Volume 45· Number 3· May 2014 review of... · European Union "Unitary Patent"· Treaty on the...

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Transcript of Volume 45· Number 3· May 2014 review of... · European Union "Unitary Patent"· Treaty on the...

Volume 45· Number 3· May 2014

International ReviewofIntellectual Property and Competition Law

Published bythe Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munichwww.ip.mpg.de


Keeping the Genie of Licensing Out of the Bottle: Managing Inter-Dependencein Licensing TransactionsJ. de Werra 253


Extending the Limits of Protection of Pharmaceutical Patents and Data Outsidethe EU -Is There a Need to Rebalance?D.Acquah 256

The Ultimate Copyright 5hopping Opportunity - Jurisdiction and Choiceof Law in Website Blocking InjunctionsP.Savola 287

Copyright on the Human Rights' Trial: Redefining the Boundaries of ExclusivityThrough Freedom of ExpressionC.Geiqer- E.lzyumenko 316

~ Springer®lrVerlag C.H. Beek

Germany"Cabie Lock (Kabelschloss)" . Paterfirst sentenceDecision of the Federal Supreme Cou3 September 2013 - Case No. X ZR1:

United Kingdom"Schütz" • European Patent ConvelArt. 25(a); Patents Act 1997, Secs.LimitedDecision of the Supreme Court·13 March 2013 - Case No. [2013] UK~

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Volume 45 • Number 3 • May 2014

United Kingdom"Virgin Atlantic Airways v. ZodiacAirways Limited v. Zodiac Seats UKDecision of the Supreme Court·3 July 2013 - Case No. [2013] UKSC~


Keeping the Genie of Licensing Out of the Bottle: Managing Inter-Dependencein Licensing TransactionsJ. de Werra 253 DECISIONS· COPYRIGHT LAW

ARTICLES Europe"Ashby Donaid and others v. Fran,French Intellectual Property CodeJudgment of the European Court of10 January 2013 - Case No. 36769/0

Extending the Limits of Protection of Pharmaceutical Patents and Data Outsidethe EU- IsThere a Need to Rebalance?D.Acquah 256

The Ultimate Copyright Shop ping Opportunity - Jurisdiction and Choice of Lawin Website Blocking InjunctionsP.Savola 287

European Union"Pinckney" • Council Regulation (Iand the Recognition and EnforcerArt. 5(3) - Peter Pinckney v. KDG IrDecision of the European c.ourt 0\ )3 October 2013 - Case No. C-170/1

Copyright on the Human Rights' lria\: Redefming the Boundaries oi ExdusivityThrough Freedom of ExpressionC.Geiqer- E.lzyumenko 316

DECISIONS· PATENT LAWFrance"Spedidam" . WIPO PerformanceArt. 2(e); Rome Convention of 2EProducers of Phonograms and BProperty Code, Secs. L.212-3, L.:Decision of the Supreme Court (Co11 September 2013 - Case No. 12-

S/ovakia"Tank Man" • Directive 2001/29/of 22 May 2001 on the HarmenhRights in the Information SocielCopyrightTerm Directive, Art. 6Decision of the Supreme Court (Ni27 September 2012 - Case No. 2 C

European Union

"Unitary Patent"· Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Arts. 326, 327, 329(1);Treaty on European Union, Art. 20 - Kingdom of Spain and ltalian Repub/ic v. Council of theEuropean UnionDecision of the European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber)16 April 2013 - Case Nos. C-274/11 and C-295/11 343

European Union

"Sumitomo Chemicai" • Regulation (EC)No. 1610/96 ofthe European Parliament andof the Council of 23 July 1996 Concerning the Creation of a Supplementary ProtectionCertificate for Plant Protection Products, Arts. 3(1 )(b), 7(1); Council Directive 91/414/EECof 15 July 1991 Concerning the Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market,Art 8(4) - Sumitomo Chemica/ Co. Ltd v. Deutsches Patent- und MarkenamtDecision of the European Court of Justice (Eighth Chamber) .17 October 2013 - Case No. C-210/12 346

Germany"Cabie Lock (Kabelschloss)" . Patent Act, Sec. 139(2); Code of Civil Procedure, Sec. 543(2)first sentenceDecision of the Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof) .3 September 2013 - Case No. XZR 130/12 347

United Kingdom"Schütz" . European Patent Convention, Art. 69(1); Community Patent Convention,Art. 25(a); Patents Act 1997, Secs. 60(1 Ha), 125(1), 130(7) - Schütz (UK) Limited v. Werit (UK)LimitedDecision of the Supreme Court·13 March 2013 - Case No. [2013] UKSC16 350

United Kingdom"Virgin Atlantic Airways v. Zodiac Seats" • Patents Act 1977, Sec. 77(1 )-(4A) - Virgin AtlanticAirways Limited v. Zodiac Seats UK LimitedDeelsion of the Supreme Court3 July 2013 - Case No. [2013] UKSC46 352


Europe"Ashby Donaid and others v. France" . European Convention on Human Rights, Art. 10;French Intellectual Property Code, Art. L. 122-5 9° - Ashby Oonald and others v. FranceJudgment of the European Court of Human Rights (Fifth Section) .10 January 2013 - Case No. 36769/08 354

European Union"Pinckney"· Council Regulation (EC)No. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on Jurisdictionand the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters,Art. 5(3) - Peter Pinckney v. KOGMediatech AGDecision of the European Court of Justice (Fourth Chamber) .3 October 2013 - Case No. C-170/12 361

France"Spedidam"· WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty of 20 December 1996,Art. 2(e); Rome Convention of 26 October 1961 for the Protection of Performers,Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, Art. 3(b); IntellectualProperty Code, Secs. L.212-3, L.321-1 - Spedidam, SNEPet al. v. Apple Inc. (iTunes)Decision of the Supreme Court (Cour de cassation) (First Civil Chamber) ." September 2013 - Case No. 12-17.794 362

Slovakia"Tank Man" . Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 22 May 2001 on the Harmonisation of Certain Aspects of Copyright and RelatedRights in the Information Society, Arts. 2, 5(d) and (e); Enforcement Directive, Art. 8;CopyrightTerm Directive, Art. 6; Copyright Act, Secs. 5(7), 7,17,35, 56(d)Decision of the Supreme Court (Najvyssf sud SR).27 September 2012 - Case No. 2 Cdo 190/2012 364

IIC (2014) 45:253-255OOI 1O.1007/s40319-014-0185-z


Europeon Union"Majtczak v. Feng Shen Technology and OHIM"· Council Regulation (EC) No. 40/94of 20 December 1993 on the Community Trade Mark, Art. 51 (1 )(b) - laros/awMajtczak v. Feng Shen Technology Co. Ltd and Office for Harmonisation in the InternolMarket (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM)Decision of the European Court of Justice (Tenth Charnber)7 February 2013 - Case No. C-266/12 P 367

Keeping the Genie olManaging Inter-Dep.

Jacques de Werra

Europeon Union"Specsavers" . Council Regulation (EC) No. 207/2009 of 26 February 2009 on theCommunity Trade Mark, Arts. 9(1 )(b) and (c), 15(1),51 (1 )(a) - Specsavers InternationalHealthcare Ltd, Specsavers BV, Specsavers Optical Group Ltd and SpecsaversOptical Superstores Ltd v. Asda Stores LtdDecision of the European Court of Justice (Third Chamber)18 July 2013 - Case No. C-252/12 368

Europeon Union"Martin y Paz Diffusion SA v. Depuydt"· First Council Directive 89/1 04/EECof 21 December 1988 to Approximate the Laws of the Member States Relating to TradeMarks, Art. 5 - Martin yPaz Diffusion SA v. David Depuydt, Fabriek van Maroquinerie Gauquie NVDecision of the European Court of Justice (Third Chamber)19 September 2013 - Case No. C-661/11 369

Published online: 9 April 2014© Max Planck lnstitute for Innovati

Our globalized flat world I terthe market players. It milcharacterized by the increasenriching a company's intencontinuing search of new rruown innovation toutbound OJ

These intensi ve interacticontractual relationships byservices the intellectual asset:also offer their own intellectuand principles that they choo:from the expert knowledgetherefore contribute to an optresources. These interactlomreliance on the (continued) u:illustrated by recent court de,


Europeon UnionComment on "Pinckney" • Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civiland Commercial Matters, Art. 5(3) - Peter Pinckney v. KDG Mediatech AGM. Husovec 370


Josef Drexl, Mor Bakhoum, Eleanor M. Fox, Michal S. Gal and David J. Gerber (eds.):Competition Policy and Regionallntegration in Developing Countries· Edward Eigar,Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, 2012. pp. xiv, 333. ISBN 978 1 781004302. f90.00A. Heinemann 375

J By reference 10 the celebrated boa

2 See the classical work of Chesbrcopeni nnovation .berkeley .edu.

-' One avenue for foxtering accessibilcontent/open source) strategy. Opengenerated is effered for free to thiinnovation have been identified: .•technology and concepts broadly wisource" innovation. which views tknowledge and motivation of anonyr

J. de Werra «(81)Professor of Intellectual Property ancGeneva, Switzerlande-mail: Jacques.DeWerra@unige.ch