Vocab Part III

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Vocab Part III


(noun) behavior or manner

lethargy(noun) drowsy dullness or lack of activity

desultorily (adverb) jumping from one topic to another

servile (adjective) giving in because of fear

abashed (adjective) embarrassed

eradicate (verb) destroy; wipe out

vindicate (verb) to excuse; absolve

prostrated (verb) lying down flat

luminous(adjective) shining by its own light


(noun) a worn out or broken condition

metaphysics(noun) an attempt to explain reality and knowledge

malleable(adjective) able to be shaped or molded

emaciation(noun) losing flesh; wasting away

torpid(adjective) dull, inactive

capitulated(verb) having given up

inviolate(adjective) unbroken; uninjured

reconciliation(noun) bringing together again in friendship

equivocation(noun) not making a commitment on a matter


(verb) to erode or corrode

peddler(noun) one who deals or promotes something intangible

timorously(adverb) doing something fearfully, or with a timid disposition

irony(noun) incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected results

sabotage (noun) destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy agent to hinder a nation’s war effort

truncheon(noun) a shattered spear or lance; a club, bludgeon or baton

embezzlement (noun) the illegal taking of property (including money) to use at one’s own discretion

inquisitor(noun) one who inquires; especially one who is unduly harsh, severe, or hostile in making an inquiry

despicable(adjective) deserving to be despised: so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation.

bludgeon (noun) a short stick

that usually has one thick or loaded end and is used as a weapon;(verb) to hit with heavy impact

forlorn(adjective) sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion: desolate

taut (adjective) having no give or slack

improvisation(noun) the act or art of making, inventing or arranging something offhand

interpose(verb) to put oneself in between - intrude

haggling(verb) to bargain or wrangle

digression(noun) the act or instance of turning aside especially from the main subject

tiddlywinks(noun) a game whose object is to snap small disks from a flat surface into a small container