Vocabulario Libro Hampton1

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Transcript of Vocabulario Libro Hampton1

  • 7/30/2019 Vocabulario Libro Hampton1


    regal /ri.g l/adjectivevery special and suitable for a king or queen

    a regal manner

    He made a regal entrance.

    present /prez. nt/noun SOMETHING GIVENpresent

    1. [ C ] ( UKINFORMALprezzie , ORpressie ) something which youare given, without asking for it, on a special occasion, especially to show friendship,

    or to say thank you

    a birthday/Christmas/wedding present

    appear to have been:

    foresee /fsi//f-/verb [ T ] foreseeing , foresaw , foreseento know about something before it happensI don't foresee any difficulties so long as we keep within budget.(preveer, adivinar)

    enjoy /nd/verb [ T ] ADVANTAGE4. to have something good that is an advantageDisfrutar, gozar

    forfeit /f.ft//fr-/adjective [ after verb ] FORMAL

    taken away from someone as a punishmentconfiscado(con to beT)

    forfeit /f.ft//fr-/noun [ C ]1. something that you have lost the right to do or have because you have

    broken a rule

    forfeit /f.ft//fr-/verb [ T ]to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule

    If you cancel now I'm afraid you forfeit your deposit.These people have forfeited the right to live in society.

    seat /sit/noun BASE4. [ C ] a place which acts as a base or centre for an important activity

    The seatof governmentin the US is in Washington, DC.

    St Petersburg was the seatofthe Russian Revolution.Residencia, sede

    courtyard /kt.jd//krt.jrd/noun [ C ]

    an area of flat ground outside which is partly or completely surrounded bythe walls of a building atrios,patio

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    enlarge /nld//-lrd/verb1. [ I or T ] to become bigger or to make something biggerThey've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.

    an enlarged spleen ampliar, agrandar

    gatehouse /get.has/noun [ C ]a small house at the gate into a castle, park or other large building or area of

    land, often lived in by someone employed to take care of it

    court /kt//krt/noun LAW1. [ C usually singular U ] (a large room in) a building where trials and other

    legal cases happen, or the people present in such a room, especially the officials and

    those deciding whether someone is guilty

    Protestors gathered outside the court

    court /kt//krt/noun AREA5. [ C ] an area or a short road, which is not covered by a roof and is mostly

    or completely surrounded by buildings patio?

    You really should go and see the lovely medieval court in the castle.

    6. Court

    MAINLY UK used in the names of some roads, and buildings containing


    led from outer green court on the west into base courtGuiado de tribunal verde exterior en el oeste en patio posterior

    Locucin Adverbial

    in turn Adverbio de Tiempo

    3 a su vez ,por turno ; Talked to each child in turn. | The stable

    became in turn a chapel and then a movie theater.


    outer Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) algo

    3 (external)exterior, externo ; The outer ear. | Outer reality.

    Sinnimos: external , outside ,outward , exterior, outdoor,superficial,

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    lodging Sustantivo Abstracto

    3 Industria Hotelera (lodgement) (eviction) hospedaje , alojamiento,

    acomodamiento, acomodo,posada , alojo Familiar, aposentamiento

    2. formal, official and involving ceremonies when referring to activities

    involving a representative of the government or leader of the country

    the state opening of Parliament

    a state funeral

    superb /supb//-pb/adjective

    of excellent quality; very greatHe is a superb dancer.


    superb Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 Artes (grand) (run-of-the-mill) soberbio , excelente ,lujoso , de

    primera , esplndido , exquisito , magnfico ,majestuoso ,regio , superlativo ,

    virtuoso , augusto, fastoso, magno ,pomposo , suntuoso ,virtuosstico ,superbo Obsoleto; A superb meal. | A brilliant performance. | A

    superb actor.



    [ C ] a part of a building or of an area of land

    a geographical feature area geogrfica?

    chiefly /ti.i/adverb

    mainlyThe island chiefly attracts upmarket tourists.

    conspicuously Adverbio

    3 (openly) (discreetly) notoriamente, en forma abierta , visiblemente,

    vistosamente ; There have been plenty of general declarations about willingness

    to meet and talk, but conspicuously no mention of time and place.

    within /wn/preposition , adverbinside or not further than an area or period of time

    Two-thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast.

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    within Preposicin

    4 Tiempo (within a period of) en un plazo de , dentro de

    enclosed Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) slo cosa fsica

    3 (attached) adjunto , incluso ; An enclosed porch. | An enclosed yard. |

    The enclosed check is to cover shipping and handling.

    manor /mn. r //-/noun LARGE HOUSE1. [ C ] ( ALSOmanor house ) a large old house in the country with land belonging to it

    country house Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura (cottage) (town house) casa de campo , chalet ,quinta ,casa

    solariega, chal ,cortijo

    trace /tres/verb [ T ] FIND1. to find someone or something that was lost

    The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital.Attempts to trace the whereabouts ofa man seen leaving the scene of the crime have so far been


    Their missing daughter was finally tracedto (= found in) Manchester.2. to find the origin of somethingThe phone company were unable to trace the call.


    towered Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) slo cosa fsica

    3 flanqueado por torres

    Sinnimos: flanked by towers

    retreat /rtrit/noun POSITION1. [ C usually singular U ] a move back by soldiers or an army, either because they have been

    defeated or in order to avoid fighting

    the retreatfromDunkirkEnemy soldiers are now in (full) retreat.

    2. [ C ] a private and safe placea country/mountain/lakeside retreat

    retreat Sustantivo Concreto

    6 Religin (sanctuary)retiro ,lugar de retiro ,santuario ,reclusin

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    Sinnimos: shrine , retirement place

    be allowed Verbo Transitivo algo

    3 (be afforded)permitirse , concederse ; He was allowed a breakSe lepermiti un breve descanso.

    at handnear in time or positionWe want to ensure thathelp is at hand (= easily available) for all children suffering abuse.

    at-hand Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    4 (nearby) (far) cercano ; The town is close at hand.

    row /r//ro/noun MOVING THROUGH WATER4. [ C usually singular ] when someone makes a boat move through water using oars (= poles with

    flat ends)They've gone for a row to the island.

    confinement Sustantivo Abstracto

    3 Seguridad Pblica (imprisonment) (liberation) confinamiento ,

    cautiverio , confinacin , emparedamiento , encarcelacin , encarcelamiento ,

    encerramiento , internacin ,prisin , acuartelamiento , reclusin ; He was

    held in confinement.

    lease /lis/noun [ C ]a legal agreement in which you pay money in order to use a building, piece of land, vehicle, etc.

    for a period

    He has the flaton a long lease.

    lease Sustantivo Abstracto

    3 Derecho Mercantil & Bancario (leasing) (evacuation) arrendamiento ,

    arriendo , inquilinato , locacin , alquiler-compra , arrendacin , contrato de

    arriendo , foro

    make a choice Verbo Intransitivo alguien

    3 (take a choice) hacer una escogencia , escoger, elegir, optar, tomar unaalternativa ; Ann made a choice Ana escogi.

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    employ /mpl/verb PROVIDE JOB1. [ T ] to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for itHow many people does

    spot Sustantivo Concreto

    3 (place) lugar, sitio ,punto ; Night spot. | This is a nice place for a


    healthy Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) persona o cosa abstracta

    3 (healthful) (sick) saludable ,bien de salud , sano , lleno de salud ,

    lozano ;

    estate Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Bienes Races (country estate) hacienda , finca ,predio ,propiedad ;

    The family owned a large estate on Long Island.

    estate /stet/noun PROPERTY1. [ C ] a large area of land in the country which is owned by a family oran organization and is

    often used for growing crops orraising animalsIt's a typicalcountry estate with a large house for the owner, farm buildings and estate workers'


    estate /stet/noun BUILDINGS3. [ C ] UK a group of houses or factories built in a planned way

    enclose Verbo Transitivo algo

    3 (include) incluir, adjuntar,poner como anexo

    Sinnimos: include , append , count in , add in , annex , attach ,bring in , reckon

    in , affix , subjoin

    4 (surround) (exclude) encerrar, circundar; That poem encloses muchtruth Ese poema encierra mucha verdad. | Darkness enclosed him.

    acre /e.k r //-k/noun [ C ]a unit for measuring area, equal to 4047 square metres or 4840 square yardsHe's got 400 acres of land in Wales.

    form Verbo Transitivo algo

    3 Industria (give shape to) (deform) formar, constituir, crear, dar forma

    a , fabricar, integrar, moldear, ahormar, forjar, sintetizar; Her hands

    formed little balls Sus manos formaron bolitas. | Shape the dough. | Form

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    the clay into a head. | She molded the riceballs carefully. | Form cylinders

    from the dough. | Shape a figure. | Work the metal into a sword. | The

    branches made a roof. | This makes a fine introduction.

    Sinnimos: create , mold , shape , make, constitute , fabricate , fashion , giveshape to , make up , assemble , compound , elaborate , institute , invent ,

    manufacture , alloy , articulate , desegregate , die-form , die-shape , forge , form

    into a mold, frame, integrate , machine-shape , mould , shape in a mold, shape

    into form, tool , wear in , compose , synthesize

    Antnimos: deform ,disfigure , distort , deface ,put out of shape ,warp ,

    misshape , uglify , contort , distort severely , make ugly, mar the appearance

    of, spoil someone's beauty , spoil the beauty of, disfeature , hypertrophy , twist


    bushy Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) slo cosa fsica

    3 (full of sprigs) (desert-like) cubierto de ramas , espeso de vegetacin ,

    matoso , tupido

    Sinnimos: full ofsprigs , overcrowded , spriggy , stuffed , heathy , rank

    Antnimos: desert-like , deserted , dry , abandoned ,barren , desert , desertic ,

    desertlike ,parched ,phantom , uninhabited , unpopulated , xeric

    bushy Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) persona o cosa fsica

    4 (covered with hair)peludo ; Bushy locks. | A shaggy beard.

    Sinnimos: hairy , covered with hair, furred , furry , shaggy

    lay out Verbo Transitivo algo

    3 Planificacin (design) disear, disponer, delinear, organizar; She

    laid out her plans for the new house.

    arbour UK , US arbor /.b r //r.b/noun [ C ]a sheltered place in a garden formed by trees and bushes which are grown to partly surround it

    a rose arbour

    4 Decoracin (trained vine) emparrado , enramada , glorieta ,prgola ; The

    arbor provided a shady resting place in the park.

    alley /l.i/noun [ C ]

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    ( ALSOalleyway ) a narrow road or path between buildings, or a path in a park or garden,especially with trees or bushes on both sides

    alley Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura (lane) callejn ,pasadizo ,pasaje , calleja , callejuela

    repulse Verbo Transitivo cualquiera

    3 Conductual (repel) (accept) repulsar, rechazar, repeler,

    amenity /mi.n.ti//men..t i/noun [ C usually plural ]1. something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make life

    more pleasant or comfortable for the people in a town, hotel or other place , comodidad,un placer

    household /has.hld//-hold/noun [ C + sing/pl verb ]a group of people, often a family, who live together

    household Sustantivo de Grupo

    3 Familia, Figurativo (family group) grupo familiarFigurativo,

    conjunto de habitantes de la casa ; He moved his family to Virginia. | It

    was a good Christian household. | I waited until the whole house was asleep. |

    The teacher asked how manypeople made up his home.

    Sinnimos: family group Figurativo, home Figurativo, kinsfolk

    Figurativo, mnage


    household Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 Domstico (of the house) de toda la casa , domstico , de casa , de la

    casa , del hogar

    household Sustantivo de Grupo

    3 Familia, Figurativo (family group) grupo familiarFigurativo,

    conjunto de habitantes de la casa ; He moved his family to Virginia. | It

    was a good Christian household. | I waited until the whole house was asleep. |

    The teacher asked how manypeople made up his home.

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    Sinnimos: family group Figurativo, home Figurativo, kinsfolk

    Figurativo, mnage


    household Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 Domstico (of the house) de toda la casa , domstico , de casa , de la

    casa , del hogar

    silken Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 (silky) sedoso , de seda

    hanging /h./nounPICTURE2. [ C usually plural ] a large piece of cloth, often with a picture on it, that is hung on a wall for


    5 Domstico (drape) colgadura ; The cold castle walls were covered with


    vessel /ves. l/noun [ C ] CONTAINER2. FORMAL a curved container which is used to hold liquid

    The remains of some Roman earthenware vessels were found during the dig.

    vessel Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Domstico (container) vasija , contenedor, recipiente , garrafn

    closet Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Carpintera & Ebanistera (clothes closet) armario , ropero , clset

    closet /klz.t//kl.zt/noun [ C ] MAINLY USa cupboard or a small room with a door, used for storing things, especially clothes

    a bedroom/linen/storage closet

    dazzling /dz.l/adjective1. A dazzling light is so bright that you cannot see for a short time after looking at it

    dazzlingly Adverbio

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    3 (astonishingly) deslumbrantemente , deslumbradoramente

    range/rend/noun LIMIT4. [ S ] the amount, number or type of something between an upper and a lower limit

    The price range isfrom $100 to $500.The product is aimed at young people in the 18 - 25 age range.

    The coat was in/out ofmy price range.This type of work is outside/beyond/out ofmy range (ofexperience).

    remnant /rem.nnt/noun [ C usually plural ]a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amountthe remnants oflast night's meal

    resto, vestigio

    mullioned /ml.i.nd/adjective(of windows) having vertical sections, usually made of stone, between the glass parts

    mullioned window Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura ajimez

    mould UK , US mold /mld//mold/verb1. [ T ] to make a soft substance a particular shapeThis plastic is going to be mouldedintoplates.

    The children moulded little pots out of/from (= made them by shaping) clay.

    2. [ T ] to try to change or influence someoneHe kept trying to mould me intosomething he wanted me to be.

    3. [ I usually + adverb or preposition ] to fit the body very closelyShe was wearing an extremely tight costume which mouldedto/roundthe contours of her body.

    oak-panelled Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 de tablas de roble

    oak/k//ok/noun [ C or U ]oak

    a large tree that is common especially in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree

    a mighty oakThe timbers of those old sailing ships were mainly oak.

    an oak table/cupboarddiscriminating /dskrm..ne.t//-t /adjective FORMALAPPROVING

    able to know and act on the difference between good and badThey're discriminating shoppers.


    loom /lum/noun [ C ]loom

    a piece of equipment on which thread is woven into cloth

    Industria Textil telar

    reach /rit/verb ARRIVE1. [ T ] to arrive at a place, especially after spending a long time or a lot of effort travellingWe won't reach Miami till five or six o'clock.

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    drain Verbo Transitivo e Intransitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) algo

    3 Economa [money] (reduce drastically) reducir drsticamente , gastar,

    agotar, apurar, gastarse , drenar

    Sinnimos: useup , deplete, exhaust , consume , spend , dissipate , drain out,

    expend, impoverish , reduce drastically , sap , slash , use up one's , run through

    drain Verbo Transitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) alguien

    4 Fisiologa [person] (drain the energy of) (reinvigorate) agotar, cansar

    al extremo , cansar demasiado , cansar excesivamente , desgastar, drenar las

    energas de , extenuar, desmadejar

    Sinnimos:exhaust , tire out , overtire , knock up ,play out , frazzle ,

    overfatigue , tire , weaken Figurativo, debilitate Figurativo, drain out ,

    drain someone's energies , drain someone's energy, drain the energy of, spend ,

    waste , wear down ,wear out ,emaciate , extenuate Obsoleto, run down ,

    waste away

    Antnimos: reinvigorate, invigorate , rejuvenate ,brace , impart fresh vigor to,

    vivify ,energize , revitalize

    drain Verbo Transitivo e Intransitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) cosa


    5 [liquid] (scoop out) (soak) drenar, escurrir, vaciar, achicar, desaguar,sangrar, avenar,baldear, evacuar,purgar

    Sinnimos:purge , drain down , drain up, empty down ,pump

    refuse Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Manejo de Desechos (trash)basura , desechos , material de rechazo ,


    Sinnimos: waste , leavings , wastematter,brick/brk/noun BUILDING BLOCKbrick

    1. [ C ] a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and housesThe chimney was made of bricks.

    sewer /s r //su./noun [ C ]1. a large pipe, usually underground, which is used for carrying waste water and human waste,

    such as urine and solid waste, away from buildings to a place where they can be safely got rid ofa sewer pipe

    sewer Sustantivo Concreto

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    3 (drain) alcantarilla , albaal , cloaca , colector de desage , conducto de

    desage , resumidero , sumidero , albaar, albolln , arbolln , atajea , ataja ,


    sound /sand/adjective GOOD CONDITION1. not broken or damaged; healthy; in good condition

    incoming /nkm./adjective [ before noun ]1. arriving at or coming towards a place

    leaden Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 (plumbeous)plomizo , aplomado , de plomo ,plmbeo ,plmbico

    Sinnimos:plumbeous , heavy as lead, lead-colored , lead-coloured

    spring /spr/noun WATER4. [ C ] ( ALSOsprings ) a place where water naturally flows out from the groundbubbling/hot springs

    7 Geografa (fountainhead) manantial , vertiente , alfaguara , fontanal , fuente ,

    fuente de agua ,puquo , venero

    convey /knve/verb [T ] TAKE2. to take or carry someone or something to a particular place

    course /ks//krs/noun DEVELOPMENT3. [ S ] the often gradual development of something, or the way something happens, or a way of

    doing somethingDid the scandal have any effect on the course of the election?

    During the/In the course of(= During) the interview it became clear that he was not suitable for

    the job.

    aterworks /w.t.wks//w.t .wks/plural noun1. a system of buildings and pipes in which a public supply of water is stored and treated and from

    which it is sent out

    waterworks Sustantivo Concreto singular & plural

    3 Industriaplanta de tratamiento y depuracin de agua

    4. to describe the way in which something has developedThe film traces the events leading up to the Russian

    jakes Sustantivo Concreto plural

    3 Higiene Personal (latrine) letrina , excusado de uso pblico

    Sinnimos: latrine , outdoortoilet , outhouse ,privy , sump

    Arquitectura (toilet room) excusado , cuarto de bao , retrete , wter

    further Adverbio de Lugar

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    3 (beyond) ms all , adelante , ms an ,por otro lado

    workman/wk.mn//wk-/noun [ C ]a man who uses physical skill and especially his hands in his job or trade

    We'll have to get a workman in to fix the plumbing/window/roof.

    workmen Sustantivo de Grupo plural

    3 Trabajo (workpeople) trabajadores

    manifold /mn..fld//-fold/adjective FORMALmany and of several different types

    manifold Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Fontanera tubo mltiple , colector


    manifold Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) algo

    3 (multiple) mltiple , muchos , numeroso , varios

    token/t.k n//to-/noun [ C ] SYMBOL1. a thing that you give or an action that you take which expresses your feelings or intentions,

    although it might have little practical effect

    As a token ofour gratitude for all that you have done, we would like you to accept this small gift.

    token Sustantivo Concreto

    3 (indication) seal , sea , muestra

    affix /fks/verb [ T] FORMALto fix one thing to another

    aadir adjuntar

    prominently Adverbio

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    3 (eminently) destacadamente , de forma perceptible

    carve /kv//krv/verb [ I or T ]1. to make something by cutting into especially wood or stone, or to cut into the surface of stone,

    wood, etc.

    This totem pole is carvedfrom/out ofa single tree trunk.He carved her name on a tree.

    hold up Verbo Transitivo cualquiera

    6 sostener en alto


    inner Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 (inside)interior

    outer Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) algo

    3 (external) exterior, externo

    Sustantivo Compuesto

    coat of arms Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Herldica & Genealoga (escutcheon) escudo de armas ,blasn ,

    escudo ,pabelln de armas

    deface /dfes/verb [ T ]to damage and spoil the appearance of something by writing or drawing on it

    deface Verbo Transitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) cosa abstracta

    3 (distort)deformar

    embellish Verbo Transitivo persona o cosa fsica

    3 (beautify) (make ugly) embellecer, adornar, acicalar,engalanar,

    ornamentar, afiligranarFigurativo, afilorar,hermosear,ornar

    skilfully UK , US skillfully /skl.f l.i/adverb

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    with great skill

    overlook/.vlk//o.v-/verb [ T ] VIEW1. to provide a view of, especially from aboveOur hotel room overlooked the harbour.

    The house is surrounded by trees, so it's not overlooked at all (= it cannot be seen from any other

    buildings) .

    surmount /smant//s-/verb [ T ] FORMALBE ON TOP2. to be on top of something tallThe central 12-foot column is surmounted by a bronze angel with outspread wings.


    hat Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Moda (cap)sombrero ,bonete ,

    flank/k/verb [ T usually passive ]to be at the side of someone or somethingThe president was flanked by senior ministers.

    turret /tr.t/noun [ C ] TOWER1. a small circular tower which is part of a castle or a large building

    roundel /ran.d l/noun [ C ]a circular decoration, especially a coloured circle on a military aircraft that shows its nationality

    roundel Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura ventana circular

    Sinnimos:round window

    gilded /gl.dd/adjective1. [ before noun ] covered with a thin layer of gold or a substance that looks like gold; gilt

    The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city.

    bear Verbo Transitivo cosa abstracta

    : (keep to)mantener el curso hacia

    Sinnimos:bear to ,keep to ,keep

    ; (maintain)albergar

    Sinnimos:harbor, maintain

    Guarda o mantiene o llevar

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    conspicuous Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) algo

    3 (clearly visible) (inconspicuous) claramente visible, notorio , flagrante ,


    Sinnimos: evident ,striking to

    gateway Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura (entrance)portal de acceso ,entrada ,portn ,piln

    Sinnimos: gate, entrance , doorway

    vaulted Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 (bent) (flat) abovedado , arqueado

    Sinnimos:bent , curved ,arched ,bow-shaped ,bowed ,arced ,arciform ,


    badge /bd/noun [ C ]a small piece of metal, plastic, cloth, etc., with words or a picture on it, that is pinned or sewn to

    your clothing, often to show your support for a political organization or belief, or your rank, ormembership of a group, etc

    Everyone at the conference wore a badge with their name on.

    badge Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Informacin (medal)distintivo , medalla , divisa ,insignia ,placa ,placa

    de identidad ,escarapela

    complete /kmplit/verb [ T ] FINISH3. to finish doing something

    impale /mpel/verb [ T often passive ]to push a sharp object through something, especially the body of an animal or person

    The dead deer was impaledon a spear.

    impale Verbo Transitivo alguien

    3 (pierce with a stake) empalar,traspasar con una estaca

    Sinnimos:pierce with a stake, spike

    beam /bim/noun [ C ] WOOD3. a long thick piece of wood, metal or concrete, especially used to support weight in a building or

    other structure


    roof/ruf/noun [ C ]roof

    the covering that forms the top of a building, vehicle, etcThe house has a

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    wondrous /wn.drs/adjective LITERARYextremely and surprisingly gooda wondrous sight/sound/thingOur new improved face cream has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin

    wondrous Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 (wonderful) maravilloso , admirable , asombroso

    wrought /rt//rt/adjective FORMALmade or done in a careful or decorative way

    The new album contains some carefully- wrought new songs and a number of familiar hits.Her poems are well- wrought and intensely personal.

    wrought /rt//rt/verbto cause something to happenMr Simmonds has wrought (= caused) considerable changes in the company.

    wrought Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 (handmade) forjado , manufacturado

    Sinnimos: handmade ,manufactured


    work Verbo Intransitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) alguien

    3 (be at work) (loaf around) trabajar, laborar, bretear

    gorgeous Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) alguien

    3 (adorable)primoroso ,bellsimo

    pendant Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Moda (earring) colgante ,pendiente, zarcillo,

    arracada ,perendengue ,perifollo

    Sinnimos: earring ,cheap earring ,eardrop ,pendent

    4 (small flag)grmpola Expresin Obsoleta,bandern, gallardete

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    Sinnimos:pennant , small flag , streamer, vane

    lantern Sustantivo Concreto

    3 linterna , farolillo

    pendent /pen.dnt/adjective ( ALSOpendant ) FORMALhanging from or over somethingpendent branchesa pendent lampshade

    See also pendant

    louvre /lu.v r /, /-vr//-v/noun [ C ] UK ( US USUALLYlouver )a door or window with flat sloping pieces of wood, metal or glass across it to allow light and air to

    come in while keeping rain out

    louver Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Construccin celosa de ventilacin

    dais /de.s/, /des/noun [ C ]a raised surface at one end of a meeting room which someone can stand on when speaking to a


    hearth Sustantivo Concreto

    3 (fireplace) hoguera de la chimenea , fogn , chimenea , hogar, lar

    storey Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Construccin (story)piso , nivel

    grey-hound Sustantivo de Animal

    3 Zoologa (greyhound) galgo , lebrel ,perro galgo

    loft Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura (loft in a room) altillo , altillo en una


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    4 (attic) desvn , tabanco

    a host of Adjetivo Indeterminado

    3 (a heap of) un montn de

    elsewhere /elswe r //-wer/, /--/adverbat, in, from, or to another place or other places; anywhere or somewhere elseThe report looks at economic growth in Europe and elsewhere.

    elsewhere Adverbio de Lugar

    3 (somewhere else) a otro sitio , en otra parte , en otro sitio , a otra parte , en

    algn otro sitio , en alguna otra parte

    Sinnimos: somewhere else , in another place , someplace else , some place else


    elsewhere Pronombre Indefinido

    3 (some other place) cualquier otra parte , algn otro lugar, algn otro sitio

    Sinnimos: some other place

    former /f.m r //fr.m/adjective [ before noun ]of or in an earlier time; before the present time or in the pasthis former wife

    former Adjetivo Calificativo

    3 (previous) anterior, antecesor, anterior de la lista

    Sinnimos:previous , anterior,back, earlier, early , foregoing , old , onetime ,

    preceding ,prior, forefatherly

    former Adjetivo Calificativo (antes del sustantivo)

    4 (olden) antiguo , de antes , ex

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    alter Verbo Transitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) algo

    3 (change) alterar,cambiar,modificar, variar

    Sinnimos: change , modify , vary , make changes in , unsettle , upset ,bias

    vault Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Arquitectura (dome)bveda

    Sinnimos: arch , dome , archway

    4 Industria de la Tecnologa de Seguridad (safe deposit

    vault) cmara acorazada , caja fuerte ,bveda de seguridad ,

    cmara blindada

    Sinnimos: safe deposit , safety vault , strongroom , safe ,

    strong box , strongbox ,bank vault , night safe , safe deposit

    vault , strong room , deed-box

    5 Arquitectura cripta

    starred Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) slo cosa fsica

    3 Astronoma (starry) estrellado , cundido de estrellas

    Sinnimos: starry , filled with stars , full of stars

    robed Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) alguien

    3 (covered with a robe) cubierto con una tnica

    lay on Verbo Transitivo (dos complementos) lay persona o cosa fsica on


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    3 (lay out on) colocar sobre , depositar sobre , extender sobre , tender sobre

    puerperal fever Sustantivo Abstracto

    3 Medicina (childbed fever) fiebre puerperal , lecpira

    Sinnimos: childbed fever, lechopyra

    arrayed /red/adjective [ after verb ] FORMALdressed in a particular, especially splendid way

    She was arrayedinpurple velvet.

    4 (adorn) adornar

    Sinnimos: adorn , dress , decorate , embellish , festoon , furnish with decorations ,

    garnish , ornament , smarten up , trig , trim ,bedeck,bedizen

    array Verbo Transitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) alguien

    5 (clothe) vestir

    Sinnimos:clothe , gown , mantle

    tissue Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Industria Textil (fine fabric) tejido fino

    decked Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) persona o cosa fsica

    3 (dolled-up) engalanado

    Sinnimos: dolled-up , dressed-up ,dolled


    deck Verbo Transitivo (Pretrito Indicativo 1a pers singular) persona o cosa fsica

    3 Decoracin (embellish) embellecer, ornamentar, vestir elegantemente ,


    Sinnimos: embellish , adorn , dress ,beautify

    haunt Sustantivo Concreto

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    3 (favorite place)lugar frecuentado , lugar de siempre, lugar favorito

    Sinnimos: usual haunt , usual place Figurativo, favorite haunt , favorite place ,

    regular place Figurativo


    haunt Verbo Transitivo cosa fsica

    3 Conductual (hover around) rondar, merodear

    scaffold Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Poder Judicial (gallows)patbulo , cadalso , degolladero

    Sinnimos: gallows , scaffolding

    elude Gerundio cualquiera

    3 (avoid) eludir, evadir, librarse de

    pew Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Iglesia (bench)banco de iglesia , banca

    Sinnimos:bench , church seat , stall

    drag away Verbo Transitivo persona o cosa fsica

    3 (drag off) llevar arrastrando , apartar a la fuerza , llevarse a la fuerza ,

    llevarse a rastras , quitar arrastrando

    Sinnimos: drag off, cart off, drag apart ,push away

    recoil /rkl/verb [ I ]1. to move backbecause of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval)He leant forward to kiss her and she recoiledin horror.

    ghastly /gs t .li//gs t -/adjective1. INFORMAL unpleasant and shockingToday's newspaper gives all the ghastly details ofthe murder.

    2. INFORMAL extremely bad

    What ghastly weather!It was all a ghastly mistake .I thought her outfit was ghastly.

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    3. LITERARY describes someone who looks very ill or very

    ghastly Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 (frightening) espantoso , terrible

    Sinnimos: frightful , dreadful , dire , fearful , fearsome , terrible , awesome , awful

    , frightening , grisly , direful , shocking

    4 (ghostly) fantasmal , cadavrico , mortecino

    countenance Sustantivo Concreto

    3 Fisionoma (face) semblante , faz , rostro , cara , fisionoma , hazunearthly Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser)

    3 Parapsicologa (unheard-of) sobrenatural , extraterreno , inslito , no

    terrenal , inaudito

    Sinnimos: unheard-of, amazing, astral , extraordinary

    vanish Verbo Intransitivo persona o cosa fsica

    4 (disappear) desaparecer, desaparecerse , desaparecer de la vista ,

    desvanecerse ,esfumarse, extinguirse


    wandering Adjetivo Calificativo (con Ser) alguien

    3 (errant) errante , ambulante , andariego , divagador, errabundo ,deambulante , divagante

    haunted Adjetivo Calificativo (con Estar) persona o cosa fsica

    3 embrujado , encantado


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