each group................................................... cxlvi Value of manufactures per square mile: 1900 •.•.•.•.•••.••...... __ ... .. . . . .••. .••..... .... ....•. .. . . ...• ••.••. ..•••.. ••. .. clxx Center of manufactures at each decade, 1850 to 1900, and the center of population from 1790 to 1900.... .••. ••.. .•. • ••.•. .•• .• clxx Products of manufactures and agriculture per capita of the population: 1890 ...................•••.•••....•••.••..••..•••••. clxxviii Products of manufactures and agriculture per capita of the population: 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . . . .. . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • clxxviii Value of products by states and territories at each census . . . • • • •• . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . • . . . •• . . . • ••• • •• •• • • • . • . clxxx: Value of products in the 17 leading states: 1870to1900 ..•....•••....••....•...................••..•••.•••••.•.••••. ~------ clxxx Value of products in the leading manufacturing cities: 1900 ·············································---·--·-·······--- cc:x:xx Proportion of urban to total products, by states and territories: 1900 ············--·-····-················----·············· ccxxiv Flour and grist mill products: 1900 .•.•.••...••..............••..•..••.....•..........••••.•.••.. ·.••.....•.•....•.•••••.•• cccxlii Slaughtering and meat packing. Value of products: 1900 •••....•••..........•....•..•......•.........••••.•••••••••.••••. cccxlii Cheese, butter, and condensed milk. Value of products: 1900 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • cccxlii Liquors (distilled, malt, and vinous). Value of products: 1900 ...........•..•••...................•.••••..••••...•...••... ccmdii Textiles. Value of products: 1900 --·---················----·-·· ..•.•••..•..............•...••••..•.•••••...•••.•.••.••••. cccxlii Cotton goods. Value of products: 1900........................... • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . • • . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . • • . • • • • • cccxlii Woolen goods, worsted goods, wool hats, and shoddy. Value of products: 1900.......... •• • . . . . . • • . . . . . . • • . • . . • • • • . • • • •• • . . cccxlii Hosiery and knit goods. Value of pl'Oducts: 1900 .. ---~ ......•......... _. ..... .. • . ••• ... . ...... ..... ..... .•• •. •• • . ••. • •••• cccx:lii Silk and silk goods. Value of products: 1900 ........••••....................•••..•..............•....••..•••••.•.•....... cccxlii Clothing (men's and women's). Value of products: 1900 ..........•...•.•.................•.......•....•........•.•.•••... cccxlii Iron and steel. Value of products: 1900 ·····································-·-······················----··············· ccc:idii Coke. Value of products: 1900 ..•.•.....••••••...............••••.•.........•...•...•••••••....•...•••....••••••••••.••. cccxlii Clay products (brick, tile, pottery, etc.). Value of producte: 1900 .........••.•...•••••••..•...•...•...•..•.•••••••••.••••. cccxlii Glass (including glass cutting, staining, and ornamenting). Value of products: 1900 ······························---------· llccxlii Leather (tanned, curried, and finished). ValuE}of products: 1900 ..........•.•. "···································-····-·· cccxlii Boots and shoes (factory product) .......•...•....•.....................•.•..•...........•....•••••.•.............•••••.•. cccxlii Lumber and timber products. Value of products: 1900 ............••.•••.••..•.........••..•••................•.••..••••.• cccxlii .Agricultural implements. Value of products: 1900............................ •. . • . .... . . • . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . •• . . • • • •• • • • . cccxlU Cars (construction and repairs). Value of products; 1900................................................ ......•. ••••..••.. cccxlii Chemicals and allied products: 1900. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • • • . • • • . . • • • . . . • • . . cccxlii Petroleum refining. Value of products: 1900 .................... __ .....•••..•..•.•................••••.•...•.••.•.••••... cccxlii Paper and wood pulp. Value of products: 1900 •........ · ..................•..•............•...•.•••...• _.................. cccx:lii Printing and publishing (book and job, music, and newspaper). Value of products: 1900 ...•.•••... _............. • •• • • • • • • . cccxlii Value of manufactured products per square mile: 1900 ....••..•.••••.....•......•.....•••.....•....•.•.••...•••••••••..•... cccxlii

Flour and grist mills ..••....•••.•.................••••.•.•..•..........•..•••..•••........ _ . . . . . . • • • . • • • • • . . • . . . • . . . cccxlii Cheese, butter, and condensed milk .....•.......••.••••.•....•.•• _ .....•••••••.•. ~................................... cccx:lii Slaughtering and ineat packing •..................•...................•••..•.••.. _ .. _...................... . • . . • . . . . . cccxlii Liquors (distilled, malt,.and vinous).· ...••.........................•....•............................•...•...•..•.•.. cccxlii Clay products (brick, tile, pottery, etc.) •....... __ ............ . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . • • • . • • . • • • . . cccxlii Glass....... . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . • . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • • • • . • • . . • . . . . . cccxlii Textiles ......•...••..•...•••.•.....••...............•••••..•..•........•......•.................••.•••.•••.....••.. cccxlii Cotton inanufactures ..•••.....•...............•.••...•...•..•.•........•..•••...•..•.......•..•.•••.....••..•.•.•.•• cccxlii vVool manufactures ••••........•.......•...•••...• __ ...•...•........•..••...•...........••••.....•.. . . . . • . . . • • • • • • . . cccxlii Silk and silk goods.................................................................................................. cccx:lii fiosieryand knit goods ••......•.•..•••••••.....•...•.•••••••••••..•...........••••••..••. · ..•.•........•...•.•..•••.. cccx:lii Clothing, factory product .....••••.••..•.....•••.......•••••••.........•.......••......... _ ............•.•... "....... cccxlii Petroleuni,refining.............. . ....•.......•••.•••..... : . • . . . • . . . . . • • • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • . • . • . • • . . • • • • • • . . cccx:lii Ohemicals and allied products . • . . . . . • . • . . • • • • • • . . • • . . • . • . • • . • • • . . • . • • • . • . . . • • . • • . • . . • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • •• • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • cccxlii



Value of manufactmed !lroducts per square mile: 1900-Continued. Opposite page. Paper and wood pulp ____ . _ .•• _. ___ . _ •..•.•. _ .. _ •. _ . __ .. _. _ . __ ..• _ .•. ____ ... ___ .. • • .. • • .. . • • .. .. • • .. • .. .. .. .. • • • • . . • . cccxlii Printing and publishing __ .. _ ..................... ___ ._._._ ........... ---· ............................................ cccxlii Leather, tanned, curried, and finished ..... __ ._ .. _. __ ................................... ---·- .............. --·-· •... - .. cccxlii Boots and shoes, factory product. __ ._ •. _______ ........ _ ... _ ....... _ .............. _. _ .. _. _ ...•• -.·. __ .. _ .... ___ • __ .. _ .. _ cccxlii Iron and steel (blast furnaces and rolling mills) ............... _ ...... _ ............................ -..... - .. -... -..... - . cccxlii Coke ........ _ ..................... __ ..... _ .... _ . __ . _ . _ . _ .. ____ . ___ ... _ . : ... _ . ___ ........ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . cccxlii

Lu1nber and timber products·---··-·-·-··-··-··----··----·····--··--········--···--····-·-··---·-····-----·---------- cccxlii Agricultural implements ........... _ ...... __ .... _ .•.. _ ............................................ _ ................ __ . cccxlii Carriages and wagons . __ .. _. _ .••. _ .... __ .. _ .... __ ................ _ ... _ ........... _ .... __ ... _ ... _ ....... ____ ••. _. _ ... _. cccxlii Cars (construction and repairs) ........................................................................................ cccxlii




Wasliington, .D. 0., Jnne 15, 1902 .

. have the honor to transmit herewith Part I of the Report on Manufactures for the Twelfth Census. ::'his volume contains the introductory text summarizing and analyzing the statistics of manufactures and anical industries, and also the general tables which embody these statistics for the United States, by states, d ustry groups, and by specified industries. ::'he introductory text consists of five chapters: Chapter I is confined to a descriptive statement of the plan, , and methods of the manufacturing census, the increasing difficulties which attend the taking of such a s, and some discussion of the census bw. This chapter concludes with a section contributed by Hon. >11 D. Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor, on the importttnce of correlation between the work ~ vemmnent Census Office and of the severn,l sta.te bureaus. The second chapter of the introductory text is tn:mry and analysis of the general results of the manufacturing census and their proper interpretation. The cbapter is an n,nnJysis of the statistics of manufactures in cities, contributed by Mr. vVilliam M. Steuart, o:f division. The fourth chapter is an analysis of the sfatistics of power as employed in nmnufactures,

ibuted by Expert Special Agents Edwn.rd H. Sanborn, of Philn.dclphia, and T. C. Martin, of New York. if th chapter is an explanation of the general tables which immediately follow it. >art II of the Report on Manufactures, transmitted on March rn, contains the statistics of manufactures nechanical industries in the several states 1111d territories, and in their seveml subdivisions, comprising ;ies ancl cities. The presentation o:f the statistics of this part is accompanied by a descriptive and historical nt of the development o:f manufactures in each state and territory. >art Ill of the Report on Manufactures contttins monogrttphs prepared by expe1t special tigents, and by )ers of the clerical force of the division of manufactures, on certain selected industries. The reports in III relnte to the textile industries; the manufacture of food products; the lumber inclustry, and the £acture of turpentine and rosin; the manufacture of cla,y and pottery products, and of glass; the manufacture ,ther, and of boots and shoes; the manufacture of paper and pulp; and printing and publishing. ~art IV of the Report on Manufactures contains monographs prepared by expert spccfal agents and others selected industries whose chief rri,w mn.terhil is one or another of the metals; and also upon the manufacture

emicals; coke; petroleum; manufactured gas; wastes and by-products in manufactures; and upon patents dr relation to manufactures. ~ special report on comparative rates of wages in 1890ancl1900, prepared by Expert Special Agent Davis R. 1y, Ph.D., of the Institute.of Technology, Boston, Mass., and based upon actual transcripts of pay rolls in iVO years, will he published as a supplemental volume of the Report on Manufactures. :n transmitting the final results of tho Twelfth Census of Manufactures, it is a pleasure to acknowledge the Jes of those assistants who, in cooperation with an exceptionally efficient clerical :force, have made possible ::>n1pletion of the work within the time limit set by the law-an achievement unprececlented in census work. William M. Steuart has been expert chief of division from the beginning of the work, and his experience, .d in two prior censuses, has been o:f the utmost value at aU stnges. Mr. Frank L. Sanforcl has had charge B work of classification; and all of the final results, both in the office work and the work of the expert special ;s, have gone to the printer under his immediate supervision. Mr. Joseph D. Lewis has had charge of the rtant work of the revision of the returns, and has rendered expert assistance in the preparation of many



of the repo:rts on selected industries. Both Mr. Sanford and Mr. Lewis were connected with the division of manufactures o:f the Eleventh Census. Mr. Arthur L. Hunt has acted as assistant chie:f of division, and had general supervision over the special reports prepared in the divisio.n. Mr. Ralph M. Greenlaw bas had eharge of the field work and of the tabulation of the returns. Frederick S. Hall, William A. Countryman, and Elbert H. Loyd have contributed important portions of the text of various reports and critical analyses of results. Acknowledgment of valuable assistance rendered should, in strfot justice, be extended to many other members of the force.

Very respectfully,

Hon. WILLIAM R. MERRIAM, Chief Statistician for .Manufactures.

Director of the 0f3'11.8U8.