Vocab 5

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Transcript of Vocab 5

Vocab Unit 5

Profusely (ADVERB)

• EX: When you thank someone over and over for his kindness, this is an example of a situation where you thank him profusely.

Profusely (ADVERB)

• Definition: done abundantly or in great quantities.

Homicidal (ADJ)

• EX: There are homicidal maniacs in prison.

Homicidal (ADJ)

• Definition: Pertaining to murder of another person.

Decipher (VERB)

• EX: Students had to decipher the meaning of the metaphor.

Decipher (VERB)

• Definition: to decode or figure out the meaning.

Frequency (NOUN)

• EX: The writer increased the frequency of publication to twice a month in mid 1991.

Frequency (NOUN)

• Definition: rate at which something is done or repeated.

Exploit (NOUN and VERB)

• EX: Many people dream of doing a wide range of daring or adventurous exploits.

• EX: In developing countries, large business owners exploit poor workers who need jobs. They make them work long hours in poor conditions and pay them very little.

Exploit (NOUN & VERB)

• Definition NOUN: Striking or notable deed; something big or impressive.

• Definition VERB: to use or take advantage of someone or something for your own advance.

Elicit (VERB)

• EX: The teachers were asked to elicit a suitable response from the students.

Elicit (VERB)

• Definition: To call forth, draw out.

Reprimand (NOUN)

• EX: The police can give a reprimand to a young person who admits committing a minor crime.

Reprimand (NOUN)

• Definition: To find fault with angrily by a person of power.

Precursor (NOUN)

• EX: The first sighting of a flower is a precursor to spring.

Precursor (NOUN)

• Definition: a person or thing that shows or announces someone or something is to come.

Anonymity (NOUN)

• EX: Please note that all names have been changed to maintain anonymity.

Anonymity (NOUN)

• Definition: The state or quality of being unknown.

Visceral (ADJ)

• EX: The young man had a visceral reaction to the rude lady who insulted his best friend.

Visceral (ADJ)

• Definition: Arising from impulse; emotional

Morose (ADJ)

• EX: As her father told her to start her homework, she turned and stared morosely at the huge pile of papers to be completed.

Morose (ADJ)

• Definition: Gloomily, as a person or mood.

Malicious (ADJ)

• EX: The big kid Maliciously picks on the little kid and could therefore be classified as bullying.

Malicious (ADJ)

• Definition: showing desire to inflict injury; spiteful.

Jovial (ADJ)

• EX: Santa Claus is a jovial old fellow.

Jovial (ADJ)

• Definition: playful good humor; cheerful

Didactic (ADJ)

• EX: James was a very didactic person, he really loved teaching.

Didactic (ADJ)

• Definition: Intended for instruction; instructive.

Nefarious (ADJ)

• EX: Hitler was a nefarious person.

Nefarious (ADJ)

• Definition: Extremely wicked or villainous.