Volume 20 Issue 32 Email: grenfell-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au ...

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Transcript of Volume 20 Issue 32 Email: grenfell-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au ...

“ A c h i e v e m e n t f o r A l l i n a H a p p y , S a f e & C a r i n g E n v i r o n m e n t ”

Volume 20 Issue 32

Date: Monday 26th October 2020

Phone: 6343 2122 Fax: 6343 1480

Email: grenfell-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Website: grenfell-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Facebook: www.facebook.com/GrenfellPS

Congratulations to Hannah Lynch on receiving a Grenfell Blue Award and all our students who received a Principal

Award at Fridays’ Assemblies.


Thurs 29th Sporting School Stage One 3.15pm to 4.15pm

Fri 30th Stage Assemblies Quality Work Award “Science” Halloween Lunch Special


Wed 4th 1st Kinder Transition Day

HSC Exams

The year 12 HSC Exams are being held in our school

hall from Tuesday 20th October until Wednesday

11th November. We wish all students from The

Henry Lawson High School all the best for their exams

and future endeavours.

Sporting Schools for Stage One is on

Thursday From 3.15 to 4.15

Last Friday our Year 6 Debating team participated in a debate against Young Public School. This debate was

part of the state knockout competition.

The topic was “Smarter students should be in a separate class”. Our team was on the negative side.

Unfortunately, our team lost. The students have gained many skills this year in presenting and arguing their

cases on a variety of topics. All of their debates have been online which presents it’s own challenges. We

are very proud that they made it to the high level that they attained.

Congratulations to Ella Mitton, Harry Robinson, Daisy McMahon, Jethro Fenton and Dylan Forde.

Last week the school was audited to ensure the school was complying with Department of Education

policies and procedures. The school was compliant in all areas.

World Teacher’s Day

Australia will celebrate and thank the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day - Friday 30th October.

Teachers (with support from parents and carers) have ensured education continues across the country this

year, despite major challenges. It’s reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and

students, their families and communities.

Say a big thank you to teachers and celebrate the bright future of teaching. Post a photo in your sunglasses

on social media, either on your own or with family or friends. Use these tags on Facebook or twitter

LinkedIn: #thankteachers #brightfuture @aitsl Visit this website below for more information:


World Teachers’ Day is held internationally in early October. As it falls during the school holidays for many

parts of Australia, we celebrate a little later. Make sure you have Friday 30th October in your diary to

celebrate and thank teachers!

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Fruit and Vegetable Month Winners

During September we participated in Fruit and Vegetable Month.

Students had the opportunity to enter a Fruit and Veg Month competition called “Plan Your Patch” which involved drawing and describing your dream fruit and vegie patch.

This competition ran over all of NSW and there was one prize awarded for each Year level over the whole state. The prize is a gardening tool set, gloves and seeds. Everything you need to get started growing your dream fruit and vegie patch.

We were lucky enough to have a winner from Grenfell Public School, well not just one winner but two!

Our talented designers winning the Year 1 section is Braxton Chalker-Triolo and the Year 2 section is Darcy Griffin.

Congratulations boys, well done!

Congratulations to our winners Annabelle Randall, Frank McMahon, Jethro Fenton, Lachie Ingrey,

Josh Hunter, Makenzi Dixon, Michael Amey, Tristan Douglass and Wyatt Bruce on some fantastic costumes at our Book Fair Parade last Monday.


Lunch $5.00

Chicken Schnitzel Burger( with lettuce and mayo) and a TNT

Wednesday 28/10 to Friday 30/10

KINDERGARTEN 2021 Our Kindergarten Orientation Days are set for the following dates: Wednesday 4th November 12.00—3.00pm Wednesday 11th November 12.00—3.00pm Wednesday 18th November 12.00—3.00pm Wednesday 25th November 9.00—3.00pm Please ensure that the staff are aware of any medications and/or allergies that your child may have upon arriving or prior to arriving at school.

What to bring: Lunch, water bottle and a hat.

We ask that you please complete and return your Kindergarten Enrolment packs ASAP and bring original

documents to the office for sighting and photocopying by Friday 30th October 2020. Please provide:

• Enrolment Form • Birth Certificate • Proof of address • Immunisation History • Copies of family law or other court orders (if applicable)

Friday 30th October

Be prepared for Term 4

Term 4 our students are

required to wear a hat at

school. Students without a

hat will not be able to play

at recess or lunch.

Bucket hats $8.50

House hats $12.00

Lost Property

We have 3 size 6 Blue Sloppy Joes.

1 size 6 navy Canterbury Pants.

All clothing is unlabelled.

Please contact front office if these belong to your child.

Reminder: Halloween lunch special (Fri 30/10) notes, to be back to school no later then Wednesday 28th October.