Volume 1, Issue 3 Jan 10th to March 9th, 2018 Research

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Transcript of Volume 1, Issue 3 Jan 10th to March 9th, 2018 Research

This semester I will no longer accept late work. Due dates are due dates. In the real world, you will get fired for being late and turning in work late. If you pay your bills late, you will be charged late fees. Too many late fees affects your credit ratings. Does your late work reflect in the grades you have for your classes? Answer: YES.

Therefore, no late work. Since I am not completely unfeeling or

uncaring, I will provide opportunities for you to earn “Late Homework Passes”. With this pass you may turn in an assignment to be graded with no late penalty. See the back page for details.

Is our world devoid of tolerance? Can humanity over-come cruelty and intolerance? Can human beings find redemption? What would happen if tolerance and redemption

ceased to exist? In order to understand the world around us, we make comparisons and contrasts to those things that we already know. If we can make good observations about things that are unfamiliar by comparing the similarities and differences, we allow our knowledge to expand and accept things because we understand the relationship with things that are new to things that are familiar. Example, as children, when we were learning to talk, things that had four legs, we would group them into one category, say everything was called a Kitty or Puppy. But, as we grew older, we were able to make out differences between things; therefore, we changed our knowledge and started calling them cats and dogs. For this paper, you will need to conduct research into one of the topics as it relates to World War II and Holocaust. The research essay

will be at least 5 paragraphs in length and will be presented to the class orally. Your research will have correct citations using MLA format with a work cited page and in-text citations. Your research should cover the scope of the novel Night as well as one other novel from the literature circle. It should also contain outside resources regarding the topic. All research will revolve around one of the themes: Cruelty/Redemption or Tolerance/Intolerance. As communicators of this information, you will not only identify similarities and differences, but also draw upon, cite, and analyze relevant information to effectively develop and convey an idea and or findings related to the themes and topics.

Theme: Cruelty/Redemption—Tolerance/Intolerance

No More LATE work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prairie View HS —

Gleichmann’s Classroom

Due dates

Jan 10th—


Dates are subject to


Outcome for this Unit!!!!!


A Brief History of 2

Attendance Policy 3

Resources for you 3

Check List 3

Contact Information


Note to Parents 4

Reading Requirements


Inside this issue:

World Literature Volume 1, Issue 3 Jan 10th to March 9th, 2018


Reading shows us a world we could never experience in reality, but it allows us understand reality better than we can have ever experienced.

World Literature — Gleichmann

Page 2 World Literature

Which theme should I choose?? Pick one

Your outcome for this unit is a research essay using text and other related resources to support your ideas. PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to support an idea based on a focused thesis statement or idea. Use evidence from novels and outside sources to prove a position you have regarding the themes and topics. Your paper will need to have a clear Point and Purpose.

Tips for Writing Your

“Research Paper”

This classic writing prompt can be quite challenging because it sounds almost as if you are being asked to compile a list of related ideas. While a list might be of use in the planning stage, this prompt is asking you to use what you discover to arrive at a conclusion about the multiple works under discussion.

Essential Question- Is there any tolerance or redemption left in the world?.

Outcome for this Unit!!!!!

What definition did the class come to about this theme? Write the definition/s down here. Intolerance

What You Need To Do: 1. Read two novels 2. Complete the evidence extract worksheet. 3. Conduct outside research regarding a topic 4. Write a rough draft following the paragraph

structure and form of PEACe. 5. Workshop your paper with fellow students. 6. Seek help from them regarding clarification,

organization, and mechanics. 7. Evaluate two of your fellow peers’ papers. 8. Hand in a final draft for an outcome grade

worth 60%. 9. Present your essay to the class. Topics for study from WWII and the Holocaust: Concentration camps Dachau Train conditions Liberation Ghettos Youth Groups Auschwitz The Underground

Rough d


ft D

ue: M

arch 5



al D


ft D

ue: M

arch 7


Tolerance Cruelty


Volume 1, Issue 5 Page 3

A Checklist For You,

though not very complete

Readings for Lit. Circles: Salt to the Sea Diary of Anne Frank Four Perfect Pebbles The Book Thief Between Shades of Gray Zookeeper’s Wife The Boy in the Striped

Pajamas Number the Stars The Complete Maus (1 & 2) Y: A Holocaust Narrative

All quotes must be cited correctly in your essay. Use the following as a guide for your essay.

Writings: Weekly logs Webquest Research Paper Evidence Extract Character questions Journal Entries

A very thorough list of books that college bound students should read http://als.lib.wi.us/Collegebound.html (******All Students******) An outstanding writing resource for any type of essay or process http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl A great source for bibliography, work cited, and in-text citation formatting http://library.duke.edu/research/citing/workscited

I heard that chivalry was

dead, but I think it’s just

got a bad flu.

— Meg Ryan

Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).

Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).

Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).

5 Paragraph Essay Para#1 - Point and Purpose—what is the point of the essay? Identify your sources. Is the definition of the themes important to know? What is the theme? What is your point and purpose statement? Para#2 - paragraph on Theme from books—paper needs four (4) pieces of evidence from the books . Be sure that your quotes are cited properly. Para#3 - paragraph on theme outside resources—paper needs four (4) pieces of evidence from the books . Be sure that your quotes are cited properly.. Para#4 - This paragraph is an analysis of how you want us to understand your position regarding books and resources. Para#5 - Conclusion/Connection—sum up what was said by why the issues matter beyond the four walls of the school.

Prairie View HS

12909 E. 120th

Henderson, Colorado 80640

How were many able to survive while others did not? Could this ever happen again?

Prairie View HS —

Gleichmann’s Classroom

Preview of coming events

Hey Parents, I feel that it is important that you know what is going on in my classroom. This newsletter is meant to do exactly that. You should also feel free to let me know what I am doing well or what needs improvement. Please feel free to contact me at anytime. If you email me, I will respond before the day is over. Please sign below as an acknowledgement of the invitation to contact me. Thank you for your help at home. Sign here, please. ____________________________________

Robert Gleichmann

Phone: 720-308-2079(voice/text)

Email work: rgleichmann@sd27j.net

Standards for the Summary May 18th Summary Essay – a summary essay must be turned in upon

the completion of a book that discusses how this piece of literature affected you. This will include the following ideas:

1st ¶ your opinion, author’s name and title, what the theme

of the book is, and what lesson could be learned from the book.

2nd ¶ summary paragraph of book in 8 sentences 3rd ¶ answer 3 of the following questions completely with

explanations from list below: (11 sentences) How this affected you. Explain the significance of a quote from the book. What is similar to your life? What experiences are universal to all human How it compares to something you already know. Why the character does something. How the theme applies to today society. What are the recurring themes in the book? 4th ¶ overall commentary of book, restate 3¶ conclusions,

make recommendation

Students, It is my hope that all students go on to college to further their education. Students today need to have an advanced education to compete in a global society. Therefore, it might be helpful to read at least one book from the college bound reading recommendation list. A very thorough list of books that college bound students should read can be found here.


WARNING! Dates and Assignments subject to change at the mere whims of the teacher. Students should be warned that Gleichmann is craziest teacher you may ever have and in fact may be clinically insane. There may be proof that he is in fact a Werewolf. Keep all fingers and food away from his mouth; he has been know to bark and bite waitresses when attempting to take plates.

All absences will count except for school related activities and absences with accompanying doctor’s notes. Each student starts the semester with 100 points. For every unexcused absence, 3 point will be deducted; for every tardy 1 point will be deducted. Attendance is extremely important; therefore, this grade will count as both a Learning Experience (40%) grade as well as an Evidence (60%) grade. If a student is more than 10 minutes late to class, it will count as an absence. If a student is late to class, they will enter quietly and get to work on what ever the class is working on; they will not be a disruption to the rest of the students. Student Signature ____________________Date____ Parent Signature _____________________Date____