Vocabulary List 3 Q1 3!. Standard ELACC8L6: Acquire and use accurately grade- appropriate general...

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Transcript of Vocabulary List 3 Q1 3!. Standard ELACC8L6: Acquire and use accurately grade- appropriate general...

Vocabulary List 3 Q1



• ELACC8L6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

1. Prestigious

• Prestigious (adj.): respected; admired; having a high status

Example: We are going to have several prestigious guests this year, including the governor!

Word Forms: Prestige

2. Renowned

• Renowned (adj.): known or talked about by many people; famous

Example: Doctors Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and Rameck Hunt have become renowned for their best selling book.

Example: Chick-fil-a is famous for its world renowned sandwiches.

3. Extol

• Extol (v.): to praise enthusiastically; to honor

Example: People extol Robert Griffin III for his skills as a quarterback.

Example: Do you think Bruno Mars’s music is worthy of extol?

Word Forms: Extolled

4. Ostracize

• Ostracize (v.): To exclude someone from a group; to banish; to discriminate against

Example: Have you noticed how that group of girls tends to ostracize everyone else?

Word Forms: Ostracizing; ostracized; ostracises

5. Contemptible

Contemptible (adj.): deserving of scorn or dislike; despicable

Example: I find your poor behavior contemptible.

Word Forms: contempt

6. Emulate

• Emulate (v.): to imitate; to strive to be equal in someone’s success.

Example: Aaron grew up emulating his sports heroes like Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan.

Word Forms: Emulating; Emulated; Emulates

7. Adversary

• Adversary (n.): an opponent or an enemy

Example: The knight proved to be a worthy adversary for the dragon.

Example: The king declared war on his bitter adversaries.

Word Forms: adversaries; adversity

8. Conviction

• Conviction (n.): a firm belief or opinion; a feeling of absolute certainty

Example: Martin Luther King Jr. must have been filled with conviction when he gave his “I Have a Dream” speech.

Word Forms: Convicted

9. Primarily

• Primarily (adv.): mainly; for the most part

Example: The white blood cells primarily serve as the body’s defense against disease.

Word Forms: Primary

10. Dwelling

• Dwelling (n.): a home or a living place

Example: The bunny scurried to its dwelling to escape the hawk.

Example: Who dwells in this house?Example: I hope you and all who dwell in your

home are doing well!

Word Forms: Dwell; Dwells

• Prestigious (adj.): respected; admired; having a high status

• Renowned (adj.): known or talked about by many people; famous

• Extol (v.): to praise enthusiastically; to honor• Ostracize (v.): To exclude someone from a group; to

banish; to discriminate against• Contemptible (adj.): deserving of scorn or dislike;

despicable• Emulate (v.): to imitate• Adversary (n.): an opponent or an enemy• Conviction (n.): a firm belief or opinion; a feeling of

absolute certainty• Primarily (adv.): mainly; for the most part• Dwelling (n.): a home or a living place